What the hell? Is everyone in Naruto retarded?

What the hell? Is everyone in Naruto retarded?

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People who spec for healing are a liability because only healsluts want to do it and they have zero combat ability


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wrong, naruto can do both. Tsunade can do both. Sakura can do both. Snakeboy can do both.

>Naruto can do both
Naruto is a freak of nature and has the Kyuubi supplying him endless amount of chakra in addition to sage mode giving him nature chakra
>Tsunade can do both
Byakko seal and once a generation genius
>Sakura can do both
See above
>Snakeboy can do both
Snakeboy has spend years researching jutsu's in order to do that.
All of these people are either prodigies or amped up on other worldly energies. Something your average ninja doesn't and wouldn't possess.

Not really, keep in mind that in Naruto, ninja villages have only been a thing for around 50 years. It's quite possible that they didn't use squads as the primary fighting unit until very recently, and until squads exist, "having a healer in every squad" wouldn't be thought of.

Not that guy but those are exceptions to the rule. See Rin for what the average healslut looks like.

You're one of the chumps that takes these things for granted that he was referring to.

Yes, and you're retarded if you're only realize now.

Why the fuck did Naruto let Kabuto run an orphanage?

I just started reading Naruto a few months ago. I'm taking a break from what I usually read because the ending was so bad (I'm talking about Nisekoi).
>You're one of the chumps that takes these things for granted that he was referring to.
It's should be automatic. There is ALWAYS a medic in class-based games.

yeah... sorry

Does ninjaland have class-based games? It's obvious to us because we're familiar with them as a staple, but until someone invented the first in-party healer it's not something everyone would have thought of.

There are no medical specialists in small teams at all in the modern age. All members are trained in survivability (and obviously first aid, tourniquets, IVs, etc, basic shit) so that they have the capability to endure until they reach advanced care.

>no kidd will have to experience the horrors of the battlefield again
Yeah... about that

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In a real world scenario, having a dedicated healer would be fucking awful. There's a reason you don't have a doctor following around soldiers in their squads. First aid at most to stabilize until evac.
The only reason it works in Naruto is that everyone fucking sucks at being a ninja. No one ever finishes anyone off, no one focuses on assassination or ambush, everyone's just throwing giant AoEs in general directions then they always lose track of the injured enemy somehow.
Fights should be happening unexpectedly and end when one side is dead. Having a non combat specialist just means you're guaranteed to lose any confrontation.

Ironically the wizard country in Naruto (because they're wizards not ninjas) would prosper economically and politically if they completely dropped all military operations, forgot about all wars, and did nothing but build hospitals and clinics and research centers to sell magical healing to other countries.

>Enemy ninjas are attacking
>Kakashi tries stabbing an enemy, stabs Rin instead, killing her
>Except Rin was a walking time bomb there and willingly threw herself onto Kakashi's lightning stabber because she couldn't kill herself
>Except Obito was watching the entire thing
>Except the ninjas were brainwashed by Madara into doing this so Obito would see this and fall to darkness
Poor Kakashi. He just wanted to protect his friend.

I really like Kabuto as a character

Video game weren't the first thing to introduce a group of teams that use classes.
>There are no medical specialists in small teams at all in the modern age. All members are trained in survivability (and obviously first aid, tourniquets, IVs, etc, basic shit) so that they have the capability to endure until they reach advanced care.
Yeah, but we don't have major wars anymore and we havw technology that allows us to get soldiers out quickly and quietly.
>In a real world scenario, having a dedicated healer would be fucking awful. There's a reason you don't have a doctor following around soldiers in their squads.
We have battlefield medics.

>Video game weren't the first thing to introduce a group of teams that use classes.
I didn't say they were. The concept stands no matter what medium they were introduced in: Nobody thought of it until someone thought of it.

Unironically yes.

Why did he and Orochimaru have to get shafted so hard after the timeskip?

I'm talking about bringing a labcoat doctor to the battlefield as a dedicated healer. As in these fucks to the left.
Training to become a medic ninja pretty much means you're sool if you also what to train in combat.
It's not the same as modern warfare where anyone can learn to shoot a gun in a couple of weeks.

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The hell is up with that uniform? They don't look disposable enough like scrubs, they got chief hats, and fucking ear muffs.

See, you're taking it for granted.

Magical Medical Ninja Skills TM are a lot different than real world shit you know.

Well Jiriya did say Naruto almost killed him with 4 tails. Orochimaru almost got killed by 4 tails as well.

Sauce just used eye hacks, but Orochimaru really was just waiting to take his body over at that point.

Him doing a 180 and not wanting Sauces body any more is the strange thing.

Imagine telling a group of assassins in the middle of a war that they should immediately start prioritizing taking most of the training time up for one out of every four foot soldiers to teach them something that is way more difficult than what most are already proving capable of, as a backup for their now increased odds of failing.

Then consider that there were probably even fewer medical specialists back then to actually teach this shit, and less hammered out training regiments. It's obvious that Tsunade would have had to have done some tremendous legwork to force this to be feasible, outside of "it just works"

>Him doing a 180 and not wanting Sauces body any more is the strange thing.

More like he realized that stealing ninja jesus 2's body was impossible, by the time Orochimaru came back to life only Naruto could beat him

Nurses and parademics started popping up until the 19th century, you are the one that's the retard.

Who the fuck is that??

But that’s not what happened. He knew they were surrounded and deliberatly killed Rin to stop the enemy from interrogating them once he was overpowered.

I’m glad someone posted this

Couldn't he have literally resurrected the 4 kages at half their power so he'd have full control of them and then taken sasuke's body?

Can you zoomers P L E A S E stop fucking discussing things within the context of fucking mmorpgs and/or isekai bullshit? What's even worse is that you got a sincere reply. Nothing about fantasy adventuring parties applies to a universe mostly dealing with an army of ostensibly covert operatives, or any fucking universe outside of isekai shit and games.
Like holy shit


Based second. Orochimilf really should bring him back as zombie to became permanent hokage and unite ninja world.

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>having an actual medic in a team of four
You dont bring doctors in a squad, retard.

Medics in naruto are fucking space wizards that can breath fire and shoot lightning out of their fingertips. They dont even need to carry medical equipment to heal people

Yeah, Orochi spend most part of the series lusting over uchiha hax eyes, but then decided that watching Sasuke mess things up is more fun. Doesn't make any sense. He also had clones with artificial sharingans, but didn't even took one of the bodies for test drive. It's like he completely lost interest in sharingan.

The full cope answer is the clones were imperfect and if he couldn't take over a substantially weaker Sasuke that was prepped with a curse mark, he shouldn't bother with Divine Right to Rule Sasuke. Also his dream of learning every jutsu died after finding that god magic was a thing and it's part of your spirit which he can't trade out.

The real answer is Kishimoto's editor had him make orochimaru in the first place and Kishi never had a clue where to take his role in the story.

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he spent an eternity having the evil killed out of him

lmao have these people never played a rpg

He has an immortal zetsu body now, Sasuke's body would be a downgrade

>I'm taking a break from what I usually read because the ending was so bad
So you chose Naruto? The last 100 or so chapters of naruto are going to make you regret that decision even more than the 100 before that. Just something to keep in mind as you read

How did Madara awoken the rinnegan in his right eye if he used it for izanagi?

Awakening it even gave him vision back in that eye

Tbf public education is a relatively recent invention.

Yep—Most of the conflict in Naruto is because everyone's fucking stupid

Battlefield medics aren't doctors, they're glorified nurses at best and their doctrine is to immediately evacuate any casualties rather than restore them to fighting condition immediately (not that it would even be possible given the lethality of most modern weapons).
In Nurutu any team with 3 ninjas and 1 healer is at a disadvantage vs a team with 4 ninjas. You'd be pissing your healers away for no good reason.

1 medic in a 4 man fireteam/section is a ratio unheard of even today among special forces. medics are rarely assigned lower than platoon-level, or a medic for every 20-30-man unit. NCOs can only keep track of a limited amount of men performing so many roles, not to mention the officer actually in command.

it probably helps that conventional war can rely on casualty evacuation by vehicle to some degree, while ninjas dont really have that option.

>some nerd on Yea Forums trying to preach about warfare
The term you're looking for in modern combat is cross-training. Which is a real strategy used for thousands of year in actual combat.
Everyone has two jobs, a speciality, and a complimentary.

In this example you would have for a 4 man team (primary/secondary).
1. Fighter/Recon
2. Recon/Fighter
3. Support/Medic
4. Medic/Support
and that's only if they specialized for two schools of training. In reality they are speciality teams who have to survive on their own for possibly weeks or months at a time. A lot of them will take a third training. Let alone some of the powerhouse characters that have 4 or 5 specialities to the point it's silly.

So your main support can provide basic medical treatment and your medic can provide basic support.

If you think Doctors weren't on the battlefield you're a fool. I suggest you actually look into human conflicts. Where doctors went from performing surgery to killing hostiles within seconds. There are quite a few stories of this from WWI and WWII alone.

This statement is pretty meaningless to us as readers, since we only see the standard shonen shit, but ostensibly in this setting, you have these four man cells going on operations in enemy territory for extended periods of time, where they could end up escaping from or beating enemies yet die to wounds, and then the diminished team would have to carry on at a disadvantage because they can't afford to abandon the mission. In a setting where medical treatment is mostly casting lay on hands, you would want someone who could do that in every single team if you could

you're assuming 4-man team is enough to get shit done, which it realistically isnt. whatever unit organization they have in naruto is for convenience of focusing on select group of characters for storytelling.

Exactly how many men would you send on covert ops?

I was unironically in a 4 man team when MISO was still called PSYOPS. 4th PSYOP GRP.
We were trained to be attached to SF teams to compliment them who already are pretty well rounded.
However with all their specialities there are things they can't do.

For instance how many grunts and meat heads do you know that can repair a radio from a component level with jerry rigged components, program routers line by line with secure tunneling, shoot 40/40 or a comparable score with multiple firearms, and fix basic mechanical issues. The last one being my complimentary or cross trained skill.

I'm not saying it to sound badass, but my team was literally designed to be able to fix anything at a FOB and provide combat support. It was extremely effective as each of us would complete our projects as fast as we could and if one got done early would move to the other team members projects.
This was often done under severely austere conditions or flat out while engaging enemies.

Special Forces teams are often done with only 1 of the members being an actual green beret and the rest of the team being various support ranging from strictly combat to multi-skilled individuals like the ones from the teams I had the pleasure of serving with.

it depends on the mission, available equipment and available personnel.

when seal team six went in to take out osama, they went in a company-sized element, 79 men. they usually deploy in squads/12 men for shit like snatching HVTs. back in the day they have deployed in smaller numbers for their specialty, underwater demolition.

>I was unironically in a 4 man team when MISO was still called PSYOPS. 4th PSYOP GRP.

that was your team, but you were attached to another larger unit to perform your given objective, since ad hoc unit formations were a thing that started with german kampfgruppes.

>Special Forces teams are often done with only 1 of the members being an actual green beret and the rest of the team being various support ranging from strictly combat to multi-skilled individuals like the ones from the teams I had the pleasure of serving with.

that's my point. most people dont realize that there is a fair amount of mixing and matching units to fit missions at the time. that's why, at the operational level, you get shit like task forces and battalion combat teams and regimental combat teams. you'll have an engineer company from the XXth division and armoured company from the XXth armored division attached to the XXth battalion, and at the tactical level they assign the YY rifle company with ZZ heavy weapons platoon to do shit. and that's just conventional warfare.

End-game sasuke would be fine against all 4 kage's at once at full power, let alone half.

Yeah but those were regular human Kages, not Edo-Tensei-Infinite-Chakra revived Kages

Early Naruto was kinda fucked up. Did she deserve it?

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>i was attached to another larger unit
No, we weren't.
You were given your mission, flight criteria, and sent off to support other teams.
We were often by ourselves for weeks at a time traveling. For example during the winter seasons in Afghanistan there are entire months you can not get a copter ride anywhere depending on your location.

There are dozens of FOBs as of 2008-2013 (only time I deployed to Afghanistan in any way) that only had a handful of people. They made due.

Yes from a purely conventional standpoint logistically we are all part of a larger group. However that is in no way different than Narutoshit world where Hokage delegates mission importance.

When we hit the flight deck we were part of our larger body in name alone. At least 8th, 9th, and 5th battalions worked this way. Just 4 people who were told to go somewhere and make it work.
I mean multiple times I almost died from the elements alone, I scavenged some boards from an old goat shed to make a fire and we were stuck on the side of a mountain near Darreh-ye Bum. Survival was entirely on us.

Sure other times I had direct contact with other teams for mutual goals, but things aren't always that easy.
When you're told to scout a mountain side for three days to provide relief for the SF team who has been out there for a week. You do it m8.

Which once again is what Narutoshit does, granted they have magic inhuman abilities, but it's entirely possible for these scenarios as far as the number of members on a team to actually happen in real world scenarios.

Scout teams can range anywhere from 1 man to upwards of 12.
Three is extremely common. That's three guys who are just out in the wilderness by themselves for possibly weeks and often they have little contact with each other on the day to day other than possibly checking in once.

You'd be extremely surprised how a small group of people can change the entire path of how a war plays out.

>You were given your mission, flight criteria, and sent off to support other teams.

and your mission was to do what you were trained to do, as a unit, in concert with other units, also performing their tactical objectives to achieve an overall operational/strategic objective.

basically what i'm saying is that the 4-man cell in naruto is off by an order of magnitude, i.e. it should be 40 man company. 4-man cell makes me think of insurgent organization that stresses compartmentalizing cells, so that if one cell is compromised the other cells dont.

>Yes from a purely conventional standpoint logistically we are all part of a larger group. However that is in no way different than Narutoshit world where Hokage delegates mission importance.

that's where i disagree then, because it's not the same. it's a 4 man cell to focus on characters as i originally stated, not for any obvious practical reason. you can tell there's no other reason because there's no formal table of organization beyond villager leaders to cell.

I'm gonna need the full chapter chief, you know, to give an objective opinion

I mean is the manga of Naruto, duh

Im talking about before he got his rinnegan. The 4 kages+orochimaru would have wiped the floor with him

kek, naruto writting a manga would be just like naruto

>where they unironically believe in suiciding for your country as soon as you fuck up

Well I mean

Conceivably, fucking NINJA shouldn't need medics because all of their ops should be covert, and if they fuck up then that's typically the end

>no one focuses on assassination or ambush

You know, I almost forgot how ninja were supposed to be until the recent episode when Shikadai took out that golem stealthily.

Ninja in the narutoverse are essentially combat wizards. I read in an interview that Kishi was originally going to call them "wizards" but Harry Potter came out first and blow up in popularity, so he decided to go with ninjas instead


The ninjs in naruto arent very ninjalike at all.

>that filler where he wakes up trying to wash his hands and still sees Rin's blood
Naruto had it's moments, too bad it was buried in a pile of shit

Yeah, but naruto medics don’t take a while to heal, they heal a fighter in seconds.
3people who can take way bigger hits and tank them easy >>>> 4 guys who go down once they get a hole in the chest

This. It all comes down to HP pool and damage mitigation. Real life people are fragile fucks in comparison to the weaponry (guns and explosives) we have at our disposal. Naruto ninjas, on the other hand, last a lot longer in a skirmish and can take and/or avoid a lot more. The more damage mitigation someone has, the more worthwhile healing is, as it's more effective HP; and the more HP total they have the greater the chances you'll be able to catch them before they go into the red. It's pretty basic abstraction.

No, you're the retard. It's easy to look at some modern convention and act as though it's just common sense for that to exist, but in reality, all those conventions were things that came about through centuries/millenia of research and innovation. Everything you take for granted today was created by people a billion times smarter than your dumb ass.

Aside from the arguments trying to use real world warfare tactics in an anime shonen where people fire laser beams, here's my take.

Medical ninja require an extraordinary amount of training and can really only be taught to people with an attitude for it. Most ninja can focus on combat, or train in a way that makes their style/strength better suited for combat. Most recon jutsus or styles had solid combat applications (shinos bugs, Byakugan, etc). As a medical ninja you wouldn't have enough time in a day to train for combat, your chakra control would probably let you Excel in long attrition style battles. But the brutal, mass aoe instakill nature of most jutsus used by jonin (genjutsu of sufficient level is basically ohko, chidori, asumas blades, fireball, water dragon etc) means that a healer isn't much use on the battlefield.

Sakura and Tsunade are freaks, Tsunade is a genius and basically wrote the book and Sakura's only real strength was her incredible innate chakra control. But both of them aren't actually that impressive in a fight. Kabuto is basically the rare example, but he was more tactician than true fighter. His chakra scalpel would be a poor matchup against mainly taijutsu users like neji,guy, or rock Lee.

Medical training requires alot of time and inborn talent. Dedicated medical ninja would have little to no time to train in a way that made them effective in combat. See examples in the anime/manga (Tsunade, Sakura, Kabuto (pre bullshit))

>Walking timebomb
Her sensei is a sealmaster who is only outshone by his bombshell of a wife in the art. How could she not think about this and how he could fix the seal at any given moment when they met up again after their missions were over. Literally all she had to do was wait outside the village walls and let Minato fix it. It's a massive plot hole but then again t. Kishimoto.

Yes, but they are more of semiautonomus regions than independent states.
Hidden leaf does what Fire land demands, this system applies to the rest of the magic 'villages', and Fire land and her peers are basically Europe after Napoleon's rule.
They would love to do as your suggesting.
Buruto's era seems to even be swinging that way.

Based as fuck.

Sasuke's body would, but what about those Sharingans? Zetsu body(Shodai genes) + Uchiha genes = Rikudo wankery.

For someone who's goal was to learn every single jutsu in existence, its still retarded he's satisfied with just a Zetsu body.

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oh and Orochimaru is a practically scott free aswell.

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The human body repair mechanisms would be the same in their world, their surgical methods are just different.

It's clear however that it is far easier to become a medical ninja than it is to become a real life surgeon, and that's probably why they can get away with the massive failure of manpower management and logistics that is having medical professionals on the front line.

Based oro doesn't diminish his genepool by throwing down with thots

Idk man its pretty dark

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Why are ninjas so fucking useless?
Like holy shit 80% of them are just completely normal humans that run around with kunai and die after being hit with a shuriken on the back.

just like life

That arc was great and shouldn't even qualify as filler.

We also got qt trap Yamato from it.

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He looks like he'd be good with kids

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You're REALLY underestamating the hokages, especially Hashirama who beat EMS Madara+Kurama by himself.

Indeed. He look like
responsible and orderly worker. I'd hire him in a second.

It was a differen time

God, I wish the fanfic "Loyalty" would update.