Konosuba today

What is Konosuba in this year and day user?
Is it worth starting reading it today after watching 2 seasons?
I never really got to the adapted threshold of the novel: writing seems empty and bland compared to the anime.
Is it true that it goes to shit because author cannot decide on the best girl?

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Please respond those are very important topics for me.

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Read, nigger, READ.

But I'm afraid user. What if worst girl wins again?

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I refuse to believe you haven't been spoiled on best girl winning.

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I've been spoiled it's on hiatus because author is indecisive.

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You have been misinformed, unless you expect them to fuck onscreen. Not that kinda series.

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its just a shitty slice of life where nothing happens. Until it gets cancelled.

But why?
Is that about that other petshop thing author is doing?

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it's a show for pedophiles to jerk off to.

It's very exploitable, don't blame them, authors also want to eat.

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By voting? What were the options?

Final arc started in the last novel vol

Which one is that? I heard someone said fuck it to DMCA and still fan TLs novels, right?

Komekko hasn't appeared yet. The rest of the girls are old hags.

I wonder what it would say for me.

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Was this a theft?

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So that one Akki Gedoumaru doujin is canon, right?

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I wish that were me.

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>leveling skill changes your DNA
Is that anime-original or aurhor' take on rpg mechanics?

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Literal whos are cute in this show.

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Wow so Konosuba would be, like, 2nd completed Isekai after Mushoku that matters.

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I'm glad 95% of the Megameme fags died, only the true Konosaba fans remain

>no slaves
>no OP MC
>OP party member night useless
>no slaves
>MC is reasonably scummy
>Gods reasoning for isekaying nips are crystal clear
>passable comedy
>interpersonal dynamics
>RPG elements aren't obnoxious
>reasonably deep lore
What's the catch?

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Ive got some news for ya

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The movie is made by JC Staff and the promo art already looks terrible.