Tsumi to Kai ch.17

Next one coming up.

Used a different font, if anybody cares.

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Lots of femsub Aoi this chapter

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Moneyshot #1

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oh fuck update finally

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You're welcome

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And moneyshot #2

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Not happy with the terminology.
Wanted to translate this as "subspace", as both concepts are fairly similar, but decided against this as Houjo clearly speaks only about ropes and too much context would have to be changed

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Looks better, thanks

thanks, do you plan on translating the whole manga?

At least the chapters which are currently released, assuming I won't get tired of it in the process

Might take a while though, considering that with this chapter, the translation is 23 chapters behind the RAWs

Is this Yuri?


This chapter just got sidetracked, the MC is a submissive glasses-kun.