There are your waitresses for today. What's your order?

Attached: D0jgSy7WkAAkkw1.jpg (800x450, 133K)

Other urls found in this thread:

one sweet gay choco please!

Attached: 154843988060.jpg (890x1259, 424K)

Ass and lots of it.

Attached: 3be8acaea2d6f171e32e551d87d2d92b.jpg (3508x2480, 2.42M)

A better third act

Can I have some ramen, ohayougozaimas

An omelette with a heart on it and a cup of coffee. Also a picture with your cutest maid please

But which one is the cutest

Yuuta’s girlfriend, Rikka.

Dunno, I prefer Utsumi's girlfriend Hass

Attached: x4 (1).png (840x1200, 444K)

Imagine waking up and the very first thought that comes into your head is "yeah, I'm going to shit up and ruin gridman threads by posting the exact same nonsense that I've been posting for six years!" You have actual mental retardation, and there is something really, really wrong with you. You literally can't accept that "replying" doesn't mean "mad". Because you need to think you're an "epic troll" and that you can get an emotional reaction out of anyone if you want.

one sniff of akane's armpits please

Attached: god.jpg (1280x720, 520K)

You pick, but please not the one with red hair

Attached: 5D538109-BAD8-4BA6-8987-CFD8CEC2220E.png (655x926, 529K)

Hi Ack

You're literally not even trying to hide the fact you are posting garbage like this on purpose with the sole intention of trying to "trigger" people. And of course, that it's always you and never anyone else.

Okay, please enjoy green haired one

Attached: 71827114_p0.png (3541x4200, 775K)

My friend Akane.

Dick in Akane and last word.

You trying so hard and you begging people to get mad only make you pathetic, it doesn't make other people mad.

Attached: 73300781_p0.png (499x566, 204K)


Makes you mad though. I think he just wants you mad. But I don't think he exists either.

Namiko, duh.
I wanted her to have more screentime though...

I order a Rikka fixed vibe service game. If she cums or pisses herself in the next hour I get a thigh job from her at a nearby Italian restaurant, in public named Fregoli's.

Best mommy.

Attached: 73446740_p0.jpg (767x1086, 452K)

No, you just keep saying you're making people mad. That's very different than actually doing it.
You literally can't accept reality, because if you accept that you've never once made anyone mad in the six years you've been on this site trying to "troll" then you'd literally just end up killing yourself.

You're not even close to as smart as you think you are. And you are the one who thinks everyone is the same person, because you can't cope with reality and accept that no one wants you ruining threads.

Attached: 73421581_p0.jpg (1501x2048, 211K)

Taking pictures of myself getting Cowgirl service from Maid Akane. Feeling her bounce on me and the sensation of her buxom pressed against me. Telling her 'I always wanted to fuck a dyke.'

That's some really fucked up anatomy

ill get uhhhhhhh big mac and ummmm 2l coke

I order fuck Rikka from behind while she tries to post on a imageboard. Will she start telling everyone how good my dick feels?

What are their gimmicks?

Imagine actually caring this much about trying to pretend you're an "epic troll" over the internet, to the point where you literally ruin your own life to try and achieve it, and you still fail anyway.

How are you going to afford it considering you spend literally every waking second on your life on Yea Forums trying to attack people, and you have no actual job.

Dunno but right one looks like she is diseased. Who allowed her to work today?

I see you're getting back your ERP furfag mentality.

Attached: 1452068574592.png (1920x1080, 313K)

Nah, she's just hiding a secret.

Attached: 1542018380036.jpg (800x450, 57K)

You sure seem very mad.

Nope, you just think that for two reason.
1. You want it to be true, because you want to think you're an "epic troll".
2. You are autistic and can't actually read social cues.

Attached: 73436536_p0.jpg (972x1296, 643K)

Ah so you admit Rikka is a prostitute.

No, she's my concubine.

No, I didn't admit anything. You have a really hard time understanding basic logic and conversation. All I did was point out how you're pathetic.

So what are you? Just self moderating and replying to me to fulfill your own sense of justice?

Trying to get you to stop ruining threads entirely on purpose, so people can talk about the show in peace, and ever get around to doing things like translating side content and interviews.

Trying to have good threads by telling off shitposters is a very normal and common thing.

You pointed out I couldn't afford her I wrote about getting sexual services from her meaning you admit Rikka is like that in the first place.

Fair enough.
Just so you know, I'm not the guy you normally tell off. I'm was just genuinely wondering why you do this every thread. Thanks for an explaination so I don't think you're crazy, and thanks for trying to keep the threads clean.
Maybe you should apply to be a janitor?

This guy is just as naive as the 8/u/ board owner.

No, all that post implies is that you can't afford anything at all, because you're poor, due to spending every single waking second of your life trying to harass people on Yea Forums.

It's always funny how you try to pretend that your shit board is actually important or something.
It's also funny how you try so hard to pretend you're not the problem, and you never actually address anything said to you.

Liver with flava beans and a nice Chianti

He isn't you retard. He just hates any het pairing because he's an autistic yurifag

So I cannot afford sexual services from Rikka. Guys how much does she charge? Do I get a discount if I'm Yuuta?

Attached: 1545617623158.png (1280x1198, 1.37M)

You can get a discount on butt stuff.

Attached: e1fb5e3ce1276cd4d7b0d9783a3869e4.jpg (772x1080, 91K)

Not any. He couldn't care less about het in OP. He really has it out for YuutaRikka as he considers it crack compared to his favourite ship AkaneRikka.

Also he loses his shit if a lesbian character is depicted getting dicked.

I'd prefer to stay that way, thank you. Ignorance is bliss after all.
But enough talk. Have a Namiko!

Attached: 1540907587195.jpg (1446x1757, 209K)

>no meido Yuuta

Not only rikka. I said "I want a paizuri from akane" once and he went crazy with his usual shit

There is no "het" in the OP you stupid fucking retard.
This has nothing to do with "het". It has everything to with you attacking people.

Want to know something obvious? For the first four weeks this show was airing before you started going over the top insane, people were posting Yuta and Rikka with no issue. Then you started clearly posting it to try and "trigger" people, and of course, you then tried really hard to push your "fan base war" between "het" and yuri. And that's what people take issue with. You shitting up the thread by trying to "troll".

You understand nothing about people, and you refuse to accept reality, because you can't cope with the fact you're a failure at literally everything you do.

I would cum in her mask and let her smell my dried semen all day

No, you're just a newfag who's just validated one of the worst posters in Yea Forums history. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Attached: 1551384978408.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Stop replying to yourself, stop ruining threads, just stop everything, even your breathing.

The problem is you attacking people. You said "durrr i want tit job from akane lol xd" to try and "trigger" people, that's why you were told off, because you were trying to "troll", not because you made anyone mad.

If you want that, just say the word.
Have two, in fact.

Attached: 72386447_p0.png (1505x2125, 1.54M)

How does that trigger anyone but you? Serious question.

I'm no newfag dude, I just haven't really lurked Gridman threads since it ended.

Sure is odd how the board was fine with telling off shitposter for ten fucking years before you showed up. Now suddenly (only in these threads) telling off a shitpost who's trying to attack people is suddenly considered "being the worst".

You of course will never acknowledge this.

I wonder if Rikka ploughs his ass.

Rikkas body was engineered to bear offspring

Most likely.

Leave user. Go to /m/ where you can actually discuss this show.

Akane's too.

Attached: 73369910_p0.jpg (3866x5243, 1.56M)

Yeah right, this shit happened way before Gridman ended. Oh look this thread is ruined yet again, thanks a lot you fucking groupie asshole.

And I wonder who ruined it through autistic shitposting.

Stfu retard, I just like akane and utsumi and when I post some artwork you start acting schizophrenic again. You clearly are the one ruining this thread. Just fuck off

It doesn't "trigger" anyone, you fucking illiterate retard. That's the whole point. That you are trying SO FUCKING HARD to "trigger" people, and that's what makes your posts insanely bad.

Attached: butthurt.png (252x347, 28K)

Still waiting for this to happen

Attached: 1550989923693.jpg (1280x2195, 620K)

>three of the posts happen within the same minute
>two of them within the same ten seconds
>but it's one guy trying to trigger people

Stop arguing

Attached: Cube.jpg (256x256, 10K)

>xddd durrr i said "stfu" that makes me look liek different POSTING STYLE!
>I just like akane and utsumi
First off, you're wrong for liking shipping cancer.
Secondly, you haven't even watched this series, you posting it to TRY and "trigger" people.

You literally can't stop yourself from misusing this word.
You are the only one who ruins these threads.

That piece of shit should lurk two years, I can't believe he went and fed you know who's savior complex.

>please!!!! im getting you!!! think that im more than one person!!! i put alot of effort into posting with multiple devices so you have to think im more than one person!!!
>reeee u have 2 b mad!!!
Imagine your life being this pathetic.

Stop trying to make me want to fuck Yuta.
It's working.

How can you possibly spend so much time getting so angry on an imageboard?

Oh god, your brand of insanity is even endearing.

Why are you replying to yourself?
Why are you trying to pretend you're not the problem here?
Why do you try to pretend people can't easily tell who you are?

>You're wrong for liking shipping cancer
Kys fag I can ship and post whoever I want. You can't stop me

who are you quoting, faggot?
got ducked in the ass too hard this time?
even more than rikka got railed by yuta?

Attached: buttflustered.png (1280x720, 1.28M)

>if i just keep saying over and over that you're mad you have to be mad!!!!!! reeee!!!
This is how pathetic you are. You literally fail at everything, so you just have to keep repeating that you're not to try and cope.

You are the one constantly posting short mindless shitposting from multiple devices because you're obsessed with trying to pretend you're more than one person.


>xdd lol i said kys so that change me epic posting style lol!!!
No, it doesn't. And it's still obvious who you are.

Shhh, Rikka is sleeping.

Attached: 73169399_p1.jpg (900x1200, 775K)

Can I sleep with her?
I need sleep.

>mentally ill yurifag wants to imply THIS isn't made to be fucked

I can r word her while shes sleeping

Attached: KizunaPogchamp.png (128x128, 19K)

who are you quoting, faggot?
got ducked in the ass too hard this time?
even more than rikka got railed by yuta?

Attached: 1549991427396.png (824x720, 348K)

It's always sad watching you try to call other people mentally ill when you're the one spending literally every single second of your life trying to harass people over Yea Forums.

>harass people
Harass who?

>xddd lol epic who r u quoting meme!! i so epic!
No, you're not.

You know what's so fucking funny? How you actually have a literal mental block on the word "trying".
Look at how you literally refuse to see the word "trying". Because you don't want accept that you are trying and failing. You are not actually harassing or "triggering" anyone. You TRYING and FAILING to.

who are you quoting, faggot?
got ducked in the ass too hard this time?
even more than rikka got railed by yuta?

Attached: 1544078493092.gif (416x234, 2.72M)

2 retarded 4channelers arguing for no reason

Attached: Elf.png (182x149, 35K)

>xdd lol i epic i keep saying the same thing over and over!

No reason? How is him ruining literally every single thread ever for a season not a reason to try and rail against him to get him to stop?

Hey, I have a legit reason, I'm killing some time at work.

Do you actually think giving him all this attention will get him to stop?

>please!!! think i have a job!!! think i don't have nothing at all im my life!!! please believe my lies!!!!

Is ACK always awake or do our time zones just align? I swear he's in every Gridman thread I've seen for the last few months.

Oh yes.

You are the one who are 24/7 in these threads.

Paypal me some money, I wanna buy some manga
what does he do?

Attached: RemDance.gif (148x300, 175K)

It has literally nothing to do with attention. He's not mentally stable and he will act this way whether someone replies to him or not.

"ack" does not and will not ever exist. You are literally fucking insane and extremely mentally ill.

According to the guy
>posting Yuta/Rikka stuff is meant to trigger people and is shitposting

If he's going to act this way regardless, what are you even trying to achieve?

Nah, there are many people who want good threads, and you're the one who ruins threads. So there are many people who tell you off.

Just look at this thread.

Not just yuuta and rikka. He's against me posting pics of akane and utsumi

Why would the best ship trigger anyone

Attached: CowGirlHmm.jpg (281x354, 42K)

There was one the other day where he didn't show up and do you know what happened? Instead of actually using the opportunity to talk about the show for once everyone begged him to come back. Some even admitted that they don't even watch Gridman and are just here to poke the crazy person.

I just don't think it's even worth it at this point, Gridman threads are irreparable.

Attached: 1551000826907.png (1280x720, 594K)

What part of
>mentally ill /u/shitter
escapes you? It's just redundant.

Rubbing dick al over Rikka's face.

>still has a mental block on the word trying
>still trying to pretend he's more than one person
You, specifically, posting it, with your same garbage posts every single thread and the same images every single thread is you TRYING to "trigger" people. And that in and of itself makes your posts bad.

A miracle.


Attached: yucky.jpg (680x680, 85K)

Five more posts by you, actually try to pretend you're not the one who's mentally ill.
And literally all of them are you replying to yourself.

There is no "everyone" you are literally the only person who thinks your boogieman is real.

Why do you reply to yourself so much and try to pretend your "epic flame war" is actually a thing when everyone knows it's not.

Maybe if you weren't rushing to make so many posts you wouldn't look so retarded.

who are you quoting, faggot?
got ducked in the ass too hard this time?
even more than rikka got railed by yuta?

Attached: 1546822050014.gif (499x654, 1.44M)

You're so pathetic.

I'm not flaming anyone, I just said "/u/fags"

Attached: Yuckii.png (680x680, 339K)

is that allmight?

Yes, you are trying to pretend there is some kind of "flame war" between "het" and yuri, and it just makes you stand out like a massive retard.

So explain why posting Yuta/Rikka pics is triggering.

My dick between your thighs would be a good start.

I posted 2 things? I'm the not guy whos at work or Akdem or whatever his name is

who are you quoting, faggot?
got ducked in the ass too hard this time?
even more than rikka got railed by yuta?


You are one with the rest of the thread now, it won't matter to him.

Holy shit, your life is just such a joke.
Read You just get proven wrong over and over again and you brain literally blocks it out.

>I posted 2 things?
Prove it, oh wait, you can't. You are the only person in this world who tries to lie like this over the internet.

Please explain why posting Yuta/Rikka pics is something with the intention of trying to trigger people.
Happy now?

Yeah no shit, this guy is the most reliable way to get (you)s since the time neptunia first dropped on steam. Not even tumblrtards are this easy to trigger or react with this level of consistency.

>29 posters
>139 replies

Now this is a shit storm.

Are you brain dead?
Intentions is based on what you think. If you think posting something will "trigger" people and you post it for that purpose, your intention is to try and "trigger" people, thus making your post bad. You literally don't even try to hide it, just look at Why did you just reply to yourself? Everyone knows it's just you that's obsessed with this, and how you're the only one trying to 'trigger' people.

>29 posters
It's just him and the guy arguing according to him.

>If you think posting something will "trigger" people and you post it for that purpose, your intention is to try and "trigger" people,
So that means if I like Yuta/Rikka and post it with the intention of sharing something I like, it's not trying to trigger someting and I can post it, correct?

It always goes the same way. He spams the thread by himself for a few hours SCREECHING how he "triggers" people and is an "epic troll". He tires himself out, the thread dies and falls off the board.

This is one of the many, many reasons why it's so obvious who you are. Because you REFUSE to stop spamming your blatant logical errors. Accusing your posts of samefagging is in no way claiming that everyone in the thread is you.

There are obviously other people in the thread, people who want to talk about the series, and tried to, then couldn't because you shit up the thread and started spamming it with garbage.

Nah, because it's shipping cancer, and shipping cancer is off topic low quality garbage, thus not relevant to the board.

Either way, you're the only one who posts it. You, the only person in the world so stupid you don't understand something as simple as intentions.

Attached: 1485035685127.png (1466x1236, 870K)

>shipping cancer
So go complain in the countless shipping cancer threads that flood the board instead?
People like couples and romance, that's why we still have OTP threads from time to time.

OTP threads are usually people posting actual couples from anime and manga, no shipping cancer with zero bases in the shows the characters come from.

I actually posted more than 2 things hua hua hua

Attached: ScuffedPosts.png (1888x912, 361K)

>zero bases in the shows the characters come from.
Except for the fact that Yuta is canonically into Rikka and, while ambiguous, it's probable that she likes him back to a degree as implied by the last episode.
So, in the end, it's just you hating on the pairing and the only person getting triggered.

So Kusanagi can make up his own rules (shipping being bad), but Troid can't? What a hypocrite you are.

I shouldn't of posted that, it looks fucking retarded

Attached: tfw.png (128x128, 15K)

fuck you then

Attached: WeebRage.png (401x396, 190K)

Your posts making up half the thread is textbook triggered, dude.

who are you quoting, faggot?
got ducked in the ass too hard this time?
even more than rikka got railed by yuta?

Attached: 1537200221457.gif (637x359, 1.58M)

Mods nuke the thread please

>Shipping cancer which is not actually based on anything is off topic, as it's based on the poster's fetishes, not an anime or manga.
That is just your opinion and has never actually been a thing on Yea Forums. If you weren't a 2013 newfag, you'd know this.

You forgot to fail at quoting

Attached: 1536570401906.gif (500x357, 2.9M)

Imagine claiming to be a rulefag while continuously breaking global rule #9, what a hypocrite.

who are you quoting, faggot?
got ducked in the ass too hard this time?
even more than rikka got railed by yuta?

And 10, don't forget 10.

14 as well.

Can't be worse than claiming everyone that you think is attacking you is a samefag while you pretend to be thousands of anonymous posters. Now that I think about it, ack wouldn't last a day on old Yea Forums or even Yea Forums considering how easily offended he is.

We would have had an entertaining live suicide.

You forgot to fail at quoting

Attached: 1534492554965.gif (720x480, 126K)

>The mod banning people isn't actually enforcing the rules, so why cares about ban evading.
You can't prove that is still happening just like you can't prove that Troid is still a mod. That image you made about Troid 4 years ago WAS proof, but it's 2019 and you still post images trying to prove things that happened in 2015.

It's the standard /u/ approach. They seem to think the rules of /u/ should apply to every board and try to enforce it by browbeating everyone else. Happens all the time.

The posting styles are even so similar that I swear they host some kind of seminar on this.

You forgot to fail at quoting

Attached: 1542735907285.gif (500x281, 1013K)

who are you quoting, faggot?
got ducked in the ass too hard this time?
even more than rikka got railed by yuta?

Now youre replying to yourself because you got confused, newfriend?

like a casted mold, made to receive yuta dick

Hug me like Yuuta hugged you, Rikka.

Attached: __hibiki_yuuta_and_takarada_rikka_ssss_gridman_drawn_by_komugi_komugi_ckdi__3fc166aafe07448d6fb35e80 (1357x878, 84K)

Nice and comfy Gridman thread

Attached: DyifWeUV4AETZsF.jpg (858x1305, 135K)

Tell me about Hass. Why does she wear the mask?

Nothing like deleting every single retarded post, based jannie.

Fashion statement, apparently.

Jesus Christ

This is hot

She is sick and doesn't want to spread germs

Attached: DvE9s63UUAAbnca.jpg (1460x2048, 307K)

She is a streamer

Attached: 1543221503065.jpg (1062x1505, 268K)

She does it to cater to my fetishes

Attached: 71743034_p0.jpg (657x900, 261K)

who are you quoting, faggot?
got ducked in the ass too hard this time?
even more than rikka got railed by yuta?

Naughty streamer.

Very naughty

Attached: XAV9uM6aqbE.jpg (761x1106, 239K)

>Troid is stalking the thread
>is watching it himself, not even looking at the report queue
>won't actually delete ban evading from the person who's trying to ruin the thread
>actually goes out of his way to ban evading with no active posts who are only reporting
It's just so fucking insane. Troid literally refuses to actually enforce the rules.

>posts in thread get deleted
>INSTANTLY starts trying extremely hard to "bait"
And you seriously try to pretend you're not the one causing problems.

Hey look, as usual, he's 30% of the thread all by himself. It's sad how it always turns out like this, and how the mod will never actually delete all of his posts. He just lets him ruin threads as much he wants, and even ban evade as much as he wants.

The one making retarded posts here is you. And as always, you're the biggest problem in these threads as you're the one trying to ruin them.

who are you quoting, faggot?
got ducked in the ass too hard this time?
even more than rikka got railed by yuta?

Why do you think repeating yourself constantly makes you look smart?

You forgot to fail at quoting

Attached: 1536659383230.gif (112x112, 128K)

It's actually fucking insane how autistic you are.

Damn son.

You forgot to fail at quoting

Attached: 1536320866460.gif (277x400, 116K)

What the fuck is wrong with you?
And yes, it's obvious both these posts are yours.

You forgot to fail at quoting

Attached: 1539456194390.gif (600x342, 2.33M)

You will never be the "epic troll" you think you are.

You forgot to fail at quoting
OG Gridman will getting a re-run after 26 years, starting on 3/12 in Tokyo MX.

Attached: Hetero Gridman.jpg (1920x1080, 215K)

Attached: 477705a54f474e4e33c4c62d310462ad.png (1500x1800, 1.18M)

It's really fucking nice how it actually helped the franchise instead of falling into oblivion.
I want a s2.

You forgot to stop breathing.

You forgot to fail at quoting

Attached: 1536586476956.gif (498x280, 539K)

she phat!

You forgot to fail at quoting

Attached: 1551436829631.gif (406x202, 3.42M)

Attached: DvMHFEOVsAA_Vj6.jpg (1150x2048, 341K)

Just because you don't like it doesn't make it bait.

Oh my god what I wouldn't give to have my head between those magnificent thighs.

It's not bait at all, it's failed bait, because you're too stupid to trick anyone into thinking it's not bait.

>insane autistic shitposter literally keeps spamming the exact same thing over and over
>not deleted
I'm glad the rules are enforced so well.

>posts in thread get deleted
>INSTANTLY starts trying extremely hard to "bait"
And you seriously try to pretend you're not the one causing problems.

Hey look, as usual, he's 30% of the thread all by himself. It's sad how it always turns out like this, and how the mod will never actually delete all of his posts. He just lets him ruin threads as much he wants, and even ban evade as much as he wants.

Attached: c326f5ddd5a79d71003f286c73ab8af6.png (1378x2039, 1.11M)

who are you quoting, faggot?
got ducked in the ass too hard this time?
even more than rikka got railed by yuta?

>plz think i epic troll!!!! epic trololo!!!!!!