Shokugeki No Soma

This series used to be so good,
Where did it all go wrong?

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unrelated but if my boy megumi from Yea Forums who's always on hunger games threads is here you're cool

>Where did it all go wrong?
Everything went downhill after Izami introduction

If by wrong you mean ascension to perfection, then it's gotta be el pico relatado.

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Now lets post cute pics of best girl Megumi and Alice

Messed the names since i dropped this shit ages ago

Honestly, if the series ended right after the Central Arc ended, I would've been perfectly fine with that.
Erina's arc ended wonderfully, Soma and his friends dominated the Elite Ten, he won the respect of the school.
It still would've been a terrible arc, but it's better than this horseshit.

Azami did nothing wrong
If Erina had been kept inside a box we would never have El Hermano!

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No Hisako or Nikumi
I'm afraid you're mistaken, buddy.

>Linking literally a nobody and tsundershit

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Tosh started making the tits smaller as time went on.

It started going to shit with the ridiculous escalation of stakes with the Central arc, especially when it was just the end of the 1st year. Sadly the manga didn't recover after that arc was over, instead it went even more retarded.

>Hating on a tomboy.
Uh-huh, you enjoy your shit taste.

El Hermano is a product of the Editors wanting an Atypical Shounen to become more Shounen, or at the very least by Japanese writing conventions that say 'Guy and Girl getting together is the end of the story'.

>Where did it all go wrong?
Azami is when it started to go downhill. Asahi is when it reached irredeemable level. Evil mommy Nakiri is just the cherry on top to this garbage. Tsukuda was too much of a waifufag with Erina hence all this drama with her family, and he can't write a decent romance hence why Asahi exists.

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I smell the gay over here

Should I drop this? I just started reading.

Read until the Autumn Elections, then drop it.

>Evil mommy Nakiri is just the cherry on top to this garbage.
I dropped this when Asahi or whatever his name was got introduced, is that the level of garbage it's currently on? Holy fuck

>Evil mommy Nakiri
It can't be real

The story used to be about heated rivalries, the struggle of underdogs and the race to the top between high school aged people. The story went to shit when the author decided to let foreign elements not related to the school take the center stage.

He didn't even mention Yakuza, Clowns, or Chainsaw cooking.

It's real. She also had the God Tongue at one point. I wish I was being dramatic when I said it reached irredeemable level.

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Author made the first mistake of writing a shounen, every conflict more dire than the previous and every enemy more powerful.

I'll keep saying it over and over again, Azami making his declaration of war should've had him take over the school during the break between first and second year and the final two arcs of the school year after the festival should've been one about school clubs and Souma fighting Eizan for a seat on the E10.

Have they confirmed anything on Souma's mom?

Bruh a Chainsaw is more usable as a cooking tool than a fucking GUILLOTINE
At least you could argue you're cutting a frozen cow leg or some shit with a chainsaw

It really went to irredimible garbage after i dropped

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is the ntr shit over yet. is it safe again.

At this point, the series is only good for Doujin Material.

>is it safe again.
last time erina interacted with el hermano, she blushed and got tsuns

This manga used to make me feel like I did when I first got into anime as a kid. Purely happy. Spice made me feel great whenever I listened to it. But I’ve dropped the manga since El Hermano was introduced and judging by the pages I’ve seen since then, I made the right choice. It’s just sad how bad SnS has become.

We switched genres from sports shonen to make it up along shonen like Bleach to edgy shonen like Akame ga kill.
Should've stayed sports, but maybe the author just couldn't.

I was thinking I might wait for the shit arc to be completed, then read through it and start following again for the next one, but it sounds so shit that it'll remain dropped forever.

What is this El Hermano bullshit everyone is talking about?
I dropped this after Soma lost to the 1st seat

It's the nickname for Soma's long lost big brother.

>start following again for the next one
The latest volume sold less than the 3rd volume. Sales have been dropping. I doubt it'll last till next arc.

Or the Editors at Jump or that fucking retarded.
Like this HAS to go through them too.

Okay guys, we all used to enjoy this series, but will you read the next one?

Well if this arc is even shittier than I thought it would be then it wouldn't surprised me if this shit gets axed. Then again if it's gotten this bad, I doubt it could become good again anyway.

Are you for real?
It sound like some DB spic bullshit

If he can capture the feeling of early SnS for at least 100 chapters then I’ll read and then drop when he inevitably shuts the bed.

>Are you for real?
It's not his real brother, but he beat Jou, which angered literally every reader since Soma's goal was to beat his dad. We even got a panel of Jou BTFO on the floor.

It's sad, I know Tsukada has talent, and he can write fun stories.
I'm really hoping, he can capture our hearts again, especially if the series has good waifus

Reply to this post if you're still reading the series.

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That was such bullshit. Fucking hundreds of chapters of buildup, then he fucking loses off-screen to a literal who newly introduced character. Just how the fuck do you write something so stupid?

This shit got so bad it looks like Niggastream dropped it.

Yeah, I now have to wait until Sunday to get the translations from Viz.

Remember those comfy chapters with the Polar Dorm and the different clubs and classes in Totsuki. Why can't we go back to that?

Is this anime worth a watch?

I unironically really liked the 3v3 tournament arc. That being said, everything after it was pure shit.

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Yeah, the first two seasons are a ton of fun
Drop it after The Second Plate, it's completely shit afterwords.

Dropped it long ago what happened?

Anyone else really like this arrogant bastard?

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First season only.

>tfw Soma will never face off against the Elite 10 one or two a season, slowly climbing his way into, and then up the rankings

The stakes and 'power levels' seem to have escalated far, far beyond what would be practical for a school setting, sadly.

It wasn't that bad, but I grew bored with it because it was obvious from the start that they couldn't lose and it was taking a long time to get there. It was basically impossible for them all to lose and get expelled for good, plus since the arc was about Erina getting her freedom and confidence it was also obvious that she would end up in the final shokugeki, of course with Souma since he is MC and was the one who was supposed to save her. I was 99% sure that would happen, and it did of course.

I haven't read any chapters since Erin's was fucking kidnapped but last chapter was good. I was a little sad there was no shokugeki thread up to say that

This is all I care about and Tsukuda is holding it hostage

tl'dr. Evil Foster Brother Souma, Akame Ga Kill Chefs, and Erina's Mom is Evil too.
Translation just dropped.

>When Souma reintroduces himself to his peers
That was a surprisingly comfy chapter

It figures SnS becomes shit just as I was about to do an arc about it in my crossover quest

Based el Hermano poster

Almost. It's not his real brother, just a guy who was an orphaned kid mentored Soma's father while Jou traveled around before Soma's mother died. To the point the kid thought of Jou as his father, decided to use Saiba as his last name, and he dislikes Soma because Jou left him to go back home and raise Soma after Soma's mother died. Since he was introduced to the series he defeated Jou 5-0 in a shokugeki, defeated Soma in a shokugeki, and is currently pressuring Erina to marry him. So while technically not Soma's brother, he's for all intents and purposes, Soma's evil adopted older brother.

Lets be honest, it's over stayed it's welcome and its getting boring. The concept wasn't good for a long run like it has going on for it.

Fuck, did we even mention that Evil Mommy Erina has to eat out of an IV drip now, as she hates all other food?

Cant believe i used to actually look forward to this a mere year ago

Bullcrap, we could have had an international tournament with different Nation's cuisine.
Would have been 1,000,000,000,000x better than this shit.

It isn't a bad concept. It's Tsukuda's incompetence to write a good story about food without resorting to shitty Shonen tropes

God, that sounds fucking cool.
We could have some big fuckin' cowboy from US
Some fruity fag from france,
You could even have a bit of comedy, with Britain permanently barred from the tournament.

>The concept wasn't good for a long run like it has going on for it.

>We could have some big fuckin' cowboy from US
Nah. Black Pastor like figure whose motto is 'ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT' before opening up a smoker.
Still far more reasonable than Wild Hunt the Chefs

So, did you anyone in the thread read the crossover work Tsukada got to do with One Piece?

Daily reminder that Souma will never ever get a love partner

Fuck Tsukuda. This series had so much potential.

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Where is Shinomiya

Why? You want him BTFO by EL HERMANO as well?

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Speaking of cuisine, what are you guys eatin right now?


I’m gonna marry Erina!

t. el hermano

At what chapter does Erina's mother get introduced?

I legitimately just finished having some Burgers and fries (home cooked, not fast food)

I want to carry Megumi like a princess, hold her in my arms, and toss her onto a king-sized bed and make love to her, fathering several small children with her that we'll raise and care for into our old ages, culminating in the two of us retiring and living happily ever after.

Now I'm thinking about that 60 Age Dry Aged Brisket I saw on Youtube fuck you.

Just a chapter ago.

What do you think will happen next, provided the series isn't axed?

She looks quite nice but maybe her sister in law looks better.

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The only way this shitty arc can be redeemed is if Erina's mom's autism comes from how Erina thought her breast milk tasted disgusting due to god's tongue.

That would be better.

Would look 10,000 times better without that slicked back section of hair.

>Erina's mom's autism comes from how Erina thought her breast milk tasted disgusting due to god's tongue.
I want to ask further details about this but I don't know if I should.
I think it makes her look cool.

The page that killed shokugeki no soma.

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Prototype. It's part of how Erin's was introduced.

It's a common twist in Mexican soap operas to bring out the long lost brother, which is where el hermano comes from. Yes, SnS is now operating on Mexican soap opera level writing, if not worse.

>shits on Joe
>cuts Souma's hair
>Shits on BLUE

I hate how worthless as a character Erina became, she could have been Soma's end boss on a personal level before the final boss against his father instead she's just princess bitch whose evil faimly keeps fucking her over and now any semblance of indepenence she had is stripped away because she's only attractive as a victim rather than a character to the point even that was wiped away for the return of the bitch she was for the first chapters again. Now I just wish she'd die or something.

The end of the school festival is when I started feeling a dip in quality.
I basically didn't feel convinced with Soma's 'win' and along came Azami soon after.

You're talking about the battle with Meal tickets, right?
That sucked.

I remember I read up until the point where EL HERMANO first beats Souma in a shokugeki and dropping right after that chapter.
"ooooh Souma's dad is super cool and the best in the world ever and Souma could never beat him"
>introduces a character that utterly destroys him and then Souma in sequence.
It's like... The instant I knew that the escalation wouldn't stop. Souma would have to pull some MAJOR fuckery out of nowhere to win against him, which would be retarded in and of itself because that would make him way better than his dad, aka his end-or-penultimate-end goal.
Now I hear shit about cooking with fucking artillery and other nonsense and it's just like...
Why are you like this?

All characters other than Erina, Souma, and El Hermano disappear entirely. Souma's mom shows up and she's an alien. Remaining characters have a cook-off with ayy lmao ingredients but Erina wins because muh god tongue.

God shows up and it's revealed the god tongue was stolen from him. They have a cook-off and Erina wins

I'm sad to say I can see some of that shit happening.

>cooking with fucking artillery
Alright, time to pick it back up

The conflict wasn't good but it was a nice arc for exploring a lot of side characters take on running a business.

That's indeed the chapter that made me drop the series. It just takes a dump on the entire concept of the manga and is such a fucking cheap way of creating drama.
It literally is on the level of a mexican soap opera.

Yeah, I thought it was fun, and it showed the power of the first seat of the Elite Ten.

t. Tchaikovsky.

Homemade banana bread. I used bear claws to mash the bananas up.

What does her feet smell like?

I just ate a yummy Peanut Butter sandwich.

fucking kek

Don’t blame this mess Erina. She’s done nothing wrong.

Her fans are to blame.

>Gives the fans what they want
>Manga goes to shit

Thanks a lot of faggots, your waifu killed this series.

It was dead before this
If anything this was the final nail in the coffin

I want to know why over a year's worth of character development got thrown out the window in favor of her turning back into an ice queen within the span of one chapter without any explanation.

>0th seat
We bleach now

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Kubo is not impressed.

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Post your reaction to this shit.

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I love the cute loli.

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Cheer up, guys.

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I don't know. I think Shokugeki's downfall was a combination of factors.
>too many (likable) characters
>became hard to come up with specialties and recipes for each
>all got shitcanned by the plot for convenience
>Elite 10 were mostly third years that were going to graduate and for some reason needed to be relevant
>editors probably pushed for the main villain too
>someone (probably Tsukuda) wanted to push his waifu to be more prominent
>Tsukuda had Azami in the oven since the beginning but clearly not long enough
>long term planning doesn't work in manga because editors fuck with story constantly
>wrote himself into a corner with Elite 10 being defeated
I think everything crumbled all at once. It's a really difficult premise that's made of glass.

It should have been something like a competition with a rival school for reputation. They could have just had the Elite 10 mentor everyone. You know actually not be evil. Plus they could have forced Erina to cooperate with the first years (Souma) for more natural interactions.

That would require knowledge of cuisine outside of French and muh grorious Nippon folded 1000000 times

Not him but I stopped liking her once she got defrosted in a volcano by becoming a damsel. I loved that slow but natural progression of her gradually warming up to Souma whenever she happened to run into him or when he went to harass her.

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Didn't they have an actual big name chef to give them recipe ideas?

That's some WWEdrone logic right there.
>"It's Seth's fault the booking for these shows are utter fuck shit, what a shit champ, put the belt on Roman HE'LL DO BETTER"
Roman would be Megumi in this case because we all know you fags love your green vegan turd

>Threw side characters in a cage for the RDC
>Didn't even bother inviting them to the current arc
>4 characters left, 2 contribute absolutely nothing and might as well be caged also
Tsukada and Tosh gave up a long time ago.

She's being a bitch again and it fucking sucks

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The 0th seat

They did but I don't think she's been all around the world. They honestly should have just had someone do business trips just to try food.

I always avoided Bleach. What's the relation?

I think only 1 out of 10 anons actually bother reading each chapter, myself included.

Like heaven.

Erina confirmed giving Takumi blowjobs behind the scenes.

There was a group of antagonists numbered 1-10 and the big twist is that there was an 11th stronger than all of them with the number 0

No it was that the Number 10 guy, who was a Nappa tier raging tard showed up when all the far cooler guys were dead and went 'I'M REALLY NUMBER 0!'
And then got beat off screen

I have noticed reading a lot of long running manga over the years at some point the author loses interest in the story they are telling and just sort of drags it along

I expect if the series didn't turn to shit then we would've gotten more of Souma mastering foreign styles and mixing them into Japanese cooking. Also while the festival arc was fun the Stagiare was the height of the series.

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Fuck you're right. I've probably forgotten 80% of Bleach but I'm never fucking rereading it

Problem with that is Tsukuda only wants to suck off Japanese cooking. The autumn election may have been the first and last time so much effort was sunk into the dishes

>tfw Boku no hero is dying exactly like SnS did
Why can't mangaka just get out of their own way?

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I can understand that after a while you get tired but at least a certain level of quality is neccessary.
This manga has become obscene in the last 40 chapters.
Im still with the idea that azami was an error.

>Boku no hero is dying
How is it dying?

Chad Clover is still going stronger than ever.

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That's when they run out of ideas and it becomes a paycheck.

Azami was fine, he just became the main antagoinst about 100 chapters too early.

That's not really Tsukuda's fault. He and Tosh have zero knowledge on cooking. They both admitted that a long time ago. They don't actually know anything about it and consulted an advisor. She probably fucked off somewhere.

I read it to see how much further this series is gonna be run into the ground and holy shit my expectations are surpassed with every chapter

>we'll never see the timeline where the main story concludes with the RdC and BLUE is a no-stakes epilogue tournament revisiting all the significant characters

>big dick tournament for chefs under 30
>no Shinomiya

I'm sure he's more worried about his restaurants.

So, will we get another season?

Ahahaha good joke

Erina was a mistake.
Megumi and Hisako should've been main girl.

Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: You can't.

Dear lord, who the fuck “cleaned” this page?

I literally can't those are the two best girls.

introduce el hermano to further a plot and your inviting disaster. no one likes NTR in their mainstream entertainment.

I dropped it after Erina got kidnapped by El Hermano. Honestly I don't even know what the fuck we're jumping now. It's clearly long past sharks.

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It's niggerstream but for once I honestly don't blame them. I wouldn't put effort into this series either.

Its seems that someone in the niggerstream translator group of SnS is tired of doing this. If is true i cant blame them

How do you think Tosh feels watching Tsukuda and the editor burn everything down?

Even their chef advisor must be pissed.

Been really fun watching this slowly follow the same path into being a shitheap that Yakitate Japan took.

This is why most of the successful shonens are just superpower shit that can easily and believably be pulled out of their assholes. No technical knowledge required. You know, things you need some level of education for.

If it was you would you take your time cleaning up this garbage?

Well at least Yakitate was fun Sns isnt even that

>have no investment in this so I can't even revel at the trainwreck

Genetically modified Megalodons.

Realistically speaking this manga should be finished within 1-2 volumes (and by God it better fucking end by 2 volumes).

So how many chapters left until the next volume is complete? That'll determine how much of this shit we're getting.

It might've recovered before that, perhaps. Now though it's clearly too far gone and too retarded.

Even when Yakitate became pure nonsense it was still more fun than this, and the recipes more grounded. They never have to resort to using chainsaws for beating eggs or explosions to bake a cake. They were at least still technically cooking.

I'm not going to blame Erina, I'm going to blame Tsukuda. It clearly shows that Tsukuda has nothing else to do with Erina. She's already a competetant chef from the get go, she never really had to improve as a chef compared to everyone else, and she defrosted. She's basically complete as a character. The only thing he could have done was have Erina adapt to her new surroundings of hanging out with the PSD amongst other stuff but I can't really think of anything else. Now you can't go back to that since he made her headmaster at such a young age. And now, he's taking advantage of Erina's popularity to make another arc for her whether it's retarded or not cause he knows most of the nips would eat it up. But the thing is that he can't rely on that method forever. The manga is still flopping either way.

SnS volumes appear to be usually 9 chapters, or occasionally 10 chapters. Counting this chapter, there are 11 chapters not in a volume. At this point we have maybe 3-4 matches left. 1 match for Megumi to knock her out of BLUE, possibly 2 matches if she gets to wreck a dark chef first. Then 1 match to knock either Asahi or Erina out of BLUE followed by a final match for the tournament. Though these two might be one match if they contrive a three way match for the final. Though I suppose if they're doing a three way, they could just as well do a four way final of Soma/Megumi/Asahi/Erina, and that one big match is the only real match left.

So unless you think they can wrap up everything in as little as 7 chapters, we're probably looking at a minimum of 16 more chapters for the series, though it'd be easy to go as high as 25 if they somewhat take their time.

No longer in the top five.

This series will go on for 5 more years, getting progressively worse.The digits don't lie.

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This was such a fucking rookie mistake. Anyone with any writing knowledge should know that having the character established as the strongest be defeated off-screen by a new character is retarded, and yet here we are

I was rewatching some of the first season and it got me legitimately sad. At one point i really liked it. It's so depressing to see how bad it became. The central arc was the beginning of the end

I know I put it in the OP, but Spice really is the perfect song for that season.
It's fun, lighthearted, gives you a bubbly feeling, it's depressing to see how far the series has plummeted.

god yes more Erina please

Series got to a point where it needed super powers and shonen tropes.
It's a cooking manga with lewdness so no super power.
Instead we get crap.

I’m surprised so many people still follow it.

Moon Banquet Festival had me worried at the time. It just felt off. The Central arc confirmed my worries.

>turbo shonen that brings literally nothing new to the genre and only manages to be boring to read at its best
user, Black Clover was never good.

Close but nope. I say it'll end by next summer, probably around August.

The food battles are too formulaic and the results are too predictable.
The story took itself too seriously, so once it pulls the super power bullshit most people are turned off by it.
In contrast with Yakitate Japan when the story was lighter and more comedic, so when it pulled the super power bullshit it was still enjoyable.

The series is already on the bottom in the WSJ ranking, even if it got special treatments because it was a popular long running series, I don't see it surviving for another year.

Yakitate was a comedy cooking manga from the start, so there's not that much hate when it started to pull more and more ridiculous food reactions and super power bread baking.
Souma on the other hand tried really hard to be realistic, and the story was pretty serious until the writer pulled evil dark chefs and super human cooking abilities out of his ass.

It never go beyond shokugeki and tournament. Should have went for a SoL/drama/comedy with cooking sprinkle in it rather than only food battle all the way through the end.

Irony is she actually was 10th seat

Hisako's such an erina bootlicker. Megoo Supremacy

I hope Shun Saeki doesn't disappear after this shitshow ends.

fuck off waifufag

The thing that I like about Yakitate, even after the food reactions, plot, character developments become ridiculous, was that the actual cooking was actually pretty grounded. Also, the Kawachi match during America vs Japan was pure unadulterated foodkino.

I can already see where this garbage is heading
>final chapters
>Jou challenges Souma
>oh yeah I let Asahi beat me now give me your best shot
I'm seething just thinking about it

This, the flow of Yakitate lends itself more to comedy ridiculousness than SnS so it doesn't grate on the nerves as much as whatever the fuck SnS is doing now.

Is she a geisha?