All the best anime came from the 90s.
Debate me.
All the best anime came from the 90s
Let's see
>Gurren Lagann
Aw shit, looks like I can't name 3 shows without naming a 90's one...
Not making a good case by posting a mediocre battle shounen.
What mediocre battle shonen? All I see is YU yu hakusho, which is a masterpiece and better than your favourite anime.
SnK beats the shit of that generic shonen.
Whichever oldest is the best because im oldfag guys.
Yu Yu Hakusho is garbage.
>hiei was edgelord god supreme before the trope was done to death
>has a god damn technique that has a dragon he can't control because it's so powerful and black
hiei is best boi
So SnK beats the shit out of itself? Because considering the absolute trainwreck it has become, you might be onto something.
>Ping Pong the Animation
>NHK ni Youkoso!
>Tatami Galaxy
>Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji
>Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
>Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou
Not too bad
>thinly veiled rec thread
MAL and Reddit taste.
>a mediocre battle shounen
Hunter x Hunter is the pinnacle of the shounen genre, brilliant series with endless amount of fun and creativity and Yu Yu Hakusho is only a bit worse from that. There are no other shounen anime that come even close to the quality of these too, except maybe Rurouni Kenshin (if we exclude the filler).
The only good anime from the 90s are NGE and Kare Kano.
Based and Nenpilled my fellow Hunter chad
You're right, I haven't watched too much anime yet so it's an incredibly entry level list
No. OP is a faggot.
The ascetics from the 90s are nice but the quality imo is to be debated. you could tell the quality from something like Trigun and SAC, the time gap between the two is just 5 years and they both look completely different. Both are beautiful but SAC just looks at least like it's from the later 2000s.
YYH is way better looking than Trigun lmao
it might but i was just pulling something off the top of my head in the moment but i still stand by my original argument about SAC just looking so damn good compared to a lot of shows in the 90's.
It wasn't even properly finished, and HxH does a lot of what it tried to do better.
To be fair, SnK is a political shounen, whilst YuYu is a battle shounen.
The Best? I mean it was good great even but then so was Gundam Wing, Eva, Fucking GAO GI GAR, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, ffs Samurai Pizza Cats?
>It wasn't even properly finished
Fucking Togashit.
>and HxH does a lot of what it tried to do better.
HxH has other problems.
SnK is a battle shonen with delusions of grandeur.
The 90s also had a couple of good anime shows but if it's just in the 90s then akiria doesn't count because i am a dick and i isolated it to the 80s because it was released in 88'
Like I said, political
>Gundam Wing
Whatever makes you feel happy.
>Implying all shounen that aren't DBZ copies don't have delusions of grandeur
>Implying the joke isn't that by being a young adult political action series, it has delusions of grandeur
A lot of good anime came from the 90's but the one in your picture isn't one of them.
filthy nigger
>DJ Agetaro
>Rakugo Shinju
>entry level
>>Implying all shounen that aren't DBZ copies don't have delusions of grandeur
Ashita no Joe? Kinnikuman? Yu Yu hakusho?
Come on
I got your joke and it didn'tmake me happy at all.
nigga nobody has watched those boomer shows
I guess they aren't, but I enjoyed them thoroughly and they came out after the 90's.
>its a masterpiece and better than your favourite anime.
Wow what a well thought argument. are you 12 or something?
it literally has the same problem of being unfinished
I am in fact 28, I am a NEET have watched over 2000 anime, Yu Yu Hakusho is the best
the ending of yu yu hakusho is fine, better than most battle shounen that great dragged on for years far past their welcome
You should, they are good and fun
It's still ongoing though while YYH isn't. Not like it will finish but there is a small ray of hope still.
>>Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou
I still don't know how that shit ended being so good
and not eva? jesus i'll give you props for being loyal.The literal mindfuck of a last episode felt like i was getting rammed by a broomstick but the whole anime made me a better person in the end. i enjoy it's ending it made me felt at peace.
I used to love eva ten years ago but don't feel so strongly about it now because I am not an insecure teenager and the mental problems of the characters just make me roll my eyes more than anything
I prefer anime that is light and fun now, perhaps I am regressing in maturity because I have been binging Pokemon lately and really enjoying it
The 70s are my favorite
most 70s anime is unwatchable kids stuff
>saying this when it hasbjumped the shark like 30 chapters ago
Eva was pretty much a vehicle to tell people to move forward, i do enjoy anime some times but after watching it i did move on with my life. it's one of those "helped you at the right time" things. i lost my dad before watching it and kind of fell into a hole and i supposed it's why i fell into anime at the time.
World Masterpiece Theater is where it's at. Also Lupin III
You're just biased based on your nostalgia.
lighthearted and quite funny, definitely a little gem from that season.
good music too
Lupin III is the shit.
yeah it's a very impactful show if you watch it at the right moment of your life, sorry about your dad btw
>World Masterpiece Theater is where it's at.
it's all so BORING
>Also Lupin III
it's okay but it's just an episodic action show, nothing much else to it
It was a couple years ago and i moved on from then, i guess eva is really why it kind of stuck with me. it made me reflect on what i had to do with my life at that time and the world just couldn't stop for me
Give Future Boy Conan a try
yeah I've seen it, probably the best looking show of the 70s thanks to Miyazaki, Jesus fucking Christ though the audio quality on that series is dogshit
> the audio quality on that series is dogshit
Well what did you expect? It's from the 70s. It's not even that bad compared to the stuff that came out in like 1970-1971. Sometimes it literally hurts to watch the original Lupin III show and Ashita no Joe
it's partly why I only like anime from the 1980s onwards, I'd rather just read the Ashita no Joe manga and watch the modern Lupin than deal with that crap
Yeah I like Joe manga much more than the anime but Part 1 of Lupin III is still the best for me
gurren lagann is a ripoff of outlaw star
I haven't seen outlaw star, is it worth it after all this time?
It's not a ripoff of outlaw star, but it's worth trying for sure
rec-police here, nothing to worry about, proceed as usual, citizen
the last 5 episodes of outlaw star is basically guren lagaans 26 episodes