Has there even been an Eva thread all day? I had to go outside earlier so I couldn't sit on Yea Forums uninterrupted...

Has there even been an Eva thread all day? I had to go outside earlier so I couldn't sit on Yea Forums uninterrupted, but I didn't see one earlier and I don't see one now.
Time for an Eva thread. Hopefully with a bit more to it than gif related.

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is asuka canonically the most fuckable anime character ever written? even with the crutch of being a total cunt

idolmaster has more attractive girls than Asuka

Christ, idolmaster, at least eva had some style to it with interesting/realistic character designs

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I don't remember that scene. Is it from the Saturn game?

>utterly generic moeshit "am I kawaii uguu"-tier designs
>one of the most iconic designs in anime history

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Pretty sure it's from the action arc, most likely episode 9 with Shinji and Asuka having finished training for the day and changed into more normal clothes.

Quick flip through episode 9 shows it to be absent.

Its from the episode where Misato gets a promotion and they have a party to celebrate. Forget the number though.

All Eva girls are delicious 2bh

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We are talking about fuckable girls, not quality of the show overal.


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yea which is why i was referring to character designs. as said, generic moe uninteresting designs are far from as fuckable as eva

plebbit is that way

A true contender but the monogatari bait doesnt do it
imagine trying this hard to act like your not a nu-fag

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The fact that you're still hung up on this shit proves just how retarded you are.

based retard

honestly true

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It's not like her deaign is unique either.

just because her hair isnt in 30 spirals containing every colour in the rainbow doesnt mean its not unique. Name a more iconic female anime design realistically, put only her hair on a figure and even a fuckin normie can call that shit

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>asuka/evafag is a low iq wojak poster

What do you guys think of the idea of a live action Eva? I don't want to see it but consider it almost inevitable
As we're in the subject of how iconic the designs are, I think it's fair to say they'd need the greatest cast of all time, with some serious goddesses, though. If the characters meant to be beautiful were even slightly less attractive than they are in 2D, people would instantly shit on it

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yea sadly im not just an Yea Forumsfag, just lurk cause of the shared interest

No one is ever gonna like a live-action eva period, lets be honest, from Yea Forumsfags to the Yea Forumsfags that movie will be doomed from the beginning. Probably rightfully so though considering i dont see what making it live-action will ever add to the series. I will say your pic-related would look pretty good for the role

>”i loved him”
is there a gay conspiracy behind subtitles?

It could work, but it would take a skilled hand who was familiar with the live-action stuff Eva took from.

I could be into a 60s scifi TV revival, but not for longer than 22 minutes if it's just going to be NGE retold yet again.

I'm not sure what you can do with Eva other than just retelling it. I'm not sure I care about its world, I only care about the characters

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The Prisoner, but it's After Impact and run by Seele. Have an instrumentality-style character study trip about whichever Eva you want by just putting them in Number 6's place. If it's a few years later and live action, even learning which character the main is could be a late game plot twist.

You will never find 3D actresses as cute as Asuka and Rei, and no Western work would be willing to sexualise actual real 13/14 year olds in the way which Eva does it for legitimate, actual storytelling.

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I'm waiting to rewatch on Netflix

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Don't you find the girl in the post you quoted a worthy Asuka? She probably can't act, but the looks are there
>no Western work would be willing to sexualise actual real 13/14 year olds in the way which Eva does it for legitimate, actual storytelling.
You can get a petite girl of 18-20 to pass comfortably for a 14 year old. Makeup is your friend

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"Who the fuck are you quoting"?

>admitting to be a crossboarder
Well, that certainly explains why you can't watch anime that contains pleb filters.

Shin Godzilla makes me think a live-action EVA movie could totally work.

>I had to go outside earlier

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>no Western work would be willing to sexualise actual real 13/14 year olds in the way which Eva does it for legitimate, actual storytelling.
Who knows.. I think there are films that have tried.

Only if anno did it.
But I'd imagine he's never want to do EVA again after this.
Anno sees the weird in a weird way and he definitely has a distinct style that only he makes.

>Has there even been an Eva thread all day?
I'm sure there was back in 1996. And every day that a Rebuild came out.

>3.0+1.0 will come out nearly 8 years after 3.0
user needs a slap.

I mean Anno... gomen gomen

let's face it, user needs a slap too

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>is asuka canonically the most fuckable anime character ever written?

Pretty much. Not even those who hate her the most would refuse a bang.

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How did Kaji turn her down then? Do you think that if she wasn't involved with NERV he would have tapped that?

Kaji was into grown women.

Asuka looks grown (even if mentally she isn't). Her figure is only slightly less filled than Misato's

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Perhaps but knowing her for some time she saw her as a child.

i wish she was real

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when was your last rewatch

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Last week with my girlfriend.

Last September

August 2018 or so

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I try and rewatch once a year around winter time. That's when the feels get me. I'll do FLCL right after too. I was busy and didn't do it this past winter though.

funny i try to do it every winter as well but was caught up on things
will probably get to it once this quarter is over

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That's the downside of getting old and busy with work. No more time to be a lazy high school neet who watches anime like a full time job.

i saw it for the first time this month
and shit was boooooooring
i dont care if it’s the most influential anime of all time
it’s mediocre no matter how much you fags circlejerk it
first 16-17 episodes were boring then it became kinda interesting and then it ended too early
and no an existential vomit that would seem deep to a 3rd grader is not 2deep4me

I want to fuck all three

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Couple of weeks ago with some friends.
It made me realize how unfinished the end of the show feels. The instrumentality stuff in the last two episodes is tolerable, but I forgot how they basically cut out what should have been the last part of Asuka's character arc (her running away from home and trying to kill herself) and resolved it almost entirely offscreen while Shinji was busy being bi-curious. And then she's barely in EoE. I don't know how Asukafags can stand it, she needed more episodes.

I also hadn't watched the show since high school, so it was weird revisiting it as an older person and not relating to the main characters as strongly as I remember. Kaji and Misato are still great, though.

I'm gonna just give you your (You) so you can fuck off early

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Summer's the time for it. Eva's atmosphere always felt muggy to me with all the insect noise and heat shimmer.

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Same here. The last anime of the year for me.

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tojibowl never ever

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Shinji got that pussy handled

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