Worst girl
Worst girl
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She's cute
Shes trying to escape Yea Forums by hanging out with her friends
Too bad it failed
Based. OP has shit taste.
That's Taiga.
Congrats user, you managed to be more of a shit-eating dumbass than OP.
That's everyone but the Führer
That's not true, there was the other one, the fake saccharine bitchy one who's name I've forgotten.
She was slightly worse. Slightly.
>Good voice
She's a very good girl. Unlike Taiga.
Minorin is great on the surface but have some pretty big flaws.
lovely cute girl
her mental and self image problems are a turn imo for me at least
>Minorin is great on the surface
Unlike Taiga, who was a cunt on the surface
>daily dose
I love it
Reminder that Tsunderes are real. They're just called bipolar IRL.
Reminder that Yanderes are real. They're just called psychopaths IRL.
Did you mean to post Ami?
Shut up dumb cunt
kind of boring anime. taiga was cute but fucking annoying. ami was least annoying character but that ain't saying much.
i just hope i wasn't this retarded in hs.
any grill that calls herself psycho is a fucking retard and should be bullied.
>kind of boring anime.
It's the greatest love story ever told, you stupid chihuahua
>It's the greatest love story ever told
that's a weird way of saying 5cmps, bipolar tiger.
So kirino isnt the worst girl ever?
>have a crush on a guy
>guy asks you out
>reject him because you think he's better off with that other girl
Literally nobody in real life is that much of a cuck.
No Toradora girl is worst girl, everyone in that show was great.
not a love story and not good
She's a good girl and way more interesting than that cunt Taiga.
Ami > Minorin > all the side characters >>>>>>>>> Taiga
you'd be surprised
>not a love story
>not good
how dense are you to not get that Minori had a self-persecution complex