
Don't do vectors, kids.

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Other urls found in this thread:


jcstaff reached levels of just i didnt think were possible

I cant believe Touma is fucking DEAD

It happens every other week, chill

Jesus fucking christ.

Death is cheaper in Raildex than in Dragon Ball.

He's going to die one way or another

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People don't really die in Raildex though, just Touma

Accelerator's balls.

Kakine redemption arc soon

Frenda and Terra never died more than once

Y'all missing the fact that Misaka and Misaki saw him die

I don't care what Accel picked up in NT21 or what 545 tells him. If he does any better than Touma against Coronzon, that is complete bullshit.

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Great. Now they can move on and get together like they're meant to be.

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Boring and predictable outcome. He'll be back soon yet again.

Spoiler this shit motherfucker. I'm anime only

You'll get used to him dying, he has already died in the anime one time.
Normal High School Boy my foot.

>the novel isn't even completely out yet and we already have people complaining and "calling bullshit

This novel is gonna cause a shitstorm no matter what happens isn't it

I hope Coronzon tears Accelerator's wings off!

Actually, doesn't Aleister likely dying mean that Touma stays dead as well? He was hell bent on saving Aleister, and we know that when Touma is hell bent on saving someone, it works even if he needs help (like from HP with Othinus).

Leave it to Kakine

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>implying Accelerator will be retarded enough to try to use his wings against Coronzon unless someone else basically depowers her first

There's 3 entities possibly more that are capable of retconning his death, there is no way he's actually staying dead as long as they're around. As for Aleister, do you not think it'd be okay for Touma to fail just once?

I think Accelerator will do something important, simply because he's mentioned and the summary mentions "the 3 protags" together, but it's clearly Hamazura that's the star of the show. My best guess is Hamazura does something that heavily nerfs Coronzon and Accelerator kills her with either white wings or something new he's gained from 545.Naturally, such a thing would come with "Accelerator wouldn't have been able to finish her off if Hamazura hadn't done what he did first"

Yes, actually, I would LOVE for Touma to straight up fail without any opportunities for a redo but Kamachi doesn't seem to want that

After Kamachi pussied out from teaching that lesson to Touma with Othinus dying I don't trust he'll ever let Touma fail to save someone.

Actually, after thinking about it, there's a slight problem with this. Communication. While it'd be easy enough to have Accelerator learn that Coronzon is dangerous and to not go full retard, how would he be able to communicate with Hamazura to know Coronzon's got a nerf? And how would Hamazura learn that Coronzon's srs bzns that actually needs a nerf? I suppose we could go with "Hamazura literally did it through the power of retarded luck and had no way of knowing that was what was needed"

I'm surprised this happened in the prologue, was expecting it at the last part of the novel

>"Hamazura literally did it through the power of retarded luck and had no way of knowing that was what was needed"

That's the reason of why Hamazura is such a "wild card" / unexpected pawn in the chessboard. Is exactly how is gonna happens

He will help Touma and become an ally against Coronzon by helping him through the Abyss
for the small price of Aleister's life

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Accelerator's already thinking of Hamazura, anyway. Won't be surprised if Accelerator decides to hunt him down after hearing about Touma's one-shot from a frazzled MisaSquared. Could we possibly get "Accelerator joins Mikoto and Misaki on the AAA as they look for Hamazura"? All it would take is "I know you brats don't have a reason to want to help, but if you want what killed your shitty hero dead, you'd be smart to help me find Hamazura Shiage."

If they actually do team up I can almost see Mikoto venting her frustrations at everyone especially Accelerator, but my big question is what the fuck dadkoto's role in all of this will be.

I accidentially a very important word.

"I know you brats don't have a reason to want to me"

Maybe she would. But then again, maybe she'll be nice and quiet and do what he says because she really wants Touma back/what killed him dead and that matters more than some petty bickering.

Either that or she goes full edge, nearly kills Misaki, but is knocked out by Accelerator, and Misaki is the one Accelerator makes the deal with as they carry Mikoto's unconcious body with them

So we've got:

>Accelerator bumps in to MisaMisa and hears about Touma's one shot, asks them to help him find Hamazura; Mikoto is a petty bitch the whole time and possibly nearly gets them all killed by being a petty bitch; also possibly does something useful at the end

>Mikoto goes full edge (possibly 5.1) and nearly kills Misaki, but Accelerator shows up, knocks out Mikoto, and then hears everything from Misaki; same "let's go find Hamazura" ending except Mikoto is unconcious and first and probably really meek when she wakes up. feels bad about nearly killing Misaki and useful the rest of the journey

>Accelerator bumps into MisaMisa and hears everything, suggests they go look for Hamazura, but Mikoto neither goes full edge or petty bitch; instead she says quiet out of shock and does what Accelerator asks, probably ends up doing something helpful

So which sounds best to you

4th, Accelerator himself goes into rage and also gets oneshoted, just like the preview said that something unexpected happened in Touma and Accel vs Coronzon.

>only been watching raws since dragon
Satisfies my autism of needing to watch it weekly yet being able to marathon the series

I already told you all, qp will fuse with accelerator's brain so he gets hurt if he controls vectors, but he's the best magician. This will be a call back to Nephyths turning into fat.

None of them really fit because Accel wasnt even there when it happened and the immediatly result would be Coronzon going after Aleister

Just one month left until the binge happens, hang in there.

The preview didnt specify that Touma AND Accel would FIGHT Coronzon though

Accelerator showing up period would be unexpected to MisaMisa, and from Mikoto's perspective, him helping would be unexpected.

Actually. People seem to forget that Accelerator is placed on a pedestal in Mikoto's mind too, it's that his pedestal is one of negative emotions. So Accelerator ALSO getting BTFO would be like "the TWO strongest people I know just got knocked the fuck down" could work,

But I dunno. How in the hell do MisaMisa escape then? Accelerator telling them to run or literally throwing them to safety with his last rational thought? idk

What? I remember it did though, did different translations came out or something ?

He already failed to save HP.

>Kamijou Touma and Accelerator stand in opposition of Coronzon but....
It doesnt says that they are fighting her together, just that they are both are opposing her

tl;dr AccelxMikoto is gonna happen.

Coronzon is basically a god at this point, why not let them live? They pose no apparent threat to her at all.

Mikoto is protecting Aleister and Coronzon wants him dead

The first issue is: how do MisaMisa survive? The only possible answers are:

>AAA does something
>Aleister does something despite being nearly dead (possible because he supposedly does die at the end of the volume, stressing himself here could be one reason he does die)
>a third party comes and helps somehow
>Coronzon itself just cackles and leaves for some reason, possibly because it just gained something important by one shotting Touma and prioritizes that over MisaMisa and Aleister

Does Accel, Touma and Hamazura become the trio after this?

1 or 4 are the most likely in my opinion, who could even intervene? Accelerator would also get btfo very fast so unless he tells them to get out the moment he arrives they wouldn't be able to run, which in the end wouldn't matter because of how fast Coronzon is. The only chance they really have of escaping would be Othinus going back to 50/50.

>yfw Touma got sent to the Abyss
>The Abyss is actually night time Shibuya

In a lewd way or not ? If it's the latter then yes to an extend.

Yeah, 4 seems most likely to me. Followed by Accelerator arriving and then one of these happening

Of course, 4 comes with the implications Coronzon just got a power up and isn't done, so they aren't out of danger

They'll definitely work together to save their hero.

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Like solving magic shit and stuff, basically Heavy Object style.

yfw the Angel Dragon comes out of the AAA and fights Coronzon

Mikoto will defeat Coronzon!

For the first 3 volumes of NT they are generally around each other and work together, but after that they only occasionally run into each other and depending on the situation, help or fight.

Do you own an angel dragon dildo or something?

He's very flexible. Is he lifting his leg that high with vectors or is he just actually very agile?


What happens if they get torn off?

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Black wings (completado)

Probably the first, while 4 could happen Coronzon can just kill Aleister and co. instantly then leave

Again, you're supposed to read 4 with the implication that Coronzon just got a power up and is going to be back and take care of them.

While we as readers know this, it could be even more dangerous for MisaMisa because they could assume that Coronzon is gone and feel safe, which could lead to serious mistakes

Opening bit prediction? Probably completely wrong but here goes:

>Coronzon is (pleasantly) surprised that her attack worked against Touma; she even admits it's one of her weaker attacks and expected to need to up her game. She mocks Touma, and calls everyone who's ever lost to him and his entire reputation pathetic
>Mikoto is about to rage out at Coronzon's words and Touma's death, but miraculously calms- almost unnaturally so. This is later revealed as a terrified Misaki doing her best to protect Mikoto. Readers here will argue as to whether she protected Mikoto because she cares about Mikoto, or because she was afraid of being alone with the monster or of being killed along with Mikoto. It doesn't exactly matter because even though a panicked Misaki managed to calm Mikoto, the demon disappeared so Mikoto being either angry or calm doesn't matter.
>Misaki quickly reveals herself to be very level headed. While she's upset at watching Touma die, she completely understands this is a situation in which she will die if she is not careful. Between dying and surviving, she has picked surviving. She has zero clue as to what to do, but she decides to start by attempting to deepen her current spotty control over Mikoto. Again, it's never explictly stated as to whether she wants Mikoto live because she wants a sheild, or because she actually cares about Mikoto. She's working somewhat unsucessfully on deepening her control over Mikoto when Accelerator shows up


>Accelerator showing up sends Mikoto into a tantrum that breaks Misaki's weak control and there is a minor fight between Mikoto and Accelerator. Funnily enough, it kind of echoes Touma and Accelerator's WWIII fight with Mikoto screaming about "YOU!!! YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH, YOU COULD HAVE SAVED HIM!! WOULD YOU HAVE EVEN DONE IT, YOU EVIL BASTARD?" and Mikoto getting told her rant is bullshit and she should calm down. Accelerator doesn't punch her, he just touches her and renders her painlessly unconcious, saying something about "I'd have given you a bloody nose, but I haven't seen the brat in a while and I'm feeling a bit soft for your face."
>Misaki says she cannot read Accelerator's mind, but she also says she almost doesn't need to use Mental Out to figure him out - even with a "fake face", his feelings and thoughts are easily written all over him for people who pay attention. She takes a moment to be a little prideful and imply most people don't know shit about reading others, and that she has learned a lot about it through her powers. In other words, we learn that Misaki is good at reading people even without actually using Mental Out, and she's not buying Accelerator's "muh edgy asshole" bullshit in the slightest.
>Mikoto wakes up and is embarrassed for acting like an idiot, but never apologizes- at least in words. She proves she regrets her behavior by outright saying she doesn't know what to do now and needs both Misaki and Accelerator's help going forward.
>Accelerator mentions Hamazura and that the best place to start is to find him

But doesn't he have white wings and a halo?

Fuck you I'll use whatever tensors I want fag.

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Whoa nigger. You think i'm reading All Those Words?!

Then don't and move along?

This isn't a college essay, no one wants to read 500 words

Again, then do not read and move along. Simple as that.

I like this fanfic but I think 545 is going to be immediately useful/present against Coronzon together with Accelerator, somehow

Aogami and Tsuchimikado complained about how stressed out they've been lately and the Class rep found a solution

For some reason I expect QP545 to have a Dobby moment when Corozon asks for her to return to her side.

Kamachi benching Touma to let Accel, AAAMisaMisa, and Hamazura (Takitsubo) do the work.
In the end, Coronzon snaps AAAMisa-Misa (Mikoto dies instantly, and Misaki loses her left-leg on the fight and probably won't make it too).
NT Series end with Coronzon winning.

First time in a Raildex thread. Only watched the anime up to the end of Index II. Is Touma x Index still endgame?

you're gonna have to give up on that, buddy


Touma's fucking dead pal

In other words, 545 is gonna help save everyone but take a knife to the chest in the process? Oh, and she'll be buried by Accelerator without using his powers as a display of respect?

Touma has his right hand and fairy to worry about in the abyss right now.

When is Odin gonna get animated I want to fap so bad

10th anniversary PV.

Nah. If 545 dies Accel won't be end up with anyone sexually or romantically cause he's daughter zoned all the clones. I'd understand if Kamachi brings her back or adds some new chick to the accelharem. Otherwise I don't see 545 dying

545 is gonna delay Coronzon and let everyone else get away to find Hamazura

2 second appearance wtf

545 is the least likely thing Accelerator would fuck. If he fucks anyone, it's gonna be the clones, currently daughter/sister zoned or not. Even Estelle has a better chance.

>people seriously think the relationship between 545 and Accelerator is going to turn romantic

Kamachi's already said that Accelerator would prefer a family, not a lover, so that alone is strike against literally every girl in the romance department. While that statement doesn't mean Kamachi won't give Accelerator a lover, it's probably low on the list of priorities and won't be 545

Name 1 (one) person


People also think Touma actually died for reals this time, gaiz. So yeah, there's also that. Anything is possible.

Motherfuckers died like 20,000 times already, one more couldn't hurt.

As for whether Touma is dead for real, I am undecided. It depends upon on where Kamachi personally wants to take the series IMO

>Touma fucking dies for the 20,001st time
>Our boy Hamazura is still being a Chad and hasn't died once
How can Touma even compete?

Aleister is gonna die for real. Aiwass, the character who has never, ever, been wrong said that Touma doesn't have what it takes to stop him from self-destruction. HP's prediction that Touma won't be able to save someone eventually will radically change him will come true. Pottery. Who knows about Coronzon though

Even the Devil can't stop Devil's Luck.

Do not ever write fanfics.

It's not a fanfic. It's a "prediction that's probably wrong but written for fun anyway

Of course he isn't dead. The narration didn't even say he died, people are memeing.

I know. Just don't write actual fanfics please.

I already have when I was younger and was told I was good at them. I have no interest in writing them now so don't worry, if you think I write terribly you won't have to be afraid of reading it

Everyone died in NT8 user.

The world hates Touma

We all do.

Why shouldn't they if they want

Thanks man.

Not sure why you felt the need to ask.

Nice fanfic, will see how it holds up as we got insider information that NT22 won't have a happy ending regardless. Anything is possible at this point so start playing "who will die next" game.

my money is on Mikoto

you need to stop leaking the story

None of these are fanfiction. They are (likely mostly wrong, although one or both of them might have nuggets of truth) predictions. Actual fanfiction would be writing out a scene as though it's actually happening. And what insider info to we have?


Yeah, fucking right.

>suddenly AR talking with good English
What the fuck happen here?

Let's do circles!

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Nigga stole my hip

If the Hadit/Nuit theory is true your spoiler is cool.

>NT22 won't have a happy ending regardless
As long as my man Hamazura gets the AAA I'm happy

If it's true this volume has a bad end, my money is on Touma being dead for real AND Aleister's death make everything AC kids have been through meaningless cause the fucker never even used his grand plan OR Touma. So we may very well be in for a "it can't be for nothing, can it? (yes it can)" ending.

Bite back your arguments against this ending and pretend for a moment that despite every objection you could come up with, we do factually get a "Touma is dead for real, and Aleister dies as well. Aleister's plan is never used because he died. Coronzon was far too hard to defeat and genuinely used up Touma and Aleister" ending. How do you react?

Do you rage about Touma not getting a happy ending, or are you okay with the survivors getting to move on?

Are you okay with the idea the kids of AC suffered for nothing, or are you glad that they do have a chance to strive for something better, even if Touma is no longer in the picture?

Meant to type "are you mad at the idea AC kids suffered.." but it came out wrong, my bad.

As long as Saten Ruiko is still alive I’m chill.

We all pretty much are. Kamihou is us so we’re not really going to be too mad if we die just as long as it’s for a good cause and it’s a heroic death. Othinus will probably get her powers and bring ya back anyways.

Unless the series ends its not really a bad end, even if the volume itself has a bad ending there's just too many things which could retcon his death. Not to mention what happened with the bad end in nt8.

I agree. If Kongou shows up or some shit I’ll be okay with that end. All I know is something good better happen to make up for that.

I would unironically enjoy it if Kongou showed up for something.

Maybe the sixth level five can rewind time.

Touma will end up coming back within the next 6 volumes of the next part.

I personally think Aleister killed him. We’ve always known from the start that he’s evil. At no point in this series did I ever forget that.

Index is also a demon.

Aleister is the antichrist
Kamijou is Leviathan
Index is a Demon

They must all be 404 if the series would end in a truly happy way.

Are you guys ready for Mikoto to be the star of Index for a couple of volumes?

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I was born ready. I’ve been waiting on this day for a long time. They all called me crazy but who’s laughing now? I am.

Why do you care? You don't even read the LN.

Yeah, a semen demon

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Touma isn't dying, the narrator already has said that this is his story in OT1. Aleister's days are probably numbered though. He isn't a side character like Fremea who can blend into the background. He doesn't regret his actions and has never apologized for what he did. And he has nothing to go back to. Lilith is clearly going to be raised by Mina at this point

Every once in a while I’ll read one of the volumes that comes out with everybody.

If Kamachi really does off Touma and Aleister and ends the series with NT23 or NT24, I think the most frustrating part would be us never getting to see what this grand plan was. However, this frustration could be eased by Kamachi telling us what this grand plan would have been, which would be similar enough to actually showing us.

For example, Aleister could give Accelerator, Mikoto, or whoever is sitting near him as he dies a USB that grants them access to all of his computers/databases for some reason. If that's too heavy handed, another option is just to have Accelerator and Mikoto take a trip to the WB and break through all of Aleister's shit. Then we could have full details on what Aleister was going to do

>Touma isn’t dying

>Do you rage about Touma not getting a happy ending, or are you okay with the survivors getting to move on?
The sweet release of death is probably the best for Touma.

Index staring Accel and Mikoto would make this series actually amazing. Kamachi would be a madman to do it.


Is it odd for me to think that Aiwass or someone else is gonna finish the plan against Aleister's wishes

Umm? Why not?

It wouldn't be "starring Accelerator and Mikoto". It would be more like "they are mopping up the mess Aleister and Touma dying made and the series is ending there"

The star of the series would still be Touma. In this case, he just died. And further more, his death probably contributed to Coronzon's defeat

Because he's a shit protagonist.

I've toyed with the idea that maybe Lillith would become Aleister 2.0 and attempt to finish up where her father left off, but that would obviously require a time skip, and possibly new protagonists, unless Kamachi wants to show us Hamazura and Accelerator as adults. Remember, Touma would be dead.

You fuckers know damn well in the 1% chance this happened that Hamazura or Kamisato would take main protag slot. Kamachi doesn't like powerful MCs for his LNs

Well I don’t want the series to end, user. I’m not that negative. Kamachi still owes me as a fan a TON of explanations about things and characters in the series. He can’t just end it. I just want a new MC.

He's not, but it's okay to be wrong.

>implying Accel or Mikoto is considered powerful in the current timeline of Index

They’re not powerful at all. In fact everybody always makes fun of Mikoto and Accel because of how irrelevant they are in terms of power compared to the bad guys of today in this series. I’d know because I’m always defending them.

I think that's in really bad taste

Kamachi doesn't owe you a damn thing. If he wants to end Index within a novel or two after the one we're getting in a few days, he absolutely can and there's nothing you can do about it. If he wants to continue it to a third title change, there's nothing anyone can do about that either

Kamijou’s arm and dragons are considered OP.

Yeah, it does seem like a poor attempt to keep the series going

I can do something about it. I can write some nasty fanmail and never pick up anything he ever writes again and not buy any merchandise.

>expecting a timeskip when Kamachi can't even skip two weeks ahead in 15 years of writing

That's just you throwing a tantrum, not "doing something about it". He won't give a fuck about your dumb poorly GT'd hatemail or the fact that one Western person won't buy merch anymore

I hate Kamachi

I’m just one person. If I feel this way that means a lot of others probably do.

No one is "expecting" a time skip

You don't buy jack shit

Your a hack.


>having a breakdown over the very idea the main series (not even anime or spin off mangas; just the main novels) could end sooner than people here predicted

Get a grip.

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I'd be sad if Raildex ended because I wouldn't get to have with you weebs anymore

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That’s what I meant. You’re still a hack.

>Touma dies
I will never Forgive Kamachi for the rest of my life if he pulls the trigger.

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Yea, you guys have trouble making conversation without new content being slammed down your throats on a weekly basis. I’ll still be here having conversations on the daily though.

On the bright side him dying is a dream come true for about half of us.

Someone tell me why MP hates /our guy/ so much

Does Mikoto being the new MC for Index means she’s getting a power up so she can compete?

Always has.

She wants us to hate him so she can have him all to herself.

Because R/a/ildex likes him, that's all. This faggot used to like Accel, then started shitposting about him after they realized most of R/a/ildex likes him too. Literally just a parasite that tries to get under user's skin

I admire how dedicated Mikoto is to her husbando

Yes Coronzon banishes her to the abyss where her lust for power draws a demon to posses her. She returns to the real world and BTFOs Coronzon for killing her man.
The third series is about everyone else trying to stop possessed Mikoto

>Mikoto's man

She loves Touma so much that she wants everyone to hate him so that she has him all to herself

In Mikoto's world they are already married user, remember the rings?

Mikoto's a delusional cunt, though, so that doesn't change reality

Technically her being a delusional cunt does change reality in certain ways.

>Implying Aleister hasn't planned for his own death
He'll have something on top of the possibilities, even if it's just giving Noukan full access.

>The reason Touma's been warming up to Mikoto in NT is because being in her personal reality AIM field slowing makes him more attracted to her.
This makes too much sense.

No it doesn't, did you forget about IB

This series is a joke

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Is her hair flying out of her when she's laughing ? Isn't that unhealthy?

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Says the one who wastes their time here to complain about something they don't like

Would level six Mikoto theoretically be able to take Cronzon?


Yes. Level 6 is equivalent to a slightly less powerful Magic God.

>will see how it holds up as we got insider information that NT22 won't have a happy ending regardless
You stop it right fucking now. Give good spoilers, or else.

SYSTEM is supposed to be the magic god equalevant, maybe? 5.3 was already stated to be a relative to Ayyyywass.

>5.3 was already stated to be a relative to Ayyyywass
Got a source on that bullshit?

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Coronzon is currently beyond aeons, so I don't think a single fuck would be given here.

This season was so bad.

I'll never get why fans stick with a series when they're continually handed shit like this and told to like it.

The fanbase accepted years ago that we'll never get good adaptations, most discussion is about the LN for a reason


>a relative
>my reading comprehension
I thought you meant relative, not A relative

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Index III was dead on arrival from the moment it was announced. RIP I guess, at least we'll have Railgun 3 next year right bros?

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memes aside, this season was actually pretty all right

If you don't stop shitposting I'll SHIT in your FUCKING COFFEE CUP user!

Railgun is this year actually

Railgun is fucked too buddy, only Accel will survive.

The clones are so cute

need more itsuwa

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You think it's shitposting, but it's plainly clear everyone involved from the producers to the animators half-assed it. They just didn't care from day one.

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What if he doesn’t drink cawfee?

The animators actually have put a lot of small details following descriptions of the novel, like Aiwass wings vs Accelerator wings moment

Defend this QUALITY, Raildexfags

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I don’t like Awass. I hate that Kamachi gets so hard over making hyper super infinitely powerful characters that are aloof and don’t really do anything and just like to watch things play out. It’s such a dumb concept and they might as well not even exist. It’s the same with the magic gods. Ohhhh just letting you guys know there’s these power characters that could demolish all your favorite characters and literally change the entire plot but don’t worry. They don’t do anything except watch. What’s the fucking point!

Seeing people like you get super mad about it makes it all worth it.

I don’t really like dumb characters that only exist to show how popular the MC is because their entire existence is pretty much only to be on his dick 24/7 when he’s around. I’d much rather have somebody like Kuroko around figuring out what magic is or something.*

The series isn't over, and the point is these super powerful characters that can trash all of your favorite characters don't want to do that, or change the plot. Even when Aiwass nearly killed Accelerator, it was clear he actually wanted Accelerator to survive and go to Russia. What makes Coronzon such a huge threat is it DOES want to destroy everything

>trying to reason with a shitposting faggot

Fuck you Saiai

To piss (You) off MP

Why is that penguin so horny

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It's funny this guy is complaining about super powerful characters that do nothing when we're probably about to get a literal 2 digit IQ level 0 fuck over a demon that just one shotted Touma

>False flagging

Fair enough.

MP doesn't know that. MP can't read.

A TRUE Level 0, too, not "sekritly has the most important, super speshul power ever in his right hand" Level 0

I have a feeling NT22 is going to be a lot like HO15.


No one reads that shit judging from the sales at least

Are you retarded? I'm pretty sure HO has sold more than 0 copies.


One of the user raildex is Miki

Where does Axel even buy these kind of clothes?

I think Kamachi just took a shit on invisabledragonwankers. They didn't seem to "unleash" anything or protect him in the slightest. However, the novel isn't fully out, so I suppose Kamachi could have them do something. But it doesn't really sound like loldragons is happening from the preview, the cover, and long synopsis

If HO were popular to stand on its own it'd get dedicated threads.

this has nothing to do with the original point

HO does get its own dedicated threads once in a while.

If anything I had a mighty chuckle when he destroyed any Nuitkoto/hadit theories immediately. Although the fact that Coronzon mentioned them is a bit odd

She chanted a spell and the 3 main deities were used in the incantation, it doesn't really disprove anything.

I think they didn't come out because his entire body was vaporized instantly rather than just IB being fucked.


Looks like MP is on her period again going by the above.

Not sure if one or 2 people are seriously crying and thinking the series is ending her but no. Again, Kamachi debunked that just before NT started and Dengeki actually notify when a whole story is approaching its climax and the final volume is upon us. None of that happened with OT or here.

Oh no, a thelema demon used a thelema based spell all of my theories are destroyed.

Doesn't disprove anything though? A Thelemic being using Magick and the power of other beings is pretty expected. Coronzon mentioning it is really not.

is Accel anime going to be an edge fest?

The manga's art at first exaggerated the edge so it might not be too much in the anime. Funny part is how Accel is barely a MC in his own spinoff

Seething, cringe and bluepilled.

The only time I've ever hoped for SOL filler.

yeah, plenty of death

How hard will you cry in a week when it’s confirmed the story isn’t over?

These idiots are going to cry when they realize the story will be here for approx another 7-9 years given it'll likely be another full series. "WHY THE FUCK IS IT HERE IT SHOULD BE DED FRANCHISE WAAAAAAAAAH"

Most of the discussion on the theoretical ending the main novels has been calm. Only one person (who may or may not have been MP) got upset about the idea. Absolutely no one thinks NT22 is going to end everything, though. Even if Kamachi goes for a legitimate "Touma is for real dead, Aleister is too, the demon got defeated, everyone else now must deal with AC being gone entirely/a completely different place and the line between science and magic gone" end, we'd still need NT23 and maybe even 24 and 25 to fully get that out of the way

He'll be back. NT23 will be Touma fighting his way out of hell

this is maybe even dumber than the "One of Lillith's names is Nuit, Nuitkoto btfo" thing that people said after NT19.

>implying Hell isn't full of onee-san dorm mangaer type girls
>implying the harem won't invade and kidnap him out of his paradise

If there is no kaiji OP2 guttural screaming in the opening I'm going to be disappointed.

Pretty much. Though given Kamachi called this "Second Season" and it's dealing with exactly what he mentioned it would, feels like it is coming to a close for NT, he's the one who chose to stop at 22 because it would get too long anyway.

this is bait, right?

Is it just me or did JC Staff make Accelerator incredibly handsome in the anime?

Your post is, yep.

It's Arata's design drawn by an actual competent character artist. It's like a window to 5 years in the future where Arata's actually got good.

He's supposed to be attractive in the novels, too. He's supposed to appeal to people who like both genders, hence why some people joke about him looking like a girl, and others definitely see him as male

Mikoto is taking the main protagonism now that Touma is dead

She was always the main main character

Just look at him. I can't help wanting to protect that smile.

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post accelerator family

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Its missing his wife Mikoto


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The only thing she is gonna get from the AAA is a bullet straight to the head after a despairing Mikoto sees joining forces with Coronzon

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This looks like a retarded wojak meme

DAMMIT now i feel like photoshopping that face onto wojak but I'm too lazy to actually do it

Tick-tock, OTcucks.

They really made him look less weird, at least. Look like a standard badly drawn bishoujou guy.


Finland about to get royally BTFO my friend.

They already did that in Elements. Kamachi hates to repeat plot points.

Not really. It's pretty likely she'll despair again.


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Kamachi may call Touma the main protag, but Aleister is just as, if not more important than Touma. He's the one that set up everything for Touma, and formulated all the plans, and gave Touma the space to have his story. While he doesn't have the screentime the three boys do, he's literally the reason the story exists. If Aleister's story had gone a different way, so would the entire story of Index. In fact, there may not have even been much of a story because Touma, Hamazura, and Accelerator (only he wouldn't be Accelerator, he'd have a proper name) would be living normal lives had Aleister also lived a normal life. Killing him off ends a lot of the story and conflict, and no, immediately asspulling some "Aleister was a puppet of [insert brand new character] all along!" is not a good way to continue the story.

Sure, there are things Kamachi could do to squeeze out another 10 novels or so (like an esper hunting arc, put the Misaka Network in danger again for the last time, have an arc about magicians and espers trying to figure out how to handle the fact they're not so different and don't need to oppose each other, or maybe even cleaning up dead AC of fucked up experiments that got loose while the power was out a la Jurassic Park/Aliens) but all of those, even cobbled together, feel like "clean up" and "aftermath", not continuing the main plot.

Having Aleister be someone else's puppet, or someone stepping up to be Aleister 2.0 just feels cheap

their legs remind me of gondola :DDD

Yikes, tell me how to unsubscribe

Isn't kinda obvious that Aiwass is playing him for a fool? He already said back in OT that he has his own things he's up to

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They should skip it for all the remaining episodes

That isn't blog posting you fucking shitposting retard. It's purely about the series.

Why are you still going on about this MP

You aren't supposed to post whole essays on Yea Forums retard, say what you have to say in 300 characters or less.

>Touma, Hamazura, and Accelerator (only he wouldn't be Accelerator, he'd have a proper name) would be living normal lives
I don't know about the other two, but Fiamma and Othinus would have hunted Touma down either, so he was kind of fucked. Also, Aiwass could and would definitely take over if he felt like it.

hunted Touma down either way*

>Oh no, someone posted something I don't completely agree with, my poor ego can't handle this! I better call them MP in attempt to discredit them, despite them not sounding like MP at all, nor even trying to be combative like MP often is

>immediately asspulling some "Aleister was a puppet of [insert brand new character] all along!" is not a good way to continue the story.
Did you not read or even watch this series or??? This has been obvious since Aiwass' appearance back in OT, hell in Thelema.

NT22 will be a Mikoto volume

Accelerator gets a car with the license plate: XLR8R

Please convince me it's not a shitpost when you can't even keep track of basic points about why someone else has their own agenda isn't literally known when it has been since the dawn of fucking time.

Sure thing MP, keep pretend to have read the novels and not the wiki as though it will fool anyone.

If Aleister hadn't existed though, would Touma even had as much opportunity to get as much attention as he did? Remember, AC exists to amplify who Touma is and give him attention. Can we be certain Touma would have still gotten on Fiamma and Othinus's radar if he hadn't been given what is essetially a megaphone shouting "TOUMA'S COOL, AMAZING AND SPECIAL!!11!!"

I think everyone agrees on this

People have mentioned Aiwass, but isn't Aiwass being summoned (and therefore saying anything at all) still down to Aleister's decisions? Did I forget something and Aiwass just popped up without Aleister trying to summon him?

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if they skip the opening and ending on the 5 remaining episodes we will get approx 15 minutes extra screentime.

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Index is cute! CUTE!!!

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They both know IB is a thing. Gremlin might not find him to be a problem and not worry about him, but Fiamma will hunt his ass down. Even in the unlikely scenario doesn't get sniffed out by GRS, if Othinus succeeds and blasts everything Touma will be the only thing in the black world anyway.


So since we only have 5 episodes left to cover OT21-22, will the pacing really be okay? I know those are shorter volumes, but it's still concerning.

What should you do if you're attracted to Index as more than a friend?

>he didn't watch HSG
It's better than Index 3 and all awful 3dpd

How many times are you going to post this, Digi?

Aiwass was summoned by Crowley and channeled into Rose, but Aiwass does not have a similar contract as Mathers and Coronzon did. Aleister himself has mentioned Aiwass is the superior being of the 2 and told Accelerator a long time ago that he does not care if Crowley's plan falls apart and that it was already breaking apart.

He is also the one who had full control of Lilith's life and only gave it after the man had shown enough conviction for over a century. Humanizing Crowley in NT and his plan shattering was a way to show this series isn't reliant on him, and on someone who's so tied to failure due to his fate after Blythe Road, he was clinging to nothing.

We both know it will probably be shit
jokes aside I have enjoyed this season so far and wish for more after accel and railgun is done

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Dammit, user. Now you've set the bar so high

Is this demon lord Touma?


Aiwass said back in OT19 that it doesn't need to be Aleister. Whatever he's up to WILL happen, be it now, or 100000 years from now. And he willingly went back to the pure world at the end of WW3, claiming that something needed to be fattened up before it could be eaten. Is there any more clear way to show that he's the bigger bad?

We don't know this for sure yet, but isn't Fiamma's shit still related to Aleister's antics and possibly that of his buddies? I recall someone theorizing that Mathers fucked up the world. That obviously is only a theory and could get confirmed/shot down at any time, but "Fiamma and GRS, as well as magic itself, could have turned out very differently had Aleister done different things". Fuck, NT20 revealed he's literally the father of modern western magic and is immune to it because it's all technically related to him. And I wouldn't be surprised if he had his fingers in Eastern magic as well, even if he isn't the father of it and immune to it.

In a sense, Coronzon is no different. Crowley while smart is also an incredibly short-sighted human. He more or less played the game into the hands of someone who's being excels at deceit and was not able to see the snowball effect that was coming.

This too. It benefits him and the Horus age, as well.

But I like the OP
They can skip the ED

And... Gremlin/Othinus and True Gremlin

You can always watch it on yt or something

Better pacing > OP

But Aiwass was still summoned by Aleister, thought. Aiwass not being his lapdog and able to do things on his own is fine and well, and so is it not necessarily needing to be Aleister (much like it didn't NEED to be Touma who has IB) The fact of the matter is Aleister still was the one who get Aiwass the space to do his plan. This is similar to what Will said in NT9. It doesn't matter that anyone could have helped Aiwass materialize (and thus allow him to do what he wants) is still down to Aleister.

Fiamma is as old as Aleister, we just don't know how the elements were distorted.

When was this stated?

Fiamma is 13, you're just being visually tricked, like when Styil is 11

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You can say Aleister is the backbone of this series start, but Aleister is not needed to continue it, Aleister had his own path and he should have in a lot of ways died and moved on like a normal person. But he continued well past that to do the unthinkable. But him not being in full control and things falling apart at the seams for him is also Aleister Crowley. He is tied to failure.

The story can easily continue without him.

But no, Aiwass implies it was not necessary to be Aleister. I'm not sure if Will knows, but it could have been anyone else. It could have been Mathers who already knew of them, etc. Aiwass could have found another way.

Sure Choronzon

Aiwass came to Aleister, the latter didn't summon him in Egypt. Aleister just ended up using Kazakiri in OT to give him a shoddy avatar. Just read this, and how we still have no context on this
>“I am happy,” Aiwass said in response as it lightly spread out its hands. “Or rather, I am rejoicing that the pleasant time looks like it will last even longer. Aleister is in a little too much of a hurry. It will all be over in no time at all with methods like that. It is like having someone hit a domino from the side before you have managed to line up very many of them. If I am to enjoy this situation, it is best if I temporarily head down to a deeper place. Livestock must be fattened up before they are eaten.”
>“That is what you are doing this for?”
>“Indeed. Regardless of whether I had appeared or not, that control tower would not have lasted long. There was a lack of strength in the lining up of the dominos. As such, I gave him the hint he needed to provide the needed strength. …And he did well. That method was less eliminating me and more of a transference to a different domain, but, well, that was enough to be an excellent job.”
This smug alien is playing Aleis-tan so hard, when did he ever say that he would allow him to live a life with Lilith?

God Kamachi's reading is painful to read.

God Kamachi's writing is so awesome to read.

>God Kamachi's reading is painful to read.
Anything would be painful to read for you with this level of English.

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Your post is painful to read, ESL.

Opinions of Endroshitters should be immediatley disregarded

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>Kamachi’s reading
You mean his prose, diction, etc? You shouldn’t really be commenting when you can’t even form a coherent sentence.

>Or this is where the story of the heavily bloodied man that marched on a never ending path, whose life comes to a close
Will be a fun epilogue.

>But make no mistake; this series’ Aiwass is not a particularly good person.
He's been built up for 10 years now, it's about time that Aleister and Lola get out of the way

>can’t form a simple sentence
>get laughed at
>y-your opinion doesn’t count
Kek go back to school Pedro.

My point about Will was it says "It doesn't matter that literally anyone could have saved these people, it matters that you did."

It doesn't matter that anyone could have given Aiwass a way to materialize, or would have done so on his own. What matters is that Aleister did.

As far as I am aware, Aiwass did not just pop in Aleister's bedroom one night all on his own and whisper dumb shit into his ear in hopes he'd take it seriously and provide him with entertainment. Also, he's not actually mind controlling or actually puppeting Aleister as far as I am aware.

He may not be Aleister's lapdog that can't act on its own, but as far as I am aware he's not literally proxying Aleister. If Aiwass does do something bad after Aleister's death, it'll still fall under "cleaning up Aleister's mess" UNLESS it's revealed that Aiwass DID have Aleister under some sort of mind control or something.

Not surprised the Sataniafag was an ESL. If you're going to comment on his writing at least use the proper terms.

>Satanicuck with a shitty tumblr gif
That's gonna be a yikes from me.

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>Mixing up one word makes you an ESL

Really joggles the ol' noggle

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Even Coronzon makes more sense to continue on if Kamachi doesn't wrap everything he set up in this arc. In any case, the beings of the Horus age have been hinted at for a long time. In an AC-less age, and ending on the coming of that Aeon, the series is going to be in completely new waters.

>As far as I am aware, Aiwass did not just pop in Aleister's bedroom one night all on his own and whisper dumb shit into his ear in hopes he'd take it seriously and provide him with entertainment. Also, he's not actually mind controlling or actually puppeting Aleister as far as I am aware.
Read NT18 and Aleister's actual bio if you need to. Aiwass possessed Rose in the middle of the night on a trip to Egypt, which is when he gave Aleister the Book of the Law. No one thinks he's mind controlling him, but he's 99% likely to be his puppet.

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nice damage control

In NT18, wasn't Aleister actually attempting to use Rose as a conduit or something? Or did that detail get Mandela'd into my head and Rose was just relaxing and randomly got possessed? Which would be the same as Aiwass just showing up - he just used a body

>Raildexfags can't comprehend their own story despite it being anime equivalent of Rick and Morty

Fuck off, we are having a civil discussion you shit flinging monkey

The Anons gang-banging Fukiyose thread is better then this

>damage controlling
It’s because you sat there and tried to take a shot at Kamachi’s writing while fucking up a simple sentence. The irony is delicious and you’re just asspained that people laughed at you. Stay mad.

Says the Raildexmonkey

Well maybe they should all just kill each other then. How about that!

Nah they're about the same level.

I'm not the one screeching and attempting to shitfling actual discussion, cancerous retard


Real talk though. Who is the MC after Touma dies?

It won’t last a long time but probably Mikoto for about two or three volumes.


Index, ironically

He’s not powerful enough. He doesn’t even have a usless but effective power like IB. I highly doubt he can do anything because look pretty.

IIRC that was after Aiwass showed himself in Rose when they were on the trip.

Punished Othinus - A fairy denied her understander

Those are probably going to be the two best god damn novels of the series. Cap it.


I hope she doesn’t do too well and bring sales up. They’d probably keep her as the MC if that happened.

It’s very possible it could happen that way. I wouldn’t count it out.

OT Touma

Aren’t we going to die though? I’m wondering who will replace us.


I want you to be the MC

Dragons/IT coming out seems like the most logical thing to happen right after the preview cliffhanger. No one present at this moment can do anything to stop Coronzon from murdering everyone, so something else needs to at least distract her long enough to let Hamazura pull whatever bullshit he's about to pull. IT seems like a pretty convenient way to do that, especially if it's actually related to Thelema somehow and catches Coronzon's interest because of that.

In order I think chances are

I love how everyone (including me) has it set on their minds that somehow Hamazura is the one who's gonna defeat Coronzon

Touma will die, but his memories are uploaded in a New Testament machine. The rest of the of the series is him being uploaded in suitable bodies as a sort of extra consciousness AI. This way, Touma will be inside everyone.

He doesn't have to defeat Coronzon himself, he's just going to be the wild card that sets up her defeat. That's what he does.

He’s uploaded into a Rensa but his arm still works.

going by the preview it seems pretty reasonable to think that

What is an invisabledragonwankers? You guys come up with the weirdest names and places to be hostile and take offence at.

Where does it in anyway say that the dragons won't come out or IT or whatever? Touma's inner core was already teased at having a connection to Coronzon in NT20, Kamachi doesn't drop things like that without purpose.

She and Accel talk about him the same way.
Threesome soon.

So he basically just gets more attractive.

Aleis-tan will sacrifice her body for Touma, who will be revived as a cute girl

Aleister was tripping (intentionally) as part of an experiment, Rose was the conduit, and Aiwass ended up being something he came into contact with

If Touma actually got genderbent like Aleister, would Mikoto and the others still love him?

>Touma punching everyone equally as a girl
I want to see that

He could turn into almost any character and he’d end up more attractive.

Kamachi would instantly lose credibility if he pulled a shitty twist like that

Accel will calm down Mikoto and they will be together for the entire volume and even have that talk

I don't know if you haven't figured it out yet but all of this is spiraling out of control precisely because Hamazura fucked up Aleister's plan.

Magick Sex, when?
Would be better if the Magick was a reverse Gangbange

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And Index too!

>Mikoto constantly says she's not a lesbian
>Touma becomes a girl
This would break her.

Do your responses come pre-programmed or something

What about Saten?

Too easy, Demon of Dispersion.

Holy shit, if Hamazura beating a Level 5 three times, beating Touma, and ending up in the bank wasn't enough to anger some people, him being the one to take down something that one-shot Touma is gonna cause a nuclear meltdown.

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>even have that talk

I'd love for Mikoto to explain to Accel how sex works.

Do you not read OT or? While I don't think Hamazura will be a nature for the better and it'll actually worsen things (the synopsis doesn't really confirm either way after all), Hamazura has been doing this for a while.

I unironically believe Mikoto will defeat Coronzon

Honestly, pretty sure Touma's cocksleeve is a bot. Same responses every single time and doesn't even respond to a post properly. It would explain a lot.

That’s literally the best outcome.

>Accelerator, you have to stick it in Last Order and WORST. Here, you can practice on me.

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Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

Touma staying indisposed aside, unless he IMMEDIATELY pops up on the other side of Coronzon absolutely fine and Kamachi pulled off the biggest troll ever, Touma's gonna be gone for at least a little while.

The cover, the preview, and synopsis might as well just outright say "Hamazura is going to play an invaluable part in taking down Coronzon"

My guess is Hamazura does something that nerfs Coronzon and Accelerator does the actual killing

He only "beat" Mugino in a proper fight once and ran away the second and third rounds. Additionally his first victory was only possible through cheating.

Somehow I think that Accelerator is gonna end up in the same situation as Touma. If they're the key to AIwass' core, maybe the two of them can use him to break out of wherever they end up, is my guess. Hamazura is the only one that Coronzon has no way to predict, and Kamachi keeps reminding us lately that he's a glitch in the game board that causes everything to go wrong. For example, if he hadn't found Dion, the Golden Dawn would've been able to stop Aleister. It also helps that he has two MGs with him, and whatever the fuck that thing on the cover is

I could beat Mugino to be honest.

nigger what
you don't survive in this series by playing "fair"

Muginocucks still in denial

Hamazura is the real final boss.


Then Accel sacrifices to save Mikoto and gets rapier'd like Touma

Hrs a dork.


I dunno. Accelerator is honestly the best person to protect Mikoto and Misaki right now, as well as support for Hamazura's bullshit. I mean, maybe he will get one-shot too and protect Mikoto and Misaki that way but I suspect he might have a few rounds "barely missing the demon", and largely support Hamazura.

I’m fortunate to have days like this where the MC is dying. Kamachi must have gotten really bored with writing him as the hero all the time.

If he DOES get rapier'd too, it'll definitely be to give Mikoto and whoever is with her a chance to escape.

1st round: O MY SLEEVE GUN
2nd round: O MY WIND TUNNEL

If Crowley does go for good, I'd really like the third season to be the three MCs opposed to each other but each with some justifiable goal. Like the stand-off at the end of NT19, but on a larger scale.

Why not just send an army of Rensa's, Five_overs, every esper, Kihara, after Coronzon?

>MP's bot realizes no ones paying attention to it so throws the curveball
Nice try.

AC's dead user

Touma is dying. Get over yourself.

user, do you not get how fucking stupid Coronzon is?

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Those wouldn't do shit.

I still think it’s a fake out and Lola got tricked again

AC is back to normal dummy

Because only Rensa, Gunha and Noukan would last more than 10 seconds, and Noukan is the only one with a chance of actually winning.

Glad you could tell exactly what I was referring to. Must have hit a nerve.

It isn't.

In fact, if Kamachi does decide to take Accelerator out, I won't be surprised if it's actually a calculated move on Accelerator's part. If rapier isn't actually dead forever sentence (545 could potentially tell him this) he might actually LET himself get hit to both protect Mikoto AND get in deeper to Coronzon. If he thinks its a death sentence, I don't see him willingly doing it, as all of NT has been people warning him not self sacrifice.

If anything I think he just got sent somewhere. If he was destroyed literally, IB might already be searching for a new host, and Fiamma is probably pretty compatible seeing as it didn't instantly reject him. Plus, no mention of Othinus being destroyed.

Only the weaker ones can defeat Coronzon anyways...

>there is no time to warn england about coronzon lets just invade them
>Coronzon was trapped and only got out when Crowley let him out
Come on now, they got the entire world on the anti-Othinus train in like half a day in NT10.

Nobody is upset about it dumbass. We all know it’s either a fakeout or he’ll be back later, and even if it would take awhile, there are an abundance of side characters to take the lead in his absence. I know you’re trying really hard to pick a fight, but you’re striking at air.

Aleister just wanted to fuck England.

>Touma got isekai'd and ends up with Ladylee

You’re just mad because Mikoto is probably going to be the MC. I didn’t even start a fight!

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It wasn't time it was the convincing part. How do you prove she's a demon? Aleister already expected her to have things like 545 ready for him, so there was no way anyways

Accelerator and 545 will engage in demon sex magic in front of Mikoto and Misaki in order to stop Coronzon

It was a legitimate concern. There is no way in hell they'd listen to Aleister explain that their archbishop is a fucking demon, even with Touma backing him up.

Not really. You underestimate Coronzon's grip, the only reason she ends up "stupid" in some points is because of her speaking too soon, but outside of that Dispersion always comes through and is known to be a mastery of deceit in Thelema. Every single "trick" was only merely to hold her back from doing the inevitable.

In this case, Touma was the stupid one thinking IB would work on someone who can create complete physical bodies.

Death probably means being sent into her domain in this case since Touma is an anomaly. If it was anyone else, they would be actually dead.


>implying the AAA can kill Coronzon
If it actually can then Crowley wasted everyone's time because doesn't trust Mikoto as much as Noukan and that is dumb.

I literally wouldn’t care if she was the MC for a bit. If anything it would be interesting to see how she’d reach and it would make the few antiMikotofags angry. Stop projecting and stop trying to pick a fight.

We need a hot Miku priestess character to be introduced who is good at spotting demons.

Did you miss the entire point made that England was already wrapped up as Coronzon's domain? You saw it yourself when we went and it was filled with the war time atmosphere and Kanzaki and Knight Leader already effected.

Not to mention the coins.

He convinced the world to spare a powerful god. Plus Lola started the church of necessary EVIL. Surely that alone raised eyebrows.

No because Coronzon already threw that notion aside about the AAA. Noukan can't do shit.

Mikoto and Misaki will engage in demon sex magic at the behest of 545 in order to stop Coronzon, while Accel supervises.

That doesn't matter when Dispersion already had its effect.

There’s no such thing as the church of necessary evil.

Don’t bother, it’s MP trying to piss people off. When the news dropped people were more interested and excited at what the consequences would be, no one was whining about Touma being ded. We all know this, no need to convince anyone else because they know it too and are just trying to shitpost

Convinced with his fists you mean? Do you think the average everyday joe thinks the person protecting their country for almost 100 years is evil? I mean shit, Stiyl still thinks Lola is good right now

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Fair enough, I started having my suspicions that it was MP after I posted.

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What if Hamazura is holding Takitsubo?

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Even if Touma really is dead (or at least won't ever be back in that familar, spikey-haired body again) I don't think many would be very upset, and those that do whine aren't worth listening to. I'm guessing most people would express mild disappointment at Touma not getting a girl/happiness, but ultimately move on. Only the crazies among us would throw a fit

Saw some people think that or he's holding what's left of Touma or the right arm's primitive form.

If he has a conclusive ending here then there should be no problem. He's my favorite, but Kamachi's word is what I follow.

That said, that's not happening when we have several huge plot related things tied to Touma and him being the example of peak Thelema.

He dead

>no art with 545 sleeping on Accelerator's shoulder

Why do artists avoid the pure wholesome images given in the novel?

Is everyone forgetting that Othinus just saw Touma die and its right in front of Coronzon?

Something with tentacles can't possibly be good

No. I'm hoping she'll finally successfully kill herself.

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Welp, time for Ragnarok

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Nope. I know she won't fall to this guys shitpost

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His neck is rubbing her loli pussy

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She uses her last arrow and that gives Mikoto time to escape but dies

She probably got vaporized with Touma.

but the narrration only said Touma and IB

Only said Touma and he would just protect her like he was doing every single time before.

Hence the probably.

There have been a few decent predictions, but there's so many different ways things can go this particular time.

I'm not counting out any possibility at the moment.

Is Touma coming back any time soon, or at all?

Will Accelerator get rapier'd too, or is he gonna run around with Mikoto and Misaki looking for Hamzura?

Will Aleister even stay dead?

So many options. Only thing I am sure of is Hamazura is gonna be instrumental in taking down the demon

Nah Mikoto will go mach 6, take her along with her and escape

Othinuskeks on suicide watch

She's literally on Touma, unless Coronzon's flaming sword is selective with its targets it probably hit everything.

I think Hamazura will just make thing worse, remember in NT12 how he doesnt cares about the world as long as he saves Takitsubo

The wings on the AAA are broken and was noted to need maintenance in NT21 so unless it reforms itself that's not happening, besides Coronzon can go as fast as a meteor apparently, so mach 6 is not very fast.

>WW3 started in the morning and ended in the dead of night
>Corozon arc(?) starts in the dead of the night and ends in the morning

The AAA grew new wings to protect Mikoto

I always kind of hoped Touma would die and be replaced with somebody else. I always liked the story for the characters surrounding him but not him himself.

I hope not. If I have to sit through a whole volume of Touma only interacting with Othinus again I'll fall asleep.

No it didn't MP.

Hamazura will become the villain he was always meant to be.

It literally did, MP

>that delicious chest

>NT18's cover showed the upcoming rise of horus
NT ends at high noon

Attached: NT18 Cover.jpg (1123x1600, 307K)

When will we get a protag who realizes abandoning the girl instead of playing hero is the smart decision?

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I hope so. If I have to sit through a whole volume of Touma only interacting with Othinus again, I'll wake up.

The AAA will shoot Coronzon with the red thelema beams on its own

Are you a Mcree main

Will you stop saying my husbando's name and death in the same sentence?
He's alive. and will beat death like how he beat all those skill outs and bitches

To be fair, Touma has been protecting old men in NT

Kakine when he gets his spinoff

Literally didn't. I can't be MP when I'm not the one sucking Mikoto's level 5 meatstick, Mikoto Poster or MP.


Damn Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas would be awesome for Accel's OP1.

>Othinus will be on Mikoto's shoulder this time

>The One Who Purifies God and Exorcises Demons
Kamachi dropped this name a lot recently with his inner side and IT multiple appearances on different occasions lately.
Maybe everything is connected now with this volume

shut up MP, you are sucking Touma's dick so hard you are ignoring FACTS

So, if the dragon shows up, the robe will just go "poof" on its own?

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>When all of New Testament crosses paths...
>Touma's name will have meaning in NT
Yeah pretty sure.

Aleister will use the Thelema teleport spell on the Gekota strap to bring back since he still has his own gekota strap from NT2

>IT is actually hiding in Coronzon's hair right now

I'm mildly suspicious that the preview actually ended right in the middle of the prologue, and the next sentence is gonna be
>...And then an invisible thing-" etc

Attached: Index_SSv02_008.jpg (1120x1600, 252K)

Your predictions for shitstorm illustrations?

Coronzon peeing on Aleisters body


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More like the next sentence is going to be "A blood curdling scream could be heard. A deafening scream of someone who's illusions had just been shattered"

Referring to Mikoto

That image only says the robe would lose its "impenetrable property" if the dragon descends, because there would then be something (the dragon) that can penetrate it. It's just a weird translation.

Dragon's Breath is a top-tier spell and one of the few things that can penetrate Pope-class armor (such as the Walking Church). At least from OT1 Stiyl/Kanzaki's point of view.

There's Misaka.

On the flip side of things, that prologue probably guarantees that no redemption is in store for Coronzon. Aleister is cursed to failure, so Mathers being right about Coronzon being pure evil would be a good way of balancing the things between the two of them.

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Early Index manga's scanlation sucks fat cock, YP need to release their version digitally so someone can rip it.

Probably Coronzon's as well given Index is probably another one of her vessels. Being able to not take in the toxins of a Grimoire and store them along with Perfect Memory is a powerful body.

Fuck Japs and fuck kikes


Absolute Evil is a given. Mathers was definitely in the right here.

Well, everyone would be looking for an illustration of Touma, so if there isn't one, that might spark a small shitstorm.

Also, an illustration of anyone hugging, being princess carried, or someone cryng over a different someone who appears to be dead

what is her deal anyways?

has she shown up before the last few episodes I can't keep all these fucking characters straight

Hamazura stabbing Coronzon.

"Muh empathy" fags BTFO

Yeah although the anime changed her role in two of the episodes for some reason

very good.

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Ollerus and Silva at the end to mirror OT22.

Attached: Index_v22_303.jpg (1120x1600, 386K)

545 being cute.

Weird flex, shitposter-kun

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Let me one up this
>Aiwass and Anna Sprengel standing above Touma's eviscerated body

Go for all three. Someone holding another someone in the princess carry position, but also sort of hugging them as they cry because the person they are holding appears dead

She's trying to get Touma to join the UK by any means necessary. She first appeared in this season.

Baste desuarchive.org/a/thread/185282881/#q185282881

I can't wait until summer so I can take mikoto to the beach

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First post is not mine
Second post is not a shitpost.

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Shiage changing the Aeon, in a NT8 Othinus destroys the world, kinda way.

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>Ded again


It starts and ends with Mikoto

Wow Accelerator's Stand looks pretty strong

When's he going to show up

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>Hamazura carrying a corpse part

What musical name would Accel's stand be named after? Anything that has Qlipoth in its name?
After the whole situation with the demons calms down, the angels will come and fuck shit up. They'll claim that using archangel power is forbidden for humans and will start going apeshit on the ones who did.


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Unless Touma's confirmed to be fine via illustrations quickly, an illustration of Mikoto doing something irrelevant and cutesy will probably get a lot of "wow what a fucking cunt, look at her smiling while Touma's dead" reactions

Really wanna see Stiyl spank the smug out of her


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mad fin

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stop predicting my shitposts and on the topic of illustrations i wonder if there will be a SoL or cutesy one

I mean, it seems to be an absolute law there MUST be at least one, even at the cost of something more relevant, so I'm gonna go with yes.

We'll get a two-spread of Accelerator with 545, Hamazura with the Magic Gods and Styil with Index

im swedish

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So is Touma dead or did he just disappear? I'd give even odds that Othinus succeeds in teleporting him elsewhere.

Spoilers in a couple hours

What? The book won't be out for a few days now, unless someone managed to get a copy super early

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The narration never said he died

Uh no

Digital, which is the earliest version we can get, is 6 days away.
I hope so because the wait is killing me, but it seems unlikely.

Could also be Index, she knows where she is and already contacted him with magic.

If Touma survived Kamachi will actually earn the title of hack instead of getting called one for shitposting purposes.

>Touma is fucking dead again
Kamachi kys.

The only way he's right is if someone got their hands on a copy of the book a few days early thanks to shipping/stocking (which isn't impossible, but unlikely)