Manga you're currently reading is being adapted into anime by Masaaki Yuasa

How does he improve it?
Also, Yuaser thread.

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Punpun adaptation when

Takemitsu Zamurai.

would punpun anime work?
This looks like something he could adapt into anime

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Scenes like pic related become even creepier thanks to atmospheric effects, work on light and contrast, and muh dutch angles.
Karasuma's depression is expressed through creepy facial animation and abstract background animation (texture effects, stuff disintegrates into nothing, etc).
Awesome first person pov 2D flight scenes.

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>would punpun anime work?
It's not impossible.
It wouldn't be as good, but normalfags would definately eat it up.

How would that work even?

Yuasa's weird animation style

It is now terrible.

Probably wouldn't be good unless he takes a lot of liberties and revamps it into an artsy kill bill sort of thing.

Man, konjiki no gash!! adapted by him would be quite a ride.

>Stone Ocean
It doesn't.
Araki finally made his work look truly western. If Yuasa touches it, it'll lose all that unique look to it. If he animated the string portions of it, it wouldn't be so bad.

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Pure kino

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>One piece. would be good for anime to get everything adapted again so he stops making other shitty stupid anime and waste his time with OP. yeah, we would get an awful adaptation, but thats better than him ruining other anime.

OPP would turn into shit

? this looks like an average manga page

could be good I guess

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>How does he improve it?
Looking through the last 20 things I've read I'm pretty sure he'd make all of them worse.
At best he'd maybe not fuck up the Hanebado story as much as the existing adaption managed, although the animation was one of the only good things about that and I'm sure he'd make that part worse.

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Sengoku Youko
I don't know how it'll turn out

I genuinely think he would rather hold it back.

This isn't kind of story that would much benefit from good animation, literally anyone who can make stuff look pretty will do, like Tatsuyuki Nagai. The story will carry it more so than its visuals, but pretty visuals would help. But pretty as in on your face pretty, not stylistically pretty. Pretty in the most shallow meaning possible (like Your Name).

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>I don't smoke
>Jotaro "Eat 5 cigarettes at once" Kujo

By making it ugly and poorly drawn.