Opinion on little brown girls?
Opinion on little brown girls?
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I want to eat gyoza which were wrapped by these armpits!
Needed if you want a big brown girl
Best girls, kenichi should have fucked her.
The existence of any other character type is superfluous.
I feel like to lick every part of their body. My mind must be mistaking them for chocolate.
As a wise man once said, they are the best.
They don't have to be chocolate for me to feel that way
you lick chocolate?
LBG are the best.
wheres T ?
The ancients say that little brown girls are the best.
don't actually exist. they all have nostrils as wide as a gorilla's
>don't actually exist
>they all have nostrils as wide as a gorilla's
So which is it?
they don't exist like in OP's image. they are all ugly
Not all brown girls are black, user.
Little brown girls should be treated well, in case they turn into big brown girls.
They are the best!
Cute and warm. Brown skin absorbs and retains heat from the sun for longer and is therefore nicer to cuddle and squeeze.
>Opinion on little brown girls?
The best.
What manga?
Is this an Irijinaede Nagatoro thread?
I like it.
I prefer older brown girls
shit this show was so comfy
Some of them are REALLY cute.
Oh man... Not this please.
>making this shitty thread
Been waiting for someone to recognize it.
Surprising how obscure something like that seems to have gotten lately.
I blame sensitive newfaggots.
I love that guy's stuff.
Except maybe the ones with bugs.
The gender bender one is gold.
Does this count?
Give this mangaka a fucking medal.
>banned from twitter twice in the last week
Fuckers, looks like they’ve permanently set up on plurk.
I prefer them taller
But he also has a Pawoo.
Bumping because this is actually really good and more people need to see it.
>LO 2019-03 has 3 back to back tan loli chapters
What a fucking blessing.
I don't need to be able to read moonpanese to recognize perfection.
I think we can all thank Takaoka Motofumi for part of that. I'm not sure why he made to switch to loli but I'm grateful.
I'm actually impressed too. Most people who had spent their time drawing hags never could get the lolis right when they attempted to draw them. It was usually a disappointment, but not him.
They need a dick.
Yukikaze is NTRing, 3rd rate whore.
Lily is a pure and faithful maiden
eh canonically she is pure and untainted, so who cares.
>taking tentacle dick
Super cute. Brown tomboy lolis are a treasure.
My only problem with this manga is how the girl's nipples seem to randomly appear or disappear when she's topless. The author doesn't seem scared of drawing them in some panels, but in others they simply vanish.
I really like how we're made to see the beauty of the girl's innocent nudity through the eyes of the adult main character. He's understably embarassed while she isn't, and that's super cute. That's a really wholesome manga, and now I want my own tomboy imouto.
>Little brown Oni loli
It is perfectly fine if the tentacle is her boyfriend's.
>grows up into a tall Oni waifu
>letting your oni expire
>grows up into a tall
Exclusively for bullying until they cry
>liking anything better than cute delicious brown lolis
You don't belong here. You need to die and never come back.
fuck didnt see that coming
you got (You)
the uncensored version is on his pixiv
>not liking all type of bodies
>only attracted to flat-chested characters
Gay confirmed
>being okay with delicious brown lolis being ruined
The only thing worse than being gay is being a faggot.
>The only thing worse than being gay is being a faggot.
Which it's what you are, flat lover
>a boy
I don't know how to feel about this
>being this salty about the perfection of delicious brown DFC
What the fuck? Why is the guy under the impression that the loli is a boy when she's clearly trudging in the bath naked with nothing down there?
wrong link
Believe in the standard "it was a girl all along" switch.
Is only okay if they can go back to being lolis again,variety is the spice of life.
being this gay should be illegal
>Not liking your brown Onis perfectly built.
Oh, you glorious motherfucker
>it's a trap
I can't read nip. Is the dude the loli's brother, or are they unrelated? Why are they living under the same roof?
oh you poor user
Is the guy believing it's a boy, while it's actually a girl, or is that actually a very feminine boy?
Why would the author censor their chest if it's a little boy?
My dick is confused. Please tell me what's happening in this manga.
Sham and Hartini have good asses. Did any of the mangaka's future works have similarly aged characters? I don't necessarily mean like Honoka and Chikage who were older, I mean younger like the Indonesian lolis.
Synopsis says 従弟, so it's a shota. A tomboy would've been 従妹 instead.
I mean the title says shouta. A guy hangs out with his cousin who is a boy(?) who grew his(?) hair out. I'll see if I can't get my scan group to take a look at it.
Fuck. I almost fapped to this, glad I didn't actually do it.
Also, fuck the guy who posted it in a little brown girls thread.
shame that she is in on a shit series.
>not fapping to everything
>That dounjins by the same artist
Can you heat it up at frozen night
Like a little brown girl, yeah
Kiss me and burn it up
When I look into your heart
Yeah but she has a legendary artist who's infatuated by her and keeps pumping out quality material. So all is forgiven.
Delicious chocolate.
I'm not into little boys, user.
This board is for weebs, not catholic priests.
Never been to Spain?
Been to Coruna. Girls there were pale.
>pic unrelated
Single-handedly killing an iyashikel
Where can I get one?
Public baths
Pretty good.
This makes me want to go to Latin america
>go to latin america
Enjoy getting beheaded as soon as you step off the plane.
Is not that bad but he is not going to find cute anime girls here
Little. Big. How about in between?
>when a shot from an episode is so perfect you don't bother making an OP, you just use that
is there a difference between tanned loli and brown lolis?
as a Peruvian that has traveled across almost all of south america, I can confirm these