Who had the better character arc?

Who had the better character arc?

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>When two people quarrel..

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Ryuko, because she is the more complex character. Satsuki's is really by the numbers.

They had characters? Didn't notice.



Based retard.

Satsuki didn't have much of one since she was retconned into being a good guy all along, but I still love her.

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I think it apllies to people that think this show is good.

I'm running out of mhhh_grayons over here.. help.

Did I hurt your feelings for your precious EPICMEMEY show?

>I think
I doubt it.
>it apllies

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Ah, the classic "oops I noticed a typo thereofre your argument is invalid" trick.
Doesn't make the show less shit, ya know.

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No, I think I start to see a pattern here. And this time you fucking tried. Holy shit.

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Based retard.

Sems to me that you are just getting desperate because I insulted your favourite show.

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Looks like I did. Sorry!

Is this short for semen?

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Of corse your mind would jump to that conclusion.

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Based retard.

Of corse.

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Satsuki should have taken over as MC. The second half of KLK ruined everyone.

Yes. Your gay.

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I wanna fuck both so I don't care.

>The second half of KLK ruined everyone.
Seems like you didn't get it.

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They had no character and no character arc as well.
Satsuki was and stayed one dimensional, only her so called "goals" shifted, same with Ryouko.
The show was a shitfest that couldn't even make a decent action fight, the rest was a purge garbage with crappy attempts on humor, what a waste of time it was.

I accept your concession.

Satsuki isn't getting her arc until the game which makes her the main character.

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>repeat the same shit twice
>calling people retard
Based and uneducated

>They had no character and no character arc as well.
You really should try watching the show.

Based retard.

I'm a big fan of both their 'character arcs' if you know what I mean

>loses argument
>thinks he can save face by spamming memetic phrases

She already had her arc, the AU game is another matter.

It wasn't worth getting at that point

Ryuko actually had a character arc so her.

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Based retard.

There is no argument, just you shitposting.
I mean
Based retard.

>the second half that I didn't even watch ruined everyone
Low IQ post.

Keep on going.
>shitposting because I said their characters were ass

Based retard.

Good doggie! Now do a roll for me.

Based retard.

Let's try to salvage this shit thread.
Satsuki had a much more clear cut and simple character arc. It's basically all solved within episodes 20 and 22 (and then in the OVA).
Ryuko is much more complex and I don't think most of the viewers that complain about her in the second half paid the necessary attention to understand her character. Her arc starts at episode 1 and isn't over until 22, her flaws in personality and worldview are established all through the first 10 episodes but don't blow up in issues that must be overcome until the end of episode 11.

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>Character Arc

Those fags can only do fight scenes

You should really try watching their shows.

What a good doggie! Do it again!

This to be honest.
I don't consider having an emo Spiderman phase and coming back from it to be character development. As for Satsuki she had no arc that I remember. The stuff about dealing with sexual attraction was interesting, but it was over pretty fast.

You should really try watching shows without multitasking and shitposting on Yea Forums at the same time.

KLK would be better if Nui was kill from the start and we didn't get the the retarded plotpoint about Ryuko and Discomilf being life fiber hybrids.Change my mind.

Hard to change the mind of someone that doesn't accept the basic narrative and thematic outlines of the show.

Based retard.

You're trying to argue with that one huehuehue Koyani/Vegtard faggot. Just give it a rest already.

The plotpoint in and of itself is fine,but it later allowed for bullshit clutches (see Ryuko being cleanly sliced in half and diving down to the primordial life fiber to recover) and an entire two episode drama that didn't amount to anything could have been avoided.Nui was a goodbye concept for a character, but ultimately they executed it pretty poorly.

Yes, obey your master!

I haven't rewatched this show since it's was airing. How about you actually bring up points and reasons why I'm wrong instead of posting this shit? Calling me a faggot would have been faster.


Do you really expect me to remember what happens in every single episode by number alone? You might as well be speaking chinese to me.

On a conceptual level I appreciate Satsuki's more, but Ryuko's is better for it's emotional weight. Though the sunset scene in episode 22 is brilliant intertwining of both.

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Game adaptation by platinumgames fucking never.

Ryuko being a life fibers hybrid didn't"amount to anything", it was an exacerbation of the themes of shame and exclusion faced in the first half of the show by fighting"naked", and let her issues and insecurities loose, leading then to her finally accepting herself and the world around her.
Nui is also an inextricable part of the tapestry of the story, as the embodiment of absolute chaos that kickstarts the bulk of Ryuko's development and that she needs to overcome, emotionally and philosophically.
If you don't remember it at all I'd suggest you to rewatch it before trying to discuss it.

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