A harem series but there's only one girl

>a harem series but there's only one girl
Fucking genius, Cool-chan best girl.

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Spoiled-chan is obviously best girl

Rin-chan > all

>not Twintail Tsundere-chan

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A school-life manga with just ONE girl? that doesn't exist. Sorry user.

>a harem series but there's only one girl with multiple personalities.
Make it.

Is this the new chapter of Rokujouma?

That's literally exactly what the manga OP posted is tho

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I wouldn't call it multiple personalities in the traditional sense.

Shit taste. Pevert-chan is best girl.

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Manga title?


This would make a pretty good anime.

I'm gonna bet SHAFT is gonna animate this once the Monogatari well dries up and they need an excuse to make a well voice-acted PowerPoint presentation.

Already done, and it was amazing as well.

Started reading it, it's pretty cute

can someone give the title?

>Reddit eats the manga up
>Better post it on Yea Forums to share this amazing find for attention
>Is just a generic shit series

How about stop memeing for a min and give the sauce you fucking asshole?


Giji Harem

Why are you so knowledgeable about what's going on in $bogeyman_site_#1?
Shouldn't you fuck off back there?

Yea Forums is dead. Yea Forums remains dead. And we have killed it.

Kill yourself you retarded nigger


Fucking give the name or fuck off retard.

>a harem series but there's only one girl
I feel like this has become a very prevalent genre lately. It's a weird way to describe it, since you'd think that's just a standard romance, but much like a harem there's never any progression and it's mostly just SoL status quo stuff. "One Girl Harem" sums it up. It cuts out all the drama and bullshit about your favorite girl not getting screentime. A lot of them also seem to start like this, with an artist posting on twitter until it gets officially serialized. It has a nice grassroots feel to it.

cute, thanks user

The problem with these type of series, best girl is always best girl, but the MC can be range from alright to downright garbage. And most of the time they are so fucking bland so that anyone can self-insert. Such a shame.

>tfw no five-in-one aspiring actress playful gf
Senpai winning the life lottery

>aspiring actress
who is gonna cuck him first with CEO and managers? yandere chan? cool chan? rin chan?

Can she split herself? This is important.

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I can try to split her if you know what I mean

>Thinking that small
It's a one girl, so you can take cool-chan to date and tsundere-chan to bed. And it ain't even cheating.

>one girl harem
What is this, a new "native isekai" tier term?

I kinda get what he is saying. It's like a will they wont they trope played for eternity even though there's only one main love interest. sometimes it's cute, sometimes it's frustrating. But This one is clearly not that. The MC is not an ultra-dense nice guy for once, and he likes to tease her a bit. Actually, the author could just make them an official couple, and nothing will change.


No one can outdo best goddess. It's simply impossible to match the sheer amounts of best girl she incarnates.