Why is Japan the only country with a well developed animation and comic industry...

Why is Japan the only country with a well developed animation and comic industry. I know America has comic books and Disney, France has Franco-Belgian comics and quality animation talent like Gobelins. However, Japan is the only country producing a large volume of diverse content so much so that it's become an internationally recognized stereotype about Japan. Why is this?

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Because japanese niggas tend to be good at drawing due to their cultural history. Now if you were to import a significant amount of gaijin and wait a couple decades, you can be sure that japan's artistic advantages would be gone. I'm not even a racist, it's just the truth.

Because Japanese people are actually more open-minded regarding media while white people are being manipulated by the media jew. No, that isn't a joke and it isn't /pol/. Most white people consider cartoons to be something no grown adult should touch unless it's satire printed in their local newspaper. You watch animation with your children, not alone. Japanese people don't let themselves chain to this extremely backwards thinking approach, hence the market for varrying types of media is significantly bigger.

It's because western producers assume the content is directed towards children, hence why even "adult" american cartoons are so shit

It's true the Japanese are good at drawing but so are Europeans right? A lot of Japanese artist are inspired by the artistic works of the west.

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Jewish people dominate the entertainment industry this is true but why would Jews dislike animation?

Ask them, after all it's them who have pushed for this image and made people believe that animation can't be for adults. If they believed that it could be, then Disney would have created for varied content.

Seems to me that they dislike the very concept of aesthetic beauty.

With regards to comics, they've managed to figure out a good serialization pipeline where several series are published at once in a single magazine, so a popular series can drag along weaker series which eventually die off or get replaced. That way weaker artists have a chance at making money as they hone their skills. There's also a strong environment outside of magazines (twitter, pixiv, doujinshi, game art, commissions, etc.) that allow artists to gain strong exposure and a bit of money. In the west it's normally one artist with one story, so it ends up being quite niche.

As for animation, my guess is that cartoons have always culturally been considered a kids thing, so no one has ever bothered to try to monetise an adult cartoon-watching audience. Also it's cheaper than good 3D which is what the west has.

Black companies full of underpaid japs helps to make low budget-high reward animes.

Just think about it, with the same money of your average potato-face mutt cartoon you can make 2 or 3 low budget anime which weebs will watch anyways and have a much higher profit

This is a real possibility given the nature of modern art and architecture.

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Just disgusting. And people wonder why weebs exist.

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That makes a lot of sense economics wise. I wonder why this formate never caught on in the west? Maybe it has to do with cultural tendencies towards collectivism vs individualism or spending patterns. It really is a shame, I like anime but I think a European or American version would speak more to the western soul. Some of my favorite works from Japan are heavily inspired by classical western aesthetics Beserk is a good example of this. Still something about anime will always make it seem a bit alien to me, the cultural contexts and sensibilities can never be 100% translated.

A lot of Western Animation is cheap garbage concerned only with the bottom dollar. Still their exists a lot of untapped talent like this youtu.be/y6ZmMjMdrqs

Or old school works like this


Japan has plenty of cheap shit it's just they also have the opportunity to also create high art.

My guess: Japan got lucky in having people like Tezuka make kids' shows that actually had some appeal beyond amusing kids. More kids grew up wanting to keep watching cartoons in their teens, so there was money in making cartoons for teens. Also between this and the manga industry more kids grew up wanting to tell stories by drawing, so there was a large pool of people that thought anime was worth making, and worth making well.
Faggotry aside, consider that bronies exist because Faust's idea of making a cartoon for little girls that doesn't fucking suck was revolutionary in the West.

>this is true but why would Jews dislike animation?
No child actors to rape.

low iq post

Comics code, bronze age, and dark age really fucked over comics in America.

During the silver age there was a great amount of comics both unique and popular but then America decided to fuck over entire mediums for reasons. When the comics code became lax enough to not bother with you thought they would bring back all the comics that gotten fucked during the comic code era but instead they decided to just mature up cape comics a genre made specifically for the taste of young audiences (The equivalent would be maturing up battle shounen). So even if America acts like Japan and just animates its comics all you'll get is pretty good Superhero cartoons.


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This makes sense as a strong possibility for why we never got more adult oriented content. Still I wonder why the industry is stuck in capeshit to this day. Surely with the slow death of old school comics artist and publishers have noticed the rise in popularity of manga.

A really talented guy for sure but can one man can be responsible for setting a global pattern?

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cape comics themselves are faltering but as you can tell cape adaptions nowadays the IP, it's influence, and the profit you can make from it is still lucrative.

No one wants to retire Batman, Superman, and Spiderman. Everyone from fans to industry heads keep talking about what direction these comics should go no one wants to fathom that the appropriate direction for these heroes is "ending this shit and moving on to different IP" People complaining about the Alien franchise, Dragon Ball, and Call of Duty being long and bloated franchises Superman has been pumping out for literally more than a century. Fucking kill it already!

>Fucking kill it already!
Jews will never allow it. He is their hero or something.

It's a national pattern not a global one. But sure.
I think you can argue that for something like a steam engine someone is going to invent the thing once it becomes viable, and many of the constraints are physical. But cartoons aren't economically inevitable in the same way. If Tezuka didn't exist surely Japan would still make cartoons, but what would lead to the sort of industry they have now? Probably nothing.

>France has [...] quality animation talent like Gobelins

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The thing is that anime can be made for all sorts of demographics, whereas by contrast, the west has this stigma that animation is for children, unless it's something super photorealistic or something.

killing off batman or superman wouldn't do anything because there are hundreds of functionally similar capes waiting in line for their spot and it would ultimately change nothing. it's better off just having batman or superman being the top dogs since they're universal and you can't get enough of them.

I really can't fathom people getting invested in stories they know will never actually have lasting conclusions since every major hero seems to restart every 10 years.

I believe that the hope for "western anime" died when Treasure Planet and Atlantis did not do well at all for Disney

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>why is japan
>why does japan
>why do japanese people
>are japanese
This sort of thread shows just how fucking retarded and culturally illiterate you are.
(it also attracts the absolute worst of electionfag idiots, so thanks for that)

Most of things are animated in Korea or China though

You're mixing up cause and effect, /pol/. Cartoons are commonly thought of as a medium for children because the most widely known examples are targeted at children/families.

I'm not even sure if that's different in Japan. I imagine most people there think of Detective Conan and Precure when they think of anime and not the random shows that air at 2 am. We just have a skewed perspective since we primarily see their culture through contact with the part that does like anime.

There are plenty of South Parks and Simpsons that aim for the adult market, they just tend to be the same kind of comedy things and not the diverse range of genres anime presents. That's probably a result of a larger industry naturally diversifying, so the best answer I could give is either that Disney and the like have an iron grip on the industry and that discourages competition or that there just isn't the same focus on developing those kinds of talents in the West (though that could also just be a result of there not being enough perceived economic value in it to justify the investment).

Honestly, the fact that Japan is so willing to let people make and sell porn of their published works and then hire those people on for proper series of their own probably helps a lot.

So if I understand it your take is that monopoly over animation by a few industry giants and less audience receptiveness to change has produced this stagnation. I think this is a fair assessment but it still makes me wonder why these large corporations aren't trying to get a market share given how profitable anime and merchandizing has become. I remember more anime influenced stuff coming out in the 2000's but it appears to have fallen off. Your point about a lack of talent seems likely but they could always outsource to Korea like a lot of Japanese studios.

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Not him, but I think the bigger issue that the first user fails to mention is that most anime are manga adaptations. America had some adaptations of comics in the past (most notably that really famous X-men cartoon) and still some today (I think Batman Brave and Bold is a thing?). The problem here is that Marvel and DC are the only companies that matter due to Silver Age self-censorship and non-superhero comics falling seriously out of favor, as well as the two giants sabotaging smaller companies to the point that only Image is a very very distant third (outside of webcomics). This basically means that any comic book writer who wants to make it in America HAS to write Batman, Superman et cetera and MAYBE write his own OC into the Marvel or D.C. universes.

Compare Japan, where the industry is so deregulated some weeb drawing porn in his basement can get a serialization like it's nothing. Pochi, Crabman and even the author of Shokugeki no Souma prove this.

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over here we have stupid libtard crying over young characters or violence in younger people and dying. they thinking it's harming our lives quote and quote. however, Japan knows its audience not treating them like a baby who is mature enough enjoy with family without sjws tearjerker reaction.

chinese manhwa and korean manwa have the same art style
basically it's just eastern style
stop browsing /pol/, soiboi

>japs known for eating sushi
so what?

The former had little to no marketing and the latter had little to no promotion afterwards. Plus both were made in the Florida branch, which objectively had some of the better movies

Holy shit
Were they even trying??

>quote and quote

American pta fucked the comic industry and genera locked it this in turn fuck animation which in Japan is upheld by manga adaptations (which are advertisements, the same way they are in the west) I don't know Frances problem, England uses the same industries as America.

Because the brand names are so well known that they can defy the principle of "the second season can't outsell the first." Why risk creating something new when a reboot or spinoff has the same potential payoff with far less risk or need for marketing? Combine that with the lack of ownership or responsibility authors and artists have for these series and there's no longer a production-side reason to end them. I feel like Japan attaches a greater importance to the auteur, so even really low-brow stuff like DBGT gets panned for not having the original creator at the wheel. That's a far cry from just having Stan Lee pop in for a cameo to remind everyone he used to be in charge.

>I don't know Frances problem
Their problem is nobody watches their shit, while they're still stuck in the mindset that this is the 1920's and everyone cares about what they do.

Notice how all the good Western works are from decades ago, if not more. Western artists on average are significantly worse than they used to be. You can blame art schools and media getting heavily subverted by a certain group.

Confluence of many factors, some economic, some cultural, some coincidental.

Some things that have helped Japan's anime & manga industries stay alive are a lack of unions, lax copyright laws, infrequent / deregulated censorship of artwork, and more in general the enduring popularity of print media in Japan and their insane, crushing work ethic.

If you want a reason why anime boomed in the 90s and 00s, it's because of the marriage of anime to TV advertising. The number of anime productions skyrocketed going into the 00s even as the OVA market crashed and burned, and going forward anime managed to fashion itself into a valuable part of a massive commercial machine.

>they could always outsource to Korea like a lot of Japanese studios
They can't because the giants make their name on quality. It would be like KyoAni hiring IMS to do cuts for them, they'd lose the one thing that sets them above the rest and decrease the value of their brand. It's important to note that growth occurs in the middle, not at the top or bottom. Disney isn't going to gain much from the industry getting bigger because the things they make already reach pretty much every group they possibly can. If anything, they'd stand to lose money if alternatives existed, even if they weren't the golden standard of quality that Disney is.

I don't think the West is lacking at the top. We might have fewer complete shit works, but I think there are still plenty out there. The difference is that there's not enough perceived value in the market to support the middle levels of significant capital and competent ability, so we see a stratification between the top-class works that rake in all the dough and the low-cost toy commercials or crude comedies. The same thing exists in anime, it's just that there are a so many works that some of them inevitably try to find a place for themselves with novel ideas without necessarily sacrificing too heavily on production values.

I don't even think it's about audience receptiveness that much, since we've had things like Avatar, MLP, and Adventure Time that saw great success in the same demographics otaku media aim for. There just aren't as many attempts.

Fictional books are pretty much dead in America in general and only fat chicks and old cat ladies read them nowadays. Sure, there's an occasional megahit like Harry Potter or Twilight, but those books are far and few between. And even then, those franchises made the vast majority of their money off movies.

Animated movies are far from dead. In fact, they're arguably more popular than ever. Animated TV shows, on the other hand, are pretty much dead because it's easier and more profitable to create generic CalArts bullshit than it is to create an actual good show.

Also, I want to cum on Chiya's belly.

>Also, I want to cum on Chiya's belly
Who doesnt?

Westerners liked Japanese style a lot too. The entire impressionist movement was inspired by Japanese woodblock art

>chinese manhwa and korean manwa have the same art style
Now they don't you can tell 99% of the time if something is gookshit or chinkshit instead of mango.

hey, that's pretty good!

Because the west wants action, sarcastic comedy, adults and kid cartoons.
Japan didn’t stick to only some genres but everything.

Kinda makes sense. Japanese live action stuff is so garbage, they might as well rather focus on animation. Westerners have more effort put into live action shows and movies, so there's no need for animation to necessarily be impressive enough in the genres that western live action is doing well enough.

>japanese live action stuff is so garbage

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The western animation/comic industry was greater but at some point the decided that all of those were for kids meanwhile in Japan that change never came to be, that's pretty much all.