Hey, Yea Forums!. Today is Sakura's birthday.
Hey, Yea Forums!. Today is Sakura's birthday
Happy Birthday Sakura !! I'm really looking forward to Spring Song
Oh hey the birthday of a worm sucking whore, pleases old men/abusive step brothers for free.
Sakura spent most of her birthdays in the worm pit.
Why is HF movie Sakura better than VN Sakura?
I still prefer the VN overall, but Sakura is the one thing they've improved.
Happy Birthday Sakura.
define "improved", you mean they pander for waifufags and ruin her character?
You must have a shit imagination then. That is always the case when brainlets say a TV show or movie is better than what they read. How can the limitless potential of what you can dream up, tailored to you exact preferences, lose out to a someone else interpretation?
From ReDrop
No one cares.
How do I get Sakura in FGO?
Parvati if you don't mind the art and average sprite, or settle for one of her clones. Or wait for an actual Avenger DarkSakura.
She's not, but still pretty good.
Parvati, BB, Summer BB, Melt, Passionlip or Kingprotea ?
Kinda amazing how many industry vets are Sakurabros. Thumbs up to them.
Happy birthday to the best girl
I really hope they use a different artist for that
Happy birthday to my waifu
Which one?
Happy birthday Sakura
Nakahara's Sakura arts are really great (e.g. she drew Imaginary Around CE in FGO). I hope she will draw more Sakura in the future
Yeah her illustrations are pretty great.
I'm still not able to look at Parvati and see Sakura. Parvati fanart is great, but the sprite looks nothing like Sakura other than the purple hair
Sakura fucks worms
This is all levels of cute
The key scene is adorable.
t. retard
>That is always the case when brainlets say a TV show or movie is better than what they read.
You're missing the point, this isn't about one medium vs the other as everything else I prefer in the VN.
>How can the limitless potential of what you can dream up
Well then what's even the point of liking anime girls instead just using imagination to create your own? I'm not speaking of her as a waifu anyway, but as a character.
>I'm not speaking of her as a waifu anyway, but as a character.
If you want a conversation instead of just throwing shit then say why you prefer her in the movies. I think she's a better character in the VN, which is quite easy since the movies are basically that but cutting some parts out.
Happy birthday, she may not be my favorite character, my waifu or anything else like that, but at the end of the day she's you know. Okay, and part of a franchise I enjoy.
Happy Birthday to Sakura and her clones
I have a hard time believing someone actually thought it was ok for release. It's so bad compared to other artists drawings of Sakura/her clones.
Her VA got better. I find VN Sakura's VA ear grating but her movie role is much better.
This smile should have been protected
Hmm, I suppose I shouldn't have said she was a better character (though they seemed to have kept almost everything that made her character work/interesting in the VN so far in the first 2 movies) but rather that she was more likeable.I'm not even into women, so it's not a waifu thing.
Movies can make it easier to show expressions considering the VN was limited to pretty basic sprites. Also her VA has improved greatly over the years
Happy Birthday Sakura, I wish you all the happiness in the world
Happy birthday!
Can never like someone who is so meek and weak willed
Best girl, Rinfags are kidding themselves
Tawawa author blessed us with some new art.
The guy wasn't kidding when he said he'd love Sakura always
>Yesterday's thread was 100% comfy
>Today thread is getting shit on by wormposters
Go away, let my wife celebrate her birthday in peace.
It's a Saturday
Kids are off school
Just ignore them
Sakura is strong-willed and can get through anything after all
Happy Birthday my beloved Sakura-chan
>That smile
Sakuraaaaa ;;
Happy Birthday Sakura!
Spring Song will definitely end with a proposal, if not a wedding
I sure hope so
Happy Birthday Sakura!!
I'll always hope the ending credits are a full on montage of her life after the movie.
Happy Birthday Sakura!
Cute! Shirou and Sakura deserve happiness.
The Japanese birthday date usually has the better threads.
That's right. Sudou please make a wedding scene for them, or a proposal is okay too
What about ending it with the final CG but have Shirou handing a ring box to sakura?
Happy birthday sakura, today I am gonna rewatch the first movie of heaven's feel with my secondary friend
Too awesome. I love it
Happy birthday!
That's awesome.
God what an awful thing to wake up to. Now March 2nd is cursed for the rest of my life.
Get rid of the last one and it'll be great.
in what way? Why would the biggest Sakurafag at ufotable ruin HF? Sudou captured the essence of Sakura very well as well as makes more clear that she is not the Shadow (which was muddled in the VN)
Don't forget it being anniversary of aniki dying.
All this birthday art is great
Happy birthday, hopefully I'll still be alive when P3 BDs come out
truly the worst girl
Because the VN tries to mislead you into disliking her, while the movie tells the story in a more honest way.
>cherrypicked version of sakura is more honest
Happy Birthday to the best girl and my favorite anime character of all time
Ah yes, the doujin that was stolen for the Medea Carnival Phantasm scene
>this kills the meme
>hopefully I'll still be alive when P3 BDs come out
What do you mean user...
why are there no pictures of dark Sakura here?
You can always make one yourself
Happy Birthday Sakurai!
Love to all Sakuras
Don't forget precious Protea
inb4 we have to suffer through the normal end again
Dark Sakura is cute.
Of course she's included too, I didn't make the art though
If anything it will just be a "What if" scenario. It won't be the actual ending we get
We are growing too powerful, sakurabros
Normal end is good, but True will be adapted i guess. There's no reason to not adapt it, after all.
I can't wait to see the final outcome of the new scale she's getting made
I could see them going normal end if they wanted it to be more artsy. True end is nice and all but there is that implication that shirou and sakura are going to need fuck daily to survive and I'm not how they're gonna beat around the bush regarding that.
We've already seen them fuck once. All they need to do is imply they're doing it regularly.
They'll probably change the True End. I mean, i really want to see Sakura and Rin working hard to find a new body for Shirou.
That would be boring as fuck
The strong got stronger
What the hell is that?
I hate it!
>you'll never make Gil fangirls cry out of the cinema
Rin should just explode
Ponytail Sakura is the best Sakura.
Looks like a mommy here
Mommy Sakura
Well, she probably had enough kids to fill the Emiya household.
I wish I could have witnessed that
Movie three is going to be fantastic
Yeah, it might be the VA.
It's not her yandere side I didn't like in the VN, but her "normal" side. I think the intimate moments between her and Shirou work a lot better in the movie (perhaps just the format), I never really bought them as a couple in the VN.
Happy birthday to the best, sweetest, and sexiest girl!
Waiting for this.
I've always wondered about this - how would they keep shirou's puppet alive if sakura got pregnant? Daily sex would be impossible at one point.
Damn, this is just wholesome all around.
>doesn't consider her home to be the matou's or the tohsaka's, but Emiya's house
She should burn the Matou house to the ground, all things considered. Shinji being around in FHA is probably the single reason the house is still there.
Best Master/Servant pairing coming through
Eternal reminder.
Absolute best pairing
>Become the Dark Mistress of the world.
>Instantly mind-control Saber into a slave.
>Tentacle rape Rin until she breaks.
Hum... Why do we dislike Sukura again bros?
Why were UBWfans so disappointed with the UBW anime?
No, I think for the most part Sakura just moved on, she said she would and does. What was silly was Shinji implying that the only way for Sakura to move on was if he left for Tokyo so the Matous fade away. Sakura found her own teacher and her own place to be, so while she may be the youngest, it kinda sucked how the other characters took so long to give her the respect to acknowledge she grew on her own. Except ironically Saber.
It's amazing how similar but also different sakura and rin are. Both are actually incredibly intelligent, sakura doesn't show it often because she's humble but she is good at reading people and is very difficult to lie to. She's far less judgmental than Rin though and doesn't really get on people's case if they annoy her. Which is sweet, but also kind of sad.
Contrarians. The UBW anime was fucking excellent and Nasu himself was intimately involved with it.
Anyone who didn't like it is allowed to have their opinion, but I won't respect it.
>Except ironically Saber.
FHA shows how she simply gets along a lot better with servants than with normal people.
Probably because they share having fucked up backstories.
Pleasant surprise from this popular artist!
Because the second season was a huge letdown in comparison to the first.
The first season can even be shown to normies and they will like it. The action is excellent. The worldbuilding is top-notch. The pacing is absurdly good. the fights are engaging and spectacular. The first season of UBW is really the mark upon anyone can judge an excellent adaptation.
The second season of UBW is a garbled mess. The pacing is atrocious. The world building is random and incoherent. Fights are frequently stopped mid-way and artificially lengthened by numerous cuts. A single fight lasts three (3!) episodes, with something like twenty cuts, often mid-swing. The dialogues, which were interesting and engaging in the first seasons, are now pseudophilosophical and boring as hell.
It's a simple question of failure to meet previous expectations.
she gets on very well with Medea as well
>The second season of UBW is a garbled mess.
I don't like your opinion at all.
>A single fight lasts three (3!) episodes
That single fight was the climax of the entire fucking show and has been built up to for 20 goddamn episodes you actual buffoon.
today's my birthday too. i'm celebrating Sakura's though
>pseudophilosophical and boring as hell.
Like what? What conversation went over your head?
Cute interactions in Gohan.
They messed up the shirou vs archer fight pretty badly, but outside of that I thought it was a decent adaptation. I personally think most of the real hate comes from fate/zero secondaries who thought of UBW as a sequel to Zero.
>my two favorite Fate girls interacting with each other
I hope we get more of this
>regretful killers make for the best wives
That said, not getting close to Medea if I ever wanted kids.
Happy Birthday to you too, user.
>They messed up the shirou vs archer fight pretty badly
How? Because they didn't use anything but Kanshou and Bakuya, a change Nasu suggested himself?
Congratulations Sakura!
Today is my birthday as well
They have some great moments together in F/HA
you're a "normie", faggot
Happy birthday user!
>That single fight was the climax of the entire fucking show and has been built up to for 20 goddamn episodes you actual buffoon.
Archer and Shirou's fight is the worst fight of UBW. Not because of its length, but because of its pacing. Look at that damn fight with fresh eyes. In three episodes, you get 45 minutes of very poor dialogues between two stilted figures, 5 minutes of actual combat, and something like twenty cuts when the fight is actually becoming interesting. I have seen better fights in DBZ. In fact, it is paced quite literally like a DBZ fight. 90% of people glaring at each others and talking at the empty air, a cut, some swings, a powerup, a cut, they talk again, another cut, another powerup.
And no, it isn't paced like that in the VN. Thank god, in the VN it is actually engaging, with far fewer powerups, cyclic introspection, and repetitions. The VN hypes this fight, UBW murders it.
After having watched the DEEN movie, Imust admit that it does that fight better, though it pains me to say so. Not because DEEN does it well, oh no no, but because the Ufotable fight is that worse in comparison. DEEN has a horrible Shirou VS Archer combat, but at least it is actually engaging, somewhat.
How is HF 2 such a masterpiece ? Can it be topped witch the 3rd ? How do you feel about the movies being better than the VN
Thanks user
>After having watched the DEEN movie, Imust admit that it does that fight better, though it pains me to say so. Not because DEEN does it well, oh no no, but because the Ufotable fight is that worse in comparison. DEEN has a horrible Shirou VS Archer combat, but at least it is actually engaging, somewhat.
How was DEEN's 5 minute fight better than Ufotable's 45 minute fight?
I wish I were in Japan to celebrate Sakura's birthday at the UFOtable cafe
>How is HF 2 such a masterpiece ?
They cut the filler (Kotomine, Illya, Rin) and focused on what was important.
>Can it be topped witch the 3rd ?
Of course. The third film will have so many great scenes and the epilogue.
>After having watched the DEEN movie, Imust admit that it does that fight better, though it pains me to say so.
I'm just going to stop replying. Your opinion is terrible and you clearly only watch the show to be some sort of action battle fantasy or some shit. DEEN's version was atrocious.
>VN it is actually engaging, with far fewer powerups, cyclic introspection, and repetitions.
And you failed to grasp that in a visual medium because you're too simple minded to recognize any of the adapted material because it doesn't have the internal dialogue meticulously explaining everything to you like you're a child. The anime fight had everything the VN had but adapted it from plain text into visual information.
>The anime fight had everything the VN had but adapted it from plain text into visual information.
And did it terribly.
This is probably about how Miura handled the romance between Shirou and Rin. Pretty lackluster especially when compared how Sudou handled the romance between Shirou and Sakura. Though to be fair, the romance between Shirou x Rin wasn't strong in the VN either.
Why do they blame the director (Miura) on bad source material (UBW route)?
The whole vibe I got from the VN was that Shirou really wanted to fuck Tohsaka but found actually dealing with her to be a mess. I really don't think they click, Shirou and Sakura are much more similar as far as personality and interests go.
Because you can improve on the source material? look at Sudou, he sacrificed the whole beginning of the VN everyone had seen over and over and no one wanted to see again and instead made a whole 10 minutes prologue to build Sakura and Shirou's relationship.
Maybe it cause the HF trilogy showed people that Miura could have added in new, original scenes the way Sudou did with the first few minutes of Part 1. He also added more to the rain scene, with Shirou pressing the house key he gave Sakura into her palm. He also had Shirou full on cry during the scene where he's about to kill her because despite it not happening in the VN, there are lines make it clear that he's very much on the verge of tears.
>I frantically swallow against the sob rising in my throat.
>My eyes are hot.
It's clear that Sudou really cares Shirou x Sakura which made Miura's lack of care even more apparent. At the very least Miura could have added in a hug or something.
Hey now, don't under-appreciate that fist-bump they shared!
I don't think it did. As someone who has read the UBW route 3 times I think it was a fantastic adaptation and your dislike of it comes from something personal rather than objective criticism.
>He also had Shirou full on cry during the scene where he's about to kill her because despite it not happening in the VN
That's probably my favourite scene in the whole movie, it makes the rain scene look easy in comparison.
>He also had Shirou full on cry during the scene where he's about to kill her because despite it not happening in the VN
Which is why I think they misunderstand Shirou.
Or maybe you didn't pay attention to the structure of the VN?
The whole point is Shrou gets more and more human as the VN progresses.
>Which is why I think they misunderstand Shirou.
There are quite literally lines from the VN that make it clear that the kid is on the verge of tears. I even posted them. Plus HF is where he becomes his most human, something even Nasu and Takeuchi themselves stated.
>showing something that was already implied
HF is when he goes from robot of justice to the most human he's ever been, hell, the tears almost feel like he couldn't sort out a bug in his programming.
>Which is why I think they misunderstand Shirou.
Wasn't this what UBW fans said about the UBW anime?
>That's probably my favourite scene in the whole movie,
I've been avoiding the camera rip since I'll be able to watch it in theaters on the 14th. Really excited to be able to experience everything on the big screen.
>since I'll be able to watch it in theaters on the 14th
Fuck my country I swear, at least giving in didn't feel bad.
>at least giving in didn't feel bad.
Would have done the same if I didn't have showings in my state.
I'd love it to see in the big screen, the movie is fantastic if you don't mind side characters getting shafted to a degree, mostly Rin being a cunt.
I already knew side characters would be shafted. It happened the first film, and while it was a better this time around from the spoilers I read, the film is very much the story of Shirou and Sakura, which is what Sudou wanted to get across to us. It's a shame, but I won't let that spoil my enjoyment.
the trilogy is very much the story of Shirou and Sakura*
To be fair, the movie is a Sakurafag festival and I couldn't be happier.
She deserves all the focus she can get, especially since the next movie won't have that much of her until the climax.
>I couldn't be happier.
I don't share your liking for the character but im honestly really happy that you and others are happy that she's getting love/attention.
Thanks user, and there's nothing wrong with not liking a character. There are a variety of different characters to suit all tastes at the end of the day. Who is your favorite?
To be frank, I've always felt that Rin was trying way too hard to be hostile toward Sakura. I get that Rin doesn't trust Sakura at all since she was menace to the city at the state she was but every time Sakura opened her mouth, Rin would just either tell her to go back in her room threaten her to kill her or force Shirou to use Archer's arm.
shirou deserves better
Sakura's smile means the world to him.
not as much as artoria's
If I had to pick a singular favorite? Probably Rider (Medusa) given that I really, really, really enjoyed her in Hollow Ataraxia but it's really a tough call.
>not as much as artoria's
It does.
Altima, you have to stop.
Yeah she had some great scenes in F/HA for sure. I loved the development that Medea and Saber got in that VN as well. I personally couldn't see the fascination about Saber after finishing FSN, but I loved her after finishing FHA.
Still can't believe Sudou planned the final film titled Spring Song for a 2020 spring release. I don't know a better or more dedicated Sakurafag.
Happy birthday, the times finally caught up to you.
>c'est comme si elle me disait que sa fuite signerait ma mort
Sakura = Taiga > Saber > Rin
pourquoi en français?
how those smiles don't matter as much?
A Sakura x Shirou shipper from day 1.
sakura doesn't deserve shirou
Tomonori Sudo ; Yuuichi Terao ; Koji Eto love français
Burgers get the American dub
He hates it!
Just because no one responded to your first bait post doesn't mean you need to post the same shit again
>made by Sakura
>octopus and rabbit-shaped
what does the rabbit signify?
That weird rabbit-related hallucination Shirou had when he got hit by the shadow early in the route
I doubt apple rabbits have anything to do with that
It's a pretty common snack in Japan
I mean I agree with you on that, I also ended up enjoying a lot more of the cast of Fate after I read Hollow Ataraxia, but Rider really just stood out to me above all.
>gives waterpark tickets to shirou, rin, and saber
She's doing a poor job of it.
I guess it's probably because she got the least development in FSN, or at least that's how I felt. It was nice to see her in a comfortable setting.
It was a spin-off loosely based on an actual scene in FHA, don't take it personally.
Totally different person. That's not me.
I'd love to see this scene animated
Sakura is a good example of how much a girl can improve once her hair grows.
>Since the "Unlimited Blade Works" is playable after concluding "Fate", Saber's true identity was revealed early in the story. As she is not a romantic interest in this route, Nasu considered as a motherly figure to both Shirou and Rin. In the making of its anime, Nasu said the staff's purpose was to make her more beautiful than in previous Fate series, even more than the heroine Rin.
Maybe this had something to do with it
>Saber must look more beautiful than Rin
poor rinfags
Saber and Rin are the faces of FSN according to Takeuchi-sama
Your posting manner is too easy to spot. You are shaming Sakurafags with your autism the whole time, girl. Just stop.
Yet he only drew Saber for the 15th anniversary ad. So much for Rin being a face of the franchise.
Miura just hates Sakura. Saber and Rin have separate covers with Shirou alone but Sakura has to share one with Rider and she got it after Illya and Taiga. Miura a shit.
>Nasu: I will say that Rin was my favourite character when I was writing the story. Rin is like Aoko in so many aspects that it felt good to write Rin's story. Of course, Rider showed up shortly after that and everything went to hell. With regard to Saber, writing her story was always nerve-wracking because I knew she was really important to Takeuchi. I had a similar experience writing Hisui in "Tsukihime". Whenever an artist gets attached to a specific character, it's really stressful for me to write that character's portion of the overall story.
>Takeuchi: I think Rin is a character who is all about potential. Maybe that's why I'm only truly appreciating her now. Saber felt so complete right from the start, and the poetic beauty of her pairing with Shirou only added to the perfection. In Rin's case, however, a lot of events and situations like that whole London deal kept bringing out new sides of her that we hadn't previously seen. She makes you think about what "potential" really means, in a variety of ways. For example, if we were to do a spin-off story for Saber that took place in the Knights of the Round Table era, we still wouldn't be able to disband or do without the pairing of Saber and Shirou. That combination is just so complete that it's hard to adapt it to totally different situations. Rin, on the other hand, is more of a free agent because her relationship with Shirou doesn't define her in any way. Of course we have the Archer/Rin pairing, but a Lancer/Rin pairing would work out just as well and be just as good in its own way. We could even set up a story where Rin and Luvia are fighting over Shirou. In this way, I feel like Rin has earned her place as a face of the "Fate" series right alongside Saber.
yeah like 10 years ago
But not for Sakura.
>literally accused a completely different person in this very thread
Why are people obsessed with making bogeymen out of random Sakura fans?
I don't really see what that has to do with what was said but ok.
It’s weird since Miura stated Sakura as his favorite.
She makes one for Shinji in UBW's end. It's the staple
>housewife visiting ill person
snack there.
Because they're all samefaced autists like Mike.
you're looking too far into what is essentially a snack shown in about 90% of anime series.
He sure has a strange way of loving her.
but Miura didn't write Emiya Gohan
Case in point. Whoever that is, he's been living rent-free in the heads of Sakura haters for years. Imagine being that triggered by people liking things you don't.
Illya and Taiga got theirs before Rin as well I think. Maybe they opted for Sakura and Rider since Sakura x Shirou was already getting too much with the trilogy.
who is mike?
Something about Takeuchi praising Rin feels fake. Why did he have to mention other pairings? It’s like he was trying to knock down Shirou x Rin.
because he hates all pairings that don't focus on his waifu
Because that's for advertising and the only couple he gives a damn is SaberxShirou because he's THE Saberfag.
>his wife's face and a rhinoface
do you ever imagine that Araragi is a redeemed Shinji who goes through his life trying to help people to make up for his shitty life as Shinji? I can't unhear Shinji any time I watch the Monogatari series now.
>Rin, on the other hand, is more of a free agent because her relationship with Shirou doesn't define her in any way. Of course we have the Archer/Rin pairing, but a Lancer/Rin pairing would work out just as well and be just as good in its own way.
RinxShiroufag status: Utterly destroyed. Rin is officially seen as a slut who can be paired with anyone.
Gonna piggyback on this, the end of the first cour is low-key tragic and I guess an anime-only would get hyped wondering how it all could resolve.
It's a good thing Takeuchi rarely comments on Sakura herself and the one interview we have is Nasu and Urobuchi.
You can only imagine the retardations he would spew
>I think Sakura and Shinji would work well together after he apologizes for all the stuff he did
>she'd be happy without Shirou this way
It was funny how easily Sakura became beloved by the Edelfelts in one timeline, despite being a Tohsaka. She takes the smug ojou side really well.
it's sad that I can actually imagine this being said
Nasu goes full retard regarding Sakura often enough as it is. He keeps seething about the ancient negative reception of her and HF, yet he's the one who's been actively fanning the flames by encouraging guest writers to sabotage her and meme on her even after the opinion on her and HF improved, until Sudou finally stepped in and told them to fuck off with that shit.
Pic related for some. But if he and Nasu did talk about Sakura after the movie makes another billion, he will probably mention the parts where she gets along with Saber the most.
Aoi was an utter bitch
Happy birthday user.
>Sakurafags completely ruin Rin's birthday thread
>Start crying when the same happens to them
Nah fuck off with your victim complex bullshit
what makes you think that?
Nakahara always phones in for the Servant art ascensions though. It's weird when they are amazing everywhere else.
try reading the thread next time
no one is crying about anything, all that's going on right now is healthy discussion
Thread isn’t even ruined. It’s been going pretty well except for a few anons that get ignored.
I still fucking hate you fuckers for shitting up Rin's thread like a bunch of monkeys and then acting all pure and innocent
I fucking hate you so much
if you honestly think there's hostility going on right now then it's no wonder you rinfags are so easily riled up. Maybe stop getting defensive about every little thing.
her letting sakura being sold off to the matou
tokiomi was scum for doing it but being passive towards it is even worse
How utterly predictable.
Yeah the hostility was all in Rin's birthday thread because you're still bitter from 15 years ago.
It was so bad you killed the whole thread, literally can't let anyone else have a nice time but you.
There was zero romance between Rin and Shirou in UBW. Shirou even only fucked her to recharge mana, and all the whole "I fell in love with her" seemed to be tack on lipservice to remind yourself "oh Rin is the heroine right?" He even considered killing Rin for Taiga and had literally no second thoughts.
The emotional core in UBW was Rin's relationship with Archer. Fuck the emotional climax is their farewell, Shirou and Rin are just ridding on Archer memories and her interaction with her. That's why not even UFO takes Rin/Shirou seriously.
they had no idea what went on in the Matou family though and Aoi got into a relationship with Tokiomi already knowing what could happen.
I wouldn't call her a bitch as such, just lacking a backbone.
To be fair, Aoi had no idea what was being done to her.
Who fucking cares autist
I don't browse Yea Forums, I just came here to say fuck you for ruining a Rin's birthday thread.
Real cool of you.
It doesn't help that the UBW staff were told to purposefully make Saber more beautiful than Rin in the anime either.
even so selling off your child is awful
She says she knew what marrying a mgus entailed but accepting it makes her a cunt
Did you actually read the vn or did you get all your information from your wormfag circlrjerk?
Reminder that lost belt 4 is going to be a million times worse than Septem and if you deny it then you're everything that's wrong with modern TM.
Ah I see we have a falseflagger in the thread.
Please ignore, the actual Rinfags in here have been quite civil.
I posted in the Rin birthday thread. Said happy birthday and posted some fanart of Rin and Sakura.
What Rinfag?
We left Yea Forums years ago
How is being annoyed that you ruined her birthday thread false flagging you fucking nigge
>I don't browse Yea Forums
Yes. We can tell.
don't respond to it, you're giving it what it wants
What the fuck is wrong with your image?
Is it true that Kariya actually raped Aoi before killing her in the Zero novel?
>Hurr durr everything is a falseflagging
I'm so fucking done
Enjoy circlrjerking your shit waifu till the end of time
it's from the camrip of HF2
huhhh I dunno
was his dick still functional at this point?
What? I'm just saying even if Nakahara were to do Dark Sakura Servant ascension card art, it wouldn't look as good as the CE judging by the other cases.
>Rin and Shirou have a nice moment in the shed
>Sakura goes full REEEEEEEE mode
Only character accurate moment in the whole film
no idea, but Butcher had a lot of fucked up ideas for Zero before Nasu bitchslapped him and got him to change them.
>nice moment
NTR user, from her point of view at least.
somewhat off topic, but I hope this turns out nice
Nice job ignoring how Rin was trying to NTR her.
They literally just talked
Sakura needs to stop being a possessive bitch in that case
Rin literally immediately followed it up by asking Shirou to kill Sakura in the VN. Sakura was more than justified to be furious.
If that's all it takes to NTR Shirou away then Sakura must not have much to offer.
Do you honestly think she could have prevented it from happening though? Let's say she runs away with Sakura, Tokiomi would probably give Rin away instead.
Did you actually miss what they were talking about or are you just being retarded on purpouse?
>nee-san keeps taking everything away from me
is a big part of her character.
>In the VN
Good thing we're talking about the movie then huh?
Ignore that one user who is desperate to ruin the thread.
>I'll cut off his leg so he can't fight
True waifu of the year material.
Sakurafags are just shitty yandere desu
the movie whitewashes the fuck out of Sakura, the modern evil of humanity. No one should care about it.
I did. Did you? Shirou doesn't give a shit about her problems while she's struggling in front of him, or the part he casually thought about murder Rin after their date and had literal no second thoughts about it? Or the part the only emotional aspect of their relationship came after Rin shared those Archer dreams and she projected that shit on Shirou? Or how she's basically his glorified babysitter and how untender and completely unromantic their sex scene was? Any dialogue Shirou remembers he likes Rin (like in UBW good) also comes across as completely tacked on when he was brooding over Saber and ignoring Rin existence when she was in the same room for minutes.
Their romance frankly sucked and only likes of Urobuchi whose idea of 'romance' is "a woman slaves themselves to a manchild's goal and dreams even if they had zero chemistry or regard about them" (as seen with most of HIS romantic relationships) likes them it's a testament of how much it sucks.
Their romantic relationship is just badly written. If was fuckbuddies relationship, that works, but they fail to truly bond and any attempt to pass it as love it's pretty bad. Let's not blame Miura to show what's not there.
It does but that was the one time it portrays her as the jealous obsessive bitch that she is.
>still a crazy psycho yandere the moment AM even starts manifestating
>If I cherry pick all the worst moments of the route it looks bad
Also they have by far the best relationship in HA
Ufotable like Takeuchi and the vast majority of the fanbase like something else.
I really loved the mirror scene, gave me chills.
All the relationships in HA are good.
tfw ywn get serviced by maid Dark Sakura
And yet Rider says Shirou only looks happy with Rin
>tokiomi giving away the future of his bloodline
No way he'd do that. Same if sakura was his only daughter, he never would've given her away
Also I'm not saying she should have fled, I'm saying she never should have married him if she truly knew what marrying a magus meant
Who even cares about a shitty fundisc? That you can't fucking bring up FSN as proof of their good moments shows it fucking sucked in comparison to the other relationships.
They had more bonding and chemistry in HF than in UBW. It was just THAT bad.
>It was fapseflagging!
It wasn't
You guys are really just that bitter and insecure.
I always have a hard time picking a favourite when I read HA, they're all great. The only scenes I'm not all that fussed on are the three background girls.
>Not liking HA
Fuck off secondary
yeah, I saw this coming too but hopefully people are smart enough to ignore the shitter
>character comments over something
>Th-this is good writing guys!
You're retarded or do you know nothing of storytelling?
Good storytelling: Shirou being an ass with Saber in Fate route during their date, returning and apologizing after realized he fucked up. This shows their relationship changed and matured.
Bad storytelling: Shirou thinking about murder Rin's ass for Taiga's sake after their date, and acting psychotic over it. And... well, poop, this is dropped and never actually talks to Rin about it or is even addressed. Relationship is shit.
So you can see is not just in comparison to Sakura.
The Taiga Dojo outright makes fun of Rin being irrelevant in UBW.
the SOL of HA is garbage
the avenger/bazett scenes are great but that dooesn't salvage the game
I don't give a shit about fundisc, secondary-tan.
You have zero argument to defend your shitty unpopular pairing in UBW which was the thing discussed. And why it doesn't feel like a romance, but just fuckbuddies at best.
Imagine unironically reading Fate Stay Night for the story
She regretted that thought immediately, though. It's no worse than Rin writing a note threatening to kill Shirou if he doesn't meet up with her.
to reiterate what was said here
>Rin being tsundere is equal to Sakura being psychotic
It makes it clear that Kotomine was full of shit and Sakura really did have an alternate personality.
Sakura is not a modern evil of humanity idiot.
Being a giant bitch is not being Tsundere.
>I-it's different when Rin does it!
Every time.
>Doesn't know what a tsundere is
>I-It's ok that Sakura fucking kills people because Rin says mean things
Funny thing is the thread was great and full of friendly discussion. As soon as shows up it turns into waifu wars.
You have no one to blame but yourself, Rinfag.
Don't forget Rin threatening to kill Shirou for not wanting her to kill Sakura in HF, even mindbreaking him if given the opportunity.
>hurrrr kuzuki is cheating on me
>let's tail him for 2 hours
>wow he wasn't cheating on me
Litterral garbage
Just repaying the favour wormy
Sakura does not deserve nice threads. Not a Rinfag btw
Rinfags have been so blasted that the Waifuwars these days are between Last Episode Saber and Canon Wife Sakura. Rin doesn't even get a look-in.
>What is a tsundere
Dumb chuunitard
Oh wow, this is absolute gold. Even with the movie literally explaining everything so that even an idiot can understand what's going on, you still get it wrong.
>Sakura fucking kills people
Shinji and three dead men walking, you mean?
The core of fate isn't slice of life garbage you absolute retard
She tries to kill Illya, Shirou and Rin
>Not a Rinfag btw
Call yourself whatever you want, Rhinofag, Moneyfag, Scatfag, Stinkfag. I don't really care.
>He doesn't know
Go read Dies Irae if you want an actual chuuniggers
Literal everyone only reads Fate for the cute girls and moege hijinks
>t. speedreader
Wormfags deserve to be mocked forever is all
either you're a bad troll or you should probably look for another franchise to latch on to
>Kills them 5 minutes later
Funny how you posted the best and cutest scene in the entire series as a counter point.
Shirous very next line is that he liked the smell
Well Saber and Sakura are top tier after all
as well as Medea
It's no wonder they're mad, they picked the wrong waifu.
Try going to places where people actually read visual novels.
Fates strength is it's SOL scenes and cute girls, it's infinitely inferior to stuff like demon bane from a pure chuuniggers perspective
both points in your post are wrong
>Fates strength is it's SOL scenes and cute girls,
That's UBW. The mature route is HF.
There is only one way to quieten both sides of this debate.
Please ignore the two/three assblasted anons.
>All this shitting on Rin in the thread was started by a Rinfag themselves.
You guys must be masochists.
Nice. We need more Sakura x Rin.
let the cute-posting continue
Sakura is too good for the tohsakas
Stop trying to claim my waifu wormfag.
HF is Illya's route that wormslut invades.
covers with Shirou? What covers?
Not your waifu
what do you mean by this? the end of season 1 wasn't potrayed as tragic at all
>t. Rinfag trying to falseflag as an Ilyabro
he means for the HF manga
lewd-posting is also good
Post let smug.jpg doesn't actually do anything falseflagger
I wish they both had long hair all the time
Gohan BD covers. Not HF or Gohan manga covers.
if you insist
all these niggas whining about Sakura’s vajayjay meanwhile I just wanna cuddle the fuck out of this bitch while watching Netflix or some shiet
no one mentioned vaginas, but yes
we need more Sakura x Illya art and merchandise
I went back and re-read a bunch of her stuff in HA and parts of Fate and while it might be obvious, I think you're right. I was interested in her from the word go in FSN but she didn't get as much time as some of the other characters in the VN and so I guess I was just really keen on everything she then got in HA.
I’m just so sick of hearing “used goods” against Sakura when that’s literally the only downside to it considering it’s not like she was in love with the worms or shinji
I see it this way; her not getting as much attention in FSN makes her FHA scenes all the more sweeter. I mean she essentially got her own route considering she gets an Eclipse scene. Not even Illya got that, or Medea (though I guess it wouldn't make sense since she's got a husbando).
just ignore it, Sakurabro. Most of us do.
Lets be honest, saber, rin, sakura and illya are all shit, Kotomine is the best waifu and the true heroine of the best route Heavens Feel.
Um, no.
That's the equivalent of Reddit claiming Kaiki is best girl
Kotomine can suck a big fat dick in hell
Did.. did Kariya and Lancelot ever mana transfer?
We know that Lancelot sucked Kariya dry near the end of F/Z
Jets didn’t feel the need to ask permission
I'm scared but also curious to know if doujin exist?
Asking for a friend
I found a yaoi one. It’s pretty sweet though, it takes place after a scenario where someone wishes for everything to be reset after winning the 4th holy grail war so kariya can finally just chill. The tohsakas are told about what happened at the Matou house and they take kariya and sakura under their protection. Lancelot’s sanity is restored and he helps kariya get over the trauma sexually as well
best girl and best body!
Happy Birthday Sakura! After all these years it still feels surreal to see HF get animated. Looking forward to the final movie.
Cute drawing, mate!
Let's play Tetris.
Poor Rin. Such a chestlet.
Rin is at least C cup, Saber has it much worse.
Rin and Saber don't look that much different in sizes.
You can't believe old art of Takeuchi, dude. Especially regarding busts, which he never drew correctly, unless girls were naked.
Or had them to symmdock (God why he never did that for Sakura and Rider).
Disgusting wormslut who literally shows her horrid body in the big screen to make money. What a whore.
>smug Sakurakeks thinking that the popularity of their slutty worm waifu will last after the HF movies
Reminder that Saber even lost to Rin recently.
at the end of the third movie everyone will see how much of a bitch Rin truely is and everyone will see that sakura did nothing wrong.
>Sakura did nothing wrong
Ahhhh the favorite statement of Sakurafags to protext their backstabbing slut of a waifu since the early F/SN days. Really takes me back.
Stay mad saberkek, its /ourgirls/ turn
Cringe and wrongpilled
To be fair, Sudou toned down Rin's bitchiness in movie 2 almost completely. Either he'll turn it up to 11 when she sees Dark Sakura in the 3rd movie to compensate, or Dark Sakura's hatred for her won't make any sense.
Can't piss off the Rinfag secondaries, after reading this thread I am convinced they are the most sensitive fatefags
Rinfag in disguise. No saberfag cares about the rising popularity of Sakura since Saber has been number one in popularity since the VN days.
Great !! Shirabii is always my favorite artist
She cute
>that huge amount of sakura fanart we got today
she deserved it
But did it make you happy user?
Good, may that happiness last you a while.
No you wormniggers are just getting uppity with the new found popularity of your wormslut that you are now even finding the gall to attack Artoria fans as well with things like "HF IS THE CANON END BECAUSE IT'S THE FINAL ROUTE REEEEE!!!" We have the Last Episode you wormniggers goddamn you are worse than Rhinotards.
>We have the Last Episode
Oh, the ending that wasn't even included in the special 15th anniversary montage? Got it.
>>Uro: Honestly, Saber doesn’t look much like a heroine to me. I can still see traces of the male version of Saber that appeared in the early version of Fate. Because of that mental image, Saber’s relationship with Shirou doesn’t seem like a realistic relationship between a male and a female, but a complicated relationship with a boy who became a girl.
>>Nasu: Typical Urobuchi… I really can’t pull the wool over your eyes… I intended to take that to the grave with me, but I guess this 10-year anniversary is a good place to talk about it. Just like Urobuchi-san said, it’s difficult to call the relationship between Shirou and Saber a relationship between a man and a woman. Saber has fought for a long time as the ruler of Britain, but then turned into a girl all of a sudden and fell in love with Shirou. It’s pretty ridiculous when you think about it. But I really wanted to push it towards that sort of boy-meets-girl story. So as a last resort, I had Shirou continually say things to her like “But you’re a girl,” and “Girls aren’t supposed to fight,” in order to remind the users that “she is really a girl.” It’s like the author’s actually the one trying to convince Saber that she’s a girl… I feel like I could have written it a lot better now, but that was the best I could do at the time.
>Saberfags are actual homosexuals.
Why did they use such a shitty style for the lewdest character.
4/5 of those are Wada art, she gets dibs on all Extra characters.
For the most part, I enjoyed the anime, but I feel like it failed in two major areas: first, it did a very poor job of getting across Shirou's reason for pursuing Kiritsugu's ideal, specifically his survivor guilt. In the anime, he just comes off as any old stupid person. Second, the VN has an atmosphere of creepiness that the UBW anime made no attempt whatsoever to replicate and instead focused on fantasy action where there was before something tense or disturbing. That problem extends to a good deal of other places the VN created a mood that the anime didn't, such as the way the air freezes whenever Lancer gets pissed off.
user the disc covers are relative to which episodes they include.
BD 1: 1 - 3 / Saber is the main heroine
BD 2: 4 - 6 / Illya had a prominent episode focused on her immediately before this, episode six gives Taiga an episode focused on her and Shirou when they were young. Illya also features at the end of this episode.
BD3: 7 - 9 / Rin has multiple episodes where she has a big focus, the waterpark, her and Sakura cleaning the Tohsaka residence
BD4: 10 - 13 / Sakura featured prominently in episode 11 when her and Rin go shopping, her and Rider are were also prominent in episode 12, and her and Rider are usually shown together a lot in this series.
>Miura just hates Sakura.
Miura didn't make these decisions, as far as I know, TAa is credited for writing the episode scenarios (including the anime original ones) and he definitely doesn't hate Sakura.
Sakura is actually a whore though
Cute uwu
>lewdest character
You mean Summer BB ?
I have never touched any of the side fate shit, what is the deal with these not-sakura and not-rin characters? are they just trying to cash in on character recognition?
They're just better version of the originals. Not that that's hard with wormslut anyway.
CCC is where Nasu decided that pulling apart Sakura's characteristics and making them individual characters would make an interesting story. He was also extremely horny when writing.
>not wanting to force the ultimate tomboy into become an obedient, adorable, and submissive girl
>not wanting to be that fucking alpha that what is essentially another dude in a banging chicks body wants to jump your dick
>calling other dudes gay
Breaking a tomboy/kuudere in is alpha as fuck and is an absolute testosterone fueled power fantasy
Do you have a link?
Probably because he doesn't like Rider or Sakura all that much.
The man is mad
Parvati: pseudo-servant uses Sakura as her vessel.
Extra!Sakura: a nurse NPC who is based on Sakura on Earth.
BB: originally she is the "trash data" (NPC Sakura's love for Hakuno) that was cut off by NPC Sakura but then becomes BB and does her best to save Hakuno from being deleted on Moon Cell.
Summer BB: BB + Pele + Nyarlathotep
The Sakura Five: Alter-Egos who were made by BB. Basically they are BB's clones + other goddesses and like BB, they love their senpai too.
Meltlilith: Sakura Five, Alter-Ego of joy & happiness. Goddesses: Artemis, Saraswati, Lotan.
Passionlip: Sakura Five, Alter-Ego of love & hate. Goddesses: Durga, Parvati, Brynhild.
Violet: Sakura Five, Alter Ego of purity and chastity. Goddesses: Medusa, Apsara, Melusine.
Kazuradrop: Sakura Five, Alter-Ego of compassion and affection. Goddess(es): unknown.
Kingprotea: Sakura Five, Alter-Ego of lust and yearning. Goddesses: Earth Mother Goddess from all myths (notably taking particular influence from Tiamat during her manifestation in Chaldea)
Ishtar: pseudo-servant uses Rin's body as her vessel.
Ereshkigal: pseudo-servant uses Rin's soul as her vessel
Extra!Rin: she is a Tohsaka and Rin's niece. In Extraverse, Tokiomi ran off to Europe, got married to another woman and gave birth to his third daughter. Extra!Rin is this third daughter's daughter. Originally she has blonde hair though
I have zero fucking idea what any of this means dude.
I'm the one who posted this and heck the Sakura Five's part hurts my eyes ;_; Sorry
No, you're definitely a rinfag
Don't you dare wave her flag while acting so dishonorably. You are putting your fellow saberbros to shame. It is perfectly fine to lose so long as it is done with dignity. Saber Arturia would be insulted by your behavior.
If you truly are a saberbro you would act more dignified in the face of defeat. If you aren't and are a falseflagger then fuck off its people like you that make this fandom toxic
all I am getting from this post is that there is no good reason for these characters to look exactly like sakura and rin aside from $$$
Well, CCC is about Sakura, so they have to look like her.
BB is not bad
The Sakura 5 are clones of Sakura so that makes sense. However, them using recognisable characters for Extra in the first place probably has to do with your first guess
This post is fucking based btw
10/10 it nails exactly why Rin/Shirou is a god damned joke even in the VN
Don't worry Saberbro, we know he's just a vocal minority. I actually love all the girls but some of the fans are embarrassing.
>ywn see this face in real life
And delicious megane version
I know right? I am so jealous of Shinji
I love Rin and Rin/Shirou is the most one-sided and unfair relationship in the VN. Shirou makes absolutely zero effort to give a fuck about Rin, it's all about himself and himself only. The only ones who like it are literal people who want a cute tsundere who gives up all their aspiration as a person to become slaved and shackled to them.
Look at Saber and Shirou learning to care and respect each other in Fate route, and how both support each other on their paths, getting over their mutual guilt, and yearn to meet again. In HF, it's all about Shirou's and Sakura's mutual mistakes in the attempt to protect each other on their way, even keeping themselves out of it, which leads to their near self-destruction, and in the past how they helped each other depression. Shirou would die for Sakura, Sakura would keep him alive.
Meanwhile, UBW is all about Shirou and nothing about Rin, even when she tries to open out with her issues, he just ignores what's in front of him (the Matou Mansion scene). And it's the only route you don't even know Shirou's saved because Rin becomes an enabler to his machine path. I just can't understand how anyone is a Rinfag and say "yeah, their relationship was so good and romantic!" because fuck, it was horrible. They glossed over any shit to just brainwashed her into his clutch not even for Shirou's sake, but to make ARCHER feel better. That fucking annoy me. The real conclusion wasn't even about them, but Archer feeling better about himself, fuck Shirou and Rin, right?
You know what would have been good? A romance as both tried to save their little sisters and struggle with their mutual inherited path by their autistic fathers. Basically the set up of HF but they didn't give this to Rin.
kiritsugu did nothing wrong
Yeah it does suck that they made UBW the Archer route and not really the Rin route. Would have been fine if every main character had their own specific route. So both Archer and Rin got their own I mean.
Get out of my god damned head. I've thought this exact same shit and could never put it all together like that. Its unfortunate really because she truly is a great girl.
I mean it's fine is Archer, but if Nasu was going to make it that way, have Rin with Archer then. Because at least that could have made Archer learn to be more human by caring about individuals and back to become in contact with someone from his past he doesn't remember (unlike Saber who is engraved in his Spiritual Core memory) by realizing Rin saved him all along. It just feels so fucking awkwardly done and only because they need the otaku to self-insert in one character. So there's this schizo feeling. That way Rin would have gotten also focus about her needs and dreams getting supported and maybe would have a less odd focus. If they really need to have romance.
It's just kind of bad when the emotional climax is the separation of Rin and Archer, and he's basically assigning her as Shirou's babysitter for life. They can tell you how much Shirou and Rin like each other but it wasn't showed, it was just badly done.
There's no reason that romance needs to be front and center in a route, you just want it to be more like a porn game and less like a real story. The Archer/Shirou story in UBW is miles better than the entirety of Rin as a character.
Good to know someone agrees. I'm not even against Rin/Shirou, it was just bad in how UBW presented it. If Archer was the focus of UBW, Nasu should have just invested in his romance (with Rin, or Saber, or whoever) because using Shirou as a proxy was pretty shitty overall and weakened a lot of the romance angle in comparison to Fate and HF where main conflict and romance kind of aligned with Shirou's development.
And save Rin for like another route and another angle (the one saving each other's families).
The original post is in response of complaints about how Miura "ruined" or didn't bother to salvage Rin/Shirou romance. It's because it was beyond salvation. Other than adding more superficial scenes, there is no way to give it the substance Saber/Shirou or Sakura/Shirou had (which also had awkward scenes but you can smooth them over because the focus of each of their routes is their relationship and the tension that they create with Shirou's ideals and lifestyle).
I would have loved it if Rin and Archer were the true romantic pairing of the route. It honestly felt like it was heading that way so many times. But we got a joke of a romance with Shirou instead.
something weird as shit about this pic.
I think it's the face/head shape
>though they seemed to have kept almost everything that made her character work/interesting in the VN so far in the first 2 movies
I missed stuff like when she tried to cook something for 2 hours when her body was already very deteriorated. Not only could you hear the disaster goling on in the kitchen, you even saw the reactions from the people. She finally got it right but the food had no flavour. That kind of stuff was great. Also the scene where she starts crying because Rin stole a memory from her doesn't work as well in the movie alone, since you don't get as much of a feel for their relationship.
Do those worms actually rape Sakura? I don't remember what their actual purpose was.
Aw come on. She doesn't deserve this suffering. Goddamnit.
Yeah the messing up in the kitchen scenes being missing was a bit shitty. It left certain other things less impactful
Yeah, I suppose my memories of the VN are still feeding into my perception of movie-Sakura - a secondary might not get all that.
But compared to the Illya (and maybe Kotomine, though I think most of his scenes would be in movie 3 territory), she definitely carried over a lot better. Also Shirou's arm, reading the VN you felt that was a big thing for him and changed how he lived, in the movie it's just "lol, Shirou has no arm now except it's basically the same, it's just covered in cloth".
There is nothing wrong with Rin/Shirou and I frankly don't know where this meme that "it's bad" comes from. Rin has a special spot for Shirou ever since the jump event and she was puzzled by the person who was so different compared to her. Her romance might not be the main focus of the route but there is nothing wrong with that. If anything it's just another thing that makes UBW unique compared to the other routes. They dpn't go through any "great conflict" but their interactions together are entertaining and make up for that lack of conflict. They're easily more entertaining than say Shirou/Sakura interactions (which just boils down to pure vanilla outside of HF)
A romance with Archer in UBW would make absolute no sense at all. In UBW Archer is the antagonist.
Ok John
>Rin has a special spot for Shirou ever since the jump event
Literally never mentioned in UBW. It was added after the fact in HF for the sole purpose of making Sakura suffer more.
>but their interactions together are entertaining and make up for that lack of conflict
It's generic as fuck tsundere snark.
>A romance with Archer in UBW would make absolute no sense at all. In UBW Archer is the antagonist.
Archer is literally Shirou, except he has actual chemistry with Rin unlike Shirou who's just an apprentice to her most of the time. There's a reason why ArcherxRin has always been more popular than ShirouxRin.
Which of you Chingchongs can translate this?
I disagree Shirou/Rin have no chemistry, and I think they certainly have more than any of Shirou's other love interests.
Archer/Rin is cute too.
>There's a reason why ArcherxRin has always been more popular than ShirouxRin.
Is it really more popular? I thought that was mostly a thing with Deen/Stay Night for obvious reasons.
They have chemistry sure, but not in a romantic sense.
Rin and Archer are always paired together in marketing because of it being a fan favourite
>No argument
>Literally never mentioned in UBW. It was added after the fact in HF for the sole purpose of making Sakura suffer more.
F/SN is a three route game,each routes complements each other. Things that you find in HF and Fate make UBW a better route and that's the same for the other routes as well. For example Saber's death in HF is only just as heart crushing as it is because you already know her from Fate.
>It's generic as fuck tsundere snark.
No. And it's not generic. Rin was one of the primordial girls who brought about the ascension of tsundere girls. And her banter with Shirou is a two way deal, it's not one sided since he like to set her off
as much as she likes to piss him off.
>Archer is literally Shirou, except he has actual chemistry with Rin unlike Shirou who's just an apprentice to her most of the time.
Archer is different compared to Shirou even if he does have some major similarites.
And chemistry is a subjective prospect. I for one did not think that Sakura and Shirou had any chemistry in the VN itself. The HF movies made a much better job with the flashbacks to sell me onthe relationship.
>There's a reason why ArcherxRin has always been more popular than ShirouxRin
And yet Shirou/Rin is still more popular than Shirou/Sakura with far more fanart and comics allocated to them compared to what Sakura has.
But really the reason Rin/Archer is popular is because Archer is "cool" and silly females get off on self inserting as Rin to "get him". It's a pairing that is popular with the female fanbase.
But really the argument that something is popular and therefore it is good/ better than this other less popular is dumb in the first place. As a Sakurafan you should know this.
Yeah she certainly carried over a lot better than them. Shirou's arm felt like a heavier shackle to him in the VN, but at least they added that scene of Shirou touching the shroud in the movie, it didn't give it the same amount of weight, but it was really well done and effectively conveyed the danger the arm carried with it. Other than that you're right, I hope they don't screw up Shirou having to stab himself during the final 2 days to remain conscious.
Shirou's conversation with Sakura in the knife scene is also missing, and while the scene is already good enough, we only see Sakura crying after Shirou leaves the room. If you're an anime only there's no way you'd know she's crying because she thinks she "broke" Shirou, which is the whole point of her talk with Taiga afterwards.
They're marketed together because of master/servant relationship. Outside of UBW Rin has nothing beyond a platonic relationship to be marketed directly with Shirou so it's more effective to market her woth her servant.
That guy didn't mention Sakura in any significant way.
>And yet Shirou/Rin is still more popular than Shirou/Sakura with far more fanart and comics allocated to them compared to what Sakura has.
That was a long time ago, and mostly because of the lack of exposure though. Shirou/Sakura is bursting at the seams currently. Sakura didn't get focus because in whatever anime we had, her screentime was kept at a bare minimum, at that is when the uptick of fanart for a franchise happens, either when a game or anime comes out. It's not just because of the it being a new movie that Shirou/Sakura is getting flooded, it's because she is on the screen for more than a minute now. Do you want to know the sheer amount of Kariya/Sakura uncle/niece cute fanart and comics that came out when Zero was out and a few years after? Tons.
I just brought Sakura up as an example and he clearly is a Sakurafag. No other fanbase has an apparent problem with Rin or Rin/Shirou.
No, Rin/Shirou is still more popular. Sakura is more on the spotlight right now because of HF but that exposure will go away eventually and things will settle down with Sakura still being the less popular heroine and having the less popular Fate main pairing.
Similar thing happened with Rin/Shirou in UBW. It got more fanart and focus. It became the most popular Fate pairing in
the west as well.
Saber/Shirou is really the obly pairing that constantly gets new contwnt at a steady rate because it's fucking Saber. Everyrhinf with her is a trend.
>F/SN is a three route game,each routes complements each other. Things that you find in HF and Fate make UBW a better route and that's the same for the other routes as well. For example Saber's death in HF is only just as heart crushing as it is because you already know her from Fate
That only goes for information from previous routes. Crucial parts of Rin's character were hidden during her own route, making it a poor showcase of her character.
>Rin was one of the primordial girls who brought about the ascension of tsundere girls.
F/SN came out far later than Love Hina, and that's not even mentioning Akane or Asuka. If anything, Rin was hastily retooled into a tsundere heroine to cash in on the tsundere fad at the time, and it shows in how different she is between Fate and UBW.
>And her banter with Shirou is a two way deal, it's not one sided since he like to set her off
Shirou's banter often comes from genuine displeasure at her true nature, though. Not exactly a charming relationship compared to the other two.
>Archer is different compared to Shirou
He's more mature and jaded, but that's just right for Rin. Archer goes perfectly with her daddy issues.
>I for one did not think that Sakura and Shirou had any chemistry in the VN itself.
Now that's ironic, considering the movie didn't really add anything as much as it showed info that was told back during Fate. Guess the past routes did complement HF, huh?
His reason for disliking Rin/Shirou seems way deeper than just him not liking Rin. He even points out how Rin is shafted due to it. He can be a Sakurafag and dislike Rin/Shirou for reasons that don't involve Sakura.
She really looks like Maki here.
>And yet Shirou/Rin is still more popular than Shirou/Sakura with far more fanart and comics allocated to them compared to what Sakura has.
Delusional. Even Nasu stated that ShirouxSakura was the most popular as a pairing as early as 2006. Fanart and doujins are often just a way for artists to advertise themselves and sell, and for a long time, Sakura had outright mentally ill haters who wouldn't hesitate to outright harass people for standing up for her (hell, we even see some fag ITT mention random forum Sakurafags as if anyone gives a shit who they are), so many felt it was better to avoid her and stick to safer choices like Saber and Rin. Sakura's fans were always the most devoted (see Himura Kiseki, for one), and that's what real popularity is.
>It became the most popular Fate pairing in the west as well.
Only Reddit thinks so. Yea Forums grew less fond of Rin and UBW if anything thanks to being aware of Zero and seeing how dumb the UBW route looked after that.
>And chemistry is a subjective prospect. I for one did not think that Sakura and Shirou had any chemistry in the VN itself. The HF movies made a much better job with the flashbacks to sell me onthe relationship.
Heavy agree with this. Shirou and Sakura lacking chemistry was my only real problem with HF (at least aside from pacing in the middle), but I think they have chemistry in the movies. Not just through flashbacks, I think you can actually really feel they're strongly attracted to each other where in the VN it felt they were into eachother because the route needed them to be.
> Yea Forums grew less fond of Rin and UBW if anything thanks to being aware of Zero and seeing how dumb the UBW route looked after that.
This. I only recently got into the Fate series and watched UBW after Zero and that route certainly soured my taste for the series.
Are you literally me user? These are pretty much my exact thoughts.
I'm hoping Shirou's deterioration will be conveyed well in movie 3, but I think movie 2 could have just showed more of Shirou being "shackled" by that arm - they don't necessarily need more scenes, just shots of him in discomfort, unable to use it at first would go a long way to making the new arm have weight.
I was also annoyed at the lack of Sakura's thoughts after Shirou leaves in the knife scene - thinking about it, that's probably my biggest Sakura-related complaint in the movie, because it really showed her guilt and awareness that she's "breaking" Shirou and also adds more foreboding.
Your severe persecution complex makes it extremely easy to pick you out from thread to thread
>Only Reddit thinks so. Yea Forums grew less fond of Rin and UBW if anything thanks to being aware of Zero and seeing how dumb the UBW route looked after that.
Really? Yea Forums seems to hate Zero more than any other forum I've been on.
And I like both (the VN for UBW that is), but I don't see how Zero makes UBW look "dumb" - if you think Zero changes anything about how you saw UBW, you're probably missing the point of Shirou's eventual realisation in his confrontation with Archer.
>see Himura Kiseki, for one
you mean the guy whose biggest fate work was about illya as an archer clone?
This guy:
yeah, that guy. pic related is by far his most extensive fate work
Are you going to argue he isn't a Sakurafag?
>I'll never find anyone like Sakura because of 3DPD world
Fuck, this is so cruel
Yea Forums hates Zero secondaries, but as a story, nobody's really disputing that the first two routes of F/SN can't hold a candle to it.
>I don't see how Zero makes UBW look "dumb"
Let's just say the premise of the Fate series is a battle royale where magi fight magi and servants fight servants. UBW dedicates an episode to Rin going on a date, and has Shirou of all people beat fucking Gilgamesh. Miura tried his best to patch up the flaws of the original VN and connect it to Zero, but it just wasn't enough since the story's fundamentally flawed.
well considering he's done way more work involving fate characters other than sakura I would say it would be delusional to conclude he likes sakura and only sakura
90% of the reason he likes sakura is probably because he is obsessed with giant tits anyway
The only thing that changed from VN to movies is the time some scenes were shown, pretty much everything that was in the movies was in the VN. Sudou just creatively put all the pre-war flashbacks in one collective prologue which is just good directing skill and making up for the fact he only has 6 hours to show a 20 hour route. Hell, they even took out some cute and sweet Shirou/Sakura shippy stuff like when she had the private talk with him about magecraft, which really showcased how nuanced her character was, and puts to bed the idea she just cries about everything. It was a sobering talk between them that really showcased their feelings toward each other, but I don't think it was in the film from what I saw of the camrip. So if you like them better as a couple in the film, that maybe because you get more expressive dialogue in a movie medium than a VN, but Sudou just used what was already there.
>Let's just say the premise of the Fate series is a battle royale where magi fight magi and servants fight servants. UBW dedicates an episode to Rin going on a date, and has Shirou of all people beat fucking Gilgamesh. Miura tried his best to patch up the flaws of the original VN and connect it to Zero, but it just wasn't enough since the story's fundamentally flawed.
You realize that zero came after UBW correct? And it's flawed because it doesn't perfectly jive with zero's grimdark tone?
>nobody's really disputing that the first two routes of F/SN can't hold a candle to it.
What Fate threads have you been on? People agree Fate is shit, sure, but if you think there aren't a very large portion of Yea Forumsnons that prefer UBW to Zero (and not speaking of their respective anime here), we must have been on very different threads.
You really strike me as a fat fangirl, something about the sheer delusion and desperation to convince others of it in your posts.
>So if you like them better as a couple in the film, that maybe because you get more expressive dialogue in a movie medium than a VN, but Sudou just used what was already there.
I do think this was the case, aside from the key thing I don't they added anything, my point was more that I think they did an especially good job with Sakura (or maybe her VA got better, as some said) translating her to animation.
O..kay? If you think making a logical point is somehow delusional and writing more than just sentence for a quick buzzword is something only women do, then have at it hoss. There was nothing delusional about it, nor am I desperate to convince you, believe what you want, I just made assertions.
That's Altima for ya.
>no argument
What the fuck is altima?
A retarded female Sakura apologist from BL. The nu-Mike.
You really strike me as a seething Rinfag, something about how you're butthurt about Sakura and all her fans.
>muh Altima
>muh Mike
Literally who? Back to your forum, crossboarder.
touched a nerve I see
And why the fuck should I care about some tumblrite in a discussion on Yea Forums? You sound obsessed
says it all, though, not to mention . You can tell from his early artstyle that his big breast obsession came from liking Sakura if anything, too.
Being a Sakurafag doesn't just mean liking Sakura. I also like Saber and Illya for one, and I'm a Sakurafag.
>90% of the reason he likes sakura is probably because he is obsessed with giant tits anyway
Sounds like insecurity, where is his Rider obsession then? You have no clue why he likes Sakura, and I'm pretty sure it's not just because of her design, because there's other picks for that.
>when out of arguments, make up bogeymen
The MO of the average Rinfag, it seems.
I am guessing you have never even read his other works then, and probably didn't even know about them until I posted it.
>You realize that zero came after UBW correct? And it's flawed because it doesn't perfectly jive with zero's grimdark tone?
Yes. You do realize F/SN came after Tsukihime, right? HF is the only route that fits the tone of the Nasuverse.
Everyone reads Tawawa, you fucking mong
not that you moron
Have you read the Sakura Chuudoku series?
so you didnt then
So you didn't then
The movie is more romantic than the original VN, don't know about Rn right now, but it's a step above the original. For example, in the original Sakura sees Shirou blush at Tohsaka touching him and asks him whether they fucked rhetorically. In RN she does the same but asks whether they're dating or not, which really captures the difference in priorities.
Heaven's failure has more content than blade dancers and Sakura chuudoku combined, and that continues from HF true. Even then, Sakura chuudoku has 1 less chapter than blade dancers so I don't even understand how you can claim that because he's done more work centered around other fate characters, that implies he's not a Sakurafag.
Man Heaven's Failure was such a guilty pleasure of mine back in the day
Is it still yuri if it's Shirous soul in Illyas body? Sakura never struck me as some one who'd swing that way but I guess she would love Shirou no matter what
>Sakura never struck me as some one who'd swing that way but I guess she would love Shirou no matter what
That's basically it. Plus she wouldn't tell him to fuck off after they're finally dating just because of that.