Why is no one talking about this?

Why is no one talking about this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Idk man, thought it was pretty lit

because everyone that cares read the manga already

Get the fuck out.

I've been filtering/hiding all the threads to avoid manga spoilers.

it got a few threads but manga adaptions can't generate hype on Yea Forums because everyone already knows the plot

It's like a week ago, where the fuck have you been?

You know you're almost a week late, right? Why do you think nobody is talking about it? Could it be that everyone already talked about it?

>capeshit anime

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You were late boy.

I want these

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>MOB is capeshit

Mob is CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!

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it's good but boring i would rather bad but fun

Fuck you, Carlos

I couldn't not read the manga after this episode, I just couldn't stop myself

People were running through threads in minutes when it aired, where you been?
On a related note. Are anime onlys going to be disappointed by the reveal next week or is it going to be satisfying to them?

They look haunted.

What else is it supposed to be? Native isekai harem? Of course it's fucking capeshit. Mob saves all the troubled people with his super autism powers from evil ghosts. But wait. There's more. There are other autists, but they're evil, so Mob gotta fight them too. Will he get the girl in the end? It's literally picture book capeshit.

How far did you go and how did you like it?

Can't blame you. This is probably my favorite arc.

Wtf are you on about? Who would in a million years consider Mob a superhero?

Stopped at 93, loved it, thought I'd be less excited for the anime after "spoiling it" for myself but that's not the case at all.

Are HunterxHunter, Naruto and Dragon Ball capeshit too by that brilliant logic? Something like Shieldhero would be capeshit, wears a cape and is a literal hero who saves people.

I think there's going to be a mixed response. It should mostly be positive, but some people will inevitably be disappointed. Since it was a cliffhanger, I could see how people may see it as a fake out. It might make it hard for them to take the stakes of the show seriously from now on. However, hopefully those people can come to understand that this is not what Mob psycho is really about. But most people seemed to have already guessed the bodies were fake. After the initial shock, it's pretty obvious if you just think about it a bit. What will really make or break public opinion is whether or not Bones can give us a satisfying episode coming off of the last one, since the last one generated a LOT of traction. That said, I really hope they don't make the Reigen "death" a cliffhanger as well. That might be overkill and it's too much of a rehash of season 1. I could see that actually annoying people.

Where can I buy these?

Of fucking course those are capeshit too. Holy fuck.

Yea, it should work out but there is quite a lot of expectations from anime onlys and I hope Bones delivers in the way they are going to adapt the next chapter.

I think on one hand most people will be annoyed, but the payoff of Mob absolutely ruining the Claw mook's shit in return will be a nice catharsis. Plus, if Bones can transmit just how much of a 'gamble' this was for Dimple and Reigen, it might be good.

Because you have to be +18 to post here.

So are they gonna end the next ep at mercenaries betrayal or would that be too much to cram into 1?

Reigen is a really nice guy.

Why so many people don't like her?

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what's there to talk about? it's obviously fake and they're still alive


Based retard.

True. When I first read the manga I was still questioning it up until the very moment Shou was revealed to be a good guy. Dimple was really taking a shot in the dark

Because she's a cold-blooded cunt

I want reigen

>No quality mob plushes, just shit like this
They look like Swiss rolls

>haunted mob plushie that drinks your milk and calls you shishou

>Drinks your milk
I'm allergic to dairy so he's fucked if he comes to haunt me

The episode aired 4 fucking days ago you retarded twerp.

I want to fuck Reigen

Get in line REIGEN

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they trust their first impressions of a person. She isn't a person that is willing to suck the MC's cock just because he is the MC, thus when they self inserted into Mob they felt betrayed, not realizing that there is a reason why she is Mobs crush even after all this time.

It's not JoJo
It's not One Punch Man
It's not Naruto
It's not Dragonball
It's not a cute girl anime

Did that answer your question?

1) She's not interested in Mob romantically.
2) But also she's not a bitch.
So people mostly don't know what to think of her.

when you realise all of Yea Forums is becoming more cringe and normiepilled. plebbit fags ruining this already terrible board

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Also not One Piece

And it ain't Pokemon

since you asked

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>Not a bitch
>Not remembering how she treated youngster Mob
You could pick locks with that schnoz

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Anime Serizawa had better be dummy thick.

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>Not remembering how she treated youngster Mob
she helped me. If she hadn't acted like she wanted the cock of an athlete, mob would have never imagined to try to improve himself and merely relied on his psychic powers to get what he wants. It would have worked for most of the people in the world, but it would have turned him into an asshole as the likes of Claw.

Don't you mean thicc?

>She helped me


This thread needs more Reigen!

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>MC gets a powerup when mad shonen #5464684686756756
>why is no one talking about this

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Gotcha covered user

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>Zoophiles now in the thread
Yeah maybe we should let this thread slip

What's the appeal of this anime??

Yeah... But this time it's DIFFERENT

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My friend wrote a 10 pg essay about the show for one of her classes. I wish I could ask her for it but I don't know if she has it since it's from jan 2018

Is it about Reigen?

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Mob didn't catch on with western normalfags like OPM did. The people who care already know it's an illusion

>Not remembering how she treated youngster Mob
She treated him like a normal boy.. wow. What a bitch.

He was involved, but it wasn't entirely about him

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I've been waiting in line for 3 days, how long is this fucking line?

No, I'm talking about the part where she just dumped him because she thought he was boring, and basically just forgot about him (and the whole get a clue thing when he was being called out for not being emotional). Yet mob is so infatuated with her that he sees her with rose-tinted goggles.

>Watch it on day it airs/streams/torrents
>talk about it on the multiple threads during that day

Meme fodder shows are the only ones that get talked about for days on this board. Regular shows have a day or so of active threads and stops until the next air date.

*It's beyond me why he'd let all that go

I see. So you've never had a childhood friend... I understand now.

>Not remembering how she treated youngster Mob
She did not wrong Mob. She simply didn't care about his little trick and Mob let it get to him. He created his insecurity about his powers himself.

People have been taking turns fucking Reigen for 3 days? He's the definition of used goods.

I don't what kind of childhood friends you had, but mine didn't just dump me because they thought I was boring. I mean yeah I lost contact with some over time but it wasn't over malice

Although now that I think about there were two that I was somewhat friends with who dumped me and I haven't forgiven them for that

I'm out right now but if anyone's interested I'll take requests if thread's still up by the end of today

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Hey, at least the birth rate is going to go up. Lots of sweaty blond kids are going to be running around in a few years.

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>she basically forgot about him
I'm fairly certain Mob was the one who distanced himself from Tsubomi though? Mob used to see his psychic powers as the only thing he had going for him, and since Tsubomi said that they were boring, Mob believed she didn't like him at all. Tsubomi doesn't really seem to be someone who seeks out others, instead they come to her, so it'd make sense if Mob believed she didn't like him that their friendship would just disappear.

is he pissing his pants?
or jizzing for the first time ever

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I dunno, the way I saw how she treated mob hits too close to home as I was like that with one childhood friend I had. I've been riddled with guilt about it since 2006 (I was 10) and was too much a of coward to ask her to forgive me. I'm a very hateful/grudge-holding person yet I feel so guilty about how i treated her back on that week. Sorry for the blog post I'll be quiet now.

This official art is cute as fuck

Kimi No Na Wa is the best capeshit movie, prove me wrong.

based and retardpilled
>all shounen, seinen, adventure, sports, action, crime thriller, supernatural, mecha, fantasy, historic anime is capeshit

I say just finish it off, otherwise you're just gonna get spoiled on here.
the ending is pretty good, more subdued than I would have expected, except from the next important arc after the claw fight

user's right, all anime is capeshit.

I don't want to be spoiled. I haven't actually read any comment in this thread nor am I going to. This is my last post. Goodbye.

What if Dimple just took Security Guard-kun's body and never gave it back?

Holy shit you're dense
pic related If you didn't understand

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I remember when people were hoping this up into Oblivion saying it was gonna be triggers magnum opus, I can't believe that was 2 years ago

Only an outsider would be surprised by it, outsiders are not welcomed here, put 1 and 1 together.

He doesn't die, where did you get that from?

Wait what's that about Reigen's "death"?
I might have alzheimers but it doesnt ring a bell

I wanna lick Reigens exposed tummy

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Nah he's mass rejecting them all, but he makes sure to give everyone a hug.

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Touchy attacks him but he ends up getting protected by Serizawa. Then Mob gets mad. I'm hoping the episode doesn't end right after Touchy's attack when it's unclear whether or not Reigen was harmed.

>literally closer to the next episode than the shit that has been talked to death
nigga you dumb

Is there any botched nickname for serizawa?

god I love this I need the sauce


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Lemme see if I can find it

whoops fucked up that reply

any reigen is good reigen i don't really have a request, whatever you got is good user


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oh damn, right, I know this artist. thanks

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You mean that his parents aren't dead? Too obvious, otherwise it would either have to turn into a whole different type of a show or lose any semblance of coherence.

Anyway genre shifts this late are too ambitious for this type of shlock.

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that scene was pretty hot subject when it aired

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I miss their goofy escapades

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can't wait until this scene gets animated

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Mob is going to to super handsome when he grows up

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It's going to put the k in kino

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I never hated her. I just thought she was kind of flaky and didn't really care for her personality. I was like Mezato where I could tell why Mob thought she was pretty but not why he liked her that much. She turned out to be a pretty decent person, though and I appreciated that. It was good of her to reject Mob in person. He was better off for it.

I'm not ready

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Tsubomi is LITERALLY the reason Mob didn't turn into a Teru. He realized that his powers aren't worth shit if the girl he likes doesn't care about them.

whoops. forgot to spoiler that. RIP anime-onlys

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I forgot that Reigen takes off his tie and jacket
...well, we know can confirm that Bones will give their all

Don't worry, we'll have to wait a long time till this is animated

It's Reigen and ??? who did that, not tsubomi

Tsubomi was the anchor.

you bet bones is going to make it as horny as possible

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If we don't get a sock closeup I'll be pissed.

1st ending already delivered

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is there anyone who doesn't want to bang reigen?

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When is Mob going to decide on a new outfit, for his 100% form, while transforming from regular 0% mob to 100% supermob? And will he need another cape for his 1000% ultramega mode too?

Mohi is great at sexy reigens


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That and she makes some high quality reimob art

I hate huntertards too user

I hold the series close to my heart, but damn all the fans I've met are either contrarian dickheads or virtue signalling tumblrinas, pure cancer


Not sure, but I know some people used to call him NEET-kun

Why would anyone give a shit when those corpse are actually fake?

I never noticed that this picture probably took place right after they defeated the scars in season 1. Seems like they all just went out to breakfast.

>Ramen, fries, & takoyaki
Doesn't seem very breakfast- like to me

>Too obvious.
It really should be. Why would they shou Shou in the opening fighting against Claw alongside the others? Why would they show Ritsu fighting too if he's supposed to be dead? And rewatching the Shou scenes in season 1 makes the outcome even more obvious. If people are really disappointed they partly have themselves to blame

Ritsu, Jodo, Shinra, the curse guy, and that ugly girl's boyfriend.

where can I find the REIGEN chapter 7 raws

All she did was get bored of a psychic trick once.

>reigen thread
I love you all

I-It's not like we love you too or anything

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Shut up and post Reigen.

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okay then. There's a dedicated capeshit thread now anyways.

Attached: Mob-Pyscho-100-OVA.gif (1280x720, 647K)

It hurts that he's not real.

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Who is this ikemen imposter!?!?

I love some of the art this fandom makes

That's just Reigen with a little hair wax. He has to clean himself up a bit for his wedding. To me.

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One app, or you could ask the translators @tumblr.

I don't self insert as Mob, I don't hate the bitch, I just hate seeing this kids father not turning him into a man like he should be doing. Instead the poor boy is falling for the prettiest girl he sees while thinking it's love. So when he inevitably gets rejected he'll get hurt when it could've been avoided by not having such high standards when his own person wasn't bottom tier. Like most people on Yea Forums with high standards, it leads to virginity for life.

>I just hate seeing this kids father not turning him into a man like he should be doing
This isn't the 60s anymore boomer

Has the stage play been ripped?

>falling for the prettiest girl he sees while thinking it's love.
This isnt the reason why Mob is atracted to her.

Reigen a shit, SHIT! His ass is fat and ugly!

you have to be over 18 to post here, ritsu

His ass is tiny and adorable, shut the fuck up.

Yeah, used to be for download on tumblr, no idea if it's there anymore

This show is kicking ass

Because I looked for a discussion and the first thing that happened was that it got spoiled. It only took a single word too.

Do you remember the username or something? Nothing's coming up.

That kid is defo jizzing his pants. You can't see it but he's pic related face.

Attached: JIHP.jpg (977x768, 78K)

Attached: sweddy.png (722x724, 134K)

No real personality only looks unlike the other popular Mob girls.

Because it's more boring than OPM


>the other popular Mob girls.
I'm fairly sure every single character in this gayass show got a penis, even if ever so feminine.

Traps lied to you user, girls don't have penises.

I legitimately feel saddened because of you right now. Let me clarify: Not sad for you. Like, I don’t take pity on you. You suck. But, I mean, just knowing that you exist now, where as before I didn’t, has actually decreased the quality of my life. Forever. Please stop being you so that I can free myself from these chains of unbearable misery and awkwardness.

>the other popular Mob girls
Who? The popular characters are male.

>not knowing how to read
It said "popular girls" not "popular characters in general"
you brainlet.

>pit hair
>happy trail
Oh, that's the stuff right there.

>the popular characters are male
And that's why there's a colossal concentration of Fujos.

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Capeshit was always a predominatly gay territory, starting with gay as fuck capeshit aesthetics.

Sorry user, it was a while ago, I don't remember. Hopefully with the new play someone else will share them.

I really want that blue mob and Reigen keychain/brooch thing on the right, it's way too cute

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Even though I know his folks aren't really dead this still scared me shitless, fucking well done Bones

Attached: mob rage.webm (852x480, 2.35M)

You get it.

Attached: yea.png (851x1117, 303K)

I want to make a Reigen itabag.

I wish someone would draw a mob and Reigen version of this

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I don't know why, it seems obvious in retrospect, but I really didn't expect everyone to have such a strong reaction to this episode. Bones really are masters at what they do.

Why can't there be a single fucking MP100 thread where fujos don't completely derail it? Fuck the anime honestly.

Same, is too cute.

What's there to derail? This episodes already been majorly discussed.
Also fuck you honestly

Attached: the gay.png (900x814, 433K)

Kill yourself you waste of space.

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>enter mob thread
>is 80% gay shit
Well, there you go OP.

Yes, yes, give me your hatred!

I want to stick my fingers into his open mouth

>being a secondary

Sooo is anyone looking for some fresh homosexual content?

Dumb question but is the end of season two and the conclusion to all of this going to be in season 3 or there some hiatus before they finished season 2?

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I know I always am.

Some saucy reimob coming up

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How many times are we going to have to hear people whine about this? Either ignore it and actually incite discussion about the episode or don't enter the threads. Nothing is going to change.

I'm honestly sick of Reimob. Can't wait for Teru and Shou to get more screen time so we can finally get some variety up in here.

Terumob I can see, but shouritsu a shit

I love dad!Reigen

It's been more than a week and no one has translated the remaining Reigen chapters, what in the fuck.

Season 2 will end at the end of the world domination arc, the current arc we are in, at episode 13. This won't conclude the whole story of the manga though. But it's a fairly satsifying ending point even if we don't get a 3rd season.

>fairly satsifying ending point
Sure, if you ignore the GIANT FUCKING BROCCOLI

Really? I have the opposite problem. I find Terumob incredibly boring.

When do new episodes normally drop?

Its hard to like her, she gets so little actual screen time we barely know what kind of a person she is on even the most surface level. She's more of an ideal for mob to strive for than a real character. Its hard to dislike her for the same reason though.

Its not suggested its an act. For all we know she just wants Chad, because she's a normal teenage girl.

Not intentional on her part though. The same would have happened if it was any other girl, its pretty clear being a psychic doesn't actually get you pussy in this world regardless of who you are.

What about ritsumob?

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There's not enough after the world domination arc for a full season unless everything was mega dragged out. Imo things after the world domination arc seem like only enough material for a movie or OVA.

Teru did get pussy, what are you talking about.
There were droves of bitches handing him gifts of food and shit.

I can't wait for Serizawa to show up so people have someone legal to ship with Reigen

Exclusively as one sided from Ritsu's end. I like it as incredibly painful and agonizing as possible.

Reimob is legal by nip standards

Teru got pussy before and after though, he's just naturally charismatic+ good looking.

Man fuck you all the scene I want to see most is The wave when Mob leaves Broccoli Tree

Guess you're not a fan of Ritz?

I mean hey I'd let teru pound me desu

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Oh no, I do love him. He's my favorite. I'm just one of those overly sadistic fujoshi I guess.

Only because he couldn't get bullied by the school's chads because of his powers.

Nah I can see where you're coming from, mob is my son but ritsu's okay in my book

*Especially for ntr

You mean this season? Monday mornings. Did you just pick up the show?

catching up on it yeah. I watched season 1 when it was already completed.

He was boring though.
>watch me bend spoons
>watch me pick shit up
>watch me bend some playground shit
>watch me move shit
Having psychic powers doesn't make you an interesting person, and Tsubomi taught him this.

If you don't know what that thing actually is you will most likely just accept it as a giant tree.

Post more ReiMobu.

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How? I love ReiMob but really, how?

13 is the age of consent in Japan, mob is 14

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I like it. It's soft and wholesome

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So how good is this upcoming arc going to be? Better than the last few? Heard a lot of talk about the last fight in this arc.

Depends on your tastes. It's basically like the last half of Season 1 but with higher stakes and more interesting characters. If you like action and wanted to see more characters doing things, you'll like it. If you liked the slice of life/drama aspect of Mob more, you might not. It's personally one of the most exciting things I've read, and there's a lot of great moments for new and old characters. Plus the final fight should be legendary.


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>shouritsu a shit
Go fuck yourself. RitShou is a pairing burning with love!

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its animefags avoiding the threads because they don't want to get spoiled

not that they're missing out on much since its just nonstop homoshipping here anyway

>enter mp100 thread
>fujos spamming gay fanart of reigen
>leave thread and hope for 1-2 non-awful threads after a new episode

As an animeonlyfag I don't hate her, but I do think she's one of the blandest character in the show. We barely know anything about her aside from being a pretty girl mob likes. I just don't have any reason to either like or hate her.
Also she's the least cute girl in the anime

>invites you to ramen and calls you gay.

Shes like senjougahara in that she plays a role in the mc's life, but the show isn't about their relationship.

spoiled the fuck up fampai

I hope its well animated


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I don't remember any superheroes in this

Wrong. Saw really great ones on YA

Shigeo closes you eyes!

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can’t this fuck have any organization to his board yes I’m mad

I see this shit everywhere, wdym.

People are just desperately struggling to come up with new reasons to shit on Mob Psycho. It's pretty sad

Can't there just be a nice thread without gayshit and tumblr? The anime is so well done. One of the few I could ever think of recommending over the manga. Yet even in the first threads after the episode airs, it's all Osomatsu tier shipping discussion. I hate everything.

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No. The threads have always been like this, even during season 1. It's not going to change. Ignore it

If you want actual discussion wait for the days when episodes are released
In the meantime enjoy your gay pedoshipping

lost my shit when reigen got memed on 2ch, but the rest of the episode hurt my heart

Because it’s shit

I watching S1 and i fucking hate Reigen, he is piece of shit and Mob is ok, kinda boring sometimes. Teru and Ritsu are the only chatacters i really like.

Awful taste

Why? Teru is fun and cool, unlike Reigen. Ritsu is interesting, his arc is really good.

You missed the point of the entire show

I'm an animeonly fag and just saw the episode 5 minutes ago and holy fuking balls my heart stop for a second and my goosebumps were through the roof.... Went to this thread and glad to know it was so obvious when the pyromancer guy mentioned its gonna be complicated.
But still holy shit that whole fucking. How the hell does Bones do this shit. I can still hear the cracking sounds in my head.

Reminder that torrenting will result in evil spirits and is probably why your back hurts right now.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mob Psycho 100 S2 - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_24.07_[2019.03.02_00.45.34].jpg (1280x720, 183K)

Because Mob goes through multiple life threatening crisis, multiple life altering events, struggles to the point of breaking down into tears and passing out, works his ass off trying to become a more well rounded person, saves people who most people would have given up on, makes tough choices, and even kept himself alive through the brink of death and his own inner self trying to take over to confess to her
And bitch says 'Nah'.

Well I mean some of those weren't due to her, and really it was Reigen and the rest of the mob squad who helped him get through the hardships he did and taught him very important lessons.
Also did anyone actually think he and tsubomi would actually get together? It was pretty obvious they werent

Attached: Mob squad~2.png (444x659, 398K)

>and is probably why your back hurts right now.
So you're saying that all I need is an exorcist after all, not drastic lifestyle changes and effort?

Attached: shouing up.jpg (466x381, 32K)

God dammit why is the one art idea I've wanted to see done for ages drawn so fucking hideously?

Attached: wasted potential.jpg (1280x1744, 474K)

stop gaying up this thread you red haired faggot

-Red haired faggot steals Ritsu and leaves-

Attached: D0gM2cFVsAA-7uH.png (548x693, 143K)

Why the fuck are people shipping them exactly?

Because people wouldnt know what good taste is even if it them in the face


The ship is pretty popular in nipland though