So, no anime this season got to make this?
So, no anime this season got to make this?
>Not supporting the industry
Get off Yea Forums
>Not even the most popular on that year
Dude GS get destroyed by MHA,Boruto and fucking BC.
fuck off
>"supporting" the industry
Go back to plebbit.
Of course, they are mainstream shonen and GS is a p17 1 season anime I am sure even darling was more popular. I am talking about this season with all the controversy with the shield isekai and it's not even half as popular or kaguya or mob.
Boruto isn't popular
>why does anime have so much QUALITY these days?
>can't be because i'm a parasite
You can support the industry far better by buying the actual merchandise and the BDs from japan, the pittance you provide when watching it on crunchyroll is virtually irrelevant unless you only watch very few shows.
That's only supporting bad practices by paying for exorbitant prices. I rather support the industry in a meaningful way while supporting the idea that shows get localized. I know it's a meme on Yea Forums to hate dubs, but I prefer to watch dubs, if I wanted to read subs I could just read manga, but that's boring
I bet you can't wait for anime to die like video games...
Neverland is more popular than all them
Maybe the manga but the anime is not even close.
Wait till the season ends, it's going to be full of mob and shield hero.
>supporting the industry
Look at this faggot.
>America just love rape so much
my countrymen started supporting the industry and now look where we are, nothing but isekai
fuck western support for the industry
Amerimutts literally only got baited by ep 1 rape after that they're mostly say it was boring and just generic haremshit.
This wan't posted after chapter one tho and still was the most popular until the end but obviously not with that much difference as the beginning.
>most popular
It's not even the most popular on crunchyroll in that season.
Complaining about the quality of the show is one thing and I may agree with that but denying a fact...
Bring the proof that it was the most popular then.