What's the point of the Shounen Jump and Crunchyroll manga applications/services when Amazon is fucking releasing every goddamn comic and manga on their own service? I don't get why Viz even runs their Shounen Jump application and service when you can subscribe to it right through comixology.
What's the point of the Shounen Jump and Crunchyroll manga applications/services when Amazon is fucking releasing every...
Amazon's digital files can be lower res. Some people might not be aware of Comixology or use Amazon much, but they might recognize Shounen Jump/CR/Yen Press/whatever.
Personally, I use a different ereader servive (rakuten kobo).
Nice 4channel ad.
I had a kobo device before. I started to read less after having it. I'm reading comics and manga on my phone and it's fine. I'm going to get back into reading books too. Smartphone applications have got to a great point now to make it more enjoyable to read on them. How big is Kobos marketplace for manga? Is it comparable to amazon?
> Amazon is fucking releasing every goddamn comic and manga on their own service
I've never even heard of this shit before, but I just went there and searched for Space Brothers, Yamada-kun, Arakawa, and Donyatsu, all of which are/were translated by CR, and only Space Brothers seems to be there. So, uh, that's why.
I still use crunchyroll to read manga cause I got premium for anime, but for most thing like viz they got over on Amazon's service. I'm willing to bet in 5 years they will have more publishers on their service. I don't get why viz releases their shit on comixology as well when they have a competing service.
I just use the app on my phone. My job makes it less than ideal to carry around an ereader device, unfortunately, but I frequently have small bits of time that I can use to read. I read manga at home mostly.
I don't know how rakuten compares to Amazon in terms of selection, but I'd think bookwalker has the widest selection out of all of them since it's first and foremost intended to sell light novels, manga, and magazines.
such organic
much natural
I hate to use that s word but I don't know what else to call this kind of thread.
I haven't read a light novel for a couple years now. Last one I read was welcome to the NHK. You have any recommendations? I don't know if any of the services I use have light novel, but I could check. I like a lot of genres so I don't mind if it is romance, fantasy, scifi, history, or action.
>paying for subscription services to watch anime and/or read manga
Get a job.
Go back to the shithole you came from, tourist.
>being poor
Don't have to thanks to Danke.
>he thinks it's a question on money
Either this is bait or you didn't lurk for 2 years like you were supposed to.
I guess it's one of these threads.
It's one thing to have a shit OP. It's another for people to come into said thread and proudly declare they use shit like CR as if it's welcome here.
Hey bigger. Not only do I pay for services and streams, but I also buy manga and anime from digital storefronts. You fucking underaged faggots will grow up one day and have a job to afford what I can. I also have an animebytes account where I can upload shit for you poorfags free of charge.
Think you're on the wrong website candyass.
Nah, you are. I've been around since 2004. Learn to think for yourself trumpkin