Is it worth it?

Is it worth it?

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JoJo's is a very acquired taste kind of thing, you either get used to its insane plot and willful inconsistencies or you hate it, no way around it.

If you can't handle a show that shifts around thematically and constantly drops red herrings you shouldn't bother yourself with it.

do you like shows where every male protagonist looks like a raging disco faggot?

I only got into JoJos recently, i watched it all in order, Phantom Blood is kinda slow at first but it goes uphill from there. It's not anything deep or meaningful, its just dumb fun

Gay priest is here now.

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>It's not anything deep or meaningful, its just dumb fun
t. didn't understand Part 6 or Part 7

hey man, we dont talk about PB...

This, phantom blood is trash

>Phantom blood

I agree with araki that Johnathan was too pure. Still very interesting fights but the whole hamon arc is just silly in retrospect. Still super fun arc

>battle tendency or whatever its called

Joseph motherfucking joestar alone makes this arc worth it. It just keeps getting crazier and crazier like a shitty action movie. Not my favorite season but i liked it alot

>stardust crusaders

easily my favorite part of the series. The group of characters and the introduction of stands just works together so well. I like how it doesn't take itself seriously at all but theres also a very real threat that underlies all the bullshit. A good mix of stupid shit and really creative fight sequences. The fight with DIO is absolute kino

>Diamond is unbreakable

I hated this at first but i ended up really liking this arc based on Kira's appearance. It feels like a slice of life anime but things slowly pick up. Really enjoyed it

>Golden wind

Again another arc i really hated in the beginning but i came around to it. The villians have alot of personality in this arc and you'll find yourself liking them alot more. Haven't finished it yet but i'm really hyped up to see the main bad guy.

Animeonly opinions don't matter.

Why do people hate PB so much?

because not much interesting happens in it

It was a decent story for literally three episodes and then went down the drain. After the mansion burns down it the story needlessly drags out with "Dio is actually alive bro" and some of the blandest fights and ""characters"" ever.

PS: The same thing applies to the manga.

it was a more basic story. in part 2 things went crazy with the new protagonist being very entertaining, then part 3 we got stands.
However, you need to watch the first part since its the basis for the rest and it will matter for future parts

Skip 1-6, start Steel Ball Run. Part 8 isn't completed yet.

It's the least good part of JoJo and it's unfortunately a prerequisite for the rest of the series.
Not bad, but it makes it hard to get your friends into JoJo, so I can understand why some people are spiteful toward it.

It’s really dumb. But if really dumb is your thing like it’s mine then yeah go for it. Keep in mind it doesn’t get too crazy until part 2

Every Jojo part is worth it except 5 and 6, those are trash.

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Fapping to him? Sure

OP could skip 1 and 2 without losing anything

2 anime > 7 manga > 2 manga > shit > everything else

useful as a normie filter
also like 80% of leddit JoJo memes come from part 1 for some reason, so it helps you ID them in the wild

>implying that isnt really fucking cool
no yeah, because i would TOTTALY rather short haired asspulling protagonist #4444

>OP could skip 1 and 2 without losing anything

You genuinely deserve to die a horrible death.

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Honestly, this. You can really go from 4 to 7 and it would be a better experience.

This. If you skip 1, you're spared the disappointment of seeing Dio return as a shittier villain. If you skip 2, you just miss out on some crappy lore.

a golden experience?

meh, BT was written in the late 80's anyways, i think that was considered good back then.

It kept my interest until like halfway through Diamond is Unbreakable. At that point it becomes more episodic than plot driven and I just got bored of the same gimmicks every episode.
I kind of want to get back into it though because the newest season looks kind of neat.

i honestly felt that stardust crusaders felt more episodic with its stand of the week nature

but diu gets more focused in the later half and golden wind is in my opinion a better part 3

dont worry, the first 2/3 of DiU are shit.
too bad you didnt get to kira.

The last few arcs of DiU are pretty good and the parts after DiU return to being plot driven

This. I don't understand how is that even a discussion

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the first part of Phantom Blood is really good I think

or at least I really liked it

Fuck no.
Jojo is shit!

>Imagine spending literal decades following a complex, established continuity with interesting story lines and likable characters, only to have it thrown out the window for Bakugan in the 1800's

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It somehow turns out fine, Part 7 is really fucking good.

Spin was poorly written dogshit but other than that I liked part 7.

And it turns out to be better than the previous continuity.

Not saying SBR wasn't good, but the fact Araki nuked about 20 years of story to make it is fucking insane

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The first 6 parts enhance the new continuity in a way that's difficult to describe.

He was done with the previous story.

Spin felt like that initially, but after the Soundman/Sandman fight it mostly settled down and stopped pulling stuff out of its ass.

I think it was a clever way to continue the series while letting the main continuity of Part 1 to 6 be done for in a satisfyingly bittersweet way, it also allows him to reinterpret many events and characters of the series.

JoJo is an anime for CHADS and belongs to gigachad Hirohiko "Chad" Arahacki.

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The combat is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the fights will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Josephs's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these battles, to realise that they're not just awesome- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike JoJo truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Jotaro's existential catchphrase "Yare Yare Daze," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Araki's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a STANDO POWAH. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 power levels of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Why the redactions?

You know what I appreciate about Araki? Unlike most mangaka he isn't a bizarre fucking recluse and doesn't mind having his photo taken. I wonder why that is.

we dont talk about them

Man, I’d love to be part of the Joestars

Has... Has he ever been out in the sunlight?

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Yeah, he has.
He's an ascended pillar man.

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well your depression will go away but you will be gay so choose if you think it's worth the sacrifice

Jojo is just Araki remembering the past universes hes seen and lived in.

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I want the family to suffer more. The only good Joestar is a dead one.

>well your depression will go away but you will be gay
Where's the downside?


Back to your coffin Dio

Its ultimately dumb fun for the most part, and then parts 5+ come along and it becomes a non-stop kino train.

>Shonen authors bow to Araki
>in contact with other dimensions
>rumoured to possess STANDO NO NOURYOKU
>controls Japan with an iron but fair fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendant of the ancient vampire blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Arakigrad will be be the first city)
>owns basically every DNA editing research facility on this Earth (and soon the others too)
>first designer babies will be in all likelihood Araki Babies
>said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & ancient mongolian tapestry weaving boards
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of a dark angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented spiritual progress with him
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have The Lovers inside you right now
>Araki is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the JoJo bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent Japanese in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. JoJo
>He is about 5 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our dimension
>In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know his ultimate plan yet. We hope he's benevolent.

They can all go hang themselves. I love part 1. Jonathan/Dio had the best hero/villain relationship in the entire series. Dio was more fun and interesting here than he was in part 3. Speedwagon is great and the entire thing is just super fun. Also Jonathan is my favorite Jojo. He is the only anime character I look up to and want to be like.

Wouldn’t the author just do a brief explanation for old stuff like in OP? Making each part as self sufficient seems important for sales

>it is a technique that allows you to manipulate anergy

>zepelli foundation
>it’s a foundation that helps the joestar family when needed. It was founded by zepelli *shows portrait*

>was the nemesis of the joestar family for 100 years. Killed by jotaro *shows relevant panels*

>You will never be an Arakigrad citizen
Why even live bros?

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All the henchmen battles before the second duel with Dio are just really weak and drag the entire thing down. They're basically a much worse version of the Stand users of the week from the later parts.

Part 1 would be pretty good if it skipped straight from the Hamon training to getting into Dio's castle, maybe throw in a quickly battle beforehand just to showcase Jonathan's new abilities.

>He doesn't want Luck and Pluck

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All people usually fail to warn people about how Part 1 is pretty basic compared to the rest of the series.

Part 2 is the REAL reason why people get invested in the series. Battle Tendency onwards shows battles that rely on one's intelligence in strategy rather than raw strength and shouting.

Too bad you'll have to wait for 7 parts till you reach the best character (pic related)

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Was Secco's brain really the only part of him that Cioccolata experimented with?

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we got some pages in manga. Keep that shit outside the anime

Part 5 just has a lot of big asses

I don’t understand what you mean

everyone from late part 4-6 has a big ass.

waste of resources to do recap. they already cut more than enough shit.

>zepelli foundation

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Send me your best gyro art please

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You really think it might not be?

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remembering all the memes about sponges years ago kinda made me sad when I reached that part and thought that I didnt get to enjoy the shitposting with all of you.
Maybe I should start reading part 8. How meme-worthy is it?

Okay, hear me out
I get how King Crimson works with his time skipping shit and all of that, but one things lingers in my mind
How the hell did Bruno appear behind the pillar? Diavolo couldn't move him without deactivating his ability
I'm at a complete loss

Part 8 is immensely meme-worthy.

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Its simple. Original fate forecasted by epitapth:
Bruno attacks the boss, the boss disappears, bruno goes WUT, and goes around the pillar and looks around trying to see where the boss is.
At the end of the ability he is looking back to where he was.
The boss let him see himself at the end of the ability activation. So he momentarily sees himself where the boss is before the timeskip happens and gets him to where he will be.
The boss didnt show him EVERYTHING, time was still erased for him, ability ends KC appears behind him. tears him a new one.

nice gatekeeping you pathetic loser. let people enjoy what they want

pretty good, I take it that he has the same kind of deal that higashikata from part 7 has with double bellybutton. double stuff.
is there an explained reason why? is it going to be two in one body sort of deal or some multiple universe sort of deal or unexplained? just say if it is explained or not. dont wanna be spoiled if it really matters

JoJo is the best out of context

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Why didn't he just send his infected hand into the real world and wait for Giorno to die?
Why didn't bloodstains from his severed hand or dust from his footsteps appear in the mirror world like shown before?
If this were the case Giorno wouldn't have had to track him with his brick snake.

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There is an explanation. It's actually crucial to the plot.

alright, guess I'll get to read it.

That actually makes everything about it much easier to understand, thanks
The last oddity left about KC is how the shadow of Diavolo stayed in place for Bruno to start attacking. Probably some bullshit about Dia using KC while he was under attack to sneak up behind him








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Yes. One of the most fun I've had watching anime in a while. Part 1 is an acquired taste. Part 2 is just hype, hype, hype. Part 3 is a long journey with friends. Part 4 is where things get interesting because it's on a much smaller scale than the other parts but explore a bit on how stands can be beneficial. Part 5 is like a constant chase.

Cringe. Reddit.

Based. Redpilled.

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based joshuposter

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... Stands are WAY more silly than Hamon, Fuck you smoking

Jonathan was comparatively the least interesting Jojo in the series. I think many people hold the earlier writing to what they expect later on in the series and wind up disappointed.

I enjoyed it but it's definitely not my favorite arc.

The dub is very good. In the earlier part they ham it up with the accent that match each character nationality, something we wont get in jap, which I appreciate.