(Lewd) Otome Isekai anime

So I'm reading this and I wonder if anime producers think that smut anime is profitable. I really want to see this LN get an anime adaptation, but it is very lewd and its usually just the prince and the MC screwing around.

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Do they make shoujo isekai? If they ever start doing them there are a lot of manga and LN waiting for an adaptation

>Do they make shoujo isekai?
Good question. I haven't really explored just how much authors have abused the isekai genre. Until up a few months ago, I was sure that isekai is all just fantasy shit with male MCs only.
They probably do have shoujo isekai, but I'll have to look it up.

There are a ton of shoujo isekai and Yea Forums has threads about them regularly.

name one shoujo isekai that got an anime adaptation
seriously never heard about that. I just know how many manga and LN they have

There were those few smut shorts some time ago. But the amount of smut in this is not high enough for something like that.

Is that Reinhard? Why's he cheating on Hilda?

There's Bakarina announced and... let's hope it paves the way for others?

>name one shoujo isekai that got an anime adaptation
Fushigi Yugi?

the synopsis sounds like re:zero on easy mode but interesting enough for me to pick it up
>Fushigi Yugi?
1995 ... pls go fuck yourself