Shhh, Hitomi is sleeping
Killing Bites
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Hitomi is FAT
He's sweating because he's honestly aroused by this honey badger's body but his brain is warning him to not stick his dick in feral pussy.
Isn't sticking his dick in feral pussy his endgame anyways?
His goal is sticking his dick in feral pussy and not die this time
Considering she's lost one of her legs above the knee and one of her arms looks like it's about to get a really bad infection I don't think he's got too much to worry about on that score.
So they can show pubs, but not nipples?
Explain this shit.
That's an edit
why magazine raw scans never
Hopefully we'll get volume scans in a few months
I didn't expect to like this manga as much as I did. Pretty fun read. Just wondering if its gonna have any romance in it? Mainly between Hitomi and Nomoto. Feels like it would, not ruin it, but change the feel of it.
Large majority of Yea Forums posters want Hitomi to die so Nomoto can hook up with Best Bun and Taz. Who is totally alive, by the way.
so where is Taz?
Tbh I'm probably in the minority and will get lynched here but I'd Hitomi and Nomoto. Which might happen considering he clearly likes her. Whether she likes him is a little vague.
Buried six feet under
hangin with bugs and daffy
Probably already rotting unfortunately
user I...
>hitomi dead
Bout time. Bitch.
She's not dead dumbo
Really don't know why people want Hitomi dead. Her and Nomoto most likely aren't gonna happen anyway so your ships are safe.
Her blood for Taz's.
Nomoto, for God's sake, tie the leg off. Judas Priest, why is it that the only one who seems to know the basics is a rabbit?
That said, I'm not overly concerned about Hitomi. Unless the author's kicking over all story telling conventions she has to live to either be redeemed or destroyed by Nomoto's vengeance. Taz, Taz is the one I'm scared for. I'm drawing a bit of hope from the fact that in none of these scans do we see her body...
She wouldn't have cried - or been jealous of Pure - if she didn't like him. If she'd REALLY liked him she might not have killed him, but he was pretty wimpy back then. Now he's manned up, become a Brute, and shown she can't intimidate him anymore. Her little Honey Badger heart - and womb - might be thinking "alpha male?" at this point.
I'm guessing you haven't been keeping up with the translations, she's still Shido's drone as of chapter 59
I needs moar ch translated nao
>mfw he finishes her off then and there so Taz will have died defeating the legendary Ratel
this, therefore she's still a threat.
Yes, but not as much. She knew entering the park where the preliminaries were being fought was almost certainly a mega no-no, but she did it anyway, And once inside, violated Shidou's his order for her not to fight. Over, and over, and over. Not to mention when Cobra showed up and told her about Nodoka, she expressed considerable frustration at how little he was telling her and the way he was treating her. I suspect the bloom is off the infatuation.
That's her violent tendencies and inability to control them, she's always had those.
>That's her violent tendencies and inability to control them
Hitomi never questioned anything during the first arc so I'll say this is a change
He'd never told her to keep her violent tendencies in check before then, so I'd say it's more like a boundary he should have done a better job of testing beforehand. This isn't the first time he's been shown to act carelessly to his detriment.
She controlled them for two years. She controlled them enough to only pin Pure down instead of killing her when the latter attacked. But Nomoto manipulated her into a situation where that control was put to the test, and she failed. Whereas two years ago, she might have said "Shidou san wouldn't like it", and retreated.
That's hardly evidence of her warming up to Nomoto, she still acts confrontationally towards him in their last encounter and blames him for forcing her to get involved.
She's Hitomi; of course she's going to be confrontational. Look at it this way. Hitomi does not trust or connect with people. The only one she's let in her heart is Shidou. But now here's this dumbass Nomoto who doesn't stay dead when she kills him, says he has feelings for her, the jerk, is a hybrid like her now, isn't weak anymore, makes her jealous by having an attractive young dog girl all over him not that THAT matters to her...
Can she be any more tsundere?
Ui should be near them, and be able to help.
And she should also be able to film everything as well.
>Nomoto did synergize with her on the Destroyal arc, as if they were fighting Eruza/Taiga/Kaori together when the time came
>Is betrayed by her, and still can trust others
>He's then synergized with Pure, fighting alongside her against Riku
>Not only has Hitomi pushed Nomoto away from her, she might also feel that she's been replaced, or that he's already moved on, or even hated by him
Now that Nodoka is seemingly dead, I look forward to seeing how Leo looks like when he's fighting seriously.
I hope she does feel like she got replaced