>japs actually buy bluerays
>japs think only filthy gaijin pirate anime and manga
are japs shoot retarded? who would pay $70 USD for a blue ray with only a few episodes on it? I'm not even a poor fag but it's a waste of money
Japs actually buy bluerays
>are japs shoot retarded?
Wow user, how can you not like a blu ray with 3 episodes on it and no bonus features?
It's not just anime. A lot of stuff is retardedly expensive there. It's just how it is and they are used to it. Even their fucking youtube clone is garbage that's paywalled.
I think the collection mentality is quite nice.
Still stupid, but it's cute.
If they stopped there wouldn't be any anime. If you want to help you can buy.
>complaining about people who finance anime on anime board
You know, I am a huge freeloader who pirates everything, but I can be grateful to those who support things for me to pirate.
I wonder what would happen if some company decided to start releasing blue-rays with western pricing over there and if increased number of sales would offset the price cut.
More Japanese rent, stream, or just record their episodes to watch. Buying BDs to collect is really niche, and that's partly why it's so expensive. Otaku were willing to pay expensive rental-price vids.
>renting video
lmao hello 2009
>he isn't an anime girl who grew up in a shrine and does not know what the computer is
I'm serious. Rental shops are alive and well there. Used bookshops are much more of a thing too. Maybe it's partly due to less space, but Japanese citizens are more willing to rent something, or buy it and then sell it.
looks like rentals are dropping. Either way I would have thought nips would stream literally everything seeing as like one third of the population lives in tokyo, a city which no doubt is chock full of decent high speed internet. And streams take up no space
They are, but they still comprise a significant amount, at least for DVDs. Streaming is very significant, as well as digital rentals. It's just that for every person who streams the anime or watches it on their DVR, isn't going to buy the BDs. Not even if they love the anime.
Disc sales are shrinking with every year anyway. It remains an important source of revenue for late night anime, but it's becoming increasingly important to capitalize on other revenue streams.
To support only your top anime studios. If everyone bought a blu ray a year there would be tons of fliff flowing around.
I went to Japan twice last year. I spent a ton on anime merch because I want to support the stuff I like.
I bought all of Shinkai's storyboards because I liked Your name ~$200
I bought everything Fate related I could find - something like 15 artbooks, the HF Bluray, and various keychains/posters/novelties ~$1000
I bought all volumes of Gotoubun (~$50) and the first two volumes of various other manga I enjoyed (~$100)
I spent something like $800 in the arcades getting nesoberis and HF2 merch
No wonder anime is going to shit. It's this faggot's shit taste funding all the trash
fucking shitty eroge is at least 9000 Yen for fucks sake.
Why would you go all the way to another country just to buy shit you can get online?
buying stuff was only part of my trip. The majority of my trip was spent sightseeing and eating food
Why would you expect sense from someone who likes Fate and Shinkai?
I also love sightseeing suffering wage slaves in broad daylight
This post pretty much sums up what's wrong with the anime industry. Being funded by shitmunchers who think Shinkai garbage and Fate is "artsy."
Most of the Japanese I saw on a daily basis looked very happy and content with their lives.
The only Shinkai film I've watched is Your name. I bought all his storyboards because they were displayed together. I saw "Your name" and assumed there were 5 parts. It was only after the purchase that I realized each storybook. As for Fate, I just like Fate. It's a shame that a some of the Fateshit I bought was for GO but that can't be helped. I don't think either are "artsy", I genuinely enjoyed both of them and wanted to support the franchise/creator.
Who the fuck doesn't?
The only good cheap objects in Japan are the art materials that isn't branded Copic.
dvd still sells over here
Just sounds like a lot to spend. maybe i'm just not richfag enough.
i would spend a shitton in arcades too, so i can't fault you there.
jp stationary is top tier
Most Japanese business still fax
Japanese arcades are just too fun
How serious does the government go after piracy and torrenting?
You act like Western prices aren't retarded (less so, but still)
To take Eva as an example, any of the Rebuild movies on Bluray still cost about $40 here in Australia
>Brother goes to Japan
>comes back with a bunch of cool DB figures and brings me pic related
>he tells me they're all just fucking claw game prizes and cost maybe $10 to win
Why the fuck are their prizes so good?
That sounds completely reasonable for a movie. Do you want a $15 USD/~20 AUD or something?
If something's been out for fucking 10 years, yeah.
Why would you buy something that doesn't contain a whole season/whole show?
All american businesses still fax, I haven't worked for one that didn't.
that's a pretty nice Goku. not a buyfag so I have no clue what idols cost, but it looks worth more than $10.
You have to be a really huge faggot to buy shit you can get for free.