Shingeki no Kyojin

Historia's chapter? When will Historia reunite with her lover Chadren Yaeger?

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TRASHVI dying or living is irrelevant

If dubs Eren is not the father

Post deep fanart

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What the fuck happened to this series


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for now I don’t think there is really much build up to Eren being the father. That said, it is true that sometimes Isayama’s pace has problems and so some transitions are not very fluid (for example, the whole plot point of Historia being pregnant is not prepared in any way and this is why people were left confused and even hurt since we could not see why she ended up in that situation).

Personally, I don’t think that Eren being the father is necessary at all story-wise or character-wise. The flashbacks have already shown us an Eren determined to do anything in order to avoid that the people he loves inherit one of the nine titans and this includes Historia as well. Moreover, the flashbacks have also shown us how Eren was never a fan of the diplomatic solution proposed by Hange and had his doubts about it since the beginning. In short, he had already all the attributes which would lead him to act the way he is doing now. It is true that we definately lack a last piece reguarding his character and his motivations (a specific piece of information or something which happened and convinced him to act), but this doesn’t necessarily have to do with Historia’s pregnancy. I actually think it would be a weird choice for two reasons.

1) Eren Kruger clearly talked about Mikasa and Armin and not Historia. To make Historia and the baby Eren’s main motivation would mean to basically retcon what Kruger said. It is true Kruger’s words might have some kind of other meaning, but as for now I have trouble imagining it, so I think the simplest thing is to assume that Eren’s main wish is to save his friends. If Isayama manages to come up with an alternative and satisfying solution to justify Historia’s absence from Kruger’s words, then fine, but until then I don’t think they can be easily discarded.

Eren is the father

2) Historia and Eren’s love story would basically be a love story which happened off-screen and this is an odd way to go at it, no matter what. The only possible hint of a romantic interest on Historia’s part is Historia blushing when Eren complimented her. I can not think about any other thing. The rest of their interactions (among which there are far more important ones) are not coded romantically at all and even that little scene can be read as Historia simply being embarassed. It is not that much in terms of set-up. There is also the obvious fact that none of the 104th talked about a possible love story between Historia and Eren. They are the ones who immediately noticed Hitch’s interest in Marlowe and Mikasa’s interest in Eren and who mocked Eren about being super-dense. It seems strange to me that none of them had thought about Eren and Historia having a soft spot for each other, especially since they are all shown kinda close to Eren just a year before the attack on Liberio. Basically, it is not impossible that Historia and Eren had a hidden affair, but at the same time it seems a little forced even if more flashbacks might give more context and justify it a little. All in all, though, having a love story between two major characters develop off-screen and then show it through flashbacks is not a very brilliant move and it risks to feel cheap (again, never say never and this is just my opinion). What is more, there is the obvious question as to why Historia and Eren decided to have a child when they are in such a messy situation. Wouldn’t have it been wiser to wait for better circumstances? All in all it would seem to me a way to cheapen and trivialize the situation Eren and Historia are in and to trivialize their choices which so far have been framed as negative and as important ones.

This is my opinion so far.

Why do you want to analyze things if you are just going to write the same thing over and over and call tumblrinas to anons explaining things to you?
You just want to convince yourself

>muh flashback
You mean like when Isayama revealed the smiling titan was Grisha's first wife?


Which one will die first?

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>I think 1
>I don't think 2
>I think 3
>Maybe I'm not right but...
>It's just my thought...
Why should I take your words seriously?

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>the blue flowers are the source of all organic matter

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Kruger also says to make your own family behind these walls. Chapter 89 and 107 are similar

Why do some people keep pretending detective Hange is not real?

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She was talking about the black guy, retard.

I'm curious about how much Pixis and Hange know. Pixis seems to say "he did it, Zeke...", he investigates Yelena while Hange tried the same with Boyega (who is Yelena's partner) but Armin will be the one to solve everything, sorry Hangefags and baldfags

To be more precise she asked Zackley to let her interrogate Boyegapon about that secret meeting Yelena and Eren had.

Zeke deserves DEATH BY SNU-SNU


>Be released from his torment

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Spoilers when?

It will be her chapter and she will miss Yumiru

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>Death by snu-snu
>Not forcing him to double the existing Eldian population by himself before he succumbs to his curse

You fucking retard. The point is that right now, Hange is clearly investigating things to find out about Eren's plan.

Yumiru is for...

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I still remember that fake spoiler of manlet taking Zeke to the brothel to breed Zeke and women fucking Zeke with manlet watching.

I miss Hisutoria and Yumiru

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Sure thing, dumb EHtard

Dude you are fucking obsessed, Hange was trying to know what happened with Eren and Yelena and how much the volunteers know. This doesn't mean Eren is the father, just to learn that Historia knew what would Eren do

What if Zeke's real keikaku was to pretend to sterelize the Eldians so that when his "plan" was foiled he would be condemned to the ironic punishment of being repeatedly "raped" by fair maidens until he dies?

For fuck's sake, I didn't even mention anything about EH.

I wanna have sleazy sex with that freckled tomboy.

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Zeke being killed would be disappointed, the rape ending is unironically better and hilarious at the same time

Calm down, Hisu

But you mentioned hange investigating, that triggered the ErwL/YH/EM alliance user

Veneration and worship.

Only EH, JM and LMfags have this kind of retarded shit.

Shitrenfags killed the hype.


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Man, those people are retarded.

Alright, I finished it. It was my best shot. I hope I got it right.

Now I know why this guy stopped doing this. This takes a lot of time.

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Why is Jean such a retarded tsun?

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Ah, Jean. A letter has arrived. From your mother
>Jean's mom: Jean, how are you? How is your life as an Emperor of Hizuru? I always knew you would make it far...if your father didn't commit suicide he would be so proud of you my dear son.
>I know you hated the idea but I am...we are fine. I know you were against the Royal Babies Program where I asked to be a candidate. I'm touching my belly right now, Jean. Yes, that Zeke was a monster but he was so scared when we know...having sex...he was crying and begging for help. I listened to him. The other women were just mean to him and just raped him and bullied him, some even burned him with a cigarrette over and over, but I actually listened to the poor guy. I think he just needs love...I go visit him and treat him like a son and like a husband.
>Well I hope you are ok. Your mother wishes you the best

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Tried my best. I invite you ro try yourself, if you think you can do it better.

Btw, as you can tell, english is not my mothertongue xd

>hating the whos
>insulting Petra
>comparing EreHisu to fujos

>Fucking Jean's mom


What went wrong?

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Dumb fujo

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>Frieda: ewww my cousin
>Zeke: ewww a vagina

FZ is the ultimate cuck couple.

Post best siblings

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In what way are they cousins? Maybe distant cousins, but that's like saying I'm Latin American President's cousin just because we share the same last names.

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Hanji didn't even know the other govt higher ups were secretly planning on feeding Zeke to Historia immediately after his arrival, so she had no reason to link Eren bringing him back to the island with a sudden change of heart or willingness to sacrifice her or to go with the 50 year plan (especially considering that he was pretty much bringing a war to their doorstep). She was clearly referring to his actions abroad which led to the rest of the world getting angry enough to join forces in order to wipe out Paradis, which she already chastised him for in chapter 105 (and which she brought up again in chapter 109 while talking with Floche). By putting the island in danger, he was endangering Historia as well, hence Hange's question. It ain't that hard.

Johan and Zeke have gone through similar childhood trauma. Both were born through an attempt to create a precious speciman. As a matter of fact Johan was born as a result of an eugenic esperiment, whereas Zeke was born as a fruit of his parents’ genuine love, but also to preserve the royal bloodline. Moreover, the realization that their parents might not love them or at least that their love might not be enough is why they become the people they are as adults.

It is also interesting how both of them are able to easily bond with people thanks to their charismas and personalities (they are both cult leaders), but at the same time they are ready to destroy each relationship they form. When it comes to Zeke, he does so because he has a specific objective, whereas Johan does so without such a strong motivation and it is probably just his way of lashing out. That said, both behaviours stem from what they experienced as kids. Zeke targets the future generations because as a child he felt as if being born in the first place was a mistake, whereas Johan manipulates children in order to have them embrace nichilism and grows close to parental figures in order to use them and to kill them later (in an inversion of what happened with his mother). However, what is mostly interesting is that both have forged two specific bonds which seem to be particularly important for them. One bond is with a father figure and the other is with a sibling.

When it comes to Zeke and Johan’s bonds with their respective father figure (Xavier and Tenma), I don’t think there are many similarities if not that both bonds represent a wish the character has to have a positive parental figure in their life. In Zeke’s case the wish is made explicit, while in Johan’s case the wish manifests itself in an extremely twisted way. As far as the relationship with a sibling is concerned, I think this is where we can use this comparison in order to underline a theme snk and Monster share.

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Nina and Eren have visions which oppose their sibling’s ones and they maturated these ideals because of what they were told by caretakers. This is because both series sustain the idea that a child can become anything and that even small gestures made or avoided by the adults around them can have a huge influence.

Moreover, both series extend the possibility of becoming anything from children to people in general. In every person there is both a human and a monster and this is specifically shown by Bonaparte and Grisha when it comes to each couple of siblings.

Bonaparte is the reason why the twins and their mother had to suffer so much, but he is also who managed to convey to Nina the fact that she should not let herself be molded by her negative experiences.

Grisha was a horrible father to Zeke, but tried his best with Eren. He still put his son in a horrible position, but I think it is obvious that at least he tried respect Eren’s will (at least up until Carla died) and this is why I think Eren ultimately will make a different choice from the one Zeke is endorsing right now. When it comes to what Eren said, let us consider this page and the last panel of the series which portrays an adult telling a child that they are free.

Basically, if you combine these two lines you obtain Eren’s one. I don’t know if the man in the final panel is Grisha or not, but I think it is not impossible that at one point we will discover that Grisha once told Eren the words “You are free” and that Eren’s line before the Shiganshina battle was born by combining what his parents taught him aka the importance of life and the importance of freedom (ok, this is really just a headcanon). I don’t know if Eren right now is still on board with this pov, but I think that, if he is not, he will get there once again.

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I miss Attackonweeb

In short, these two couples of siblings seem to underline two important themes the two series both explore.

1) The importance of parent-children relationships.

2) The fact each human being can become a monster or someone wonderful. Humans have potential for both things inside them.

The second theme is also explored in the two series through the monster symbolism. In snk said symbolism is a prt of the narrative world and of the plot itself and it consists in the titan curse. In Monster it is expressed through several dialogues, the title and the picture books.

The pictures books which are shown in the series are all pretty important both for the themes and for describing the relationships among the three main characters. When it comes to Nina and Johan’s relationship, the book which mostly describes it is The Nameless Monster.

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In this book there are two nameless monsters who represent the twins. They go in different directions searching for a name i.e. an identity or who they are. This symbolizes how the twins have lost their memories and don’t have strong senses of identity because of their past. However, they reach two opposites solutions. On one hand, the monster of the East who symbolizes Johan possesses a young boy and takes his name. However, in order to stay into the boy’s body he starts killing all the people close to the boy. Basically he creates a situation where, despite him having a name, nobody can use it. This is because the monster’s identity doesn’t lie in a name, but in him accepting his lack of a name and in building relationships with others. On the other hand the monster of the West who symbolizes Nina accepts that he is just a nameless monster. This fits with the fact that, ironically, while Johan is always called Johan by the other characters, Nina is called either Nina or Anna and both names are true. What is important is that Nina doesn’t let her past define herself so much like Johan and that she finally accepts it and is able to forgive Johan because of it. Interestingly, the parallels between the twins and the monsters stop when it comes to the ending. As a matter of fact in the book the boy kills the other monster and so he effectively becomes a nameless monster since he lost the only person who truly knew him. However, in the series Johan never kills Nina. She and Tenma become two people he ends not killing and so they end up saving his life in the end and they give him a personhood by the virtue of simply knowing Johan.

All of this is to say that in Monster Johan was given a second chance thanks to the relationship with his siblings. I don’t think Zeke will be that lucky, but I think he might find a sense of closure and peace thanks to his relationship with Eren even if I think they will face each other at one point.

Bringing Zeke to the island means Historia will be sacrificed sooner or later, at least to Hange. It doesn't have anything to do with the MPs secret plan

Or how the entire basement reveal was just one big flashback from Grisha's perspective. Seems like flashbacks are only a problem for some people when they focus on something they don't like or want.

Actually I think Historia is either going to be killed or die on childbirth. I just noticed that there is a lot of times that this could happen.

What if Zeke is actually intending to kill her?

Flashbacks are bad writing when it's about something you don't like

>I just noticed that there is a lot of times that this could happen.
For example?

>This is my opinion so far
Okay. What sort of reply are you trying to get and why should I care?

Best girl.

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It was mentioned by some whos to Levi before they turned into titans.

It was mentioned by higher ups, including Nile

There is a third instance I cannot remember. It was between 111-114

I would say that's not coincidence.


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The only way I see Historia dying is to avoid any Eren-Historia interaction. Isayama didn't even give us a good Sasha-Nicolo interaction kek


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There was also no YH conversation after Utgard where they had the chance to talk in a more calm situation

Hisu's soft embrace

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But Ymir was Isayama fucking up his own basement plot. He did something similar with Annie, he had to Poochie-silence these characters

>Zeke, you can only marry one of us, which one will you choose?

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Make me

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where is the joke?

Why do you have 2 copies of the same picture?

>cuckren self-inserter
go back to 2013

you've triggered the EHwhales based Satan

The nose on the kid though......

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The anti-EH-whales are more triggered though

>sorry but I was never into your primitive mating instincts anyway

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casados basado

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t. EHnigger

I don't blame them, comparing anyone to fujos is disgusting


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The childbirth thing was to hammer into our mind that the 50 years plan required Historia to be pregnant after becoming a shifter. So it was just a hint meant to tell us that she isn't with that plan at all.
It doesn't necessarily mean she will actually die from childbirth.

That's a (((nose)))

Shut up, I know this is our year. EAbros, we will arise soon!

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t. YHwhale

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One ring to rule them all

Name a better pair of brothers in manga other than Ed and Al. Hint: you can't

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I am so glad Sasha the bitch is dead.

AA is endgame and you can't change this, pedo-kun.

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>Love somebody to save Mikasa and Armin
Oh, I really wonder how Historia fits into this.

First dubs gets a happy ending for their favorite character

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We know, Attackonweeb

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Spoilers when?


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Rolling for Reiner.

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What's wrong with these people? I can understand if someone is one of these, but how the fuck can you be multiple of these things at the same time? No self-awareness whatsoever, just pure autism.

Too many memories in his head


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Why do they just stand there while he carves them all up? Doesn't seem to be moving particularly fast.

The R.O.E. (Railroad Opening Event).

Eren's got such a weird, irregular haircut.


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>Erwin is the yellow gem
>Literally using him for some irrelevant THOT


No, fuck off.

>last online 2015
How do you even find these people?

Carla would have a fucking stroke if she saw Eren now

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Based GODVI fucked Isabel, Petra, Nifa, Hans, Jean's mom and he is waiting for Connie's mom.

Annie. Also wtf she's not in the pic son of a bitch

>black swan Frieda and white swan Hisu

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Went from an intriguing quasi-Medieval world with mysterious man-eating Titans, to a boring WWII story about JewNazis vs NaziJews where the Titans are pretty much irrelevant now.

Dumb ErwL/EMmod


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My favorite character was Kenny

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You forgot the underground whores

>next chapter
I'm kinda disappointed the manlet is probably crippled now and we'll never see a proper EL showdown

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Would be funny if manlet had a bastard son somewhere

GODVI is...

A literal son of a whore.

>1 minute
So the Godvi autistic was the LEwhale

>the Godvi autistic was the LEwhale

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Manlet won't appear until the last chapter. When he fell into the river he got amnesia and a who took care of him. He will appear in the last chapter with a who and with his own kid

farmer-kun is manlet's son


Reminder that
>Yeagers are a devil bloodline
>Ymir was retconned out of being a Yeager

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Face it AAFat, nobody likes your stupid ship

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Why isn't manlets name pronounced like the jeans? That's how Rivai should be localized.

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into the trash it goes

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I would kek. Always wanted a new Ackerman, I wanted that tall guy to be one

It's Kiyomi.

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Because manlet is irrelevant. Manlet is like Sasha, he was supposed to die, he is living more as a favor than anything and it shows

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>chapter 115
>new volume cover
>new fake preview

115 es capitulo de Eren incestuosa

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How can some people still unironically think a piece of shit like Grisha would get the final panel of the mango after chapter 114?



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115 starts a new volume doesn't it?

>tfw Ymir was originally Eren's long lost lesbian sister
Maybe crushing on blonde midgets IS a family trait, after all.

Yeah I looked it up. New Arc. I misunderstood and thought you said those things had leaked.

115 is the first chapter of volume 29, which means we'll most likely get volume 28 cover and fake preview next week.

Rolling for anyone, but reiner.

Ymir wandered around outside the walls for 60 years so more like great grandmother

Everything changed after the railroad ceremony.

Maybe Eren heard about some betrayal?

He realized they were all cucks. Especially Armong.
>w-we've changed why dont they see w-we aren't evil anymore? we j-just want to talk!
If Eren is this disgusted by Armong he's probably going to eat Zeke as soon as they meet.

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>アルアニ(AA) = 1652results
>エレアニ(EA) = 372results

He probably learned something worse, he looked just fine during the train. Maybe he overheard AMJCS accepting to leave Historia behind or something

Kek only leddit and the pedo like EA

>Caring about Historia
EFl is cute and canon



Nothing to do with shipping, just that Eren and Historia are just tools and mostly Eren will use what's left of his life to protect Paradis, yet they are more worried about pleasing Marleyans and forgiving everything. Eren saw Historia was going to refuse to live by accepting the 50 years of rumbling.
MJCS wanted to sacrifice themselves too, but Historia was always the one going to be in danger or having less freedom. She probably joined Eren

Eren x Floch

Kek confirmed

But she never brings that point up nor mentions it. She clearly and directly associates Eren's alleged lack of care for Historia with endangering the whole island (by pushing it into an all out war with the rest of the world). The Rumbling doesn't need Historia to be actualized so long as Zeke is allowed to live and come into contact with Eren, and the incoming coordinated attack from allied nations doesn't endanger her any more than any other person currently living on Paradis.

Annie is probably for fanservice at this point. What role is left for her?

One look at his abs and she would have fucked him.

She needs to die so the Anniefags can finally kill themselves.

>What role is left for her?
Armin's wife

I think whatever happened was significant enough for Eren to make him switch gears and willing to cooperate with someone as shady as Yelena, but subtle enough to go completely unnoticed by his 104th buddies or Manlet and Hange until after he began acting on his own. Some dialogue, maybe? I don't know.

its literally the explosion of the titans you retard and its a 9 point star, each point representing one of the nine titans

Dumb shitrenfag

How can a lesbian get pregnant?

But to Hange, bringing Zeke to Paradis means Eren agrees to follow the 50 year plan which doom Historia life, while earlier Eren is the only one to reject it. That's why Hange asks him, it has nothing to do with the MP plan

Lesbians can still get children

>that utter look of disdain on Eren's face
I kinda felt the same way when Armin started peacefagging yet again right after hearing that the world doesn't give a shit about negociating with them and that one of their friends might have to suffer a terrible fate to ensure the country's survival. Insensitive as fuck.

Carla was a slut.

Congratulations, it's awful


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But creating a scenario where Paradis has no choice but to retaliate and actually use the Rumbling against the whole world was never part of the 50 year plan nor what it consisted in.

>Zeke is literally the most moe character
What went so right?



Kruger/Kiyomi shenanigans

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Yeah, I don't think she would have expected her son to become this handsome.

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cope. Annie is love, Annie is life, Annie remains forever in our hearts :3

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Haven't read since Armin got the colossal, did I miss anything important?
Is Annie dead yet?

>did I miss anything important?
You missed the best arc user

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Annie misses Bert

Floch died in Shiganshina and his body has been propelled on agony ever since.

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He's the straightman for everyone but Eren.

AMJC not mentioning Historia even once in the entire month that passed since their return to Paradis is weird. Especially considering the fact that she's been isolated and Pixis claimed in front of them that Eren was gonna target her after Zeke. Any particular reason why?

But the point is Hange not knowing the MP secret plan has nothing to do with what she asks Eren

Maybe AMJC had a big fight with Historia

Armin saw nothing meanwhile Eren saw his own Aunt getting eaten by dogs. I can't blame Eren for being disgusted.

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Maybe the theory that they abandon Historia/ accepting her fate is just true after all or just because they don't know she's pregnant

I don't see why they would, either Isayama just didn't bother making them react because he forgot or there's something else.

>no dubs yet
No happy end for anyone I guess

benis in bagina

This pic would be perfect if it doesn't have AM. I need LHE family picture.

Is Zeke the purest and cutest character ever written?

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It says Yelena left it mid-party. But in her flashback about meeting with Eren, he was shown in his regular clothes. Was he presented at the event at all?

>Is Zeke the purest
yeah, pure evil.


Attached: quien-es-zeke-jaeger-750x450(2).jpg (750x450, 32K)

Convenient writing. I hope there is another reason to it, though.

Grisha pls

More likely that Isayama didn't care enough to have her mentioned by someone.

Zeke is a hero!

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I don't see why they wouldn't. Isayama wasted tons of pages on unnecessary things but can't give 2 lines to show that they're still her good friends

AM have more business being in that picture than LH you delusional fuck. The worst parents thing is a meme

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Isayama created an entire character to mourn Sasha instead of Jean or Connie. Reminder Connie appears to blame Eren more than Gabi for Sasha's death.

She was mentioned by Hange, Levi, Pixis, Nile, Rogue...

Fuck you faggot. AM are the worst characters in this series. Eren is better without them.

I mean if you'd like the pregnancy could be mentioned by literally no one and the competency of the military would fall to new lows. I bet you'd love it if Eren was the only one who even remembered Historia exists.

Zeke's mom and Historia are relatives. Of course Zeke looks a bit like her and Eren.

There is more with EMA though, LHErw where old versions of EMA

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They're still Eren's family. Krueger doesn't mention saving manlet or Hans now does he?


Kruger says
>Grisha, fuck someone behind the walls and have a kid
>Save AM

Post yfw Eren betrays Zeke

Attached: 8e8.png (509x619, 17K)

What's wrong with you? You said that Historia was mentioned by no one, I listed the charachters who mentioned her and now you're throwing a fit?

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Zeke isn't really on Eren's side anyways.

But he believes/trusts him.

I assume Eren through Eren can't alter the past too much. He doesn't mention Carla (if Carla lives current Eren would stop existing) and we don't know if the form a family part could include Historia.
Eren also knows Grisha will lose control and attack the Reiss at one point too

reiner my bro you can do it

Everyone was clearly referring to AMJC you insufferable autist.

He didn't say 'Grisha'. Re-read these pages.

He probably thinks Eren is as piteous as the others and doublecrossing him will save him along with everyone else.

>Grisha, create a family to save Armin and Mikasa.
Guys, it sounds really off. Why was nobody bothered with it before?

She literally got mentioned every chapter after Marley, dude

Doesn't change the fact that EMA is a mistake.


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EMA being shit doesn't mean Eren likes Hans or the Manlet any more.

You think Anka will be eaten alive or will Isayama pussy out? He's removed his main cast from the cities so a mass shift is feasible.

Who will save Zeke from himself?

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Kek, the last sentence is full of salt. Go back to where you belong. Everyone loves and misses Historia here

Like father like son

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AM were more of a family to Eren than LH ever were. You're just being delusional.

Who's Eren's family now?

why Benji keeps hurting himself like this?

What is it with Flocke and demons?

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Everybody thought it would be Zeke, and then Chapter 114 happened.

Cover of volume 28

Attached: volume28.png (675x972, 1.42M)

That can't be right user. Eren's the only one who cares about Historia or their lovechild.

He fulfilled a self-created prophecy.


Why hello there, Mr. Cuck Shaddis, how do you do?

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Unironically still AM and possibly Historia now.

>EMA being shit
>Eren doesn't like manlet or hango
You can literally discard these 2

why are the mikadogs still here? just to suffer?

Too homo.


>Zeke's cover has manlet

Wish it were solo Zeke desu

>ZL cover

The punchline part of the last panel is very poorly put together, shame because the first two are good

Kruger was talking about Historia, Eren Jr, Armin and Mikasa.

I think it would have raised some huge flags among his friends if he refused to participate in a ceremony meant to inaugurate a railroad he actively helped constructing. That would also mean that the incentive to accept Yelena's meeting proposal or seek her out happened before the ceremony even took place.


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>Dad killed for being too redpilled
>Loses his arm trying to prove him right
>Son is a fucking pussyfaggot
Being Erwin is suffering

She was mentioned by everyone and their mom aside from them (and Eren himself but that one is a given if they're in cahoots). Their lack of reaction stands out precisely because they're supposed to be her friends.

Well, if Floche somehow put himself into rotation of Yelena's guards to deliver her to Eren, it was obviosly planned in advance.

Will Eren cuck Zeke and then pull a fast one on everyone so Warrior group and survey corps have to team up with Zeke to stop him and the restorationists and the rest of the population?

>Zeke's pant unzipped
Looks like he is going to be raped or something

>clapped cheeks
social media was a fucking mistake

Attached: marks of mentally ill people, how we got here.jpg (1047x829, 174K)

Annie never cared about Bert, beruanism

She cared about him more than Pedomin


Did Eren use his acting skills to trick Zeke?

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Manlet knows how to bend Zecuck without breaking him.

>beruanism spic is here
She doesn't give a fuck about Bertcuck

>this level of delusion
Can't wait till Annie breaks free saying she always hated RB as it should be according to the manga

Attached: Eren Kruger.png (880x337, 372K)

She does, and she rather die than being touched by Pedomin

>She does
No manga panel will support your claim, beruspicnism

>Zeke: "Fine, Levi-kun, RAPE me but I won't tell you my complex plan!"

>She does
Bert and Reiner are pieces of shit for Annie

>Implying Armong is any better



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He also says the wife and kid thing. Grisha will meet Armin and Mikasa but he won't meet the others so it may be a message from the future Eren to Grisha and present Eren

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>BAfats automatically assuming anybody who doesn't ship their autistic faggotry ships AA
Oh dude. There's something called logic and facts.

>beruanism is mad

I was shitposting what the fuck did you expect?

who's that one-eyed titan?

>slice of life about EZ growing up together never ever
Why live?

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Gabbing Chapter.

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>if you can't, we're doomed to repeat it all again. the same history.
What did he mean by this?

>implying he wasn't looking for it

Attached: Zeke unused penis.png (335x226, 103K)

>Your dick is mine Zeke

Timeloops and shieet

>Zeke almost fully healed
>Levi doesn't have his right arm

Attached: Capture le.png (582x560, 358K)

This and 27's cover are just gay bait. Th-thanks, Isayama!

how does he know though? He seems to know way too much.

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This entire manga is fujobait.

Manlet's right hand is behind Zeke's back, genius.

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>every female character is either dead, fridged, forcibly impregnated, or a literal mindslave
Why is Isayama such a misogynist?

>Levi doesn't have his right arm
He does, look again.

is that steam coming from his wounds? Ackertitans confirmed?

>Zeke: no Yelena! Why did you make the cover so erotic! How dirty is your mind? What do you mean I'm the uke? What the fuck is that Yelena?

you forgot the one who made a pact with the devil

This product of love

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>forcibly impregnated

>Your wife, your child
EH confirmed

So all the male characters can fuck each other. Thank god this manga had too many useless cunts already.

Have you forgotten Hangi, Piku and Gabo?

Poor Historia. Even in the fanarts she looks miserable.

>Eren fucked Historia
>Falco loves Gabi
>Armin fapping to Annie


a packing mule
the devil incarnate

And the bad guy could be a faggot. You forgot NS too

It is to show how all the Yeagers glare at people though.

>EHfatty delusions
>Gabi reduced to plot device
>Tranny fapping to a real woman

Is less delusional than your gay shit though

Mikasa deserves it

Sasha died for a reason and it's for Nicolo to be raped into submission for being such a cuck

>EHfatty refuses to acknowledge the passionate love between Eren and Floch
You retards are amazing

I like dead fish eyes that family's got going.

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spoilers when?

Sure, they may not be fan favorites but that doesn't mean they are badly written. In fact, Gabo might end up being one of the most developed characters in the show after sufferboy and the Yaegers

>spoilers soon
I hope Hangi survives ;(

Attached: .beforegoingtotheforestlesscensoredversion.png (682x597, 436K)

We know, Attackonweeb

At least she got to be happy for a little while

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Fuck Eren for ruining this. He should've shut his faggot mouth up.

This is why less and less people take homosexuals less seriously these days. You are worse than homophobes and you just want to dictate people's sexuality.

Yes, sure Zeke wouldn't have said anything, sure Zeke dying would have helped Historia a lot in the future. You are so smart, ErwLmod

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>zeke: can I borrow an arm.manlet?

Attached: manlet lost his right arm.png (233x149, 78K)

Well that sure as fuck ain't Zeke, and judging from his answer to Falco in chapter 100 AM seem to have been placed in the friendzone as well.

Attached: 0100-017.jpg (1067x1600, 523K)

Exactly what happened : Grisha fucking up again.

why is Zeke so useless? did he forget how to run?

>Eren shut his mouth and trusted in the power of friendship
>Marley successfully invaded Paradis
>Historia is now a breeding sow for her enemy instead
I bet you would like it just because Historia would definitely hate cocks after that

Attached: Dy5jIrzU0AAlJw4.jpg (600x847, 65K)

Does it make you feel better to believe that every EH post in these threads is attackonweeb samefagging?

Attached: Dy5jJbcUYAIGp_2.jpg (600x847, 119K)

>EHtranny is mad
This is why you will never take any Chad in the ass.

>Eren shut his mouth and trusted in the power of friendship
>comrade got killed by annie
yeah he learned his lesson and he trusted himself and make decision on his own. I guess eren going rogue because he couldnt trust his friend like those he trusted in the forest

Nice retardation.

EZ talk next volume for sure, r-right bros?

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>Implying she didn't hate cocks after taking farmer's

based quantum eren

Attached: kvJEo.png (1122x763, 247K)

>Retarded Erwinfujo forever seething

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EHfags killed the hype.

I just don't understand why YHwhales are blaming Eren when he is the only one doing something for Historia. Are they even reading the manga anymore?

EHfatties really are seething unfuckeable dudes kek. Maybe you should date the ErwLfujo.

Best faction

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Is the LE/ErwL/YHcancer alliance sperging again.


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>Dogkasa will never get the Alpha's dick

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>Banging on a table = doing something
Average IQ of an EHfatty = 70

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Last (You)

Fuck off

When will they interact again?

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Hisu is a bunny or neko

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Jean and Gabi?

fucking fujos and dykes fuck off to tumblr

Well Historia is Eren's equal, not some prey for fox.

just noticed manlet apologized to Eren probably by Hange's request

Best end

Eren is a MALE MC so his care for Historia is "problematic". In comparison, some of them seem to have no problem shipping her with Mikasa even though she never did a quarter of the shit Eren did for her simply because she has a vagina. Pretty pathetic.

You are right, a neko is more fitting

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When? After the first beating?

>next chapter

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Is he though? We have yet to see what's going on with him

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Never and even if they did it would disappoint

>"Hey bro, do you have any idea about how to solve all of Eldia's problems without the overt usage of violence"
>"No, but i know how to turn all Eldian girls into futas"
>"Are you a virgin by the way?"
>"Oh...that's too bad..."
>"Alright, how about we grim remind everyone for starters and work from there"
>"Sure, i am sure this won't interfere with my top secret keikaku"
>"Your what?"

pretty good

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>Is he though?
Yeah, kinda. His insistance on using Zeke when the guy is literally trying to extinguish the Eldian race clearly betrays his unwillingness to turn to the only other person who could allow him to fully unleash the power of the Founding Titan, even though accepting her sacrifice would've been the safer option for everyone on the island.

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Isayama is such a faggot

>YHfag always triggered

>manlet lost his right arm.png
You need to get your eyes checked


Attached: kek.jpg (33x146, 2K)

His words in that panel still make me doubt it though

Probably because for Eren, Zeke >>>>>> all. Although Eren doesn't know about Zeke's true intentions. He just wakts to destroy shit.

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>Although Eren doesn't know about Zeke's true intentions.
Did you even read Chapter 113? 'We are the only ones who understand', does it ring the bell?

>"Sorry Ereh but again you have to make the choice"
>"Captain please i just found out i ate my father"
>"The choice with no regrets Ereh"
Based captain manlet. I hope Eren kills him with no regrets

Zeke thinks Eren understands him, so clearly one of them is playing the other and I highly doubt it's Zeke.

>LEfujo pretending she hates this
My sides. Hope you never get your shitty drama

I feel like we need a new rundown on the Eren-Hange prison talk. People are misrepresenting it again.

Well the fact remains that Historia is untouchable right now, which aligns with Eren's prior goal of keeping her from harm.

Go for it

>implying implications

Care to explain for the plebeians who didn't get it?

Is this series not about titans and fighting anymore? Might have to give it a shot then.

>Going through all these bullshits
Feeding Zeke to Historia seems a lot easier and doesn't require Eren to kill any Walldian.


So you got me thinking with the 89-107 thing and turns out in both chapter's antepenultimate page there is a sunset with pregnant Historia just like there is a sunset when Grisha says "your wife, your kid"

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>EHfatty so pressed he didn't read the entirety of my post
For all it matters it could be something as vague as "solving Eldia's problems".






When Kruger*

Is Historia or Eren the dominant one in bed?

How the fuck could Eren know and understand Zeke's "solving Eldia's problems" plan without knowing what the plan is?

I'm one of those plebeians because I was never able to squeeze the true meaning from their words but I _feel_ that nobody here gleaned it yet, too.
So I was asking for somebody with a better intellect to make a good explanation.

>EHfatty desperation
Truly a negative IQ we have there


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Because both are retarded to some extent and use the brotherly bond, because it's obvious your minds are connected when you share the same parents. Chapter 83 foreshadowed the "I understand you".

>'Look bro, I want to solve Eldian problems by solving Eldian problems. How's the plan?
>'Good shit bro'
>'Oh, Eren, you're the only one who understands!'

Attached: inbeforeyoudamagecontrolsayingKrugerorGrishaisthefather.png (866x911, 640K)

cute and canon


*Grasps at straws*

>Someone on the street

Eren is using Zeke, he just want him because of his blood. You can see Zeke's punishment will be Eren betraying him

What kind of face is Manlet making?

Not him but that's just mental gymnastics. Zeke's inner monologue was clear as day: he thinks there's no point explaining his true intentions to the likes of Manlet and co, because his brother is the only one who understands them anyway. Except that everything presented in the story so far indicates that Eren would never adhere to Zeke's ideology much less agree to his plan of autogenocide, which means Zeke got fooled at some point.

Sasuga EHfatty. Too retarded for an argument.

Can't wait till "Chadren" gets BTFO so you retards will sperg even more on your own tears and delusions.

>"Zeke SIT" memed into reality
Based Isayama

The trance, he did the same in rts. Some said Ackermans are based on berserkers

Attached: Dylnpx9UUAAxIeh.jpg (1080x1080, 126K)

Krugar, Grisha, and Eren are all the same person. Screen cap this.

Look out, he's gonna call you EHfatty again.

Remember how Armin told to the rock that he doesn't understand Eren anymore?
Should we take that as a hint that he was mistaken when he called Eren a slave?

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I fail to see the link between seeing Eren will betray Zeke and EH kek. Must be a trashfujo

We shojo no kyoujin now

fuck off erehis

Will Eren give Zeke his cloak?

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Will naked Zeke meet naked Falco?

Eren rape Historia

Will naked Zeke an naked Falco fuck?

t. YHfag

why is Levi missing an arm?
I don't get it, when did that happen

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Probably the baiter since his Benji/Allahfag skit is not working anymore

Hans is Manlet's ocean


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He does not, blyat. Look in the shadow under his cloak behind Zeke's back.


What does he deliver? Condoms?

Why would she hate BR and not Pedomin?

You know, there is a saying in my motherland: 'To overfuck oneself in the eyes'.
This is about you guys.

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He was, at leadt when he implied that Eren was a slave to "a piece of shit" (the piece of shit in question probably being none other than Zeke). He might be a slave to his own ideals, but he's not manipulated by anyone.

aha thx

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Its not even that complicated or deep. It's just that Eren was seething inside at the military for not being able to protect Hisotria from becoming a breeding sow so that they can use the founding titan power. Hange was poking a Eren and insinuating that he sacrificed his friends and Historia by attacking Marley because now Marley would attack much faster and they would have to feed Historia the beast titan quicker. Eren got pissed off at that and asked Hange if there was another way. He basically just took his anger out on Hange cause she represented the military higher-ups.

Pretty simple. The only real arguement to be had is from shipfaggots saying he was pissed off at Hange because he loved historia and plotfags saying it's just because he doesn't wanna sacrifice any of his friends Historia included.

Read the manga
>AA boogeyman!
Rent free

AA will never happen anyway

Yes. Eren's natural state now is being shirtless and shoeless

EA will never happen anyway

Of course it won't happen, and?

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>they would have to feed Historia the beast titan quicker
They wouldn't, though (or at least not from Hange's perspective). Whether Zeke came sooner or later to Paradis changes nothing to his set expiration date.

Mind manipulated by memories into having a baby is really the only way for Eren to have one. It'll be proof that he really is a slave to the attacking titan.

>manlet lived

Fucking furries

>plotfags saying it's just because he doesn't wanna sacrifice any of his friends Historia included.
any screenshot with a plotfag saying this? anyway,the whole muh dont want to sacrifice friends thing is bullshit. in liberio, he made mikasa fight the WHT and made jean,connie,sasha fight in the battlefield,which cause sasha life. and pic related too. if he care so much about his friends,he would have try his best to make them stay away from zeke wine. (unless he doesnt know but i highly doubt it since floch knew it,and he isnt on zeke side)

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Im not saying that he doesnt care about his friends, I think that his goal is beyond his friendship.

What sort of retcon was this anyway?


From hange's point of view attacking Marley and bringing Zeke over just hastened Historia's fate. Back then she didnt expect Eren to completely drop the Historia plan and blatantly join a terrorist group to work with Zeke instead.

What retcon? The Liberio raid was the first time he ever forced his friends to fight.

We dont know what's going on in Eren's mind. But, I think he did it because he believes it was absolutely necessary for the survival of Paradis. When Sasha died he started tearing up and hysterically crying just like he did when Hannes died. Obviously he was very broken up inside by Sasha's death

He never had a problem with his friends who are also his comrades, fighting.

that because it was him who ordered it. this time it was his plan not by erwin,manlet or hange. and you know how death affect those individuals

Jean says he never wanted Am to fight, but it's bollocks. Doesn't matter who gave the order, in the past they were comrades and did shit together, it was never a problem.

That ain't the same thing. Here he dragged them into a fight he decided to pick with the rest of the world all by himself, and without consulting anyone beforehand. He knew the SC couldn't afford to lose him so they would have to join regardless of their relunctance to raid a city and cause multiple civilian deaths in the process. He willingly and consciously put their lives at risk for his goal, and one of them died.

>it was absolutely necessary for the survival of Paradis.
that would have been truth until historia got in the equation. Through his father and kruger memories about the warrior program, through his experience with the warrior destroying the wall, through kruger memories about the marleyan goverment ,he knew that they will attack again,but in pic related he kept the most important information that is needed for the survival of paradis until an alternative come around ( zeke) and then rejected it immediately after learning about thee 50 years breeding plan that would have "save" paradis,and goes off and risk himself in enemy land and if he lost the FT to marley,its gg for paradis. all of this shouldnt have happen if he just turn historia into a titan (he can use her as a mindless titan)

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But it is the same thing, they literally always fought together. What Jean is talking about it's not that he forced everyone's hand, but that he kept AM away from the battlefield which he literally never did. They were always a team.

Iirc Eren didn't even want Mikasa and Armin to join the SC back in the day.

Attached: 0003-017.jpg (1066x1600, 298K)

Back in the day, they all moved on from that don't you remember RtS and how they all fought together and the mong literally died?

You're correct. He doesn't wanna sacrifice historia he said it himself. But maybe it's more that he wanted to trade the certainty that Historia would be sacrificed for the possibility that someone like Sasha would be sacrificed. Only one person from the 104th died in the Liberio raid and if gabi was caught it could have easily been prevented. So it's not like he 100% knew he was going to sacrifice one of his friends.

Too bad shipperfags will call you a shipperfag

i think jean said that eren was intentionally brought both mikasa and armin into the battlefield which is different from the past (they were ordered). imagine fighting a monster. one of scenario are you and your friends being ordered to fight the monster that might kill you and now imagine a second scenario where you ordered your friends to fight the monster which might cause their death. the second scenario is difference because in the second scenario ,you are directly responsible for your friends death.

Yeah, I do remember how Armin had to lie to Eren about his chances of survival.

Why are you retards debating this when Zeke is in one piece and there's a dissolving titan? This is clearly before the blast.

>it's not like he 100% knew he was going to sacrifice one of his friends.
except that he should have known already through his experience with the survey corps. every mission he went on, death is everywhere. from annie to bert nuke to zeke baseball throw. people always died on the mission.

I have been doing this since chapter 106,and I have been called a shipperfag far too many that my brain no longer get triggered when someone called me a shipperfag.

well at least I have high tolerance for it

This desu. All the bullshit he's done since he went rogue and is still doing in the present would be unnecessary if he was willing to make that one sacrifice. But he didn't, not when he was 16, no when he was 17, not even now that he's 19 either and the world is attacking while his country is falling apart.

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Very reasonable argument and I can't actually counter. You win, user. Maybe EHfaggots are on to something.

Those people are fucking hypocrites, they are shipperwhales in disguise, like if it were our fault what Isayama is doing with the manga