Want to rewatch my favorite anime

>want to rewatch my favorite anime
>am currently not in a perfect mood and am worried it'll ruin the experience
Who else is utterly autistic about their anime watching?

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same, that's also why i don't watch anything

I have a number of autism varieties when it comes to anime watching. In addition to the one you said, one of my most common is putting it off because I don't want it to end. It's a ridiculous notion really - I'm essentially stopping so I won't have to stop.

I have OCD so yeah, I'm exactly that way.

I gotta say I love the shot of after him with the cross. It's aesthetic even if it borders on pretentious or overly blunt

How do you know if you have OCD?

i do the same thing, even with movies, my movie backlog is getting as big as my any may one, i have to be in the perfect mood, especially when i'm watching something for the first time.

Ya know what they say the first impression is the one that lasts.

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Anime isn't something you watch when you're just in the right mood - particularly your favourite anime.
Your favourite anime is something that PUTS YOU into the right mood.
If you can't watch your 'favourite' anime in a bad mood because you fear it'll ruin your enjoyment then it's not really your favourite anime.

>Who else is utterly autistic

yep that would be me alright

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Was Gendo an MD, a biologist, an engineer or what?
It seems fairly obvious that Ritsuko is some kind of physicist, and we know Fuyutsuki is a biologist, but what Gendo did back when he was a researcher is never expanded on.

I disagree heavily with you user, there's days that i'm too apathetic to feel anything so i don't watch anything, the type of days that my mother could die right in front of me and i still wouldn't express a reaction.

Since Evangelion is my favourite anime, "not a perfect mood" is exactly the right mood.

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Never detailed. Fuyutsuki just calls him an assistant professor and it's up to your imagination if they were in different departments because Fuyutsuki hadn't met him before, or the same one because Fuyutsuki was hearing rumors about him.

God I thought I'm the only one who does that, I also do that with music, films, food, and especially books. Do I really have autism? I was never diagnosed and my friends or family haven't said anything yet.

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This is BS. When i'm really stressed out i wouldn't be able to enjoy a 10/10 masterpiece.

Kind of off topic but am I the only one who turns off subs once I'm rewatching a show? I'm not like a Japanese whiz, but I have enough basics to make it through most stuff after I've seen it at least once or twice. I just think that turning off subs really makes the whole experience more immersive.

There's nothing I enjoy more in this world than watching When Marnie Was There.
It doesn't matter what mood I'm in - if I'm stressed out, happy, sad, angry or whatever - in the end I always feel at ease while watching the movie, like talking with an old friend.
It's too bad you haven't found something like that yet. Maybe one day you will and you'll understand what the power of a true favourite anime is.

You're misunderstanding me user, when i say apathetic i really mean it in the literal sense of the word, as in "unable to feel emotions", it's horrible but that's what happens when you're depressed for too long.

Not even my favorites can get a emotion out of me when i'm in those days, hope you never experience what i mean.

>Rewatching anime
Are you immortal or something?

If you are diagnosed with ocd

true autism is having certain favourite scenes/episodes which never fail to comfort, and watching them less and less because you're worried they will run out after a certain number of uses

i do this with some songs.

Hi Owen.

>watching them less and less because you're worried they will run out after a certain number of uses
Fuck, I do that with scenes, songs and even entire anime series.

You realize that no anime is very good by any objective standards but to keep up the delusion in your mind there are some that are you are afraid to revisit them. It's ok it means you are growing up.

Even if you aren't in exactly the right mood you should still be able to enjoy appreciating it at any time.

>no anime is very good by any objective standards

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So when is this coming to Netflix exactly?

Not me