>stacks of cash
>first thing you reach for is a bong
Imagine being such a boring slave to a substance.
user getting fat stacks and debating what figures he's going to buy first is more interesting than this bitch.
>doesn't remove bowl
>no carb in sight
Nice try, nips. Not a stoner btw.
When HR 420 passes, all of America will be stoners. even the police cops.
Japs have no idea how to smoke weed. Obviously because it's as illegal as sin over there.
Rich ones can just take a plane ticket to most of the US west coast states. Abe will never know.
>slave to a substance
>says the guy that's a slave to money
>weed is illegal as sin
>socially accepted and expected to drink until you're vomiting every other night and pass out in restaurants/subways
Never understood this.
This Fujiko is unbelievably sexy and something about her hitting that bong made her sexiness factor increase.
You need money to make sure you don't die, dipshit
This is the most Japanese humor.
>ywn have a smoke and sexy time with witch hat lady
That's not how you smoke weed and I've only smoked it 3 times in my whole life.
Opium war. The entire Asia treat drugs as symbol of treason and foreign imperial influence. The fall of China to the British shocked everyone there and drugs got the blame culturally.
It still hurts brahs
>doesn't remove bowl
Why would she?
Somehow, CLAMP were allowed to do this
very edgy for its time
So the hit is good, amateur.
vary gay
Looks fine to me. A bit too much water in the bong maybe
That's kinda hot tho
CLAMP is allowed to pretty much do whatever the fuck they want
There is WAY to much fucking water in that bong.
That bitch would be getting more bong water in her mouth than actual smoke
Thats food stupid
Marijuana causes skitzophrenia.
Does that girl actually smoke weed in that show or is that just an Yea Forums meme?
Booze industry lobbing and manipulation in the early 20th century.
What are you, a 45 year old boomer mom? Do you also think vaccines give you autism?
You have to slide the bowl up so that air can flow into the bong and replace the smoke so you can inhale the smoke.
It can trigger anxiety associated with schizophrenia. The main drugs people with schizophrenic tendencies need to watch out for are hallucinogens. The effects are much worse on people with those kinds of disorders.
I want to fuck both of them after ripping a bucket.
If you don't remove the bowl and clear out all the smoke in the pipe/bong, you're pretty much wasting perfectly good weed smoke.
>Do you also think vaccines give you autism?
>believing in the vaccination jew
I unironically had a panic attack with weed and i wasn't even a frecuent user, then i had like months and months of despersonalization disorder
Aah. I thought all bongs had a hole specially for that, all I've seen have had those. I quess some don't have then, maybe the smaller ones.
So does anime
I have a good feeling that's not weed related, user.
>vaccination jew
vaccines are fully covered by insurance poorfag
>Watch Panty and Stocking once
>Become terrified of my shit coming to life
>Become convinced I am a nice guy like Briefs whose job is to "save" slutty women by fucking them
You're just baseline mentally ill.
Weed had nothing to do with it, but keep telling yourself that
if you don't work you die
Yes on bongs the bowl can easily slide out to make a passage for air but pipes have holes on the side that you just cover with your finger like you described. And it would be a pretty bad idea to have a hole like that on a bong because you might spill nasty ass water everywhere.
>The entire Asia treat drugs as symbol of treason and foreign imperial influence
Tobacco and alcohol are drugs.
Bubblers have them too, which is what I use because I'm lazy, like the small size, and it gets me ripped.
The show's name means literally smoke weed.
but no she doesn't
That doesn't change the fact that i was fine before doing weed, i could have had some shit that made me vulnerable to it but i didn't know, besides by that time I had done it a couple of times
You are all degenerate spoiled lazy western ass narcissistic kids that should be lynched or aborted.
Stay mad, faggot. Literally smoking weed right now :)
I am sorry you are so angry. Perhaps there is something constructive you can do with your rage.
Weed can definitely trigger anxiety and psychosis symptoms among some people. Months and months afterwards sounds pretty wild, though.
>watch anime on acid
>feels like I'm living the anime
Figures? Fuck that, I'm rolling Story Gacha until I get 3 NP5 SSRs
THEN I'll buy figures
>by insurance
The insurance jew?
Well I'm glad they're covering for the vaccination jew.
But drinking alcohol is okay though
>ironically needs weed to calm down his rage fits
It made Flip Flappers a bit more intense. I wasn't ready for episode 5.
End of Evangelion and Madoka Rebellion on LSD were some amazing experiences.
I have watched some anime on shrooms before.
I agree.
>smoking weed
>not inhaling or smoking heroin
As long as don't shoot you're fine. Y'all missing the greatest sexiest high because of media lies.
Rapparu's stuff is cute
Doesn't change the fact that I am right. I go with my gut feeling and it tells me that you disgust me.
If you're an unstable pussy
Both are bad.
>a bit more intense
I've only droppen twice, and I feel like my brain would melt watching that shit.
I was enamoured by string lights, that shit looks intense
Is he still in jail or something?
I have watched anime on shrooms before. But never the right anime. I know so much more about it and so many more series with crazy visuals.
Actually no, it can turn anyone potentially skitzo. What matters is the environment taken it in.
It's not good for lung cancer regardless.
t. I became an unfit slob from smoking billies.
It's not worth it.
EoE fucked me up sober. I can't imagine what it would be like under the influence
>first half was incredible and trippy
>second half was mostly yurishit and COCONA
Japan doesn't fuck around when it comes to drug laws, and there hasn't been any other news.
I watched both as a sober teen and I never recovered.
I was fine before doing it and i had done it a couple of times before but that day the set&ting and shit was bad and the weed was really strong. got a panick attack with really heavy despersonalization, after that i started to notice a light version of the disorder had remained with me , it used to be worse but this was like 3 years ago and i still feel something is not right, like in some way something is different, kinda feel like i died that day. /blogoff/
Favourite show you've watched high? Lain is one of my favourites.
i know a guy who used to get panic attacks and chest problems from weed. ended up loving it after a few more tries.
>guy who thinks his personal opinion trumps academic merit being an illiterate retard
what an absolute fucking surprise
After the first panic attack you learn that you're not going to die and enjoy the high.
Luckily on that first sitting I just did episodes 1-6, so left it on probably the best episode, even though it's pretty depressing.
Still enjoyed the rest when I watched it sober the following days though.
i knew a guy who died of weed. some wierd fuck gave him something he called "super" weed and it made his heart-rate go bonkers and the heart exploded.
I prefer lsd
Which animes smoke chop?
Based Frankychad. Getting baked for weekly one piece is ritual at this point.
My sister is a psychologist. She won't touch the stuff because she believes it's far worse than you think it is.
It increases stroke apparently.
>"super" weed and it made his heart-rate go bonkers and the heart exploded.
That'll be spice, not real weed.
Yeah I was able to smoke weed for like two years then one day I had a panic attack after smoking
I got over it in like a day but i didn't smoke again for like 6 months then I did and
I lived in never ending panic for like 2 years.
I'm sure its a problem for just me since this is extreme but thats why I am cautious about the idea that weed is totally safe.
>not inhaling it
look at this bitch!
>work as an RN in an ER
>alcohol abuse fucks your liver
>fucks your pancreas
>fucks your brain
>fucks your stomach
>causes cancer
>alcohol withdrawal is probably one of the worst drugs to withdrawal from
>seizures, hallucinations, pain from head to toe, nausea and vomiting
>psychologically addictive, not physically
>inhaling anything into your lungs that's not air is bad for them, but marijuana smoke is better than cigarette smoke
>may cause some psyche issues, seems to affect people who are prone to, or had latent paychiatric illnesses
>people who abuse it chronically are now developing epusides where the vomit non stop when they smoke weed
>relatively new phenomenom, have to pretty much smoke weed daily
Weed is incredibly benign. Alcohol and a lot of precription medications are worse for you
this desu
if i had that much fucking money i'd be doing lines off hookers asses not deepthroating a bong
So the air pressure can release.
fuck i'd say good bye to drugs and finally would live in the real world.
>thinking money makes you happy
Your sister can fuck off with any medical opinions and stick to counseling depressed assholes all day
Joke's on you, I already have SZA.
>CBD has been shown to be more effective than commercial antipsychotic drugs in trials and it doesn't cripple you
make legal pls
I smoked weed daily for about 10 years. Quit last year, and no plan to return. Kinda scared that my lungs are fucked up forever, but what can ya do.
the cbd thing is a meme, a friend of mine tried it after frying his brain so hard on drugs he had to be put zeprexa for a few months and it made him go through a full relapse after finally weaning off the antipsychotics
Should have learned how to make pot brownies
>for most of the world you are still thrown in jail for years for smoking weed and other not dangerous substances when alcohol and fucking tobacco are legal and encouraged
are we in the worst timeline?
Yeah everybody told me weed was safe and i didn't even know if i was prone to some mental illness or something, as i said earlier i have been 3 years like this and even though it's a light version from what it used to be i just don't think i will be back to 'normal' ever again, i can't even recall what normal was, neither say if im normal again just because i don't remember, i do know something it's off or odd with my perception.
I always try to warn people about this since weed is always taken as a 'safe drug' but you know honestly it's a lottery and my case is just 1 in 100 but still.
>it can turn anyone potentially skitzo
Everyone is potentially schizo, even the general population with no prior use of drugs or family history with it.
>yet another drug discussion thread with zero citations and pure anecdotal biases
crossboarding shitposters should go back to whatever social-aggregate you spawned from
what I don't get is how here in the US, cigarette commercials are banned but alcohol commercials are just fine when alcohol can be significantly worse.
This is still offtopic so it's obviously going to be an anecdotal chit chat you fucking idiot, just google 'weed schizophrenia' and you will get what you are looking for
that's because every drug discussion on the internet can be summed up with potheads going
>alcohol BAD
>weed GOOD
ad fucking nauseaum, it's not remotely interesting anymore. y'all cowards don't even smoke crack.
It's a shame there's so few manga or anime creators that are known to have taken drugs. Nekojiru is the only one I can think of to keep it on topic.
I did learn how to make edibles near the end. I actually switched to them because I got scared of smoke. But I really don't enjoy the way they make me feel vs smoking. Same deal with vape, the high just isn't the same. So I just quit weed altogether. It was long overdue, honestly.
but then came the gods of the market place who promised us these wonderful things
are you high user?
it does, fucker
>not doing LSD instead.
i still remember the first i tried it. it was amazing.
Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.
it sure as fuck helps.
What drugs do appear in Anime? Japan's always seemed the most conservative when it comes to drugs and drug laws.
have a friend who used to be like you. all he did was smoke and play dota all day. once he got a girlfriend, she forced him to make a choice and he choose her. been drug free ever since.
I'll take that as a yes
Most of the time I spent smoking I just smoked like a bowl or a joint in the evening. Less than half of the time I spent smoking weed was spent smoking from dawn til dusk. I was never much of a wake and bake kind of person.
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return
HNK had the mc using drugs did it not?
In Redline he keeps getting gummies which means it's probably referencing ching, even if it's the space version.
There was also Charlotte that had the drugs episode.
cowboy bebop had drugs on the very first episode.
one of the things that makes me sad the most about not being able to do drugs/alcohol anymore is that i won't ever be able to take high quality LSD while being in a forest or something
>smoking crack
That's a big yikes from me, dawg
I've done a lot of drugs. Coke, MDMA (unknowingly), shrooms, LSD, xanax, and weed
I don't think doing drugs is cool, but I feel like must drug threads are straight edged fags going
>pothead degenerates must die
And potheads going
>420 smoke weed erry day blaze it
I'd personally like to talk about watching anime under the effect of hallucinogens. I feel like that's the drug that enhances the experience the most
Weed tastes like shit and gives me immense paranoia, I start imagining stupid shit like ATF busting through the windows and shooting my neighbours dog as I don't have one or obama drone striking my house when they notice my red eyes through my phones camera that the FBI is spying on. It's also bad for your health and causes cancer.
Give me LSD instead.
>You trust your eyes too much, Asimov! You're not a chameleon, you know? Can't see everywhere at once!
>I've done it twice and loved it/hated it
>want to do it again
I can't fucking find anyone that sells it in my city. It's so hard to find.
I thought about trying on the dark web, but having to buy cryptocurrency and do all the shit you need to do to get on the darkweb changed my mind
You didn't get it.
The book and manga did. The anime did not
he gets it now
I really want to smoke some crack now, user
you'll cowards don't even drink skoma!
You can watch this guy live your dreams
Kill all drug users thank you very much. They are on the same level as gay people, who should be killed as well
...is legal in my state
Weed culture is exactly like the cigarette culture in the 50 and 60s. People consume to try to be cool and/or form social groups to promote it. It largely still has the same detrimental effects as cigs but, at least, THC does prove to have benefits on a medical level.
It's more likely to be opium honestly.
What drug do you think people get addicted to first: sugar or caffeine?
what a delusional fag
>get high
>read manga
>forget it because i speedread while high
suger without a doubt.
Japan has fallen
>I'm scared of a literal plant
Pretty much any bong over $20 will have a slide rather than a carb hole
I remember watching some Japanese documentary on the local LEL WEED traditions from the old days. Didn't really use it to get high but more for the medical purposes of it. Like Chinese. Besides everybody rather would smoke opium than some peasant thing. Now you may resume your degeneracy.
Cannabis IS a psychoactive drug user, it's just not as potent for visual/auditory hallucinations.
I'm Australian and we smoke more pot than anyone, I believe it's still illegal here because you can't quantify how stoned somebody is at the wheel like you can with alcohol and breathalyzer tests