I ignored inuyasha for my whole life thinking it was for normies and was only loved because of toonami nostalgia , so then I finally watched it 15 years after seeing it for the first time and holy shit this is a great show. And this is coming from all these years watching the "good" shows , like Lain, or Kill la kill, or midori shoujo tsubaki OVA , or Madoka. What other anime are there that you think should be watched even if it has the stigma of popularity /ruined by Normies? How is inuyasha so good??
I ignored inuyasha for my whole life thinking it was for normies and was only loved because of toonami nostalgia...
Other urls found in this thread:
i would give up my soul to fuck Kagome
ranma 1/2 is better
Kikyo was best girl
Wasn't it one of the last shows other than Sazae-san to use cels?
Nigga I ain't reading all that. One sentence, ten words or less.
Inuyasha is better than most people give it credit, faggot.
I have only dropped two shows, they're Inuyasha, Toriko. Congrats you enjoyed it but everyone doesn't.
See that's better. Yes it is. Go watch Ranma 1/2 next.
It was okay until its just endless filler of looking for shards
are you unironically a girl or a dude with femdom fetishes
>loving Inuyasha
You are a retarded kid, real normies don't even know anything about it.
>dropping toriko
you shouldn't its a wild ride. it even does the
>Oh my rubber nen
Threadly reminder.
Its shit
awee, did I trigger you faggots?
>inb4 reddit vocabulary
the word normie was created here, and I remember when it got popular. You newfags need to quit trying to be dominant on Yea Forums of all places. But I haven't been on this board in 4 years so maybe shit's changed or something.
Did you watched/read the whole thing? Honestly it starts out pretty nice but after a while even the Canon shit feels like filler. InuYasha literally has filler in the fucking manga.
>Normie who lets public dictate what he should watch
>begs for recs
Really fucking makes you think.
I watched Inuyasha back in the day but dropped it due to filler.
Is the manga better for this or does it still just use a villain of the week formula?
Fucking based
Same thing, OP. I ignored InuYasha as a teen because it seemed like an entry level anime that all the assholes were into, and also my internet crush who was kind of an anime elitist hated it.
I watched it years later and even if you're not watching it for the shojo tropes it's fucking amazing sword and sorcery fantasy that reminds me of the Elric and Conan books, but with a more Japanese flavor.
nice camera quality
Villains of the week formula wasn't the filler, it was the story.
Ask me how I know you haven't watched more than 26 episodes.
Inuyasha himself was how I realized I was bisexual. I spent a lot of time with my penis buried in my pillow thinking about how I wanted to roll him around in the dewy grass and grab his cute tight ass.
You have to go back.
>ywn be an entry level anime weeb in the early 2000s watching InuYasha in a pair of bright colored Tripp pants and saving up for a PS2
is it good for ranma fans ?
I'm actually interested in going back to it too.
It had good world building and supernatural shit along a good slice of life feel between the action and plot and the characters were all entertaining.
I don't know why, but I find this image arousing.
She pissed that whole pond. That's worthy of worship.
Inuyasha as background noise, Ranma 1/2 for fun, Lum for guilty pleasure.
I have no idea why old Yea Forums hated this show. I got banned tons of times for trying to make threads.
Every Rumiko Takahashi series I've seen has one character I will masturbate to forever in my spank bank:
>InuYasha (InuYasha)
>Lum (Urusei Yatsura)
>Ranma male and female forms (Ranma 1/2)
As far as I can tell, normie is considered the neutered version of normalfaggot. A news anchor can say normie on prime-time television and laugh about it, but they would have to warn the audience before saying normalfaggot with a frown.
Sango best
There is almost no character in InuYasha I wouldn't have sex with, except for Shippo and that little flea fuck
Back then, Inuyasha was basically the fanbase of Naruto but completely followed by mostly fangirls and Yea Forums didn't want that here. I think most people didn't have that much of a problem with the show itself as it was pretty nostalgic but nobody wants fujoshi taking refuge on your board.
Inuyasha is also really repetitive
For the longest time I thought Shippo was a girl. I'd fuck girl Shippo
Shippo is the best person to have sex with, he can transform into anyone.
user said show which means he was retarded enough to watch the shitty anime adaption.
Did you really take a picture of your monitor with your phone?
> Has a lot of repetitive BS
> Antagonist is a one dimensional generic cartoon villain sue, his manifestations are also annoying villain sues with no development until it sudden forces it on you (such as Kagura)
> Sesshomaru is a Sue
> Inuyasha gets pushed around way too much.
>madoka moe girls
>> good show
Inuyasha suffers from awful pacing after the first 60 or so episodes. But...
It's fantastic.
>supreme art direction
>supreme sound track
>somehow manages to combine adventure, romance, shonen, and SoL all into one package
>inuyasha like a lot of other anime you've seen, yet no anime is like inuyasha
>kikyo best girl
Your thinly veiled rec thread is too thinly veiled. But general advice would be understand what your tastes in media are and watch anything you think falls in line with them. Do not let your perception of a shows fanbase keep you from watching it, that is the dumbest way to filter media.
>What other anime are there that you think should be watched even if it has the stigma of popularity /ruined by Normies?
Dude, if you havn't watched this already, I don't know what to say.
Sailor Moon and Urusei Yatsura are also pretty good.
Yes, what's wrong with doing that? I specifically wanted that screenshot. I dont own a computer so I had to take a photo of my phone screen from another phone. And because that phone doesn't have internet I had to USB it to my ps3 and upload it from ps3 internet browser. Took a lot of effort just for you to look down on it.
both of these seem like nice shows but 100+ episodes these days is such a daunting task that I barely bother anymore with long stuff
read the manga.
having 100 eps wont seem like much at all if youre invested in the characters
people nowadays have too little patience for shows and thats why the shitty 12 ep format is so popular
Yep. And it didn't switch until around episode 100. So around 2002/3
What does Sazae-san look like now that they're fully digital?
it has its moments but I don't think it's anything special as far as adventures go. It did used to be my favorite anime, though.
Inuyasha is dragon ball for girls
riajuu doesn't contain a gay slur so normie would be a more accurate, or at least less liberal translation. using fag as a suffix is just a Yea Forums meme.
>sides smashed
why doesnt sesshomaru's mother have a name
When in Rome. Its one of the rudimentary checks to identify foreigners. Its like identifying a country bumpkin. In the case of Yea Forums, it's the openness of calling one another faggots.
This. Didn't Inuyasha at some point have a season or at least many episodes of filler following up one another because they were running up to the manga?
I liked the show but I juat opted to read the manga instead at some point cause of fillers.
It’s sounds like you have “pleb” tastes but only watch “good” anime because Yea Forums told you to
Pretty sure any cell phone can captures their own screen if they can run videos, user. You could have done that instead of getting the other one.
>I dont own a computer so I had to take a photo of my phone screen from another phone.
You didn't "have to", no. Both, Android and Apple devices have shortcuts to take a photo of your screen and save them automatically in the pictures folder of your phone.
On Android I think you had to press the power button and one of the 2 volume buttons at the same time, for example.
I fucking hate the filler parts of the show. And the never ending "Oh no Naraku is blasting off again". I don't even know if they killed Naraku or not.
The problem with people complaining about a bloated episode count is because they're binge watchers who want to get through everything super fast netflix style. When you're just coming at it weekly it's a lot more fun when you learnt o relax your pace and enjoy the episodes by themselves.
Im not saying it doesn't suffer BAD repetitiveness but it's meant to be something you invest in slowly and enjoy as something to come back to every week. It circles between a lot of different episode plot types as well. Sometimes action, sometimes romantic or comedy or what have you. There's the main plot but that's just meant to be a framing device for weekly/monthly adventures. Instead of trying to rush through it all just watch it a bit at a time as part of a habit. Because you'll miss it when it's gone.
t. faggot
this. i lowered my pace because of this
Watch Urusei Yatsura!!
>average attention span of an Amerilard
Want me to know how I know you watch dubs?
Inuyasha's really fun if you take it for what it is (comfy pulpy feudal japan adventures with some light romance) and don't take the plot way too seriously like this guy does >185261068
best EDs ever too.
Pokemon's a good kid's show, the first season especially. It's funny and has some heartwarming moments.
but everyone either hates it because it's pokemon or ironically likes it because HAHA TWITCH POKEMON MARATHON SO NOSTALGIC
Yeah, I don't get this mindset people here have that the plot is some sort of end it itself that has to convey itself as quickly as possible. is this what people mean when they use the word "plotfags"?
InuYasha's at least half comedy, so it makes sense that half of it is lighthearted digressions. And I'm not gonna say it's proto-sol or something, but I watch the filler episodes it for the same reason I'd watch a sol. lots of fun low stakes character moments.
*end in itself
Also the characters having to announce every single thing and the characters motives. Shippo, Miroku, and Sango saying that Sesshomaru is Inuyasha's brother, and that he wants his sword, and that he's a full demon, and that his sword can't damage things went all the way into final act. Then there was Miroku and not the Bees, also his constant "if I use my wind tunnel any more it will be the end of me" then he uses it and is pretty much fine, or just gets a bad tummy ache for an episode. Then there was the anime using late manga designs for the characters which really made everyone saying Kagome and Kikiyo looked exactly the same confusing, Sango looked more like Kagome than Kikiyo. Then there was the repetitive shit with Naraku and his incarnations.
>Sango looked more like Kagome than Kikiyo
You clearly can't see.
Story arcs don't have to end quick, but they have to not be repetitive. How many times did we see Naraku and his incarnations preform the exact same battle that they did two episodes prior, then run off when shit went south.
The original 90s anime, without question.
The point is that they look nothing alike. The comparison would be apt to saying that Sango looked just like Kagome or Kikyo.
Urusei Yatsura is rumiko's best work and yes that's including Maison Ikkoku aka Misunderstanding: The Anime
>different hair
>different eye shape
>ears are a different shape
>different complexion
>Bust and heights are different
Holy fuck it's like I'm seeing double
>Also the characters having to announce every single thing and the characters motives. Shippo, Miroku, and Sango saying that Sesshomaru is Inuyasha's brother, and that he wants his sword, and that he's a full demon, and that his sword can't damage things went all the way into final act.
Long running shows do this so new viewers don't get confused. Part of the format.
>Then there was Miroku and not the Bees,
So Takahashi's not a master storyteller. Clunky plot devices and repetition are just part of the package in her stuff, especially when she does longform narratives.
It was still worth it to me for the characters & designs, comedy, the visuals (there's a few great late cel animation sakuga moments here and there every season), etc.
Nah Ranma is better.
the first two seasons are equally good then it goes to shit.
based opinion
Just pretend the later seasons don't exist then, over 50 good episodes is a pretty decent run
(I'll defend bits of the third season too)
I really liked the last arc, in the manga.
I watched the show on a week by week basis, and they did some of that shit more than they really should have. I doubt anyone who watched this series had forgotten who Sessehomaru, Naraku, or Kikyo were or what their motives were.
The issue with Miroku was more that they gave him an Over powered win button power. He probably would have been just fine as a powerful spiritualist.
Only episodes that mattered where the ones involving Kikyo
read the manga fag
Fuck off retarded newfag.
>the word normie was created
by normalfags who don't want to use problematic language like "fag" on their safe and advertising friendly websites.
>But I haven't been on this board in 4 years
Make it 10 next time.
>You newfags need to quit trying
to constantly rewrite history and go kill yourselves.
Why the fuck are you arguing about such pointless shit? Getting angry over the type of language people use on an anonymous imageboard is so fucking pathetic.
t. normalfag
I'm joking user
if I wanted to watch a show that spends 200 episodes masturbating, I'd watch one piece. Inuyasha is fucking garbage and Rumiko Takahashi is a hack that can't write a compelling romance to save her life.
>One of the "power ups" he gets is literally just a stupid plot device that turns his fucking sword red and lets him break a one time barrier
Can't make this shit up.
I remember watching it when it first aired on AS. I can't even remember where I left off. Kagame just started to get o my nerves at some point so I dropped it.
This is definitely a huge problem for me but I can't really fix it, I might be prone to addiction or something I don't know, once I start it I can't really rest until I'm done with it which presents all sorts of complications the longer a show is, just recently I downloaded some Black Jack OVAs for instance with the intent of watch just one episode a day or every week or something to try and pace myself so I could later download the full TV series and do that with it too, but after the first day when I watched the second episode I just binged through everything, I can't help myself and it's a big part of why I just stay away from big anime altogether
>ywn order Inuyasha to sit and then pounce on him and begin jacking him off
why was Kagome happy with being Inuyashas silver medal?
>Kill la kill
Yeah, should reconsider who is the normie, user.
What kind of cardboard box do you live in OP?
Daily reminder she will always be in his heart. Irreplaceable number one.
Can you blame him? Kikyo was a goddess.
Probably also canonically best looking female at the time.
t. speedwatcher
She's a woman
It's great at the beginning of the anime where they explore the world as they go on while focusing on the job of finding the jewel/meeting new people, THEN it goes to shit with the love triangle because it just gets so fucking repetitive and kills the trust between Kagome and Inuyasha while also dumping all the fault on Kikyo, then when Kikyo moves on to focus on killing Naraku Inuyasha and Kagome are still fighting over nothing and it makes you wanna shove a rusty fork into your eyeballs because of how pointless and tiresome it is. And the story never really recovers from there, RT gets repetitive with a lot of the plot points, attack, mcguffins and whatnot, it just pretty much turns really bad, and the only thing that makes you stick is how likable the characters are because you're already invested.
>> Sesshomaru is a Sue
I agree but the fangirls are literally insane on this. Look at his character from an objective standpoint, ffs. The dude has a poor background story in the first place and the show acts as if that grants him a pass for being a literal mass murderer with attempting to kill both Inuyasha and Kagome multiple times.
Like most of Rumiko's works, it starts well and then goes in circles until it ends.
You're the Yamcha of phone posting. DBS Yamcha at that, not even based DB bandit Yamcha.
dropping it doesnt really mean much when it has like 150+ episodes
Childhood is thinking Kagome is the cutest girl.
Adulthood is thinkinh Kikyo is the best girl
Boomerhood is realizing that you would like Kikyo in a schoolgirl uniform is best
Inuyasha is a great fucking manga. And way better than most of the stuff coming out today.
Why must you be such an American piece of shit?
>Kikyo in a schoolgirl uniform is best
That's a strange way to say Kagome.
I say that because boomers are attracted to school girls, but as an adult you find mature women hotter and as a zoomer find the school girls cute.
it all comes full circle
Kikyo as a protagonist would have been better in general
Man poor Kikyo. She deserved better
I fucking hate you cucks. SANGO is best
Sango was best but she chose the wrong guy.
Somehow the more I think about it the more Kikyo fitted better to be the main girl & the whole series to have a better story
>people in modern times always telling her she has an 'old soul' and that is wise beyond her years
>she falls down the well
>meets Inuyasha, story starts
>she ends up realizing that she's the incarnation of Midoriko and actually has powers
>she trains because Kikyo is actually smart
>Naraku is still with his vague bullshit endgame, doesnt really matter if you cross out his love shit in the grand schemes of things
>Since Kikyo is the main girl and is smart she comes out with the entire purify one shard to kill him and they use that
>Naraku ded
>Kikyo stays in the past with Inuyasha and finally she feels like she belongs unlike in modern times
Roll credits.
It certainly would have given her and Inuyasha better party balance, I mean that's kind of why they fell in love in the first place in the actual story.
Modern anime is so mediocre that even mediocre old shows are god-tier by comparison.
We've fallen that far.
Anyone trying to tell you otherwise is just trying to keep you from becoming as jaded and cynical as we are, but you'll learn the truth eventually. You'll watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Slayers and Chobits and all the old stuff and realize that the best of the best was one-of-a-kind and even the mediocre harem shows were superior to the trite we have now.
Give up hope and become a nostalgiafag.
The filler was honestly better than the bullshit with Naraku and the best part of the series was the first segment. Naraku became trash the moment he stopped being a mysterious asshole in a monkey suit with his only redeeming qualities past the reveal of his identity being his minions/clones/whatever the fuck Kaguya and the mirror loli were. The fucking jewel didn't need a backstory either. Holy fuck did the series get bad as it went on.
Kikyo should have just stayed dead instead of returning to bring up drama.
Sango and Miroku should have been recurring characters instead of party members.
Fuck that fox runt entirely.
Yura best girl
I genuinely loved watching it on Adult Swim even though nothing ever happened. Never watched final act or read the Manga,, maybe I will. I jacked off to kagome so much when I was little. Weird how there was never much porn of her
The actual story had them really fucking unbalanced, though.
Kikyo was a lot smarter than Inuyasha even with him being alive for so long before her.
If Kikyo belonged to modern times then she would lack the knowledge about the times that Inuyasha could give, but would still posses the patience and wise mind that he lacked on the other hand.(and unlike Kagome she would have been practical enough to listen and want to learn about it.)
In the actual story, Kikyo had everything on Inuyasha; knowledge, brains, patience, even power. It was unbalanced as it gets.
This would have actually evened them out.
Agreed. There really hasn't been a good show in like at least half of a decade now. What even defines this fucking decade? Stack on Titan? Sword art online? Madoka? Christ.
Well yeah, but's all the more reason that he would ever want to change for the better. Because she was more of an inspiration. And she has however many hundreds of years of Miko history under her family's belt. It's not like it's weird she'd be smart.
My Hero Academia
Starring Deku the transgender homosexual
>Well yeah, but's all the more reason that he would ever want to change for the better. Because she was more of an inspiration.
True, but Inuyasha just seemed to mellow out with the right person. Take Sango for example, when she was depressed after her entire village being killed he was acting like a good boi and didnt put up any fights, and that wasnt all due to being sympathetic, he just reacts differently to different types of people, so a mellow Kikyo instead of Kagome could have easily made him want to chill the fuck out.
>And she has however many hundreds of years of Miko history under her family's belt. It's not like it's weird she'd be smart.
I didnt say it was weird, its of course very logical for her to be smart, all I said was that Kikyo from modern times would lack that because she would have been a school girl from the mid 90's instead of a heavily trained miko with years of family knowledge.
She's probably one of those generic worm demons that inuyasha constantly kills with his wind scar after she crawls out of narakus ass (she met their father by being born in his intestines and they fell in love after he shat her out onto the ground)
That entire fucking series is the very definition of soulless. it's the anime version of the Marvel universe in all honesty.
Woah there buddy no reason to be racist.
The whole thing just really seems to lack any sense of direction or long term goals at all. And I like western super hero comics so I can get behind monthly story telling but even western books will have some idea of what a writers run is shooting for. But what's the long term objective here? What are our characters goals beyond nebulous dreams like I WANT TO BE HOKAGE KING!
I watch Inuyasha for the ecchi.
Sango is great.
this is one of the best posts i've ever seen, thanks
I don't like the anime as much as the manga
Nothing, I used to like My Hero Academia but that was back when the entire story was still building up and All Might had just lost his powers which was an interesting take, BUT boy did it shit the bed, it went in all wrong directions and it's pretty much ruined and unsavable at this point. Nothing that Hori could ever write will make sense of this steaming hot pile of shit, that is currently what the manga is. And it seems like he's already trying to save it, but he doesnt even know how to and unironically only making it worse.
I watch Inuyasha for Kikyo and Sesshomaru.
Hardly anyone says normalfaggot in full. Usually "faggot" is shortened to "fag". Normalfag.
What is this from?
You can't be this new.
Please tell me
The chad yokai did
They are the most reasonable and capable characters in the entire thing.
>inb4 but Kikyo was a psycho after being resurrected!
She was angry and didnt know what the fuck was going on, it was OOC for her, she later returned to her actual personality just like before she was killed.
get cucked by miroku
>just like before she was killed.
In time to be killed again
Not really, she was her old self for the majority of the series. It was after Kaede told her that Naraku was responsible for her death when she decided to switch her anger towards him and focus on that.
>That PS2 game where you can actually cuck anyone and everyone
The problem with the Inuyasha anime was the manga wasn't coming out fast enough to keep making episodes alongside it so you started getting filler episodes which were just kinda shit.
I bought a used PS2 just for Inuyasha: Feudal Combat last year. I've played it non stop since. By myself since I don't have anyone for two player mode.
Was the manga monthly?
Because it was released in '96, and the anime only started in '00, isn't 4 years worth of releases a lot of material to work with? Not to mention the time it took the anime to catch up which would give it even more time to continue releasing.
Was meant for My bad.
>very repetitive
Nuff said.
>needs more variation in yokai/lore// ghosts +ghouls + magics
Human like yokai, fodder worm yokai, half yokai, souls, a fat dude and a tree yokai, priestess magic.
It was always kinda the same. Dividing supernatural beings into larger distinct subgroups with their own ruleset, abilities and weaknesses would add more variation.
>needs a slight genre shift to comfy mystery/horror
Moving the whole thing towards a more adult oriented show would really do it a favor.
>Kikyo and Kagome drame is fucking pathetic and draaaaags
>Needs more xxx
This whole romance thing drags so fucking much and the Kikyo and Kagome drama seems like a "reason" to not let them fuck.
> start => find Naraku's place => Naraku escapes => start
Naraku as the big bad is weak in a world full of demons. Adding more major player would really make the story more dynamic.
Edit: thanks for the gold! Kind Summer Stranger Child!
>phone doesn't have internet
and yet your fucking ps3 does? this makes no fucking sense.
OP is an enigma
He's a complicated man, and no one understands him but his waifu
But who is his waifu? That's also a mystery
Based phoneception poster
As someone who only got a smartphone within the last year for the first time after living with a flip phone only for so long. I applaud you and your motivation to upload it.
I miss my flip phone.
good characters but literally nothing happens and the fights suck
* inuyasha
* sailor moon
* naruto
* robotech
it is okay to watch these and like them.
INB4 nettled macrossfags
I probably still would have kept using one if the service store I went to still had them in stock. I was pretty much forced into switching over to a smartphone and updating my plan to support it. The damn thing got trashed around the holidays and needed it. The fuck was I going to do, wait for lone to get delivered? They didn't even have the right fucking cords or software to import my fucking contacts.
It's a good thing that got a proper ending
>no reason to be racist
yes there is when there's consistently blacks in my living space because of my faggot roommate
I ain't saying you're wrong, but at a certain point you should really probably just move
Macross has actual fans and not just memers and American gen-Xers who found it thru Robotech?
Did they fuck?
And here's the autistic Sessrin shipper, everyone.
Nigger can you for once in your life not ruin a thread with your bullshit?
I always thought the little frog kappa dude had a gay boner for Sesshomaru
He did
why did Jakken never grab sesshomarus hair and force him into submission?
Let it go, these reddit fags are everywhere.
For anyone wondering why the weekly comfy Inuyasha threads stopped being made, you can thank this guy for it, I got tired of seeing him derailing each and every thread while spamming pictures nonstop so I stopped trying to gather a fun discussion.
But clearly no Inuyasha thread is safe from this retard.
Dude, the fact that Yea Forums is an anonymous imageboard isnt making this any less embarrassing for you. You're literally on the same level of mental illness as ACK, is this really what you want?
Jaken and Sesshomaru got married a little after the show ended
I'm trying I promise
Sure what part of this ten year old piece of work, that was average at best, do you want to talk about?
I love ranma but could never get into inuyasha I am not sure why. I am willing to give this another shot because maybe it was just the dub.
Talk about whatever you want without spamming the threads or attacking other ships that you dont like. Look! This didnt even talk about any ships! So you shouldnt even be triggered, this is a safe, comfy discussion loving place.
Tell me what do you like about Inukimi?
The dub is awful. I dont know how people watch it? Maybe its the nostalgia goggles but Kagome's voice is just death to my ears.
>Talk about whatever you want without spamming the threads or attacking other ships that you dont like.
I think you have me confused with someone else. I haven't seen an Inuyasha thread in like 8 months.
I have never seen a single post since 2005 saying bamboo blade was bad. I think it's pretty much a masterpiece of anime. It doesn't step into too mature themes, it veils the fanservice with good cinematography, all the characters are interesting start to finish and although they obey traditional anime roles it deftly adds realistic flaws into the characters.
Mahoutsukai ni taisetsu na koto for MAGIC BUREAUCRACY and Infinite Ryuvius for Lord of the Flies in anime form.
You know image hash search is a thing, and that it tells me you're lying?