Did she really have to rub it in like this?

Did she really have to rub it in like this?

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Do you really have to keep making these threads?

They did it just to piss feeble people like you off. You believe natalism is the highest achievement of life and that it has some kind of sanctity (it fucking doesn't). You have been brainwashed and there's no way to save you.

we have this thread every day
fuck off already

Wonder if the baby will also become a fatty like the father.

I agree in that natalism is mundane but it is the peak achievement of life. Our primal goal is to help preserve our species. Be by procreating or by protecting our kind till they can protect themselves.

That's the primal goal of lower species.

The peak achievement of life is indeed propagating oneself, but humans can do so through invention.

If your peak achievement in life is having a child, you're worth no more than an animal.

The day humanity as a whole becomes sterile you'll regret those words.

>tfw the crackhead whore on welfare with 8 kids contributed more to humanity than Tesla

Boomer got offended, how cute.

It's your memes that have to be passed on, not necessarely your genes. But there's nothing wrong with passing your genes on either.

Tesla contributed with the second task. He, by his work, improved conditions so the offspring of his kind can survive safer and longer.

Our prime directive is to survive, failing that our second directive is to allow our fellow humans to go forward.

>Be by procreating
Your offspring may very well kill humans or do nothing useful while depleting their resources.

It still increases chances for survival of the species merely by existing.

>Stacey's cope

That's why it's your duty as a parent to prevent such a scenario.

It's fucking math.

If you add 1 human which subtracts 2, chances of humanity surviving are less than before.

Attached: touka-016.png (1159x1067, 624K)

Said human getting to a situation when he takes out other two humans is mere probability at the moment of birth. It has equal chances of having offspring of it's own or cooperate with the community that grooms other people's kids.

You can put in effort to prevent such a scenario, or you can just do something useful yourself to help humanity progress.

It's a toddler. What did you expect her to do, leave it alone at home?

Raising a well-adjusted, well meaning person is a fantastic contribution to humanity's progress. Especially in this day and age.

You do realize that according to your own logic, at some point, an offspring must cooperate in ways other than having more offspring?

Would any technology have been invented if everyone just wanted to have children? It's thanks to it that our chances of survival are so high in the first place.

Clearly, technology is a greater contribution to humanity than offspring.

Isaac Newton didn't have kids too, right?

>Clearly, technology is a greater contribution to humanity than offspring
Technology is an amazing contribution but you're underestimating the importance of preserving the ability to procreate. The whole point of technology is to create better living conditions that allow the species to adapt and live in eviroments that otherwise would be too hostile to create a community on. It's all for the purpose of preserve life. If we discredit life then it defeats the purpose of developing technology in first place.

And highly dependent on luck. You don't control all of your child's experiences, and cannot predict how they will affect them.

You have better odds of contributing positively to humanity by working towards something yourself.

True. Instead he made amazing contributions that many families with kids of their own can benefit from.

Yea Forums - Anthropology

Contributing to society means preserving life. That's the purpose of having a society.

It's true that lucks is a factor but is not completely determining nor a reason to neglect parenting. That mindset is part of what families are disintegrating in recent years and the effects are starting to spread on society as a whole. It's better to have a stable home and expect for the best than not having a home at all.

Why is this user so terrified at humanity going extinct? When it's time to go it's time to go.

I prefer we go from an outside event than from our own stupidity.

I'd rather have threads like this than yet another instance of "NTR NTR NTR".

You can build a family, which almost everyone can do, or you can work on something other families benefit from, which not everyone can do. Clearly, helping others with something other than offspring is more valuable and respectable.

Or you can do both. In fact, even making a family is a laudable achievement these days since good parenting is apparently becoming a rare occurrence.

On second thought most people does both. Sustaining a job that likely contributes in moving the engines of society (be economy, education, production, sanitation, etc...) while providing for a family is an important task as well. Being single without children isn't a prerequisite to be an important lead figure in science or technology either.

>peak achievement for a human being is to do something that animals do

Don't let your hubris make you deny the prime goal of every living being.

Dude was in a coma for 15 years, still I can't feel a little angry.

>Sustaining a job that likely contributes in moving the engines of society (be economy, education, production, sanitation, etc...) while providing for a family is an important task as well.
It is important, but unlikely to provide breakthroughs.

>Our primal goal is to help preserve our species
Let's be honest here, do you really wanna preserve humanity? specially at the state it is right now?
People spreading their worthless genes, just because their only goal in life is just reproducing?

what other picture is able to make so many people angry ?

This. Self-insert fats only see NTR. MC was moved by witnessing the miracle of a new life that wouldn't have existed without his intervention. Loved the weight and magnitude of that scene.

We're damaged and that twist our thoughts into rejecting our purpose but if I held someone close to you at gunpoint I bet you'll wish for said person's survival.

It's easy to be negative and talk shit, I've been there more than once. But when push comes to shove most of us will still choose life.

We've built societies and technology exactly for the purpose of stop worrying about being held at gunpoint in the first place.

That still doesn't answer my question. Do you really wanna preserve humanity?
You sound as if the world is literally going to end tomorrow. We're not fucking monkeys living in caves that are barely able to survive anymore, there are other things worth in life than just reproducing.
Some literal crackwhore like what said could be making more and more children that will be useless to society and will have useless genes, they had no reason to exist.

We are around 8 billions please stop protecting humanity or this planet will become a fucking wasteland.

Look how much that goal has progressed.

>That still doesn't answer my question. Do you really wanna preserve humanity?
Yes. Any rational being would answer the same, I think.

I also think your moving goalposts. There's definitely people who got derailed in their way of living and have become harmful to their own kind. How much they deserve to be offed will be in the hands of the society judging them. But reproductive will never cease to be important, look at countries that even in this age of overpopulation are suffering because of birthrate decay.

I agree we live in an age where raising kids is difficult and sometimes even inconvenient but you're blaming the problem on the wrong source.

>Muh "planet will die"
Worry not. The earth will terraform itself and get rid of all of us way before we have the chance to do that. Climatic change isn't the end of the world. It's just the world getting rid of a cold.




>Look how much that goal has progressed.
It hasn't progressed precisely because there are too many people who only have the goal of having kids.

Looks are deceiving.

Read it more or less aplies here as well.

It's not us that need to stop breeding.

Attached: serveimage.png (940x541, 20K)

Imagine watching this show and thinking that the MC sincerely wanted to groom a little girl into being his wife in the future.

Humans are animals, user.

No we're not, we have the ability to think while animals can only follow their instinct.

like i said, the author has NTR fetish.

Some people can do one and some people can do the other.

fuck, clicking the thumbnail makes me angry all over again,
are right, stop making this thread. i really hate to see that whore's face.