Hawawa and Nue are back
Boruto Episode 96
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ah, should be an interesting day or two of heated shit-flinging then
Why does Hanabi wear her normal outfit on missions? Fucking dumb jobber clan bitch.
Neji and Hinata did the same shit. Hyuugas clearly don't give a fuck.
Nice, more Sumire screentime
I can't believe Team Best Girls are back in business!
it's still clearly a limited-time-only deal due to manga cameo consequences though.
flashforward/timeskip Sumire when?
Is that really Nue ?
So are we finally gonna find out why Sumire ends up at Katasuke's lab?
>bring sumire and hanabi back
Yeah they are desperate now that boruto is tanking hardcore.
The story isn't going anywhere. It's like they've forgotten one of the major components of what held people's interest in Naruto: The story.
Reminder Hanabi is best girl.
You do realize that she could be a ninja and a scientist like Sakura is a ninja and a nurse, right?
Never really thought of trying boruto because i never finished or really got too deep into Naruto i suppose most of it is because of a lot of it was just i felt a bit too drawn out. is boruto worth trying?
Nue digivolve!!!
Worst girl episode, thank god the rest of her team is gonna make the episode acceptable.
Wtf is this bullshit.
Literally the only thing you can do in Boruto is look forward to the timeskip.
Sakura wasn’t working as a nurse when she was actively on a 3 or 4 man cell. Still, the anime could easily retcon it to being a part time position.
No boruto is way more drawn out and pointless at the moment
Not Sumire being a ninja, the continued collective existence of Team THOT.
Would you?
Konohamaru missed a golden opportunity
Do you think they have taken a bath together already?
He's playing a dangerous game.
what did they expect with that snail pace that they have in the manga?
and now that Naruto is jobbing it made some of the fanbase SEETH.
the ship is real?
Then Konohamaru screwed everything up.
only in Boruto SD along with Borusumi.
>*Hawawa intensifies*
good cho, bad sum
Her naked back is kinda hot.
>Team Best Girls
Um, what?
>That one time Sumire appeared after being gone for months
I'm ready
you didn’t like the short hair?
It must have absorbed some chakra since the last time we saw it or Hanabi's training powered it up.
Reminder that canonicaly Boruto is stronger than Naruto
Yeah but Neji at least wore the headband. Where the fuck is Hanabi's?
Himawari is for ....
Boruto is for Meatski
Is Boruta any good?
The first arc was awesome.
After the Chuunin exams? No
the Ghost arc was pretty good.
Konohamaru wants to be just like Naruto. Fucking Hanabi is his only option
Where´s the next episodes list?
There's no overarching plot in the anime at the moment. Seems like they're just throwing shit at a wall and seeing what stains less
I hope for more SoL episodes.
>Ghost arc
Please don't call it that.
That's retarded.
Her back should be exposed all the time, also she needs long hair.
Wtfuck why is Orochimaru there???
can't unsee, fuck you
The anime is decent but has a slow pace. I think it would benefit from going in a different direction from the manga.
I want to like the manga but I'm not sure what to make of the story's current direction. It feels like the author is rushing things.
Ima take real good care of you lil mama
Why is the anime so fucking different from the manga?
The anime isn't being drawn by a pedophile.
Neji only wear the headband to hide the nazi tattoo
At least one pixel of the anime was added by a pedo
Naruto isn't even jobbing why are people saying that
Are you sure?
reminder that a scene like this will never happen in Bort
reminder than in 20 episodes Nar was better than the entirety of Bort
>reminder that a scene like this will never happen in Bort
They already have though. See Sasuke and Naruto vs momoshiki fight.
>member Naruto?
>member RASENGAN?
>member the chunin exams?
>member Orochimaru?
>member forehead taps?
>member Sasuke?
It feels like they're making fun of original series fans and laughing as they shit on it
People are just trolling. The manga literally says and shows that Naruto was toying with Delta but all these people are screaming 'JOBBING'.
If he is not owning an enemy in one page, he is jobbing.
Exploiting your nostalgia for the original series and animating a cool fight scene does not compare to Zabuza being unable to stifle his humanity and weeping over the loss of a loved one and taking the killer to hell with him you utter brainlet piece of trash
Reminder zabuza arc was the only arc in naruto where emotion and tactics we're used. Everything after this arc was dbz lite
Unless the enemy is a pureblooded AYYYYYY, neither he nor Sauce should even break a sweat
Until Naruto defeats Haku with the power of FUCK YOU I'VE GOT A FOX WITH UNLIMITED NINJA JUICE
It's literally smashed over your head in the manga that Naruto is trying to gauge their power because Kara is an unknown element. Naruto also probably realizes kajin koshi is there watching which is why he's playing shit close to the vest it's not hard to get
Yea other than that part and even then the fox power is pretty tame compared to the shit we see later. I'm pretty sure I also said emotions as well which is what triggers fox boi
And you are telling me that Naruto can t K.O the bitch(without killing her) or restrain her?
Spoiler ahead
Kawaki saved Naruto and Himawari from an attack, tell me that isn t NARUTO FUCKIN JOBBING.
>Naruto tells kids to leave
>Is baiting Delta into wasting her chakra
>Kids don't leave
>Delta tries to kill hima
>Kawaki is closer to hima than Naruto
>Kawaki blocks the shot
No it isn't jobbing and considering Delta has a body that can heal as good if not better than Narutos punching her out probably wouldn't work. He was baiting her into just wasting all her energy but bort and the gang sticking around fucked it up. Did you read the actual chapter or just see like two screens and start bitching
Boruto is basically an even more kid-friendly version of nardo right?
It's like Naruto but remove the originality, interesting plot, and lore
and yes, it is more kid friendly. I don't remember seeing even a single drop of blood, even when Naruto is impaled with a sword
There's an episode where a guy tries to go full jihad and suicide bomb a company. I guess it's kid friendly since he doesn't die
Nigga Naruto should be milles in speed against anyone, he is fucking Ninja Jesus, that is just poor writing to have drama and tension.
>Neji only wear the headband to hide the nazi tattoo
don't forget Boruto fights communism
Remember in that panel where Naruto makes it to hima and covers her but kawaki still jumps in front of it too protect them both because him and bort could never beat Delta on their own. O wait you didn't actually read it
Borts pretty based. I like him more than naruto.
Boruto is a whiny piece of shit
Naruto cucks seething because their best boi is now sidelined
anything but. That show is beneath him
>Can't even make a shadow clone to help his daughter
Boruto is not canon
Really wish they would do more to animate the gentle fist style instead of just having them slap people.
Pic related is an example of how these fights are supposed to look.
>Boruto is not cannon
Why is the Byakugan so under powered compared to the Sharingan
Writer of Naruto : Masashi Kishimoto
Writer of Boruto : Ukyo Kodachi
Bad writing
>Implying kodachi doesn't consult kishimoto on story decision
Thai ain t my problem, the problem is that he let Delta do that in the first place.
Hes powerful but he isn't omniscient and he had to get hima if she fell from that high she'd be dead she isn't a ninja
Nobody of importance had it from the Chuunin Exam until the final boss, and since then the Otsutsuki have had other better powers.
Onii Chan
based and wholesome
The short-haired kid is a girl? Most Bort characters look like they belong in filler, anyway.
she's CUTE
Nothing disgusting about wholesome love between siblings.
How do I get hanabi to spank me.
Will you cry when Naruto dies?
fanfics aren't canon, so no
Sauce is the only likeable adult character in boruto.
I always thought that Kiba would be a much more interesting/Entertaining Hokage than Naruto. And after seeing how Naruto like in Boruto, I was right.
They should make Kiba the 8th Hokage. Konohamaru or Whats her face would be such boring choices. Nepotism is boring, especially when Konohamaru is literally just Naruto 2.0.
Kiba is just Naruto with a dog what the fuck are you talking about
Kiba is a boring non-character faggot, so no, shut up. He's also not fit for the position and too weak to defend the village the way a Hokage is supposed to. He should stay on his kennel sniffing his dogs' assholes like the furry shitter he is.
Naruto and Kiba's only similarities are that they're stupid, competitive and have similar animal traits. But Naruto is far too over emotional personality wise compared to Kiba, (which is why I never liked Naruto as an MC). Also, Kiba is not as privaleged as Naruto, so someone like him being Hokage would be a much more interesting development.
Konohamaru on the other hand, literally copies everything about Naruto, even his moveset.
If Kiba is a furry, then Naruto is an even bigger furry. as he literally has a giant furry beast inside him.
Even his desire to impregnate a Hyuga.
>Naruto and Kiba's only similarities are that they're stupid, competitive and have similar animal traits.
they're also both loud, boastful, arrogant and arrogant. Basically the same.
>Kiba is not as privaleged as Naruto, so someone like him being Hokage would be a much more interesting development
It would be developing the position of Hokage from a prestigious position to a meaningless position. If a jobber tard like Kiba can do it literally anyone can.
>they're also both loud, boastful, arrogant and arrogant. Basically the same.
basically stupid and competitive, as I said. And no, it's not basically the same. those are the only similarities.
>It would be developing the position of Hokage from a prestigious position to a meaningless position. If a jobber tard like Kiba can do it literally anyone can.
One of the main themes (at least what it was originally) was the idea of changing your destiny/ Working hard to achieve the goals. This doesn't apply for Naruto since he's a prophecy child with ties to Ninja Gods and shit. But, If Kiba can become Hokage, someone with zero prestigious connections, then it makes the theme valid again. It'd be much more interesting too since Kiba has wild ideas for the village.
Best boy episode next week
Nah man. You could swap out their lines and nobody would be able to tell.
>If Kiba can become Hokage, someone with zero prestigious connections, then it makes the theme valid again
But he can't. He has shit genes and so he is forever destined to be a literal who no matter what he does.
I like the back, but not a fan of the short hair
>Nah man. You could swap out their lines and nobody would be able to tell.
How can you swap their lines when Naruto focused on things Kiba didn't care about ? e.g. Naruto's desperation for friends, desperation for an Uchiha boy, talk no jutsu etc. These are things that Kiba wouldn't do because he's not as emotional as Naruto (which I like).
>But he can't. He has shit genes and so he is forever destined to be a literal who no matter what he does.
Then, that's just boring then. If they refuse to develop interesting ways for underdogs to reach great heights, then it's just not interesting.
>Then, that's just boring then
>If they refuse to develop interesting ways for underdogs to reach great heights, then it's just not interesting.
Genelets will always be genelets. Only those with bad genes get upset about it.
>Genelets will always be genelets. Only those with bad genes get upset about it.
This is fiction though. There's infinite ways you can develop/create new scenarios.
>Best Girl is back
>Nue looks radder than ever
>This was jus a one off episode and we'll go back to T7 & Shikadai bullshit soon
Who? I've given up hopes on this character being relevant so much so that I've forgot her name.
Shikadai going to visit /pol/ next week.
Father's brain and mother' ambitions, fuck shinobi dirty work i am going into politic. How he will change ninja world?
All he wanted was to play shogi with his waifu. But Ryogi happened to be commie and was thrown in jail, so Shikadai now into politic. Will he make higher taxation on the rich his platform?
What move did Namida learn?
>High precision NaruSaku tears
Man if only Hanabi used her byakugan before running off into the woods in a random direction like a fucking retard.
>yfw Shikadai goes full Memri TV
She learned how to alter the frequency of her sound attack. Namida is slowly turning into the Black Canary or Vibe of the shinobi world.
Series needs more Hyuga sisters.
It could be fun if Shikadai sandnigger's genes suddenly activates and he start denounce Konoha's degeneracy ways (Sarada's slutty outfits, Mitsuki lusting over Boruto, criminal Sumire just chiling around) or (((Hyuga))) conspiracy, strongest clan in the village with blood ties with current hokage. Probably Hyuga lobbied for his clan a lot of shit thanks to his son-in-law.
Naruto is in another dimension. Kishi won't let anything kill Naruto.
Making a rainbow megaphone out of chakra which converts her sound to a giant laser isn’t like Black Canary
You're right. Namida is Dazzler, except that she can't absorb light and sound.
I wish they've got the ball to pull something this kino but lets face it, we gonna get goku'd
This was a really nice episode but it won't be appreciated because of who it's about.
Why is Shikadai such a shit character? And why are they giving him so many episodes?
Another Shikadai centered episode, why does SP give this piece of crap copy-paste character so much screen time? He is so unnoriginal and lame. Honestly I'm starting to hate shikatema for creating this monstrosity.
Why do you talk shit about best boy, future hokage/grey cardinal of united villages of leaf and sand?
What a cute yandere snak
>best boy
I can´t believe Shikadai will be hokage!!
He’s a dude and is the son of a popular character
Easier to greenlight episodes for a shounen over cute girls
Because the people in charge of the franchise are so creatively stunted and unimaginative that they have to rely on milking Naruto, Sasuke and Shikamaru content (their copy-paste kids included) for the sake of maintaining popularity (or whatever popularity is left) for this poor cash grab series.
How long can they drag out the anime? Boruto got two special powers he can't use because the plot isn't moving.
Blame the manga team on making it monthly yet somehow still ahead of the anime
Suddenly , the second half had lots of moments of good animation
I like inoji
Can Namida kill Madara?
A shame their bath fight wasn't animated.
Is Namida related with Big Meme??
Have you start to learn cooking user?
Tell me about it.
Pretty fucked up Naruto and Hinata don't sleep in the same bed
yes. Anything could kill madara if he suddenly became really really stupid.
Even a simple kunai could kill him if you think about it....
Which Madara are you talking?
and thats why obito was broken and why I fucking love kamui, I mean being intangible in a universe full of fucking ninja, how can you fuck this up tobi
Big Mom first Husband!!
It's what she wears instead of panties.
I skip all of his episodes because they're all literally mouth flaps and playing shogi
Is this Namida Grandmother?
Temari should have aborted
Because it’s just phasing to another dimension
Kaguya when?
Why is Sarada such a boring character? Having one episode about Namida struggling to learn a jutsu was more entertaining to watch than any struggle this Uchiha Mary Sue had.
Not even worth a (you).
>literally who episode
>shikadai episode next week
We are back to shit now, I see.
please be kind and always give a (You) to your fellow posters, they have feelings too.
>Implying the shitty Mitsuki arc wasn't the fucking lowpoint
Not only next week. New Shikadai arc has 5-12 episodes. lol
Don't scare us like that, user.
But why do you think next Shikadai arc is only one episode? lol
What exactly was wrong with Mitsuki's arc other than going on for too long?
>too long
You answered it yourself. A story that could have been told in 3-4 episodes got stretched to a 20 episode non-consequential snoozefest. It was booooooring.
No one asked for more Shikadai, neo inoshikacho ruin this series they need to die.
Okay i got a question, what's the plot about in boruto?
Leave ChouChou out of your hate posts please. She's a good girl and only deserves good things.
How do you know?
>finally picked this up
>Sarada seems like a good girl trying to act more mature than she really is
>mfw ep 17 comes up and she's literally the most kind hearted girl putting on a brave face for her mom
I'm just waiting for the edge shown in the first ep.
she's a disgusting fatty
A episode about them when?
I want to fuck this Squirtle.
Get in line.
That was a confy episode.
Hope we see More of Sumire Team later.
Also Hanabi Is best girl.
Nue achieved Liger mode.
Never? I fucking hate em
Shikadai make Konoha great again!
Sunagakure pay the wall!
>Series opens with an ominous flashforward starring Kawaki
>Kawaki won't show up until over 100 episodes later
Boruto anime peaked with that Himawari episode, its only downhill from now on
> Politician
> In the land of fire
How does politics work in a dictatorship? The daimyos control the money while the Hokage takes care of everything else. Where does a politician come into play in the land of fire.
>two arcs about shikadai
>none about inojin
fuck this gay anime
>Asuma prevented his former comrade from removing Hokage and making Daimyo the sole power holder in the Land of Fire
>Shikamaru prevented a missing-nin plot to overthrow Daimyos to put ninjas in full power
>Shikadai wants to be politician
One can only wonder what conclusion will he reach.
Inojin is a fag
fuck off hes cute
this episode is so fucking bad holy shit
I want bird to scream when I whip my snake out
Which makes for better skill background:
Family/gene inheritance or hardwork/training/knowledge?
You been here for this long and you had not realize they did a "Pokemon" on you?
>Family/gene inheritance
Cool and mysterious
Respectable and inspirational
If done right both can be fun, but inheritance is way easier to fuck up.
I really hope that Sumire and the evolved Nue get a fight against a serious opponent later in the series. The Nue's new form is too cool looking not to be used in combat.
Inojin might get an arc later on. He needs to stop being a jobber though.
>even then the fox power is pretty tame compared to the shit we see later.
Naruto didn't top that level of fox power until the end of Part 1.
>Pissing off to wall instead to bushes
Namida's sound jutsu is going to get a surprise win against a high tier opponent one day, I can feel it.
Hopefully soon, everyone is stronger than Denki now.
Namida can make bird-shaped screams . So cool.
Next episode is gonna be so boring
>Shikidai episode next week.
Come the fuck on...
I don't know what the fuck they are doing with Shikidai right now. He literally just does the same thing Shikamaru does. Do people find that engaging? Do Nip kids go "Oh Shikadai! So cool!". I mean, FUCK!
The anime is trying to target little kids who have never watched Naruto themselves so all these re-used ideas are fresh to them. Old fans get pissed off tho because we're basically getting a regurgitated story and plot but with 2019 parental satefy gloves. Fuck this PG shit.
Honestly, if I was the parent of one of those Japanese kids, I would tell 'em to go watch the original.
Are you guys that disinterested in Namida that you'd rather complain about Shikadai (again) for the whole thread?
Namida is the worst member of the team.
But I thought you guys loved underdogs?
> Namida's sound jutsu is going to get a surprise win against a high tier opponent one day,
> The last great ninja war against Kara Namida's sound jutsu defeats Jigen. Not Naruto, not Boruto or even Kawaki but fucking Namida.
The butthurt would be legendary.
Namida's not an underdog. She's just a crybaby with a strong ability she doesn't know how to fully use.
What about this underdog then?
Namida defeating any Kara member with her jutsu would cause butthurt.
>"So you mean to tell me Naruto struggled with one of them with his chakra cloak activated, but this nobody character defeated a Kara member just by SCREAMING?!"
Denki is just weak. How can a laptop help you when you're on a mission against guys in a forest with swords, shuriken, and kunais? What are you going to do? Leak their search history and hope they run away from embarrassment?
So I just got caught back up after pretty much putting the show on hold in november so here is a few questions. Was the Mitsuki arc filler? I am confused by this the most since they killed off a kage in it and the whole time I thought it was filler. Next is why the fuck does this give so much filler? This is on a new level. This will eventually beat the amount original Naruto had by the end at the pace this shit is going. Also isn't screamy girl a filler character? Why do they have to give an episode to a character no one cares about? Honestly the only redeeming quality of this show at this point is the girls.
Kakashi is Cute
>swords, shuriken, and kunais
Get with the times gramps. Hack no jutsu is gonna blindside some fools.
Super important question
Who will win the SaladBowl?
>eating salad
pick one
Hinata's mutt kid looks so bad compared to the pure blood hyuuga girls.
Bort or Kawaki.
Easily the worst episode in a while. At least next episode looks better.
I feel like Denki will win a solo fight before Inojin does.
It's going to be an Ootsustuki who gets trolled by Namida's sonic jutsu.
you guys are either blind or just trying to be contrarian. They have been hinting at boruto and Sarada since these 2 characters were created. The fuck is wrong with you? How have you not picked up on this when they've literally been smacking you in the face with it/ You'd have to purposefully be ignoring it at this point. You guys are ridiculous.
Boruto has to win to make the next strongest ninja.
Because of asspulls and nerfs
You need to optimise the urine odor, you can't do that with bushes. Don't you know anything about marking territory?
I miss Naruto's original military ninjapunk aesthetic.
No one, Sauce will make sure of that
Reminder that filler girl can now do a bijuu bomb level move from crying
Why does hanabi know so much about focusing chakra around her mouth???
>It's a worst team episode
Even Iwabe and Denki are more interesting than these literal whos. Only Hanabi has anything going for her.
>It's a worst team episode
>Not Team 7
>Not InoShikaChou
Shit taste confirmed
What did he mean by this?
BroSara is just poor man's SasuNaru. Sarada deserves to have her reverse harem! Boruto should fuck off with that obvious Hinata 2.0
Sarada is fucking shit, even worse than Bort and that's saying something. The only thing she deserves is an early grave.
You stop that!
Sarada is the only redeeming quality of this entire franchise
He's asking if there are any bad kids trying to corrupt his daughter.
>Hates the team the entire story revolves around
Why are you even here? If I was in your shoes I would've dropped Boruto a long time ago.
>D-Don't hate on my characters. This is a safe space!
Dropped it halfway through the Mitsuki arc, don't worry. Your favs are shit.
Why does this girl dress like a whore in the manga?
It perfectly reflects her cuck nature that was passed on to her by her mother.
Oh my god this shit taste, just kill yourself. She's a whiny brat whose dialogue consists of nagging people around her 9/10 times she opens her stinky Uchihashit mouth, has a rehashed motivation for the shallowest reason one can possibly conceive, and her design is just Sasuke cosplaying as a Vietnamese child prostitute. She's a robotic boring-ass bitch with a self-righteous attitude, just the worst.
Didn't realize Tobirama posted here
lol what's with the rant?
>Sperging this hard over a simple question
Jesus user, you seem to care a lot about a show you don't even watch anymore.
Idk but I think he's the same user who always post long rants about Sarada when given the chance and how BoruSumi is better.
>N-No you
Why do you care about me caring?
She never has a dad around to stop her.
I don't, I'm just having some fun. I also find it a bit funny how you flew of the handle because I called some irrelevant side characters shit, you really shouldn't take this show so seriously.
Does she wear the huge heels in the anime?
We will find out when Boruto ends its filler. Which may never happen since it has been going for like 40+ episodes now. Basically the new bleach
We've seen that outfit already.
Should I pick this back up? I stopped watching during the hidden mist village arc(not for any particular reason I just stopped).
Here is the true chad watching guide
Sumire aka best girl arc
Sarada arc
Chunin arc
Comfy parent episodes mainly naruto one
This is all you have to watch currently that is any good
If you really liked the fillers in the original series, you should keep watching this.
The plane should be on the head of a second slojak
Hopefully not Boruto.
I skipped all the fillers and went to the manga
No, the anime changed that design.
i dont want to see more fillers i just want shit like this
Hashirama doesn't even rank?
>implying I post in Bort threads often
>implying I'm some shipper scum or care about Bort or Sue-mire
This anime/manga is shit except for some of the old characters. The new casts are just a bunch of faggy-ass millennials with zero actual pathos.
Ikemoto is a pedophile who hates adult women.
Literally a Hitler
Is Moegi delusional? How does she think she could even compete?
Childhood Friend tag
Himawari needed all of hinata's boob juice so she could grow to be extra busty
It was 7/10 episode.
Which next gen character is the worst of the series? My vote goes to Shitkadai
The manga has good ideas, but the whole power scaling is embarrassing.
A reminder that Hanabi>>>Hinata
His fag friend from the snow was worst.
At this point, I just want to see Jigen, Kashin Koji, Delta, and the rest of Kara voiced and animated in this show.
What the fuck was the point of his arc? There was nothing developed after that.
My vote is goes to Inojin, he is good for nothing but being a fuckboy
No Inojin slander in this thread, thank you
Denki easily. His character is the hallmark of what's wrong with Boruto.
She's not a member of the jobber clan and is quite cute herself. She can compete.
>7/10 childhood friend who knows you better than yourself and probably experimented with you vs 9/10 Village Princess with her only downside is her being a destructive drunk
Tough choice
Hanabi shouldn't have had as much of a problem as she did. The only thing I can think of is she jobbed as part of a team building exercise, where Kakashi would have just ended the conflict himself.
obviously the girl who's been saving herself for only you for almost 2 decades and not the hag who's sister got married at a much younger age than she did
also konohamaru is royalty too
>Hanabi just ran off, leaving her team, instead of using her Byakugan to scan the perimeter in case of an ambush.
Holy SHIT!
Yeah I thought Hanabi was supposed to be neji-tier.
Hanabi should have been able to finish all of those bandits just by touching them, going by everything with know about the Byakugan and Gentle Fist. Jobber Clan is right.
It did set up the ninja tool and Katasuke getting influenced by Kara.
Is Namida from a clan? The bird-shapes being associated with her sound ability make me thing she is from some kind of clan.
I wouldn't say Neji-tier. Neji was on tryhard levels and was able to learn adult Hyuuga moves as a pre-teen. Hanabi was just more of a talented version of Hinata.
It’s still very funny to me that he fucked up her chest so badly they had him redraw it for the tankobon.
What the fuck is wrong with Salad’s face there?
Can't wait for another episode where it looks like they are going to change to status que just to have everything back to normal and the character learns a valuable lesson.
And Shikadai. We get fucking SHIKADAI, bros! We can't have enough Shikadai!
It kind of looks like she’s inhaling a lot of liquid
Inojin has meetings with her in private.
Girls only episode when?
Hot, she can take a lot of semen then.
Seeing how manchildren bitch every time there's an all-girl/girl-focused episode, I highly doubt it'll ever come.
>manga is monthly
>takes 5 minutes to read
>Anime feels like directionless filler
About to give up with this shit
Idk, she is amazing, we also need a episode for Wasabi.
fuck off
you have to go
Pucker up anons
chirp chirp motherfucker!!!
What would her water taste like? Would you drink it?
salty milk and coins
>BroSara is just poor man's SasuNaru.
It's not SasuNaru, it's more like narusaku 2.0.
Who would you f/m/k?
Keep that up and you will end up like the Narusakufags that thought the same thing.
Because she is Tsunshit.
Christ, theres already 96 episodes of this.
has anything even happened
Sumire almost Allahu ackbar herself with the whole village.
Ohnoki dies
Well, it is not like he has any kekkei genkai. Sarutobi is a jobbers clan. His children would be Hyuuga anyway and probably would still have normal byakugans. Also, Hanabi is the heir, so she has to fuck a cousin to maintain pure lineage and Neji is dead.
Fuck. It is the Android's saga all over again. The bitch absorbed chakra and ninjutsu, regenerates and shit. In this new series, only strong Taijutsu, Senjutsu and overpowered shit will work.
It is fairy tail level. I can't understand how this work. Since the original Naruto had plenty of gritty themes and violence. It's only audience it is older fans that grow up with. New kids will not sit through 700 chapters and episodes to know who boruto's dad is. Turning the series into a seinen or even a slice of life would be better, because now they have to invent ridiculous overpowered enemies like those interdimensional aliens from Kaguya clan and these "ninja tech Android's". It is dragon Ball z all over again.
>It is fairy tail level.
If only it contained fairy tail level fan service.
Actually yes, at short distance Naruto is faster than the flying thundergod technique and that is applicable summoning, so, he is faster than Teleportation.
Well, the Byakugan it is a biological feature of a alien race. The sharingan and rinnegans are mutations born from eating the fruit of a tree God Eldritch abomination. Do not justify, but Uchihas needed hax all the time to keep them relevant.
You can't possible create a way to kiba be relevant outside of selves insert fan fics. He is a joke character. Unlike Guy that was always the lethal joke. Kiba is played straight. He got farted in the face. He will never live it down. Only thing he got from compensation it is that he become more manly with age.
I question the how there are sand villages that look rough when there are ninjas that can shoot water out of their hands and mouth
What is this, the Flintstones?
>groove in the floor stones to take away blood. or other bodily fluids.
Shounen jump is very strict with sexual themes. Other magazines are less. Fairy tail had a loli getting pregnant. That would never get away in the Jump.
You must wait at least 2 years!
But it's not an intricate design that goes all around a room, so it's boring.
>She's not a member of the jobber clan
Yeah, she's a member of the literal who clan instead. Also
>against 11/10 Hanababe
You're as delusional as Moegi. She's lucky other women are only attracted to Jobohamaru in non-canon spinoffs, because otherwise her only chance would be if Hanabi straight up rejected him.
Says who? This being the kind of show it is will never show them in bed together, but the only indication of them not sleeping on the same bed/room came from a special where Naruto got so shitfaced he had to be carried home by his bros, so it made sense Hinata couldn't haul his grown ass to bed.
>Reminder Hinata inspects Boruto´s bed every night to check out if he´s asleep.
Why doesn't she just use the byakugan?
Too bad he's gay for Burrito.
>You can't possible create a way to kiba be relevant
Yes, you can. You can make anyone relevant. Again this is a fictional story and so there are infinite possibilities.
Also, you say he's a joke character, but he still got serious moments during the SRA and still dominated Naruto during the chunin exam fight before the Deus ex Machina Fart. In terms of cringe moments, Naruto has more of that, but he's the main character so people brush over it.
Furthermore, Naruto series already came across as a Naruto self-insert fic (especially towards the end).
Same reason Naruto do not go around flying and using a thousand clones to do his work while he stays at home impregnating Hinata. Plot reasons and shitty writing.
Yeah. Kishimoto never developed other teams. at least team Asuma killed 2 Akatsukis. Team 8 always got the jobber missions and most ridiculous enemies even in filler. The only where they were useful was the Sanbi Retrieval.
My mom did the same thing. Never got a lock on my bedroom because of that. She slammed the door at the middle of the night to see if I was sleeping.
She better hit the gym to make up for those garbage STR and DEX stats
>at least team Asuma killed 2 Akatsukis.
Was Shino a lolicon?
Why is he single?
>Why is he single?
He has got bugs crawling out of every orifice of his body. That has got to be the biggest dealbreaker in history
Yeah his clan must practice a lot of incest.
that tail is a butt plug.
He and Sakura from fate would make a great couple.
>aruto but remove the originality, interesting plot, and lore
> and yes, it is more kid friendly. I don't remember seeing even a single drop of blood, even when Naruto is impaled with a sword
>Anonymous 03/02/19(Sat)23:50:25 No.185353070▶
Exactly why didnt he have a shadow clone,by his kids. Why didnt he just spammed 10 of those suckers with sage chakra and overwhelm the robo chick. FUCK getting info from her, just restrain that ho, force the info after you totally incapictate her.
Kishimoto's Naruto cannot lose to what I fucking so in the manga.
No watching the last chapter solidfied this, boruto is not canon.
They just trying to continue the IP by shamelessly trashing the old generation. Neji died for this garbage.
Hidan and Kakuzu? Ok. Kakuzu fought mostly with Kakashi and Naruto got the finishing blow, but was a personal revenge for team Asuma and Shikamaru against Hidan.
If Namida's regular crying attack knocks out her team, imagine that against someone like Yodo. She'd be deaf for life.
f the pussy
m the crybaby
k hawawa
What does Wasabi taste like?
Finally good powerlevel chart.
Hawawa a best.
Imagine getting kicked back by a 75 pound 12 year old asian girl.
He better do that. There are still too many Uchiha in Konoha.
she was trained in stealth/assassin so it's OK.
Why can she use her fingers, while DSL has to use her mouth?
different jutsu
But why the mouth?
Finger guns seem easier to aim with
say hello to his new step mom
But that isn't Shiho
I haven't followed the story since the 2nd arc or so but I'm here to say that Sumire is a real cutie
>Sumire arc is pretty comfy and has a decent pay-off
>Gaiden arc is godawful. Story punishes you for thinking too much about it
>Class Trip arc is slow and boring. Non-consequential
>Graduation Exams Arc is okay. Nothing special but Kakashi is definitely entertaining
>Communism arc is boring and has a dumb predictable twist that ruins the villains
>Chunin Exams arc is okay when the focus is on Boruto but becomes awful when other irrelevant characters get the spotlight
>ChoCho arc is awful but short
>Mitsuki arc is the worst story in Boruto. Slow, long and boring. Nothing of consequence actually happens. Time is better spend just skipping the arc.
>SoL episodes are the highlight of the show
There. I've described the Boruto anime to you.
user, I don't understand the relation between your post and that picture.
It's a great picture, don't ya think?
I wonder what would daddy Hinato do.
How would RtN would look like i wonder
It took a while but Team Sumire’s members finally levelled up
Now imagine if the plot actually advanced with the new characters instead of putting in the adults as much as possible
>implying that Shikamaru would survive that happening
Manga has Sumire quit being a ninja tho.
Sorry i read "best boy"!!
Hes asking sarada if she has contracted pinworms yet, so he can lick the rim of her anus clean!
Unless she Anbu already due her training.
Sumire joins the science division in the manga. I think her team just seperates and do different jobs.
I bet the manga will retcon things again. As it stand the team is finally decent where it’s weakest member can still do some serious damage in niche situations
I’m conflicted because on the one hand NaruHina is pure as it is, but on the other hand, a ditzy but loving genki girl excitedly coming onto a shy but passionate boy is truly patrician.
Raw, unfiltered sasunaru is where it's at. when youre a real man, youll understand
Sarada is the opposite of Sasuke she has more in common with Naruto and Obito than Sasuke
Sarada keeps saying she will get strong and protect everyone then just gets shit on in all her boring "fights". Sumire is the real main girl as is evidenced by all the sakuga she gets. Has Sarada ever been animated well?
Hope she will go full coolest girl. Boruto need some premium uchiha edge.
Rule 63 HinaNaru is where is at
laser beams
ha ha what the fuck man, now this Sasuke i like
this looks so nice and clean, but those goddamn heels bring instant whoreification somehow
All of you Boruto doubters need to shut the fuck up with all of your it's failing and will end and get cancelled. The show is doing amazing and so is the manga.
Why do they still have the fight to near death bouts in the chuunin exams?
Why hasn't the age to participate been increased?
me behind the wall
Did you watch Naruto's chuunin exams? It was all nonlethal and childproof.
if this guy was a goblin he wouldn't have jobbed
Why does she wears the mitten gloves?
The manga is not doing amazing though. Its sales are declining with every new volume.
Because at first it was contained within a village instead of replacement for wars.
Sumire also didn't take the Chunin exams in the manga so...
>It was all nonlethal
To add something unique to her otherwise completely forgettable design
I have trouble believing the new gen as a chance against the aliens and Nu-Akatsuki.
I meant the exams that Naruto hosted as Hokage. Obviously the exam that he participated in was extremely lethal. I should have been a bit more specific.
she has zetsu hands with byakugans implanted in them
Why everone from boruto looks like a filler character?
They have less slutty outfits too.
Kishimoto chose wrong person to draw the sequel, which nobody wanted in the first place.
Because they are filler
People wanted to see Nardo and friends fight aliens. No one cares about the new kids, especially since they are basically just inferior copies of their parents (Inojin and Chouchou are the only exceptions.)
Fuck- Fishlips, turn her into a fucking gyaru- she's literaly got the exact kind of face for it
Kill- Kiba's disgusting dyke toxoplasma infested spawn- the wort traits of his mother and his piss poor choice in women, 100% intolerable dyke by teen years guaranteed
Marry- Sumire- a true shinoi and inheritor of her father's will- thinks of shinobi things all the time, is mature, and literally NEEDS TO FUCKING USE HER CHAKRA DRAINING NUE TO STEAL PEOPLES CHAKRA TO DIGUISE AS THEM USING THEIR CHAKRA- I SWEAR TO GOD IF THIS ISN'T A THING
asspulls and nerfs? what? Naruto isn't a demi-god in this?
He's bullshitting. Currently in the manga Naruto is fighting Not-18 and anons have screaming "JOBBER" for weeks, when in fact he's playing her like a chump.
>Episode 1: Woah, who's this Kawaki guy? Can't wait for him to show up.
>Episode 96: So... Is this just a saturday morning cartoon from 2001? Literally nothing has connected back to that flashforward yet, Kawaki hasn't even popped up yet.
I wonder how many people only follow the anime and genuinly thinks about this? Or have they just forgotten the flashforward entirely?
Boruto was a mistake. If this post ends with 7, I will personally cancel this cartoon
>No one cares about the new kids
Please speak for yourself anonymous because I only watch it for the children+ SasuSaku,
Are we really going to go to episode 100 without anything happening?
Youre better off reading fanfics written by hairy old sasuke fanboys and creepy little highskewl gurls then.
Theres a reason sasuke's never home.
My nigga
>Theres a reason sasuke's never home.
He feels she's too good for him.
>Thread is 2 days old.
This is the pic hes looking at, btw.
plus those kids who got fucking eaten by leeches the size of german shepards
> Chunin exams
That is not that big of a detail but her joining the science division is big because it introduces the weapons being used in the arc. I would be surprised if that gets changed.
post source when you post lewd please
it happes sometime
Does she dies from this?
I actually meant that just because people assume her team is disbanded or that Sumire stopped being a ninja doesn't mean it will actually happen that way.
In the anime it's been established that Hanabi is watching over Sumire as a request from Sai and the other girls are slowly becoming part of the major cast so I doubt they'll just get dropped.