Why does Yea Forums have a hateboner for part 4?
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Hunterchad here, part 4 is easily the peak of Araki along with SBR.
5-7 is peak Araki
Go away huntercuck. You will never get off the boat
I summon my stand [Rockin’ Robin] which is a Red Robin but caveman-themed as if it were from the Flintstones
It allows me to control birds
>5,7 is peak Araki
I always liked Part 4 the best.
The style is appealing, the cast is fun, the fights are bizarre, the villain is intimidating, the story flows nicely and the setting is used to its full extend. Overall it's a a great experience.
That being said I didn't complete the anime, it just seemed inferior to me.
Convince me to read/watch HxH. I wanted to get into it for the longest time but you obnoxious fans always stopped me.
Why is Jojolion so fucking trash?
Because we don’t know where it’s going
I think all JoJo parts are better read after they’re completed because you know that it’s going somewhere
Obnoxious fans don't dictate the quality of a series.
>Convince me to read/watch HxH. I wanted to get into it for the longest time but you obnoxious fans always stopped me.
It's like, really good and stuff, man. Worth the read/watch.
Too many damn pointless characters and a story that incoherently flip flops between tone. Kira is also quite underwhelming.
thats how you know 4/7 are typical shounen bullshit, the HackxHack retard likes them
Its gay, i mean the later parts are more flamboyant, but josuke is straight up a faggot
It's my favorite too, in this part fights trascended to a psychologic torture for characters, in the end you realize that Araki make this part with all his heart like Josuke's clothes
parts 2,3 are more like a shounen
Josuke is the cutest Jojo.
>typical shounen bullshit
All of Jojo is "typical shonen bullshit".
part 4 banks off the popularity of its bullshit Japanese town setting and highschooler characters, it is far more typical than 2 and 3
only sometimes
>only sometimes
It depends.
He's the ugliest and most retarded.
Araki tried integrating a love interest in the main cast
Because the anime looked like shit compared to the other adaptations
>3 days till new episode
>half month till new chapter
>new chapter will probably be another flashback or filler
because you're too retarded to follow a story like
this fag
>original manga chapter
guess what kind of poster he is
The story is slow, unfocused, and doesn’t have a clear goal yet
So you're pretending to read it?
typical /jojo/
Parts 5 and 6 are the worst, retards.
Parts 1 and 3 are the worst.
I’m saying it’s better to read a JoJo arc when it’s complete because then you know where it’s going.
because you're too retarded to follow a monthly seinen
>Parts 2 and 5 are the worst.
If not wanting to wait years to find out if a story is worth reading is retarded, then I’m you.
It's not like that if the story turns out to be shit, your good experiences with it become ruined user. If you like the premise, just read it.
user, I think your retardation just reached its peak with that post
what exactly were you trying to get across with it?
I have a BONER for Josuke alright
Because everyone knows about it after it got animated, before it aired everyone was talking about how it's the best part (along with part 7 ).
Now that everyone and their mother has seen DiU and it's becoming increasingly likely that SBR will be animated, it's hip to hate DiU and SBR because knowing about them no longer grants you admission to the vaunted MUH SEEKRIT CLUB
I would like to fuck Girono tenderly myself.
What even is the premise of JoJolion though? Is it a mystery thriller? Is it a detective story? What even is it?
You look at me and see yourself
>e-everyone is just being hipster!
4/7fags in full damage control. Part 4 is a mess and 7 is bloated and only enjoyed for its over-hyped climax
Would prefer Femgio but I can be gay for Gio if I have no other choice
What about Part 4 is a mess? It’s pretty straightforward
>What even is the premise of JoJolion though? Is it a mystery thriller? Is it a detective story? What even is it?
Shonen conspiracy supernatural horror mystery.
I don't think so, because I know what Jojolion is about and you're now begging helplessly for random user to spoon-feed you due to your lack of ability to understand
I bet you're a 2/7fag, those fags are autistic
Gio just seems like the perfect partner, he would take care of you while still needing attention and love.
>multiple arcs that revolve around sit-and-spinning
>no clear plot or end-game until Araki just shamelessly starts drawing David Bowie
>a huge cast that is barely used
>inconsistent protagonist in ability and character
its just shit
You're more ugly and retarded.
>contrarianfag proves me right 74 seconds later
Ok now what is the POINT of JoJolion? Why does anything in it matter? There’s no real antagonist, it’s just a 4 balled boy chasing after a fruit with some dirty rock people standing in his way occasionally. It’s low stakes as fuck.
You wish
I don't hate it, but the format is fucking grating. Stopping story progression to throw in monster of the week shit by giving some random literal who an arrow is infuriating. At least Stardust Crusaders had the satisfaction of slowly carving through the arcana. Kira doesn't even have anything to do with most of the throwaway faggots.
It's a shame, too, because there's so much in Part 4 that could've been fleshed out. Why the fuck is Josuke's relationship with his father hardly even addressed?
>arcs use and establish multiple characters
>it’s shit
>waaah why aren’t they using the characters
Make up your mind
And what’s inconsistent about Josuke? He’s just a dumbass kid with a big heart. He’s Joseph with Jotaro’s temper and Jonathan’s kindness
>Ok now what is the POINT of JoJolion?
Mysterious mysteries solved by mysterious characters with mysterious powers.
>Why does anything in it matter?
I dunno, but I feel that nothing really matters after Stone Ocean, really. Could have ended there.
> There’s no real antagonist, it’s just a 4 balled boy chasing after a fruit with some dirty rock people standing in his way occasionally.
We might not have a single main antagonist in this part, it might be too late to introduce him now.
> It’s low stakes as fuck.
That's ok with me.
I'm not gay but I agree. He seems to be the type of person to always support you and sympathize with you during hard times. Also the type of person to whisper "I love you" to your ear to calm you down
Tbh, King Crimson's anime debut doesn't look that bad, the design used is more inline with how he looked late into the manga as opposed to the odd look of his initial manga appearance.
>f-fucking contrarians...
the 4/7tards hide in their caves in fear of the boogeymen that ruin their happy thoughts about being a Japanese highschooler or actually having a friend like Gyro
I just can’t get into it. It feels pointless
so I've almost finished reading part 6 for the first time, wtf happened? the first 100 chapters were incredibly bad, but the last 50 have consistently been absolutely amazing, some of the best fights in the series
I am not gay either, I wish I was so I could fap to Gio though.
Respectable, I thought it was kinda wonky at first too.
>arcs use and establish multiple characters
intro arc/do something arc
>it’s shit
it is
>waaah why aren’t they using the characters
"they" do, you know, once or twice just so you see them again
>And what’s inconsistent about Josuke?
>He’s Joseph with Jotaro’s temper and Jonathan’s kindness
The worl is ending
I'm still mad that Yoshihiro was just a plot device to pad out the story for no real reason and his relationship with his son is barely fleshed out.
>SpicXSpic fan chooses the meme parts 4/7
reading manga is pointless, especially when you're too retarded to read it
>the first 100 chapters were incredibly bad
oh boy, more shit taste incoming
the anime was a mistake
Wasn't part 8 main antagonist Damo? Didn't Araki pull an epic subversion by killing him midway? I thought he was responsible for everybody's misfortune.
There’s nothing wrong with the characters doing things. It establishes the setting.
One shot characters have been a thing since the series’ inception into the modern day. Did you really expect Fuya or Antonio to follow Jotaro and Josuke around like Polnareff or Avdol or some shit?
That’s not inconsistent, he’s a character that reacts to a lot of different stimulus. And his temper originates from pride, much like how Joseph would often get mad when his own pride was hurt
>I wish I was so I could fap to Gio though
There's a surprising amount of genderbend Gio porn. Haven't fapped to it myself but it is an option
>There's a surprising amount of genderbend Gio porn
I could never fap to gb porn, I was always reminded of the OG characters and went limp
You would know about that
Part 4 and Part 8 are pretty similar. It's funny how part8shitters use it part4 as a boogeyman.
>JoJo anime started airing 1 year after JoJolion
>Secondaries start catching up with JoJo
>Part8 is their first on-going JoJo
>Tries to act like some pretentious fag about it
Partshitters were a mistake.
>There’s nothing wrong with the characters doing things. It establishes the setting.
too bad they do nothing of importance 90% of the time
>One shot characters have been a thing since the series’ inception into the modern day. Did you really expect Fuya or Antonio to follow Jotaro and Josuke around like Polnareff or Avdol or some shit?
if the part wasn't written like dogshit, yeah. Even the actual "party members" barely do anything
>That’s not inconsistent, he’s a character that reacts to a lot of different stimulus
Josuke is whatever Araki felt like writing him as that year. He goes from being kind and willing to take abuse from upper-classmen to the point of his hair being insulted, then he loses his quirk of becoming angry over his hair and starts becoming a more humor oriented character like Joseph
eventually Araki realizes he needs this faggot to fight the final villain so he gets "serious"
I wouldn't. I'm a big boy with a big boy brain that can read JJL without my ADD acting up
envious, retard?
this. I hate the character of Rohan for exactly this reason. He is a vehicle for long retarded story stopping arcs like the mind nimbingly boring Cee Lo game and fighting the Rock Papers Scissors kid. Red Hot Chilli Pepper's(Long bad filler episodes) purpose changes half way through his arc too.
some other things I noticed that sucked balls
>araki too afraid to kill off koichi or jotaro to actually make kira threatening
>all Kira's stand abilities were inconsistent
>the final battle was boring as fuck (let me throw these slow moving bubbles at you! nobody can defeat my Master plan!
>bites the dust actually sucks
>giant gaping plothole the size of koichi's ass hole in the form of Josuke saving himself(araki forgot)
>cast bloat
>Arakis self insert becomes the protagonist
>Kiras body swap has no effect on his modus operandi
>things sucks because I didn't like it
What a mature train of thought.
what a retarded post
>giant gaping plothole the size of koichi's ass hole in the form of Josuke saving himself(araki forgot)
I agree except for this fanon bullshit fags have forced for over a decade
Yea Forums is full of fags that watch nothing but battle shonen
Part 4 is a slice of life with battles every now and then compared to every other part of Jojo
Yea Forums as a whole also loathes anything popular and exists solely to promote contrarianism and denounce others as redditors and idiots
I know, every post you make is retarded. 'tis quite amazing.
>it only counts if *I* dont like it!
retarded and immature, learn to deal with other's opinions and cope
That's bizzare, I disagree with everything you just wrote.
He was referring to quality queen.
>I know you are but what am I!
stop responding to me leddit
Things don’t have to be important. The time spent on the characters in order to develop them and flesh them out for the viewer are important in a manga. If you’re only reading part 4 for action you aren’t looking in the right place. Part 4 is a slice of life story.
There were barely any “party members” in parts 1, 2, and 7 too. It’s nothing new or old.
Also, unrelated, but do you have an issue with relating to people?
>makes a post defending his right to scream his retarded opinion
>um you aren't supposed to say my opinion is idiotic even if it is
You are the immature retard that explodes every time somebody critiques your sucky opinions, faggot. Are you going to try if I do it again?
4shitters getting assblasted
Your adaptation was shafted for the superior part 5
You can’t get assblasted and then just say your opponent is getting assblasted
>muh epic leddit boogeyman
If you know so much about leddit, you can just go back instead of dealing with the big meanies of Yea Forums.
>um you are a 4shitter because you criticise my opinion!
Stop crying about people thinking you are retarded.
Because it has shit characters, messy fights, boring story and no interesting villain whatsoever.
>Things don’t have to be important
if Jojo was a run-on series that focused on the same plot for years, sure. Too bad it has a beginning and end to each part, and 4 is bloated with "SoL" crap until the arbitrary flags went off in Araki's head that told him to end it all
>The time spent on the characters in order to develop them and flesh them out for the viewer are important in a manga. If you’re only reading part 4 for action you aren’t looking in the right place. Part 4 is a slice of life story.
Oh great, your next point was to force the
>part 4 is ACTUALLY SoL
>There were barely any “party members” in parts 1, 2, and 7 too. It’s nothing new or old.
thats retarded and wrong outside 7
>Also, unrelated, but do you have an issue with relating to people?
do you? your posts make you sound like a sheltered faggot
7 > 2 > 4 > 3 > 8 > 1 > 6 > 5
It's so obvious bros
Im not the samefag, retard, direct your tantrum elsewhere
this is probably him
All parts are great
>2/7 fags
found the reddit
seems like normalfag taste
I could walk down any street in south america and find some faggot like you
I am not the expect at retardation here user, I jsut assumed that those retarded posts were yours since you are a retard.
I think I upset him
user, I think you don’t like part 4 because you dislike people, and “people”, specifically the community of Morioh, is what Part 4 is about. Not people fighting or a person trying to control other people, but people and what they do when there’s a bad person hiding among good people
1 = 3 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8 >>>>>>>>>>>> 4 > 2
I've been echoing all these sentiments for years, here's some extra stuff
>people like enigma and Highway Star have no reason to follow Kira's fathers orders
>Time altering abilities introduced(Bites the Dust) but plothole with Josuke never addressed
>Kira was not a threatening villain, jobbed to Koichi at the start then spent the rest of the story hiding and then jobbed to an ambulance.
>Relationship with Joseph and Josuke never developed. Josephsshows up to find Red Hot Chilli Peppers who was already defeated by the time he got there, steals a baby, says "wow this is such a cool town :)" and leaves
4 is my favourite anime adapted part, although that's not saying much since 6 is my favourite part overall and according to the majority of people here I have shit taste.
direct your tantrum elsewhere, fag. I dont care about your emotional investment in part 4
They go after Josuke because the guy that just gave them superpowers told them to fuck some guy up. What would you do?
Cool autism, how much do you get in the mail every month?
You needing me to like part 4 so desperately only shows how retarded and autistic you are.
Just admit that you are crying because the chads of Jojo are bullying you.
I'm russian but ok
that's fucking retarded and you know it, SC shows that even DIO(who was ultra chararismatic God figure) had people try to disobey and betray him. They only followed some Ghost man in a photo because araki wanted them to
I get some peanut brittle from my grandma sometimes
Because unlike the other parts which had a clear goal, part 4 was just a mess, had no idea where it was going, and basically Araki just winging it the entire time until we finally get to Kira.
Part 3 is the most normalfag part and part 5 is the most popular one in Japan, which also makes it quite normie
It shows.
oh you're the HxH autistic from the beginning of the thread arent you?
explains a lot
They don’t “follow” him for very long. They either get their asses kicked and become Josuke’s friend, go to jail, or get locked up.
>Rock Papers Scissors
still dont know what the fuck Araki was thinking with this fight
>Part 3 is the most normalfag part
apparently not with 2/4/7fags proving otherwise every single thread
you make yourselves really obvious
>muh funnay jokster parts!
The autsitic what? Did you mean autist? Your phone made a typo.
You are calling me a HxHfag just because I used the word "chad". Wew.
They love to shit on 2 much more than 4 though. Everything that's popular is bad.
The point of part 4 is that it doesn’t have a goal. Everyone’s just enjoying life in Morioh until Kira fucks up that happiness, and the gang stops Kira so everyone can be chill and happy again
>fun is bad!
Ok retard.
for me, the best part is seven. araki's art is at it's best, gyro and johnny both feel more emotionally developed than any other jobro/jojo respectively, and the atmosphere and stakes are executed perfectly. its araki's magnum opus bar none.
Why are you so angry, like a genie just turned your dick from a 6 inch rod into a 1 inch noodle?
this guy has literally not provided a single argument
just filter and ignore
Funny that you mention dicks out of the blue.
not a word, direct this embarrassing tantrum elsewhere
or just save face while you can and stop
I just got done masturbating and I come in the thread and I see a very angry man and I ask him why he’s so angry
>this guy has literally not provided a single argument
I just said that you are simply going like "this thing sucks because I don't like it" and you have been crying about it for a while now. You are a sensitive retard.
>i-its k-kumphy!!!! *drools*
Does this help?
I made an entire post about why it's bad, fuck off phone poster
>user, I think you don’t like part 4 because you dislike people, and “people”, specifically the community of Morioh, is what Part 4 is about
when will the part 4 is a SoL meme end
There are just as many fights and arcs as other parts, they just have very little plot relevance making them barely not filler.
"It's about the community" when only Josuke, Jotaro, Koichi, Okuyasu, and Rohan are relevant.
>chads of Jojo
Hola Pedro
>not a word
Wow, confirmed for illiterate immigrant-tier retard.
Me no have money for you!
Why are you so angry
awful thread, thanks user
I guess OP's bait topic worked though
Or this
>citing wiktionary
the anime makes these threads really fucking bad
Or this
Every character is relevant within their own arc(s). If we define relevance as having a persona conflict with Kira, only Hayato and Shigechi are relevant
>I made an entire post about why it's bad
You posting opinions=/= proof.
You literaly did it first though, I just thought I would mimic your tactics as it might be easier for you to follow discussion this way.
You did it here, and I am not even half of these posts.
>reee everybody is samefag
why are polfags still allowed to shit up other boards with their retarded opinions and lack of arguments
this is the last (You) you're getting from me
>>original manga chapter
What kind of argument is that? Since it's ORIGINAL it cannot be filler?
inb4 user repeats himself again because repetition is in the nature of autism
>You literaly did it first though
no, I didn't
I told you *I* wasn't the samefag you meant to scream at over part 4 opinions, I was just calling you retarded because you are
>wiktionary isn't a valid source
Keep moving goalposts, I will score all the same because you are weak.
Because you can't even understand simple words, ergo you aren't a human that uses English as a native language.
>inb4 you reply to me and argue with me
Haha I win the argument
You could literally motorboat em
Damo was the leader of the rokakaka smuggling operation but they were just thugs compared to the research group, who have been the antagonists recently. Jobin was working with the smuggling group but has since went out on his own.
>no, I didn't
How can you be so retarded? You wuoted some of my posts and some others, and then you said don't respond to this guy.
You should have used the plural there but I guess they haven't taught you how yet.
>What kind of argument is that?
it isnt, you're just being told you're wrong
what do you think filler means, jose?
>Keep moving goalposts, I will score all the same because you are weak.
well I can tell you're an expert on being autistic and the words involved from your google results and spastic attitude, so I concede
Soft titty
what argument?
Im just mocking the awful anime onlys making themselves very obvious
My opinions are better than your opinions
Source: me
If you reply to me or argue with me you are autistic, gay, stupid, wrong, and you agree with things that would offend everyone else, also you’re evil
you're so retarded, it should be in a book, user
Im glad you're acting so retarded so the lurkers know how not to act
Why can't you just admit that autist is, in fact, a word, instead of crying? Lmao.
Lol, get predicted nerd :^]
By replying to me, you’re proven that I’m right and you’re wrong
This. Reminder that Giorno used damage reflection during Black Sabbath and Baby Face
Always entertaining to see the posters that do nothing but prove they're incapable of following JJL.
part 4 is shit
please keep freaking out, its the only reason to stay in this thread
Perfect! Based Abba got to touch the virgin titties most
>ugh ugh I have nothing else to say so you are retarded
The only thing lurkers are getting out of this conversation is pleasure, if they are sadistic, because they are getting off to the fact I am massacring your undialectic retard ass.
Okay, nvm, i'm retarded. All those years i was thinking that filler is a "episode/chaprter that has almost nothing to do with current main focus of the story" like that joshuu and milagro man chapter.
But i just googled the definition and apparently it's anime-only og content.
Really weird, i've seen a lot of people in jojo threads speaking about chapters that are not relevant to the story as fillers
because it isn't just because some crappy internet dictionary you use to teach yourself english tells you it is
you should link the urban dictionary entry next
>you’re proven that I’m right and you’re wrong
About what, there's so many high-strung children in this thread losing it I can't keep track anymore
autistic kids are really invested in the worst part though
This jojolionfag is really mad that people prefer Part 4, huh?
>some crappy internet dictionary
Wiktionary happens to name its sources, which you would have known if you weren't trying so hard to appear like a retard in order to troll.
Yes, keep going
make sure you come off as angry as possible, retard, thats the trick to being a living warning
You’d know if you were smart
I’m running out of canon giotitties, which episodes I can get more?
>is so angry he forgets punctuation and can't even write a proper sentence
Stay mad and envious forever, I guess.
more like mildly entertained by the true face of the 4spic YIKES!
well its true, I didn't follow that link. Mostly because I don't follow links posted by retards trying to validate made up Yea Forums words forced by actual autistics here
>made up Yea Forums words
Imagine thinking "autist" is a Yea Forums word or not knowing about back-formation.
I'd know if I cared to follow whats upsetting each particular raging 4fag ITT
Isn’t flaming a bannable offense
oh no, a grammar attack,,,,,,,
this totally changes the fact that part 4 is shit and worst part with worst writing
oh wait
Nah, it’s because you’re stupid
Imagine fighting tooth and nail to prove a retarded non-word is valid
thats something an "autist" would do
Wow this is fucking gay
>No, mom, I don't care about grammar, deal with it
>part 4 is shit and worst part with worst writing
I am not saying it isn't, I am saying you are retarded because you can't make an arguement about it being the worst objectively.
Wow that’s an original joke
>y-you're stupid...
yeah, 4fags assblasted as fuck
I've never seen a caliber of post so retarded
correcting someone for grammar on 4ch
imagine how I know you're from leddit, aside saying" 'Tis "
>If I say the word isn't valid it will become true
It literally is a valid word and you are exposing your stupidity every time you say it isn't.
Wow, 4fags assblasted as fuckfag assblasted as fuck
the thread is full of arguments on why 4 is bad
Morioh is shit
its funny because you're autistic and a grammar nazi
4fags confirmed for worst posters
abba loves bruno
bruno loves giorno
giorno loves mista
mista loves trish
>I've never seen a caliber of post so retarded
I can, your posts are way more retarded than mine.
>correcting someone for grammar on 4ch
>imagine how I know you're from leddit, aside saying" 'Tis "
You are a redditfag because you are acting immature about being raped online.
Dude you’ve spent half the post of these threads on saying 4 is shit without saying why. That’s pathetic
cope, retard
if you said the word "autist" out loud in any normal environment that doesn't involve autistics calling other autistics autistic, you'd get laughed at
Giorno isn't the only guy with nice supple man tiddies.
You do know that arguement isn't incorrect, right?
6 is the best part though
Is there a single thing /jojo/ won't pick a fight over
100% assblasted post
JJL is my fav but BASED
100% assblasted post
>if I use my own unrpoven imaginary conculsion as proof I win
I have used it and nothing happened. You would know this if you went out and tried it yourself.
kek that isn't me, retard
your samefag sense is awful
>its pathetic that you dont like this shitty chinese comic book part
maximum autism - the thread
at least we all understand that 2/7niggers are underage
Part 4 > Jojolion
Why is everyone so fucking mad in this Jojo thread?
Part 4 has its problems but so does the whole series
Maybe if you're retarded and think autist is a real word, sure
based Dunning Kruger retard too retarded to realize how retarded he is
Jojolion > Part 4
because Soft & Wet stopped being used for cool things like stealing physical properties
>I have used it and nothing happened
prove it, fag
>You would know this if you went out and tried it yourself.
awful life advice
It’s pathetic that you’re sitting here on Yea Forums seething so hard that you’re patrolling this thread and artistically screeching at people who don’t believe the same things you do
>Jojo themed food
Looks delicious
It is an obsolete form, sure, but it is used today.
Autist is a word, you haven't said anything that proves the opposite.
>Read up to Part 4 back in 2010
>Part 5
>Autism won't let me skip parts
>Anime announced
>Dedice to wait for animated part 5
>Fast forward to now
>Have an absolute great time not knowing what's going to happen next episode
I was going to read Part 6 and on but I kinda like the feeling of not knowing what's going to happen in the anime.
Anyone else?
2/4/7 are ultra cancerous underage posters, its a proven fact
I started watching it because of them, Right now in the middle of Chimera Ant. And my favourite part is also DiU.
It has a lot of gimmicky fights and "games" but it's a great fun and it's nice to see that the plot has some turns instead of being played straight.
I get that, haven’t really seen them focus on it specially like Giorno’s though. Gio’s tits have PSHYICS
>prove it, fag
Are you so antisocial that you need proof of me going out and saying autist? How about you prove that it isn't a word first?
>awful life advice
Like you would know the difference between good and bad life advice.
So I'm finally reading part 5 and I know who all dies, but god damn I just got to Abbacchio. King Crimson vs. Metallica was a good fight. The boss is truly a terrifying man to go against.
>op starts threads asking why people don't like part 4
>reasons are given
>the 4spic has a chance redeem part 4 in the eyes of the haters
>he does not do this
>he calls everyone mad and calls their arguments opinions despite liking part 4 is an opinion too
>4shitters are exposed as faggots
the end
>Dunning Kruger
You realise the compelte irony of that particular post right? Nah who am I kidding, you are too dense to realise it.
based 5/2 chad
It’s pathetic that you’re sitting here on Yea Forums seething so hard that you’re patrolling this thread and artistically screeching at people who don’t believe the same things you do
I'm a 30 year old 2/7Chad and you need to go back to plebbit.
I guess this counts as sleepy Gio
that was the first post I made in this entire thread
your same fag senses are bunk bro
Good taste nigga
okay, I have to say it
Jonathan, Jotaro and Giorno >>>>>>>>> Josuke
>It is an obsolete form, sure, but it is used today.
by retards on Yea Forums
>Autist is a word, you haven't said anything that proves the opposite.
burden of proof is on you. Real proof, by the way. Not a retard site people can edit for other retards to learn things on.
>artistically screeching
Thanks for the compliment bro
Everybody is agreed that Friday is the best day of the week?
Stay mad contrarian
I guess you can't prove it
>Like you would know the difference between good and bad life advice.
"go out and use the word autist in conversation with normal people" is terrible life advice from a deranged faggot
based and redpilled
2/7 are the reddit parts
I just said if you realised the complete irony of that post, not that you are a samefag, jesus.
>real proof which happens to be ratified by me and me alone
Excuse me but I already proved my part, it's up to you to prove that autist isn't a word.
"Huuuuuuuur I unlike your source" isn't an arguement.
you're welcome, I enjoyed the compliment too
thanks for making the mistake
Lol and he copied it too without even correcting it
Couple of idiots
>"go out and use the word autist in conversation with normal people" is terrible life advice from a deranged faggot
Normal people wouldn't bat an eye at the word since it's completely normal. You would know about this fact if you went out with normal people.
>Like you would know the difference between good and bad life advice.
nah, you linked shitty wiki tier sites
try again, autism expert user
Ok but since we’re now friends:
tell me now
Why are you so mad
why does melone wear the mask?
Gio's chest is divine and one of a kind, but the other busty boys deserve some attention too.
You're missing out, since the sperglords in Japan might not do part 6 the glorious justice it deserves.
It's awful but now that i read part 5 i must say that Kira is miles better than Diavolo as a villain.
So now i can say that both parts have great and shitty parts, so they are both good.
part 4 is overrated but also has the first remotely interesting characters and relationships in the whole series so there's that
>Normal people wouldn't bat an eye at the word since it's completely normal
>retarded slang for an autistic person
t. ramblings of a deranged faggot mad over part 4 being shit
bro I'm on your side part 4 sucks dick but autist is a word just take the L
>you linked shitty wiki tier sites
Which name their sources, unlike you.
>the first remotely interesting characters and relationships
Part 2 says hello
Part 4 is at least better than 2
>>retarded slang for an autistic person
It literally isn't and the fact that you fixate on this even if it's not true just shows you are an underage b& or an immigrant.
The only fags mad here are the handful of retards upset that anyone could hate worst part
even though it is the worst part
>ranking made by a literal sperg
Imma pass on that, user
>interesting characters and relationships
Choose one
Its not
>just take the L
definitely third world
Like who? Nero has great tits too but not much screentime
Part 2 says nothing. Every character outside of Whammu, Stroheim, Joseph, and Caesar are nothing.
This, I think Joseph is overrated but at least as interesting as the characters in part 4 and definitely more interesting than Josuke. Wamuu and Stroheim were quite interesting too.
I love part 4, it's got some nice things going for it
>Josuke is a fun and likable JoJo
>The cast as a whole gets a fair amount of focus and love by the part, and I'd be hard-pressed to say I hate any of them
>Stand battles are a huge step up from Part 3
>Fun slice-of-lifey arcs like Italian Food and Harvest
>Fantastic villain
>Great tone
My only thing is some of the directing for Crazy D Is Unbreakable in the anime was fucking garbage (the part where Josuke had to dodge bubbles and stuff looked lame as fuck), and the ending of SHA in the anime required too much suspension of disbelief, even for JoJo standards, as the characters make one mistake after another (slowing down to talk as Kira's hand leaves them in real time, Josuke fixing his hand in the first place instead of just letting him bleed out and following clues)
>Which name their worthless sources
ftfy retard
>third world
>american expressions are third world
Ok so why are you mad that people hate part 1
>>just take the L
>definitely third world
whatever part 4 sucks balls but you're both autistic for arguing whether or not autist is a word on Yea Forums where the word autist is commonly used
3 has the best main cast, none of them are unlikeable, 3 has the most creative and fun stands users, no extremely dumb stands that look like they were come up by a toddler (looking at air bubble cat)
and 3 has the best bossfights
yes it did start slow and the villain is very standard but the same thing goes for 4.
Im enjoying 5 so far but its still not as great as 3 was to me, and Id consider 4 a low point
"autist isn't a word" is now synonymous with "part 4 is shit"
I think we should regularly post these facts every thread until the spergs leave
>Convince me to read/watch HxH. I wanted to get into it for the longest time but you obnoxious fans always stopped me.
The original 99 series is on Youtube since Nippon Animation doesn't have the rights to HxH anymore, so there's really no excuse. The 99 series also does the first four arcs arguably better.
Doesn't mean it's wrong
Says who, your illiterate ass? Please.
>tfw you see a popular thing
>tfw when you think common words aren't real
>best main cast
>with Kakyoin
Imagine being so contrarian you wrap around back to normie taste
Why do people prefer the later design? I love how early on KC looked like the face part was just a metal faceplate with bolts in the side. Really sold the "skinned" look
asukafag is cute, CUTE
I’m going to be the brave one here and say that everything that everyone likes is actually shit and everything that everyone hates is actually good
shitty character but better than Fugo
why is this so unpopular in the west?
best girl
I dont know I thought normalfags hated 3, eitherway I enjoyed it so much and even though I enjoyed the other parts I fail to see how someone can like 4 more than 3 unless they didnt like the maincasts
Can you fuck a dude so hard that he literally becomes a girl?
Part 3 has always been the most normalfag part. It’s like being a Pokémon genwunner
poor retard has nowhere else to go in his crusader over a non-word
>american expressions are third world
normalfag expressions tend to only be used by spics here
obvious spics
No. You just become gay.
Because Fugo stabbed Orange with a fork
>on Yea Forums where the word autist is commonly used
the only place its commonly used, by retards to describe other retards
deal with it retard, come back with some actual sources that aren't weak search results
>in his crusader over a non-word
Uh-oh! Spicus Maximus has appeared.
Prove it isn't.
How about you try to refute those sources instead of being lazy and retarded for once?
pic is user's actual face while thinking this
I remember back before Part 4 got an anime the most obnoxious posters were the fags who thought VA or BT were the best parts and endlessly posted about it while the most based posters were the part 4 and 8fags
>words used since 1922 aren't common
It definitely wrong and the person who made it should kys
You can easily see this by how the part 4 defender completely eviscerates the part 4 hater through calm arguements and pinpointed strikes, while the aprt 4 hater can only whine and scream random insults in return.
>projecting spic nature
>Prove it isn't.
that's your job, spic. Prove it isn't a non-word.
>How about you try to refute those sources instead of being lazy and retarded for once?
why would I try to refute useless sources on a shit site posted by some raging retard?
Two twinks dont make a right
It’s overrated anywhere. In an ideal world there wouldn’t be any of it.
I want to try it out with Abba
Not as bad as saying crusader instead of crusade, spico.
>that's your job, spic. Prove it isn't a non-word.
I already did.
>why would I try to refute useless sources on a shit site posted by some raging retard?
Because no matter how many times you spam "huuur it isn't a good source", the fact remains that it actually is a source and that saying "it is bad" isn't an arguement.
source - user's autistic ass
Abusive relationship
Did Pesci really deserve it?
>inb4 the harper-collins dictionary is shit
If you say this you are beyond hope.
bitches get stitches
Fugo is shit and doesn’t deserve a ship homo or not
Looks like it's even older than that!
This but with Giorno
include part 2 and you're the most based post of the week.
Can Gold Experience impregnate women?
>Not as bad as saying crusader instead of crusade, spico.
thats because Im phone posting
>I already did
>Because no matter how many times you spam "huuur it isn't a good source", the fact remains that it actually is a source and that saying "it is bad" isn't an arguement.
here we go again with the archaic language you learned from dictionary.com
8 > 7 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 1 > 6
Narafugo is the worst ship for the both parties involved since it reduces them to just being each other’s orbiters, especially Fugo.
t. Fugofag
More like huntervirgin
>hurrrdurrr look purdy graff!
literal retards in celebration of some crappy sites validating their Yea Forums word
>here we go again with the archaic language you learned from dictionary.com
Cambridge university, actually.
>thats because Im phone posting
Ah, ok, it happens.
Hey shut up, Giorno is a pure boy who deserves all the love
Based Fugofag. NaraFugo is shit indeed and only people with no imagination flock to it
6 > 5 > 7 > 2 > 1 > 3 > 4 >>>>>> 8
>Cambridge university, actually.
thats cute roleplay, spic
>crappy sites
Which happens to be an official dictionary, just trivial stuff.
>their Yea Forums word
It isn't.
based 99bro
more like some hole-in-the-wall dictionary for retards who enjoy meme words
Stay envious, illiterate and retarded user.
Based. 8Chads rise up
Which Jojo characters are INFP?
Yeah, I bet the word of an illiterate autist from Yea Forums is more valuable than a dictionary which has been in print for 40 years.
Fuck does that even mean
Switch 2 with 8 and this is perfect
envious of what
your ability to make random anonymous think you're retarded and hung up on meme words?
what a success
Is there something wrong with you if you think this scene is strangely arousing? Asking for a friend.
Jonathan and Josuke (on a good day) if we’re taking about the personality type
Maybe they should list more valid words instead of satisfying autistic retards on here with meme entries
No dignity.
Mista probably believes bullshit psych profiles
No. I also think he's getting it raw from the style. I sent it to a girl who never watched anime just to confirm and she thought the same too.
so part 4 is shit?
My ability to use punctuation marks and typing like a human being, for starters.
I am an INTP and my favorite part is 5. The excessive violence pleases my internal edgelord.
Nah, watching cute boys get hurt is hot
All the parts in Morioh are shit
Hey I feel exactly the same. It’s Bruno’s facial expressions and the “impact” thet does it for me
Which ones are INTP?
They do list many a word, user, this is what dictionaries do. You would know this if you had ever opened one in your life.
2/7 > 1 > 8 > 3 >> 4 > 6 >> 5
Why the fuck did the art take huge step downwards in the anime in part 4?? Holy shit its ugly
it is*
>First half of the story clearly had no long-term plan
>Worst development for a main JoJo character and they barely appear
>Kyosuke's bizarre adventure for the first half, Rohan's bizarre adventure for the second half
>Kyo also has a shit-ass annoying voice
>Also his retarded attraction towards a girl that made him shit himself
>Final form of Stand was less interesting than act 2
>Rohan having 0 chemistry with any member of the cast despite being one of the best characters
>Utter lack of Okuyasu, top tier voice actor wasted
>Jotaro should be in his prime, but is useless 90% of the time
>Milf mom teased but rarely appears
>Red Hot Chili Pepper blows their load way too early for how intimidating a villain they are, their identity is also utterly disappointing
>Photo-ghost makes the villain of the week setup even more transparent and feels forced
>Nothing about this arc stands out as memorable or iconic to refer to
>Color palette is always shifted, keeps things groovy
>The tension of the final arc and somehow being able to salvage the suspense around Kira despite his earlier defeats
>Non-standard battles give a glimpse into how much potential JoJo and Stands could have
why would I be envious of an autistic need to make presentable posts anonymously for other anonymous?
live for something more, retard
anyone else extremely dissapointed with JoJolion?
I open real dictionaries though, that aren't 5 second google search bait sites for retards
That's because Yea Forums has been overrun by underaged third worlders that don't even bother to check what the terminology they adapt actually means.
Giorno - INTJ
Bruno - ISFJ
Abbacchio - ISTJ
Mista - ESTP
Narancia - ESFP
Fugo - INTP
>why would I be envious of an autistic need to make presentable posts anonymously for other anonymous?
I am not talking about that, I am talking about making your posts a bit easier to read, in order to not make everyone that reads them think you are a retard.
>live for something more, retard
Imaginegetting that from my post, you are getting really desperate.
Thank god Colins' isn't like that and has been published since 1979, then.
What kind of dictionaries do you open? I am planning on making a list on non-English related dictionaries and you seem like you would know a lot about them, since you clearly struggle with the English language you'd probably not have any English ones.
>but I doooooon't struggle reeeee
Thinking existing words don't exist is signs of struggle.
YouTube comment section is fucked. Why are normies so cringey?
>use gold experience on condom
>becomes eggs that grow inside the female
this is my fetish
so retard autistic user, has your tantrum over non-words made you feel better about liking worst part?
i'm sure there are people in this thread right now that commented a cringy JoJo reference in a music video.
4 is pretty good, a lot of people seem to drag it for having the weakest anime adaptation
Check the Roundabout video comments
>has your tantrum over non-words
What tantrum over non-words? You mean the ones that your illiterate ass thinks aren't real?
> about liking worst part?
Are you referring to a different user? You probably got confused again.
I guess thats a
>no, I still want to throw my tantrum
Think whatever you want in order to ease your butt-pain I have given you. You will still be a retard.
you may continue throwing youre tantrum, user
go ahead, you dont need me anymore
What will the final asspull in Jojolion be?
I must have expected you to be a passive aggresive fag after your defeat. All homosexuals are like that.
WHAT! You faggots better fess up right now or so help me God!
I dont feel defeated, its nice that you feel good about yourself over this though
thats usually what happens after baby throws his tantrum, the bad feels go away
Part 5 Manga is shit, anime is literally saving it from being one of the worst parts
Part 4 in manga form is godlike but the anime was SHIT
>Requiem arrow
>Part 5 Manga is shit, anime is literally saving it from being one of the worst parts
The anime is just making it worse though, the entire Jojo anime is fucking trash and looks like trash
>I dont feel defeated
Of course you don't, a fool never realises his defeat.
> after baby throws his tantrum
the baby*
Stop being a slav.
5 is easily the worst jojo. Like, first half of Stardust Crusaders is better.
It's so plodding and slow, and nothings happens, nor do I care about anything happening or the characters themselves.
>Of course you don't, a fool never realises his defeat.
I dont know reading sperg tier posts like this I feel like I won
j/k I know I won
Literally this. Those narafugo fujos are the worst and it’s suffering to share a favorite character with them.
4 is easily the worst jojo. Like, first half of Stardust Crusaders is better.
It's so plodding and slow, and nothings happens, nor do I care about anything happening or the characters themselves.
I know you have to tell yourself to have won, when you have been destroyed like this. Makes the pain go away for a short amount of time.
you're damn right Im seething, Jojo deserves better than the turd DavPro shits out every week
they've ruined 5 parts and they're gonna keep going
Should I read or watch part 4?
Fugo looks so dead inside.
Read, then watch
>ywn elope with Fugo
are we ironic posting now?
thats boring, id rather you have more autistic conniptions
the flaming hand made perfect sense. The enemy cannot freeze you quickly if you're on fire.
The hamon eruption WAS an asspull, but it works because Joseph is a fraud, knows he's a fraud, and won entirely through luck, but he's still going to take 100% credit for it. Because he's Joseph Jostar.
skip it, its filler
red pill me on jojo. i should just read the manga, right?
Me correcting you is apparently me having a conniption now. Well, I wasn't the one that called the other an autistic retard (a retard autistic in your kind of English) because he posted proof of you being wrong. Self reflect once in a while.
You should read the manga for nearly any series, its exactly like how you should read the book over the movie
t. Rohan
See thats better than ironic posting, a good ol autistic Yea Forums fit
post another in response to this
Jojolion is easily the worst jojo. Like, first half of Stardust Crusaders is better.
It's so plodding and slow, and nothings happens, nor do I care about anything happening or the characters themselves.
King crimson is fine i don't get why people find it QUALITY
dont have meme level opinions
yeah that’s what i was thinking. if it’s like most anime, then yeah i’d rather read the manga. thank you user, you were the final push i needed.
I will keep posting as long as you reply, since by evey post you make, you are exposing yourself for the retard that you are.
>I will keep posting as long as you reply
feels good to hold the leash
Imagine liking part 7
For the delusional retard* that you are, might I add.
Steel Ball run is easily the worst jojo. Like, first half of Stardust Crusaders is better.
It's so plodding and slow, and nothings happens, nor do I care about anything happening or the characters themselves.
Watch the first season of the anime and then jump into the manga is you wanna. It's fine to watch it all too, but part 3 is better in the manga form
Try this:
I like all parts
Speak, user!
Imagine not thinking Jorge Joestar is the best part
Battle Tendency is easily the worst jojo. Like, first half of Stardust Crusaders is better.
It's so plodding and slow, and nothings happens, nor do I care about anything happening or the characters themselves.
How many more times will you post the same bait?
if this thread should have taught you anything, its that autism doesnt quit
The first half of Stardust Crusaders is easily the worst jojo. Like, every other part is better.
It's so plodding and slow, and nothings happens, nor do I care about anything happening or the characters themselves.
Peoples minds here have been poisoned by the negative culture this place has. Everything is shit, was shit, or is going to shit. There exists nothing recent that is good and everything in the past is shit as well. Even the tiniest flaw is blown up to major proportions and is memed into being all that series is.
Well gimme something to work with, don't just give up.
good boy, user
you are very obedient
True autism would be to come up with a new bait every thread. This is the boring kind of autism
No, that would be legitimate creativity. Autism is fixation on a single habit.
>you are very obedient for doing something you wanted to do and you outright said you are going to do
You are the kind of retard that thinks he isn't a retard, very sad.
>yap yap yap!
thats right user, you're a good and entertaining pet
Should have known you are a homosexual too.
Go back to the Dragon Ball thread.
come on now, user, no need to snap at my fingers like that
looks like someone needs a muzzle
This is true taste.
To fight this we should talk positively about parts we dislike. I'll start:
Diver Down is a cool stand. Wish it wasn't in a boring, incomprehensive shitshow of a part that is the biggest wast of time I've ever experienced
You aren't able to make anyone do anything, no need to fantasize about it here. I know that my posts make you seethe which is why you have put on the passive agressive mantle since using logic has failed you.
Make as many memetic posts as you like, the fact remains that I am smarter than you and you know it, deep inside you.
Diver Down isn't in part 4
What would happen if the gang didn't betray Diavolo? How would they fare against Metallica?
Said no one ever. Only vafags are whining when someone shits on their part
I like this one, user, it matches your silly personality
if only you could be more than a well trained animal
Yeah. I just said it's a shame it isn't in a good part. Part 4 is a good example I guess
If it were in a good part it would be in any part except 4 though
because 4 is half-baked shit
Just stop responding to that retard and he'll go away.
Part 2 has good pacing but the characters are poorly written. It's weird.
user cant help it, its in his nature to bark and whine
I believe that your efforts at retorts are only slightly less pathetic than your attempts at actually arguing.
I like replying to him since he makes me feel smart without any effort. See how he is seething so much as to reply to you too?
whoa there boy, dont jump up on other posters when were enjoying walkies
you’re just as autistic as he is
>respond to him even if he didn't quote him
>blames me for responding to the post that quoted me
>responds 40 seconds after I make my post
Yep, retarded and obsessed with me.
At least I am not as retarded as he is.
What's with all these anti HxH baiters coming out of the woodworks. I took a break from this place for about half a year and now every other thread has at least one or two spats about HxH, did something happen?
I really have trouble imagining SBR animated with all the horses on screen and the abstract stuffs like the Golden Ratio
I honestly have trouble understanding half of the stands powers shown in this part
whoa there! no biting!
so sorry, my dog means well but he can get really moody inbetween his barking fits
They are getting uppity because the HxH manga has turned into a series of mini novels.
You know what they say about owners who have bad dogs...
Literally the same user that argued about Giorno using damage reflection in the previous thread. How do we name him?
fucking correct. part 2 is a close second to 4 and 7. anyone who thinks otherwise is a shit
>whoa there! no biting!
I want you to admit, for once, that you made a blunder. Just that, and I promise I won't destroy you anymore.
Why the fuck is part 2 jerked off so hard? Why does everyone think Joesph is peak JoJo. Old Joseph in Part 3 is way fuckin better.
Part 2 contains the best characters in Jojo and the best characters of all time. Caesar qualifies for the latter. He's hilarious, but he also has a tragic backstory that offers him plenty of motivation while keeping him a mystery. Kars is a unique spin on Dio from Part 1, and his Ability Light Mode is awesome. Messina and Loggins are a great duo. They are barely in the story, but they are well written and unique supporting characters. Wamuu is one of the finest side antagonists and works well as a foil to Joseph. As for the Jojo and main villain, they're unquestionably the best of the best. Joseph is a comical Reddit-rod of Shakespearean proportions. It's not only impossible to not root for him; it is immoral. He possesses one of the greatest and most significant character arcs I've ever experienced, and his Ability Asspull is awesome to boot. He is my favorite Jojo bar none, despite being one of the most depraved ones. Joseph is immoral and sinful and honestly can be considered the villain of Part 2, but he is still a compelling force of nature. Kars can be considered the hero to an extent and is one of the most sympathetic villains to grace manga. In fact, it's no secret Kars is my favorite antagonist ever. He's like an improved version of Ozymandias from Watchmen who takes pride in his actions rather than cry in secret. A true patriot, Kars will stop at nothing to make Pillar Men great again. As said by the man himself, his "Don't you wish to conquer the sun? Don't you wish to rule over all? Don't you wish to purge your fears?". Ultimate Form also has one of the most insane and unique powers of any Ability and makes for a more than satisfying final fight.
jeez user, you sure do like to bark A LOT though!
we might need to get you debarked so the neighbors dont complain
I try really hard though
Epic Pasta bro!
You fucking autist.
2 is bad, Joseph is a stu, Kars a shitty villain, the characters and fights are trash
part 6 had great art and stand design but the plot/characters are shit. if they flesh the characters out like they've been doing in part 5 it'll be better
oh my god stop stop stop fucking stop its so fucking cringe jesus add each other on discord or something
You can just admit to making a mistake, and I will leave you alone.
It's a good thing that I annoy you though. You might improve yourself now. Annoyance is the first step.
>plot/characters are shit
lol no
>if they flesh the characters out like they've been doing in part 5 it'll be better
They haven't done this at all though. The extra anime scenes have all been throw-away.
I like all of jojo except part 4
Anime-only's. The Part 2 manga was universally panned.
He's dogposting and calling people Mexicans. He's from the Dragon Ball thread. Just call him the dogposter.
We don't allow dogs here. Take him back to the DBS thread.
4 should be at the top with 2/7 desu
user, no! bad dog! do not bite your leash!
Why are there always two fucking retards hyper zoned in on each other's taints in every other JoJo thread.
I have found the black hole of taste.
I personally love Joseph
Sure Most of the Jojo's after Joseph are just so powerful and very cool too
But Joseph for me it's just so...human
He has Hamon indeed but most of the times he defeats his enemies he uses his charisma and intelligence to do so while also doing human decisions in some moments (I mean come on who wouldn't run away like he did sometimes when facing a monster )
For me simply the best Jojo for how human and funny he is :)
Sounds like some retards are still in heavy denial of the facts. Hopefully they all fuck off after the anime is over again.
Also, I like how you don't realise the irony of you calling me a dog, when you have been responding to me from the start.
You can try to admit your mistakes though and I will cease.
I know it's fake but it still hurts to see
I bet it's just one person replying to himself.
Diavolo and Doppio having a tiff
NO! user! STOP TUGGING! the other posters do not want to see you!
someone should definitely link me to this "DBS" kennel
having giornio buy icecream for children and helping tourists went a long way. still not enough to salvage his lack of personality
name me any personality/character traits of SO's characters (and no you can't say "stoic" or "cunning"). Foo Fighters is the only one that's relatable due to her curiosity and playfulness. I think JoJo is at its best the more it takes its time away from the plot to enjoy character interactions. I think that's largely why 2/4/7 are considered the best
>the other posters
Oh of course you would go for that, but they are insulting you all the same.
I am starting to smirk at your delusions and desperation.
overrated shit series.
yea I found it while typing the post. it's a horrific image sorry for subjecting you to it
>having giornio buy icecream for children and helping tourists went a long way.
Not really, learn to spell.
>someone should definitely link me to this "DBS" kennel
I think you know the way.
Josuke has such nice lips that are just begging to be kissed.
He would have to learn to capitalise first.
yes, user! you ARE embarrassing me in front of everyone here!
bad dog
I'd go for dogtard personally
people hate part 4 because the anime was where everyone jumped on the jojo train.
Fuk Of
It's not like you would ever need help for that, you are perfectly capable of making an embarrasment out of yourself, which is shown every time you post.
>inb4 bad bad doggy
he is not a bad character
just a non-character, a chick I know is absolutly infatuated with him and is pissed that he died
definitely going to have to get this little guy neutered he acts up to much
I think that joseph is the best JoJo for one reason: he's a fucking badass. He's an antihero, like Deadpool, he knows how to fight, and he probably can read the mind. Gentlemen, Joseph Joestar.
Looks like you were indeed actually.
Of course you want me neutered, gotta stop all the rape somehow.
The stupid hair ruins i
>Looks like you were indeed actually.
oh jeez, my dog is losing its bark from over exhaustion
Johnathan is my favorite by a mile (a gentlemen to the very END), but Joseph takes a close second. I’m only part way through season 3 (arc name escapes me, between battle tenancy and DIU), so I can’t really talk at all about anyone past Jotaro, however, I seriously can’t understand anyone disliking, let alone hating Joseph, even by comparison. Joseph is by a fair margin, the smartest jojo (at least as far as I know.) Johnathan, was a fantastic character, despite the short time frame we have with him. Jotaro, he’s a badass, in a match of pure fisticuffs, would probably beat any other jojo (feel free to correct me on that, just don’t spoil anything major), but Jotaro isn’t a quick thinker. I mean shit, he tried walking RIGHT THE FUCK UP TO DIO. Granted, that scene is so, so badass, but still. Joseph was a brilliant tactician, showed his ability to masterfully think and adapt to any situation, and, when it came down to it, could still fuck someone up. So, while he may not be best Joestar, he certainly is the brightest.
>too retarded to understand I was reffering to the "in" in that sentence
We already knew your vocab was crap, now your syntax too?
Part 2 was pretty often in people's top 3 even before the BT anime though
Just like Caesar
The pomp is cool, plus I have a thing for characters with "advanced" hairdos, because messing up their hair is super hot. Same reason why I like Giorno.
He's just my favourite JOJO, be honest he's clever, so funny and....so amazing ! for ME when he says: "And, your next line is........!" Or when he find a idea, just WOWW
I think hes getting really sick, his barks are weaker and he foams at the mouth sometimes
Honestly, Joseph is my least favorite Joestar (so far in the series, as I’m still on Part 5). That’s not to say I hate him, though. I still find there’s a lot to like about him, though it takes me a while to compile these reasons and let them overpower the bad taste in my mouth.
Joseph is pretty weak in comparison to most of the other JoJos, but still has useful abilities. I think stands that are more utility-based are pretty cool.
I kind of like the trickster side of him, even if it annoys the fuck outta me sometimes. Like honestly, his wittiness and sudden moments of magically reading the enemy or proclaiming he set a trap that we couldn’t see... it’s so strange how I can love and hate them so much at the same time. This is something that isn’t exclusive to him, but I sort of associate with him, almost. I guess Battle Tendency was my first exposure to this method of overcoming obstacles.
When I think of Joseph at face value, he doesn’t always seem like the kind of person I’d get along with. He can be cocky and relies on sly strategies. He’s not a bad person, of course- I just don’t seem to resonate as much with his type. The reasons why I love Josuke, Giorno and Jonathan are different, but there’s one thing about them that when dumbed down, means this: they’re noble, or heroic, or good people, whatever the hell you want to call them. Something about Joseph is so indescribably different from the kind of protagonist I commonly like, and I have a feeling it has to do with a sense of honor and playing fair.
I will say though, Joseph Joestar is not a character I’d say I hate. He’s still super cool, but I can see where people come from when they say he’s a dislikable character.
What, so you have to imagine me getting sick in order to sneak one in, even in your own imagination? Even my imaginary dog form is too much for you, weakling.
Pic related. I love it so much.
yeah he didn't feel that much like a rival
also the opening completly spoiled his death, what the fuck were they thinking
Only reason I can see why people dislike Joseph is due to his "your next line is" way to solve all the fights and stuff he's in. Not sure you'd call it asspulls, but a lot of them were outright unbelievable unless you think about the theory of Purple Hermit and all. Despite that, I just enjoyed his character overall, like his first fight against Straights, where he outright runs away. And against Santana where he pokes his nose, and says he doesn't believe Santna is a bad guy. He was just fun to watch. Jonathan just always felt empty, but like the majority if not all of the Joestars, they're usually outshined or made better by their supporting cast. William Zeppeli and Speedwagon, Caesar and Lisa Lisa, the Crusaders (maybe excluding Avdol), most of the Duwang Gang, Buccarati and the list goes on. Joseph is great on his own, as well as with Caesad, Lisa Lisa, Speedwagon and Strohiem. In terms of JoJo's he's one of my favorites, probably beneath Jotaro who'd be my number one, then Josuke (DiU) afterwards. I'm almost certain that if JoJo's didn't have amazing supporting characters most of the JoJo's would be lackluster.
>Jojo part 9
>set in early 90s
>turns out Jotaro had a kid he kept secret from everyone
>kid grows up in the hood
>runs into tupac and biggie who are also stand users
you know you want this Yea Forums is tsundere 90s rap
>all this bowing
He does realise he's not Japanese, right?
guys I think my dog has autism
Reasons i think Joseph is the best Jojo:
-he used pure hamon mastery as a weapon and nothing else
-defeated the Pillar Men and evolved Kars(who is the strongest character on the series)
-always had a plan and was unpredictable and intelligent through the whole show
-hes actually Jojo while the rest are just 1st names :)
>I still need the confirmation of others
Even a dog owns you, imagine that.
DavPro are hacks
Are we dumping reddit posts/youtube comments now or something? Because I'm confused
Fugo express my feelings for this shit
definitely autism, do they euthanize for autism in dogs? Im scared
>im scared
An autistic dog scares you and yet you complain about people calling you a faggot.
One scene made me love Joseph...
And that was when he played tag with Santana. He keeps the perfect mixture of idiocy and brilliance. It's like he's constantly playing dumb. Just enough to keep his enemies guessing, just enough to make them wonder if he's really an idiot or not. I love that level of keeping someone guessing, it's much more fun to me. He's "the funny guy" because it makes the enemy think he's just that dumb, he makes people underestimate him, and that's where his strength comes in. Time and time again he fought Cars, and the whole time Cars is underestimating him and taking his time in killing him. Which brings me to the one moment that secured Joseph as my favorite Jojo...
The last line when he fought Cars. His whole "I just got lucky, but telling him that will really piss Cars off!". That made me love Joseph forever. Because even when he's gotten ridiculously lucky, he makes sure that Cars THINKS he's been outsmarted to an insane degree. He makes sure the enemy thinks they got outplayed from step one. THAT was what Cars' "defeat" truly was in my eyes. Joseph made Cars think he had undoubtedly lost. He made sure that even as Cars is going out, he's going to be feeling the full brunt of crushing defeat. Joseph took a lucky situation, and put on a brave and confident face that made it look like a win to his enemy. He fully admits to himself that he would've gotten killed were it not for his luck, but he makes sure Cars knows he had no chance. With someone as evil and powerful as Cars, THAT was his true comeuppance, having to live for an eternity knowing that he was outsmarted, thinking that Joseph had planned it all from the start. Yet it was all a lie, Joseph lied at the last second to give Cars the one last dose of punishment that he deserved.
Jolyne: Fun, cranky, rude and basically she's like josuke + joseph + jotaro
Hermes: Proud, perverted, joker, doesn't have patience, mocking, she's the aniki
Weather: silent, calm, comforting, eccentric.
Anasui: Jealous, manipulative, sometimes he's ridiculous, brave for Jolyne, crazy af and mickeyfag
I dont want to kill my dog, who will entertain me with barking fits for hours on end Im scared but if he has autism thats all that can be done desu
shush lemme shitpost
You can just try barking in the mirror for 6 hours, I think this is going to keep you happy for some time since you think your posts are actually good retorts or something.
oh no, he just had to vomit a little is all
hes gonna be ok!
Words cannot the loathing I have for this image.
Imagine having imaginary autistic dog vomit on you and thinking it's a good thing.
WTF?!? Hate Trollseph Trollstar?!? NANI?? SONOFABEEETCH
Why are you faggots even posting at this point
today I learned that autism in dogs isnt fatal!
please be nice, my dog has autism
Just to suffer
Autism is general isn't fatal, but yours is certainly trying to be.
Reminder that this is now banned loli art on twitter.
I love my pet dog even if he has bad fur, autism, and, a noise control problem
Makes me want him even more desu.
>implying I would have bad fur if I was a dog
>implying if I had bad fur you wouldn't be the one to blame since you are responsible for my grooming
You are constantly scoring own-goals, thinking you pulled off a hat trick.
idk man comparatively speaking they still don't hold up to the other parts
My mangy unkempt autistic dog tries his best even when its not good enough, hes an underdog!