Pink hair
Buyfag thread
Read the guide
Cute undies.
What exactly did they change with the "Image Update"? Can't really tell the difference.
>tfw August is a long wait
nice pubes
There is no difference, they only uploaded new pics.
There's not supposed to be a difference, image updates are usually done when they get a sample and they take their own pics to use.
they changed the hair and mouths lightly i think
please tone down the elitism.
here you didnt get a (You) in the other thread
you happy now
i hope they're optional
i thought this place had been pretty fair to newfiggies lately
they are
That doesn't even make sense.
if you can't make the connection you need to lurk more
Or you could fuck off and go somewhere else and avoid this thread,
If you can't write like a human being you need to fuck off.
Better pic of that amico card
Speaking of which, someone have extra amiami card to trade? I'm missing some and have a few for trade
at last some decent card
fuck on.
You're mixing the r/Yea Forums bastardization of figures with buyfag for the purpose of some bizarre metatrolling.
You're mixing a thing with a people.
>4 bush decals
>I can add bush to 3 other figs
and here I was going to skip this one, damn you Skytube
Does anyone own the Saber Alter figure on the left? Were there any issues with yours?
I'm thinking about getting the re-run they're doing on it, but I also want to pre-order the Saber Lily on the right.
>the r/Yea Forums bastardization of figures
Man, the first guy was right. We really should tone down the elitism.
Nice meme.
Updated checklist
forgot to add mail - ASMRFetichist at gmail dot com
I'm digging the pink.
Tell me about it.
How new are you? be honest.
Hi buytards
All you have to do is check the MFC page. I'm sure people would post if there were issues. Also those figures release at different times and have two different manufacturers. Why would Saber Alter's quality affect your decision to buy Saber Lily?
Am I the only chink here?
I don't browse the buyfag thead, I've been posting on Yea Forums since 2008.
Money is the only real issue. I won't buy the Alter figure if it's all whack. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction though.
She was easily the most popular figure to have come out when she did, which was only like 2 years ago.
>people have all the ban! figures but they are coming out middle of this year
I don't understand
Why won't they just sell a pube decal sheet so I can use it on my native figures too...
They will.
>Pink hair
why the fuck are there only two figures of Gasai Yuno that I can find
There's always gonna be the occasional "design is figurebait yet doesn't get a [good] figure" girl. The hairstyle of OP's girl isn't quite like Yuno's so even a face repaint wouldn't turn her into Yuno.
are those removable once you had applied them?
Why aren't her pubes pink?
because she dyes her hair you moron
Would you still buyfag if your current collection got destroyed?
only white trash and sluts dye their hair
Sure am glad my wife kept her natural hair
Why doesn't she dye her pubes too?
I'd replace the top handful.
Not sure, I'd be devastated if I lost all of the rare merch of my waifu I've accumulated over the years.
I worry about that sometimes. I think my will would be destroyed since I have a huge several year old collection. Not sure if I'd buy a very occasional impressive figure or stop collecting entirely if that ever happened, definitely wouldn't resume my current pace.
Why do Japanese companies make it so hard to buy certain merchandise? I will pay whatever shipping costs, sell it to me.
? The only thing that are difficult to get are garage kits and other fan items. For exclusive figures you can just use a proxy. Read the guide.
What do you want? user.
this is a problem all over the world.
I've been waiting warmly for SAL to come back for 2 years. Please give it back.
Thank god, pubes are unpure.
We need more figures with pubes.
The Manaka Nemu figure comes with huge sheet of pube decals. Like 16 pieces.
I want my waifus mature and not sluts.
i am completely torn about whether to pre order the kirino or aqua. i only have money for 1 of them
I agree with you.
I like JC girls without pubes.
Jesus Christ the ropes between her tits annoy me so much. They never want to fit in properly.
Such a shame, I would have considered it if it was any other company.
Stubble>Closely Shaven>Full jungle
love the hair
Look at the pic posted, the rope doesn't quite slide into the place it should. On my Nemu its the same, you can kinda force it in but it slowly pushes back out over time.
I see what you mean.
Yeah, that doesn't look good.
You can work it in over time if you keep forcing it into place, but it was still pretty annoying. Still like the figure overall.
Yes, but my waifu rare stuff like states would put me in a depressed state for some time, as much of it I will never be able to replace.
base is the best part. too bad about the company and price.
You're not wrong.
It's weird that they alter the image to make it seem more tame.
I turned the shadows up on mine, but that's about it.
now THIS is a figure
why was my jan card white not yellow
not enough oni figs
> $40
>doesn't even come with a dick
>have to use their other dido sets and they don't even match
Hard pass.
wait, that dick in the pic doesnt come with it?
nope. it says it right there at the bottom in nippon
>last sight of the sword maiden
Buyfag? More like buyfig. More like buyfiggies
>the reason eslfags get so much shit
Even if it did (it doesnt) it's fucking pink. I want a rape goblin group not some strap on dido tranny goblins.
I'm interested in preordering this Kizuna Ai fig but I noticed they'll only ship to hong kong, china or taiwan. Is there a reason why or is this just bullshit and I should just preorder anyway?
where are my zombieland saga figures
don't worry, they wouldn't put it on the english site if they wouldn't ship it
There are some in the works, check MFC. Only the boring girls got scales announced though.
TOM has exclusive distribution rights for your haidomo girl
just get a forwarder
I don't understand why they designed Kizuna Ai without a skirt.
I want to see her panties.
Haidomo giri, kek.
Dumb pervert!
>t. chink
why would i check myfreecams
which is better for handling figures
Cotton or leather gloves?
maybe, but I live in one of your colonies if that counts
How do you guys space out your purchases? I realize this is a vague as fuck question that can come down to essentially asking "How do you budget?", but I'm trying to get a better handle on when enough shit is enough for a set amount of time at least.
well my last purchase burned me so i havent got anything for 6 months
I buy every figure I really like, there just aren't too many of them
How dangerous is dust for your figures ? I clean often but not daily.
I don't think it can actually harm them, it's just a pain in the ass to clean. Especially if you have a large collection.
Leather will just make me horny so cotton
Yay my stuff shipped, rip wallet
I haven't dusted in two and a half years.
She looks cute, but kinda bland
Won't be calling him gay after he rapes your elvish ass
My megumin nendo staff snapped at the joining pin. Any advice on how to fix it? Idk where to even start looking
Just glue it lol
Or you can drill a bit on both pieces, apply glue to both holes, put in some stick and then join the parts
maybe the fucking guide ?
Buy New Megumin!
a) drill hole down center the diameter of a plastic dowel or pin of some kind, on both sides, using a dremel or similar
b) put epoxy in holes, slide pin in place to hold the pieces straight, let epoxy seep into crack
c) clean excess epoxy off of the outside and clamp to dry for at least an hour
Thanks a lot. I just had an "oh shit" moment.
It was a bit obscured in the guide but I also found it there since.
would an 0.8 mm drill bit be small enough?
Depends on the diameter of your stick/pin/toothpick/whatever, duh
They sure found the meme figure that normalfag will buy per cargo
I just realized I don't have any figures with pink hair.
Time to buy one.
0 complaints here. one of the best saber figures out there and Alter did a fantastic job to back that up
Yeah but it's saber. Not even second best waifu from that damn dead horse series.
I wish more companies could be like Native and just have a youtube channel where they post lazy susan videos of their figures. I'd definitely be more inclined to buy them. I think Kotobukiya is the only other one that does that.
Yes, I would definitely be depressed for a while. But the reason I buyfag is that I love what I love and love being surrounded by what I love. So I would probably do it all again. Heck the only thing that's really rare in my collection is Alice and Super Robot figs, everything else could be bought again, it would be expensive.
Although I'd probably switch to all digital for my games.
I am legit thinking of dropping my TOM premium subscription, even with the discount AmiAmi is cheaper and most of the time has better shipping. I haven't bought a new figure from TOM in months and everytime I do a simple price check usually reveals Amico selling it for $50 cheaper.
I put a hard limit of $300 a month for figure purchasing because when I first started working I had months where I had no money because I spent it all on figs, just like that one comic. If I don't spend it I just save it and add it into the next month so lighter months lead into bigger months without too much change. Like April I've got 4 figures coming out but March has 1 and February had 2 so saving the difference I've got more than enough money to pay for my April order.
However a couple months of starving will teach you pretty quickly to budget.
Dust gets bad when sun exposure is bad as well, in cheaper figures it creates an oily impression which can damage your paint. Outside of this, dust is mostly harmless, just annoying.
Fucking based.
What's bad about Insight?
They're literally the same shit as FOTS.
Mine isn't here yet, but someone uploaded some pics and she looks really good up close. Top tier shading on the belly
Whose butt is this butt?
Velvet from Akeiro Kaikitan. Just a dickbuy for me and probably the majority of buyers
10/10 would dickbuy again
Last day to preorder 1/4 Reimu on the Good Smile shop. Anyone getting her?
One day.
Will be shown painted the day they announce a second season of Killing Bites anime.
bad to buy a manga set with different publishers?
That's all the same publisher though...
pic unrelated?
Man... I had this.... back when they released it. Don't have it any more, so God knows what happened to it. Decent series (but the Anime dubs were tragic, which levered me into a life of watching subtitled anime).
That's weird. The fat dude figure came with multiple pieces of anatomy (different company, I know).
Will probably display without the extra part...
feels unhealthy checking ebay once a day to see if theres anything i want from a series.
my nami figure has a little dot in her hair, how do I remove it?
I'd like to, but can't help but feel like something is off about her. Especially for the price, I'm having my doubts.
Shes a big and intricate girl.
"B-but she's 10,000 years old, officer."
"Yeah, right. You're going downtown, pal."
Those are the same shit publisher though. Just different editions
Anyone ever have Amiami cancel and order after you’ve paid for it? Like it’s not showing up as the transaction having gone through even after they provided me a tracking number
Then let us hope we see it SOON.
No, that seems impossible to happen.
I'm sorry, does that one on the horse have anal beads?
Right? It’s not showing up in my statement now. It was, but as pending. Now it’s gone but I literally have the tracking number. Talked to someone from card company and they said Amiami canceled it. Did I just get a retard on the line or what?
Holy lewd tummy
Too big.
I think she's hot as hell, but nothing in my collection is that lewd so I'm going to have to pass on it.
Although if she bins/sells for 10k Yen or under then I'd probably change my mind.
More importantly, it has a ladle.
I don't know what he's going to make, but I'm intrigued.
I'm unsure why, but I can't not see Zidane from FF9 when looking at her face.
Literally the opposite
Hair is exactly the same as you remember it from FF9.
All the new art changes it slightly
i'm new to Amiami so i pre-ordered 1 nendo and 1 scale figure both to be released on may so i combined order them. When will they give me an invoice? 1 week before release a month before release?
at release
read the guide
now that you mentioned it i feel retarded i've read everything to shipment and pre-owned section but i can't remember it kek thankies fampai
>kek thankies fampai
>you probably will get taxed for it if your country rolls that way
Does America roll that way?
I literally updated the guide for this specific kind of question a few weeks ago.
Already ordered her from GoodSmileShop. Didn't feel like paying the inevitable 8k EMS shipping from amiami.
Okay. That why I quoted it. There's just no clarification on that page or on the country page. Unless I'm supposed to be looking somewhere else?
Found more stop motion.
It's on the country page, specifically for the united states.
PO up tonight.
>the guide
nice shitpost, shill.
okay thanks.
Kinda late in my opinion.
The hype already died.
Raptor is for bully
>The hype already died.
Upcoming film, eight Saekano figures were announced the Wonfes that just passed, and the highly-anticipated lingerie line is still in the works along with the Utaha of this line. Even a side character like the cousin got a beach figure.
this is obscenely adorable
I dig those nips.
My only desire is to eradicate all dust
Buy FAGs
>tfw missed Hobbysearch's sale on off-white Architect
I've been out of the loop for the last few weeks. Have there been any updated images for QuesQ Nanachi or is that "visible torso seam line" still a mystery?
for you
>This kill the explosion.jpg
the cousin is very cute
hand drill, copper rod and super glue
What tool are you using to extract and convert these from the author's twitter?
Next time spoil those pics user
>This was the only figure I bought last year
>it got delayed into 2019
>Been waiting ages for it but it finally shipped a couple weeks ago
>Any time I ever have shit delivered to my home they never fucking get here until atleast past 4PM cause fuck me I guess
>Today they tries to deliver this at fucking 10:30 AM when I was at work
>Now I gotta go to the fucking post office tomorrow to go pick it up
Im never ordering figures again
and you should never post here again you iphone using, phone posting faggot nigger
Just went for it. I don't even do Touhou but she's so cute. Though anytime I buy a figure for that reason I always force myself to check out the series.
I like the pillars
Starting to get into art books. Does anyone have any experience with how much those usually cost to ship to the US (ideally with DHL since it lets you game the volumetric shipping the most)?
Asking since I want to try to see how much I'd save doing Suruga-ya with Zenmarket over Doujinrepublic.
The greatest of all time, rolling through!
too bad the show was so awful
Man you sure love camping my posts
Luckily there is plenty to get into between the games, the music, doujins, manga, fanart, etc. I just recently got these.
Got two packages past week but just opened them yesterday.
Technically 3 but the other is a Vive.
I say it sucks the downgrades they did with the Little Armory series but I'm happy with it and Megumin.
I will probably get her since she is best girl
Oh this got an English release? I read this a long time ago
And the second one was a big cat.
I want to pet this cat
Vanilla is for vanilla sex
>spoilered a box
And of course now I'll wait for the other 2 coming out on December and any news on when I can preorder Coconut and Azuki.
Thanks, my mother actually liked her more than Chocola, something about looking more refined.
Guys, guys, do you know of more futa dolls?
Chocola has a more lewd pose.
Goddamn they surely beefed up her hips
I don't know why but I thought she would be bigger. Either way welcome home
Yeah looks like volume 6 just released. Guess I need to catch up.
Nep found a loner in a box.
>we'll probably get a full set of PJ Neps and sisters before a main four Alter CPU form set
That's the reason why she likes Vanilla more.
What do you folks think of this Erza fig, I'm looking forward to mine.
Well that sucks
My porkchop thread was first!
hips too small
I get where you are coming from but, it doesn't look so bad to me.
Why get a skinny bunny Erza when you can get a thicc warrior Erza?
it doesnt look bad, buts its completely inaccurate. her hips and thighs are much fuller.
Good point, i didn't want to go maximum over-lewd as my display options are restricted atm.
I think I developed some sort of ED from having too many naked dakis around my room. I don't get the stimulation I used to get. Is this normal?
I realise now that the order is closed on Amiami anyway, feelsbadman No thickfu Erza to sit on my desk.
Repeated exposure to any stimuli causes tolerance to it, and erotic materials are not an exception. Everything in moderation, user.
B-but my waifu dakis. I have 13 of them and more coming.
>Thinking we'll EVER get a vert
It hurts too much, don't get my hopes up
just follow Ban! on twitter
We are getting new Spice and Wolf content, don't loose hope yet user.
After 2 years of waiting she has finally been listed in the "Coming Soon" article on Nekomagic.
I'm getting antsy just sitting here expecting her to go up any night now...
I think it looks better than the original art. I'm not a fan of the series though.
they better be the same girl
I use one of those 'download twitter video' sites and convert the saved video to a webm.
they just pasted her head on a generic body.
Just another day at FREEing
All FREEing bunnies are like that
>hired israeli accountants and business consultants
>I am thou, thou art I
she stands pretty well with just her heels
Looks like shit, one of the few recolors I have 0 interest in getting.
Big box arrived
Cute bully magnet
why are freeing sculptors so fucking lazy?
More witches
Can any d/a/ki anons tell me if A&J DHR6000 two way tricotta is still worth the buy? I've heard a lot about it but recently I found out that they apparently became worse recently? If anyone has thier two cents on the topic I'd appreciate it
Some of the people that compared it said its still one of the best on the market even if it isn't quite as firm with the new filling material.
I've heard rumors that they were going to swap back to the old stuff but I cannot say if they did or not.
Dakemakuri or whatever has their own core that might be worth checking out as well.
Everybody buys with their dick
>prototype painted months ago
>no release
Fucking when, I need my dumb autist.
>Bishoujo category
Link to the pic behind the figure
those THIGHS dear god. So happy mine is on the way now. I don't even watched fairy tale and i'm hyped as shit for this.
Manly women are so fucking disgusting
i'm really glad she is getting a figure and i will patiently wait forever.
Chinese customs are nothing to fuck wit
>with those tits
>with this face
So user, when did you realize you were a gay?
>Many women
>not winter coat Sanya
Wouldn't have had this problem if he was just fapping to a glorious Chines bote.
That would have made it worse
He fucked
Can't find him, m8. Care to help me out?
He should've shipped them vian shading 3rd party shipping services.
That's the body shape of an adult Asian woman, he would've been fine.
Why the fuck are you posting old shit, you fucking autist.
>not pink pubes
Xtrmeley disappointed
What's the best ass on your shelf ?
The ankles look like jointshit. Is this worth the price?
It's a cute butt.
Although, if we're talking about asses that are actually out, right now...
Very much so. Dolls are very cute and worth everything you can scrounge up.
January was a relatively big month with ~386 user images. I should be able to get the collages for February out in a more timely manner.
Oh, so TOM does still have the annoying boxes. I thought they'd stopped for a while.
Sure would've been nice if that Jeanne didn't suck.
Anyone have pics of their display set ups?
I see, mind to share the site's link?
Very Judgmental I see. God bless.
>tfw two of your pics make it in the collage this month
Thanks collage user, great work as always. See ya next month.
That doesn't fit her.
Cheers, collage user. Keep up the good work.
For once I actually had something in here, but that's because I don't get much.
Yeah, they gave the figure an ass upgrade over the original art without changing her bottoms.
How about that 2018 year end image?
You've got an image from 2017 in there somewhere btw. How shameful.
Anyway, keep up the acceptable work.
They do and they don't.
It may be down to which distribution center your package originates from.
So an edited image bypasses whatever you use to filter out duplicates?
Which was your favorite?
It would seem I still have a ways to go. Once I get the february collage done I'll focus on getting the 2018 one sorted. Duplicate removal is done manually and I have failed this time. I will go back and fix it later.
Thanks for the effort, Collage-kun
February collage when?
Also, don't forget to update the pastebin
I don't know how anyone can find ill-fitting clothing attractive. It looks fucking gross.
Nendoroids in mugs are the favorites.
Oh woops. I edited the pastebin but forgot to save it. thanks.
Yea obviously
I like this one more
Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu
I like you.
Nice witches
How much did it cost plus shipping?
These are always fun to see brutha. Thanks.
Picked up some options on my trip.
Got best girl for under $150, shipping included. TOM points came in handy and I got $57 back.
Subtotal: 15,620 JPY
Shipping: 7,440 JPY
Grand total: 23,060 JPY
>Product may break while shipping
Also ((TOM))
>short shirt + low corset + belly is still showing
Sounds sexy in concept but looks awful on longboi Lulu.
Cute Miku. Just wish the chinks didn't force it to be shipped with some cheap pillow core.
$50~ each. Not bad.
I feel so old right now. Just please bring me back to 2015, when prices were much cheaper, fuck Alter.
For being overpriced 99% of the time I have never had issues with TOM.
>3k shipping
okay, this is epic
stupid shill
>Also ((TOM))
I like it. Good options with big orders. I remember saving a bunch on an order due to a special event going on and having TOM points.
shills out in full force tonight
Honey please.
nah don't be ridiculous, I'd be happy with 2015 quality && prices
I just buy older figures at this point. The last figure I PO'd was figma Rin Shibuya in 2015, and I recently copped a figma Azunyan for 2k yen a few months ago.
cute tsugu
Choose SAL fool
that IS the SAL price
Isn't ordering a poster along with anything that isn't also a poster/scroll a bad move since they will ship it in a box instead of a tube?
so you reckon I have them ship it separately
There's your problem
The figure looks good and the price is also reasonable. Too bad the show is a shitfest. I really wanted to like it but I can't.
Glad I stuck with the FREEing version.
I don't know how much different the price would be if you did, but I would assume it would be worth it.
Is that the mom from Sisters?
Why would anyone want even more Yumi at this point
Finally together
Very nice, user. I only have Sanya with scarf to match Eila.
How is Yumi so popular?
shes a dumb babu
I love CLAMP so I think it's great. Instant pre-order.
If you don't know the reason why by now than you're probably a normalfag redditor who's is new to this hobby
kill yourself
Yumi is shit.
>a-am I fitting in yet guise??
Like clockwork
>I was just pretending to be retarded
You're not on di**rd, idiot.
woah man, you sure showed them with that epic bait
>not understanding the @ for the purpose of NOT giving (you)s
Euro hours really are cancer
Go be le epic sarcastic dipshit on your dis***rd, UStard.
Is this figure legal in the US?
I hate how there's so much 'muh pedo' panic happening nowadays
All figures all legal in US, they aren't real.
How can you buy something that is not real?
You pay and you don't get anything in return.
videogames arent real and you can buy them
But how can videogames be not real if our PCs are real???
On the fence about this, should I buy it? Will aftermarket prices skyrocket again?
Aftermarket will skyrocket the price on that. What a dumb question.
You are missing the point love
Do you not like cute shit? That's a cute figure.
What is she from?
Who the hell wanted this?
I guess bunny buyfagging is over for me if they keep up these prices.
Well done Stacey get them told.
That's so boring. All bunnies look the same.
what's so boring about it other than the outfit being unappealing to you?
Mai Oonesama
I just said what. The way they're all the same the bodies, the outfits even the poses. Only the heads are of different characters.
When are we going to get a trap figure that isn't Astolfo?
we had trap figures before Astolfo
>Still no Visha nendo
Damn You Sonzai X!
Welp, neither Chocola nor Kurone made it but at least my Megumin doujin got there.
I want a cute incubus to go with my thick succubus.
to be fair the canon is they are breast forms and not natural tits.
Just get this and pretend it's a boy.
>dick-milking thighs
That won't work
For the love of God, please, tell me there's a Morrigan figure to go with this
I wish I had some futas
holy shit those are ultra rare garage kits correct ?
I have the white version, going to display it in full glory.
what was that site that lists every fig ever released for a character?
I love Yumi!
I also want to know where this picture is from.
Thanks found it. Im also like how this one is looking
Finally got her this morning, her box his right next to me but I can't open her yet since I'm at work.
Didn't read Fairy Tail but this fig was too gorgeous to not buy her.
So i'm new to this.
Why are pre-orders closed?
is it limited supply? did I miss out?
>admitting to being new
>buying prize figures
Yes, preorders generally close when it's close to release date, even if it's not a limited edition.
Go read the guide
Thread's getting spicy now!
Where's the guide, pal?
dont listen to this idiot its
These retards are dicking around. It's actually
You can't be this retarded
Actually it's been moved to a different domain -
Maybe with the movie.
Mary or a movie version Tanya are probably more likely though.
I went to Japan twice last year. I spent a ton on anime merch because I want to support the stuff I like, what about you poorfags?
I've been three times in six months and bought five tickets for a movie I only watched twice.
Could've just spent the plane ticket and other money on more stuff
>Got into a collage
I feel like part of the group now
Next step is being invited to the Skype group.
Don't get your hopes up though, kid. We're the ELITE BUYFAGS, the guardians of buyfagging, who weren't corrupted like this thread was.
It's time you learned, acolyte, that the Skype conference is just a gateway the super-secret Dropbox where the ascended golden buyfags share their photos with each other.
My King
Going for the first time next month
>tfw planning this trip for two years and probably won't be able to go back for another couple of years
You mean, your "queen", dear ESL- kun.
>he doesn't know
weak bait
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Too sick to travel plus hospital bills draining my bank more than buyfagging.
That face looks shit
Saberfags are a joke
This is a bootleg, right?
Thanks for your effort collage-user! You actually motivates me to learn how to take better pic and now it becomes my hobby.
I dunno, I found this guy on twitter....
It still looks like a jannu with a seiba head
>shows a picture which looks nothing like the sculpter's interpretation of the character
I think the biggest trend of the decade with figures that I hate is sticker eyes. They used to be molded and painted on but now it's just a slight concave surface with a sticker placed on it.
You lose a lot of character and expression with that. I think I might start wandering back to 1/4s
>2 months for Drunk Korbo and one month with possible delays for VR Korbo
Can't wait.
Please re-re-release the chiaki nanami figure by phat company
It's not just the eyes. Her face is all derpy, and the hair is off as well. Her head is prize figure tier.
>my Miku made it in
Gotta admit, this feels good.
you can preorder from gamestop
Please re-release the Natsume figure by Alter.
You got it, buyfriends are on it as we speak.
>don't talk to me or my daughter ever again
Every time I look at the dog figure I can't focus on anything apart from its shit ears and tail. Completely ruins the figure.
I don't mind pubes if they're nice and well kept but I just feel they don't work on figures
>tfw still waiting on my heisei tribute
Went for the first time two months ago, I've already started saving for my next trip
Great job as always
That's the good thing about the binned witches. Except Heidemarie
Going in two weeks.
That's why you don't combine tube shit, retard.
I was there last Comiket. I bought so much and for the first time in my life I felt satisfied with the amount I bought. Unfortunately this only lasted until I flew back home.
This , you can find most things online and it still supports the franchise, provided you aren't buying secondhand. The shipping cost for importing your orders over a couple of years is cheaper than plane tickets for bringing back 1-2 suitcases of merch.
Going to a foreign country just to shop fuels a shopping addiction too. Japan has tons of great parks, shrines, museums, and events to tour so it'd be a waste. I recommend visiting either during sakura season, or Halloween or Christmas/new year for the events. Going for a mix of touring and shopping is ideal. Buy a DSLR camera before you go as well.
Figure when?
>The shipping cost for importing your orders over a couple of years is cheaper than plane tickets for bringing back 1-2 suitcases of merch.
This might not effect you but for me getting all of this stuff through postal customs is a hellish task, while there are basically no custom checks for airliners.
I guess counting some countries' customs fees a trip would be a good deal, but 1 year worth of orders would still probably be cheaper if they aren't all huge.
She's the reddit senran so she took the internet by storm.
yeah but now the series is irrelevant again. Thank God.
Nobody in Japan even knows or cares what Reddit is.
>capitalizes reddit
Not till after her.
>imagine being this assblasted over a capitalized letter
top kek brah
Not him but I tried pre-ordering on the english site but was told to fuck off because I don't live in chinkland.
Gatekeeping is good, otherwise threads quickly turn to shit. You should understand that unless you're part of the problem.
westaboos do know and care about it though. they can write english fluently and use reddit like a normal person, as in, they rarely ever bring up that they're japanese.
>Maybe with the movie.
Let's hope so
I don't know which Shuten to buy. They're both equally gorgeous. I could use some help deciding. I can't afford the two of them.
I got some deliveries today
Not that guy but I have her and that magnificent ass would never pass as a dude's.
They all look pretty great
Do forwarders ship over things like cologne or perfume?
Peak plastic butt
Is it? I can't tell with that focus.
Which one is this?
that whole figure depends on how her pantsu look
getting the GBF stuff ?
Crotch shots please?
This one is a bit better.
Thinking about it more, I could see a Visha announced at the same time as a Tanya rerelease.
Like Diana and Akko.
I'm sure that information is listed on their website or in their FAQ.
I like her design but don't know her name or what game she's from.
Can’t wait to pair them up.
Fire Emblem:Sallya
It could be a possibility, if they do a reissue for Tanya, it would be neat, as I miss the first release
Uzuki is a decent proxy for a seudo-Visha nendo
Also, I hope that someone tries to recreate that picture with the LWA/GLT nendos
Thanks, I'll enjoy a nice long fapping marathon tonight.
perfect for hotglue
Who dis
>phone poster
I'd get her if I gave two shits about the series, the joints aren't terribly noticeable even at the ankles isn't too bad. Most dolls look like shit due to joints.
>use iPhone
>shove black 9 inch dildos in your ass
Look at the picture retard.
>he uses an iPhone
>doesn't have a phone jack
>tech illiterate and borderline retarded
holy shit
how many of you will be like this in 40 years
Hopefully me.
I'm not, I'm already dying due to nerve degeneration.
hang in there bro
>Code Geass
You might as well have just said don’t worry and move on with my life.
Based Sataniaposter
Please, you guys are the only ones I trust to ask this important question.
Go with what manufacturer has the best trackrecord.
this one
Next time use your fucking eyes newfag.
Thanks. This kind of situation has no wrong answer.
>phoneposter faglord
>posts a pic for ants
>hurr just use your eyes
I'm on a PC and I can read it. Maybe you shouldn't be browsing on a phone faggot.
I like the ques q one but honestly they're both good looking.
didn't ask
this is what happens when you don't post the guide
That's the idea yeah. Some cologne would be nice to wear for once, and Vaseraga's sounds really good on top of being a cool character.
( ̄ヘ ̄) Whew.
Mfw no matter how much I cuddle with my favorite waifu figure, she'll never come to me as a living being