Akanesasu Shoujo

I miss Chikuwasuka so bad bros. I still watch that kino finale every now and then.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Asuka best girl forever.
Such a shame it wasn’t more popular.

me too

She's still here, just on another fragment

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this show was based

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KYLIE in a bikini when?
Nice friendly hug.

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I just started listening to Grab My Hand. The OST for this show was really good. I hope the next shitty all girls mobage ad is just as good.

ED of the season for sure. youtube.com/watch?v=SncVszAGaYY
The OP was good too, but Yagate Kimi ni Naru's was better.

>the next shitty all girls mobage ad
You mean like

From 1 to 10, what are the chances of a S2?

I marathoned it last month.
I genuinely regret not watching it with Yea Forums back when it aired.

>Learn to forgive yourself
That got me.
Did the mobage explained why was Ero Yuu "training" the group?

If I recall, the game closed after a month and the sales were pitiful. A college life or graduation OVA would be great, but unfortunately it's likely never happening.

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Kotobuki is actually pretty good. I'm not really expecting anything from it though.

Ero Yuu just wanted to spend time with Asuka to forget her own loneliness at losing her Asuka. Its was pretty mu8ch just a prank except the last few episodes where she pushed Yuu forward because she didn't want her to regret not reaching out and confessing her true feelings while she still had the chance.

So basically she found a fragment where an Asuka and her group were dicking around with parallel world hopping and decided to push them out of boredom?
That's... fucked up. She could get them killed.

She should bang the serious Asuka (assuming she's alive and the miso thief isn't someone else).

there were so may great moments

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ED is very generic. Im sure there are better ones like Gob Slayer's ed

0/bc season one was massively pirated.

Suck the barrel user.

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Wow I miss this show. Girly Air Force is holding me over this season along with My roommate is a cat.

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-10, both the anime and the mobage were catastrophic flops and the mobage ended service about a month after the anime ended.
That being said, I think that the final episode ended things in a satisfactory way.

It was really nice show and I'm glad that it was made

Attached: Reimu activating Fantasy Heaven.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

>somebody actually saved my webm

I loved the filename, so I had to save it

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That's disheartening

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It's slightly worrying that most of the anime I've enjoyed in the past year has been mobageshit

Don't worry. At least you can play the mobage and see the story continue :^)

I miss Chloe the most, dammit. She's everything to love.

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I feel the complete opposite. I thought Akanesasu's OP was great and ED was just decent. YagaKimi's OP was whatever but ED was amazing.

Unironically one of the best shows from last year.

>flew completely under the radar everywhere except here


Did you play the game? What was the story in it about?

>we will never celebrate Christmas with these dorks ever again

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We still have the game bro

It was so silly and funny, I hope we get more shows like it in the future.

"Orange and backlight" song from ED single release is very very good too, check it out.

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My favorite show of its season and one of the best of its year.

Seriousuka is for loving selfcest only.

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>that random talking teddy bear
Still gets me.

Nice Mondays.
This season I'm watching Pastel Memories, but it's not as good.

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It is, but at least we'll always have the anime

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So what's the Akanesasu Shoujo of this season?
Kotobuki? (MCs are pretty much the same character, mobage adaptation, a bit of isekai)
Spec-Ops Asuka? (MCs have the same name and PTSD)
Egao no Daika? (anniversary commemorative anime, close to worst selling show of its season)

I'm still sad this show doesn't have an artbook yet. The /fa/ levels are at least worth some good money.

There's some kind of booklet coming with the BDs, not sure exactly what it contains but I'll post pics when it arrives

Kaguya sama, MC has the same ribbon.

It's obvious that anime is just another fragment.

Pastel Memories has the jumping between worlds gimmick and hardly anyone watching it. But it's also bad. Except the ED.

Merci, user.
I was thinking about getting the set as well, even if it won't lead to S2 being produced.

I really miss Asuka's show. If the BDs ever get ripped, we should have a rewatch.

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I'm up.

Kotobuki for sure because of the cast similarities. Asuka and KYRIE are both black haired genki girls with an obsession for a certain food item. Although Asuka was secretly sad inside and KYRIE is a fucking lunatic.

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PasuMemo is great in the same way as shows like Akiba's Trip or Animegataris.

Akiba's trip was good, but animegataris as far as I watched it was nothing but haha anime references lol

God, I miss this stupid show so much

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I'm really glad to have seen this show with Yea Forums while it was airing

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PlaMemo isn't good. They don' even do much with the references. Like the GochiUsa one was just reproducing some scenes but with eels. It mostly just uses them as a setting for the virus fights, and hose are pretty poor.
DQ one was good because it didn't do that.

Speaking of going to other worlds and unpopular stuff, grimms notes is pretty fun as well. If you don't mind some male characters that is

Ace Combat Fragment when


This anime had no business being so good. What the fuck happened lads? Literally didn't even expect anything after episode 3. Almost makes me feel proud being one of the few people that watched this gem.

The ending was seriously the most cathartic thing I've watched all 2018 after Aquarion Logos which I only watched that year

The ending was really good.

Watched hundreds upon hundreds of anime and I'd be hard-pressed to name 10 anime with as satisfying of an ending.

Honest-to-god truth, the final AKANESASU WARE, IDE YO almost made me cream.

>literally no one outside Yea Forums watched it
>instant cult classic status
Is this, dare I say it, the Alien 9 of our time?

No justice for clown pants and the random talking bear. This attire is where Chloe shines.

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Don't worry, she has lots of lovey dovey sex with her new girlfriend in college.

>Yuu just admiring the view

Can you blame her?

With a Chikuwa?

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Thats not a very nice way to talk about Yuu. She can't help it Asuka wants her to dress up as a Chikawa.

>it's okay
>as long as tomorrow eventually becomes today
>kyo-chan will be with us
I almost fucking cried.

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Chikuwabros, come over to the thread on /u/, it's really comfy and a kind user is translating the 4koma.

CGI is the cancer killing anime, Im glad this shit flopped

The plot took some actually surprising turns and the overall message was kind of profound. I thought it seemed obvious that her little brother would be the king of twilight and they'd fight him in some cheesy climax, but nope. It just blew everyone's expectations away.

No thanks, I'll rather hang out with my fellow yurif/a/gs itt.

>an akanesasu thread
>with ~100 posts

what the fuck is happening

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Was my AOTS. Looked forward to it every week. It was a shame that it wasn't more popular, but talking about it with Yea Forums was fun.

I miss her so much

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One of the most beautiful character designs out there. Simple yet striking. I hope she got her own Yuu.


She got the best Yuu of them all

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In my headcanon Ero Yuu ended with Lolisuka

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Mia was my favorite

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You mean the BD singular.

I’m actually glad that y’all weirdos kept invading the Kotobuki threads, because it compelled me to check out this show just to see what all the chikuwankery was about.
It turned out to be a real hidden gem that I wish I’d been around to watch with Yea Forums.

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Just chiming in to say I agree, this was an excellent, very underrated show and Asuka's butt and boobs are very nice.

Based Acesuka poster

>mechanical horse that transforms into a giant revolver
Everything about Mia was so over the top and fun. I had her pinned as the boring moeblob early on but she proved me wrong pretty hard.

This. As much as I liked pretty much every other aspect of this show, CGI is unforgivable. By flopping hard, this show made a sacrifice of itself to delay the advent of CGI, if by mere seconds.

What are we gonna do for this spring akanesasu/kotobuki posters

Please don't compare akanesasu to trash like kotobuki.

Not that much interesting stuff next season, at least I'll be watching million arthur s2

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What happened to her brother?

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Kotobuki is alright but it suffers greatly from lack of both plot and character development. The girls' interactions are fun, but few and far between and I don't care for the dogfights most of the time. Acesuka is a great character with too little screen time. On the other hand I like the CGI in Kotobuki more. It's cute and less jarring than the CGI models in Akanesasu.

A shame, for with a competent writers it could have been a good anime.

I want to fuck pilot Piruluk.


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That show is actually getting a S2? How? I watched 2 episodes cause there were like 1 or 2 people shilling it constantly on Yea Forums but it was so boring

Kotobuki is not bad. Girls are cute and all, but it doesn't have much going for it. There is some political intrigue plot, but it's been pretty low key and hard to care about so far.
I guess you need plane autism to really appreciate the show since it is 70% dogfights.

Probably Asuka due to the edge, though Egao is close.

If by >what happened you mean why didn't it get the attention it deserved, probably the show having basically zero advertising, the mobage being super jewish and having a weak and somewhat confusing first few episodes.

It's perfectly clear to me why no one watched it. It's just that kind of show which does not appeal to the lowest common denominator. Of course no advertising didn't help, but it wouldn't make a difference.
>what happened
By that I meant to convey just how surprisingly good it was.

It's about 50-60% dogfights, depends on episode.

I want to protect this smile.

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what the fuck why is she smiling

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Because she has friends.

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This is the closest thing we’ve seen to a smile out of Chloetobuki.

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Is the offline mobage fun?

Pre-episode 6 Chloe tends to let out a smile every once in a while.

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>obsessed with her favorite food
>surrounded by girlfriends
>canonically isekai
kotobuki is set in akanesasu verse

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Just started watching this, it's nice, missed it last season but my whole attention was fixated on Zombieland Saga during that time and I tend to ignore other shows when that happens.


Feel bad for you guys missing the chance to watch this with the rest of us, but it's a wild ride regardless. Enjoy.

Maybe Cinderella Nine.
And how did I miss that there's going to be a Slice-of-Life Witches?

I'm building a crystal radio, any advice?

Or you could always go to THAT place m/8/

Don't forget to use the Chrono Cross.

>have a legit yuri
>at the end of the story

Just play her game!
Oh wait

I have the game's music.

Not even close, even though all of them are references.anime, pastel is pretty weak in that regard, also the cast is too big for its own making almost all girls just generic boring archetypes.

For me, is seriouska

Retardasuka all the way.

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There is a TL for the Prologue (more never).

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So, who is the best girl?

This show forgot it was supposed to have male characters tbqh

Reimu, naturally.

Nothing is stopping you from playing the game, final update turned it into offline version.

>No justice for clown pants and the random talking bear.
Game version is a bit more dignified. The bear is still there though.

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>random talking bear
She's the one who enjoys being alone so it makes sense for her Equalizer form to have a companion.

why is this outfit so erotic god damn

I would just rather the suit be a Jellyfish AI or something instead of the bear, considering the computer dome. I like the aviator look here much better too.

>Not liking the bear
Sharing the board with faggots like you is unbearable.


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I miss this show. Went from no expectations, to rick and morty one shots mixed with typical character developments (one) per episode, to contrived "the brother has to be the bad guy", to mahou shoujo + tokusats/u/, to final episodes of cathartic Eva.

I want to actually try chikuwa.

This moment was beautiful and tied in very nicely with he OP. The whole sky became Asuka's wings, now free from guilt and capable of facing he world and live according to her own dreams instead of retreating in a cheery facade.

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>akanesasu shoujo

I miss baka Reimu too

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Cute dork
Hate to use the term, but this was fucking Kino.

Because Banchou is a cute dork

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I don't think there's a lack of plot unless you need some exposition dump to tell you the plot.

What plot? Every episode is literally just cute girls dogfighting bunch of suicidally incompetent pirates, with the occasional episodic mini-plot. There's zero overarching plot, which is not necessarily bad, but the episodic adventures are not very interesting and, while the SoL aspect is fun, there's just too little of it. I'm gonna say it - the dogfighting is repetitive, boring shit with no stakes whatsoever.

>There's zero overarching plot
Serious brainlet problems

You mean was, it's already dead.

Good argument, you fucking retard. If you can't say anything of substance - shut the fuck up.

I'm not arguing because you are wrong and not worth arguing with. I'm telling you you're retarded.


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You can learn something, there's hope for you yet.

You got that backward actually.

I say Asuka because it's fun despite not being popular + there's the yuri factor. Also Asuka.

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Pastel Memories is the only one similar.

Mia is STRONG.

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I asked about the offline version of it.

They're even in the same positions, pH my god.
The straight laced mature one, the sexy feminine one, Asuka, the bitchy gal, and the autistic one, in the same order.

What can you do in the offline version and what is it that you could do previously and can't now? Apart from investing money.

Have purple Reimu instead.

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I hope the "5 girls kick ass" becomes a regular pattern. I will watch every single one.

You can play the missions and you can also read 8 chapters of the story (offline version had 5). Also you can read substories and listen to bgm.There's no gacha or leveling up/upgrading left.

She ruined the show for me


>only one to get embarrassed when Asuka's panties were being returned
>only one to notice Asuka's chest growing
>only one who can tell the two Asuka's apart
it's nice that all these hints actually led to something

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It was just about the only time I got to experience that strawberry cake feeling. I was convinced it was gonna turn out to be just bait as usual..

I only noticed it retroactively after the end.

Well, I picked it up originally because it looked like it could go full yuri, so I was actively looking for it everywhere. The biggest hint was the
>eroyuu is gay, therefore all yuus are gay
which I'm sure you picked up.

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