What other fun fetishes will Kamachi regale us with in NT22?
Other urls found in this thread:
where's our thread railgunbros....
Mobile BDSM. Accel and Touma are tied up inside the suitcase.
Well, Kyousuke, maybe you shouldn't have named yourself after an animal that mates 50 times a day. Ever think of -that-?
Who can't beat Magic god Junko?
Is this Anti-Spiral power?
Why are they dressed like that?
I'm telling you guys that is a super weapon from Niang Niang's sleeve wrapped in Neph's bandages.
What are they doing?
celebrating their honeymoon
Because they’re being lewd
No, it’s something else
Breeding every Bloodsign girl except for the White Queen.
What did he mean by this?
>only shows up when the topic switches to fetishes
Sasuga crowley
Misaki a pile of shit
Misaki is beautiful
>sex post
>super Crowley is summoned
Literally nobody expected her to be this good or AB being this good.
This is a big proof that we need more fresh spin-offs. They are far better than main series now.
Have a (You) on the house, you're clearly starving for them if you need to use such stale bait.
Birdway spin-off any day now.
If AC is so advanced why don't they have this yet?
Pointing out that it's bait in your reply is still replying to bait
My dick has never been more ready for a spin off.
It's really amazing how hard you faggots lie to yourselves. Index wasn't good in years, anime is a complete joke and Railgun got stale and slow. AB is the only good thing left in Raildex.
Railgun would be good if the mangaka wasn't such a lazy hack.
>NT21 isnt in most anons top 5 novels
Only retards still read NT. It's complete garbage.
Astral Buddy 17 Translation: mediafire.com
whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy aaaaaaaaaaaaareee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllll replyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggggggggggggg
Now post the one that has her swimsuit ripped and shows her sexy golden bush
>replying to obvious bait
Why are you so god damn stupid?
Thank you
Thank you sir
It was black like regular japanese hair
Was it? I forget
I still cant believe it happened
Meme magick is a hell of a drug
Older Birdway
Have a pitiful (you)
>replying to yourself because you cant get attention
Fuck off
Misaki is a natural blonde. She hates artificial flavors, sweeteners and coloring. To dye your hair blonde as a japanese you'd need to bleach it first and there's no way Misaki would bleach and then dye her hair with chemical dye.
So Misaki might be ethnically european, which would explain her physique. But then it'd be weird for her to have a fully japanese name, so Shokuhou Misaki might be a name she was given later in AC. A lot of kids with unknown parents are dropped of in AC so it wouldn't be unlikely.
AB revealed that she only got into Tokiwadai by bargaining with the headmistress whereas the others got in because they were from wealthy families so there is no contradiction there. And wih her mind control powers there would be many ways for her to get rich quickly as well wihout the parental backing.
This would also explain why she commented on Mikoto really loving her dad, which would be rather bittersweet for her.
Yobou isn't on the powerlevel chart for some reasons.
let Unlucky know
>replying to yourself because you cant get attention
Fuck off
the best
>its weird for her to have a japanese name
Not if even part of her ancestry is japanese
We've become Freezing.
>*Loved exaggerated and performative behavior in the past, but finds it embarrassing now.
Junko's profile mentioning her crazy chuuni behavior.
>*As obsessed a Gekoer as Misaka Mikoto. Even has Gekota underwear. When asked to choose between her Queen and Gekota, she said it was too difficult a choice.
Gekota strong.
(You) too user
Noted. Any suggestions for placement? I might as well make the tab now while I'm remaking the entire damn thing
I remember one user asking about Misaki using psychometry again, and I guess he gets his wish.
This, but not tied up, carved up, and kept alive with her power. Kamachi going full gross amputee guro fetish.
probably where WORST is on the current chart
Somewhere around Umidoori between her normal or cyborg version would be my guess.
I hope you fags are ready for even more demons
Kuroko has a more futuristic phone that that (oddly Xochitl too, though she doesn't know how to use it). But most characters seem to use regular smartphones. I guess Kamachi knows better than to try to guess where such a quickly developing field of technology will be in 30 years. Touma and Mikoto are possibly the only people in the city with antiquated flip phones. And yes I know both the in story and meta reasons for that. But I still want to make fun of them.
Speaking of, how low utghardt loki is is criminal.
Saten has a smartphone.
We all do.
Yea, thought so
What an utterly stupid edit. You didn’t even put Saten in the image. Apply yourself MP
Thanks for the support but just the fact that he’s thinking about her is enough.
The drills were merely sealing her powerlevel
We all ALWAYS think about Saten. What makes him so special?
He’s got money.
He has GUTS. (You) don't.
Gunha is a boy. You’re thinking about Rensa.
I’m attracted to that.
>start reading novels
>Starting right after daihaseisai arc Index becomes less and less relevant
>after WWIII she bites touma in maybe 2 or 3 chapters
I'm just starting NT8. Will she ever come back? Why is it even called index if nobody even wants to steal her anymore? She's just living in touma's dorm rent free and (I assume) eating on komoe's dime.
She's actually eating Touma's funds.
NT8 and 2nd half she shows up more.
Mikoto dying when?
Memetic predators vs Dark matter bug army vs Elements
Who wins?
We will spoil RailgunSS3 Chp.3 illustration at the right time
We know the true reason why Touma only had a Flip phone because it too much money to get a new phone.
Nice stick legs Itsuwa, also her bust dissapeared
That would be the in story reason, yes.
How would she fair against the level 5s? or level 4s?
Just when I thought they started understanding their audience
>MP drinks like crazy
That explains A LOT
Imagine not having an iphone. Also I think alcohol is illegal for mormons.
Can't put Loli Order on an alcoholic, adult product
The combined age of the network is older than NT11 touma
Why would I have that expensive piece of trash?
Android cope in full effect
I don't use Android either, MP.
oh have fun with your nokia brick then
>doesn't use a flip phone and a 4G Ipad
What did he mean by this?
Ok reddit.
>Every iPhone user is MP
I do all that I can think of
She loses to all of them. She would have to get real lucky with Mugino and Misaki to win. Plus there is a chance that Mugino and Mikoto can offset her powers with theirs.
wins she can probably overwhelm her even if she pulls a can of nitrogen out of her ass
Probably lose unless she can speed blits him
might win against normal mode but she gets done in by the shiva arms
With the regeneration I don't think Kuroko can win without doing a fatal telefrag
It would be komaba all over again
She kinda sucks at fighting, junko wins
>the kongou friends
Too slow for junko
really depends on if electricity messes with Junko's powers.
>mami and yumi
Rasengan twins might be too much for her
iPhone is synonymous with MP after all. You're a shit if you use it.
Literal retard.
How do you know if you really love Misaki or if she's just mind controlling you?
I know you are.
>Rasengan twins might be too much for her
That fucked up their arms though
Misaki isn't real, but your love for her is.
How can you prove that, though?
W-wow guys... Is.. is it just me? Last Order seems really pretty today. Like, it's not just me right? She looks super good today right? Like unusually good?
Kimi with Dragon?
What's the age of consent in AC?
Shouldn't Junko have Mikoto style immunity to Misaki? Isn't Mikoto's electrical signals that keeps Misaki's juicy powers at bay?
Anything after holding hands
Only on the really big attacks. Mami did this without taking damage, but I forgot that they can only do this 2 or 3 times before shit goes wrong.
She can't control you if she doesn't exist.
Doesn't mean shit if they can't hit her.
If you can think about it, it exists.
I think Junko intentionally lets her through whenever, since she trusts her.
Not strong enough. So Misaki could probably fuck with Worst unless some of the machines they implanted in her prevent that. Also, I'm pretty sure Dolly is level 4, even if they've never said it (the hairgun) and Misaki can affect her.
Big think
I wonder if Misaki is smart enough to know there's more value in having an uncontrolled subordinate than an army of yes men.
Nah, as of NT18 this user is correct
Was Kuroko stick a Bruh moment?
Mikoto's mind control resistance is an highly precise automatic component of her ability. Junko hasn't shown automatic components, so maybe she can't. As a level 5, Mikoto just generally has a lot more power and scope.
>What other fun fetishes will Kamachi regale us with in NT22?
Book fucking
Lola futa
How was Coronzon able to stab Aleister after being given the stop command? Even if the leav my daughter's body command made no effect, the stop should still be active and thus protect her/him.
Every single esper has an automatic component of their ability. How strong it is and how well they can take advantage of it is what differs between them.
Junko's definitely is strong since her auto-regen, which she wasn't aware of, could heal visible wounds in seconds.
It works on order by order basis probably. As soon as Crowley assumed it was Lola within, it probably didn't work.
We're getting really meta up in here.
can you hear us, God?
Hmm they better explain this
>So advanced they have google+ despite it being trash and now officially dead
Future so amazing they bring back shit no one wants or needs.
Plus did it specifically state he had some protective spell?
No one wants this.
>so advanced they just rehashed the flip phone idea and made an expensive ass tablet
Waste of money.
Stop watching the anime and stop reading the manga, none is good!
Kamijo is only a hero in the eyes of others (for their own fantasies and illusions)
Also, much of the novels is SoL shit and fanservice, very little is the good thing, the science fiction aspect and the majestic legends that only cover 30-40% of most novels.
Honestly the moyoria should avoid it, the only good thing is the part of Accelereta and in the adaptation of Railgun ...
On the other hand, the only good thing that history has is how it describes the science fiction technologies and the logic it develops based on fantasy legends
In spite of all that, I have the right to give the veneficio of the doubt to Index since from volume 16 of the new testament it begins to improve enough, especially in the aspect of the comedy
I do not know if those who translated it did it very badly at the beginning of the novels, because, there are things that are repeated in a big way, like
> the number one city academy ...
> the number three of the city academy ...
> a normal boy with spiky hair ...
Only with these fraces and the like I think you could fill three volumes of Index.
Marian is cute!
Why did contract break if Alies-tan survived?
Maybe the stop commando only accounted for lola dive bombing the castle.
Why would the stop command apply to her every move? The entire point was that he let his guard down after hugging her.
Is index into being blacked?
She's british
Many questions...
Uh you mean 'asianed'. There are no black rape gangs in England.
Because he probably isn't going to.
Kuroko's phone is better.
Alies-tan is the final "defragging" and once she dies, true crowley will rise.
Careful, user, your opinions are wrongthink in these threads..
Which means everything is downhill from here.
Nice, more ways to not kill a character.
Does Vento have pierced nipples?
in both his balls
Sorry you couldn't see it coming a mile away during the hazards/fight at the church. Aleistan was willing to die, tricking Mathers into controlling Lola, so that his strongest weapon was gimped once True Alesiter returns.
That's pretty standard in terms of Thelema.
Is Misaka a boy?
Mathers wiki page says he was a master freemason so I look forward to A Certain Deus Index as the 3rd series where the Illuminati finally appear.
Misaka is a trans girl!
So Touma is transphobic he refuses to fuck her>
Touma can't be transphobic, he uses her pronouns!
Misaka is just a touma clone
He is, not being a attracted to a strong independent transwoman is a hate crime.
No wonder Railgun is shit.
She has none of the qualities Touma has though.
She's a fuckin idiot
And I can't wait too, maybe the novels will finally become good after 40 volumes.
What if he doesn't know she is trans because she passes so well, is he still transphobic? This would be a great plot twist and explain why Misaka has such low self confidence and constantly seeks male approval, not to mention Kuroko's fanatical lust for Misacock.
Neither of them have that quality. That's exclusive to Yea Forums
Sure. Any other nonsensical question you have, user?
Clones don't share any mental characteristics/memories of the original. There was a This American Life on it.
And I can't wait too, the novels will continue to be great after 40 volumes.
>when you can't find any iron ore to railgun with
There's a half-assed pun in here somewhere.
Joke's on you, I love playing with a feminine penis
Dumb, dumb phoneposter.
Can't even get into the Dianoid without an iron pickaxe.
How many humans has she murdered?
Thousands, with cuteness!
Fuck off. I hate Mikoto.
Having a bruh moment?
How can you say that? Look at how upset you've made Mikoto!
I don't know, but I've murdered billions of my potential offspring to her.
Who must take responsibility for this?
NIce to see you're alive and well.
Thanks, I hate it.
Touma and the dragons. This happened during Railgun Daihasei. WW3 outfit shows her preggo belly.
Etzali please
Not today! ZERO NI SURU
Why can't level 5 girls resist level 0 cock?
Preggo posting made me want to knock a girl up. Wew lad gonna make a bad decision.
So where does the poor baby go
Figures a tax collector would be advocating family planning
Can touma cancel magical pregnancies?
Not any more than he can cancel a magical burn no.
I feel like there's a pun I'm missing in the filename
I really tried to think of one and gave up, if you extract a joke out of that please do tell me.
The real reason vento usually wears all the piercings and junk is to avoid this happening to her yearly.
What a waste
What happened to her?
She was inducted into the kamisato faction to replace Fran
She's alive.
Bad writing as usual.
Alright this one made me smile
you tell me
Does AB ever feature Flatsaki?
it did for a couple chapters
Better than nothing, I guess.
She looks like a very nice girl
I wanna poke it
>“Misaka thinks various parts of her body are getting hard from such a selfish development”
does this confirm ?
Still snowed in, nut to Misaka like 4 times today and now im feeling hella drained, boys.
The edit nicely complements the blushing surprised facial expression she has in that illustration. She appears to be totally ashamed of her midsection here.
Where's her bra?
electric bra
No, Mikoto should be the one cut up. I wanna see nuggetkoto bleed out in agony
A nugget is someone who doesn't have arms or legs. It's also a type of porn
I had a dream about NT22 and the only thing I remember was Mikoto and Misaki wearing huge animal mascot costumes.
No, Touma and Accel should be the ones to be cut up.
bunny grey
That sounds retarded, so it means it's totally possible in Kamachi's brilliant work.
Fran x Misa x Misa now please
Toilet flushing. I wanna see Othinus get flushed down by Touma as she screams for help and is choking on Touma's piss.
My personal headcannon is that Junko could possibly break free or atleast regain partial control if she fought it with all her might, but she trusts Misaki and thus has no reason to. Again though, just my headcannon
Stop making me want to see characters who have almost nothing to do with eachother have sex.
Before we learned more about Misaki's backstory/personality, I remember thinking how that would probably be the critical component to a theoretical Touma vs Misaki fight. Like she would have all these girls at her disposal to fight him, but Touma ends up outsmarting her and weaves his way through to get a punch in. Then she'd be dumbfounded and rhetorically ask how he managed to beat all of them. Touma corrects her by saying it was a one vs one in the end. Since she was controlling everyone, it was easy to predict how the girls would act/movement patterns since it was just one mind and Misaki could only think of so much at once. Then he'd go on to say that if she had let them fight on their own merit, he would have surely lost, maybe saying something along the lines of "100 candles burn brighter then a single light bulb" or some similar metaphor. Cue Misaki's learning to trust her followers. Next major battle she is shown using her powers to have her followers share knowledge via mental linking, but letting them have free will to act on that shared network knowledge, effectively "upgrading" her combat capability.
But then we learned more about Misaki and that train of thought went out the window. Still, I like the idea of it.
Fuck, forgot my trip was on. Disregard that, I suck cocks.
What's preggo autist endgame?
shut up newfag, Misaki wouldn't fight Touma at all, read the series.
They aren't all mindless puppets though. They follow her by their own volition and Misaki only controls them directly when she needs to do something sneaky she doesn't want them to know about or needs a proxy. AB showed they can act freely without her
Hence why I said at the beginning and end of the post "Before we learned more about Misaki's backstory/personality". As in it was an idea I had before we knew anything aside from "blonde girl with mindrape powers" when she first appeared.
Read his post again.
>calling Unlucky a newfag
To be fair, it's not like I'm anyone important in the grand scheme of things. And I dont try to be visible really, so people that joined within the past few years probably wouldnt know who I was other then the fag who updates the chart very slowly
>being this new
Doesn't excuse his lack of reading comprehension though.
Pretty sure this is an ironic joke you guys.
Reader, she married him.
Granted. Anyway, I didn’t mean to distract from the thread with tripfaggotry, lets just pretend that didn’t happen and call it a day.
I was just kidding because you forgot your trip on, don't know why the other anons fell easily for stupid bait. And no it's not the "I am just pretending" It was more like a joking bait and somehow a bunch of anons fell from it even if you can easily tell who you are if someone posts the powerlevel chart.
Seriously anons, when you see a stupid bait like this, just ridicule it or don't give it attention at all, stop feeding other retards.
Fair enough
Let’s talk about how Lola is going to be fucked 6 ways to Sunday instead
Oh. Well you cant be too sure any more, we have been getting some newfriends in here lately
Hairjobs for everyone.
That's not a bad thing though, it's nice seeing someone new who watched the series and what he thought about it.
We've been the same 80 anons for 5 years now, more new blood wouldn't be bad.
>just ridicule it
That is exactly what is happening.
Suuuuuure you were. you’re more subtle than the usual bait so misunderstandings are bound to happen. Regardless it doesn’t have the potential to turn into a shitstorm or anything so it’s harmless either way
Anyone got any pictures of kurokos phone?
That's why I came out quickly, didn't want anything to happen
I remember watching one of his Railgun Daihaseisai video a year ago, jesus christ the misinformation, not sure if stupid ESL or just a complete retard.
Yea of course. I always get a little happy when I see a post style I dont recognize on here because that usually means its someone discovering the series. I think thats why people get upset with really poor bait like hackposting and MPs nonsense, anons want more people to talk to and dont want them to be scared away. They should still ignore them though since anyone swayed by obvious shitposting isnt worth the time anyway, but I digress
Why though
Why does this exist
Why wouldn't anyone just go and read the manga rather than listening to someone read the manga for them?
As someone who started lurking around here in December, its pretty obvious when people are shitting around. I dont think you have anything to worry about.
Welcome to Gen Z culture.
I don’t know, maybe they want to catch up on the story while doing something else at the same time like schoolwork or something? People do that. I don’t understand it myself since I like to direct my full attention to a story.
Why do anons say touma is so powerful using the
>i can even kill a god
In OT1?
By what i am reading he is refering to his fights with powerful espers not some magic gods thing.
I mean if he was so powerful why would he be scared of the magicians chasing index?
i have a gun, I can kill literally any human, but i'm not stupid enough to think i should pick fights with people and i will automatically win.
Some people take shit too literally. "God Slaying" isnt exactly a rare form of nip dialogue in anime
there's NO character development for Touma since OT1
It's more that it's oddly specific and repeated by the narration and never by Touma. He just says he can destroy god's miracles. Whether it's true or not, it probably has some importance towards "He who purifies god and slays demons".
Karasuma Fran have more character development rather than Misaka Mikoto
Didnt Crowley believe humans were just immature gods?
>Touma purifies humans that he fights
>purified Othinus
>is about to slay a demon
Any particular reason why you're posting bullshit with pictures of real places?
Lola a shit
because is Real
Speak English
Congrats, you discovered something thats been known for years.
Alright fags, roughly how tall is Elizard and the 3 princesses?
you should lock your bike user
Saten looks better with dark skin.
Why does Rimea have black hair but the other two sisters have blonde hair?
She's trying to distance herself from her sisters, also she's a desperate cake
She's so beautiful
Fancy dress figure versions of the heroines is that it? Cute wolf will be nice but I cant say any of these others would be particularly worth looking forward to. Even Shana's outfit is pretty meh
Is there a bulge edit?
How much AB is better than Accelmanga?
Looks like a little taller than Mikoto
It's not hard to be better than the accel manga.
Why is NT touma so diferent from OT touma?
Whatever happened with that archangel punch. Or maybe it's just knowing that he doesnt have to pretend to be someone else to Index and drops the act
I mean the illustrations.
Artist style changed over time
Those threads are so sad. Probably the highest number of posts per ip on the whole site.
It's really incredible how you people still cling to this trash even when Japan long gave up.
Based Raika
>stop liking what I don't like
>continue to reply to shitpost
Thread will die otherwise.
Not really
IF: shitpost==1
Post kuroko_lewds(yes)
>Japan long gave up
>Shit tier adaptation still beats good adaptation jjba 5, easily
>Japs gave up
Because the usual Kuroko's phone ~20 years exceeds this garbage.
Her phone makes even less sense
It just works, ok.
>replying to a retard begging for attention
user, do you give money to every homeless person you come across?
Not by much, the art is better it's just less people complain about AB. For example, the AI twins doing flying around with air blast is called too shoneny but AB has lightsabers, iruka had that sharingan eye shit, and this power up trope that shonens love. Yet nobody cares. There are issues with accel but a lot of people give unnecessary hate because mob mentality.
Nothing else happens anyway
>implying people werent shitposting about iruka's sharingan
Nice job pretending you frequent the threads. It has nothing to do with mob mentality and everything to do with the fact accel is garbage
>it's just less people complain about AB
Because it is better, user.
>there isnt a post every single minute so that means I have a free pass to reply to a retard
No user, we really dont need activity around the clock. It is a poor argument regardless because you could be spending that time coming up with a topic of discussion or drawing lewds or making some sort of OC. Dont be a fag and encourage shitposting, you're better than that.
The fights you're talking about are fundamentally different. The battle between the twins was just them throwing bigger and bigger balls of air at each other with no strategy involved. It was flashy but boring at its core. When Iruka fought, she had three different tools that all utilized her power and covered for her weaknesses, with some deception thrown in. Junko was forced to retreat and come up with a countermeasure on the fly. Additionally, when Junko got her "power up trope" there was actual foreshadowing that she could do something like that, along with proper emotional buildup. In Accel, we're just introduced to these two girls and suddenly they're destroying skyscrapers. It's not about the powers themselves, it's how and when they're used. So yes, AB is much better than Accel.
There is no ass to appreciate. How dare you misuse that image.
Yes and no. I do think Accel gets more flak than it deserves, but AB is better in pacing and art and general expression. As far as anyone saying it's "too shoneny", its mostly just shitposting regardless because Index is basically just weird shonen that manages to avoid some of the pit falls that ruin a lot of shonen.
>not even a crease to show butt cheeks
user that's basically a back, use that image for actual well drawn ass
All I know is astral buddy doesnt spend 3 pages showing one character bowing, or slowly panning over smoke dispersing from buildings. Seriously, someone needs to find arata and smack him upside the head every time he tries that dumb shit.
God I wish I were there
>The battle between the twins was just them throwing bigger and bigger balls of air at each other
But it wasn't user, Only Mami did that. The first part of the flight they were flying around punching each other. Then Mami kept trying to throw bigger and bigger attacks while Yumi focused on defending and using Mami's own wind against her.
Reminder that Junko was my waifu before AB even started. Stop this heresy.
Ingun is forever stuck in the early 00's aesthetic despite the series likely going into the 30's. Saw a nip twitter post where the flip phone frenda was using in the anime is apparently a 2018 model/release eventhough she's been dead for a decade.
>no it wasnt they punched each other a bit too before doing that
Nice rebuttal
I know there was the fist-fighting portion before that, but the leap from that to literally blowing up large buildings was jarring.
Touma is so lucky
Toma is so selfless.
Considering himself lucky when his bro Etzali get a girlfriend.
Mikoto giving birth to mexican half breeds!
Mikoto will give birth to demi-dragons demon childs from the AAA
Accel's mistress is so cute
>Pokemon britbong region
Let's meme Aleister into the new games
Aleister would be too busy fucking his team for them to get stronger
My dick is so hard right now
Is there any point for spreading Mikoto's genes further more?
>Golden Dawn villain team
I might actually get back into Pokemon if they did that.
What's this? Is she stabbing a dude?
Misaki with the sexual favors
Holding him at 'mote point is my guess. Though really rather than that she should just get the info out of him the easy way.
Is Gekota related to Archetype Controller?
It's already medieval themed so I guess it will be either witches/wizards or king arthur themed. Maybe they can squeeze some 19th - 20th century occult in there.
Mexicans! I knew it!
Is that the guy that was spying for her in Railgun or someone else?
It's from Megami Magazine April 2019 edition
Look at the background, there's no way its anyone but the old man who handles antiques
My first thought was "oh shit knight leader", but then I remembered how common the jacket + longish hair combo is.
All that MisaMisa comedy stuff I almost forgot that Misaki is actually as bad as Mikoto thinks she is. She just tones it down to school yard bullying around mikoto.
>Kamijou immediately held up his right hand to >receive the blow. Not counting his right
>hand, Kamijou was a simple high school >student. He did not have the battle skill needed
>to see through the attack and evade it.
>The cross and his right hand clashed.
Isnt he precogboy?
People literally took a shotgun to one of her underlings. I think she can be justified for messing with someone's minds for a bit to get the truth.
This post is a mess
you are a mess
It's not literal precognition, it's really good intuition.
>implying uiharu wasn't the target for her internet crimes
What is it?
SS3 chapter 3
Accelerator only called it precog because he subconsciously can tell when something is coming. He can't actually see ahead of time
Imagine being crushed between delicious birithighs
>no Gekota sleepwear
This is a clone who sneaked into Mikoto's dorm room
Good writing as usual. Left ambiguous bet definitely alive.
It's called "Premonition Perception"
no dead eyes
For what purpose
NT22 fucking when?
next weekend
Next weekend fucking when?
11 days.
March 9th
FUCK Lessar.
Yes please
Still the funniest shit all these years later
I hate kamisato.
Noukan is a good boy
Reminder that Touma x Othinus is an asspull.
lucky doggo
Is that MP?
I mean, even without taking her personal taste in sleepwear into account, it's difficult to imagine her wearing something like that to sleep in the same room with Kuroko.
I want to fuck that MP
cute russian loli!
Congrats, you're on a list now if you weren't already.
>muh list
who gives a fuck i am not a burger, also
>getting on a list because commented a loli pic posted in a offtpic thread
>he's proud of being a third worlder
That's gonna be a yikes from me.
>USA is not third world
USA is practically third world and no, it's more proud of not being tied to some of the retarded standards you lot have.
Ignoring the dumb my country is better than yours and muh third world, Haimura-sensei is drawing again
when you have to make up a definition to pretend you're right
Her life is suffering
I know people use the term third world to mean a country in bad shape, but the term stems from the cold war where Nato countries was first world, Warsaw pact countries was second world and anyone unaffiliated was third world. So by definition the US is first world.
>If I write in green, then this is true
>I know how the word is used, but I dont believe words evolve
I bet you only use "gay" to mean happy too
>I bet you only use "gay" to mean happy too
What if I do, faggot?
>muricans type like this
Fucking disgusting.
>posts are offtopic
Obligatory obsessed post
I don't like where this is going.
Seriously. Why always the country BS talk?
i do
post more russian lolis
>Implying that a country other than Japan can be considered the first world
Enjoy your first raildex thread
The only "first world" is the one Othinus is trying to return to.
Ah yes, the world where she used to guzzle gallons of cum every day.
Isn't this the goal for all women?
>First world
Outside the cities it looks like the rust belt
Norway is first world
That's not what makes it first world, and the rural areas are beautiful unlike rural America. Actually visit and get out of your basement.
Othinus isnt from the pure world. That would be piss easy to return to, just strip off all the paint on the easel
>want me to believe what a dumbass user thinks is First World
Good joke. Go to class.
>socialist retard state
>muh oil
see you in a few, icy venezuela
I still like the edit of the entire Rakko vs Frenda chapters where she becomes Swedish and hates immigrants.
This is all I still have of it though.
Nah, she said she couldn't do that. Not even magic gods can remove phases
She can with imagine breaker. And she's done it before. Her problem is she doesnt know how much to take off or put back on. If she was from the pure world this literally would not be an issue. Read nt9.
I want Frenda to give birth to my mixed children~
Is this the Hymen Breaker one?
I remember making that stupid suggestion MANY years ago.
Ah yes the battered girlfriend weeharu chapter that I forgot to save
Frenda sure knows how to deliver those bantz
This one?
Kakine deserves to be the 4th MC. He's charismatic, powerful and adds depth to the plot of raildex.
still waiting for those kekine x frenda rape/ryona stuff.
He has none of those features tho
How absolutely true, particularly handsome gentleman.
He doesn't let anything get in his way, he powers over adversity. He's a true rolemodel in charisma!
Do we even need to say this? He's above Accelerator, of course he's powerful
>adds depth to the plot of raildex
As the one thing that can challenge the merit of Thelema, he'll be deepening the plot.
>here's your 10,000th kamikoto doujin bro
any good merch lately ?
She’s a female
A very cute little female!
is this a newfag thing?
>here's your copy pasted non transparent anime screenshot t-shirt bro
And Index too!
Oh, MP is back. well I'm out. Have a good thread m8s.
Thats the one
Was a good thread. Buy enjoy your time with the mobile bitch.
We don’t like that.
Why do you guys think anybody cares if you leave?
Did someone say merch?
>Paint me like your French Versailles Maiden
Man fuck this, MP put your brother back on
Railgun SS3 Part 3 Illustration
>the levels of smug on that Index and Accel
There's something weird with her nose. It looks too pointy
MP has a brother?
This was just posted
When will Saten get a new girlfriend from the dark side?
Yes and he’s much cooler than MP
Was Misaki's hair always this long
Well she does have some pretty long hair
Raildexfags are NPC's that don't have critical thought. So they repeat the same shit over and over, like "Index has great world building" and when you question them and try to argue, they start to get confused and angry.
The believe that Index has great worldbuilding comes from the fact that is has over 40 volumes, so of course the world building must be great, right? Well, if you're not mentally inept like 90% of Index readers, you'll notice that the world building is extremely undeveloped and its the same setting repeated over and over but with some different bad guy oppressing a different good guy. All the organizations in Index are basically the same you find in every LN with the same level of hierarchy and superficial exploration.
Index is aimed to mentally inept and biologically inferior readers, its a product for the lower classes that amuse themselves with childish, naive and often idiotic stories.
Based on official art. It does not seem so.
>official anything
>Raildex is our Gekota.
>Hamazura with the completely different pose
This is how he keeps fucking all the keikakus
Misaki is so cute possessing Mikoto into a sex slave
>using the game or the anime to determine what is canon
Just post the LN or at least the manga you dumbasses
Official to the anime. In the LN and Manga, it's long.
And Index too!
But then how do you know that it isn't a situation similar to Styil ?
But I never said anything about the game determining canon, just that Misaki has long hair
Fuyukawa likes it long.
Amusingly, his Hospital Gown Misaki image has her with hair quite short:
But this fanartist disagrees lol:
What nonsense are you talking about now
>Amusingly, his Hospital Gown Misaki image has her with hair quite short
That's because she's like 11 years old there
Since Misaki was introduced in Railgun first, does that mean her hair length in the manga is more canon?
Even worse then.
Using the LN illustrations as canon isn't that accurate, since things like Styil being 14, but Haimura drawing him way older situations can happen.
Maybe Misaki's hair is super long in canon, but Haimura drew it medium length.
She’s a girl.
You're a fucking moron. Stiyls appearance is canon.
Day of the Flop soon, Raildexmonkeys.
She looks like a bitch
I am not saying that it isn't, just that Haimura's works aren't 100% canon since he can make mistakes, yes Styil height became canon, but it was still a mistake at first.
Stiyl's height was a mistake before OT1 was released, but Kamachi liked it so much that he kept it as the official height.
Stiyl's appearance is canon. It was a miscommunication but it doesn't change the description matches who Stiyl is you dumbfuck.
We're not doing this again, d u m b f u c k.
When she isn't fawning over Touma or getting bullied by Mikoto, you mustn't forget that she is a controlling bitch.
Based AND redpilled
She is.
>stiyl is blonde
>but he is a redhead
What a clusterfuck
You're still a fucking moron. Stiyl's appearance was canon the moment OT1 was published, the misunderstanding and then reconciliation didnt happen after it was released to the public but before. This is the same reason gunha's rough draft was redone. Your two brain cells need to get out more. They are 100% canon.
Index has silver hair but it’s blue.
It's not blue you colorblind moron
It is.
Based af desu senpai
This is exactly why the anime cant be used as evidence
It’s blue in the LN as well. They just call it silver.
Raildex literally SHAKING as this season ends
No it isnt dumbfuck
It is.
No it isn't mormon bitch
You're really reaching to try and cover up your fuck up of pretending the LN isnt canon aren't you?
Use a real example you imbecile. Itsuwa has black hair in the LN but it's colored more purple to distinguish her as a non-fodder character.
>Nuh uh
>Uh huh
>Nuh uh!
>Uh huh!
This is embarrassing, kill yourselves
It actually isn't blue. You really should get your eyes checked, user.
Indeed, shaking with excitement because we’re getting literally years of Faildex anime and there isn’t a single thing any shitposting fag can do about it except seeth and cry.
Damn, between that and part 3 around the corner, its good to be a Raildexfag
All level 5s are
She literally never had black hair retard
This kek
So much seething over m-muh canon
But you can get them as cats.
>Mikoto humping Gekota like a horny teenager.
So is Accel anime in summer or fall?
She did nothing wrong
This kek
So much seething over m-muh proving canon wrong by saying the opposite of what is the truth
Everything is canon
Wait until spring fes for more info, I bet it will be one of the 15 anouncements if we go by what happened in the 10th.
As expected of slutkoto.
1 cour Accel in summer, 2 cour Railgun in fall. Both are confirmed for this year
No one did anything wrong
S4 confirmed?
I don’t think Railgun got confirmation for 2019 unless I missed something
Just so you know I have already stopped saying canon this canon that a long time now, I was actually serious because of the discrepancies that could be made between Author and Illustrator. Someone other seems to have picked on that now and is shitposting with it, just ignore him.
Yes, this series is a clusterfuck. Its a mess of ideas that don't work well together.
They confirmed it a few months ago in newtype
Yep, Miki will probably make it official once the season ends. The latest he’d wait would be after Railgun and Accel
I noticed they’ve been doing that more lately. Faggots keep trying to impersonate me to stir up shit
Will we see this cute little blonde again?
>I was serious
Seriously a dumbfuck. What kind of author doesnt look at his illustrators designs you moron.
Really? Well damn, no brakes it seems. When does Summer season usually start anyway?
She's currently floating in space, unable to die, in an unused frame of time. Someone should try and save her eventually
user, I’m about to start kissing you.
July, seasons of anime are 3 months long
>Pretending to be me pretending to be you
Don't tempt me with a good time, fag.
I wasn’t pretending to be anyone. I’m a different user that who I replied to. I’m saying that shitposters are impersonating people to prolong arguments. I’ve seen it happen to me
Yes, I am upset that anyone tolerates this stupidity. This is exactly why we're infested with shitposters and ESLs to our gills. Stupid people feel like they belong
>unused frame of time
So she's World Rejecte'd?
How has the Kaguya anime been so far? I have read the manga but I still haven't had the time to check the anime. Are they adapting it nicely?
Unintentionally so, yes.
It won’t be an ordinary kiss user. It will be a French kiss. My tongue is going to explore every nook and cranny of your mouth
Like you.
Yes everything they have done is to get to NT
How many little blondes have kamachi murdered? I thought he loved them?
I’m absolutely positive that people shit on both parties. Shitposters especially know they don’t belong but they do it anyway
Stop being a faggot
I don't think there's anything to be done about it at this point. Dumbasses are now the majority.
Summer. Railgun is Fall given both were confirmed for 2019.
Either way they're all fucked because apparently OPM S2 is having major issues. The snowball effect is real.
>Pretending to be retarded
Why would you use an example of a blonde who cannot die to ask how many he's killed?
Way better than the crapshoot Index is. Quite faithful, plus god tier Chika ending.
OK, unperson'd like izzard
I miss when pretending to be retarded meant using convoluted troll physics to say things like you'll point a fan at a sail on the boat you're in, and not just pretending to have 50 iq and celebrating any time someone tells you to fuck off as an epic troll.
Prepare yourself~
I wouldn't be surprised since the franchise's marketing is stuck in OT.
Just accept that Raildex threads have always been low quality pseudo generals
all this trying to salvage this shit hole just wastes posts
Same. These fags are shameless now
I mean, before the anime they did say they were seriously considering just skipping OT. So I dont think theres much debate to be had.
St Frenda sacrificed herself so that no other like her will suffer the same fate.
>guys we should give in the shitposters they’re too strong :(
Kek kill yourself faggot. We’ve survived worse then any temper tantrum you fags could ever muster and we’ll still be here long after you eventually fuck off
shithinus is changing this slowly
Poor babby is frustrated that he can’t get enough replies
It was closer to being a reboot or NT season than anything, but it was Kamachi and Miki that told them it would be a bad idea. Even with how mediocre this season is, either of those would've killed the anime right in its track.
But it's working because you're retarded
They pretty obviously want to get to NT when the marketing has it there. Even the new mobage's main draw and concept has the selling point being all characters from unadapted points of NT and the manga will be in it.
Is MP on her period? Shitposting has been on the rise this week.
I've noticed that too, Othinus is slowly getting more and more shilling despite not even being in the anime. Cant wait for the figure
But that shows why this is such a shitshow. This was likely the condition considering those two had to convince them, they put it on the low priority order as they just slapped it in the middle of JC's worst time. Which was a mistake.
Probably. Must be tough being an autistic mormon
The announcement is going to be for an NT series adaptation by another studio that will treat Index better than JC Staff
Shit happens
Mikoto is the superiorgirl
People keep saying this is a shitshow but it really isnt noticably worse than season 2
Who's the biggest meme character?
But user we need to keep repeating ourselves over and over again instead of just accepting what we got. We gotta bitch about it atleast 500 more times
Adaptation-wise it is and there's no excuse of natural disasters making them run out of animators in the 2nd cour. But this has already been discussed to death over the last few months
Yeah. Though they opened up a channel for them to see what peoples feelings are so that'll be interesting.
Is say it’s a little more jarring compared to Season 2, but yea most people just like to blow shit out of proportion
We're not even the target market, why the fuck should they listen to us?
Adaptation wise it absolutely is for the worst. Also them constantly changing how things happen and dialogue have had people resort to calling the anime a completely separate entity.
True I dont want to have to pick apart all the things that went wrong in season 2 that people ignore these days once again
Adaptation wise it covers more and has less content cut. People just forgot how much shit was cut in Season 2 because Nobody really likes most of those volumes and don’t bother rereading them
Most of the fags here haven't even read the novels from S2.
I’m being sarcastic about the people that repeat themselves every week and then get mad that nobody wants to have the same talk again
I mean really whats the worst thing that's been cut so far this season?
People are retarded if they haven’t saying that since season 1 which had actual entire arc rewrites instead of
>accelerator is punching no!
It’s sad how much this is true
Probably the side characters or Aqcua's badge in brexit
That’s obvious whenever someone pretends Season 2 was adapted well. The only one that got close was Season 1, and it still had major cuts
the maids during bretix and hanzo? it's just 10 years of expectations and being frustrated with the result S3 is fine but after so long isn't enough for most people
As far as Yea Forums goes, it's definitely Accel.
It might end up Steampunk-ish.
Kek, guilty conscious much? I said shitposting was on the rise, not that all shitposting was one person. Try not outing yourself so easily next time
To be fair, OT7-13 has a really bad stretch of novels in it
The crudest is most likely 2 episodes only of OT18 and the entire epilogue being slashed. The main problem is the things they cut that are foreshadowing or even additional context makes the entire episode choppy and absolutely rushed.
It's more adapted than S2, but comes out worse because of it basically.
They actually have been. It's just been growing because of the constant barrage this season has been getting over there, it's in response to that. The ratings drop every new episode on nico, on Abema the views dont even hit 100k while most shows are in the 300k region, etc etc. Just a retaliation.
wtf I love Index III now
That depends on what you mean by meme.
Alright and what's the worst that was cut from s2?
It would actually be interesting to go though the novels and list every change or cut for all 3 seasons to compare. It would also shut up some of the non LN readers
If I could find it, some nip on Twitter was able to make a multi-page essay of notes, covering what was cut in Brexit alone, changed, or added (like Touma punching the telesma emitted by Curtana for some reason). I'd say Brexit has the worst adaptation of the anime so far but OT4 literally had its entirety rewritten, but it isn't as good, so I dunno.
The difference between S2 and S3 is that the former doesn't contain many fan favourite volumes besides 0930 so it's okay if it's done meh because no one cared about the source. S3 has lots of volumes people loved so it hurts more if its done poorly.
2 days ago due to how bad the reactions been, they went on a full Index self marketing and pushing NT and telling people to read the LN's, it's nothing like the anime (again due to the constant negative reactions). Was pretty cool.
Why don’t we just draw the cut scenes and splice them in?
>r/a/ildex flip art episodes
On twitter. They were listing highlight scenes of NT and what to look forward to, they were talking about volume impressions, differences of OT and NT, was pretty nutty. Also things like how Aleisters plan being the back bone of the main plot and that's why OT is so uniform once it fell apart at the end of OT, NT's chaotic style is in relation to that and everything outside said plan finally came about among other things.
It's been so long I cant say for sure, but I know that Amata just continuing to kick Accel while Index was singing was hilariously bad. I seem to recall that ice boats was pretty damn short too, but I dont think I've read those books in a decade almost so I cant say.
No not really
Do this but with doujins.
I accept your concession
Railgun SS3 Part 3 Illustration edited
Well that's neat, I'm surprised that no one in a position of power for the franchise has done that though. SAO has a bloody 4 cour adaptation and even then Kawahara told people to just go read the LN.
I wanna fuck Accelerator
Misaki looks like she's about to shank someone
I wanna fuck Nda
Everything of this season feels so half-assed I'm not surprised. It's the same Index anime, but that's also problematic. There just isn't enough effort.
On the bright side the complete OT set is ranking and NT22 is a best seller, so at least somethings nice.
SS2 and the russians