Bad written

>bad written
>videogame UI
>rape accusations
seriously, what a load of crap is this show. I don't understand why is it in the top5 of this season's shows

Attached: The-Rising-of-the-Shield-Hero-key-web-1000x600.jpg (1000x600, 145K)

Other urls found in this thread:

top 5 according to whom you braindead tourist
have you been in the company of the plebeian retard masses again

For the same reason SAO is popular
For the same reason Bunny Senpai was first in every meme poll
You fags act like if mediocre anime getting extremely popular was a new thing

>rape accusations
The fact that you zeroed in on that means you don't belong here.

Keep seething, faggots.

Attached: 1541537367584.png (840x660, 445K)

Probably that list posted in Facebook or CR

>this show I don't like is popular and this makes me angry, better shitpost on Yea Forums

>>rape accusations
Go back to R*ddit, Stacy

>show that isn't finished yet

OP is probably referencing the facebook and reddit polls that are sometimes spammed here

notice how these shitty threads always end up on the weekend

Shield Hero
>Exposes the "metoo" culture for what it really is
>Has a woman who willingly enslaves herself (triggers feminists)
>Shield Hero inspires men to not put up with the bullshit no more
>Shield Hero gets vindicated throughout

We all know why you are mad. We also know why it's in the top 5. It's practically a documentary to some, others it is an instructional guide.

>rape accusations
Roastie detected

Cause it's good

>bad written

user... You can't defend the attrocious writing in the wn

I think he meant that "bad written" is badly written

because the spin off is actually good

Attached: Vic-Hero 2.png (1276x1435, 2.66M)

>Japanese male high schooler/adult otaku gets sent to/reincarnated in another world full of wish fulfillment fantasies
Can we please stop with this trash bullshit. Oh wait

i honestly hate when shit gets anime adaptations and you get speedwatchers and contrarians complaining about everything

Attached: Vic-Hero.jpg (259x458, 14K)

And shitposters. Don't forget shitposters.
