I wonder which fusion inherited Vegeta's height? Gogeta or Vegito
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
Chichi BTFO
I don't know about all that, but Vegeta is undefeated against Goku.
Hoping Panfriend dumps his MEGA today
Being real, Vegito looks a bit shorter than Gogeta. Might be the outfit.
>Being a manlet is so pathetic it's only reserved for the failed fusions
chemically castrate all pedophiles
I guess Gogeta always seen with a standing upright stance in vidyas made him look taller
Vegito is just like Vegeta, undefeated against metamoran but never ever managed to secure an arc ending win, so i guess Vegito is shorter and jobbier huh?
Going by manga scaling, Gohan is stronger than Broly.
Dragon Ball is one of the dullest franchise in the history of anime franchises. Each episode following the boy saiyan and his pals from the Z warriors as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective animation, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Akira Toriyama selected Toei animation to do the adaptation; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for his manga. The Dragon Ball series might be the inspiration for Togashi (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-HxH series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the manga was good though
The writing is dreadful; the drawings were terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went fast defeated, the author made him go training.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that situation was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Toriyama's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Dragon Ball by the same Yoshihiro Togashi. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Dragon Ball at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Hunter x Hunter." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Dragon Ball" you are, in fact, trained to read HxH.
Going by the manga scaling, Gohan=Kefla so stop kidding yourself
Exactly. Gohan=Kefla, who is stronger than anyone at the ToP except full-power Jiren and MUI Goku. Kefla also admitted that she didn't have a chance against Gohan, meaning Gohan is slightly stronger. Kale by herself was clowning Golden Freeza and CSSB Goku and was also stated to be the most dangerous player in the ToP. Kefla is thousands of times stronger. Do the math. Gohan>Broly.
Remember how Beerus was supposed to be a terrifying god of destruction but he's been a shitty one dimensional gag gor years now? Toriyama needs to retire..
Imagine being insecure enough to type out this wall of sperging, fedora-tipping autism and not receiving a single (You) for your trouble. Actually I guess the little Huntercuck doesn't have to imagine, because that's the reality he lives in. Sad!
Sorry but Kale doesnt even stack ikari on her FPSS giving Broly more edge in his fight
dude, it's a pasta
Cope DOGhan
What's your point? Kefla is still far stronger than what Kale would be if she stacked Ikari on FPSS, and Gohan is even stronger than that. Gohan>Broly.
If i were you i'd post the manga sale and call it a day rather than countering with more wall of text
The strongest.
>ad hominem and childish memes against facts and logical scaling
Yeah, it looks like I win.
Broly>>>>>>>Kale and fusing with caulifodder doesnt immediately gave kefla a ×100000 multiplier, and something you said yourself, she didnt surpass Jiren, something that Broly does
>1 hour and 11 minutes old
>20 replies
Dead thread
Dead series
>fusing with caulifodder doesnt immediately gave kefla a ×100000 multiplier
Do you not know how fusion works? The multiplier is massive as fuck.
>something that Broly does
>he thinks Broly is stronger than Jiren
Unsubstantiated headcanon. Jiren's statements, feats, and overall scaling prove you wrong.
>the other thread is still up and going
You know, that thread that reached the bump limit? That thing that you Huntercucks never do when you actually have a thread up, which is almost never? Kek
dude, where's my car
I fucking hate these threads and I hate every single one of you. This shit is exactly why I hate this god forsaken site. Fuck you.
Shut the fuck up, Hunterbitch.
Tell me his feats in manga then
More IPs than any DBS thread even while we're hiatus. Cope.
His feats in the manga are even more impressive than in the anime considering he overpowers MUI Goku and punches him out of the fucking form. Also MUI>Fusion.
>facts and logical scaling
aka filipino fanfiction. i accept your consession
>m-more IPs
>this is what Huntercucks have to cling to
>what happened in the series is fanfiction
Yeah, you could have just said "I'm sorry master, I lose, please forgive my impertinence".
>has to show a thread from the 28th because they only show up once in a blue moon
>Kefla is thousands of times stronger. Do the math. Gohan>Broly.
Implying your mentally ill headcanon ever actually happened
HxH has better action and fights than Dragon Ball and always has, even when it was still a fucking shounen manga. Togashi is a superior artist to Toriyama and has a better sense of what makes something entertaining. He is also a better writer and his success makes that clear.
>he doesn't know how fusion works
>his success makes that clear
>Dragon Ball is on top in every category
What did the Huntercuck mean by this?
Good Morning
>argumentum ad populum
What's funny is you're not even using that fallacy correctly. Hunterspics are OVER
Fuck off you bald idiot super anine isn't canon and neither is your headfiction
Looks like the anti-Gohanspic is seething so hard he forgot how to speak English. Also, you've provided no arguments to my factual statements. Concede.
>mfw DBSpics getting BTFO
Who gives a fuck about the anime? The non-canon Super anime isn't what defined how fusion works you dumb bitch. That was defined all the way back in the Buu arc. You're just a fucking moronic Superbabby
>so insecure and devoid of threads they have to crawl into superior DB CHAD threads
>get mocked and ridiculed endlessly
>"h-haha w-we won guys"
Based chadhan poster
>Welcome back Gohan-kun. How was the ToP? It's time for your daily "training".
Super anime = filipino fanfiction
Come back when your argument doesn't hinge upon it, miguel.
>he thinks knowing how fusion works means I think the anime is canon
See I have to agree, I think you're a retarded secondary that started with Super and has no idea how fusion actually works.
It's crazy how much better Hunter X Hunter is tham Dragon Ball Z.
Watching you dumbasses call each other spics back and forth and argue over stupid minutiae is hilarious to me as a Hunterfan. Who are all in general agreement with the finer parts of the masterwork that is HxH.
Your fanbase is poison, your series is repetitive, boring garbage in the hands of an inadequate successor and his bored and bitter senpai. The series breaks now new ground and has been the same punch kick horseshit since the 80's. DB is a shell of it's former glory and it's absolutely pathetic how dumb you desperate fans are. HxH has so little in comparison, and yet is so much bigger than the franchise. Nen, Hatsu, York New, Chimera Ants, Heavens Arena, Greed Island, the struggle for Alluka, so much goodness crammed into 390 chapters. Whereas DBZ is hundreds of chapters of dogshit smeared across a bathroom wall while dumbshits sniff at it.
>implying anyone is talking about fusion
cope dog
Learn how to follow a post-chain, ESL-kun.
>resorting to stale pasta
As usual. You're not even worth a (You), my inferior pet.
>backpedalling after I BTFO him out
I accept your concession pedro
>anti-Gohanspics getting BTFO as usual
Good thread.
>blew the fuck out him out
>doesn't know what backpedaling is
Methinks you're a projecting spic, Alejandro. See and cope.
write your own dragon ball you lay fuck nobody is stopping you. whiners are the worst kind of animal
>stronger than jiren
Cope doghan spic
What made you said that? Prove it
>you lay fuck
do you have any other NPC catchphrases that you substitute for an identity?
This is not even a hunter thread they were being made fun of for most of it. Their actual threads never reach even 100
Cope, DBSpic.
>Also MUI>Fusion.
We've been through this a thousand times, unlocking your potential=/=X99999999999999 power multiplier, besides Fusion>Anime MUI>Manga MUI
MUI users are stated to go full power every time they dodge, attack etc, it is not a multiplier, it just made you attack consistently at your max power, if MUI goku can hurt Jiren, Base goku can do so as well
I asked for proofs not your headcanon
>first post makes fun of you
You are the bitches of Yea Forums
I was referring to the fusion part of the post you colossal retard. I've already stated that Jiren is still stronger than Broly, which you would realize if your spic brain could comprehend English words.
MUI=Angel-level technique that not even the gods can master. Its feats are also FAR more significant than fusion's. Also nice headcanon numbers. You have no argument. Cope and concede, my pet.
This is literal headcanon. UI was stated by fucking Toriyama to be a POWERUP for Goku, you goddamn stupid Mexican sack of ignorant ill-informed trash.
Shitpost as much as you want, DBSpic, but the thing is you will never be able to discuss DBS on Yea Forums without your thread getting spammed with copypasta, doubles and saged to death.
You can call us "elitist" as much as you want, pretend you were here forever and that DB was discussed on Yea Forums, defend the plot and characters, call us "hiatusxhiatus" or "huntards" how much you want but you will never be able to have a proper DBS discussion thread on Yea Forums.
If you are not an elitist then you have not watched enough anime to post on this board. I am actually going to take the time to spell this out for you because you clearly need it explained. Yea Forums does not talk about DBS. Yea Forums does not acknowledge DBS. Yea Forums does not permit DBS threads. If you want to talk about it then go elsewhere. If you are just trying to troll, you failed. The people saging this thread are just doing it out of duty, not rage. We all know whatDBS fans are like and we all are willing to do what it takes to prevent that from happening.
You're very obviously new here if you think you're the first one to defend DBS and shun elitism. There have been quite a few like you before who spent their days replying to copypasta before they decided to lurk a bit and understand how Yea Forums works. That is why we don't need to write new responses. We've already had this very argument a hundred times in the past with people even more butthurt than you.
Keep being angry, cry more, or preferably get out.
>it's another thread where Hunterbitches are getting made fun of
>another stale pasta
It's almost like you Huntercucks are too stupid to form your own coherent thoughts.
The absolute CONTINENT of Hiatusfags
Episode 131?
kys jobhan cuck
stop trying to force your irrelevant character you NEET motherfucker
Didn't read
>absolutely no arguments as usual
BTFO. Come back when you have a rebuttal, kid.
Are we watching the same anime?
Your headcanon isnt an argument. Gohan is of no importance whatsoever in modern dragon ball. He didn't even appear in the most popular DB movie of all time.
>D-Dragon Ball is simple and for kids!
Kek. The overarching theme of Dragon Ball speaks to self-improvement; constant striving to be the best you possible, no matter what the odds or obstacles you must overcome. This grandiose motif postulates that the true enemy--the enemy that will always be the one standing before you, no matter how many others you knock down--will be the self, or rather, the unmaking of the self. The unwillingness to rise ABOVE the self and improve it, with no foreseeable end. Goku and Vegeta have realized this, and through them, many of us have as well.
Dragon Ball is a series for those men, those alpha CHADS, who will always seek to improve themselves no matter what the cost. Because at the end of the day, we--like the Saiyans--realize that WE are all we have. We realize that the only person we can ever count on will be ourselves. Dragon Ball taught us that and reinforces it with every movie, every video game, and yes, every cancerous cesspool of a thread. And that's a beautiful thing.
>Toei fanfiction
>facts are headcanon
You could have just said "I concede" like a good dog.
You wanted a proof of Fusion>Anime MUI>Manga MUI and i gave you and then
What is it do you want?
>filipino fanfiction is "proof"
No you retard, you were asked for proof that Fusion>canon MUI. Learn to read, cuck.
>What is it do you want?
For you to learn English, you fucking spic.
t. huntercuck
Spoken like a true incel. You probably pretend to be healthy because you drink onions and walk around the block a couple of times.
Then give me any proof than canon MUI does anything more than getting pushed by Jiren
>Rewatching the latin american dub
>They constantly change the dialogue
Fuck, some changes are retarded. During Krillin and Bacterian's fight, Goku reminds Krillin that he can't smell Bacterian's stench because he's got no nose, while in the mexican dub Goku just tells Krillin to forget about the pain and to focus on winning
what the fuck is even happening in this thread
It beats the dogshit out of him you speedreading cuckspic
>the absolute state of waifufags
>And that's a beautiful thing
Jesus Christ...
It's okay, user. It's normal to be intimidated by the men who constantly seek to self-improve when you yourself simply stagnate and wallow in your own filth, content with your meaningless 9-5 job and the secluded den you've built for yourself deep within the bowels of your mother's basement.
No he didnt
>n-no he didn't
>literally trying to refute a screenshot showing that he did
>b-but then he lost MUI so that means Jiren beat MUI
>shows a non-mui goku
fuck you retard, your headcanon isn't facts, I accept your concession. fucking dog.cope
concession accepted. kneel,pet
Belmod literally said goku cant win with the new trick he had just learned
DBS threads are our toilet.
stop replying to me you fucking NEET
>Belmod was shilling their best hope of victory
Wow, he definitely isn't biased or anything. How the fuck does someone as fucking stupid as you function?
>too scared to respond properly
shut the fuck up and kneel before your master, DOG.
he has no job no gf no friends he gets BTFO everyday in DBS threads yet he keeps coming back for more
KEK keep crying my precious pet.
We don't need your life story, user.
Beerus and whis said will Goku's stamina ran out or will Jiren stamina goes out, therefore it's a race of stamina, not trying to knocking out each other
he instinctively knew that post was about him rofl
What is your point, Fernando Guadalupe?
Go back.
Imagine the sex
silence, my most precious and obedient pet, and KNEEL
Why are Jobrencucks so sad?
Even beerus knew that it isnt possible to knock jiren out without exhausting him, its a race of stamina, not beating the crap out of each other
So you're moving the goalposts. Concede.
his life has no meaning
I didnt move any goalpost? Im literally stating my point, MUI does nothing in manga if he cant even surpass Jiren
cope, my precious pet, and kneel.
He has no style
He has no grace
Oh so you're arguing with headcanon, I see.
>he has a Yea Forums pass
he has never kissed hugged or even kissed a woman
Yeah, how about yours? Or are we done?
>literally admits to using headcanon as an argument
We're done here. I won and you lost.
or even touched*
>disgusting passnigger
>the absolute state of DBS threads
Fine then, you win, spic.
I think giving any speck of argument>throwing insults and questions, therefore, we can say Fusion>>>Manga MUI case closed user, thanks for listening to the end
Good boy. Your master accepts your concession.
You didn't give an argument. You vomited headcanon. I win and you lose.
Concession accepted American dog.
Neither did you user, if you cant refute my "lies" how can you win in an debate?
All of you should be killed
he's still here
>an debate
Learn to speak proper English, Pacojandro. You first made the claim. The burden of proof is on you, yet you tried to argue with headcanon. You lost. Concede.
you will be silent and kneel, my precious pet.
>Toei never gave funi nothing even close to the negatives.
Were the Dragon Boxes created from thin air? A simple google research can answer that question.
>Notice the difference in detail
Yes, it's called invasive use of DNR and better kept material since of its Special/OVA status. Normal episodes likely didn't receive the same amount of care.
Sorry but ill type however i want, nobody said i cant, especially not the ones without any headcanon or facts
I'm starting to remember why I stopped visiting these threads.
I'll take that as a concession. It's good that you finally admit that you've lost.
>ones without any headcanon
You're right, I'm not using headcanon. That's (You), who made a claim and then made no effort to support it with anything other than headcanon. You've lost, spic.
Shut the fuck up and cope dog
Who are the worst posters in these threads?
>ones without any headcanon
So you have no facts to back up your claim? Then i'm going to win, headcanon or not, i suggest you find one user
>concession cope cope dog spic dog cope concession master superior cope dog dog cope spic spic spic
What the actual flying fuck is wrong with you retards?
Here, I'll spell it out for your puny spic brain.
>if I say something and then make up a bunch of shit about it that makes it true
that's not how that works at all
I am a jirenCHAD, please forgive me
Kill yourself, you're part of the problem
>Were the Dragon Boxes created from thin air?
You're stupid, toei just gave them the video/audio stream and funi just added their audio and subtitles. They didnt do shit to the video. The fact that toei even allowed them to do a localized release of the dragon boxes is a miracle.
reminder that Kefla was the third strongest fighter in the canon ToP
he'll still be here 10 hours from now when i get home from work
I didnt see anyone proving me wrong either
>implying anyone in these godforsaken threads has a job
>One way in which one would attempt to shift the burden of proof is by committing a logical fallacy known as the argument from ignorance. It occurs when either a proposition is assumed to be true because it has not yet been proved false
quoting the announcement
>In July 2009 at their industry panel at the “Otakon” anime convention in Baltimore, FUNimation announced their licensing and forthcoming release of the “Dragon Box” sets based on the genuinely-remastered release of the same name from Japan several years prior. The release would begin in November 2009 and span across seven sets.
>n-no one's proved me wrong so that means i'm right
so you can't read or?
>The fact that toei even allowed them to do a localized release of the dragon boxes is a miracle.
Why is that? Sending a video stream shouldn't be that much of a hassle to a proper copyright holder of a certain region. Why did Funi even pay top dollar to be able to release their own limited run of good looking DVDs? That shit is weird.
Tell where should i read then? Where did you guys proven me wrong?
You fucking idiot, your claim isn't automatically correct just because nobody has proved it wrong. Can you seriously not comprehend fucking English? You made a claim and then didn't back it up. You vomited your headcanon. That isn't backing up your claim. That isn't an argument. This is truly not that hard of a concept to grasp if you just fucking APPLY YOURSELF, you stupid braindead Mexispic.
stop being so easily baited
nobody is as dense as the guy you're responding to is pretending to be. not even superfags
Because up until dragon ball super was out, toei didnt give a fuck about how dragonball outside of japan, or old dragon ball in general.
Here's a good fun fact: The folks that gathered all the broadcast audio, approached toei initially to give them the audio to use in a future release, but toei didnt care. Then they approached Chris Sabat, who gladly accepted the audio BUT he couldnt put it in a release cause toei wouldnt let him.
Or alternatively and as the evidence actually shows, both Cuckhan and Kekfla are garbage and Trashle was simply taken lightly by Goku and Frieza. The fact that she dealt no damage to either of them while killing herself in the process and she later jobbed to a couple of nobodies supports that.
>h-holding back!
Concession accepted.
>dealt no damage
>had Freeza spitting blood and he had to recover stamina after the fight
You keep telling yourself that, spic.
Dragon ball was the only anime that remained a good and consistent seller when the anime physical media market collapsed in the late 00s. That is why Funi went to such great lenghts with DB. If it wasn't for DB Funi would not have survived.
yep you can't read
>He has to work for 10 HOURS a day
Keep up that backbreaking work wagie.
It's pathetic isn't it?
Im pretty sure toei wasnt impressed with how funi handled dragon ball in mid 2000s that being the music choice or the orange bricks """""""""remastering"""""""""".
Jiren is stronger then Broly. Why does this upset people?
>Toei: I don't care about [thing]
>Funi: I care about [thing]
>Toei: You already have [thing]
>Funi: But I want your super [thing], it's basically free income on your side!
>Toei: You have to pay way too much money to be able to do a limited distribution of my [superthing]
>Funi: But why though?
>Toei: Because shut up.
>Funi: But Europe also got their uncut releases based on your DVDs!
>Toei: Yeah, but they weren't our [super thing]
Neither Goku nor Frieza went even close to all out against her, while she completely disregarded the rules and was trying to kill them. She just so happens to be such an incompetent piece of shi that was only managing to kill herself. Of course they were in fact holding back.
That's right mongrel, Frieza was unironically fresh as a daisy seconds later.
>nothing but headcanon as usual
Goku and Vegeta are 3 inches apart in height. Dunno why people pretend otherwise. Both are manlets going by the meme.
Thats how mafia works
175cm (Goku) isn't a manlet, Vegeta (164cm) is a turbo manlet tho
t. 181~182cm
>describing things exactly as they happened is headcanon now
Imagine being such braindead waifucuck that you end up like this retard. Sad.
Fuck off, pea-brained spic. People aren’t upset by it, you just won’t take a hint and stop posting.
>m-my headcanon is how it happened i p-promise!
Kale beat the fucking shit out of Freeza, made him spit blood, and forced him to recover his stamina after the fight. You can scream about "m-muh holding back" all you want, but you will always be wrong.
SEETHING nuDoglycuck
>m-must be a Brolyfag
Living rent free in your head, Edwin Lopez.
Kek. Keep seething, Cucklyfag.
No it's okay, just agreed that Jiren is stronger.
Based Hunterchad.
>RTH this much
(You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You) (You)
Now THIS is headcanon. Kekle was beaten by a bunch of nobodies and was on the verge of dying just seconds after supposedly "beating the shit" out if the lizard. Rub whatever is left of your two neurons together and you'll realize exactly what would happen if she actually stayed and fought Frieza or Goku.
>what happened in the manga is headcanon
I accept your concession.
5'8" is a manlet. The meme is that anyone under 6'0" is a manlet.
>finally gets to see how a Goku Vegeta fusion looks like
>rapes him
I mean I can't blame her but jesus Bulma control yourself
What happened in the manga is that she lost to a couple of hobos carried by Jiren and Toppo and never faced a serious SSB-tier opponent. Everything outside of that is just you coping.
Damn, that's not even the full power broly ripoff kale
Jesus Yamamuro style is so ugly
Cope and concede.
>TWO (2) scans showing Kale absolutely BTFO'ing Freeza
>Spicanon's only "arguments" are "h-holding back" and literal denial
lizardcucks destroyed again
Super is garbage and so is GT
Going by manga scaling Gohan would job to untransformed Broly with a little Ozaru power
Looks like the nips were right about Cuckotaro
>gets up just fine later
>Kale jobbed like a bitch not a minute later
Nah, I'm right.
>posts non-canon toyo comic
Are you trying to say something
>spic headcanon Paint chart
Vegeto looks like shit to begin with.
>has to recover stamina after getting the shit beaten out of him
Stop denying what the manga blatantly tells you and concede to your superior.
Quiet, Toeimongrel.
now post the real one toyocuck
your useful post surely changed my perspective
Jesus, he's literally just repeating Toriyama and even then he's just so much worse.
>the psychotic Toeifag is here
Wow that hair difference
Is Tori delusional? What part of Toyo’s art looks like his?
>headcanon, the chart
You need to have shit in the eyes to miss it. The unbalance of having to blend goku and vegeta outfits together, goku's inverted color outfit that doesn't work at all, the giant queer looking earrings, the fucking awful red shades in the hair. It's like Toriyama came up with it while taking a dump, feeling proud to give editors something low effort and low quality that the powerlevelfags would eat up without a question.
I accept your concession.
>that time Toriyama had to ask Oda who Tao Pai Pai was
Yeah that's a guy I totally trust with telling me what better approximates his 30 year old comic.
>argumentum ad ignorantium
Looks like you concede.
I don't accept your fanfic.
It doesn't matter if you accept facts, Pacojandro. They're still facts.
>literally "I don't like so it's bad"
>also implying Vegetto's hair is fucking red because the retards at Toei colored it that way, when Toriyama's saiyans have black hair
Jesus you are pathetic. You like Gogeta, we got it, he looks cool too, you don't have to try this hard.
I hate these fucking threads and all the cocksuckers that infest them
>implying not being brainded makes you a lizardfag
Frieza's main characteristic while fighting outside of using esper abilities is his insane damage soaking. Shitle would be on her last fumes long before he'd be forced to use anything close to lethal.
>has to recover stamina
Why would he waste it on some bitch he's watching jobbing to nobodies right in front of him?
>being this mad because your favourite character would job to base Broly
>still no argument
>literally admits that Kale BTFO Freeza so hard he needed to recover stamina
It feels good to win and be superior.
Who’s stronger, Broly or Jiren? Personally I think it’s jiren
Kill yourself
I didn't remember how bad it looked even in the manga. This shit is such an abortion. At least with Gogeta you could pretend that he wasn't canon for the longest time.
I hate DBS' godawful tiel that they use on SSB hair. The movie's colors are such an improvement, holy shit.
Nothing will top Vegeta beyond blue form.
Reminder that there are spics that unironically think that Shitly > Jiren
Kek, you're such a fucking retard.
Quiet, Toeisperg.
Your headcanon isn't a fact, Pablo Escobar.
Calling facts headcanon means nothing. They're still facts, my pathetic and beaten opponent.
I am not a Gohanfag, I'm just pointing out that the chart is pure headcanon.
Everything that is not DB/DBZ or the original manga is not canon you retards
These Toyocucks are getting uppity again
Wheres the arugment? Cant see it
He didn't "need" to do shit, retard. He realized he didn't need to move a finger since the drooling bitch was killing herself and left her alone. Did Goku also need to recover stamina since he didn't immediately turn blue again and chase her? You waifucucks have the collective IQ of a cockroach.
Sorry kid, Super is written and approved by Toriyama, and he acknowledges it as the official sequel. It's canon.
>he thinks DB/DBZ are canon
Calling your headcanon facts means nothing. It's still just your headcanon, my pathetic and beaten opponent.
>literally fucking says he needs to recover stamina
You lose. Try to make me put in more effort next time, you were a really boring opponent.
Remember when the toyopedros, in their retardation, tried to use this picture saying GT is canon? Holy fuck
>no u
Feels good to win, as usual.
I also remember when they thought the manga was canon because Goku blinked HAHAHAHHAHA
Hello, is the Super Broly movie canon too? That’s all I care about.
Yes. Again, Toriyama wrote it.
I still find it hard to believe that Jiren is the strongest in the universe when he'll end up being irrelevant in the next series. Not mention there's four universes with a higher mortal rating that didn't even have to compete. I know that's not supposed to mean that there are stronger fighters in those universes but it's very obvious that will be the case considering the genre and how Dragon Ball has always scaled up its threats.
>Super is written by Toriyama
Did Toriyama write the Yo Son Goku special?
>no rebuttal
That's right, accept your defeat like a good dog and don't ever try to fight your superior master again.
Love the fact that they had to Shift+Delete that entire collage because they got called out on that. Fucking KEK
Oh and don't forget pic related
The final sign of a desperate opponent that knows it has already lost.
Yes, it is. Like how the god of destruction and revival of frieza movies are canon.
Toyopedros are fucking retarded holy SHIT
>how Dragon Ball has always scaled up its threats.
>except it hasnt in the entirety of Super
Thanks for proving my point
You're doing a great job convincing me of your stupidity and inability to read. None of the top dogs bothered with her for a reason, idiot.
No, it follows neither continuity and the coming anime will retcon it into canon
>f-fuck you accept my headcanon!
You just keep conceding, mongrel.
>confirms the Super anime is as canon as GT
uh oh...
>written by Toriyama
>yet the Filipino fanfiction by Toei is supposed to be canon when it adapts what Toriyama wrote
Retarded cuck.
Silence, mutt. Keep quiet and I MIGHT let you sleep in the kennel today. If you keep barking you will sleep on the streets.
>Pacotarospics can't read as usual
Low quality bait.
What the fuck has Dragon Ball become?
>follows NEITHER continuity
Seems you skipped that part
Except it follows the manga continuity, you idiot dog. Either way, it was written by Toriyama. It's canon. Cope.
>the anime is published in the V Jump
Your shitposting makes me laugh every time.
These threads literally always go in the same direction. They used to at least take some time to start in on the batshit insanity, but of latw they just start at the plateau of crazy and stay there till bump limit.
Ever since fanon manga of dragon ball or the continuation, it’s become an on going joke
>Except it follows the manga continuity
>Tacotarospics STILL can't read
Holy fucking shit im smart at this
I accept your concession, dog.
>Broly movie follows neither vers-
What the goddamn movie you retard.
>aura-less SSB
>no Kaiokek
>no SSBE
>no MUI powerup
>Goku remembers the GoD exhibition match
You lose.
How can Toeichads be so fucking SMART. Swatting these "arguments" like fucking flies
Gohan is the third strongest fighter in the manga only below full power Jiren and Goku
Yes, you still can't read, otherwise you would know Toyotaro himself said the manga is an adaptation. An adaptation of the outline. Keep trying, tho, you are funny.
Toeipoodles fucking destroyed
>directly contradicts the promotional manga
>"b-b-but the credits!!"
Kek, based.
fucking based. stop being so BASED
>b-b-but muh precious Tacotaro said
Nobody cares what Pacotacotracer said, spic.
B-but user SSB had an aura SOMETIMES! A-and in the manga SSB can never have an aura, never ever, r-right?
Tracertarofags, everyone
Broly is also just some ape but is stronger than the god of destruction somehow. There will always be a new guy stronger than the last even if it doesn't really make sense.I think Jiren might be stronger than Broly though, ultra instinct is a dumb special power which is why goku can't use it when he wants. If he could, then I imagine he could beat Broly, which is why Gogeta was needed.
I already accepted your concession sweetcheeks, no need to keep fellating me.
>>aura-less SSB
That was a thing even in the anime, you sperg. Hell, that shit’s been present since SS1.
t. Brainlet
Used to be a neat little Shonen manga until low iq niggers and spics latched onto it because of flashy fights. Now it’s a complete joke.
Everything after Buu is not canon
>no MUI
Pic related BTFO
>instantly getting defensive making strawmans implying I said it follows the Anime continuity
>no gamma burst, CSSB or any of that crap.
Toyoshits are really obsessed holy shit
Neither him nor Kekfla are FPSSB-tier, so no, you're factually wrong.
Oh no! SSJ3 wasn't in the movie either! I guess it doesn't follow the original manga!
>tracertarofag's logic
I still refuse to call Dragon Ball a complete joke because it's legendary. Fuck Super and pseudo fans
>contradicts the manga
Nice headcanon, Toeisperg.
>Vegeta's hair goes green when he goes SS
>all those instances of SSB having an aura
>Toeifag false equivalence
The sad part is I bet you think you just made an amazing point.
>manga vs anime autism
It has been four goddamn years. You fucking retards need to die
It doesn’t matter dbs manga is canon, and if dbs gets a lot better in the future will you accept it as canon? Btw rather dbs than absalon
*Piccolo Jr
How can they say it wasnt the KK when the very fucking manga says so? God damn it these retards.
Not an argument.
Because they're in denial that the superior chadnime is canon.
Nah, I accept Buu as canon even though it's shit. Dragon Ball ended in 1995-1996.
Are you implying that the brief form that literally is MUI and looks like MUI isnt MUI? Really?
Concession accepted.
>he didn't read the interview about the color experimentation the director was planning for the movie
Sorry I know more than you, cuck.
Cope, dog.
Okay, let’s change the subject. Who’s taller, Broly or Jiren?
Toyofags are mentally handicapped.
Well at least in those 4 years it has ben thoroughly confirmed that these toyoshits are objectively wrong and only do this for (you)s
I hope your entire family dies
Remember when Roshi was effortlessly avoiding Jiren's attacks?
That promotional manga sure is kooky.
>best selling manga ever in Japan (until OP happened)
>neat little shonen manga
It was always going to be ruined by nostalgia exploiting at some point. It was a victim of its own success.
Well duh
>being aura-less is supposed to be a special thing now
So all those times when Goku and Vegeta and Trunks lacked auras before the time chamber in Z was some mastered shit that made them way stronger? Whoa...
So they "experimented" with the exact same looks, aura and eyes that a known form already had? Whats stopping you from saying that yellow hair form Vegeta wasnt SS1 but some other experimentation? Stupid flying fuck
Togashi had to rip off Toriyama with Cell to make the best arc regarded by fans in his work.
Keep telling yourself that, Toeipoodle.
>false equivalence
I accept your concession. You're wrong, I'm right. Die mad about it.
>literally proving me right
>Toeipoodle has no reading comprehension
>t-they obviously didnt mean experimenting about the green hair h-haha it was the literal MUI that Goku flashed
>f-false equivalence even though its literally what I said about MUI but with SS1
At least you got your (you), pedrito. Congrats
>scat/guro spam outside this thread
Hold me, bros. Broly is taller.
>anime gets cancelled
>manga keeps going with stories written by Toriyama
>b-but muh promotional meme! m-muh anime canon!
>no argument
>too retarded to know when he's been BTFO
Nice cope and concession. There's a good pup.
dragon ball isn't good, admit it!!!
They meant experimenting in general you stupid cuckshit, nice strawman you've got there.
fan coloring
>no argument from the Toyocuck
Fuck im smart at this, nobody can debate me
>anime gets cancelled
HAHAHAH Good job using that meme for the last time
>manga has to skip large chunks of the anime to keep promoting the relevant parts (including flat out not adapting two arcs and telling you to watch the anime instead)
>new big budget movie release is set firmly in the anime's continuity
>b-but muh cancellation meme! m-muh promotional manga canon!
>the retarded Toeikek still thinks the movie where Goku remembers the GoD Exhibition Match follows the fanfiction cancelled anime's continuity
Funny how you didn't post the date of that tweet, kek
>better action
My fucking sides. Not a single fight in that dreg will ever reach the legendary status of Goku vs Piccolo, Goku vs Vegeta I or Goku vs Frieza. In fact, the only battle people remember when they bring it up involved a Roshi ripoff fighting a Cell ripoff, but with both having far more boring abilities than the originals and looking infinitely less skilled as martial artists.
>promotional manga
Never been called promotion for the anime in any official capacity. That came from CuckgettoEx on Kanzenshuu, a "source" about as reputable as the fucking DB wiki.
Have you read what these toyoshits just said? The literal MUI Goku flashed wasnt MUI but some "e-experimentation"
FUCKING kek Im so smart at debates holy fuck I should get paid for this
Being Mexican and in direct control of one of the most popular franchises on the planet is incredible. The forefront of everyones mind, the ones who decide what merchandise is sold when, the first country to get international releases. DB is for MexiCHADS.
Boy you should really frequent these threads more to avoid saying retarded shit like that
>lost to Goku twice in the anime
>lost to pride jobber trash in the manga
Why do you waifuniggers even bother?
Yes, because skipping whole story arcs that are presented in different mediums while telling you to watch those instead is TOTALLY something non-promotional media would do.
The date is literally right there you retarded cucklet
The anime is filipino fanfiction that's stretched out massively to advertise to kids, just like DBZ.
The manga is the real continuation of DB, and it is being made by Toriyama-sensei's hand picked successor and close input from sensei himself.
Anime is not canon
>yfw it's a Heroes announcement/anime adaptation of Xenoverse
Whats Ribrianne and Kefla doing there huh? HUH? BTFO
Tracing apologists, everyone.
>b-but muh skipped RoF
There was already a movie, a shitty anime rehash, and a fucking companion manga for the movie you goddamn idiot.
>muh skipped Broly
Yes, why would the manga waste time rehashing a movie when it could just move onto the next CANON story written by Toriyama? Toeifags are so stupid, Jesus fuck
Because they were in the ToP with him you autist.
Go eat a taco
Oh my god these threads are cancer. Kill yourselves.
>Because they were in the ToP
Then where were the other 70 fighters? HUH? BTFO
I accept all of your concessions.
>it's fine if it's skipped because you can see it elsewhere!
This is sure sounding like a promotion, then.
The anime is the true continuation, why do you think the manga keeps making asides telling you to go watch it?
The anime/manga debate has been done to death. If you could have Broly or Jiren return in the next arc, who would you want? Personally I would want Jiren back
Imagine how BTFO'd toeipedros will be when the announcement is just an anime adaptation of heroes/dokkan battle
Oh no no no no!
>implying Vados wasn't full of shit
Kekfla was so unmatched that she lost to fucking Jobhan. Goku and Vegeta would mop the ToP stage with her trolldoll head, and Jiren would just give her the Spopovich treatment.
>dokkan battle
How the fuck would that even work?
Literally going on right now.
>my headcanon it's what's right not what's literally stated in the manga by an impartial viewer
>Not a single fight in that dreg will ever reach the legendary sta-
Freiza's Lips.
Veggie's tail.
Need to be wrapped around my cock.
Unless you're posting Pan then you need to fuck off.
The special is based off of a rough idea Toriyama had. He didn't write the screenplay.
Deal with it.
So he had some involvement with it. That explains why he seems to be fond of mentioning Tarble. Happened in BoG and Broly, both partly penned by Tori.
go kys faggot
What did she mean by this? Did she have a crush on Gohan?
I already mentioned boring ripoff Roshi vs boring ripoff Cell. It's also not as good as any of the fights I mentioned, nor will it ever be as fondly remembered by such a huge number of people as those.
Pan is trash just like GT.
Poor Veggie
No shit Videl had a crush on Gohan.
I guess that means Vegeta is getting verde then. Retard.
Pan is the best. Goku should have boned her.
Based frieza making the monkey his bitch.
How do i become this /fit/ Yea Forums? This is my goal body.
Give me three (3) reasons why Vegeta couldn't theoretically use the green form Broly has
Pro tip: You can't
Pan is for Trunks.
Trunks is gay.
Stop shitposting and lift
>he literally couldn't
Told you
4 u
The impartial viewer was wrong like any non-omnisapient character is prone to be. If Gohan was all it took to clean her clock then she had no business against the likes of Goku, Vegeta or Toppo, let alone Jiren. That's all there is to that.
Link me Goten x Trunks fanfics.
Automatically lost. Easy
Post characters who have never lost.
100% win rate baby.
DBZ 30th Anniversary Collectors Edition on Blu-Ray
Ok you first.
>All the zoomers in the comments seething that their shitty super isnt returning
Love you toei, now dont fuck it up
Post characters no one hates
Does it have broadcast audio? Otherwise it's fucking worthless.
>people thought this was about Super returning when no Japanese post was made
>the spic actually thought the anime was coming back
>instead he gets another cropped "remastered" dbz blu-ray with shit audio
>muh japs
Quiet weeb
No one who matters
It's probably going to be DNR'd like crazy and the same shitty cropping to widescreen bullshit. Not to mention the inferior Japanese audio.
If they don't actually crop it I'll probably torrent it with Japanese broadcast audio added back in for a rewatch.
>day 1351, the author of the manga series explained years ago the manga never adapted the anime series, just the outline Toriyama does. Said author has been promoted to coproducer of the series, and is still doing his manga with Toriyama's help (corrections, drawnings, etc). On top that, the manga series has been marketed for months as the canonical continuation of the original canon DB manga (while similar statements about the anime series only connect it with the non canon DB/Z animes, which makes sense considering said series continued non canon plots from the DB/Z animes, such as Ginyu stealing Bulma's body in Planet Namek), this before and after the new successful 'Dragon Ball Super: Broly' movie was released, movie that only credits the DBS manga series as source, similar to how the only DBS series promoted in the last Jump Festa was the manga one, as the anime series stopped telling its own version of Toriyama's stories about a year ago and the company that used to produce it is busy with a promotional anime for a gacha videogame, Super Dragon Ball Heroes. The last hope for the fans of the anime is that this year of no content is a "small" hiatus, which wouldn't change any of the previously mentioned facts but at least would mean more content.
>toeishills still pretend the anime series has ever been canon and call the manga series "promotional"
I've never seen a fanbase in this much denial before, at this point we should just say "denialfags" instead "toeishills"
To be fair, toei probably handles the remaster and they "said" that the remaster is in 4:3
Nice wall of headcanon. tl;dr btw
Then give me something to shut it.
Noice, quick thread
>n-no all those documented facts are headcanon
I’ll make the next one go even quicker
Yeah but what are we losing in exchange for 4:3? Editing out all blood or something equally retarded?
DBZ is a cursed series and no release can ever not have some shitty alteration.
Is the original Dragon Ball going to be stuck in a limbo forever?
The cropped DVDs sold more than the native aspect ratio ones.
>16:9 is better because it takes up the whole screen.
Fuck Ningen
It's all Funimation. And they only do 16:9.
Yes I'm well aware Dragonball has a retarded fan base.
Undefeated against Gokek
I hate how this fandom is full of people who never watched Dragon Ball.
>it's a BD re release
Until the manga suddenly starts making references to Broly despite never appearing in the "canon"
Theoretically toei probably already did the remaster and the're gonna release their own version in japan after funi's. They already remastered the specials and the movies after all
Good, this way no inferiors can complain about anything
There’s too many words and it’s boring.
>never appearing in the canon
Name my gang.
To be fair Super probably will come back after a few more movies come out so they can chop them all up with the Broly movie and drag them out for 70 episodes.
Ugly thot
I'm referring to the manga
Yes. Fuck ningens and non ningens.
Are you fucking retarded
The original DB has aged terribly. I rewatch Z and it holds up as well as when I was little . I rewatch DB and think "Yep. This was made in the 80's"
Zoomer gang.
Blue Cheelai
>he doesn't know what promotional is
>he's too retarded to understand why rehashes are bad
>he pushes the promotional meme that has literally never been stated in ANY official capacity
I accept your admission of defeat.
>the anime that's full of non-canon fillershit like the Ginyu Frog, Gregory, Satan's disciples, and Jelly Vegeta
Keep telling yourself that.
>characters can't be wrong
Be quiet, dog.
>using the headcanon of retarded cuck YouTube e-celebs as an argument
Goddamn, you really are BTFO
Are you a girl, dogposter?
Your goal is to have an extraordinarily weak and unhealthy body that looks unnatural because it is? Being shredded is the definition of form over function. Actual healthy strong-men look like big, wide-ass barrels, but they're rock-solid because all that mass is muscle.
I know, you are still wrong. You are like the retards that (before the ToP arc) said Golden Freeza never happened in the manga. RoF and BR just happened between arcs
True probably add and remove things that aren’t going with the manga such as goku black going ssj, roshi vs jiren, manga version of goku going omen ultra instinct, removing ssbkk for goku and removing ssj2 kale
>Defeated Piccolo
>Defeated Krillin
>Defeated Goku
>Defeated Goku again, but lost his life in the process.
The dogposter is a literal dog
Will it have the subs/raws along with the original music in this set?
>i-it was between arcs
>literally tells you "go watch the canon story, the chadnime, to fill in the blanks"
>linking threads
Yea Forums is too retarded and we always end up with 2 slow threads, Its better this way
>he took one hour to simply say "n-no"
Just settle down until the anime comes back and the promotional manga goes "pool's closed, go watch the anime, folks"
Based Chadditz. Hope he and Yamcha return and become more relevant.
>tells you go watch the anime
But that never happened Pedro, why are you lying?
movies =/= DBS anime series
I mean, why would the continuation of the original DB manga tell you to watch the continuation of the non canon DBZ anime with Gregory and his other non canon friends?
>the manga that keeps telling you to watch the anime
Keep telling yourself that.
its the shitty ameridub eww
Concession accepted. You Toeicucks are too easy.
>no argument from the Pacotarospics
As usual.
See the post above yours, the manga series never told you to watch the anime series, and the author literally says there's no connection between both except the outline.
>I mean, why would the continuation of the original DB manga tell you to watch the continuation of the non canon DBZ anime with Gregory and his other non canon friends?
Considering it already happened, twice even, why don't you give us the answer?
Not an argument.
See the post below yours, the manga series is literally an incomplete story that you have to tear yourself away from to get the missing pieces. Unlike the original DB manga and unlike its true continuation, the DBS anime.
>conceding this hard
You lose as usual.
>no rebuttal
Nice, now tell me when the manga series told you to watch Toei's fanfic. I'm waiting.
Not even a single one, why are you lying this much? It's sad, user.
>the Broly advertisement in the manga literally tells you to go watch the ANIMATED movie animated by Toei Chadnimation that follows the chadnime continuity
Your move Toyopaco.
>doesn't have an argument
>expects people to argue against his lack of an argument
Toeichads, I think we broke the tracing apologists with our bullying. Look, he now thinks that Resurrection F and Broly, which are part of the official storyline and NOT covered by the promotional manga, don't exist.
>this is the reading comprehension level of Toeispics
>it's not canon because the full story requires the fan to watch more than 1 medium
I guess Naruto's manga isn't canon because it has a movie happening in between chapters, huh? Sorry user, you are wrong, but you can try again in the next thread, I know you love shitposting.
>DBS anime is the continuation of the DB manga
Too bad Toei and the anime say the opposite. You know, Gregory, Ginyu frog, the anime being in the same timeline as Kai, etc
>it's animated so it's the same continuity
>it follows the anime continuity despite contradict it several times and credit only the manga
Looks like you lost again.
They exist, Paco, what are you even saying? They exist and happened in the manga continuity. The same can't be said for the anime, tho.
>contradicts the chadnime
Except it doesn't, ever, and it constantly contradicts the shitnga.
>Follows the Kai anime yet it makes a Maroon joke
>Follows the Kai anime yet includes Ginyu frog filler
>Follows the Kai anime yet fucking has Vegeta know about Oob years before he's even supposed to
>toyopacos have to unironically use Naruto to have an argument
We're talking about the movie following the chadnime continuity, which it does. Pay attention, Toyocuck.
It's literally the only other series that has had the same exact situation. It had a Canon movie that took place between manga chapters
>They exist and happened in the manga continuity.
And you don't get to see them because the promotional manga is not a complete story, which is obvious because it's not meant to be anything more than promotion.
Remember when the original DB manga skipped over the Cell arc and told you it totally happened but you had to watch the anime to know more? I don't.
Tracing apologists are disgusting Tumblrites, who knew?
>it's not meant to be anything more than promotion.
According to your headcanon and nothing else.
>No SSB Kaioken or SSBE even though Goku and Vegeta are using their max output
>Pink Freeza
>Images of the production workplace clearly having the super manga on display
No senpai this ain't it and once Goku showcases his Super Saiyan Blue having the new aura in the manga you please can't use the "but there was aura in the movie so it's not manga continuity either" excuse.
>says Freeza never knew about fusion, but in the anime Freeza does
>says legendary saiyans that go bulky have yellow eyes with pupils when you can see their eyes (even if they are in SS), when in the anime bulky legendary saiyans have pupilless green eyes if they go SS (like every other SS ever)
>says SSB is the strongest form, not SSB Grade 2 nor Kaioken
>"it doesn't"
>also no rebuttal for the movie crediting only the manga
>stop using examples to prove me wrong please!
Cope harder.
>you don't see them because my headcanon that contradicts official statements
>skipped over the Cell arc and told you it totally happened but you had to watch the anime to know more?
No, just like I don't remember the Super manga series skipping the Super arcs and telling you to watch the Super anime series, all the new arcs are in the manga.
>still pretending if the story takes places in more than 1 medium it's not canon
Since when are tumblrites supposed to use tho? Are you an expert?
>Literal spics
>t-the forms didn't show up so it's a contradiction
SS3 didn't show up either, I guess it's not canon you stupid cucklet faggot spic cocksucker.
>all the new arcs are in the manga
Will promotional manganiggers ever learn?
Except they had no reason to use SS3, Juanito. Why would Goku and Vegeta even fight together (and even fucking fuse) without even try fighting with their strongest forms?
>manga is literally written by Toriyama
You lose.
>Toyospic forgot characters can sense ki
They know how strong Broly is, ergo they know they can't beat him even with SSBKK or SSBE. That's why Goku tried and failed to use MUI, you stupid fucking cucklet.
>no rebuttal
Tell me one single new canon arc that isn't in the manga.
Pro tip: A movie isn't an arc.
because fusion is stronger than SSBE or SSBKK you dumb retard
The difference is that Super Saiyan 3 is not a top tier form so they wouldn't use it anyway when they can just use SSG or SSB instead. SSBKK and SSBE are Goku and Vegeta's max power forms in the anime, not including them either means they weren't trying hard (which is unlikely considering they immediately jumped to the idea of fusion) or they just don't fucking exist in the film. The "there was no SS2 or SS3" point is such a stupid point to use and it's clear you weren't thinking when you brought it up
>t-they just gave up without trying
Yeah, like with Jiren or the others, huh?
Yes and fusion is something they hate and won't use unless they have no other option you retard, they wouldn't run without even try with their strongest forms
See And concede to your superior, dog.
>Still thinking Goku tried to use MUI when the storyboard and light novel mentions no such thing and three was already an interview stating they wanted to fuck around with the colors for transformation scenes
Big Sad
>literally no argument outside of headcanon
>exact same color and aura as MUI
>b-b-but it totally wasn't MUI trust me my headcanon says so
Can you not read? They can fucking sense Broly's power and they know how strong they are in their strongest forms. If they didn't use them it's because they knew it wouldn't have made a fucking difference. God you mangatards are brainlets
That's your argument, Paco
>still no defense for Freeza not knowing about fusion
>still no defense for legendary power up making you have yellow irises and pupils
>still no defense for the movie crediting the manga and only the manga
>ignoring all the interviews saying Tori only writes the outlines and oversees the creation process, with his involvement in the manga mostly amounting to telling the retarded tracing mutt to draw Jiren properly
>if i don't like it then it doesn't count!
How will mangashitters EVER recover?
And for not counting, they sure did adapt BoG so your """"argument"""" doesn't even actually mean anything.
>replying to the baiting bolivian spic
Can (You) not read, Paco? You can say the same about every antagonist and they still try no matter how hopeless they are. There's no excuse for your fanfic forms not being used
>Literal statements made by people working on the film
>An actual storyboard for the scene in the movie pamphlet showing MUI wasn't an intentional narrative decision
>Light novel translations explicitly only say he bursts into blue
>"Muh headcanon"
At best it was an animator saying "hey this would be a cool visual". It wasn't part of the narrative
>if i don't like it
But I never mentioned if I like it, Juanito, I just told you a simple fact, a movie isn't the arc of a series, and a movie being adapted to an arc doesn't mean all movies will be.
Still waiting for you to mention a single canon arc that isn't in the manga.
A very convenient fact that has no grounding on literally anything and you pulled out of your ass because you have N O A R G U M E N T otherwise.
Just concede already. That's too bad you didn't like RoF or BR. It still doesn't make the manga canon.
So what happens to the Toeicucks when the anime comes back and just adapts the Moro stuff and treats the previous anime only stuff as if they didn't exist?
>instead actually refutte a thing he just says "N-NO ARGUMENT"
Of course.
Still waiting btw, maybe some day will find a new canon arc that isn't in the manga.
No, I can't refute you.
Because you didn't give an argument yet.
>s-so what happens when w-we are transported to promotional m-manga la-la land?
Mangafaggots sure are brittle.