Post girls who probably have skid marks in their pantsu
Post girls who probably have skid marks in their pantsu
She's more likely to have a piss stain imo.
Why does yui poop herself OP?
I would eat her shit filled diaper in a heartbeat
She’s dumb.
quality thread
Canonically, she can't control her bowels.
>skid marks
Is this western things?
>he doesn't know what skid marks are
This thread is very relevant to my interests.
I don't know, seriously. What's that?
because it's a western thing
Scatfags honestly deserve the rope
It's not, everybody poops and there will always be a certain percentage of any population thats incredibly slovenly, to the point of allowing skid marks.
better than ""hardcore"" vanillafags. I'd rather shitting dick nipples than that.
Do 2D girls even have poop in them?
Also, unrelated but has anyone else found that they can't upload an image that they saved more than 5 restarts ago? Every time I restart I lose the ability to upload images from more than 5 restarts ago, even if I move the image to a new folder. It's an odd problem that I've been having for about 4 months now.
nips have bidet
some of them don't know how to use it.
>squat toilet
This is the reason why I don't have a panty sniffing fetish. I don't want to be sniffing something that's very close to anyones ass
but that's the best part
What an absolute thread.
Damn son.
looks like she really needs to go
You're making me nauseous user....
just imagine the scent
Or she calculated the pros and cons of having to get up to shit vs wearing a diaper all day, she can practice more efficiently by not leaving her practice space to shit.
I wonder if you all just memeing or you are really into this thing.
Just FYI, I've been shopping shitstains on girls' panties for several years now.
>when all those pancakes come back to haunt her during a long flight
I'm very serious.
Wouldn't the odor make it harder for the others to practice though? The band wont play well if they can't all practice together.
Its not so much that they shit themselves per se, but rather that they just don't wipe properly because they're not smart enough to understand proper hygiene.
Was this scene necessary?
what is this exactly and how does one use it?
Drinking fountain.
They're already playing with a smelly girl like Ritsu, one more shouldn't be too bad.
but it's so low to the ground, wouldn't you need to be on your knees just to reach it?
They’ve become immune to it at this juncture
>the average american
The water stings my hemorrhoid ridden asshole
>be practicing keyboard with friends
>the resident tard comes in
>act nice because she can't help it
>start practice with her too
>suddenly her face becomes scrunched
>looks like she's gonna bust an artery
>uh oh.jpg
>rest of us give each other knowing looks as we brace for impact
>start choking and gasping for air
>underclassman pukes and runs out of the room
>tard keeps playing, she doesn't understand
>we do this everyday
This would be a lot more entertaining that what that shitshow was.
why are the dirtiest kinks like scat/farts the best
what a horrid fucking thread. where do you people come from?
because they're the most vulgar
Gap moe.
I still don't understand how stuff like that can get so popular.
Are any of those complex jap toilets advanced enough to completely negate the use of tp?
She's poor
doubt it, at the very least you still need to dry off after using the bidet
I'd watch a K-On shit show.
I think some of them even have built-in driers that also act as charcoal air filters, but seems like that would just make the whole process take longer. Like using a hand drier instead of paper towels after washing your hands.
that seems like a tedious waste of time for a task that already takes too long.
Fun fact: even third word countries like India and the Philippines use soap and water to wash their asses after they poop. America is somehow fine with just wiping their asses with toilet paper.
I always shower after I shit, so I rarely need to use paper.
They all probably shit themselves so that the scent of their own shit overpowers the scent of the other girls shits so it kinda balances out.
Personally I’d rather have a slightly dirty ass than have to dig at shit with my bare hand like so many of the “clean” third-worlders.
just wash your fucking hands you disgusting pig, it sickens me to know people are out there knowing walking around with shit stained asses just because they can't be bothered to clean.
It's weird. I hate K-on as it's boring. But I actually liked the fanbase.
How debiruish.
Why hate on Yui, she is the best on of them all...
Not joking, you would in some extremes in Australia, let alone the third world.
Things biting is not a fucking joke. It happens, very often.
use a cloth you dirty son of a bitch
It's love.
Kill yourself europoor.
>things biting
what things?
Mosquitos mainly, but sometimes spiders, snakes, flies (yes they bite here).
Especially the gascoyne... not fun.
I didn't realize shit would make snakes bite.
>user does not know the bad hygiene standards of Jap girls
Oh sweet summer child.
They bite at anyone giving them the opportunity mate. You fucking get a bad one in the backyard and you lower your guard - cya later.
That sounds nerve wracking.
You mean 3D Japanese girls are stinky and smelly and have stinky smelly armpits?
>That sounds nerve wracking.
If ya a poofta.
Everyone smells like curry in japan.
I don't speak Australian. Glad I don't live there, that and angel hair would make me miserable.
>angel hair
You mean the shit in insulation? Glass fibres. Fucking canes like a cunt.
Mugi wants to eat Sawa-chan-sensei's poop, so I don't think she'd mind too much.
Spider rain you idort.
How'd you figure that?
Get a bidet or buy one of those water jets add-ons for your toilet, they are cheap
So Europeans, how do you dry your ass after you use your bidet? Do you really have a communal butt rag?
>You mean 3D Japanese girls are stinky and smelly and have stinky smelly armpits?
No mostly because their sweat does not smell. Try to find deodorant in Jap land. Impossibru.
However, their vaginal and anal hygiene is fucking disgusting sometimes. Not all girls, but a great many I know or heard about from my friends had a putrid smell in their nether regions.
>mfw since i moved countryside i have to flush the toilet and check behind every towel before shitting so i don't get bit by spiders/snakes/scorpions
not to mention the executioner wasps that usually come though the window while i'm shitting
Euros dont use bidets you fucking fagot. Asians do
Not euro but I use toilet paper
We just call them spider webs...
bidets are european first, asians only adopted them second.
even when they're raining from the fucking sky like one of the plagues?
>communal butt rag?
You're lucky I wasn't sipping my wine.
I thought Euros just had one copy of their flag in every toilet, hence why they're "euros" and no longer their individual country.
Funny how Britain is sorta escaping that categorisation automatically in my head.
>even third word countries like India and the Philippines use soap and water to wash their asses after they poop
So the streets have soap and water dispensers? Or is that just the designated streets?
why not close the window?
Toilets are eu as well.
I have one nigger (probs a red back) that shoots it's seed (web) all over my windscreen and mirror every day. Fuck is gonna die when I catch I swear to god.
They bring a bucket.
You mean like Amerimutts adopted the toilet and toilet paper from Europe?
But what about the bidets there?
>t. brit
They are integrated in the toilet. Literally look up Jap toilets since they are a meme at this point.
So what makes their genital hygiene so bad?
>Spray some water =/= clean and (relatively) good smelling private parts
Also, this is a country where most people still live with their parents after their 20th birth day and use the same bathwater and dont shower/clean in the morning (only taking a bath at night)
How does it feel having lost to a bunch of mutts and descended into irrelevancy, redcoat?
They'll get in anyway, the windows have those holes to drain water. With the window open at least they have a chance to come back outside
That sounds horrifying.
I'm gonna throw up.
Don't think I need to explain why
You mean London?
Hmm, I dont know, person from country that has lost its powerful position in just 70 years and is now only 56% white (and considers North Africans as white lel).
Now lets get back to discussing anime
because she's rin "gives herself a bidet enima and releases in front of friends" tohsaka's sister?
>this is a country where most people still live with their parents after their 20th birth day and use the same bathwater and dont shower/clean in the morning (only taking a bath at night)
Depends, what geographic area?
SEA used to be like that. Changed quickly last two decades.. I don't really consider them third world.
I swear it was the tsunami. One time I went there, it was a shithole, then the tsunami happened, then the "shithole" was better than my own suburb after that.
>SEA is not dysfunctional and poor as fuck compared to the first world and should thus not be seen as such
Hmmm, yeah mate, that is going to be a no from me
>lost its powerful position
is that why the whole world threw a shitfit when we elected our president? Because we don't matter to them?
No it is because the US is decadent as fuck since your Iraq /Afghanistan adventures. The first cracks began to show during Vietnam, when you lost from a bunch of rice farmers. Now Trump is pushing for Isolationist measures, Europe is the laughing third party.
>comfy poop thread
>suddenly /int/
The only think europe did is shit itself in impotent rage that we don't care about them.
Sorry user
Considering bali used to have rat filled open sewers about a decade ago and now their countryside has proper paths, I dunno. I think they're silent achievers recently.
Sure, mutt, sure. Lets see how this little trade war / conflict is going to work out for you. I hope it escalates.
It's only natural with Pajeet.
I would much rather shove my nose into a girls piss stained panties than shit stained ones. Bonus points if she's still wearing them and desperate as fuck to piss.
Nice, I was there in 07 when I was just a teen as a tourist. I remember those sewers and the devastation of the Tsunami (still after 3 years). I hope this is true, but Batavia/Jakarta is still a smog filled shithole probably.
I loved sniffing my jap gfs crotch or finger her on the train. She was so embarrassed haha, but she loved it
You brits have nothing to offer us. Isn't it about time for muhammad to fuck your daughter?
Who says I am a brit, mutt?
Still bad water, but at least it has comfy paths amirite (yeah now I'm doubting my judgement when you brought up the capital of guacamoleville - it's getting money in the wrong places.
Neither does the rest of europe. Doesn't matter what corner of the shithole you come from, you're still in a shithole.
>(yeah now I'm doubting my judgement when you brought up the capital of guacamoleville - it's getting money in the wrong places.
To be fair all SEA capitals are rancid places
I want to sniff konata's hair haha
Lel, mutt stay mad
Whose reaching? The EU is irrelevant to us in any meaningful way.
If it weren't for Ui, Yui would have the walls of her house full of poop.
>the biggest economy in the world is irrelevant to us
Also I never said how relevant we were for you, but how decadent your country is.
Oh c'mon Yui is not that retarded. Why does everyone think she would not take care of herself. In the show it is revealed that she is very self conscious about herself. she would take care of it
wormslut it's not good to blame your rectum problems caused by years of ravaging by shinji and worms on your sister
There's nothing wrong with decadence if we can remain independent.
>There's nothing wrong with decadence if we can remain independent.
>Literally the Western Roman Empire
golden ages are always a little decadent, the indulgence is what makes them great.
She probably can't help it, loose ass and all.
>not having a lewd decadent freakshow with a bunch of mates
Sakura has never shit herself in canon like rin.
The worms would eat her shit for her if anything, making her a pure woman who never poops.
She might not poop, but she still has worms.
They use soap/water and their hands, you moron. They willingly get shit on themselves because they don’t have anything decent to clean their asses off with.
Imagine if she squeezed a huge turd in front of you while making that face.
That's why you wash your hands with soap after you wash your ass you retard. I mean, even if you wipe your ass with toilet paper you should still wash your hands with soap afterwards, unless you're some kind of a subhuman mongrel who thinks it's okay to get their hands that close to shit and not wash it with soap.
Honest question, how can you live without a bidet? i mean really, how the fuck do you clean your ass if you don't have one? i couldn't imagine living without one, the feeling you get when you clean your anus after poop with one is feel clean.
have you encounter a huntsman spider while shitting? i wanted to move to Australia before but after reading about shit like that i just...
Use toilet paper and moist wipes
Yeah I'm preeeeettty drunk ay.
Can't believe this hasn't been posted yet
install a bidet user, trust me, there is nothing better than having your ass cleaned with pressure water