>Prisma Phantasm
Finally we're escaping 3rei's bullshit even for just a little bit.
Where were you when Prisma Illya will get its own spin-off as well?
>Prisma Phantasm
Finally we're escaping 3rei's bullshit even for just a little bit.
Where were you when Prisma Illya will get its own spin-off as well?
>Oonuma Shin
Masturbating to the new illya doujin.
>prisma phantasm
yes! Yes! YES!
Will this focus on more cute and funny moments rather than being a rip-off of FSN?
God has not forsaken us.
>spinoff gets an spinoff
Can't wait for it to get an spinoff as well, let's not stop there
Lots of cute stuff hopefully
and some mana transfer scenes
It's already a thing. Called FGO. FSN VN ---> spin-off into mobage ---> spin-off into Riyo manga and other manga adaptations and anime
This needs to stop
As long Miyu gets a bit of love from Illya, even just a bit I'm fine, I just want her to be happy
Full season of gay jokes instead of only third.
Is this the Carnival Phantasm of Prisma Ilya?
Oh and it's going to get a movie screening as well.
So the OVA might be longer than 30 minutes.
It's too late at this point. We can only keep going.
>no new chapter this month
>suddenly Prisma Phantasm
Good shit
i need more miyu lewds
I hope the 3rei characters show up.
AATM adaptation when?
Do we have any details about what its going to be about? How often will my daughter miyu be kissed by other girls? Will Kuro finally awaken to her possessive desire to monopolize miyu? These are the important questions
Raildex in a nutshell.
There better be chibis, lots of chibis.
Oi, Astral Buddy is great.
>it's getting a movie screening as well
Holy shit. Is this them making amends because Illya literally got only a minute of screen time in the Shirou movie?
how long have we been dealing with the Miyuverse again?
Too fucking long.
I can't wait
>That illya thong.
What is that?
Are you blind?
post yfw they hit us with a parody of KIMI TO
Longer than Namek.
Does this mean we're going to get a really raunchy movie ticket again?
>Literally Carnival Phantasm Prisma version.
>create show about little girls being lewd
>change focus to Shirou and make the plot identical to every other piece of fateshit
>go as far as to minimise little girl screentime
>ratings and sales plummet
>make spin off as an excuse to air prime c**** again
sasuga Type Moon
Imagine OP being literally just remix of this
performed by ChouCho.
As if we needed any more proof that Carnival Phantasm and Prillya were the best parts of fate.
Fuck it. Let's add Fate/Cooking and make it a trifecta.
How lewd will be?
Oh no lads. Futaba is at it again.
I want to say it.
I love it.
So cute.
And funny
Can't believe they made her leg a cock
Im hoping close to the OVA levels.
I need more.
I like this. I just hope it won't be too tainted by this post-F/GO world.
i believe there is one word that could have saved you posting twice. what was it again...
I hope this rekindles Hiroyama's desire to finish 3rei. If it doesn't well I guess we're probably going to have an anime original spin-off series while we wait for the manga.
That word contains too much power for any one user to use.
so he stopped because of some injury and time spent in hospital or because he doesn't care as much?
but with our powers combined...
I want to hold naked Illya in my arms.
Good post.
Better be 1 hour long of just cute and lewd shit happening.
All I need from this, is only Miyu and Kuro finally finishing what they started in previous OVAs.
What's the hold up? Finish the damn miyuverse already.
True, we do need that. We definitely also need a kiss between Miyu and ILlya though
It's not a thong. It's actually part of the same bottom.
Glad to see you again, user.
You have a comrade on futaba.
Is he not saying Miyu and Shirou(i)?. I don't want that, Miyu brotherzoned him and is clearly Illyasexual.
Miyu and "the white one" (shiroi no)
me too, but maybe we should post a translated versions for all the idiots who don't know what this means (unlike me)
白いの is Illya, 黒いの is Kuro. A bit racist.
Make sure to let that guy know he has a comrade here too
Will phantasm kid Gil be as hilarious as Phantasm adult Gil?
Ah right, I was wondering if he did mean that or it was just a typo. I probably should read the 2chan threads more.
Miyu is the most sexual beast in existence.
I want to see Kuro transferring mana from Iliyas soft, wet, pink CUNNY
Reminder that Miyu is for her onii-chan. It’s not just familial love, there’s something even more than that. Shirou also went full Heaven’s Feel for her, choosing her over everything- justice, the world and even Sakura.
The lesbian loli trio will always remain but they’ll all get dick on the side.
You lost me
You've read too many doujins.
At this point "make a loli spinoff of it" should be considered the go-to treatment for waning franchises.
She's a Sakura-type character, of course she's a Beast.
Why are they lifting their skirts?
I also like that Nanoha did the same thing to it's own franchise after the third season.
>what if we took a serious mobage...
>then, what if we took some familar, beloved major character
>and then, what if we made her, and all her lovely friends have a nice time?
>prisma phantasm
a complete savior to the Fate franchise.
The third season is no longer canon, it's replaced with Nanoha Reflection+Detonation. Nanoha is now never have been an adult.
That's just false and not true
Search your heart, you know it to be true.
Wouldn't that make Vivid not canon? That wouldn't really make sense.
I don't need to search. I already know what your saying is false.
They're both too pure to go that way, unless Kuro sets them up or something.
Ruby would be the one to set Illya up. As for Miyu, she's already on the road to corruption. There was that chapter where she hid in the closet and read those eromanga.
Literally all I want is a maid manga about the hags
Where can I find a girl exactly like this?
>Reminder that Miyu is for her onii-chan.
Not really, in that world Shirou true love is Sakura, same like in FSN.
Same in Illya one.
Learn how to summon semen demons from hell
>it's replaced with Nanoha Reflection+Detonation
Well next movie I bet will be something about StrikerS time.
So we will get adult NanoFate and Hayate, if we will get lucky adult Stern, Levi and the King will be added too.
Did you just gloss over the part where he definitively chose Miyu over Sakura? You can argue that he chose family over romance, but it's clearly different from HF in that regard.
I hope one day Fate and all its assorted trash will be forgotten and that it will be only the Prisma Illya franchise that gets talked about.
no one cares what you hope fag
Cock goes here
what's wrong with their faces
Agreed, but there's nothing romantic between Miyu feelings for Shirou or vice versa, maybe you read too many doujins and it depraved you too much.
They are just normal siblings without Illya and Kuro perverted way, people really shouldn't look here for anything more.
user, this is manga/anime we're talking about, imoutos are for dicking.
this isn't what anime is about you worthless twitter otaku piece of shit
Trying too hard
Sorry but this is not true. One of the conditions for being a magical girl is being in love. She was able to use Sapphire before she even met Illya, which means the one she was in love with was Shirou.
Just stick around the Illya threads. I've not seen anything else Fate related and the threads are alright. It's easy enough to hide all the other threads.
I can only assume that with the mods tolerating Illya related loli posting it helps keep the threads good.
I love Illya and I love threads about Illya.
Of course, Miyu loves Shirou as her only sibling and big brother in the world, there's nothing roamntic in that kind of love either.
>some injury
A heart condition that needed surgery goes rather understated if you describe it like that.
I love Miyu but threads about her girlfriend Illya are appreciated as well.
>>Prisma Phantasm
I'm going to get illya pregnant!
She's a child
So what you're saying is I need to fill her up constantly?
Can do.
She's a homunculus so she should have the ability to become pregnant regardless. Her body is 18 anyway, it's just a little stunted, growth-wise. It's her mind that's 11. Incidentally, Kuro's mind should be 18, which is why she's so lewd.
How much liquid can this cup hold?
>January 19th 2021
Let's measure, shall we?
This user gets it.
Im sure some smart math user can actually figure it out with this pic.
What she doing?
dumb american
One cup is 236.588 ml.
dumb 3rd worlder
Look at that high grade semen demon.
>finally prisma goes back to being nice and comfy and brings all the best characters back
fuck yeah its about time
What one?
I want nipples again. Less obscured by steam this time.
We got them before? Who was it? Luvia?
Ilya and Kuro in profile and no real definition. I believe Luvia's as well though once again they were hardly visible through water.
>Prisma Phantasm
The spinoff of the spinoff tends to be better than the spinoff.
So when is this AOTY coming out?
Sorry, my moon isn't very good. All I understood from the summary and author's comment is that Gil and Saber are involved.
okay but where beatrice at?
She's too busy fucking Battler
link to thread pls
It already 404'd, archived version.
>The disgusting edit is there
Why is futaba allowed to post naked cups but we aren't?
That's clearly an orange board.
>Im hoping close to the OVA levels.
If it's close to that level, it should be on the far side we haven't seen yet.
Not even obscured at all, and highly detailed. What about watch them become erect?
Yea Forums should just become a red board. Then we wouldn't have to play this stupid game with the mods whenever something gets posted that offends their Christian values.
Their was quite a lot of steam. I want to know the exact color and size of the areolae.
As long as dumps without any conversation like /e/ and /h/ have were banned it would be enough.
Frontal and side views without anything in the way are necessary. Possibly some more shading or puffiness between their legs too.
I enjoy on your face loli nipples as much as the next guy but stealth nipples have their own charm.
I don't think the onsen scene would have been better without the steam.
If that scene needed steam, then all the other times where it's just hair or nothing at all hiding the nipples should still be fixed.
One clear shot would be nice. Even just a partial slip would do.
I wanted to watch this but
1. Shirou is still in it and he ruins everything
2. I'm not a pedophile
3. Luvia is barely in it
1. Both Shirous are best Shirou
2. Yes, you are
3. This is the most relevant Luvia has ever been
>1. Shirou is still in it and he ruins everything
He's barely in it. I've not watched any other Fate stuff so don't know what he's normally like but I just thought he was a boring fuck but not in it enough to ruin it.
He just has the galge protagonist problem of no personality yet all the girls like him for some reason, but luckily relegated to a minor character.
Which cup would look the cutest with a pregnant belly?
All of them
He is like MiyuShirou but with no personality and completely retarded motivations.
I still wouldn't mind him being in some of the girls to help provide mana.
I hope in this new series Rin and Luvia kiss
1. He barely shows up
2. Yes you are
3. Who cares
Most of the non-loli characters would be fine considering most of them aren't particularly well developed in the series either, but any time focused on him is time wasted.
I hope they include Pandora in the ova.
I hope someone turns her into a cum box.
Hope there's fanservice.
I need that Miyubutt
On your face?
Face, lap, wherever I can put it
Ancient meme.
Which Prisma Illya has the cutest butt?
I want Illya to sweat on me.
Imagine waking up to this
Those gym uniforms are too lewd. Illya's ass is irresistable in those bloomers.
Where is Juju?
Fuck off please, don't ruin this thread.
>lolicons complain about Miyuverse and shirou stealing the show
The first 2 arcs completely setup all the Miyuverse stuff gradually behind the scenes. If anything it needs more Shirou getting shit done because now that Ilya's trying to friendship her way into victories it's getting stale again.
What is Kuro seeing?
My tally marks
If I was Kuro I'd stick my face in.
I saw her shitposting in the Kuma Miko thread.
Bless you user
He's really just a self insert vehicle. He wasn't even in the original version.
I need more
He's also a great mana insert vehicle for the girls to use if they ever move on to more than just inserting their tongues into each other's mouths.
Like the girls going lingerie shopping?
2 cours of stuff like that
>Not Chaldea Phantasm
it's like they hate money.
take your eggplant and go
I mean Nasu is forcibly shutting down FGO in 1-2 years
For me, it's Miyu.
user, every day FGO brings them more money than any anime would. It's just not worth it.
They could do more than one thing at a time with all that money.
like heated Illya dakis
>those tights on middle low
I want to commit a crime.
/fgog/ told me that FGO was dying though. Are you telling me they lied?
Illya and Miyu's kiss is probably being saved for the climax of 3rei.
Jesus that's puffy.
Cute butt
So Miyuverse Shirou.
Imagine how it feels.
Yes, but they have no reason to. Aniplex(Sony) is a big soulless company. They want your money, they don't want to entertain you(unless it brings even more money).
You know who produced Carnival Phantasm? Type-Moon, Aniplex had nothing to do with it. TM just made CP for fun and for fans. That's why it ended up being so great. Back then TM still wasn't Aniplex's slave. Good times.
And that's why Prisma Illya gets so much love. Because it belongs to Kadokawa, not Aniplex. Prisma is Kadokawa's best chance to have a piece from that delicious Fate pie that almost entirely is owned by Aniplex. So Kadokawa clings to Prisma Illya and doesn't let it to die.
>Back then TM still wasn't Aniplex's slave
TM was a slave to aniplex since KnK.
I think it still wasn't that bad but then Zero became the point of no return.
fuck off retard
well mahoyo's first initial release was on winter '11 . safe to assume tm and aniplex has working far way back then
They've been working together since the first half of the 00s at least. It's absolutely normal, Aniplex cooperates with a lot of companies. But somehow their relationship with TM has evolved into something special.
Imagine the smell.
I'm surprised that Aniplex has never hired SL to produce one of their shows yet, rather than doing outsourced grunt work from other aniplex productions.
I bet not much since it's showing in theaters. I'd love to be wrong.
I must breed Miyu.
Hey buddy, you have to get in line like the rest of us.
I wish there were more shows that has the same brother sister relationship Oath under snow had. Familial love and doing everything to protect them without any incest tones.
I'm not breeding Illya. Her butt works fine.
I'm cutting to the front of the line. I can't wait any longer. I need to mate with her NOW.
Oath under Snow was such a great film, especially put into the context of other works in the Fate franchise.
illya stop being so lewd.
Hugging Illya.
Which one is the cutest and which one is the funniest?
guess what I'm fapping to tonight
He had a huge part in pedo 3 when they went into black hair illya's world. Not only that but the two other girls get wet in his presence. Fucking hell man why do they ALWAYS put him in everything?
Fuck off Shirou fag.
This. Fucking cancerous shit.
Name a better tag than corruption
Another loli dump thread that posts the same images over and over again yay...
Go to bed, Juju.
Blame the /vg/tards crossborders.
squid belly
Good, pure girl.
Keep those ghostly hands off my imoutowife.
Resting my head on that vulnerable butt.
>implying these threads have any reason to exist beyond loli posting
There's a reason the manga threads are so dead.
>complaining about a character that has been in fate since the beginning and has ACTUAL HISTORY with the spin off's characters
Imagine being this fucking retarded.
does sella have any good lewd art
You know I actually have no idea.
Do the meidos get any lewd love from the fanartists or is it strictly the lolis?
Don't post it. I will fucking kill you.
>replying to a 16 hours old post
Be honest with me lads,is there any kind of Prisma Illya media that gets me flagged by the police or some other organization?
Yeah the FBI monitors these threads. The fucko squad is coming to your door now.
You were already flagged the moment you posted on this site. You need to not post for at least two years before they take you off it.
You need permission from her father first.
That's quite the specific number. Source?
Do you think illya will use tongue?
She has to have learned something by now from Kuro. And then Kuro needs to start teaching her even more than that.
I haven't been up to date with the manga in some time. What's the most recent thing to have happened?
My cute daughter Miyu has no front part to her skirt
What the hell is this? Is this an edit? cameo?
>replying to a reply to a 16 hour old post
>Kuro sees your penis
>no Bazett on the cover
This looks foreboding.
No Sakura either. Incredibly wasted opportunity to have her participate in SoL stuff, considering how popular she proved to be when the movie came out.
Sakura is irrelevant to the Prisma crew though. Bazett at least hangs out with them and fights with them.
Only what they could do here is adapt that only chapter where Sakura from Prismaverse appears.
Thanks guys, I've got a promotion
Good wormslut a shit
Expecting more loli mana transfers.
>sakura #1 poll.jpg
>Not liking 3rei
Tastlet detected
Juvia is literal perfection.
>laughing anime girls.png
Ewwww imagine being that much of a delusional faggot
>he doesn't know
No shirou is great
Pedofags are being retarded as usual
Nope they're right,even long time royal players starting to play less.
Illya was in one scene in that movie while half the movie was about Sakura I think it's clear who the real winner was looking at it from a screentime perspective Sakura got blown out of the water. Rin and Luvia even got more then 20 votes despite not being in the move at all also
>Less then a 1000 votes.
Shirou is great wormslut being there isn't.
>Prisma Phantasm
Oh boy I can't wait to beat my dick raw to every episode by laughing vigorously.
>Sakura won
Nice try. Looking at it from a screentime perspective, Sakura who only appeared in a few episodes as a villain and as a side heroine in the movie beat both the main heroine of the entire series and the main heroine of the movie.
>sales plummet
I recall seeing threads pointing out the opposite in which those volumes sold really well
And where is the announcement?
Why is Kuro the unsexiest?
fuck lolis and fuck japs
stay mad nigga
Fucking ruined.
>fuck lolis
yes please.
Yeah. Illya needs a pair of cowtits herself.
>355 posts in and no one has said it yet
I'm actually disappointed
>implying Nasu has any saying in this anymore
FGO is way to big for him to do shit anymore.
It was nice knowing you.
I hope there's more luvia in this but she will probably continue to be unappreciated
The hold up is the manga
I like the loli stuff... but this is 100% true
Fuck off with that garbage. Do you know just how fucking long we've been stuck in 3rei? How fucking long we've had to deal with OC DONUT STEEL villains who didn't even have the courtesy of at least being in the start of the manga like Miyu did. How god damn long we've had the last heavy fanservice chapter that isn't just a pinup illustration?
We didn't deserve Herz.
Good news, there's plenty of other cgdct shows out there for you to wstch, you shittaste faggot.
Fuck the police
Get fucked cunt. I wanted Prisma with Fate not Fate with Prisma.
At least the anime side still knows how to pander while waiting for Hiroyama to finally finish 3rei.
>w-why does a fate spinoff have fate characters and plot points?!
fucking idiot
Ah yes. Such great Fate characters like all the Ainsworths.
Well at least Pandora was cool.
Older characters in loli shows rarely get as much attention.
My only memory of those two is just 3 seasons of bickering. I assume they are characters that suffer for Prisma-only people like me as that was pretty much the only character traits I can remember for either of them.
Fuck off cunt. The lolicons are here first.
Any news of what it's going to be about though?
Carnival Phantasm worked because it had more than 5 characters to work with.
I want to hold Miyu's hand
I like Prisma, but fuck Miyu's universe. I really don't care if this was set up from the beginning, I, and a lot of people, read the manga and picked up the anime for a spin-off about Illya with magical girl shenanigans. Not for the secondary magical girl to overshadow the titular character with her own flashback arc that apes Fate/Stay Night so hard that it may as well be the fucking Illya route Hiroyama should have written if he loves Illya so fucking much, complete with giving her her own fucking Shirou.
I still like her fine, but basing the plot around her when the series is supposed to be about Illya was a fucking mistake, emphasized by the fact 3rei's lasted so fucking long, and I cannot wait for it to be over so we can get back to Illya's world.
I'm glad santa got out of his confinement in the hospital okay.
>I really don't care if this was set up from the beginning
>when the series is supposed to be about Illya
So which is it, dipshit? If you don't like what the series has been building up to since the beginning then drop it.
This. I would have been fine with 3rei if it ended like two years ago.
Miyu is great. Fantastic even but her world has overstayed its welcome too much. Which is especially made worse by the fact that there's still so much actual Fate shit in the origin world to tackle instead of all the literal whos shoved down our throats.
So Yea Forums how hard are they going to go on the meta breaking parallel world shenanigans?
Will they drag in FGO and Turkeyhandle or even bring up the HF movie for no good reason other than antics?
Which is it? I said my piece. Don't take two pieces of my post out of context just to go "which is it, dipshit?" when you're not even being clear of what you mean by that.
I'm not fucking dropping this series because it's supposed to be the closest thing we have to an Illya route, but it's been sending some pretty hard mixed messages. Illya's the weakest character out of the three, and in a spinoff about her we really should've seen more development from her rather than fucking off to another world so Hiroyama can show off his Fate/Stay Night fanfiction.
Miyu didn't *NEED* to be from a different world, the cards didn't *NEED* to be tied to her and her world. This series didn't *NEED* to be so serious when up to this point it's been billing itself as wish fulfillment.
Prisma set itself up as a silly spin-off, with fun callbacks to Fate/Stay Night, Tiger Dojo, and Hollow, and it was better that way.
At least the film made it obvious enough to skip it with the PV being >80% Shirou and knowing it's a flashback so I assume it won't be that important.
Based on the poster for this new thing it's looking more promising. It'll be nice if we get more Herz-like stuff.
The movie still had some max cute Miyu moments and that entire epilogue where we're back to S1E1. That shit was at least glorious. Not even mentioning how Kaleidoscope ends with the beginning of starlog.
The problem I have is with how much you and others like you are still complaining about 3rei. You had 30 entire episodes of Illya shenanigans that wouldn't even exist without Hiroyama, yet ever since 3rei began you all have been whining about how it's not fair that we're "suddenly" resolving Miyu's part of the story, despite it being the direction Hiroyama was ALWAYS intending to take it.
And no, Prisma did not set itself up as being a simple silly spin-off. It had plenty of silly moments, but the stakes have always been high since they started collecting the cards.
>Miyu didn't *NEED* to be from a different world, the cards didn't *NEED* to be tied to her and her world. This series didn't *NEED* to be so serious when up to this point it's been billing itself as wish fulfillment.
Yeah, but they are. I don't see the point of this part of your post. This could be said for literally any series, since we're all at the mercy of an author's writing. I can see these complaints holding merit if the writing just got significantly worse in 3rei, but I don't think that's the case.
That mysterious ramen salesman is surprisingly popular.
I've followed Prisma since the very beginning you fuck. That's been literally more than a decade now.
3rei has gone on for far too long. Absolute awful pacing, and this is even before Hiroyama apparently got sick, with equally shitty shounen battle tropes that purely exist to build on hype and yet never deliver. A world rife with actual canon Fate characters all left in the dust for some lesser than oc analogues. And a series rather exemplary with how silly it gets with its setting now well and truly fucked by a story that still has no end in reasonable sight.
Even the fucking Prisma event in FGO had all the perfect silliness the actual franchise.
I can't tell what damaged the franchise more, this or Nero.
oh no no the glorious fate franchise.
>3rei has gone on for far too long. Absolute awful pacing, and this is even before Hiroyama apparently got sick, with equally shitty shounen battle tropes that purely exist to build on hype and yet never deliver. A world rife with actual canon Fate characters all left in the dust for some lesser than oc analogues. And a series rather exemplary with how silly it gets with its setting now well and truly fucked by a story that still has no end in reasonable sight.
this sums up my thoughts about nanoha as well
I miss force
It's all just pandering and fanservice now.
The FGO NA translation is literally old memes and reddit memes
Ahnenerbe please, I want Ahnenerbe and HibiChika. They have the sticks so it would make sense.
The peak of the fate franchise.
Don't open this.
>Prisma Phantasm
Holy fuck this is great!
Who is directing?
>Illya's ass
Someone please send help
Do you have the original?
Hope they have a skit were original universe Illya meets Prismaverse Ilya.
I miss Juju
Does it end in Kuro molesting both of them at once or with both Illya and Prillya gangkissing Kuro?
The webm of the first user who experimented with the facerig. I think it was a pink-haired girl.
I don't, but have this webm as consolation.
Oath under Snow is actually the best part of 3rei. Unless you were only into Prisma for rubbing your dick to lolis it's worth a watch.
Yeah I really loved the movie. I think the vastly reduced amount of fan service helped.
>Chloe that low
What is wrong with people.
I had more investment in it than just fanservice but don't really care about the story if it's mostly detached from the main cast. Hard to see how pairing together two of the most boring characters in the series would make something worthwhile. I'll probably end up watching it anyway at some point and see if my low expectations make it good, as that's happened a few times in the past.
I just feel the series is at it's best when it's being a bit silly, fanservice or not.
Depends on your definition of detached. If you like Miyu it's insight into her history and why she was how she was at the start of Prisma. And Julian is still the big butthole for 3rei so you get more about him and his autism. And best Shirou
Best part is clearly last episode of the tv anime, all the cute scenes.
cup votes are split between all 3 of them.
>there's no full-size nude version
What a fucking blueball.
>And best Shirou
I'm sort of interested to see if it's possible for him to be good. At least if this is the best he has to offer and I still think he's boring I can probably skip the rest of Fate safely, which isn't the worst use of 1.5 hours.
Absolutely disgusting you sick fuck. Whats next freak hand holding?
Shirou's the most interesting part of fate as a whole, but, and this is the big but, every single piece of adaptation of Fate cuts out his inner thoughts about shit going on around him. Which is where Nasu put all of his character. So unless you actually read FSN Shirou will just be some autist who hangs out in his shed making paper hard.
Oath under snow's Shirou actually does get to inner monologue though, which helps out people who may only know of Ilya's pussy Shirou and aren't into the rest of fate.
Even something like Dragon Ball.
Prisma Illiya's Shirou is best Shirou, fuck you all
Kuro has the ideal female body, you may not like it but that's what peak performance looks like.
yeah how dare a fate series do anything but rehash the same characters + a new saber clone
It could be worse. It could be Fate Grand order
too sexual for a little girl.
I love her, and her butt
Imagine the smell of those bloomers.
ute! Just like Illya and her butt!
Okay now I'm worried, is Juju okay?
Cute butt
Stop asking about her you beta cuck
WHY Dont they figth in the cats costumes?
I really don't want to go to Jail lads, for Tom in the FBI, shitposting on this thread is the most I do.
Why do these threads always devolve into pedoposting?
Why is there always one autist who goes into a thread he doesn't like just to announce he doesn't like it?
Fuck off and hide the thread, dipshit.
Did we ever get the rest of these?
I can't get enough of puffy lolis.
Great thread lads.
PV when?
I would say that FGO cased far more damage.
strike witches?
They need an entire series of them wearing those gym uniforms the entire time. The way they draw their asses in them is downright sinful.
There's at least one good doujin with her, Liz and Ilya.