WHEN THE FUCK are we getting Jojo Vento Aureo op 2? Yea Forums has been telling me it's next week for about 2 months

WHEN THE FUCK are we getting Jojo Vento Aureo op 2? Yea Forums has been telling me it's next week for about 2 months.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Either next episode, or not at all.

So does everyone in the whole universe notice the skipped time too? It's not like KC has a range, it literally just erases time altogether.

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Araki forgot that Diavolo probably spammed KC when rising to the boss position, so people like Joseph or Dio ffs would've realized many times over that something's fucked up an acted on it.

It's next week.

Not memeing though, i'm dead serious. It will be next week because Fugo left the team, and the "boss bodyguards" arc will start.

Diamond Is Unbreakable had 3 songs, and they didn't give a shit about that part, i'm sure Vento Aureo will have 3 too.

>So does everyone in the whole universe notice the skipped time too?
The ability has a limited range, it doesn't affect the whole world.

What if he exists and KC is when you get a deja vu feeling?

you can't skip time in a part of the world dipshit, Italy would've been in fuckin XXII century already do they look like it?

it doesn't work like that and you know it

Congratulations on actually being the biggest brainlet in this thread

Next episode is a recap, so two weeks from now.

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>next week
It's another recap next week.

The characters fighting it out at least forces Araki to give some comparison of how stand powers would interact. Touhou is on a totally different level in terms of bullshit. Manipulation of fate. Invoke death. Phasing out of reality. And all ZUN does is hiding behind "they are not actually serious, they obey the spellcard rules". Fucking hack.

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special relativity

Soon. But here is the next best thing in the form of a new KC meme:

So how did GE manage to fucking clone the turtle AND also making the clone have a Stand? That's not how anything works.


fucking zoomers cant handle an op for 10 eps in a row

The next OP is called "Traitor's Requiem", and seeing as this episode was the one that finally set the gang up as traitors, we'll most definitely be getting the next OP after the recap.

Gee reading sure is hard.

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But that doesn't make any sense considering how GE's power is supposed to work, and the fact that Stands should not be tied to the physical body.

Part 4 literally showed us that clones/twins can have the same stand.

say it with me: __ ____ _____

No, it didn't.


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They were neither clones or twins. They were just two random rats who happened to have the same Stand. Other animal stand users in the series are intelligent for their species, but these were just normal rats, so their Stands were identical because they reflected their rat nature and natural desire to feed. Their cells or DNA had nothing to do with it.

Did you not watch the latest episode OR read the manga?

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>literally being snipers isn't a sign of intelligence
lol ok

Would Ultimate Kars have the stand of every animal

But shouldn't people already know about the skips then? Unless Diavolo has just never used KC before it should be a widely known mystery.

Human-level intelligence. Many animals can make feats of accuracy, but that doesn't put them in the level of sentience Iggy, Forever or Pet Shop have.

>WHEN THE FUCK are we getting Jojo Vento Aureo op 2?
But they did release a small sample of the OP today:

>"boss bodyguards"
What about Metallica?

How the fuck will it have 3 OPs when we're halfway through?


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Does Trish EVER thank them for basically throwing away her lives for her?

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Everyday until canon

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She never asked for this.

user the correct answer to your question is "Araki doesn't care". If you want to find a plausible explaonation though I'd say that "It only has a limited range" works pretty well with everything we've seen.

it seriously fucks space time though


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why not

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>they didn't give a shit about that part
Stop it with this meme.

Trish should have died

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t. bossu

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legit believe it

At the very least we know there won't be a King Crimson ED because if they had that license they wouldn't have to sub him as Emperor Crimson. Makes me sad because Epitaph would have been perfect.

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I unironically want this as an ED.

what makes me sad is that we no longer have TO BE CONTINUED memes like in part 1 and 2.
Hell, just get another 2000s progressive rock band to play in the ED.


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What a terrible night to be on 4chins...

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>Diavolo fists Abbacchio

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What emotion is that supposed to be?


i dont know how you could ever come to this conclusion, you are aware of the entire universe resetting right?

>another 2000s progressive rock band
Are you retarded?

I liked how Mista got in immediately after Abbachio
you know he wanted to get in before, but he would be the 4th to join the boat, and he clearly couldnt be with Fugo group cause they were 4.
Probably a nightmare situation for him before Abbachio moved

>yfw this is the new intro theme

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4 quads

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[Autistic Screeching[

delete this!

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Epitaph from 6:17-7:47 would be pure kino

Why doesn't Giorno make infinite clones of himself?

Its Diavolo being so angry that he cannot even comprehend his own level of anger towards Bruno for trying to destroy his 10+ years of hard work to build a criminal empire.


I want Mista to 4ce himself onto me

The voice at the end of this episode was Doppio, right?

t. giorno

Yes, best boy

Giorno's already forced himself onto Mista and poor Narancia had to see it all.

So when are we getting that King Crimson-manipulated intro?

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So KC is basically just The World but with an additional ability of foresight?

>sleeping slaves arc
>Chase plays instead


Don't we all

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No because The World can do whatever it wants you in stopped time, Diavolo can only move himself in skipped time while everyone automatically moves as they would have.

I dont think it works like that, the person still gets to take action they just cant see it while he does, kinda like lag in an online fighting game you just have to throw your option and hope you guessed correctly, but you can actually guess

The World would fuck him up as time stop doesnt have this restriction, The World simply gets to move while you cannot and does whatever it wants to you during this period (which was longer then King Crimson's anyway near the end)

>which was longer then King Crimson's anyway near the end
All of time stop takes place in a nonexistent instant. Dio could have a time stop that would last a week, and Diavolo could avoid it with 10 seconds or less of stopped time, because the shift from [world before time stop] to [world affected by time stop] is less than a second. Granted, Dio would beat Diavolo, but King Crimson essentially hard counters The World.

The one with the limited range is Diavolo himself. As in, he can only act in the range he can cover in 10 seconds, otherwise he couldn't get close enough to you to attack even if he used KC. Same thing with how Jotaro couldn't stop Kira at the end of DiU, he was too far from him. Time stop still would've affected Kira just like everyone else, it would have just been useless to Jotaro. The time powers in JoJo are universal.

we love each other. we're having consensual sex

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>8 jojo threads in the catalog
Jesus christ

Why is GioGio having a bizarre adventure?

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>new episode episode just aired
>surprised people are talking about it
Just go to reddit for your one per episode thread.

> nobody talks about the next ending

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Is there anything gold experience can't do?

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Revert skipped time

Say the N-word


rolling for dubs if true

get dubs

will the recaps account for part of the total 39 episodes?

you just know

Make Giorno a good character

it erases time

raise Narancia Int stat


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Does Bucciarati becoming a zombie come into play later?

He's dead so one of the stands later don't affect him. Also, he starts decomposing partway through the journey.


it fucking doesn't though

Don't try to understand it
Just go with the flow man
Repeat after me
It Just Works™

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Here's your new OP

If Doppio is a different person than Diavolo, would him and Trish fucking not be incest?

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wtf why? do nips really have bad memory? its only been 5 months and we're jsut now getting to the best part of the series.

It's still the same body though right

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bro, relax. only the results matter.

So KCs ability is just THE WORLD except people do their moves aswell?

Except he can dodge them and they won't react to it, and he may or may not be able to attack in erased time depending on how Araki is feeling when he writes that part.

>skip time
>giorno already cut himself and transformed his blood into hornets and hippos and already planted wasp nests on his chest so KC has a hard time trying to donut
>Diavolo btfo by chad giorno autism

All giorno needs is some time since larger creations need more work. If he cant do hippos he can just spawn an infinite barrage of bees or some shit

OP 2 is using King Crimson's power to skip to the episode

>tfw king crimson erases the op


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holy shit

That's not any different from asking how you stop time.

I can't believe Im getting rickroll'd in 2019

Any oldfags here remember when we did not a get a new op until like 50 episodes in or not at all? What's with you faggots and wanting new OPs? I prefer the old model when a song was so good it could not be topped aka Smile Bomb from Yu Yu Hakusho.

No, but she fucks Mista.

yo boiz, for someone who didn't read the manga how far through part five is the anime right now? Is this about the halfway point?

How do you stop time? How can you move if time itself is frozen? What the fuck does 10 seconds of frozen time even mean?

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Did Griorno turn the laptop into a fish just so it'd fly a little farther? And he didn't choose a bird for some reason?

YYH's op is still stuck in my head with how long it lasted


So wait a second.

Why were Giorno and the rest of the gang affected by KC's timestop when they weren't even near him?

Does this mean the entire world is affected? Where does KC's range end if not?
I'm confused

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The voice acting is really superb this season, even in Fugo's actor you could hear his voice cracking from nervousness

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Wouldn't bruno realize he was a bloodless, painless zombie?

>tfw you realise diavolo and annasui basically have the exact same design

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he doesn't have time to think about that

fuck you

It's probably just a plot hole, but you could head canon that time based abilities only affect your perception if you are nearby. Since Jotaro can perceive stopped time, he should have been frozen in time and confused every time Dio practiced with The World. And in part 7 IIRC, Zepelli perceived rewound time differently than outsiders

anasui was supposed to be diavolo but araki's editors made him change it

it's like DIO gains the ability to move at light speed for 10 seconds

That's why we're going to get Bluenasui

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Honestly I'm more interested in Doppio than in the new opening... I wonder what his new voice will be
>ASB/EOH voice (Akira Ishida)
>Same Diavolo voice (Katsuyuki Konichi)
>Simon voice (Tetsuya Kakihara) ok i know, this is meme but...
>That voice in the end of the ep (Soma Saito)
There are so many options for my Doppi...

Poor Narancia. He's suffered so much. I hope the rest of part 5 goes well for him, and he gets a ha- -ding.

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So, you animeonly cunts
What do you think of our favorite endlessly confusing Ruler in Red?

*notices your bulge* oقo whats this

He looks more like Pink Abbacchio for me

Ya reckon this fella will also change genders in the anime?

It’s a more defensive variant of the World’s ability

Jolyne the best

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He's their secret child from when King Crimson penetrated Abbacchio from behind.

Hot. Doujins when?

It doesn't matter

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I don't why I like this panel of Kenzo as much as I do

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>Granted, Dio would beat Diavolo
>Jotaro can beat DIO with 1-2 seconds in stopped time
>Diavolo couldn't with x - x seconds in stopped time

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whoops seems like King Crimson skipped my *know

It's already in the manga my dude. I misremembered though, it wasn't from behind.

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because Dragon Dream was good and is underrated af

I honestly wouldnt mind this.

Shut up retard.

I still don't understand how diavolo just got sucked into that turtle.

New OP was obviously after this week's episode given the title

>the sky shining through his donutted body

which part would rickroll suit the most as an ed?

King Crimson works like this:
The Boss gets a buzz on his sub-Stand: Epitaph, which allows him to see 10 seconds into the future, that says you’re going to try to punch him in the dick.

[He activates KC, which prevents anyone else from actually affecting him besides himself as long as it’s active. Then, using Epitaph, he reads how you’re going to move and act and reacts accordingly, usually moving himself behind you or whoever else is attacking him and preparing for a kill strike. Then he deactivates King Crimson]
(No one besides The Boss is aware of what happened between the [brackets])
The result of all actions taken during KC’s activation now all happen simultaneously (You punching, The Boss dodging and prepping for a kill strike) and then he chops at you and kills you

They better get Sawashiro for the part 6 Anime.

>Anasui gets donuted twice
Like father, like son. Anons, we might be onto something.

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Remember how Narancia got too close to the ceiling of the turtle and got sucked out? The reverse happened to DV

part 4 or part 8

Slut bottoms

If Pucci isn't voiced by Samuel L Jackson I ain't watching it.

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Mr. President is an integrated stand, linked to the Coco Jumbo physically. Sort of like a bound stand, but to the user and more intense. Giorno makes a Coco Jumbo clone from the brooch and Coco Jumbo's cells. The clone of Coco Jumbo also has the stand Mr. President and sucks up Diavolo.

Hey, fellow Doppiofags, how's it going? Just another few days until we get Soma Saito as Doppio. Oh, what's this? Some new episode? Sounds like it'd be good for a wa-










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so was it doppio at the end?

could you imagine the internet's collective reaction in 20 years when we get to the second episode of JoJolion and the ed is fucking rickroll?

Considering Diavolo's personality it's surprising that he lets Abacchio get anywhere near the island. I'm surprised he didn't just straight up kill him on the boat.

How dare you give Doppio such a bad name


>a seventeen year-old who can only move for a second or two almost beats Dio
>but someone who can completely negate time stops would somehow lose

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While on deaths door and bleeding out Bucciarati still managed to cop a feel on an unconscious 15 year old girl.

I wish I could set up my talking head inside Narancia's mouth.

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BASED. Doppiofags BTFO

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Where do you think he got all that motivation to stay alive from?

what does this prove

Why would anyone want to get rid of Fighting Gold?

I mean, sure, it has that bitch Fugo in it and we need to reflect what a bitch he is by having an OP he's not in, but Fighting Gold is awesome.

Are horses actually that difficult to animate? Like if I ask some people in the anime industry what the hardest things to animate would horses be one of the more common things mentioned? Is DP gonna need slave labor to animate Part 7?

um sweaty... it's actually pretty lame...

Keep seething.

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Fighting Gold is good yeah, but a new OP is good to mark the shift in the story. Plus there's always the chance it could be better.

Doppio doesn't appear in the manga so early and Araki isn't good with the foreshadowing.Was Tiziano

>we have to wait 2 weeks for it to be confirmed whether it was Tiziano or Doppio on the phone

Save Part 5

fighting gold is good, why do you want to replace it?

Is Tiziano, end.

prove it

>The stand of every animal
>One stand is a fucking cargo ship

2019 and it hasn't gotten old

Somebody who knows Japanese should tell us if the speech patterns match up between Doppio and Tiziano

Why do we need another clip episode? Is the studio falling behind or do they just think we're morons?

I think I can keep up, guys. We didn't need clip episodes before.


If they want to change a song, change the ED. To Gangsta's Paradise.

Change it to Moonchild. The full song.

How does it fuck space time? Everyone in an area subconsciously goes through the next 10 seconds, The Boss can see that 10 seconds in advance, pretty simple.

If we're going off of these threads as evidence DP would be justified in thinking that we're morons

Today's episode probably took a lot out of them.

Strength isn’t a cargo ship, it can attach itself to any inanimate object and “bring out its full potential”
A shitty wooden canoe just becomes a cargo ship

My nigger, I like how you think.

>this happens
>everyone who downloads the episodes gets sued by Fripp
yeah no

A level of anger that goes even further beyond

Angry with what you have to be angry with

Not yet

What would King Crimson Requiem's ability have been?

He can erase things, including concepts, from reality

Alright Jimmy calm down, no need to shout

i genuinely think it'd be something like bites the dust or something. anyone who figures out who diavolo is gets their collarbone aired out.

I wonder if the first episode of Part 7 will be a bit longer than others, there's quite a bit of dialogue and exposition in those first few chapters.

The kind of anger only a paranoid madman can feel

It does work, its just difficult to explain it to retards

King Crimson now does that thing from the episode of Futurama where time starts jumping forward and everyone is confused as fuck whenever it’s activated
Like on a planetary scale. And diavalo can still perceive everything that happens during the skip

Requiem abilities are all the same. SCR just went out of control and was switching souls by itself. We only saw a small bit of what GER would be able to do.

The World was able to keep up with Star Platinum in melee fighting while neither of them was using time stop. King Crimson hasn't shown any punchghost combat performance, so there's no reason to think it could outfight The World, especially considering Dio's enhanced stamina. The only thing King Crimson has demonstrated is high attack power, but that doesn't correlate directly to speed/technique, since Diavolo avoids that kind of fighting.

I'm inclined to think something like
would be the most probable answer since requierm abilities evolve in accord of the desires or needs of the user. Considering Diavolo wants to earse the obstacles in his path to success then erasing things things makes sense.

King Crimson Requiem doesn't just allow Diavolo to escape his fate, but allows him to change the fates of others. Instead of fighting against the Boss after Trish disappeared, Bruno would believe that he'd delivered her safely and completed his mission. In essence, it's the ability for Diavolo to decide the truth. The ultimate results.

>King Crimson hasn't shown any punchghost combat performance
It's faster than Silver Chariot, which is just as fast as Star Platinum. It's definitely as strong too. No question.

imagine if every time someone lost their train of thought and forgot what they were doing was because someone somewhere was using some variation of King Crimson

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So how has the anime adaptation of Vento Aureo been? I found Part 3's adaptation really shitty because they dragged everything out and the pacing was atrocious. I liked Part 4 better, but still felt off a bit.

Debating watching the Part 5 anime now or rereading Part 5 with a better translation that what I originally read.

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Was it autism?

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It's great, best adaptation so far.

Mostly fine. Too many stills, some stuff that I wouldn't have cut was cut, and the pacing continues to be all over the place, especially in scenes with a lot of dialogue, where it works in a still panel but not really in motion. DP does a good job of foreshadowing things that weren't foreshadowed in the manga (like foreshadowing Sleeping Slaves in like episode 3) and some of the characters that were introduced as pitch black shadows are handled much better in the anime.

>like foreshadowing Sleeping Slaves in like episode 3
Mind refreshing my memory on this? Either I don't remember or just missed it.

Nah, just a regular Yea Forumsutist

I wouldn't be surprised if it was, actually has DP ever made an extra long episode while adapting JoJo?

yeah those stills and mouth flaps are pretty hard to animate

They talk about how their car was wrecked when walking from the restaurant and one of the gang blames Mista for it. Don't remember if it was episode 3 but it was right after everyone was introduced.

It would be an (OP) ability that lets the User do what they wanted to do most at the time of the arrow piercing them

A requiem stand ability lets the user do/get what they wanted most at the time of the requiem stands conception, SCR and GER dont have the same abilities

>part 7 fag has to randomly start hyping his shit part
maybe wait 5 years to see if that garbage gets adapted

Oh yes it's there, actually on episode 4. Didn't remember it at all.

Why did SCR start doing the same shit it does at the end of 5 when Polnareff pricked his finger in the French countryside then?

Cause he wanted to keep the arrow safe, so SCR developed a convoluted and OP ability to do so

Polnareff wanted to protect the arrow, Silver Chariot evolved in a way to protect the arrow. Even if it retrned back to normal, it's function as Requiem already got written.

anyone else notice how they've been slowly doing more and more fluid hand-to-hand fighting and quick movement sequences since part 4? almost like they're practicing for part 6


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The only acceptable ship with Bucciarati desu

fuck off shipfag

Are you implying that DP did Captain Tsubasa in order to practice for that Diavolo escene??

just noticed how atrocious Jolyne feet is in that pic and Im trying to not look at it but I keep failing

Am I the only one that feels bad for Diavolo? Like I kinda wanted him to win in the end more than Giorno and the others. Feels to me he deserved it more. Its not like Diavolo is even actively doing much bad (except kill the people that look for him but as a mob boss you gotta be cautious) hes just permitting his mafia to do it so you can't really blame him for all the shit.

>the power to dominate all souls
Sounds like a singular power to me, and fits both SCR and GER.

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It's more than that, even if he personally isn't the one doing doing shit, he still commands the whole assasination and drug deals.

I'm not a Shipfag. I have my ships but usually I don't post them.

He tried to fight against fate, so fate fucked him over

Cmon, he may be mentally Ill, but he wasnt exactly a nice guy. Even doppio is less of a bad guy and he pulled someone's eye out over something minor (sure he puts it back after, but cmon). I think holding a nation hostage to your mafia games is more than enough to condemn him. Reminder he sewed his mother lips and entombed her and burned the whole village to the ground, including his adoptive father.
There's a reason why he's called Diavolo (Devil)

Yet both Gold Experience and Silver Chariot work in different ways. They don't have the same ability. Perhaps what Polnareff meant is that requiem abilities work on a soul level, as in "wathever the requiem ability affects directly the soul of the target".

>the power to dominate all souls
doesn't mean that they all do it in the same way
we would have to see more requiem stands to find out how they really work, but we never will, so speculation it is

I think its not only Requiem, but also any stand created by the special arrow. That would explain Pucci Disc ability and Heavy weather bullshit

I think he said that after requiem reflected sticky fingers attack back at bruno

Wasn't the fight vs. Silver Chariot just KC skipping time as usual? I don't remember his speed being faster than it. He never really attempts to do things like hitting bullets out of the air like Star Platinum can do.

Not to mention, The World can still stop time and move around in it, so it would be easy for Dio to stay out of Diavolo's range and spam knives at him.

>since requierm abilities evolve in accord of the desires or needs of the user.

SCR wasn't being controlled. GER was being controlled and only did a single thing. It's possible that if Polnareff could have controlled SCR that he would have had the same powers that GER displays. We have an extremely small sample size but from what's said in the manga, all requiem stands have essentially the same powers, but those powers are extremely varied because it basically boils down to "controlling souls".

Heavy Weather's method for the snail stuff makes perfect sense within the context of a stand that controls weather/the atmosphere. The actual reason for the snails isn't so concrete but altering the refraction angle of the sun by modifying the atmosphere is something a weather power could conceivably do. I don't think that or Whitesnake's varied powers are because of that specific arrow being used.

>A requiem stand ability lets the user do/get what they wanted most at the time of the requiem stands conception

Did Dio give pucci a requiem arrow?

>It would be an (OP) ability that lets the User do what they wanted to do most at the time of the arrow piercing them

So did Giorno

>There's a reason why he's called Diavolo (Devil)
Well, that was his actual name.

go check the pages, its either the exact same arrow that ended in Italy, or a twin. both only the head with some sort of scarab on it

Is that not what polnareff said? I'm phone posting so I can't find the page but it's here

>almost like they're practicing for part 6
Part 6 fights are a slideshow compared to part 5 though

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No wonder pucci and weather are so OP

Passione is the Uber of organised crime.

The boss is just a NEET in a basement and basically giving out jobs through vague one-lined orders. There is hardly any discipline.

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I think part 6 has the most hand to hand combat out of any of the parts.

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It just werks

>i haven't read part 6 but let me tell you about it

Actually more like stand parts since parts 1 and 2 required fighting hand to hand.

They'll skip part 6 anyway since it's shit

It's a bit of a misconception. What Polnareff is saying is that Chariot Requiem is acting according to his desire to protect the arrow, but that desire isn't what determined its ability.

Attached: Requiem.png (778x1200, 1.2M)

>never read jolyne vs c-moon

Is Epitaph a passive ability or does he have to "activate" it to see 10 seconds into the future?

The same page you posted says it, Polnareff himself says it, he no longer had the strenght to fight and that's why he couldn't control it. There's no reason or anything to go by to asume that ad Polnareff had the power to control it Silver Chariot would have evolved to have Giorno's same power.

I really want to see both gravity fights animated

Doppio pls

found an image I had saved
left is part 5, right is part 6

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I mean, Polnareff said KC was a moment faster, but he was erasing time.
>stop time and move around in it
If he ever got to stop time, that is.

I think it's a switch, as in once he activates it it's just on, like a toggled ability

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It's never really made clear.

Dio just has to do something like this and Diavolo won't survive. KC's activation can be detected, but The World's can't. Now that I think about it, Diavolo might not even be able to tell when the time stop happens, so Dio could set up traps without Diavolo knowing, even if the time is "erased" the effects remain.

Can we all accept that the horses in Part 7 will be CGI?

Controlling or not controlling has nothing to do with the actual ability of the stand. While we don't see it I at least think that GER could also switch people's souls if that's what Giorno wanted to do and SCR, if controlled by Polnareff, could also do what GER does at the end. Both abilities stem from being able to control souls. Requiem stands get very little feature in the manga though so anything about them is all conjecture. But this is what I took away from reading the manga.

It's the least good in terms of consistent/creative visuals and sound design. I'm rewatching part two and that does so much more in those departments to sell it's content whereas this looks like shit most of the time, has fairly flat direction, and weak sound design.

Ok that makes sense. I'm inclined to believe that Requiem is some primordial being that lives inside the arrow and gets tamed by giorno.

Forgot image. Just imagine you replace "swinging your sword" with "stop time and MUDAMUDA."

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How do you still not understand King Crimson's ability after all this time?

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Why didn't epitaph let Diavolo know he was going to get sucked into a turtle? That seems like something he would want to skip.

We don't know how the two abilities interact, but if you take the interpretation that KC can erase the stopped time, people still move to the positions they planned to move during KC's effect. Which means Dio still gets to move extra distance during his time stop.

its already started

So why again do the anime episodes change the names?
Zipperman = Sticky Finger
Oingo and Boingo = Zenyatta and Mondatta
etc etc

I don't want to accept that.

Copyright, the stands are named after songs or abnds

avoiding lawsuits.

Based. Here's hoping we go straight to Part 7.

The problem wasn't that Diavolo wasn't bad. The problem was that Giorno wasn't good. If it were another protagonist like Jotaro or Josuke trying to stop Diavolo to end the rule of the mafia, it would be a fine story. After all, I never felt like rooting for Diavolo when he was fighting against Polnareff. But Giorno and his allies are gangsters themselves, and his goal is to take control of the gang for himself. Without that moral justification, all you are left with are a bunch of traitors who ganged up on up their own boss to steal his stuff.

>but if you take the interpretation that KC can erase the stopped time,
In other words, the correct one.
>Which means Dio still gets to move extra distance during his time stop
Great. Diavolo still has time to move to the new position. It'd be really easy to figure out DIO's ability through erased time, as well. Things instantly move from point A to B in erased time? Must be stopping it.

wait a second, that face

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see for context. KC has limits.

If Blizzard can name their hero and mentor combo Zenyatta and Mondatta as an "homage", why can't Jojo?

yeah, just narancia and abbachio left to die then fin

But Zenyatta Mondatta is a Police album. They also didn't rename the dog in part 4, who's named Police. Maybe they got specific permission from Sting. Why hasn't there been an ending by the Police?

Stand science
>get stabbed by normal arrow=typical random stand
>get stabbed by normal arrow again=might get another stand like kira if lucky
>get stabbed by Requiem arrow=get stronk stand like whitesnake or weather report
>get stabbed by Requiem arrow while already having a stand=get Requiem stand

Uhh, Jojo did use Zenyatta and Mondatta

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Stands are based on the user. It isn't random and it isn't dependent on the type of arrow.

What if someone with a requiem arrow normal stand got stabbed by the requiem arrow again?

gay. star platinum vs the world and crazy diamond vs killer queen had better cqc

>DIO jobs to Jotaro who could only move a second in stopped time and takes blow after blow because he's a retard
>loses to a single punch in the leg
>meanwhile Diavolo was so powerful that Araki had to write a deus ex machina into the story so that he could be defeated

Sure, you can see objects move, but obvious attacks are only the first step. It's possible for someone to set a hidden trap during time stop without moving from their original position. Or you can just take the brute force approach and repeatedly throw ranged attacks until the opponent takes too much damage or runs out of stamina, which is a course that Dio doesn't hesitate to take.

>Some nigger jumps in front of you in line
I would have shoot him too, remember, this is wild west America

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Discussing this is indeed pointless, but still I fail to see how you came upon this conclussion. There's nothing that suggest Silver Chariot would act in anyway like Gold Experience were Polnareff be able to control it. Anyway, considering the whole "change the souls of the living with otherwordly beings" part, it's questionable wether Araki thought this through at all. We're both overthinking thinks too much probably.

Shit, what i meant to say was "If Blizzard can use in market and for monetary gain, why can't this show keep it as is"

Heaven ascended DIO shits on a plate, eats it, and washes it down with Abbachio's piss

The Turtle in part 5 had it's correct stand name in the subtitles (Mr. President) but they still changed it's name from Coco Jumbo to Coco Large

Different names belong to different groups and not everyone is okay with it

>It's possible for someone to set a hidden trap during time stop without moving from their original position
Yeah, part 2 Joseph could pull off that level of asspull. That's about it.

but the actual name is Oingo and Boingo, Zenyatta and Mondatta are the names the subs used and for wathever reason had no problem with it.

>Diavolo fights Jotaro instead
>suddenly he can also erase time
>yare yare daze you made one mistake Diavolo you pissed me off

>All this people arguing the world vs king crimson
The fact that parts 3, 4, and 5 all have time-based "bosses" just shows this series was garbage from the get go

That would unironically be a better ending than Requiem

What if they put Coco's clone inside original Coco?

It's OK to say you forgot about Sorbet and Gelato, user.

king crimson is rad as hell, dude

if only diavolo weren't such a sperg

Being a sperg is exactly why he has such a rad stand

>implying he didn't just order cioccolata to off them for him while sitting in his NEET throne

The whole birus or wathever bullshit people used to meme with on this photo already sounds like something a stand would do

FIGHTING GOOOLD is great, I don't want it to change!

Doesn't GER literally does this somewhat

So is The Boss talking through the Stand, or is the stand sentient?
Shit like Act 3 Echoes talking to its Stand user confused the hell out of me

Stage 3***

he speaks through king crimson

Does this mean GER will have Giorno's voice?

It probably depends on where they're fighting. In an urban area or an enclosed space like the church basement, it would be a lot easier since you could just timestop in the moment when you run behind an object. Given the personalities of both characters, and Dio's sunlight weakness, that setting seems very likely.

Sentient stands seem to consider themselves as separate from their users, so if King Crimson was sentient I don't think it would be talking like it was the boss.

More recaps = Better animation quality
Endure it for Kino Crimson.

Giorno's voice but with like six filters on it

I was fully expecting Giorno to start skipping through time by the end of part 5 on my first read

Location would be a factor, for sure.

>Kino Crimson
We got a taste of that today, but you can tell they were squeezing as much as they could out of the budget they had left.

Why didn't King Crimson just grab a chunk of cement or whatever the floor is made of and chuck it at Giorno's head while he wasn't looking?

Diavolo is very paranoid. He didn't want to even chance being seen by them.

Why is Abbacchio still a colossal cunt to Giorno despite every possible confrontation they've had leading to Giornio saving his life

He was jealous of how much attention from Bruno he gets.

Abbacchio secretly wanted to die, but didn't want to let Bruno and the gang down by committing suicide.

What if, during the course of DIO and Diavolo's fight, DIO wounded Diavolo but some of his blood ended up getting into the wound and turned Diavolo into a vampire?

i still don't know how the Metallica thing worked
the bullets went through Diavolo? but he's shown he needs to dodge attacks before. why now all of a sudden he can make them phase through?

Remember the three magic words

everyone's actions would continue as normal, so they probably collectively accepted that they had a brain fart
people subconsciously understand it's part of the human mind to forget sometimes, so they wouldn't have any reason to speak up unless diavolo was using it daily.

Why didn't Giorno assume it was a brainfart when it happened to them in the episode then

He saw the boss was on the move and assumed Bucciarati was currently fighting him

>it's another "Polnareff isn't allowed to have a clean hit cause he was somehow just a teensy bit off" episode
how does the poor guy live with himself to be this close from winning against the final boss twice

Not the series, those parts are just lame.

You're lame

It's only Araki joking about
>be american
>get shot

>no u

>children are not allowed to buy drugs
>but they can die as my human shields so that I can become the boss

What was Giorno's problem?

>araki kills off best boys 1a and 1b in the same chapter

that's not what I meant, you doofus. I meant the time skip also has a limited range. as in the people within 100 m from Diavolo would be affected by it (and experience the whole "go on autopilot and forget whatg happened"), while everyone else would be unaffected and just experience time normally.

brando blood

you think Giorno gives 2 fucks about drugs that was a lie he just wants to be the boss
but really idk

ur lame

as far as I'm aware, part 5 is a bit of a shorter anime, and I believe is only going to be 39 episodes. As a result, (and we've known about this), they're doing recap episodes in between that are not part of that 39 episode number. You can entirely skip the recap episodes(and they're not even listed as numbers, rather they're specials)

>and we've known about this
Did we? I wasn't aware there'd be recaps until they started happening, and even then I assumed the New Years recap was a one time occurrence until now.

Has it been stated how many recaps we can expect?

I'm going to assume 3.

we had one after the crew was assembled
we're getting one after the esecutione squad arc
and I'm going to assume one final arc before going into the chariot requiem+finale.

Dude fuckin spoling Jesus Christ

just in case you're not shitposting: Narancia dies and bucciarati is already dead

It's under a spoiler

Sex: irrelevant you dumbfuck

World doesn't have precog

This triggers the Mista

He gets to chose the results himself and not be limited by Epitaph's results

King Crimson is actually just Epitaph Requiem.

What Diavolo really wants is to keep his identity secret from everyone so I think his requiem ability would be something like ereasing persons who discorvers his name/face from existance and from everyone's memory

Literaly whatever, the requiem abilities have nothing to do with the original powers of the stand. The only commanlity is "dominion over souls."

can't wait

I need a sccrenshot of Narancia with chocolates in his mouth.

That sequence was just this to be honest


erasure of fate. both making him immune to 'fated outcome' type stands being able to make it so that anybody who directly poses a threat to him was never born

what about if you have ADHD? Is my neighbor Diavolo?

how many episodes until eight minutes of mudmudawryyyymudamuda?

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WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT of turning Bruno into a zombie?

Literally doesn't make any sense at all. Just have him die or have him survive normally. I'm sick and tired of this random "HE CAME BACK AFTER HIS SOUL'S GONE" bullshit.

Also, why does Bruno get an actual zombie body?

When Okyaksu did the same thing, he was still a normal human.

I'm tired of this "I AIN'T GOTTA EXPLAIN SHIT" from Araki.

Mhu Giorno bla bla Gold Experience is difference from Crazy D bla bla Vampire something

The point is that both Giorno and Josuke healed them after their soul has already left the body.

So the soul returned to a fully healed body.

But when Bruno came back, he was still dead.

When Okuyasu came back, it was literally no difference than if Josuke had healed him normally.

Both Okuyasu and Bruno should have spent the rest of their short lives as zombies, unable to enjoy the niceties of life.

Bruno speech was really weird, don't remember it being that way in manga

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I was agreeing sarcastically but at the same time asspulls and plothols is standard get over it

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oh man it was weird how fast they cut him off, the following chapter where he talks about sterilizing black youth to reused crime was my favorite of the part

Crazy Diamond actually heals the body through magic
Gold Experience just helps the body heal through its own power

it's next week

good but why could Crazy Diamond not fix Gramp at the start of part 4

its all about tone. Bruno coming back as a zombie reinforces a feeling of 'wrongness', which works as both sides of the conflict with Diavolo are about defying fate and damning the consequences

Fuck knows. Maybe Gramps soul didn't want to come back

cant wait for the best fight in part 5

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His soul was long gone.
It's an absolute fact in Jojo that after dying the soul leaves the body and goes to the afterlife. Giorno caught bruno after he had died but before his soul had left the material plane. Josuke's dad's soul had already left when he tried to heal him

>tfw if they keep up the censors the whole fight will be filled with a ton of black lines or just a black screen

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I can't wait for the best boy Doppio

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Gramp didn't like Josuke unlike Oku

why do I feel a little horny for doppio

Reminder that Metallica could NEVER EVER beat King Crimson.

Doppio was just pretending to be retarded.

>why make a twist at all? why don't we just make everything predictable? why even write jojo manga

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a true shitposter

you're bi, just a bit. maybe 90% women 10% men. its okay

>Gold Experience just boops Buccis completely detached torso and fixes it
Doesn't he have to ram some live animals into that thing first and then fix it?
He's just got Crazy Diamond now

>tfw illuso could beat king crimson

you have to be to make it through part1,2 3

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there's no meaningful difference between gasses and solids, he used the abundant molecules in the atmosphere for the raw material

Degenerate. He's to love and care for him
Reminder that Risotto could have easily killed Doppio.

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Best fight is the last is vs green day

Oops, i wanted to reply to this post

He was right, APOLOGIZE

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why didnt they use uv flashlights on dio in pt3?

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pic barely related
>the boss sends Doppio to retrieve his daughter
>boss orders Doppio to kill her for him
>Dioppo Betrays the boss and keeps trish alive in a safehouse and tells the boss he killed her
>little dose he know he is the boss
>comedy happens

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What did he mean by this?

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the nazi germans are smarter then the whole jostar family conformed
this is why part 2 is better then 3

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um sauce, honey

Like that faggot in your pic did last episode?
I laughed at his faggotry a lot.

I know, they also had to animate the characters moving etc which is even harder, so you understand.

And the boss did kill them

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>implying I haven't already download all of KC's catalogue twice in my life

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>"It was the photo they’d taken in front of the Lagoon, Buccellati’s yacht. A picture of the whole team, standing in the sunlight. Fugo’s expression indecisive, Buccellati’s somewhat embarrassed, Mista and Narancia grinning from ear to ear, and Abbacchio stoic. They were all so full of hope that day."
>"He was silent. He sat in silence for a long moment, his head down. Thin drops started falling on his lap."
>"He sobbed."

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but he was right considering how this part gonna end
faggot? more like based sweet man

>how this part gonna end
With Giorno taking over the entire criminal organisation and making Italy a better place?

why is purple haze feedback so loved?

Not all of them, plus he died in the end

Mista no ! put that gun down

more like everyone other than lucky eye mista and plot armor giorno getting killed by boss


teh gays

Yeah man, imagine dying for a good cause. How terrible

Beats being written out of the story and begging Giorno for a job, really.

Best scene

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To be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to enjoy PHF...

Kino episode
I think it's fair to say Part 5 is the best adaptation-wise.

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Do you niggas have a pdf so I can read it?

cute friendship
Why do you want to read a fanfic?


I have been seeing you peeps talk about this for quite a while

Thanks man, props to you for not linking me child porn like another dude did.

No problem. Have fun reading the novel.

WTF they brought Raimi as a guest screenwriter?

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boy, if that shit was in part 5, noone would be memeing about king crimson making no sense

how long would a pure haze feedback OVA be?

Well, the only reason people were/are memeing about KC is because of the old scans making a bad job at explaining his abilities.

0 minutes

Getting murdered? Just zip back up, idiot!

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How do we deal with the terroni problem?


List of Part 5 stands that could objectively beat King Crimson:

(in chronological order)
>Kraft Work [70%]
>Little Feet [60%]
>Man in the Mirror [100%]
>Purple Haze [100%]
>Beach Boy [100%]
>Baby Face [eventually]
>White Album [90%]

>split from shoulder to stomach
>stands up and his should stays in the correct position

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Why is part 5 so boring, I just can't feel invested like with previous seasons

Yeah it was sweet

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yes, they are good friends.

>tfw Boss will never praise you then turn you into a cronut

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because you have extremely poor taste or a confirmation bias from years of everyone around you saying part 5 is weak
this is far and away the best adaptation of the series so far

Stands that need to touch their target to inflict their ability on it don't work against KC. He just erases that shit and you become a donut.

This tbqh
Giorno being bland and op is the only downside

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Wtf you guys told me this was bad? It's pretty good so far.

I think the OP is pretty good, Giorno,Narancia, and Abba can be pretty boring at times, though Narancia has pretty good fights. People who say part 5 has no soul or emotion are without a doubt, mentally retarded. Each character has their own different personality and creative character design as well as a great stand design. Who would've fucking thought upon the first time reading part 5 that Narancia would have an airplane for a stand? Or a fishing hook as a stand? Or even the thought of erasing or skipping time? Part 5 is one of the more fun parts and the only people who cant appreciate it are people without emotion and speedreaders.


Haha fag

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Well said except Giorno is more likeable in the anime.

I don't like how the author portrays Mista to be harsh towards Fugo, it was Bruno's and Giorno's idea to betray the boss, and Fugo had the right to deny taking part in it. Mista wouldn't feel any animosity towards Fugo for making a decision he thought was logical. Maybe i'm wrong since I've literally only just started reading it but so far the characters don't seem like how they usually act.

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But those are the best Italians in part 5

How soon is the Notorious Big fight? It was my favorite in the manga.

That’s one of the reason why people dislike it, everyone is OOC

Clash and Talking Head is first so Infamous L.A.R.G.E will be in 3-4 episodes

Yeah real weird that Mista would resent the guy who abandoned the team, when his presence might have saved lives.
What is it with you Fugo sympathising mother fuckers? The Boss literally just tried to kill his 15 year old daughter, and the guy who pulled all of their shitty lives out of the muck says that's a shit thing to do and he intends to stop the asshole. Fugo is a coward and a cunt

Couldnt they just call it Infamous Bullets In Guts? thats what B.I.G stands for anyway, and I dont think 'Bullets In Guts' is copyrighted.

Mista was a genius and knew everyone was going to be stinking rich so of course he would be mad at his friend for not coming along.

>he died in the end
Not according to PHF, nigga I read that four years ago

>People who say part 5 has no soul or emotion are without a doubt, sane people and not landwhales
Part 5 is part 3 exept much worse, with italian gaybois and their irrelevant filler tier shit.


why did Bruno not mention that Big Boss had begun turning a blind eye to selling narcotics to kids, when Passione caring more about the well-being of the people more than the actual government is the crux of why everyone joined in the first place? by permitting the profiting of the exploitation of minors, Diavolo had already betrayed every single person in Italy and deserved to be forcefully removed from Passione for his childish gross incompetence in pursuit of pocket money

You are the one who seeth newfriend, no one liked it before and will forget about it once the part 6 will be animated, you will be forgotten exept bad memes like QUAILITY CRIMSON

In Purple Haze Feedback the guys in the narcotics team are hella dangerous and Boss apparently just didnt want to mess with them. Boss turned a blind eye to a lot of shit. He allowed Cioccolata and Secco to exist for fucks sake

Diavolo is in PHF?

Okay, SOtist.

part 5 is better than 3 though.

That song will be perfect
>The gang betrays the boss
>De talk about how they hate being in a Gangstar Paradise

>certain anime is the best at something
Just opinions, not facts.
>your taste is different than mine therefore it's shit!

it erases memory of time YOU 5 IQ FUCKING DONKEYS

Part 5 is soulless trash, worst part.

How many 2hufags are also Jojofags? I love the fan art that interlaps for both series.

Resent him sure, outright slandering him and forcing him to relive the most dangerous moments of their lives within seconds of meeting him for the first time since leaving? That's something fucking DIO would do. Mista not once ever even taunted his enemies and its not like Fugo was ordered and refused to come, he made his own decision in HIS life. Even Giorno wouldn't hate Fugo for not joining, Abbacchio would've resented Fugo but not Mista, Mista would be mad at Fugo, but Mista is not an asshole who would want to kill him for his decision.

>Part 5 is part 3 exept much worse, with italian gaybois and their irrelevant filler tier shit.
How? Part 3 has worse characters than part 5, only a few of the minor villains are memorable compared to part 5's organized La Squadra which had a realistic goal and not "I'm going to risk my entire life for this random guy who could just insta kill me when i'm finished with my job" The only good characters in Part 3 are Polnareff, Hol Horse, D'arby brothers, and that's pretty much it. Polnareff barely even does anything important to the plot of part 3 except attempt to kill DIO and even then he fails at that, he was even put in Part 5 so people could be happy but even then he still fucking died. The rest of the main cast in part 3 was a fucking chore to watch compared to the cast of Part 5. Avdol is introduced as Josephs friend and dies twice just to save Polnareff, and feels like a tour guide to the team, Joseph is just there to please people with a former protagonist and while he can be fun sometimes, his stand is literally one of the weakest in the series and by Part 4 he's basically a walking corpse. Kakyoin was pretty ok but his most memorable scene is getting donuted, compare that to Bruno having many memorable fights such as Grateful Dead + Beach Boy, and his fight against KC (not just getting donuted, but the entire fight) and his absolute willpower to continue. (cont)

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Characters in part 5 have no charisma.

>The Boss literally just tried to kill his 15 year old daughter
That's low tier on the list of terrible things they can do, they are gangsters

Is Rainy Day Dream Away about as OP as King Crimson? Unless you know about that shit beforehands it's literally just "wow, guess I'm dead now"-tier bullshit.

Point out to me an instance when Bucciarati or his gang harmed anyone innocent and underage. Just one

>Mista not once ever even taunted his enemies

Bruno using that kid drug addict to hide in when he fought Giorno

5 is bad but nothing is worse than Stardust Crusaders. Especially if we're talking about the anime.

I think that all 2hufags are also Jojofags from the days of "WRYYYY" memery. I remember that many Touhou videos had DIO's lines from that fighting game.

If Mista was in character he would just chill, act like nothing happened and bro up with Fugo. In the novel he's a butt hurt fag who drags Fugo out to a football stadium while he stands at long range and there is sunlight everywhere so Fugo's stand gets cucked, then orders him on a suicide mission to "redeem" himself by dealing with the dangerous narcotics team.

>main villain is Tonio's brother
This is some fanfiction tier shit.

Based Mista.

Character development. Giorno turned Mista into a man while Fugo was gone.

Not only all that, but DIO had no addition to his character and was a recurring villain whose power was generic time stop, something an actual 8 year old could think of. Diavolo wasn't the best villain, but at least he was intimidating despite being a human, he also had Doppio which is one of the better characters in part 5, and do I really need to explain how scary King Crimson was in its appearances? Abba, and Fugo I can agree are pretty boring, but Giorno shows to actually care for his teammates and while he doesn't interact with them too much, he still encourages them and builds their character, which is something Jotaro never fucking did in the three parts he appeared in, not even to his own FUCKING daughter, though he was in a coma and only till made in heaven did we see him actually care for someone. Jotaro refuses to kill despite having enormous strength and power, but Giorno kills for the sake of justice and what he believes is right. Giorno having the ability to heal and grant life is more interesting that outright having the best stand in the series with no argument, pic related. Now onto 'muh soullessness' Shut the fuck up, seriously its so retarded to say part 5 had no emotion yet say part 3 is somehow better, and even worse you don't even provide an argument. Part 5 had effort and emotion put into it, name one good stand OR character design from part 3 that doesn't look fucking goofy and generic. There isn't a single fight in part 3 that's as enjoyable as grateful dead and beach boy, not one fight similar to Metallica, and never a fight like Oasis. Say Part 3 is better one more time you legitimate troglodyte.

Attached: #004 Swerve on a Nigga Part 1.png (817x1262, 336K)

here's the pic I forgot to post

Attached: Part6SP.png (782x600, 1.21M)

The names used have no actual resemblance to the band themselves so its legal to use them crunchyroll's fucking terrible subs are just paranoid

So much shit would have been so easily resolvable if Jotaro just went for the time stop and the kill as fast as possible. Kira would have been eliminated halfway through part 4 and Pucci would have been taken care of by the first chapters of part 6. Literally the only stand besides requiem and heaven shit that could take on Star Platinum would be King Crimson if Jotaro just went for the time stop and threw a blunt object. And even then it only comes down to who uses their abilities first.


Attached: 5BB3E177-1F01-4E1C-9944-291095D8CC5A.png (400x417, 286K)

>Literally the only stand besides requiem and heaven shit that could take on Star Platinum would be King Crimson
>Tusk act 4

Literally just needs to stop time and throw something at Valentine's head or just smash D4C's head. D4C won't be able to switch dimension if it's insta killed.
>Tusk act 4
Just stop time and throw an object towards Johnny. Diego won over tusk act 4.

I meant Giorno being op, not the opening

No, when the world stops time it's like Dio pauses a movie, but when KC activates Diavolo becomes a movie editor and cuts away 10 seconds.

That's not established anywhere and Araki has said that at least the time stopping abilities affect the entire universe, so it is reasonable to assume that it's the case with all of the time related abilities until we get a confirmation for the contrary.

Do you think Bruno demanded that all new members in his group had to spend a full night with him as an initiation ritual?

Bring back Ed's mom.

No because if word got out he’d be so full he’d have to buy out another restaurant to bring the recruits

Bruno would never accept trash that can't keep a secret.

Yes, you retard.

There being a difference between the effects of the different arrows is pure headcanon and a sign of a wikireading redditor. Nothing in the manga states the arrows have different effects (GE getting pierced in the Black Sabbath fight and nothing happening is most probably just because requiems were not a thing in Araki's mind yet) and Araki most probably just wanted a cool design for the part 5 arrow, since it was the first one that was so important the entire part's conclusion depended on it.
There's not a single piece of dialogue in the manga or comments from Araki that the different arrows would work differently or how that would even happen in the first place, considering they were all made from the same meteor.

I don't really think the voice fits Tiziano. Doppio, however...

>Bruno will never add you to his harem

God please don't remind me.

That voice definitely does not fit Doppio. It sounds too sassy.

Yeah, I don't like to him as Doppio, better for Tiziano.