It's zero two's birth day Yea Forums

It's zero two's birth day Yea Forums

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Character birthdays are not canon

Why does 02 have her own wikipedia entry?

Happy birthday

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Manga chapter 41 in 9 days and 23 hours! partner switch SOON

Oh yeah, happy birthday Zero Tsu

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Nobody cares, faggot.

I do

You are invalid.


Woah there buddy, that's my friend Hiro's wife.

It's my birthday too

Happy birthday user

Happy birthday!

Zero Tsu?

Thanks anons
No, she doesn't live here yet

I want to lick her anus

Happy Birtgday!


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Zero Two - because you need to get you a girl who's always horny

Happy birthday dino girl

>test tube baby

Too bad the anime ended that way. I really liked the teenage drama in it.

>girl with horns calls her boyfriend darling

Is this Urusei Yatsura

The manga is gonna have a different ending


I sure hope it would be a satisfactory one.

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It will, I'm sure of it

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I bet her dad is happy about his daughter.

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Happy Birthday Zero Two

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I really like her design and she's cute, but for some reason she never won me over. I can't find myself trusting her.


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I want to be gentle femdommed by Zero Two.

This... makes more sense than it should.

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happy birthday onii

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Zero Tsu!

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I can't forget her


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Our girl did it

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Why is she so perfect?

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engineered to perfection

Unironically this.

The good doctor handpicked every gene sequence in her body.

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what is this from?

I want to gentle femdom Hiro.

You are not fooling anybody, 9 iota.

Happy birthday.

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Happy birthday, Zero Tsu.

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Happy birthday, Honey

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Anyone else really dislike the artstyle of the manga? Not sure exactly how to put it, but the character designs feel...mass-produced I guess? Like it's drawn by a computer using an algorithm and not a human. Maybe it's because it's mostly drawn digitally.


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Feels like a mid-2000s artstyle, which is not surprising considering who the artist is

ngl that would be a hot threesome. Please tell me there are doujins of this

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