What do you think of reverse sluts?

What do you think of reverse sluts?

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You are putting valuble time and effort into making dirt into bare minimum standards for a decent gf
Unless you literaly have no other choice its stupidly inefficient

>reading from left to right
That's just all wrong. Everything is wrong with this.

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Why are you reading it in wrong order?

enjoy genital warts

you mean free extra nipples?

You can't turn a whore into a housewife, ya cuck.

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She still looks like a fucking slut to me senpai

Corruption of corruption is a god tier fetish.

Not impossible, but kind of a waste of your time. Just find who already wants to be loved and cherished
>100 men
maybe more



Only if she constantly falls off the wagon

i kind of like three months, maybe its the ribbon

>she doesn't eventually wear a burqa
into the trash it goes


Is there a specific name for this type of thing?

She needs pants or a longer skirt instead of these shorts.

This is my fetish. But more of a fetish of the heart than a fetish of the dick. Is there a name for this? I’d like to find more

kinky shit

I prefer normal sluts.

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Based and Jihadpilled

More of this pls


>Unless you literaly have no other choice its stupidly inefficient

This. You can't unfuck the person involved. At this point you're just putting a bandage over a stab wound.

>At this point you're just putting a bandage over a stab wound.
No, I'm just sticking things in the wound for fun.

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>What do you think of reverse sluts?
My understanding of "reverse slut" is a girl that dresses like slut but is pure.
OP´s pic is what I would call used or if you like euphemism refurbished goods.

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Sounds like an extreme project car, in which case as long as the dude knows it’s gonna cost him lots of time and money while also possibly not planning out then power to him.

Pretty much exactly what it is
Any man with taste knows time and effort is what is truly rewarding in the end, whether it’s cars or women

This, right here, is enlightenment.

That's a mighty fine way to justify expending time and effort onto something to make it serviceable rather than getting something good from the start and using that time and effort to make it great.

I bet you're one of those faggots who think it's better to be good by overcoming your evil nature rather than being good naturally.

fun in doujins, impossible in real life

I think shindol edits were passe over a decade ago.

Good fetish, absolutely retarded and naive idea in real life.
It's a neat concept, the sluttier she was greater the contrast when she becomes wholesome.

>reverse sluts
>still fucked 50+ men as a slut
Even if you detail a used car, it's still used.