Post webms or gifs that made you pick up a show

Post webms or gifs that made you pick up a show

Attached: tiddies.webm (1280x720, 1.59M)

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Attached: 1541657137734.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

How do i webm?

Sciencefags, ignoring the square cube law do you think is feasible for a giant Woman's breasts be soft enough to safely cushion the impact of a person falling several feet like webm related?

I didn't see it beforehand but it's the scene that turned my interest from 6/10 to 20/10

Attached: henshin.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

download webm for retards

I also wanna know, can you webm from a phone? (poorfag without PC here)

I know the law against spoonfeeding but come on, don't be a jerk.

I wasn't memeing, webm for retards is an actual program which is the easiest way of making a webm

No. Even ignoring the square cube law, breasts are full of relatively dense material which in higher concentrations would still be bad. People jump from high places into air bags because air is not very dense and because air bags are designed to allow the air to escape in the process of landing, thereby displacing the energy from you hitting the bag to the surrounding environment. Body fat is roughly 10% less dense than water, so imagine jumping from that height and then landing in a pool, and the way she landed was akin to bellyflopping. The only thing that might make it better is that she doesn't hit the breasts straight on, and gets into the cleavage, which might have slowed her descent rather than a sudden stop, so the force working back up against her would be lessened.

To put it another way, go slap some titties and report back the results. Feel that resistance on your hand as you swat them? Now magnify that by jumping from a height with your momentum increasing every second as you fall.

wtf that's nothing like anime tits I hate real life now

>To put it another way, go slap some titties and report back the results
God I love the scientific method.


Attached: anti-bully ranger.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

Lurk moar.

Attached: 1521216245316.webm (424x240, 2.69M)

>file name
>not toji.webm


Attached: 1524007253590.gif (400x226, 1.9M)

All right gonna need a source

Anime tiddies are whatever you want them to be, user. You can always dream.

>go slap some titties
y-yeah I guess I could

>To put it another way, go slap some titties and report back the results
phone posting from police cruiser back seat, ama

Imagine getting impressed by 3dcg.

Attached: 1543476747442.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

Decent fight choreography is water in the desert at this point, regardless of the glass it's in.

Attached: Guruguru.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

i still dont get it. why didnt he just date her?

Attached: mari landing.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)

Seems like a well made show. I don't know anything about the characters and yet I feel bad for that girl. She looks like best girl material.

Was user right? How many slaps did it require for you to confirm his claim?

The webm of Yamada with an autism hat dancing made me start working

President was a qt3.14

now I kinda want to watch whatever this is, so thanks

Attached: 1330560435838.gif (480x270, 2.87M)

God knows how many years later, I am still mad.

Same, glad I did as I managed to watch it with Yea Forums and that Hatoko scene coming as a surprise was simply the best.

Attached: My wife.gif (228x253, 39K)

cute robber

Attached: well then.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

There's a guide on the /g/ wiki