What are the advantages/disadvantage of preforming tank combat on naval vessels that house 10's of thousands of people...

What are the advantages/disadvantage of preforming tank combat on naval vessels that house 10's of thousands of people and tens of millions in property that could potentially be damaged?

Attached: <[AK-Submarines] Girls und Panzer - 01 (BD 1920x1080 x264 FLAC DTS-HD) [D5FE33B9].mkv00:22:26P mp (1920x1080, 216K)

Other urls found in this thread:


There are no advantages.

Attached: girlsundpanzar sheskiledthem.gif (320x180, 2.39M)

everything is carbon coated, now fuck off

Then why were buildings damaged?

That was just aesthetic. The houses are decorated with stuff purely so it can be broken off during battles, to give the whole thing a more realistic feeling.

Attached: <[AK-Submarines] Girls und Panzer - 02 (BD 1920x1080 x264 FLAC DTS-HD) [B933B607].mkv00:06:51P mp (1920x1080, 420K)

Where do the people live then?

carbon coated tents

But why do the need to be coated if the people are made of carbon to begin with?

This annoys me so much, the StuG III was not even used by the German army during the Winter War, and the Germans had no interest in supplying the Finns against what was effectively an ally

The history nuts are known to be ignorant bakas.

why would they have the same history as ours

>being a literal retard

Attached: miho_smug.png (471x350, 178K)

If they live in an alternative history setting, than why are all the tanks exactly the way they were in reality?

it's annoying as fuck when tank shells keep hitting you, carbon or not
that's why the tents

sore da!

That's a big ship.

Attached: god i wish that was me mika nonna pregnant.jpg (1280x1834, 540K)

But the match battle is held on land, they only do training on ship and even then it's not at the urban area.

It could be much, MUCH worse. At least it doesn't have A FUCKING RAMP.

Everything is insured by the Sensha-do Federation.

Long Live the Federation!


>translation and descensoring of Erika got funded

Attached: erika zoom happy.jpg (1536x984, 1.05M)

What are the advantages/disadvantage of using Katyusha as a human onahole?

Attached: 1526213421106.jpg (850x1189, 193K)

Erika NTR in english and uncensored? Sign me up!

Attached: Happy Maho.jpg (936x644, 287K)

only the first one, thankfully

Attached: erika bad news.jpg (500x541, 58K)

man these spoiler tags aren't agreeing with me at all today

Attached: __darjeeling_and_rosehip_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_ruruepa__d3bfa127514921402782c6133de181a6.jpg (1000x2967, 651K)

Attached: 1523807408136.jpg (1066x1491, 1.02M)

this is so much better.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-03 19-55-25.jpg (315x508, 114K)

that's a big boat

>At least it doesn't have A FUCKING RAMP.
Pravda's school ship has one

Attached: school ships.png (630x354, 292K)

More importantly. If Sensha-do Federation was created after WW1 to prevent it from ever happening again, why WW2 still occurred, and Federation is using tanks up to 1945, when WW2 ended?

Delicious Matsumoto

>there is a Sturmgeschutz within 60 miles of me RIGHT NOW

Attached: erwin.jpg (205x381, 62K)

for you

Every time I see this ship.

Turning ü into u is unacceptable.
At least write "geschuetz".

because tanks designed after WW2 are gay and only faggots like them

Attached: __alisa_and_naomi_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_sasaki_tatsuya__d8a44809a376362a6552fc2f57a0079b.png (591x900, 297K)

Attached: file.png (933x517, 293K)

Shit Tyrone, get it together.

Attached: darjeeling tea hat.jpg (1062x1328, 107K)

Rewatching the show and its still very fun
Noticed a historical reference I missed the first time too, when they're surrounded by Pravda and asked to surrender, Momo says "Nuts!" Which was the official reply a guy sent to the Germans when they told him to surrender

They gave a bunch to the Finns in 1943 to fight the Continuation War.
>soviet union
>ever being an ally
Hitler was planning Barbarossa while Ribbentrop and Molotov were carving up Poland.

Attached: 20190301000336_1.jpg (1920x1080, 644K)

>This annoys me so much, the StuG III was not even used by the German army during the Winter War, and the Germans had no interest in supplying the Finns against what was effectively an ally
The directer actually said in an interview that this was an intentional error. That he didn't want the history crew to be perfect experts but are normal people.

Is that why they pronounce Caesar as Kaiser, or is that just a retarded Japanese thing

Attached: erika angler.jpg (1600x1108, 79K)

Caesar was historically pronounced Kaiser by the Romans (or, to be precise: kae̯.sar).
Latin evolved over the many centuries that it remained a living language until the renaissance killed it. That includes its pronunciation.

>Probably not faster than anyone who is at or taller than '6
>Lengthy prison sentence.

>Anime War Thunder Skins

Attached: 1550644911849.png (804x360, 54K)

Chihatan uses the old version of the Akagi with triple flight deck?

Attached: 阿修羅クモ@ぱんあ-せ02 - ねこねこみぽりん (66883477) 2ページ (1).png (1272x3624, 1.31M)

>he says while posting in a girls und panzer thread

Attached: Darjeeling dodge.png (1200x737, 417K)

>Not putting Nina on the KV-2


>>Nonna will kill you


Someone please help the poor victims of Mika's theft and molestation by calling the police and having her sent to the gulag!

Mika should have a restraining order put on her to keep her away from communists, women, and children!

It’s training.

Kiev-class don't have a ramp. It carry only helicopters and VTOLs.
It not even really a carrier, russian called them heavy aircraft cruisers.

What is this image depicting?

Attached: 1551520354606.jpg (1046x1534, 1.12M)

how do we stop her from molesting those who try to enforce the order?

Attached: 阿修羅クモ@土曜C16b - コスチュームみぽりん たまにミカさん (64751993) 2ペ� (1200x4000, 2.15M)


Attached: 阿修羅クモ@ぱんあ-せ02 - 大洗の英雄に捧ぐ Ⅲ号【2018/7/11更新】 (64987349 (1276x3624, 1.69M)

>tens of thousands of people
What the fuck?

How is the carbon coating applied? Is it a spray-on acme product? Is it something you paint on with a brush or roller? Or does it actually have to be baked in while manufacturing?

Attached: gup rw tadaima.png (1164x930, 569K)

How could this be weaponized?

Attached: belkaball.png (320x313, 14K)

Kuromorimine's carrier has 100000 people on it

Attached: maho mika.jpg (1002x919, 583K)

My bad, I was mistaken by that one Kiev-class that was later sold to India and refitted with a ramp, but indeed, the standard design doesn't have one.

In their first match a shop gets damaged and the guy says "Now I get to build a new one!" and another guy says he hopes his store gets damaged too
So I guess theres a big government pay out that covers any damages caused during Tankwando matches

>How could this be weaponized?
with great caution

Attached: Maginot Surcouf.jpg (1740x1263, 744K)

Attached: Chovy dab.png (1577x948, 1.7M)

>potentially be damaged
then your carrier is too small.

advantages: IMAGINE
disadvantages: Gulag

fite me

Attached: file.png (1366x768, 1.69M)

>war thunder

Attached: 1550616200208.png (340x394, 47K)

no u


Attached: __rosehip_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_ido_teketeke__sample-81e0bc29c8049f3fc3e82ea72bb819c6.webm (323x438, 71K)

>the guns
Fondue, let's fire some houses into the sea.

Attached: [000053].jpg (424x600, 88K)

I don't know about advantages/disadvantages but that damn thing looks about as stable as my nan after a bottle of strong spirit

Jesus Christ those handrails must be at least 80 feet tall.

Attached: 1551629905941.jpg (2288x960, 270K)

man she really looks better without he glasses

No boys to corrupt the young students

what is happening in here?

How does she manage to be so perfect?

Attached: kay butt.jpg (500x993, 91K)

How can she be perfect when someone superior exists?

Attached: 48c8a5f12fac9e6128fe1744b6dfcf9d.jpg (739x800, 132K)

cute incel

Attached: alisa_ kay_ and naomi (girls und panzer) drawn by sasaki tatsuya (1).png (643x900, 297K)

What is this, a school ship guide for ants?

Attached: 1476993631843.jpg (1920x1080, 353K)

>Chiha-tan is on the Akagi
>not on the original Kaga with her dumb triple flight deck and baka funnel
Missed chance if you ask me

Attached: 1551475725924.jpg (3106x1999, 575K)

Akagi had a triple deck, too.

>baka funnel

Attached: 1544029689795.jpg (850x994, 76K)

I know there supposed to be an extremely high level of suspension of disbelief with this show...

but I'm having a real challenge maintaining that with the Pravda not having to be towed.

Ob’s stürmt oder schneit,
Ob die Sonne uns lacht,

Attached: Erika.jpg (1400x1400, 184K)

>Forgot to force my own meme
It is indeed time

Saoir's Saoris

Attached: __murakami_cutlass_flint_ogin_rum_and_etc_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_yoshida_nobuyoshi__db79ca8c49700 (4967x6749, 3.54M)

>ywn be in a hammock

Attached: __akiyama_yukari_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_uro__ea79269ae28337c7046350efc5c85a83.jpg (1433x1854, 220K)

Attached: zsh7NkQ.gif (640x360, 262K)

Der Tag glühend heiß,
Oder eiskalt die Nacht

Attached: 35684742_p0.jpg (800x800, 69K)

>Not wanting to be the hammock


Me, the table

The main advantage is that if the tanks are stolen they can't be hauled off easily since the only way to get off is by plane or with another boat.

Attached: GuP_Mika_borrowing.jpg (1280x744, 251K)

Attached: GuP_funniest_joke_in_the_world.jpg (800x3213, 1.42M)


Attached: english_mofo.jpg (267x345, 13K)

Is that the killer joke?

That's classified information.

Attached: GuP_Mika_gun.jpg (600x450, 84K)

>shooting the entire bullet, propellant casings and all

oh scheiße untermensch
was machst du

Attached: whatrudoing_notext.jpg (366x380, 32K)

>aircraft cruisers

That's technically what the CV designation stands for.

what even is this artist

Attached: 59175827_やさい.webm (1388x500, 897K)

Nonna and Klara don't like students from other schools muscling in on their turf.

>disadvantages: PURGE


What, is she pilfering tire irons?

Attached: 烏賊グランデ - ダーさんショウウオ (45983044) 2ページ.jpg (895x651, 165K)

Any scrap of metal can be used if you're clever, even if it's just tyre iron.

Attached: gup_mika_chin.jpg (700x529, 349K)

65% more bullet per bullet. Efficiency!

tell me about darjeeling, why does she wear the pickle?

Attached: 烏賊グランデ - きゅーかんばーだんす (38758887) .jpg (727x600, 120K)

>Koala - Invincible
>not Melbourne

You had one job, Actas! ONE LOUSY JOB!

Joke commanders

Attached: Dz6q0x7UwAApDZK.jpg (640x1048, 160K)

What has she got in her mouth?

Cue the Volga River Boatmen.

I'm so glad I never made it past the 1st episode of this. These images validate my life plan.

That's the funniest joke in the world.

Attached: 1447664720112.jpg (960x1080, 812K)


Attached: 56823228_だーきゅう.webm (599x479, 696K)

He validated his life plan of being a massive cocksucking faggot.

Cute lass

Attached: D0pnj-eUcAAtlu3.png (507x900, 598K)

Attached: おまち - 優雅なダー様 (59047547) .jpg (800x2283, 479K)

'Kaiser' is the closer Roman pronunciation.


I gave up on War Thunder when in a ,atch a squad of KV-1's somehow made it to our spawn before the match actually started
I'm still fighting the need to reinstalled it

Attached: 1537220034902.jpg (636x466, 18K)

it's a great game that is also absolute dogshit.
Still scratches the tank itch better than anything else out rn

Attached: zdf75pm4s0911.jpg (850x623, 71K)

>Melbourne was the only Commonwealth naval vessel to sink two friendly warships in peacetime collisions.
It was far too dangerous a ship to put a school on. Especially with drunken Aussies at the helm.

just dab on them with pak 40's in the bottom right corner of the turret face

Attached: おまち - クッパエリカさん (71082511) .jpg (1147x1600, 428K)

I was a sherman shitter ok and a stock one at that

Yes. Imagine the AA mounts.

Attached: おまち - BT-42と継続一家。 (68063467) .jpg (943x1300, 943K)

Attached: D0dfmZGV4AIvcmc.jpg (500x500, 43K)

The BT's really aesthetic and so are the girls. I love them all.

Attached: GuP_Mika_finding_tank.jpg (1080x766, 203K)

momo a cute!

What goes on in the bowels of the ship?

South Africa: youtu.be/zzlGBySWCG0

A Buddhist tank?

Attached: 1490956373350.jpg (576x1296, 280K)

She wants to get the full sandwiching experience.

shouldn't have had something so cute then
you know what they say
what's yours is mine

Useless girl only good for her lewd body.

Attached: 69548159_p7.jpg (736x662, 155K)

Attached: kays kays.jpg (800x1160, 89K)

>9 continuous wins for Keizoku
>Both wars with Kuromorimine (in practice games)
the fuck

Miho is not the only one with reality warping abilities. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Attached: GuP_Mika_giant.jpg (564x797, 51K)

Fuck off hobo

Attached: D0LT4z9UUAA81hU.jpg (1181x1748, 198K)

sauce pls

The strong do what they will, and the weak shall suffer what they must. Such are the rules of the world and it's (you) who is weak.

Attached: GuP_Mika_seifuku.png (2153x3624, 1.2M)

Come on, that artist is well know.

Attached: Dy9YvyBUYAA9JBr.jpg (1448x1934, 348K)

Someday she will pay

Attached: D0QU9LMVAAAI8iF.jpg (2339x1654, 569K)

That's a myth created by the weak. Mika shall lord over all creation.

Attached: GuP_Mika_fire.jpg (1920x1080, 742K)

Keep telling yourself that.

Attached: DtQUmMlV4AA7OoU.jpg (700x931, 181K)

It is you who is delusional. Mika is eternal and invincible. She is the embodiment of the very concept of guile and strength. When death comes for her, Mika will instead steal its tank and drive off into the sunset playing a merry tune.

Attached: GuP_Mika_brave.png (1000x1416, 1.32M)

You idiot.

Mika is just a dork

Attached: DUjMp9RU8AEk2J-.jpg (874x1240, 241K)

but she's a great dork

That’s pretty funny

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
Mika understands this. It's how she gets you.

Attached: GuP_Jatkosota_Russians_BTFO.jpg (925x561, 66K)

You are not fooling anyone.

Attached: 73044194_p0.jpg (1056x1450, 1.14M)

I want a Finnish gf

But Mika is fooling everyone

Attached: GuP_mika_victory.jpg (600x450, 204K)

Your question and any other answers are irrelevant because the whole shebang was built around the tankschool. All the business, all the normal schools, all the residences, everything exists to support the Tankgirls, their tanks, and their school.

I want an Aki.

Attached: GuP_Mika_Aki.png (1200x3000, 815K)

Everyone is a great dork

Attached: DwtcgYXVAAIZaTx.jpg (1832x1000, 372K)

Attached: 1511759732541.png (1254x161, 58K)


But some dorks are greater than others

Attached: GuP_mika_megane3.jpg (622x800, 287K)

>just dab on them with pak 40's in the bottom right corner of the turret face

LOL dude I just knock it out by hitting the driver plate with a Zis-30.

That's just the shitty french school, user. Not the main character school. The carrier for the protag school only exists for tanks.

She only can fool dumb slav lolis

Attached: DV_X8V4U0AIpc8n.jpg (768x768, 130K)


Attached: D0Aw_pFUUAAEfNa.jpg (1181x1748, 241K)

Which is the better translation?


If it makes it easier for you, then feel free to cling to that delusion. But don't be surprised when you lose a battle to Jatkosota or find all your tanks and/or your girlfriend's hymen are gone.

Attached: gup_mika_lewd.jpg (850x1200, 214K)


Attached: gup_mika_x_duce.jpg (717x1012, 478K)

And that's a bad thing because?

Attached: D0lAW8eU8AAP67l.jpg (1181x1748, 174K)


really, really BIG 75mm gun-fu

>Column 1, Row 4
Isn't that the current gen Chinese MBT? Why was that in this show?

It's dangerous. It paralyses people. Imagine if all her crew became like Maho here during a match. It's downright reckless!

Attached: gup_Maho_duce_lewd.gif (500x280, 678K)

That dork can try.

Attached: DJN4dWjVwAAtpzG.jpg (1382x2048, 170K)

It's from the first episode where the instructor makes a dynamic entrance

Taunt her at your own peril. All I can do is warn you. I too was skeptical before Mika stole my heart

Attached: GuP_Mika_gay.jpg (1515x999, 107K)

Is their fault if they are that weak.

Attached: D0lHvs8VsAArO2m.jpg (1181x1748, 210K)


Attached: GuP_Stupid_sexy_fascist.jpg (1920x1080, 918K)

Attached: おまち - おっきくなったカチューシャさん (73233624) (2).jpg (1145x1600, 578K)

Just post "that" already
You know you want to

It's the Japanese Type 10. The tank of choice of any discerning cake.

Attached: type 10.jpg (1107x634, 174K)

Ah, my apologies then. Couldn't even remember it being in.

Jokes on her, she already did it years ago.

Attached: DklAuQ9VsAILZx0.jpg (700x600, 51K)

W-why did Chovy explode?

Attached: 67855845_p0.jpg (600x450, 142K)

delete this this instant

>weird skulking wani and the certified autist sharing their own corner of the image
What did PLATZ mean by this?

This doesn't answer my question

Think a bit, you can do it!

Imagine feeding Katyusha milk and peanut butter all day to help promote growth and bone health

Attached: katyusha leglet.jpg (1200x1042, 247K)

I am too dumb for these things
she got shelled?

she must stay small

Yes, this pic explain why


Attached: confused.jpg (1920x1080, 861K)

God I not only wish I where those grapes, but I also want to drink that wine and clean their feet

Attached: 1551673143537.png (645x912, 564K)

Feet are important and must be kept pungent

Attached: GuP_Andou_step_feet.png (812x1148, 1.03M)

Come on, is not that hard,what would they do with an apple and a target?

Attached: DvYsfzGVYAAl2fy.jpg (250x368, 34K)

Mika convinced someone to shoot an apple off of Duce's head but the shell predictably exploded and destroyed everything including Duce?

How do I convince Nonna and Klara to let me marry this midget?

>Graf Zeppelin
>biggest carrier after the washington
It's truly a alternative timeline


You show them how strong and capable you are by stealing Katyusha from under their noses.

Because a weird martial art that barely anyone did back then wasn't going to stop German or Japanese militarism?

But what's the target that mika was holding in her other hand? And who is doing the shooting?

I guess Mika really is very strong.

You have to marry them first.

Attached: C17Q5KNUUAAUeMO.jpg (1200x848, 174K)

>panzer stomp
>lightning strike
>tank rush
Which is the better translation?


Just wait for IL-2 Tank Crew if you want something that's actually somewhat realistic for tonks

It must have been destroyed too, and you are forgetting some autistic girl, but you should not overthink a silly pic.

Attached: D0uhlWkU4AAXDMK.jpg (1000x1000, 177K)

only 103 more days until das finale 2!

Attached: 1540848380036.jpg (500x600, 102K)

>Akagi and Graf Zeppelin being bigger than a modern nuclear carrier.
I know we laugh about people compensating for something but that doesn't mean I want it to be true.

The funnel had ventilation problems. It was objectively bad funnel design.

Attached: __kay_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_oniyan__9dee5ba6b31cbe8171ef0c86a69541b4.jpg (480x640, 95K)

fluffed and pillbased

What's this show about? Is this harem?

Every girl is in love with tank, but tank only has eyes for Miho.

Tank-kun is drowning in pussy

Attached: IS-2.jpg (1280x750, 96K)

Fucking Miho

Attached: D0HxCJzVAAAxcx6.jpg (1000x1406, 208K)

Attached: Choroli - お前がアホなだけだ! (54935723) .png (1024x768, 683K)

Pepperoni was a mistake.

Attached: D0f25OvU0AE6NBj.png (800x800, 262K)

> what is this show about
Girls und Panzer der film is about a very talented bard who leads a crew of adorable little girls into battle. There's an anime prequel and a sequel film.

Attached: GuP_Mika_megane2.jpg (2122x2976, 497K)

Attached: Finns3.jpg (1280x720, 182K)

Because it's true.

Attached: GuP_Mika_flower.png (1645x4730, 3.46M)

Remove Pepperoni

Attached: D0kbpIvUwAEVEmb.jpg (640x1048, 165K)

reminder some stinky Italians in a FUCKING CV contributed more to the fight than pravada

Attached: Choroli - ドゥーチェ!ドゥーチェ! (54629079) .png (1024x768, 697K)

Aki a cute.

Attached: D0Fa0RuUYAEkvgy.png (496x900, 599K)

A rock did more than several girls

Attached: 1464525190978.jpg (1024x1446, 248K)

What am I looking at?

An image on an image board.

Did you watch the movie?

Attached: pepperoni.jpg (508x434, 77K)


Attached: D0afJYzU0AAuzhD.jpg (1181x1748, 238K)

There's only like three named boys in the entire IP and not one of the 80+ girls give a shit about them.

Why aren't they to scale? Ooarai ship is a lot smaller than it ought to be, not to mention all these WWII-era carriers being as large as a Nimitz

Could be worse; could be Detroit!

>log jam

Every time.

Attached: coolface_lolhard.png (780x734, 89K)

Mark your calendars for Oarai Spring Festival on March 17, 2019. The event will have more updates on Das Finale Part 2.

Attached: D0yNLs6VAAAM5UU.jpg (423x600, 84K)

Oh wait im retarded

I thought Aki was supposed to be the villi people.

Attached: finnimation.gif (416x220, 876K)

Only her hair accessory.

Attached: DOb2nmUU8AAwrQ2.jpg (610x520, 66K)

>as large as a Nimitz

You mean ridiculously larger.

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Attached: 1516506887997.png (618x580, 159K)

>"Ute means Fire".gif

>Trillions of dollars were poured into supporting a global extreme sport.
It turns out Japan hates Soccer just as much as the US and their answer for replacing it is WW2 tanks crewed by little girls.

Attached: 7A59A568-5E7D-4170-97C0-BBCAC174C2E5.jpg (2048x1536, 834K)

You say that as if it's a bad thing.

Attached: 1466620941700.gif (200x335, 265K)

Am I the only one here who's playing that Switch port that came out last month?

My copy still hasn't arrived.

Attached: 1452466594441.png (300x313, 96K)

Buy digital, that's what I did.

What did the rock do? I don't remember it in the movie.

Migatte no Totsugeki

Attached: 961A3064-5A4D-4D91-80A0-AB2237A566EF.png (850x1040, 1.31M)

So we're never learning Darjeeling's real name, will we?

Killed a pershing

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Attached: 2019イノシシ完成.png (937x750, 171K)

Das finale

Attached: 405f41473cf6296547b5a253fbba59e.jpg (785x581, 49K)

I hope that Marie wins

Attached: D0V2wIGUwAEOZAu.jpg (1145x1600, 137K)

Who is this impostor?

Attached: 1543019388362.jpg (850x1209, 286K)

>Aki a sexy.


Attached: 1523147793453.jpg (479x600, 150K)

delete this

Nothing wrong

Attached: 69779086_p0.jpg (600x849, 231K)

Don't lewd the little Aki

Attached: CcjIV4AUEAATprQ.jpg (1032x495, 90K)

Post brit Pokémon trainer lass Kay.

Not technically true, Arisa is obsessed with Takashi (though I don't think he ever actually appears on screen).

Still surprised no ones made a battle city game but Girls und Panzer. should i push for it? already made a gochiusa game for gochiusa anons. a monogatari endless runner and 2 shoujo shuumatsu fishing and book burning simulators. also das finale user i missed you.

Attached: Girls-und-Panzer-Dream-Tank-Match-DX_11-18-18_003.jpg (1280x720, 320K)

no i mean the game battle city. I know theres a ps4 game.

Why is he holding a nail against his forehead?

I can't believe that Miho has Panzer-Aids!

I genuinely do not memorize that part, I guess I have to re-watch the movie.

Try and stop me

Attached: 62868558_p0.jpg (800x1149, 765K)

Imagine being crushed trying to pick up Marie.


Attached: rose 1.png (1200x601, 221K)


Attached: rose 2.png (1200x601, 215K)

Attached: Erwin A CUTE.webm (1280x720, 412K)

what is her problem?

They were sitting on the chairs sideways.

Monza's sperging is so fucking cute.

Attached: 烏賊グランデ - えりかわに (58962468) .jpg (600x453, 83K)

Cute wani

>intentional error
This is cope.

Attached: ----.png (350x302, 18K)

Attached: 烏賊グランデ - クラーラックマ (54875145) 3ページ.jpg (480x600, 165K)

Kinuyo looks agitated.

Attached: Darjeeling BTFO by best girl.png (600x943, 601K)

What would happen in a BC/Freedom vs. Maginot match?
Bot sides retreat?

Attached: 1517866516635.png (640x640, 226K)

I always get interrupted when I try to do this

Attached: GuP_darjeeling_not_bad.jpg (1920x1080, 125K)

Good taste

Attached: GuP_Erika_wani.jpg (800x800, 553K)

The audience wins

Attached: GuP_Andou_Class_Conflict.jpg (1258x1816, 653K)

SShhhh, Maho is sleeping.

Attached: 5b3ebfdded79f67286e4afe6213b3d63.webm (1280x720, 1.07M)

Yukari is pretty light. I wonder if I could send her flying by punching her in the face.


Attached: maho lewd.jpg (146x320, 13K)


Attached: GuP_Mika_badass.jpg (1000x1104, 145K)

Not yet.

Would Fondue finally make a move?

Attached: y6559077.png (850x598, 557K)

Emulate Panzer Front Ausf.B

I hate Shark Team

I too have terrible taste

Attached: GuP_Flint_singing.webm (654x1052, 500K)

where did they hurt you. No seriously, those girls are dangerous, better save than sorry.

Newfags and retards ITT please fuck off and die. Thank you.

Attached: sigf.jpg (1920x1080, 1.06M)

You can't hate them just because they stole your loli Nonna.

Attached: Friendly to Kids.png (1200x3000, 618K)

We have Girls und Panzer, and Boys und Biplanes. Are there any other sports? Do they make seniors play minesweeper?

It would explain why so few garupans have grandparents.

Toddlers und Truppen

> smaller profile which makes them more difficult to hit
> More energetic than adults
> smaller surface area means that state-mandated carbon-coating is cheaper too.

Attached: karen_good_idea.jpg (1920x1080, 967K)

Schoolgirls and Sturmtruppen, where cleaning trenches with grenades, gas, clubs, knives, shovels and machine pistols is a fun sport for the whole family!

>quality season of senshadou

Attached: Darjeeling hair down.jpg (820x1200, 102K)

why don't more teams use artillery

Cute not-slag

Attached: 73260636_p1.png (1518x1075, 2.47M)

Why does Orange Pekoe have such a round belly?

Attached: GuP_Orange_Pekoe_eh_questioning.png (393x390, 109K)

Because presumably it's not senshado-legal. And the girls are too baka to do the complicated maths required to use it effectively.

Attached: GuP_Andou_baka_singing.jpg (714x656, 235K)

She is fat

Attached: DUOmaq3VQAAO1F4.jpg (1987x2048, 293K)

>the real french anthem
That pied-noir knows what's up

It's that puffy sweater.

Attached: 1536451852431.jpg (1354x2188, 131K)

karl tho

Attached: __darjeeling_and_rosehip_girls_und_panzer_and_etc_drawn_by_fuji_fuji_mount3333__2d1d0dec98917f831880 (700x1050, 314K)

>don't drop your tea challenge
Just British Things

Attached: Gup Darjeeling and Rosehip.jpg (662x2000, 181K)

The university girls were the ones using it. Weren't they? If they got accepted (unlike a certain DUMB LOSER) and took some maths courses and did some training they'd be able to figure out how to use it properly. But that's beyond most high schoolers so there's really no incentive to invest in artillery. Also - and this is just headcanon - the Senshado league wouldn't want people to rely on artillery since tank battles are more fun to watch.

What a dum dum

Attached: 1542321221617.jpg (848x1199, 184K)

Marie always eats cake, but Eclair was the trendsetter!

Attached: anothercake.png (623x872, 541K)

There's nothing in the rules which would deny getting access to something like a M7 Priest or the Bishop but the real question is whether you want to deploy them in the sport-setting of senshado. WW2 artillery is designed primarily as rooting out infantry from defensible positions and separating infantry from their armour. Sure a hit on the top of a tank is going to knock it out but that's really unlikely. Mainly against large armoured formations artillery was used as area denial. Now in a setting where you've only got 15 tanks max and no infantry, smaller artillery is less useful. The Karl is perhaps the only thing large enough to be of any use.

It would discourage boring tactics like turtling up in a small area

Wouldn't KMMs slow meme tanks like the Maus, Jagdtiger and King Tiger be vulnerable to artillery?

Attached: Rosehip is here.png (2096x3017, 747K)

>There's nothing in the rules which would deny getting access to something like a M7 Priest or the Bishop
Open top vehicles aren't allowed.


Attached: shooting.png (500x500, 158K)

>Open top vehicles aren't allowed.
The Bishop was fully enclosed, I was incorrect about the Priest.

Attached: Bishop.png (550x329, 60K)

Attached: itsumi erika (girls und panzer) drawn by torinone.jpg (640x480, 246K)


i wouldn't say all of them aren't interested

Attached: saori.png (1400x1400, 528K)

Lonely dorks

Attached: 57195477_p0.jpg (3451x2507, 785K)

Attached: PostApoKMM.jpg (1064x1500, 365K)


Attached: GuP_Katyusha_slow.gif (400x260, 101K)


Attached: GuP_Katyusha_fast.gif (400x260, 101K)

>A Buddhist tank?
It's the finnish army national marking from 1918 when they where formed to the end of WW2. I think the first user was Finnish Air Force, that was due to Count Eric von Rosen using it a symbol on his planes he donated to FAF and the FAF took it as their symbol and the usage spread to other parts of the Finnish Defense Force. The FAF swastika is even called Von Rosen Cross


Attached: GuP Pravda.png (1920x1057, 3.22M)

Attached: GuP_Katyusha_faster.gif (400x260, 101K)

faster but the tanks move slower

Attached: freddyitsumi.jpg (800x1000, 394K)


Attached: Untitled.png (433x408, 178K)


Attached: Kemurikusa Ritsu sitting on root.jpg (1000x1000, 104K)

Attached: boxbear.png (380x800, 193K)


Attached: Myah.png (700x527, 404K)

>Anzio is full of thirsty girls

Best school.

Cant believe this fucking bike was a real thing

Attached: Untitled.png (826x768, 867K)

Duce's fat pasta butt

Attached: angry Duce.jpg (215x620, 47K)

stupid sexy stupid puffy pants

Attached: anchovy spagetti.jpg (973x1378, 244K)

Attached: D0usmGcVYAAA3Eh.jpg (1181x1748, 190K)

Attached: duce hairy.jpg (508x268, 38K)

Stop the Chiyomi bullying.

Attached: __anchovy_and_pepperoni_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_ruka_piyopiyopu__sample-5f31dfe71df4fa480008c2cec7 (850x745, 110K)

Chiyomi is a dumb dork, and she will become a cake.

Attached: DzX9HSNUYAA_Yr2.jpg (1000x1000, 244K)

but fat pasta butts and hairy pussies are good things

Attached: duce don't do this.png (800x702, 383K)

Lies and slander.

Attached: anziosanta.jpg (480x640, 323K)

girls und modernized cold war tanks when

Attached: Tifon2-SCQ.jpg (2222x967, 205K)


Attached: __anchovy_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_cyber_cyber_knight__120e2a0fb03b2742cd024ab0a65148fb.jpg (473x616, 44K)

Attached: ARL-44_at_Mourmelon_le_Grand.jpg (2048x1536, 1M)

Romans filled the Colloseum with water and performed naval gladiatorial fights there. You need your sport to be popular with that comes the money and than the sky is the limit.

Only advantage you're looking for is more fun. At disadvantages you throw money.

Attached: 68a92465aef24e8f6e4c37ad0e18e7c7.jpg (1000x690, 201K)

no there's just a really good insurance in place, speedwatcher

Is the ARL-44 the ugliest tank ever build?

no it is beautiful
if you want ugly you must go look Commonwealth way

Attached: file.png (492x314, 286K)

Attached: faggot.jpg (280x360, 77K)

No you
That French abomination looks like some ghetto panther smashed together in a garage by some kid high on baguettes and goat cheese

well yes that is more or less what it is, except it wasn't in a garage but in German approved design bureaus
and that's beautiful.

not so fast

Attached: 546.png (284x365, 108K)

>baguettenigger knockoff Tiger with the suspension off a fucking Char bis
>not sexy

Attached: 1548046438615.png (500x632, 205K)

Come up with a better name, I dare you

Attached: Untitled.png (855x436, 385K)

PC when?

I bet you think the Churchill looks sexy, too


Attached: DzXV25kV4AACDqN.jpg (931x1000, 107K)

>implying it isn't

Attached: darj face.jpg (368x387, 35K)

If I was playing this sport i'd just bring one of these bad boys and bury it at the start of the match
They have to kill all my tanks to win, good luck losers

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 32K)


Based Simms and his mememobiles

The Churchill makes my 2 pounder gun the 3 inch howitzer

Attached: Simms' Draisine.jpg (634x844, 90K)

I love her too much

Attached: 54876539_p0.jpg (817x1150, 623K)

Are there any fellow navy fags here?

>tfw no World of Tanks or War Thunder style game
They'd probably make good money selling cosmetic items for your crew and tanks, weebs eat that shit up

>not playing warthunder with skins and sound mods

why did war thunder become the preferred weeb tank game when wot literally had official GuP mods?

Reminder that nobody liked her.

Attached: 1464665508790.jpg (497x393, 136K)

War thunder has better tank autism mechanics. in WT you have to target weak spots to cripple or destroy tanks, whereas WoT has health bars, as well as even more P2W mechanics than WT.
both games are trash and i still play WT daily

wot no longer has them afaik

Attached: 59135507_p0.png (542x696, 256K)

Yuo know that she was a joke character, right?

Attached: 31810222_p0.jpg (600x537, 161K)

I guess people that have enough autism for anime like GuP would prefer WT and it's glorified hide-and-seek gameplay.
I gave it a shot but eventually stopped because of the retarded grind. WT seriously makes you grind so you can repair your tracks or put out fires. A stock tank will just burn to death or be stuck in place for the entire match if it eats a hit to the engine/tracks.
That and the killstreak planes. Even WoT arty is less cancerous than that trash.


WTF, man?!

Attached: gup_outrage.png (566x631, 474K)

wot arty just shellshocks your crew instead of sending you to garage now

Attached: vtec_de.jpg (251x228, 15K)

Hopefully never.

>leaning into the tilt of a skiing vehicle

oh shit pekka
what are you doing

Attached: whatrudoing_notext2.jpg (337x350, 19K)

>bourgeoisie mouth
>using a noun as an adjective

Attached: udunfdup.jpg (282x300, 17K)

You forgot trench guns.

That's a fucking warcrime you barbarian

>What an expanding bullet


Cry me a river

Attached: Erika5.png (184x243, 97K)


Attached: 1445018387815.jpg (493x560, 15K)

>There's nothing in the rules which would deny getting access to something like a M7 Priest

You seem to have overlooked the rule that explicitly states NO OPEN-TOPPED VEHICLES ALLOWED!

TL when?

Attached: mmm57.jpg (1045x1513, 289K)

They allowed a Karl that was redesigned to be fully automatic and somehow capable of carrying it's own ammo, at this point everything goes.

>What is Von Rosen's cross?

Attached: implied65.jpg (800x640, 53K)

Ballast tanks are NOT senshadou-legal.

Oh, and corroding and immolating your enemies alive aren't?

It's still the bigger weeb game of the two, wot even has Valkyria Chronicle tanks over here in the asia server

Good luck automating something as compact as an M7 with period-appropriate technology.

Are you implying that the Karl was automated using period-appropiate technology?
The Karl obviously ignores all rules established, that thing is a precedent case that allows you to bullshit anything into your senshado team. King Tigers with jet boosters, welding V-1s to your tanks and using them as makeshift artillery, it's all fair game now. The rules are off the fucking table.

Anzio best school
fight me

Attached: anchovy_ carpaccio_ lancia delta integrale_ and pepperoni (girls und panzer) drawn by uona telepin.j (800x624, 352K)

The sport is inherently flawed because if you have more money than your opponents you have an extreme advantage from the get go


Attached: 54589098_p0.png (707x1000, 967K)

So like real life?

>he says while posting bella ciao

Attached: erika disgusted look.jpg (489x610, 61K)

that's every sport

poorfags can go play around with their tiny tanks and burn houses

Yes, but worse, at least in most sports everybody is working with the same standard equipment
Imagine if Anzio had to fight a team that can afford 3 Maus tanks, literally 0 way for them to win that

That's not called a flaw, that's called the Nishizumi style!
Also you can still lose even if you have more money, like Saunders did with their Sherman obsession

Still, in every sport, teams don't have the same quality players.

forgot pic and can't delete the post, good job Hiroshima

Attached: katyusha picarda.png (885x810, 473K)

I imagine there are leagues and anzio and ooarai are just punching way above their division

That's Miho's fault, Senshado is a safe sport.

Attached: 1543362476996.jpg (316x334, 42K)

what the fuck how did it delete itself and say it wasn't deleted, fuck

>Pravada is the strongest!
>lead by a malnourished child and 2 lolicons
>loses every match with Kuromorimine besides the one where people almost drown to death from accidents

stupid messy jam eater

Both Anzio and Ooarai are just new senshado teams

>Are you implying that the Karl was automated using period-appropiate technology?

You know how they loaded the main guns on battleships, don't you?

Attached: Italian.jpg (736x1825, 668K)

And Katyusha is a fake Russian, can't even speak the language

They're just ghetto KMM with worse tanks and worse commanders

at least she wasn't born with aids and fetal alcohol syndrome that way

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-12-04 13-57-04.png (1920x1080, 1.7M)

Most of the schools are very obsessed about their doctrine. I wonder why take so long for an autistic girl to do something diferent.

Attached: D0FT9jfVsAApvgO.jpg (1534x2048, 228K)

I also pretend to be italian, I do not see the problem.

Attached: 57457395_p0.jpg (1104x1617, 341K)

And let's not talk about those dorks.

Attached: DuYls8RVsAAP7yN.jpg (2894x2440, 822K)

Keep coping, Erika

Katyusha approves these messages

Attached: Comrade Commissars.png (782x1282, 38K)

Why is Maho crying?

thinkgen of ntr

>(of a person) deal effectively with something difficult.
>(of a machine or system) have the capacity to deal successfully with.
remind me who lost 10 times in a row and got knocked out because she slept in a crib during a match?
And who's team also contributed less to the battle than Italians in a fucking CV?

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-12-03 17-57-37.png (1920x1080, 859K)

Best girl is italian, at least a half

Attached: 68048605_p1.png (1433x2053, 2.16M)

you'd probably cry if your Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf. E got stuck vertically in the ground too

Attached: tank mating.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

whoa there
you can't just post one where the barrels are touching

I'm sick of them putting carbon in the armor which turns the freaking tanks gay.

Attached: lesbian tanks.jpg (650x550, 367K)

Whats even the point of a radio operator when the tank commanders have radios on their necks

to pretend that they are doing something

informing other operators of general position of friendlies and any possible contacts?
commander has more stuff to focus on and should only be on the net if it's important

Attached: 1539358126318.jpg (800x1129, 691K)

Why would you expect a peasant to be able to speak properly?

Attached: GuP_Andou_Oshida.jpg (5168x3642, 1.81M)

I would those frogs

Attached: 012.jpg (1280x1804, 266K)

Attached: 49140116_p0.jpg (2975x4084, 932K)

it's true and you know it

True but still.

Attached: DYLKFPJUMAYBeY1.jpg (2122x2976, 572K)

That's no way to speak about Oshida's husband.

Attached: oshida andou 2.jpg (1006x1500, 365K)

I want to marry Saori!

Fuck off Saori.

rude and uncalled for

Attached: saori 1.jpg (1280x1840, 808K)

Bullying her is the only way to ease the pain.

Attached: Dyg8yrPUwAAk4Z_.jpg (2094x2205, 287K)

I don't think I could be comfortable living on the outside of a submarine.

I can speak to class traitors any way I want

Attached: GuP_Katyusha_fasterer.gif (400x260, 101K)

I'm amazed we made it this far without being autosaged. Since the thread's dying anyway I guess it's time to unleash what I've been holding back for so long.

Attached: GuP_Mika_bikini.jpg (850x1012, 156K)

Attached: まんまる - S13シルビア (56491285) (1).jpg (2206x1755, 1.79M)

Attached: GuP_mika_tank3.jpg (1079x1500, 226K)

Attached: GuP_mika_lewd2.jpg (1890x3542, 1.13M)

Miho is just too soft.