Does the thought of sex never cross his mind? He's surrounded by beautiful girls that all want his dick, yet he never considers fucking any of them. That's bad writing for a horny teenager.
Is Hachiman asexual?
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you pretending to be retarded ?
He overthinks everything because he mistoke girls kindness the wrong way in the past
There's a lot of things you can complain about in the writing, but being too edgy and autistic to realize you could get laid in highschool isn't one of them.
Sans one uncharacteristic moment of GENUINE, I'd be a permavirgin.
He's a homosexual. The only moments where he explicitly shows attraction to someone is when he's with Totsuka (a boy).
>That's bad writing for horny teenagers
whoa... LN is badly written and made for teenagers... what a surprise...
Yucky no a shit
>Does the thought of sex never cross his mind?
>posts image where the thought of sex is clearly on his mind
I'm pretty sure even if he wanted, girls would say no.
>irowhore a shit
>shitzuka a shit
>yuicancer a shit
>maishit a shit
>harushit a shit
that's objectively wrong though
Despite somehow having two girls like him he is too much of a pussy to fix either of those girls or man up and confess to either. Because mah self esteem.
Thats why Saika is the best
Thotsucka is trash
Go back to your cancerous discord
Didn't he spend majority of the novel wanking over Yukino's appearance in his head?
I don't use discord. But care to prove me wrong or even come with a counter argument?
Character development when?
both of you can go back to your cancerous discord
He's probably masturbated to Yukino multiple times.
Clearly 8man had a thing for cakes.
>mah self esteem
No. It's actually because of "muh genuine".
He doesn’t like dogfuckers
This thing never was funny user
right after you
Is he like that towards the other girls as well?
Because you have shit taste
It's not self esteem, they're all too comfortable with the current dynamic and afraid to ruin it.
>1000 beauty sonnets for Yukino
>betaman too afraid to call girls by their first name
>chadyama doesn't give a shit and titfucks her in front of hikinigger
How will self-insert cucks ever recover?
hachiman can have totsuka+zaimokusa
Unfortunately chadyama tried to impress Yukino by calling her Yuki chan and she gave him the look of death.
She would probably do the same with Hachiman
Hayama's cock belongs to Totsuka too
In the Drama CD, she was stuttering and acting embarrassed when Komachi suggested 8man call Yukino by her first name. Suddenly a change compared to Hayama to 8man.
Not canon
Says you, YPF.
Isn't that guy actually genuinely nice and not the kind to NTR someone? Hell Hachiman was way more of an asshole compared to him. Though I only watched season 1.
That's quite literally part of the story retard.
You know that stare only implies her interest in hayato's balls while they're hatefucking each-other all night after the arranged marriage. Hikinigger will find his genuine thing on pawnstars after rick calls a friend
Yeah, it’s just that ntrfags don’t really have anyone else to use.
Hayacock is for Yui and Iroha only
ladies(guys) first
Genuinely nice but iirc he not so much of a pushover that he’d sacrifice his one romantic interests for somebody else.
Would she let Hachiman call her Yukichan?
That would give Yukino heart problems if Hachiman decided to do it. She is very sensitive and delicate.
Wrong girl
Why are you niggers always sperging out?
It’s just what we do, man.
cancerous sidegirlfags
HayaChad is a chick magnet.
Girls want his dick and his sperm.
he only likes her sister
Is he in love with Yui?
>not a single one where hachiman imagines dicking her in bed
>doesn't mind a feminine penis and would even enjoy being crushed by zaimokuza's fat thighs
Light Niggers can't accept the fact that he's a faggot
Haruno is better anyway. 8man is probably the only one who prefers the inferior one.
Are we getting a prequel about Sensei once the series wraps up?
Why are you talking about yourself here?
Of her sucking doggo dick? Yes.
Haruno is a fucking soulless whore
Wasn’t that after volume 3? I wonder how she would react to it now
Cause they are fucking autistic samefags.
Elliot rodger inspired speech. Hikinigger doesn't understand that being a nice girl has nothing to do with it. It's his inherent creepiness and being a friendless loser makes women stay away from him.
Wataru watari's poorly written light nigger shows his deepest thoughts and almost all of them are creepy as fuck from a woman's perspective. Its shitty character development gets even worse from the latest volumes where everyone somehow wants his dick and the plot is stuck in limbo.
>not asserting your manhood by fucking another man
You can still get diseases.
because totsuka is a dirty whore
You say it like saika is cum dumpester for fat faceless old men.
In the manga that has gone beyond the anime, he thinks to himself that he would love to have a threesome with the Yukinoshita sisters.
No, we just paid attention during sex ed.
Based Totsuka doujin title:
(SPARK10) [Hamehame Service Area (Cr-R)] Tenshi Kawaii Totsuka no Dekamara de Mesu ni Sareru Hachiman no Hon. | Cute Angel Totsuka Turns Hachiman into His Bitch with His Elephant Cock
my little user cant be speedwatching at 4x!
thotsuka a shit
You don't get AIDS from having sex with virgin.
We can't post sadpanda?
Umm yeah that doesn't sound like sans at all
You have the title.
Just search in panda.
Yeah, jans and mods said sadpanda belong to /h/ and /d/.
I miss the threads we had on Yea Forums.
Stop it you nigger.
since when?
I saw some thread with panda links just a few days ago.
Based and hikigaypilled
no volume 14 cover
There is a dichotomy between desperation and pussy. The more desperate you are for it the less likely you are too get it. In middle school all 8man wanted was a gf and he was desperate. Now he doesn't even hope for it anymore there is a row of girls to choose from.
education level of the average Yea Forums poster
a cancerous shit
How would a virgin get AIDS?
Is this the way to get a gf?
Oh, so AIDS only spreads by having sex?
Hachiman made me asexual
That's because he wants to fuck the best character in the series. The super hot feminine looking trap, and that's because he has good taste.
Mainly yes.
The other two modes are vertical transmission and contaminated blood/body fluid exposure.
>already March 1 in Japan
>still no cover
Ugh, I hope it's not going to be delayed again.
Totsuka is fucking trash and the worst character in the show. Fuck off
Imagine having such shit taste
I assume you are talking about yourself.
What is long enough?
His dick?
He's not wrong though. Totsuka was just added to pander to trapfags. If you remove him the overall quality of the show will probably improve.
High Testosterone causes premature closure of the physis at the bones ends causing to short stature on the other hand, it gives large long penis.
no u
8man wouldn't want Totsuka to get Komachi pregnant so soon.
best girl
Thomas Busse is that you
shit taste
Please, the cake was going Genesis 7:17 over 8man
The cake is fucking trash
>He's surrounded by beautiful girls that all want his dick, yet he never considers fucking any of them. That's bad writing for a horny teenager.
No, it´s because how japanese dating culture work. Japanese men always need make the "first move" but with a egocentrically 8man it´s impossible, that´s the entire plot of the this series.
They are afraid of the Yukinofag chimpout.
>irocancer chimpout
But he barely has to make any move. It is like opening a safety pin for him, not a combination lock with no pass code.
I still don't get why every girl has to like him, only Yui and Yukino make sense and fit the story. Yukino didn't even like until recently too.
That's false, she started to have a crush on him as soon as the Cultural Festival.
Yuki no(t) a shit.
He gay.
Maybe you should read the LN.
Pretty sure those faggots started banning sadpanda threads around 2016 or 2017
Does it count if she can't articulate it? I mean in a sense that if 8man should some earnest interest and made a small move how would it be received by Yukino?
I didn’t know that yukino was this yucky
She would be disgusted and shoot him down heard. She did that in the infirmary scene. Yukino has reacted negatively every time he has tried to show interest in her or try to get closer.
>tried to lean on him during infirmary
>looked surprised when he back away
Do japanese normalfags really say yahallo?
Wasn’t she already kind of interested in him after their mall date?
She put pressure on his knee to get him away from her. The anime poorly adapted that scene just like everything else.
Watari said that it was when 8man was walking her home during the Kyoto trip that Yukinoshita became conscious of him and that the story began with the story up to 8man asking Yukino to be friends at the end of season 1(volume 6) being a sort of prologue.
Its the reason why she only started getting hurt about 8man afterwards and let him continue sacrificing himself before that point. Yui is just a plot device in Hachiman and Yukino's love story.
Calm down YPF
>Its the reason why she only started getting hurt about 8man afterwards and let him continue sacrificing himself before that point
No, it's because after what happened with Sagami, Yukino saw the aftereffects of Hachiman's actions. That's why she wanted to put a stop to them. Yukino has cared about his well being since very early on.
>this delusion
In three weeks you will have to face reality.
She cares about him as a project she has to complete or a problem she has to solve. She got attached to the club in the process however.
To understand the shift in tone, you gotta see how watari dealt with the fame, before season 1, yahari was niche as fuck, watari was very bitter and most of the early novels have 8man just going full edge.
Now cue in S1, the boom on sales and yahari being on top 4 with shit like SAO/Mahouka, that forced watari's hand: either he stayed on the path and eventually be killed by the LN yakuza, or do a complete 180 and become the very thing he was mocking.
If you can read moon, his twitter gives great insight on the whole thing.
Calm down YPF
>his twitter gives great insight on the whole thing.
No it doesn't.
Yeah, a happy Yukino end was never in the cards until the executives/editors started pushing it. Why else does every girl in the story have some sort of crush on 8man? He is a generic harem protag now and he barely has any character.
Money, some fame, and some adoration does a lot for someone's self esteem. People don't hate him now so is it any surprise if he isn't as much of an edgelord now?
He shills his characters hard as fap material. Before he was real.
Are we still pretending that ypf exists? Just say you hate Yuifags and be done with it. They're only ones who won't be salty when the loner end happens.
I bet you've never seen his trap doijins.
The best girls I've met, other than one unicorn saintly christian girl, are all genuinely a bit bitchy. The bitchier, the more fun the conversations.
Avoid the megabitch though.
>He's surrounded by beautiful girls that all want his dick
Yui and Yukino? Those are the only two I can think of. Iroha doesn't like him and likes Hayama, Ebina was just giving him shit in that one scene, Saki doesn't like him as far as we know since she is barely a character, Yumiko loves Hayama, Sagami hates him, sensei is just his mentor, Haruno sees him as a tool to get at Yukino, Orimoto is just a casual girl who thinks he is more interesting than he used to be, Yuimom thinks he is just her daughter's crush, and Yukimom is frosty with him.
>loner end
Yeah, let's have Hachiman go back to feeling like he has no self-worth and going back to being fearful of misunderstandings.
Calm down YPF
How so? He would have learned something by interacting with people and going through trials and tribulation.
Do you even hear yourself? He wouldn't have learned anything by being a loner again.
Sensei's lust for the 8man's 8" cock is peerless.
I dont get thus, because the drama is making the current dynamic uncomfortable
I see someone is preemptively preparing for a Yukino end and already has excuses. It is like you are building the roads ahead of time for backtracking.
Sensei is a shitty one dimensional joke character
They want D but they don't want to fuck anything, not realizing the desire for D is what is causing some of the drama.
Sensei isn’t talking about herself there you cockgobbler
Come on, man
She is pathetic and one dimensional. Go back to your cancerous discord or facebook
How many times do we have to hear this line? Sensei is pretty much a joke character.
No women show this concern for a man, unless she wants him to father her children.
Yukino asked her if she could help out in Yukino’s quest to help Hachiman
I forget how good hachiman was at this sort of thing. The shows honestly underrated in ways.
Curious. Why did you assume discord or facebook?
Because that’s how cancerous you are.
Cancerous? What? What's gotten into you?
No, Yukino end was always going to happen. If anything the editors pushed more shitty characters. Yui was always destined to lose, even in her "route" with her "happy ending" she still loses.
so the pasta about having daughter makes you a cuck is true...
>Sensei is a shitty one dimensional joke character
T. Anime only fag
welcome to anime
Nah, they just trolls
Meh, look at all of these pathetic fags rooting for trash girls, where the best girl is Hachiman himself. Imagine marrying him.
Are you kiddinbg? She is one dimensional in the LN as well.
Fuck off faggot
He honestly has the best trap doujins and I don't know why. I think some real good artist just really liked him.
the trap doujins are trash
This. Why do saikafags always shill them here
they're mentally ill
But, the dick.
I can't control the dick user.
Are you telling me to control the dick?
You better not be.
He’s telling you to stop being so gay.
It feels like the girls are the real perverts instead of what we have been told.
So confirmed for telling me to harness the D?
I don't believe it is that simple user. Are you telling me to tame a dragon?
I think you are.
this faggot needs to fuck off
There’s always the rope, m8.
fuck off cancer
>doesn't believe in love and gets personally involved in Yukino's personal life
based Irohaposter
She just wants her sister to have a solid relationship
>cancerous irohaposter
This explain why my dog REALLY liked my sister after I left it in her care for few days.
>cancerous irohaposter
Except for the part she doesn't believe genuine things exist. Haruno just wants to destroy anything that gets close to Yukino, because Haruno is mentally unstable and a closet siscon.
Stop tempting me with attractive solutions user.
>closet siscon
I didn't get that impression
so you're either a dumb secondary or just trolling
nobody gives a fuck about your impression
Haruno's poor boundaries and the fact she likes to tease Yukino just a little too much.
There's no need to be rude man
So she's the final boss after all and not Yukimom?
Yukino's fear of dogs parallel with her being scared of Yui (essentially a dog) ruining her relationship with 8-man.
When dogs get out of line, they need to be put down.
Who's gonna do the job?
>posts a women(male)
Neither, Yukino absolutely must solve her family problems by herself without Hachiman to "save" her.
is she allowed to shoryuken her mom and sister?
All of Yukinoshita's have had martial arts training, so I imagine there is katana duel.
Only 2D girls are pure
Can 8man beat Yukino is a fight?
>girls are the real perverts instead of what we have been told.
You have no idea.
They're so innocent they get mislead into anything.
No, I don't think Hachiman ever practiced Aikido. In a fight Yukino would kick his ass.
Can she even touch him at this point without spilling spaghetti though?
Hachiman so much as breathes causes her to drop her spaghetti. She unconsciously gets Max Coffee and Hachiman catches her in the act, and she completely lost it.
She's really vulnerable to 8man right now huh
>implying 8man wouldn't play dirty
>She unconsciously gets Max Coffee
she was probably just thirsty
Haruno is the only one with any sex appeal so it's no surprise
The fucking tire fitment in that car holy fucking shit, I couldn't concentrate the whole fucking episode
>bumping the thread from page 10
Shitzukafags are cancer
how dirty?
Give it a rest, YPF.
She's definitely thirsty though, if you know what I mean.
He just likes the original over the clones.
It's Hachiman's fault for making her into a pervert.
Asexuality isn't a thing so no
But shitzuka is trash though
Better than Yukino, Rui and especially Yumiko, who are her clones
Yumiko, sure, but the other two? Fuck no. She is an alcoholic abusive cunt. If she were the main girl, you fags would hate her for being a violent tsundere.
but hey, she's a cake, so that obviously makes her a good character amirite??
I can't believe that's how people judge characters.
trapfags/cakefags usually don't really care about the characters
Yumiko is perfect you dumb faggots
No, he's just an emo tit.
at being trash
>likes Hayama for superficial reasons
Hayato is right for not choosing her.
did she get rejected already?
>nice girls