How come permadeath is almost never a thing in shonen media...

How come permadeath is almost never a thing in shonen media? There will be a dramatic death scene but then they either come back to life later or weren't actually dead all along.

Attached: The-Death-of-Genkai.jpg (764x581, 38K)

Resurrections sell magazines.

you should watch something good instead, like Jojo

>pick up a manga where the protagonist dies in the very first chapter
>complain about death not being permanent
Some people.

Death makes boys sad. Also marketing.


because a lot of people watch shonen just for the characters, not the action, plot or whatever. They want a huge cast to write fanfics about(or just imagine it in your head). You can't do it that well when half the cast has canonically died.
Not to mention, when they get invested into a specific character, they wouldn't want to continue reading/watching the series, as it was that character that made them like the series. To them killing off a character is like changing a genre, from action-adventure to comedy-romance.

>spend millions making character merch
>kill off the character

try it first,

well it doesn't actually matter though, does it? its not about the character who dies its about how that makes the protags feel that resonates with the audience

Because it's a dumb inconvenience when there's an afterlife in the series. Like Nuzlocking and prefer a Pokemon you placed in the PC because it fainted is actually dead when it's always usable.


I'm killing this shitposting right now. Both of you fuck off with this shit.

The shonen genre should have really taken notes from its granddaddy Fist of the north star. FOTNS had plenty of death, but no resurrections, making the deaths more meaningful and sad.

the grandfather of shonen is astro boy
every shone is directly derived from astro boy

She does die in the final arc of the manga. The rushed to shit anime ending skipped a bunch of things, added stuff that never happened, and kept genkai alive for some dumb reason.

FOTNS is the grandad of fighting shonen.

because dead characters can't become popular

killing off a popular character inevitably has to result in some sort of resurrection for the sake of maintaining the interest of that character's fanbase. The only exception I've ever seen to this was Kamina.

And it has lots of perma-death

FF7 had the testicles to do that...