Karakuri Circus

And the cucking continues.

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What was his problem?

His waifu was stolen twice.
It wasn't true NTR tho since he wasn't ever into relationship before he was "NTR'D".

So can someone explain me those "37 years later" timeskips, they suddenly went "20 years later" and they showed a kid Eleonore, how is that possible or do Shiroganes take decades in become kids? What.

I don't expect dumdums to remember something that was already stated before in the series, but they literally repeated in this episode that Shiroganes age 5 times slower than normal people.

Alright, thanks, still I'm really lost in general with the timeline of this story, I guess that in part I kinda stopped giving a shit after the plane crash but the latest episodes have been really entertaining.

He is a man with a dream

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This was a pretty good episode. This past arc has been handled a lot better than Midnight Circus so far.

>since he wasn't ever into relationship
That's not how NTR works.

Wait, what?

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the party is over

Was there any proper foreshadowing to it at all in manga? Why would he want to save Narumi then? To drive him into despair, so that he himself would reject Eleonore?
Watching this, it feels as if Fujita was making shit up as he went along.
It feels like reading bleach all over again.

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>Elaborate scheme to raise his own waifu because he got NTR’d
What a hero.

>look up mangadex some months ago when show started
>see 200+ chapters there
>think that the manga itself is 200 something chapters long
>fast forwards to today
>look it up
>actually, the 246th chapter is one that was adapted week or two ago
>tfw you realize they crammed 246 chapters into 17 episodes
>realize there is second half to come since manga is 400 something chapters long
How can you describe it other than fucking dumpster fire? Truly, what a fucking mess.

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The O's talking about how he "died" in a pool of acid, his backstory, the dog following him all over the tent, the "3rd" solution

For a mess it’s been pretty entertaining so far. My only big complaints are Midnight Circus being too fast and no Beast.

Can someone spoil me wether Narumi and Shirogane end up together and the end? I kinda doubt it as narumi is turning into a puppet.

user-kun, about that...

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>no Beast.
Yup, i am animeonly and i have no clue what do you mean by beast. I can only assume it has to be Narumi succumbing to madness or something.
>The O's talking about how he "died" in a pool of acid
I don't remember this in the show at all, it would make sense to connect it to dissolving into aqua vitae though.
>his backstory
In theory automaton did kill his waifu, but the shadow in the flashback was earilly similar to Saiga.
>the dog following him all over the tent
This one i don't get, is it the soft stone given free will?
the "3rd" solution
Downloading obviously, right? Dismantling is him shedding his human body, dissolving would mean making himself into aqua vitae.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Karakuri Circus - 19 [720p]-[07.35.246-07.40.460].webm (1280x720, 2.19M)

The cover feels more like a death flag.

The flashback isnt over, the comment about the acid will make sense next week
Jin and the dog became friends when he switched bodies in China to become Dean, later in the tent the dog recognized him as Faceless

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Man I enjoyed the manga heavily but it seriously will never be fucking translated at this rate.
I'm probably just going to have to watch the ultra condensed anime at this point considering I want to know what happens in the series.

Pretty sure some anons are working on it right now.

So Jin became madman hellbent on his waifu, just like his brother that created doll Francine, except he seeks to make her from flesh
What a man.

You are confusing Yin/Shirogane and Jin. Yin died Jin should still be alive since he realized Francine had relatives that would look alike or something else.

As I always post every week whenever we have a Karakuri Circus thread. I'm working on it with a team. We got some stuff done and in the next couple of weeks we'll probably start releasing.

(We are working on volumes 29, 30 and 31 translations. Stuff with 26-28 is almost done)

Thanks user keep up the good work.

Masaru's dad did nothing wrong

>Masaru literally just walks out of the room
My sides.

Fuck me how did i not notice the voice.

Yeah, that shit was hilarious, webm please.

Sadayoshi sure took grooming to the next level.
What a man.

Didn't stop him from getting cucked again.

Has the manga been fully translated somewhere?

>Stands in the middle of some path and suddenly falls down a cliff

>Yume 2kki by Voln
DOn't think those games can make a good show, maybe by Shaft with Gekidan Inu Curry, but i prefer just a Yume Nikki game with their visuals instead.

tfw i'm in the wrong thread how did this happen sorry

>he was underground the whole time

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Animeonlyfag here, if only because the English manga doesn't go beyond last week's episode. Dean Maitre has to be connected to Bai Jin, right? I figured Bai Jin had already done the mind download once before, which was Bai Jin to Sadayoshi, but that doesn't seem to be the case now. Dean is just Bai Jin's student then?

Fuck, really steamed that the manga isn't fully translated. Shouldn't this have been one of the Big 3, while it was still in print?

Next episode will clairify everything about Dean/Sadayoshi.

Well that's good. I'd have binged the entire manga in one sitting now, if it was fully translated. It's actually really trying my sanity how such a gem is not fully translated, triply so considering its age.

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There's quite a bit of magic hand-waving in the series, but is there any indication that what Sadayoshi thinks would happen would actually happen? There's a sight of stretch between melting one-self into magic water and making spooky recordings for a kid.

Also animeonlyfag here. How good or bad has this even been adapted? I hear on here that they cut out a lot just to make all this fit in 36 episodes.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Karakuri Circus - 19 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_03.28_[2019.02.28_21.39.jpg (1280x720, 303K)

>Hides in the dirt while controlling a puppet of himself.
Shoji playing 4d chess.

It already happened when Jin used his soft stone in China to switch bodies to become Dean so he knows what's possible and what's not.

Episode 20 PV


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That's the assumption that I had, but why would Shoji ask not-Sadayoshi if he had found the soft stone if Sadayoshi himself were Jin, or Jin reincarnated? Since Jin knew how to make a soft stone, and if he passed his memories on at all, then the aqua vitae spring in China would be common knowledge to anyone who drank of the aqua vitae he melted himself into. Not that I think Bai Jin melted himself into anything. I think there's a portion of the story I'm missing, and I'm happily looking forward to that chapter in about ten weeks.

The start was pretty bad
The flashback has been better
It's still a shame, the direction and storyboards are just too sterile for fujita's stories

First couple episodes and the Hopital arc were done really well imo.

nice. I have no idea what's going to happen.

Also animeonlyfag. As a fucking cunt that I am, I read all the English translated chapters. The most recent episode marks the first episode that the manga is not translated into English. The anime skipped all the shit that wasn't really necessary (except for Dahl).

Will the anime skip them?

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Anime has skipped a lot of Masaru's dumbass adventures thus far, from what I've read. I dunno who they are, but if they're dumb and serve no purpose, then they'll get skipped.

Yeah, their circus adventures were kinda boring. Though I'm sad that they skipped the bully redemption arc, but gotta do what you gotta do.

The Beast arc was absolutely ridiculous. At the climax, you have a fucking tiger driving a bus from the rear of the bus. Absolutely fucking stupid. Even more so given the feats of power later on in the series.

that sounds like something you would see in JoJo

but thats the fun part of the series.