ITT: overrated shit

ITT: overrated shit

Attached: v thinks they're badass for watching this.jpg (454x640, 51K)

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Attached: morelikepooprika.jpg (286x410, 38K)

I love watching the Pre-2000 thread boys creaming their pants over shit like OP's, Kite or Neo Ranga, anime that back at the time was seen as shit with pretty visuals and nothing more

Shit with pretty visuals is why I enjoyed Oedo. I just wanted the anime version of an 80s action flick.

People care about Neo Ranga? From what I watched, it wasn't even a high-budget gory actionfest like those other two, it was just like episodic shenanigans of people owning a godzilla. Doesn't seem like the type of thing that would attract that much circlejerking.

If you mean by "overrated", anime that only have visuals as its redeeming feature, then here you go.
Especially this.

Attached: asns.jpg (1933x2224, 1.29M)

Pretty amazing.

Lain is garbage


Faggot, modern anime cant even begin to compete with these visuals.

Attached: AESTHETIC™ .gif (500x350, 1.48M)


Isn't this thread supposed to be opened with Monster?

opm and city hunter is actually good

Nobody believes that Oedo is bad

Attached: wicked-city-310.jpg (350x494, 63K)

Good in terms of what? Visuals and/or animation? Sure. But they suck in everything else, from storytelling to character development. Especially episodic shows like City Hunter are lackluster.

Sure opm doesn't have "character development" but its a parody anime it does its job well.
>City hunter doesn't have character development
It does, you're just looking at the wrong episodes (mokkori ones)

One of the worst charts anyone has ever managed to produce and post on this board.

What are some examples of substance and style?

this is not a fucking rec thread, but ping pong would be a good exmaple.

I'm just trying to get retards who post this image to defend their shitty bait

FMAB is overated af
It's not bad, but doesn't deserve the hype either