Topsters thread

your top 50 anime movies only

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Here, OP, brief review:
Green is good
Grey is meh
Red is bad

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wow, you're not a fan of isao takahata it seems.
thanks though!

>Wolf Children in top 10
nigga please

I will never understand the appeal of EoE.

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No particular order
I didn't get Dojoji Temple, could you talk about it a little?

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i like it for the raw emotional expression with the puppet lady not any deeper reading.

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Can you explain why you like Kiki's Delivery Service? I don't understand. Kiki came off as super unlikable when she kept treating Tombo like shit, and she never really got any better. All I remember is that and the climax being pretty flaccid. Again, would you explain what appealed to you?

Didn't seen many from this one, why Musashi crackdown movie though?

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It's surreal, beautifully animated, and horrifying. What's there to not understand?

I like nonfiction anime, and I thought it was funny. Sort of reminded me of live-action Patlabor

i'm not really sure why but it's the one that makes me cry. a different point in the movie every time i've seen it. i guess it might be "relatable" in a weird way or something? it's very mysterious to me. sorry for the poor answer.

What did you like about Elemi?

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Personal attachments like that are difficult to explain but are still pretty valuable in my eyes. Thanks.

it's been a while since i last saw it but i just thought it was a really solid simple love story and i'm into that kind of stuff. plus the gimmick is interesting and funny.

and provides a real conclusion

not sure if these are ticks or v's

i didn't know topsters could do anime

mf you better not touch my topster with your shitty check marks and x's i don't want your opinion.

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If it was attempt at reverse psychology — it succeseded, and if it wasn't, I am gonna do it just to piss you off.
Your taste is the closest to my yet.

Oops, forgot the file.

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This is an official message from the Ministry of Good taste.

Dear Mr. OP,

We have reviewed your taste and have found that it is exquisite and superb. We at the ministry applaud your efforts and hope that you continue to develop your taste in line with ministry guidelines.

May your taste be ever beyond reproach.


Ministry Agent 493710

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Too lazy to make my personal favorites but i'll post the MUST HAVE movies for any true animefag

Castle of Cagliostro (or any great Lupin movie)
Belladonna of Sadness
Cowboy Bebop The Movie
Perfect Blue
Trigun Badlands Rumble
Angel's Egg
Ninja Scroll
Vampire Hunter D (original or Bloodlust)
At least 1 Ghibli movie (You're a fag if you have more than 4)
Horus Prince of the Sun
Midori (the darker side must be explored and appreciated)
Robot Carnival
Captain Harlock: Arcadia of my Youth
Black Jack The Movie
Golgo 13: The Professional
Space Adventure Cobra
Galaxy Express 999 film
Angel's Egg
Ghost in the Shell
Night on the Galactic Railroad
Future Boy Conan movie

You lose points if you have a bunch of movies that are extensions of garbage anime you've watched. You also lose points if you have Makato Shinkai garbage that isn't Garden of Words.

>Mystery of Mamo
>Wolf Children

This was actually harder than I thought it would be, so I excluded anthologies and limited myself to top 5 shorts. Probably still not entirely accurate, especially the final 10.

Also: Friendly reminder that if you dislike Wolf Children, you're most likely some emotionally stunted child who has never been loved. There's no legitimate reason to not at least be indifferent towards that movie. It's an emotional piece about the power of motherly love, something that should touch any non-autistic individual on at least a very basic level. Albeit, the clown who rates these also is anti-art and a Miyazaki apologist, so it's no wonder that he dislikes Hosoda's only good film(s). Someone who like Mononoke-hime or Tsujou Tsubaku, yet is indifferent towards so many other films, can't be taken seriously. Very clearly a pedophile lolicon, like Miyazaki himself. Which is also why he isn't very fond of most things that show intercourse between adults.

The compressed file looked terrible.

Refer to the paragraph above. You've got some growing up to do.

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This would be a 10/10 if there was more Kai in it. Sadly there is very little of him so it's a 4/10. Still 4 more than any other movie.

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there's a bunch here i've never even heard of that look really interesting and want to watch. especially the stop motion ones.

good lists here.

well thank you sir. my life is complete now.

can i watch the Galaxy Express 999 film without watching the tv show? there's like 100+ episodes.

>you're not allowed to dislike something so you must be indifferent
>comes to a conclusion and passes judgement without ever asking why someone has a certain opinion on something that is subjective
and you have the audacity teliing anyone to grow up.

I never said that you're not allowed to dislike it. I also didn't reach a conclusion, but simply stated that the odds aren't in your favor. Learn to read prior to accusing people of something they've never said. Do you think "most likely" is some worthless filler and not an essential part of sentence?
>can i watch the Galaxy Express 999 film
The two movies are alternative versions of the TV show.

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There are no odds and you can't backpedal yourself out of the hole you dug yourself simply because you got upset over someone disliking something you like. You questioned someone's maturity for not enjoying a movie which is not only hypocritical, but also insulting. This is a blatant fact and you cannot deny that. It's also both humorous and ironic that you of all people would follow up by complaining about other's making accusations.
>You've got some growing up to do
I dare you to make a rebuttal so I can deconstruct it.

>can't backpedal
Not even gonna read any further than that. It literally states "most likely" at the start of the paragraph. If you're too retarded to understand basic sentence structure then there's no point in paying attention to you.

i update my chart and repost it in the same thread

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Are you illiterate? Why would you start off by saying "most likely" and then end your post by literally saying "you've got some growing up to do" as if anyone is going to ignore that. It's hypocrisy. You debunked your own argument by doing exactly what you claimed not to do.
>pls just read the 1st part and ignore the part where i made myself look retarded
You're done. Case closed. Learn from your mistake.

Maybe it had something to do with him using the term "cringe", which certainly doesn't speak in his favor it makes it even more likely for him to match the aforementioned characteristics. You really lack the ability to take everything into account, don't you? You're not gonna get far in life by being this selective about other people's statement my friend.

>Maybe it had something to do with him using the term "cringe"
This has become your argument. How far will you go? Let's talk about maturity again since that's your speciality. Now your problem is not about whether or not someone likes a movie, but the word someone uses to describe the movie? That is actual your big issue? That is how you determine someone's maturity? This is why you threw a hissyfit? Please, user. This is embarrassing. Just take the L. It won't kill you. Also don't start off a post with the word "maybe" as if i'm suppose to believe you aren't samefagging.

Alrght. Not waiting any longer. Time to sleep.

It is embarrassing, indeed. A person who selectively ignores keywords, is unable to collect all evidence provided to them and instead formulates a conclusion using a fraction of the information available, accuses other people of throwing a hissyfit. And all that solely because they can't deal with ambiguously worded sentences.

If this wasn't embarrassing enough, they follow it up with "internet losses" and "internet wins". Doesn't look good for you, user. I don't think you're one of the outliers my initial statement left room for.

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screencaped thread to use against wolf children fans. good shit

hey gochiuxephan guy could you comment on my chart

Sure thing fellow rabbit. Simply tell me what chart is yours.

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i am here i noticed we happen to have in this corner of the world and yamadas in the same spots

Why would you need my opinion on this? You're a regular 3x3 poster who makes grids all the time. You also told me to watch Natsuyasumi.

Dunno, too much Ghibli for my taste, but if you like the movies I don't see an issue. The anthologies seem fairly misplaced, though, unless you really love all the shorts which I doubt. Doesn't usually happen, especially for Robot Carnival. Not really a fan of Denshinbashira, Midori, KnK, Totoro, but I get why people like most of them. Apart from Denshinbashira, I really don't get the appeal or why it won awards. Drags way too much if you ask me. Some shorts I am not particularly fond of, but that's pretty irrelevant. Shorts either work for people or they don't. No point in reading much into it.

Watch this movie

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Ghibli movies are the best the medium has to offer

you make cool-lookin' charts so your opinion is interesting to me. thank you for the comment.
agreed user.

Whatever floats your boat, sailor. I mean, I like most of them as well but when I watch something like Laputa I could never consider it a favourite despite being fond of it. That being said, I am also not a big fan of Miyazaki (as a person or storyteller), so that probably plays into it. His style of animation while exceptional from a technical standpoint is just so bloody boring.
Only appears that way because nobody else even tries.

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That isn't 50 movies though.

Parade de Satie sucked, and you're a pseud for pretending to like it. Looks like a web flash cartoon.

Good taste, but I personally didn't want to include short films in something like this. Kawamoto might be my favorite director these days. I really love his work.
If I were to put any of his films on mine it would be Briar Rose or Tabi.
Hit and miss.
I should get around to the Maruko and Shin-chan movies sometime.
Palme no Kino

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>Only appears that way because nobody else even tries.
I try.

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Damn, getting rid of shorts makes this really fucking boring. Wish Bobbys had a bluray remaster and not the shitty scanline VHS rip that is all that's currently available. Could probably jump up a tier.

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I really wanted to get more out of Miss Hokusai. It just wasn't there for me on a visual or characterization level. Even some of the more animated moments like with the woman who felt her head left her body didn't end up being that striking.

I already did


It's a very esotheric film I think. First time I watched it the music really put me off. Some of the songs, like the electric guitar solos, really clashed with the atmosphere. On rewatch it didn't bother me as much anymore, albeit I am still not a fan of it. I think the movie does a very good job in how it depicts the life of artists and the process they go through for inspiration. Or how genuis of any kind not only isolates you, but also leads to living a life thinking that you're terrible at what you do. I can definitely see why someone wouldn't get much out of it, though. Oei really isn't the most expressive character.

Movie was a bit of a bummer for me anyway, because it made me realize that Keiichi Hara probably isn't being held back by lack of budget, but instead chooses to go with grounded visuals.

>Some of the songs, like the electric guitar solos, really clashed with the atmosphere
Yes, I remember feeling the same way.
>I think the movie does a very good job in how it depicts the life of artists and the process they go through for inspiration
That's a good takeaway. I didn't hate the film or anything, it just kind of rolled right past my eyes.

Anime noob here, thanks for the recs friends.

>Taiwanese shit

I genuinely doubt most Yea Forums users have seen 50 anime films, let alone 50 they actually enjoyed.

It's a great piece of anti American propaganda, piss off.

>You lose points if you have a bunch of movies that are extensions of garbage anime you've watched
What if they're extensions of good anime I watched?

>come looking for some fresh opinions
>it's the same three mega autists from the 3x3 threads
Don't know why I expected anything else.

well I have.

Same. Most stick to TV shows arguing that movies simply don't have the "character development" they crave. Not sure what to think of that, but that's how it is.

Take a look at what kinds of shows are most popular here, then ask yourself if these people really know what good character development is.

The actual reasons why they don't watch movies are a) there are no threads discussion them upon release and b) they aren't on Crunchyroll.

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Not to go off topic, but you guys actually like Midori?

Lot of great taste ITT

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I can't imagine how anyone could. The manga is a beautiful masterpiece because of Maruo's detailed art and paneling. The film loses all that while adding comparatively little due to its lack of animation.