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Atsumare Fushigi Kenkyu-bu 119
Wyatt James
Jacob Gutierrez
Noah Russell
Elijah Morgan
Zachary Murphy
Brayden Bell
Ethan Brown
Brody Lee
Jason Sanchez
Gabriel Rodriguez
Ass chapter.
Josiah Murphy
Chapter 119: The Mystery of Chiaki's Ass
Dylan Rogers
>stuck and fuck
Lucas Ortiz
imagine the smell
Tyler White
This was very lewd.
Hunter Morris
>So close to seeing Chiaki's delicious looking pantsu
What was the point?
Xavier Martin
Man, I haven't really played on one of these in a long time, but from what I remember the spaces between the bars are pretty big. The ass was fat.
Also, she's not even stuck on this page if he can grab her by the hips like that.
Camden Flores
Fuck Chiaki, bring out Kotone!
Ryan Rivera
>Fuck Chiaki
Easton Rodriguez
>a salty boob faggot violating this holy ass worshipping thread
Leave this thread and never return
Angel Diaz
Pfft, look at these delusional misguided fools. Everyone knows that Suzu is the best and always will be, everyone else is shit tier and glasses girl is a level lower at sewer tier
Oliver Long
We need a Kotone in tight jeans/shorts for fair comparison.
Carter Hernandez
....half of Yea Forums would explode
Cooper Turner
All the jeans are tight for her, if you know what I mean.
Joshua Rogers
I began reading Ika Musume because I liked this. I now don't like this anymore. It feels mediocre in comparison.
Suzu best girl. Chiaki is fine too. The entire cast is alright. Even morals comitee girl.
Jace Sanders
Understandable. Ika Musume was a "cute girls doing cute things" manga while Atsumare is a harem manga + comedy with cute yet mischievous girls doing cute yet somewhat lewd things with the new male member of their occult club. It's quite understandable if its not your cup of tea. Personally, I like it because it's just a dumb fun harem manga in a sea of isekai and serious harem manga. Dumb fun harem mangas used to be a thing but they soon went extinct and I kinda miss them. This manga fills in the void for all the others which were axed, ended, or take to long for update.
Michael Taylor
you wouldn't have seen pantsu, because of pantsuhose
still delicious ass
Oliver Taylor
Man, I was not expecting a civic response.
I actually do like Atsumare, but Ika Musume has a lot more charm. Atsumare feels a bit generic in comparison, but that's also kind of it's charm. As you said, it's actually kind of nostalgic.
Asher Williams
champion has a lot of void filling series
silly harem
Christian Davis
>Man, I was not expecting a civic response.
All according to plan.
Ayden Cox
Waiting for TL user
Parker Fisher
Is it just me or does Yui look like she got a bit older?
Robert Jackson
Thanks for the dump.
Bentley Hall
maybe she's outside of the time anomaly?
she'll graduate university in a few hundred chapters time
Austin Baker
Oh, chiaki-senpai
119: The mystery of jungle gyms
What a coincidence. What’re you doing here?
What am I... I’m just taking care of my little bros, as you can see.
And you?
Getting dinner tonight.
Anthony Rodriguez
“Daisuke onii-chan,play with us too!”
“Well for a short while’s okay, onii-chan. Go play with them a bit”
“Well kf you don’t mind Yui...”
“A right, nice to meet you. I’m his little sis Yui. Let’s get along then!”
“Nice to meet you Yui onee-chan!”
So? What’re we playing?”
“Okay let’s decide with rock paper...”
“No need to do that”
Jonathan Lee
Mangaka is making too much solo Chiaki chapters. Where the fuck is my solo Suzu chapters
Aaron Watson
So is it confirmed that Chiaki is the main girl?
Andrew Edwards
“Of course Chiaki nee-chan’s gonna be it”
“What do you mean of course!?”
“When I’m it”
“It goes so fast”
“The match is over in a minute!”
“Well you sure are fast, Chiaki nee-chan...”
“Now just one more”
“Now we’ll see about that”
“Catch me if you can”
“Someone’s acting cocky here”
“Don’t be naive!!”
“Get meeee”
“He escaped above...”
“Shit, he ran to this annoying place...”
“I’ll just pull out for now”
James Cooper
I can’t get out ‘cause my back’s stuck!?
“You planned this...!”
“I figured you’d just charge head first into things without thinking about it”
Danggit... I look so pathetic in front of Daisuke...
I have to get out of here as fast as I can
“Want us to help?”
“You guys ain’t powerful enough to pull me out, so I’m better off trying on my own!!”
My back and belly aren’t moving
“Pull me out”
“...okay, I’ll grab something”
“I told you, not my sides!”
“So how about here?”
“W-well that’s fine...”
“Okay, I’m pulling now”
“One two”
Jace Price
“Wait wait wait wait”
“You’re pulling down my shorts with that! Come on, think of another place!”
“So where else do i grab then!”
“Just bear with it a little because we’re so close already!”
“One two...”
“Got you!”
Brayden Edwards
Angel Reyes
“Where’re you touching!”
“Mission success”
“Hey you”
“If you bother your big sis too much”
“You get a “bad!” okay?”
“Kay, later then”
Jason Johnson
Are we waiting for a Proofer?
Luke Evans
Needs more lewds
Thomas Rivera
I want to hold down morals committee girl and gently kiss her neck