What are your recent pickups, is it even worth buying anime on blu
Blu-Ray buyfag thread
should i just try to buy a body pillow locally?
Is there a good place to buy digital Japanese manga on release? Noragami comes out in the next day or so but I'd like to buy it online as soon as it's available.
I don't have any recent pickups, but here's my BD collection (Haibane Renmei is DVD, but it's one of my favorites, so I put it on this shelf with my other favorites). I also have a few random Ghibli BDs not in the picture, and a lot of older DVDs.
Whether it's worth it is completely up to you. I like having a physical copy of my favorite series, and sometimes they come with some nice extras. It's also nice to support the industry, though most of my BDs were bought second-hand from auctions and mandarake, so I'm not sure if that really counts. It just sucks that they're so expensive (imported ones). I'd love to collect a lot more series, but it's about $300 for a 12 episode series, so I have to limit myself, or just get them used years later for a fraction of the original price.
What an embarrassing thread.
should i just use a proxy? never used them before
how many of you are college dropouts with a dead end job? I can't be the only one her, buyfagging has been a bitch lately with price increases && my shitty job.
>Buying an outdated model.
Dude. The price been going down. 2001 when I bought a dvd player/vcd player and my first dvd anime which was blood the last vampire. 29.95$. One fucking movie. Not to say much but anime use to cost about 30$ a vol and 100$ a season or series . Last few years only a few series wanted that much and they flopped.
Ot: I pre ordered perfect blue bd for the end of March. Kon work is a instant buy for me. I wish a Paranoia Agent set can be found for under 80 bucks soon.
Almost no one buys shitty licensed dvds/bds Tim, he is talking about figures which are ofen the main focus of these threads.
This is a Blu-Ray buyfag thread, read the fucking subject.
Check the fucking replies, no one cares about optical media. Moron
Make your own fucking thread moron, physical media is the main topic of this thread.
You must be new and not aware, everything buyfag related must be contained within a single thread. Mods will bitch ebout it otherwise.
Enjoy your pvc butts.
Where do I get, official weeb lanyards? I'm looking to buy one just like the ones I've seen at conventions, but the selection online is pretty lacklustre.
this is 100x better compare to the user's that post their western bd collection shelves
Piss off, retarded newfaggot.
Post anime merch except figures, I'm tired of seeing the same shit gacha figures everyday.
I'd just buy physical manga instead.
Post your favorite figure.
sorry but I only collect figures, at least for now, i think i rather buy artbooks, manga and visual novels rather than Blu-Ray/DVD of anime shows
>virtual yt crap
Cant wait until I can PO this
Just buy the cmd9000 off Amazon, its fucking great for the price
It's not the same.
should I lads?
figure arts zero by bandai is utter garbage
I just assumed since it was a bd buyfag thread. With that in mind yeah. Buy figures with low paying funds like min wage or even a low paying job is a struggle. Specially if you also have rent, car, gas, and utilities.
It depends on the figure you desire though. Arcade prize figures are neat. I have many for display. Still there ones you would sell your body for. I can only say either get a credit card and pay it off sooner or save 300 for that must have fig.
I would post a pic of my bookcases but they're packed double and my dvd/bd/ld are in storage cases since that media shelf was broke in the move and I'm low on fund and away from a IKEA to replace it. I have like 130 manga hentai to normal mix, doujins and novels in English and Japanese.
Kill yourself, newfag.
>it was a bd buyfag thread
Winter 2018 was a good season
Start by posting yours.
I got this box a few weeks ago from NY from their free shipping event. I also got 3 other boxes from FJ and AmiAmi in the weeks that followed, which I don't have pictures of because I'm not usually a faggot who posts pictures of shipping boxes. I just wanted to share this one because I thought it was funny how they just taped two boxes together to make one.
I beg your pardon?
It's not like you people can read or something. ESL tag talking.
Beg harder, fag.
February really was the month of Chino-chan for me.
Not a Blu-ray but I ordered
It s like you retards havent been around for more than a week
they even ship 30k 1/4 scales that way, on they "bright side" they charged me the same amiami does.
Ah a phoneshiter, no wonder.
>Ah a phoneshiter, no wonder.
Some people have works or a life outside their mom's basement, unlike you I can't be on a PC 24/7
Is that vinyl ost?
>Some people have jobs
So you should be having a life or working, not being tethered to 4chin, you dumbfuck.
Heh week old newfags. Sure son.
And some doujin goods. Waki's ferret girls are cute.
The latest thing I bought was the NGNLZ DVD and BD from the United States to my sudaca cunt.
Go to honto.jp
I was you once user, you'll can go back and get a degree I believe in you
Well I'm on the shitter at work away from the wifi and no laptop sure.
Ok I'm a little jealous.
I'm not sure if I can having 32.
>retarded newfaggot OP is also a phoneposter
Like pottery. Off yourself.
I found it by pure chance when I bought a repress of an old citypop album I love, they pressed 300 discs of the perfect blue version I'm getting
boring design
Is A+ any good?
Like pottery.. what? That statement makes no sense. Are you a child or something. Get a better insults your embarrassing yourself and us.
After years of nightly checking Y!JA, I finally found my waifu's daki cover. It was opened, but "unused" (and without original packaging). I would have preferred a new one, but after so long searching for it, I didn't care. It doesn't appear to be used in any way.
The Tamayura pillows were an interesting find, I had no idea they even existed.
Yeah, your new is showing.
>he doubles down
> That statement makes no sense
>your embarrassing yourself and us
Depends, the quality varies a lot they have some average to good scales but also some with more issues, I'd try to avoid them if possible.
Is this the buyfag thread or what
Yeah, just ignore the faggot OP and post like usual.
Apparently is the retarded newfag thread, so post your optical media that can be easilly pirated and gotten for free instead on focusing on better merchandise.
This one came fully assembled. There were no parts to attach, and she's already attached to the base. Cute figure and I love the design. Can't wait for Cocoa.
Shit pic but meh.
Very cool
Or can one just get bootleg figs because quality doesn't count? Who care.
Dolls are cute.
Yeah I have no actual camera dumbass.
ESL-kun, is that you?
If quality was important then why start the thread with subpar localized BDs that often have worse quality than free BD rips you can find on the internet?
This thing was not worth the price. It's tiny. And despite a 3 month delay, it's full of QC issues. Shitty paint. The figures are really unstable and fall over easily, except for Fennec, who you have to force into place. And doing so pushes her head against the top of the bus pretty hard, which is a paint transfer waiting to happen.
And mine even came with some fossilized fingerprints of a chinese factory worker
>lewd femdom figures
Where? I know maybe of 1 or 2.
>maybe of 1 or 2.
No you don't, there aren't any.
How about LaserDiscs?
don't worry boys, I already put the faggot op of this thread in the infograph
And so this month, I took two more steps down the slippery slope, and crossed over into 'See you, Space Cowboy' territory.
I have been collecting comiket stuff for years, never thought it was bad
You're doing god's work, mate.
I have a bluray I don't have a thing where to watch it tho.
Also it finally arrived, a bit smaller than I thought it'd be, the box is about the size of a nendoroid old box.
Nice work
>proxy buying is on the same level as daki
>calls THE LIST an "infographic"
Even without your idiocy, this thread is next level bad.
Spooky how it's actually true. I'm at the collecting physical doujin stage and I've only skipped buying lewd figures adn gunpla from above.
>doesn't know about the infograph
The list unorganized and retarded, the infograph is objectively better
Some argue this is one:
The dominant tag redirects to that page so she's the only one.
What about the flat blonde chick with the whip
Do onaholes really deserve to be that far down?
To be honest it was just reverse psychology to get you to tell me lewd femdom figures, the only one I know of is pic related (not even R-18) and the one based off Asanagi's art.
That image has been outdated and inaccurate for a long time now.
There are millions of guys out there with fleshlights that have no interest in buyfaggotry or anime.
OP here, this is literally my first post here in this thread, just wanted to talk about Blurays on a Saturday morning. Didn't mean to invoke the other buyfags so my bad, won't happen again
THen dont put buyfag on the topic, returd.
Lurk more crossboarder
Yea Forums legit doesnt give a shit about BDs, i've tried to start discussions before in buyfag and it never goes anywhere
Nice, I can never find his stuff in stock. Did you get it from Y!a ?
Just stop
Question to europefags: Is it, in a long run, more affordable to buy little shit and dodge taxes but pay for more shippings or buy a lot of taxes but pay additional 23% for the entire order?
One way or another, it still hurts the wallet...
Just get a good job.
Super cute GochiUsa stuff user. Are you getting the FuRyu Chino?
Completely and unironically kill yourself.
Just move to a good country.
I barely left uni, give me some goddamn time and those doujins ain't gonna wait for me.
Plus, I don't like to throw my money out of the window. Nobody does.
Fellow Europefag here. Getting into this hobby means taxes are just part of the cost of getting what you want. You can buy cheaper stuff to avoid it, but is cheaper smaller stuff really what you want?
Generally I stick to doujinshi and small goodies like keychains and such. I just want to buy shit from fav artists and they generally don't do bigger shit than occasional anthology.
If I buy blu-rays off Amazon.co.uk will the money still go towards the studio?
allrighty boys, here it is. I wasn't going to include the frog shit post because now he's just doing it for attention, dont give him any
use NY, pay 10€ shipping and vat upfront
I love Erina-sama
There just isn't really anything to discuss about them like with figures. An anime airs, and a few months later a BD is released. The extras that come with them don't vary much, there's never really anything unique about them. People post them sometimes when they buy them, and it's nice. But aside from that, there isn't really anything to talk about.
With figures, there's plenty to discuss - sculpts, paint jobs, new releases, upcoming figures and announcements, and so on.
>Did you get it from Y!a ?
Yeah, that and the Fluffy x Fluffy doujins are from Y!JA. The others are from Booth.
Nah, I didn't order that one.
NY? What is it?
Currently I'm sticking to BiJ forwarding (and so far I am super pleased with them. Previously one artist sent me wrong package and I could send it back to them and get what I wanted and they helped me a bunch identifying what was mis-sent).
It's like you learned about Yea Forums from screenshots you saw on reddit.
buyfag and reddit are one and the same these days
Let's say you buy 10 figures for 15k + 3k shipping each, that all dodge customs: 180k
Now you if you ship all ten in one box shipping will go up to probably at least 10k and you get 160k x 1,23 = 196800
Considering this is stuff I generally intend to buy (apologies for the quality of the photo, I didn't intend to post it anywhere when I received the package), I can scale everything down. Plus, chances are big boxes will dodge shipping too...
That was helpful, thank you.
I jumped almost immediately to gunpla and later added FAGs to the list. Can't wait to get my hands on this edgy little dork.
I'm an idiot, this was for
Cute doll.
Got this a week or so ago.
touched a nerve there big guy?
Do you ever just have the urge to pick up your figures?
No, never.
vanilla vs chocolate
which do you prefer?
Can you stop with this forced meme?
I'm one of those insufferable "delicious brown"fags but vanilla suits her better.
shes gained weight
not him but it's a shit figure
Tsuji has permanently made porkchop chocolate!
Same, I don't think it was really worth the $180 price tag, but i'm still happy I got it.
You mean lard vs shit?
thats probably the thinnest pork figure.
she even had a thigh gap unlike nowadays where her thighs are way too big and they rub against each other.
Just makes it more of a lardass
left looks better
a diet
If this fatty went on a diet would her boobies shrink before her tummy?
Mom haul.
>finally got my mashu
>cant decide between one piece or skirt+armored body
Does anyone know if her arms/head/torso are removable on the standard version? might buy a second one if so
Two of these are not like the others
wow thats lewd
you can see her ear
Ok, I know it's Sonico, but fuck. Had to order.
It's ok, it's not the porkchop levels of disgusting. It's the limit.
tfw from eastern europe even tho I moved to northern europe
tfw id probably literally enrage my parents if I bought shit like this just cuz they are technically luxury items
To be honest that one and the beermaid are the only figures where her body doesn't look repulsive. Her face was always fucked, though.
>mfw id take porkchop to be my waifu
>tfw shes still a virgin because no one likes fat girls
>id make her lose weight and have the perfect fat boobs/ thin belly/ fat butt waifu
Glasses Hanako is 20 but its the only(?) manga for glasses lovers.
How's the ass?
lately sonicos ass has become too big
and before you fags start calling me gay. im not, im a super straight male
Anyone get the Ideon bluray that came out recently?
Those hips though.
My Velvet came today
Forgot to spoiler the others
Last time i listened to Yea Forums and bought an anime BD it didnt even have English subtitles, costed like one hundred dollars too and it only had 3 episodes, like wtf why would anyone buy this shit
quite a lazy hair sculpt
Cause "much imported overpriced BDs support duh industry unlike shitty Western BDs" as if the anime industry in its current form is worth supporting.
just as I thought
>current year
>two buyfag threads simultaneously surviving
strange how we didn't get a new Sayaka scale despite the last Mazinger movie, I have almost lost hope of a modern scale of Maria Fleed
I like these but they're super expensive
I've abandoned all hope right off the bat, but never been into space cowboy territory. Whoever made that image was a normalfag autist.
stop posting non-anime images on /a you fucking newfag
forgot my image
I'm happy to see other Oyarifags, but why'd you get it from Yahoo! Auctions? Cheapest I've seen the calendar on there has been like 3K, which is way overpriced. You should've got it when it came out for Comiket.
Well, the figure is 1/4.5, so you're right!
Could be better
>Forgot to spoiler
It really doesn't matter if its spoilered or not when the 4channel mods make their way through.
It isn't a reaction image but the character mentioned in my post which doesn't even have decent figures.
I'll never buy a lewd figure
based and christian pilled
I bet you don't have the courage to.
Nice Tamayura and Hidamari boxes, and is that frame a special set bonus?
>Buy Malaysian copies of two different series because they're dirt cheap and why the hell not
>One comes in four discs and it's perfect, it's like an exact copy of the best quality version you can torrent
>The other has 15 episodes on a single disc with the worst compression imaginable
Fucking Southeast Asians, can't even be consistently bad like the Chinese.
Thats how it works for 3DPD women, but 2D is not beholden to the same laws.
Cute butt.
Oh hey, this is pretty good ta-
>Kimi no Na Wa
Into the trash it goes!
im retarded
i thought the bikini straps were weird noodle nipples
why buy this crap when there is sonico wedding ver.?
>pork wedding version figure comes out
>buyfags will say her ass and boobs are way too big
would it even be possible to make this figure without having terrible boob welds?
because THAT is too much
Why did this fat girl become so popular?
I thought we hated fatties!
Should I buy it?
there are multiple girls on the posts you are quoting, retard.
I don't know what that says, but yes.
>we hated fatties
There have always been a few fags who liked her.
Pochaco is where it starts to get way too fucking much.
Sonico just gets hate because of how mainstream it is and no actual decent source material.
Just because Sonico has big titties doesn't mean she's fat. Also
we used to hate fat girls but now that reddit has invaded im starting to see more and more fat elves on the front page and it sickens me
gone are the days of loli and moot
Depends on their genetics, fat placement and distribution, but it's not mutually exclusive. And there's stuff with 2D losing weight, too.
Take a look at all the reactions to the Pochako shitposter.
Fucking stop replying him you stupid retards.
How much was that?
Minimize the comment and don't see any replies.
It's no use, user. I already accepted the fact that buyfag threads will never be like they were before. I know that hurts but what can we do, it's too late.
>fat girl become so popular
yes we used to hate fat girls but then we grew up and have found that fat bellies are great to hold onto when doing the mating press
So report that fag for spamming and mods will ban him or at least delete his shitposting.
A non buyfriend just mentioned to me that he saw a naked Tenryuu, that I assume was makaizoku, on YJA several years ago. Has anyone seen it?
I knew I should have bought Megumin before I went out this morning.
Honestly I just look at the pictures posted and rarely read any of the posts most of the time. There's a good chance you're not gonna miss anything worthwhile doing that.
Fuck off, fat loving retard.
The original owner of a website called Yea Forums(now 4channel) and creator of Pochaco(now Sonico)
I did last thread and nothing happened.
Kind of the same now.
I almost exclusively buy my blu ray/DVDs from Discotek Media since they specialize in putting out the shit that interests me. Old, obscure, and niche titles companies like Funimation and Sentai would never touch for great prices.
They usually have a sale on Rightstuf every few months and I managed to get ALL 152 episodes of Fist of the North Star on blu ray for just ((((($40))))) (Granted it was a standard definition BD but it was still very clean and high quality) during one of their sales. If you want anything related to Lupin III, Space Cobra, Devil Man, Midnight Eye Goku, GTO, Cyborgy 009, Mazinger Z, Galaxy Express, Ashita no Joe, Robot Carnival, Violence Jack, Golgo 13, Vampire Hunter D, Street Fighter, Black Jack, Urusei Yatsura, Captain Harlock, Getter Robo, Wicked City, Cybersix, Mega Man, Sonic, School Days, or Golden Boy... Hit up Discotek.
I'll occasionally get stuff from Viz and Sentai and a few others but I absolutely refuse to support Aniplex nor do I respect anyone who buys from them. Their prices are disgusting regardless of whether you're a richfag or not. It is inexcusable to sell a fucking movie for $100+ and the prices for a lot of the anime TV series are even more ridiculous. Luckily most of the anime they license are hot garbage but it does kill me knowing I'll never own Trust & Betrayal as well as the new City Hunter movie...at least until they lose the licenses and a better distributor picks them up.
who are we reporting now?
I want to fuck Kurumi.
Cute but the lingerie one with the guns is superior. I hate myself for missing the alternate face.
>2k anime order got shipped like 3 weeks ago
>tacking hasn't been updated since then
>probably lost
bundled with bluray only, no?
Probably for the better assuming you bought a lot of trash.
It's probably all trash.
too long fag
Too expensive, and not sure I trust Kadokawa's quality control.
I love the crotch area on that figure
It's mostly a list of shit they have.. There's probably only 2 paragraphs at most in the entire post.
Shitty witch
what's the best selvaria figure in the market right now?
She comes with 3 spare glasses because she can't stop breaking them
I admire your commitment to getting all the witches and not just the great, good, or ok ones.
Only have a shelf and a half of anime but it's mostly shit I like as well as common garbage I regret owning like Vampire Knight, Blood Lad, Death Note, Your Name ect.. Pretty much all the anime they typically have at your local target.. As well as a bunch of Ghibli movies which i'm not a big fan of but you can't go wrong for $15 a pop. With that being said, the really good shit I have is worth checking out. Will post a pic later.
They are great
And now we're back to unboxing pictures, pictures of shipping boxes, figures in boxes on top of grainy poorly lit photos
Let me guess. It's a bunch of overpriced cutsey generic animu looking girl figurines from bad anime?
Their recent stuff is all right.
you sound super underage, only unrefined teens hate bbw.
make sure you finish your homework before monday, little boy.
Should I?
I wrote to post your anime merch but there you fuckers go again with your shit witches figures and stupid grainy photos of boxes.
You do realize I can read your address, right?
There has to be a plush in one of those boxes
Kill yourself? Yes, please do.
>wan piss
not him but i can't see shit
Nice, I got mine this month too. I'll put her in my detolf with her Nendo and the 4 other keychains I got when I get an 1851 Colt London Navy
A cat is fine too.
End yourself
If you're really thirsting for a Nami figure then I guess it's about as good as any other MH Nami figure. Otherwise just keep your money.
I'm getting evicted thanks to buyfagging
I'm sorry.
I'm stupid, ugly, and retarded please forgive me
Whichever one panders to you the hardest.
What the fuck is with Kino and people being too lazy to even display her
I don't like the pose.
30 is a bit old to still be living with your mom
Dude, that dakimakura is not of nice quality, it really feels like plastic.
Based and redpilled. if you're gonna show us something, why not show us the anime, posters, or figures that aren't big titted literal who anime girls. What's the point of looking at boxes as if the mystery keeps me in suspense._
lewd figures: the choice of the basic bitch, and the underage crowd
>mfw onaholes before plamo
Took a while for me to find the cursed dakimakura (Ayano)
Get back to facebook.
Absolutely haram.
This has got to be SEA right?
Why would you or anyone waste money even buying her? She's not even aesthetically presentable. It's the most basic looking design for an anime charscter.
It's perfect for this level of posting
Not really
? I meant he'd probably be dead if he was in a middle eastern mosque instead.
You can get mosques in the West as well
That pic is literally from Malaysia.
Then you know more about it than I do
>nothing but gay shit
God forbid anyone having a Spike Spiegel figure or anything masculine.
Date a Live? More like Date a Slut amirite?
Nice, I also have her nendo, it's cute. Post your keychains, user.
I just don't want to unpack her yet.
>having a Spike Spiegel figure or anything masculine.
Jesus fucking christ my DICK
Where are these characters from?
Stop reminding me there's no good modern Rei figures with the original art style.
man face as usual
new rei looks fugly
I thought Rei was a shy autist?
Is that one on the right a bootleg my Rei's face doesn't look like that
Cute 2hus
>retards are STILL in denial about this figure
not a bootleg retard, that's the limited+exclusive alternate head
You arent supposed to be looking at her face.
lol still looks like shit
kill yourself faggot
It's based on Shunya Yamashita's art and he doesn't draw shy women
In what universe
I think her Nendo is one of the best values for the money GSC has put out in a while. I only have 3 nendos, and they're just under my monitors. I've unfortunately run out of room on my keychain board so the new rubber gun keychains are in their bags for now.
>arguing about girly anime toys
At least buy manly shit you literal fags. Even /toy/ has some taste when it come to weeb figures.
buyfag is beyond redemption at this point
When they re-release yang wenli I'll buy that with the force of one thousand suns
I need to finish off my witch collection one day.
Super cute bag!
Based and redpilled
Last witch. Lucchini
That reminds me.
>take Tanya down when getting the truck detailed
>fingerfuck the glock when taking her back out
Her arm does not fit correctly, even without her weapon
user superglue
What's the long fragile thing?
Giant glass dildo he uses to shove up his anal cavity while jerking off to his anime girl figurines.
I did want this when it was first announced, but don’t think I can justify spending $400 base price + proxy fees/international shipping for a French indie figure. They could honestly just take all the preorder money and disappear since they don’t have any previous large releases to give them a reputation
Are you retarded?
He has two airplanes on the detolf, thinner and paint on his desk so he probably builds plamo too.
>how dare you not notice a few minor details on his desk in a room filled with mostly girl figurines
Spare me your excuses for such degeneracy.
Maybe you should spare us from your blatant shitposting.
>Stop disliking stuff I like
You're on your own, kiddo.
Big gun
I would be ashamed to display this. 3/10.
Lucchini is too lewd. 10/10.
I like her uniform
>one sharp tooth is visible
Why is this a common trope in anime characters? It's ugly. is it some bad attempt at making the character seem spunky or ferocious?
Thanks, user. I think the frame was sold at the 4th movie showings. It has a music box that plays the theme song from the movies.
it's called yaeba teeth, crooked teeth and/or larger fangs are supposed to look cute on girls
cute panties
More bully magnets
Gross why isn't this slag covering her shame
Striped pantsu are the best
Evidently not for 3D.
or 2D.
Blegh, even on the floor. This room would look nice if he cut down the collection by at least half and moved the tv to a practical spot.
Never be an early adopter for any new figure company. Also western japanese-IP figures are a big hit or miss, usually miss. That one already looks ugly to me. I dislike how some westerners waste a ton of polystone/pvc on an overly elaborate base, it's partially what drives the price up. I mean, I love creative bases but not when it's a bunch of rocks that are twice the size of the human.
3d jap women also like fangs even if they're fake
C95 stuff
post anime figures, i'm tired of non figure anime merch,
how can I be a buyfag while also being a poorfag
Loans and crippling debt.
>package going in the opposite direction after arriving in the US
Current witches. Still missing Martina, Heidemarie, Charlotte and Hikari
that's a lot of dakka
They aren't panties, so it's not embarrassing!
Fuck off. People have been posting their awful waifu figures for most of the thread. I'd like to see more blu rays/male figures.
Its missing Alter Nipa and Alter Dirndl Trude
Buy a few nendoroids, prize figures, and localized BDs/manga.
>live in California
>shit from Japan get sent to Texas
>then Nevada
>up to oregon for some reason
>then to like 3 cities post office around my city before the one closest to me
why the fuck is this allowed
i know yours is a bait post but still might be useful to others: stick to cheaper ones, browse a lot manda/amiami preowned sections, try to avoid prize figs as much as you can they are cheaper but harder to resell but you can get decent scales starting from even 1500yen, I used to resell whenever I could some for a good profit then use that money for other figures purchases, be extremely careful about shipping costs try to be sure/estimate as much as possible so you won't have bitter suprised, I've saved a few dozens of thousands yen always that way, buying locally might be a good option in some cases only if you know exactly what are you are doing.
Disregard my shitty english.
ALTER Nipa scale never
What kind of shipping do you pick? I live in Cali and goes from Japan to SF then to me.
>harder to resell
Why even buy a figure that you would remotely consider selling?
> I used to resell whenever I could some for a good profit
>for a good profit
I mean, I get that you're trying to make a point, but it's a bit awkward when he provided an obvious answer already.
Why would you want to keep figurines that I've cum on?
Nice. You need to get Heidie too, she's my favorite from the Alter line.
When you're on a tight budget, reselling is almost a must, it's also useful for other reason for instance: in general as the years go by older figures prices tend to drop so it's a good idea to sell them before they're worth a fraction of their current value, of course you have to be careful about what's more convenient to resell.
We were born to suff--
> Alter Dirndl Trude
Oh, fuck you.
Depends on how the rest of them look.
forgot to mention and it was implied in my comment that given their inferior quality and details many if not most collectors stop collecting prize figures and regret to have bought them.
how does this look to you?
based mash figure
I will wear a garlic wreath and never invite her inside my home.
>implying any girl would want to come inside your lonely incel house.
What is that subaru, rem and emilia?
Also resize your shit
i know its ironic but buying porkchop figures
her scales generally come in huge sizes 1/5 ,1/6 for around $120
cant beat that
still remember when beerlady was nearly 7k, nowadays it's probably 12-13k
im stiff
I'll get her but buying Sanya, Lucchini, Hanna and Perrine was the same price as her.
are we finally going to get a good railgun figure?
That image is fine at that size.
>That image is fine at that size.
She looks gorgeous, wished I could've ordered her but too low on funds.
Still mad they didn't make a new daki of her but they did for the rest of the girls.
>image size autism
never stop, /buyfag/
fuck off back to r*ddit
That Princess Tutu box is pretty classy looking.
Yeah, she's the most expensive except for that giant jet Trude. But she's worth it.
We don't have a hell of a lot of courtesy around here, but resizing pictures isn't asking a lot.
I'll go to reddit when you get off your third-world internet
It took you 12 hours to find that reaction image?
I love my Utena boxset.
what's the best place to buy raw blu-rays?
>wearing a girl ring
lmao what a faggot
>starry eyes
>long blonde hair
>school uniform and zettai ryouiki
I haven't even seen Railgun and I love her.
>raw blu-rays
theres nothing wrong with figuarts
I don't remember this anime.
I've been entertaining the idea of doing a headswap on this to turn it to a genderbent MGS Raiden. Anyone know of any 1/7 scale white/light blonde short hair mature face girl to achieve this?
Like I said before. I know I have garbage like Vampire Knight, Death Note, a bunch of Ghibli movies ect.. but keep in mind I got them really cheap. I got some good stuff too. Also keep in mind I had to crop the shit out of these just to get them to fit here because I'm retarded and don't know what I'm doing.
what's a good site for a canadian to buy anime figures?
fuck off the internet you poorfag
It's cheaper to import from japan, than it is to buy locally.
my only manga.
promotional booklet for the 1985 film, Legend of the Gold Babylon.. badly cropped
anime production cel from Lupin III Part 2 from the late 1970's
same with different lighting.
>I'll never own Trust & Betrayal
Just import the Tsuioku-hen Bluray, it's subbed.
Mainly niche hobbyist and a bit into abandon all hope, skirted around neckbeard,
Only YJA proxies were for picking up some long OOP Aria figures, only physical doujins are the scriptbooks for Haibane Renmei.
I did commission custom art for a pillow, but it was part of Secret S/a/nta years ago.
some figures. I apologize in advance for the lack of girl figures. It's not my thing.
>liked anime too fast
more figures
good job op, your stupid subject attracted all kinds of anime garbage instead of figgies
Last figure. Christ that took too long.
That's comfy shit.
Fujiko's face looks quite weird there.
and pic wouldn't send of course. Done.
The designs in the actual movie are weird... on purpose.
Does spending money on merchandise for a show or movie really do anything to help it?
>weird... on purpose.
Would you mind to explain that? Lupin's face looks decent.
>is math related to science?
>does selling merchandise help a company make money?
I know you can figure this one out, I believe in you.
watch the movie and you'll understand. It was directed by Swim in Suzuki who was an artsy B-movie guy who also worked on Lupin III Part 3. both the movie and the series was very wacky with exaggerated cartoony expressions and designs in the vein of old school western cartoons. it also could be a homage to the Manga artist who created Lupin III, Monkey Punch. He drew him in an odd way similar to what you see in MAD Magazine.
Seijun Suzuki was the director. Really off my game. need to turn off autocorrect and not be a faggot and just get on the computer
she got a cult following from just a 3 minute scene, which is sadly all she got animated.
I meant more along the lines of: If I buy a specific anime's merchandise (blurays, figures, keychains, manga, artbook, etc) am I significantly supporting that specific anime or just the producer of that anime?
if you ever wondered why your fave anime doesnt get more seasons its because it isnt selling
blu ray disks are far more important
how many copies of the Love Live Sunshine movie bluray would I need to buy in order for them to make more Aqours anime?
don't speak such blasphemy, user--my cute moot just arrived the other day
>using it as a wedding ring
devotion, I guess
what have they done to her face. she looks like an irish girl
That's kinda funny really. Well at least I can say I've watched all of the anime she's in, now that I just Googled it.
The fuck. Haven't even received the invoice to pay yet. Where y'all pre-order it from?
That's the finger they wear it on in the show pleb
i did think it was an odd choice at first, but she is lovely in person, despite looking quite irish from the back as well
Finally finished unpacking and buying furniture. Still mad Ikea dropped the 15" depth
what an unorganized and child-like mess
15" Depth Billy Bookcase*
2/4 Still hoping for Detonation figs.
Still never ended up finding a reasonable way to get the Dekkai Nanoha
Still waiting on Detonation Blu-Rays.
I fucking hate the gap in morliden doors and it's preventing me from upgrading from detolfs to billys. Why the hell does Ikea think the gap is a good idea?
>sold at the 4th movie showings
I figured as much, and that music box sounds lovely.
We do, and she's not popular, she's just a meme because of 1-3 fatfags spamming her, just like feet over in /vg/.
How did you get those Devices? Custom made or bought them somewhere? They look neat.
Fucking based Lupin poster. While everyone was posting their literal who waifus, you come in with the good shit. Bonus points for having actual animation cels and old promo books. You are the highlight of thread and i'm disappointed I missed it until now.
what's that nekomusume one
Honest question here. What do you get out of buying blu rays instead of just streaming or downloading the shows? All i see is a waste of money but there must be something otherwise you guys wouldnt exist
This is really cool. Depending on the show, these sell anywhere from $100-$500.
Supporting the industry.
A lot of them come with neat bonuses
And you get to influence the sales numbers some fags care so much about
It feels good to hold a physical copy of my favourite series, and puts something towards those who made it.
I'll always have my blu-rays if I want to watch them. Download links/torrents (with seeds) won't last forever if I ever lose my files.
The idea of owning a physical copy of something you enjoy. It's the collectors mindset. They like the aesthetic of the packaging as well as the art. It's fun to display them and form your own collection. Sure you can just stream the stuff but it's not as rewarding as owning it. Plus what do you do if your PC breaks? You're fucked. Months and months of downloads lost forever. Granted you could just save it all on a flash drive but not only is it useless until you get a new PC which can be an expensive investment for some, but what if something happens to the flashdrive? You also gotta make sure you have backups. It can be risky and not worth it for some. Blu Rays wont go anywhere nor will they break on you unless you're actually retarded. The biggest risk is you pay too much or your house is hit by a tornado. It's just a hobby.
Imagine wasting your money on mass manufactured plastic butts or outdated storage format. With that kinda money you could buy arts or even hand manufactured glass birds. While you jackoff to cheap plastic I admire these beautiful examples of workmanship
I should also mention special features are another thing. They are harder to find through torrenting and i'm a sucker for audio commentaries and making of documentaries.
Go back
So you jerkoff to that instead? I'm sorry but i'd beat my dick over drawn tits on a plastic disc than a glass animal.
Everything is a waste of money to someone. That said, blurays will always be higher quality than any torrent or stream. So it's worth it to me to buy them for shows and movies that benefit from that the most.
>That said, blurays will always be higher quality
Ojectively untrue but whatever keeps away buyers regret.
Not necessarily true. Depends on the BD. I've seen American BDs that use old tranfers whereas a lot of new Japanese remasters are ripped and put online. A good example is Sherlock Hound. It was released on DVD here and a month later Japan releases a new remastered verion on BD which you can find online.
Do you think encoding magically increases the quality?
Do you think lossless encoding doesnt exist in 2019 ?
>Zelda GSC Scale never
Nice artbooks.
Too bad they have less chance to get scanned than porn.
Go forward.
Good shit, user. Was about to give up on the thread but finding someone with actual taste and doesn't just buy figurines of anime girls with big tits from horribly bad anime is rerfreshing.
Amico obv
Very cut chains, user. Made me want to buy some too, these can also be used as acrylic stands righ? Also I have more than 3 nendos and you're right, Kino's is one of the better ones. Also I don't understand anything in guns but is also looks cool.
What do I have to buy to get people to like me
Funko pops
start by liking yourself then you can get people to like you
Based as fuck
>Ever liking yourself
Lupin III merch. At least i'll like you.
>blurays will always be higher quality than any torrent
Fucking retard.
Rather than save money from the new job to get a new car before mine finally kicks it forever /blog I decided to finally actually buy these three
that kurisu hasn't aged well
I just checked my credit card and I got 2 pending transactions from Toranoana for 96.37 gbp which is the right price for this except I haven't received an email telling me it's shipped and for some reason there's 2 charges, I only ordered one and there's a charge from 2nd march and one on the 3rd of march, what do?
Should I sit tight and hope it corrects itself or should I try contacting them? Do they have customer support who speaks English or should I try and get someone I know who speaks Japanese to help me, should I just ring my bank and say to cancel it, I checked my purchase history and it says I only ordered one
>Should I sit tight and hope it corrects itself or should I try contacting them?
You could buy them as 1:1 replicas for 20-30k. I considered getting them but the actual product is plastic as fuck.
How is this getting merch? Dropped as soon as I saw the shit cgi. Did kemonotrash make this somehow ok?
Not surprising
You mean finding a faggot buying localised anime
As of right now I don't think that Selvaria even has a bad figure, so whichever one strikes your fancy you can pick up.
You clearly enjoy your collection and I have to admit that I'm super jealous of you for having Eliza. I've ordered that fig 3 times and it got lost in the mail 3 times. I'm waiting on the fourth because Jungle is still down.
I really hate that about a lot of the newer fig manufacturers
> Hey you never heard about us, but we got the license for something you want
> Pay us $300 - $500 for figure and we'll only show you 3D concept renders or one prototype we definitely spent months perfecting
> We do not attend figure/toy trade shows and are not apart of any distribution networks/supply chains that anyone would find reputable.
I mean I'd gamble with $100 to $200 but for more than that I'd need you to go full Sideshow with a render, then a prototype then first production model.
What a nice collection user!
Although the fact that you can't fully close your doors would drive me insane.
The overall problem is that enough anime streaming services have shut down to the point where it's an obvious distinction: when you own them, you own them for life and when you stream them, you stream them for as long as a contract doesn't expire. At any point I could want to watch the original Trigun, but should I be beholden to an executive who thinks the existing contract isn't making enough money to be renewed? I don't think so, which is why I choose to own things.
Start normalfag, jump to See you Space cowboy, leap back to neckbeard, spend 3 years as Niche hobbyist before slowly sliding back to Neckbeard.
What a strange journey I've had
How'd you find that?!
Are you a hacker?
What compels you to respond to every single post
Double check with them,
The reasonable answer is that they put a hold on your account for the money before they charged you for it and the hold hasn't been released yet. So it can appear as if they charged you twice. You should definitely contact them and ask for clarification.
Also your bank should be able to restore the money afterwards if you were just charged twice on accident. Dispute a charge and they will take care of the rest. It will tick off the company you're dealing with, so you should definitely contact them first.
not all, just the ones I'm interested in.
Mostly boredom and the fact that the thread will be over soon.
I googled it and it said that it's usually if the first transaction fails it stays on your account for 1-5 days as s pending transaction then goes off, the second one is the retry, I'll wait and see if any go through as they're only pending atm, if one goes away and one goes through then it's all good
>You clearly enjoy your collection
Welcome to 4channel.
This may come as a surprise to you, but occasionally people here will post pictures that they haven't taken themselves.
In some cases, users will even post a picture of a hot mess collection or a picture that they found on some other more popular website, in an attempt to get a rise out of other users.
You mean finding answers on google was faster and more accurate that some Canadian toad fetish forum?
Is this upcoming freeing bunny girl figures? Does this mean Kurumi Tokisaki is getting one?
It's all 3rd world shit holes that can't load larger images, like australia and mexico complaining.
>upcoming freeing bunny girl figures
Forgot pic
The absolute state of these threads
I mean this place is endorsed on reddit now
>I apologize in advance for the lack of girl figures. It's not my thing
It's ok user, their are literal fags on Yea Forums now, even a faggot board (/lgbt/) so no need to let everyone here know how much cock you enjoy.
That's good, that's usually what happens, you should contact your bank to make sure you're cleared for international purchases from Japan.
Although a smart lad like you probably did that before you bought anything.
>a smart lad like you
You want to take's advice and head over to ?
Found higher res, bunny girl kurumi confirmed, anyone else got any pics? This is from 10th of feb
I only do it for movies that my torrent file for true blue ray quality is too large to play without mild issues like stagger. So for modern anime movies I want in true blueray quality, I buy them. No reason for series or older anime and the people who buy them are retarded outside of a dedicated collection for your waifu's series.
End my misery, buyfriends, end it now.
What have we become, my sweetest friends? Everyone I know goes away in the end
this post is the OP frog poster ban evading.
Yea Forums becoming mainstream and accepting reddit
>FGO secret discord retards
>not phlebbit
Its been obvious from the start.
If it's still pending it will most likely sort itself out. I've had it happen somewhat frequently.
I feel your suffering bro