New Prichan episode today!
AiFure, Shining star, Prichan and eggpets
Yume sucks.
Its this Dream's birthday today, say something nice about her.
khr at her lowest levels of lewdness
Yummy Yume
How would Yume react if I gave her butt a hard squeeze with both hands?
Colorized photo of Ichigo and Yume joining forces to conquer the world.
Rola would cry.
So bold! Sorry Rola, ainon knows what I like. Let's go ainon.
Ainon and Yume spend a night together in her private room while Rola spends the night crying.
Snuggle with Yume.
she's pointint to where she wants you to slide your dick.
You know you've made it in life when Kazunori draws you and you're not from Precure or Gegege no Kitarou.
Everybody deserves some love once in a while.
How would Yume react If I told her how fucking ugly she is?
Yummy tummy.
I only vote for Hime.
Best new /ai/ song.
Naru is ________
Find a flaw.
She knows the rules. We have to flush that turtle down the toilet now.
Umm... sorry honey, that's not Calendar Girl
Happy Birthday, Naru!
I hate myself and want to die.
Hey, it's also Argentinian Skater Constellation day!
Happy Birthday, Mion!
Friday +1 or is it Friday 2?
>ainon in a bar
On the left?
No, ainons can't be this sexy.
Oh, then you must be an exception.
>retard becomes lewd on stage
Amazing trope.
I can be high-class.
>fucking satan next week
Oh yes
Remember to hug your high-class imouto everyday.
I wish that loneliness could actually kill.
Imagine her giving you a hand job with her thumb and finger like that.
You have to pay for the whole hand.
Naru's birthday present
Bell is so beautiful.
I bet Shuuka has a very hairy butthole.
It can. But you'll be too old to care by the point it can.
Happy birthday to Hiro's wife
Ainon could be Mizuki's friend.
I'd be her sex friend
She'd just lie there cold and emotionless the whole time.
This is Hina Hoshino. It's her birthday over in Japan right now. Say something nice to her.
cute hair accesories
I wish I could surprise her like that.
Kinky sex with Yume!
I want to click with Mizuki.
Nobody wants to be my friend
I'll be your friend.
I want to be your friend Ainon
Ainons are all liars.
No you won't/don't, but thanks for saying it anyway.
Remember that one time Mia wanted to punch Kyoko and actually punched Aira? I miss scrappy idols like her.
How many idles have birthdays today?
The fuck is this
What is it like being Mizuki's #2? Tristar was cool and all but Mikuru seemed to really get along with Mizuki. Mizuki, Mikuru, and Ferret was a nice thing.
Amu a slut
Imagine them using the ferret as a double-sided dildo.
They had Honoka to help out too.
Just imagine getting to fuck Mizuki every day. She's living the life.
Why shuuka is prettier irl?
Suddenly I'm hungry for shrimp.
Ferret? Who's ferret is this and why no further appearances? I thought it would be a mascot or something?
This show is diving into the absurd.
That elephant has the eyes of a rapist.
Most idles are
That is an absurd trio.
Would you?
*grips scepter*
A scrappy, hotblooded and smug pink.
A bitchy, narcissistic and smug blue.
A slutty, seductive and smug red.
Best trio.
I just realized Mikuru's phone is old as fuck. 2004 might want their phone back.
Korea has a king?
3D Chiri is cute too.
I feel all idles in this show are bitches
I wish we still had Aikatsu8
That's what makes it great, nobody is impossibly nice.
The funniest thing is that their whole story about candy kingdom wasn't bullshit.
I like how everybody acts natural, like nobody tries to deliberately act cute, and also nobody has catchphrases.
Can Korean idols do this?
You'd be BERRY BERRY wrong about that.
Pop yurika ruined everything
they arent gay enough for that
Korean idles are all about the boys
Korean idles know that being into boys only leads to failure.
Kiss her dirty mouth
Only Mio gets to do that.
And who told you that?
Saturday drinking
>Calendar Girl is now officially anime song of decade
Aine, whilst I was eating her out last night.
Why is Rinka making a serious face?
I liked that they used it to close out Ichigo's role as the MC in season 3
I should just delete everything.
I want to lick her ice cream
Is this Lalaloopsy now?
That's an interesting unit name.
Oh no, the dark jewel power turned him into a yugioh character.
me rn
prichan start!
Spinoff when?
She looks so sexy and mature for a children's show.
Meltic Star would be so much better without the brat.
Will we ever see the other Designers Seven
prob in s2, along with the 3 new idols. as long as we keep seeing ange and aira every once while, ill be happy
i need to catch up
You know there's something wrong with this vote when Ichigo ain't first
ep 45 subs when. its up to ep 44 so far i believe
I bet Rollingsmugfag watches Prichan and likes it.
Next week is the start of the finale so you should get to it.
I don't know how Prichan will top last week's episode.
thanks. what episode is it on now? and do u know how many in total?
yeah i was both happy and sad at the same time. i just hope we see the two of them in season 2, even if only rarely
Literally me
nothing escapes eru's all-seeing eye
I tried to create an account to vote.
But even if i managed to create an account i needed a japanese ISP/carrier mail address to upgrade my account (i can't vote without upgrading my account).
but why
Isn't she cute?
Oh no nonononono
I don't want to finish S2 of Aikatsu because I won't be able to handle Ichigo not being MC. I just want it to last forever.
When do we learn the results of the Stars figure poll? I want to know if Yummy or Hime won.
Even after she stops being MC, her story still continues. You do want to continue following her story, don't you?
Sena is so cute, almost as cute as Yume.
Sena doesn't look yuck though.
Best girl saved the day.
Magical Ran continues being a character?
Please refrain from posting images that make Ichigo look ugly
She showed up again around 10 episodes ago and today, so yeah. She will save prichan from the silver alien granny ballistic schemes.
Saturday night
When is Meganee's grand master keikaku going to happen?
They changed the Aira from the opening.
Aira is like Ange now, perma-sparkling
Are they going to kiss?
She is stopping the arguing between Emo and Rinka.
We'll get her keikaku as well.
When's Naru showing up
It have to be Russian spambots
I don't think she'd impress much with her presence.
i love her! hope we still see more of her in season 2!
When's Rinne showing up
Subbing PriChan is the a hell of a drug.
Rate my S4
Where is this little tricks... uh, pantsu and t-shirtsu at?
*DreAca spambots
Why is Rinne so popular when she has no personality?
>Mia shows up in Prichan before Naru
I would laugh my ass off or probably shout out "ICHIBAN!"
Jesus FUCK Ruu looks so incredibly soft and huggable.
Autism is cute.
Is prichan actually fun?
Ainon, /ai/...
No, we only watch it because we like to get bored. Of course it's fun, dorkface.
Nope, nothing to see here, carry on.
I'm not cute
Rinka and Rinne have the possibility of relatives because their characteristics are similar.
And, it will be apparent with Pri Chan season 2 or Pretty All Friends.
Okay, but when are you going to die?
Why Meltic Star is not on the season 2 poster.
Maybe they're the ones that become the top prichanners so they go on a tour to australia to find jymmy. Or the rats kill them.
Meltic StAr is going to die in magma so fucking hard.
Anna goes on a quest around the world to find true strength and become number one, Sara and Mel spend the whole of season 2 looking for her.
Mel will be a character like DeadPool.
Rinka will be a character like the little mermaid.
Admittedly, Prichan does look more fun in recent screenshots than when I dropped it around episode 15-20 or something, but then I remember how fucking obnoxious Emo and Anna were and it reminds me why I dropped it. Maybe if it ever gets subs I'll give it a second chance, but I can't say I really care too much.
Is this twin sisters, "Yuri"?
Is it due to mind that Rinka's private clothes looked like Korean clothes?
It's like I'm watching a good kids cartoon. A pleasant surprise.
How do they manage to outplay aifure at its own game this nonchalantly.
Nice blog.
Because PriCan do what AiCan'tsu
Mel is a BAKA.
>Mel grows another 4 feet
Just when you think she can't get any more perfect.
Scary imouto
pop idols were a mistake
Mamayama-san's face looks like a ferocious shark.
fuck you
Those two look like Noriko and Yuka from iM@S.
Tensai = Baka same.
Careful with the water, rinka...
Which one?
>Pichi Pichi Voice de, live start!
>google translated from french subs
is prichan any fun?
Heisei anison awards.
Calendar Girl ranked as one of the top 3 songs of this decade
Will Calendar Girl ever be surpassed?
I liked this one more
What do their pantsu look like? This is important to my decision.
Not sure why you would need subs though.
Purple left, red right
They're not that bad. It gives you the idea of what's going on, but it's not like they're duwang.
>特別賞 上記、部門には入らなくても、この時代に残したいと思われた楽曲
>Songs that didn't get in any of the categories, but worth leaving behind in this era
Not really top 3, but feels like special mention. I guess it's still my song of the decade and I'm glad it got a mention.
Is Aikatsu popular in Japan compared to the other big franchises like LL and im@s?
>and it's in the box
You'd need a helping hand with that.
It was even more popular than them back in like 2014 and up to its peak. Was.
It used to be, like five years ago.
Not now though.
I'll take left, more girly.
No, it's basically an intro idol franchise. iM@S and LL are for experienced and sometimes fanatical idol fans.
Is im@s still big?
>an intro idol franchise
More like Aikatsu is for those with true patrician taste
How dead is OG Aikatsu?
Less dead than every other entry including the currently aired one.
>all franchises shot themselves in the foot
If only they shifted Pripara to be for big guys it could manhandle every other idol IP no problem.
Now not only there isn't anything you could call "the most popular idol franchise" T7S and Bandori (>not idols) are dying at a fast rate.
Idol genre itself is losing interest year by year. Except for the boy ones. Which is why kingpri is a thing
SC about to go off in popularity
>CG introduces Shark Rin... yeah cool
>CG introduces short busty nurse character... fanart explodes over night
>CG brings out Vampire Ranko and Maid
CG is not dying without a fight and SC has to do something to be relevant again.
What's replacing the idol genre?
Sharks are friends.
Isekai idols, which iM@S CG has
Nothing. We're hitting peak attention span interruption through information overload.
I thought there weren't any ainons that are this retarded.
Just think it through, how much would an audience shift change any of the /ai/ shows.
Increased lifespan.
KingPri worked and it was a genius business move
Basically, people started to spend all of their money on gachas after FGO and few other super popular gacha games became a thing.
Gatcha games rake in insane amount of money, but shows based on them are never noteworthy
Not really, fujos are bringing less money than they used to too.
Also, a very different production, very different budget and very different creative process.
It worked, but it wasn't really a business move. Even more, it worked, because it wasn't a business move, but an extremely low budget passion project.
I wonder when Aikatsu will get 150+ idols.
Is your dad John Bandai by any chance?
>Not really, fujos are bringing less money than they used to too
Boy idol shit grew in sales in 2018 while girl idol shit saw overall reverse growth
I'm John Takara Tommy, ask me anything.
How will you cope with the pain of existence if idle shows die?
Not sure if those games worked the way I think that they did, but Zettai Bouei Leviathan is a honorary /ai/ show and KemoFure was a sensation.
There's always one replacing it.
I think OG had about 25
Stars had 14
Friends has 8
Plus or minus a few based on how you want to count some sidles
So we're almost 1/3 the way there, only 12 more years.
More budget kudasai
I never said anything that requires more internal knowledge than what lies on the surface.
Based IDOLiSH7
Girl x Heroine series subs please! Italian adaptation of Miracle Tunes isn't as sexy.
Also, thanks for keeping kid robot shows dream true!
Everything you've said so far is bullshit but I'll believe it.
PriChan episode where either Devi or Ruu develops a crush on Hikari and agonises over keeping a secret from Hikari or the other Trick and one of the main 6 learns of her secret, is surprised but encourages her to be open with her feelings and although at first the other Trick is upset someone else is more special, she accepts her feelings and Hikari is more embarrassed than weirded out but also accepts them even though she doesn't return them when?
I bet Mia doesn't really love me... She probably just feels obligated to stay with me out of guilt because I'd be a miserable mess without her.
Mia would be happier if I went away.
Return when?
She's not a nurse, she's a depressed neurotic zoomer with an attention whore gimmick. She only wears that outfit to maximize otaku bucks according to her conversations.
That last "ureshii..." really warms my dick.
Isn't it a good thing that she met Lala and forgot about you then?
Sexy bakas belong together.
That's Lala's type and the reason why Mirei never had a chance.
There's a reason why right now in PAF Mia, Lala and Yui stick together.
Rinne had a short hair and robot-ish character.
But, Rinka have a long hair and emotional character.
Their distinct difference lies in that point.
No no no puri! Opposites attract and there's more to a loving relationship than a surface-level "click" puri. Lala and Mirei are in love and that rice slut is just someone she needs to work with for marketing purposes puri, they always have separate hotel rooms and Lala calls Mirei every night to say "I love you puri" puri.
Lala doesn't say "I love you puri puri" puri, she says "I love you puri" puri.
Wait what the heck puri?
>pretty rhythm predicted Link summon
Looking back things you give me is truly an /ai/ experience.
I'm going to vomit
Zi-O is so fucking bad.
Is Rinne a Link 4 that gains abilities based on how many members of Happy Rain was used to summon her?
>Looking back things you give me is truly an /ai/ experience.
You don't know even half of it.
Super Cuties Cloning Girl!
>Russian spambot
In order to vote you need a valid Japanese ISP mail. (using a japanese ISP mail is the only way to create a "banpre navi" (バンプレナビ会員) account instead of a "banpre friends" (バンプレフレンド) one and you can't vote with a "friends" account)
Rude. Our spambots are sophisticated and got a great taste!
Prichan is crazy
Then it's some vile DreaAca AI created by Kii to rig online polls
Mizuki is such a good girl. I love her so.
Rinka was exposed to heavy rain, on the way home.
> Oh no…why suddenly will rain, I have not brought an umbrella!
She ran desperately…but, suddenly the strength of legs began to fall out.
>Ah…My legs don't move well…
When touched the thigh, fishy like smelled and was slimy.
>Uh…what is going on…but, I must endure it!
She managed to get to the entrance of the apartment.
She completely lost leg power, and fall down.
>Can't…stand up…What happened to my body?
When she look backward, panties and socks broke and shoes naturallydropped out.
She lower body turned into a bluish fish tail…and bouncing up.
That was the biggest incident that struck Rinka…And Junko, who greeted her, was keeping mouth open.
>link 1,1,2 into link 4
Trickstar modus operandi
im@s and LL are the definition of entry tier.
Rolling around at the speed of sound
Got places to go, gotta follow my Rainbow Live
I'm crying right now. This is a travesty.
At least she's still the top of her category.
>Kii in 7th
What kind of meme poll is this?
Cursed post.
>yuu fell down
Kii is better than how she is viewed in /ai/
Kii? More like kiip her away from me!
Those feet bruh...
Post one where she squats.
yes, i love it
One of the major perks of being a second year at Starlight Academy is being able to put your finger in first year girls's bumholes. Or, if you prefer, making them put their fingers in your bumhole.
What are the perks of being headmaster?
You sure it's not the other way round?
You mean the Granblue collab?
Bandori is dying? And didn't T7S just introduce new girls?
>jewel stick give birth sm0ller sticks
What a slut.
Where does this stick sticks?
This is sexual harassment.
I want to sexually harass Garnet.
Casting couch. Unless of course you have idols who came into the audition and did "those" things before you said something.
That's uh, terrifiying.
This is a mood
Never getting married.
But she's a slut, user. You'll get all kinds of AIDS.
>threat with blast yourself into space for your boyfriend to pick the phone
Damn rich people.
Hey ainon, so you gonna give me a ride home or what?
>was all fake
What the hell, what a manipulative bitch.
Sounds like a crazy stalker.
This is why I love Sanrio shows!
We must TAKE DOWN HINAKI, Yuubros!
Nothing else matters.
Yes. To my home.
Akari wins
Does anyone have the screenshot of Hinaki where she has bedroom eyes?
Disdain me more
>finally a good Hinaki episode
>it was at the very end of the series
She had Mikuru to help her out, also best screens.
Mikuru teach her how to be lewd
why do most of the idles in Aikatsu have the exact same square body with a cutting board chest?
I imagine Mizuki to have atleast little buds
me rn
It's a very realistic breast size.
typical japanese.
No it's not, sure some of them might still be flat since they are middle schoolers but everyone? it's not like it's an impossible thing to have as shown by the Principal and Ichigo's mommy
why do all the others have none? is studio filled with lolicons or are they just trying to stay on model?
Ah that was it thanks, now I can get back to masturbating
Mizuki canonically has enormous boobs.
Oh my
Idols should wear the Sun Dress, it gives the biggest "boost"
What is this a metaphor for?
Stop bullying Mizuki.
Being an idol is like being a peak physicality athlete so boobs get in the way, all the titty monsters drop out
THAT. It's always THAT.
Mizuki made the best song in the series (Precious) which is why she's the GOAT
Only few are blessed.
The Rola of Aikatsu's senpais.
But I need to lower her self-esteem until she's willing to settle for me.
Mirai is too lewd.
Imagine letting your daughter dress like that.
They're much more charismatic than Rola though.
>your daughter
>thinking that anyone in here has had sexual contact with a female above 12
Aine is doing it now
The two aren't mutually exclusive, ainon.
How many kids will Lala have by age 18?
Are you assuming that ainons has had sexual contact with a female under 12?
I need stories.
>thinking that anyone in here has had sexual contact with a female above 12
What did user mean by this?
I want to shoot something gooey inside Yui!
Me too, dude.
I really like you, ainon!
I want to shoot something gooey inside Lala!
Shut up baby, I know you do.
as long as we keep seeing honey cat in s2 ill be happy
I think they're safe and that if anyone risks getting their role reduced, it's LMT -> RM in this order.
yeah i get that LMT may not be present as much, but I do want them to at least appear every once in a while. i feel there's still more we can see from them
I'm happy as long as I get to see Maika being cute sometimes.
Because that's the perfect body type.
Seriously, just look at photokatsu and tell me that isn't the sexiest official /ai/ art.
God, imagine using Kuromi as an onahole...
I'm all but convinced that the animators put this guy in here on purpose as a jab at bigfriends with anxiety disorders.
RM is confirmed to be at Star Harmony in S2 so I don't think they'll get shafted too much. LMT is a different story, but I still feel like they intend to keep them relevant based on the end of the DFC.
Obviously I hope everyone stays relevant, and maybe they can to some extent as long as no more than two new units are added in S2, meaning the one we already know about and just another one. We'll see.
Oh no, Mikan ate too much and got fat!
I wish I was Yume.
Happy Birthday!
>3 best girls born on 3/3
Why is this date so blessed?
We already know who's gonna win
I freaking love Naru
I love the fact that they stopped showing Naru in the second half of RL.
Nothing wrong with Ichigo, but she doesn't need more merch
I love fucking Naru.
Exactly the reason EVER GOLD should've won Pretty series poll.
Stop blushing Bell.
I miss Nino.
Mizuki has cowtits.
I've fapped to this image.
Keep us updated on what other images you fap to.
I've fapped to this before.
I don't see why they'd start now.
Underneath her sleeve is a pair of Emo's panties that she stole.
ugly granny sweater
I love that her affection for Naru makes her lose her cool.
Say it with me:
>Die, Mirai!
>No, Emo. The only one dying here today... is you.
Hinaki has extremely high sex appeal.
>Oh, Naru. I never knew love could be so easy...
>Ha ha... Love? Bell-san, that tickles!
>Every part of you is so cute, Naru... Your nose, your cheeks, your tummy...
>Ha ha, you're so weird, Bell-san.
>I'm going to kiss you, Naru.
>Um... *mmph*!
>Um... We should get some sleep, Bell-san. And let's, um, never talk about what just happened.
No one loves Bell.
Hiro loves Bell.
But he loves Kouji more.
But Kouji rejected him and then got a girlfriend.
And then Bell rejected him and he had to settle for Naru, who was actually best girl so in the end he lucked out.
A girlfriend who looks like a boyfriend.
Nuck is yuck?
What did Sumire just do?
Not even her own mom loves Bell.
Naru's mom REALLY loves Bell. Even more than Rinne. Probably explains why Rinne went rouge.
I want to love Naru's mom
Dear Rinne,
Stop stealing my OC moves you ass or else I'll bop you one in your stupid blue dome! I'll fight you!
t. A very pissed Mia
Yena looks like the kind of girl who'd be surprisingly wild in bed.
She's been showing her dark side.
God, I want Mia to beat the shit out of me.
Get in line.
I want to die.
Get bent, Mia.
Looks like Hanayo.
What the fuck are you talking about? Look, can you just go away, please?
Legs of junko stop working as intended.
Fatties not welcome.
I will never understand your posts. Do you take them from the wiki?
>Australian posters being bullied
I won't stand for this.
Stop rigging the vote!
Sekai no hakaisha, Laleido.
Fatties not welcome.
Do not bully this boy.
I'd bend her over so many things.
Please bend her over me.
Which two /ai/ seiyuu would you chose to have a threesome with?
I love Aira and bananas! But I love Aira more! I also love bananas, I wonder if Aira loves bananas too?
Aira loves bananas that Kaname is a little too young to eat.
Zucchan and 2012-era Morohoshi Sumire.
Serenon with K? Wait, does K also mean Potassium, which Kaname gets with her bananas?
No you aren't. You are Mia feat. Prizmmy.
Prichan is the best even on the series because of Aira UI. Change my mind on that Pro tip: You can't
I want to die.
I wonder if the real groups tried to sue PR staff for using characters similar to them?
>/ai/ character squinting like she's looking at a retard.jpg
I want Kaname to lick my face.
Aira always saves the day.
I would post some Zucchan nudes, but that darn image limit ruined it.
I bet Kaname performed a ton of oral sex on boys and girls her own age before she ever met Aira.
iRis JAV when?
I want to adopt Kaname as my little sister
Aira has Kaname
Mia has Hye In
So where is Naru's Kanae Itou character?
I want to adopt Kaname as my wife.
She doesn't get one, June does.
June did nothing wrong, can you blame a girl for falling in love?
It's wrong to fall in love.