Why are elitist shows hard to enjoy?

Watched some elitist shows: Eva, EoE, GiTS, Akira and some Bebop episodes. Why the fuck can't I enjoy elitist anime anons? Is it because I'm a shounenfag?

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its because they are bad and you got memed into watching them

If I wanted to watch or read something that's """""deep""""" I'd read a book. Those elitist shows are boring, and are all fake deep.

nigger what haha

its all gay shit dude. Just watch whatever the normies watch like most of the shounens and isekais. Stop getting memed by the Internet.

elitist shows are ones that provoke thought and deeper introspection into what you're watching, if you can't enjoy them it's because you're not thinking deeply enough about the meaning and symbolism behind them. you and people like and can just watch umaru, lucky star, black clover, and whatever shallow shit that the industry panders towards the idiot otaku living off their parents shame

>Is it because I'm a shounenfag?
Maybe. I don't really like most shounen shows which go by typical and tired tropes but I like those shows/movies you mentioned. I'm not sure what exactly is supposed to be elitist about them though, is every show which tries to make a point or has a theme beyond being pure entertainment considered elitist nowadays?

I’m not finished with it, but Evangelion is fairly enjoyable. I think I’m still not quite at the point that it becomes so memorable forever, soon.

>Pretending to like shit to make you look deep
cringe and bluepilled

stop thinking "this anime is 'deep' and I must therefore appreciate it on a deeper level"
just watch it a

Just watch what you like and don't let people on lebanese city planning websites bully you into doing otherwise.

>make you look deep
did your mother drop you on your head or something?

every anime you listed is fucking entry-level. if people think they're 'elite' because they watched those then they're stupid.
whether or not you enjoy some japanese children's shows doesn't define your intelligence, anyway

imagine being so retarded you calculate a shows worth based solely on how popular it is

Elitist anime is usually quite dark and moody and some people just don't like that in their anime, it's fine. I'm the type who prefers happy feel good shows like K-On, the older I get the more I role my eyes are depressing stuff I feel like most of it is for edgy teenagers.

Anything with a plot is elitist.

it's because you consider them to be elitist
>this thing is bad, why don't I like it?

Probably because you've labeled them in your own head and that dictates how you feel about them regardless of content. If you actually want to enjoy things for what they are, you need to separate them from their fans.

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But most anime considered deep is surface-level nonsense and so are their tactics. Once you get in tuned enough to symbolism as a concept it stops seeming thought-provoking or interesting because it's an incredibly basic way to make something seem like it has depth. The general messages of most of these shows are also easy to understand if you're not twelve. These elements are only one part of a larger whole and don't make shows good or interesting on their own.


If I had to write a reply to shit thread it would be exactly the same at this one so I won't bother

Maybe I just tried too hard to fit in with the Kool kids
Can't stand SoL stuff

Obviously bait, but literally none of those are elitist anime, elitist anime are more along the lines of World Masterpiece Theatre adaptations and anything touched by Chiaki Konaka. If you're a fan of Shounen literally everything on your list should have some appeal to you.

>can't stand sol stuff
You're a lost cause.

dont marathon bebop/gits you retard


I like a few SoL anime


You can do better.

I hate when Bebop is lumped into this shit just because of how its fans are about it. I never get the impression from them that they mainly only like it because they grew up with it, it appeals to their western sensibilities, and is """different from most other anime""", not for what's actually good about it.
Depending on which they are you may be a huge faggot.

I like the aesthetic in these shows actually but I never really immerse myself in the plot, themes and characters, especially symbolism, I understand what these shows are trying to convey but I just don't enjoy it somehow

>I’m not finished with it, but Evangelion is fairly enjoyable
ahahahahahha exactly, dont try to finish it. DitF didn't only copy mecha and some themes, they also copied the abominable ending

>not Elistist
dumb anno cocksucker
eva is literally the most pretentious and elitist out of OP's list

I shouldn't have used elitist as a way to describe these animes and I know there are more elitist anime than the ones I've mentioned but let's say something like Eva, GiTS, Akira is not just something new fans would watch

You're the polar opposite of me. If a show has a realy generic start I would think they're trying to subvert my expectations or do something interesting. Instead if it continues to be generic past episode 1, I would immediately skip to episode 6 or something to see any development.

>finishing franxx
Are you 12?

guess it's only your taste op, i don't even know how to classify an anime as "elit", i just go for whatever i think will be good, had a good time with bebop but hated Eva.

>Is it because I'm a shounenfag?
Unironically yes. You don't "enjoy" these shows the same way you do shounen, or any other "turn your brain off" type of show

>unironically 2deep4u
Gosh you must be so special.

If you can't/don't look for themes, symbolism and deeper meaning in what you watch, you're doing something wrong, and I'm not sure how you enjoy any kind of art or entertainment.

>If you can't/don't look for themes, symbolism and deeper meaning in what you watch, you're doing something wrong
Strongly disagree. Obsessive hunt for meaning is a sign of insecurity. Can you just exist and enjoy what you enjoy without seeking out ways to validate your intelligence or whatever the fuck inflates your superiority complex?
>and I'm not sure how you enjoy any kind of art or entertainment
Whatever makes happy chemicals in my brain is where I go.

>Can you just exist and enjoy what you enjoy without seeking out ways to validate your intelligence or whatever the fuck inflates your superiority complex?
This is pure projection. I do it to better understand what message or state of mind the author was trying to convey, or get across with their story. You sound like the person who "doesn't get" poetry or what makes it good vs bad.

Ok that's wrong though. Eva is so popular it's coming to Netflix. Akira is the original grandpa anime with everyone recommending it. GiTS is apparently still relevant and is getting a 3rd season.

>I do it to better understand what message or state of mind the author was trying to convey, or get across with their story.
Mhmm, and the understanding validates you, cool circle.
>You sound like the person who "doesn't get" poetry or what makes it good vs bad.
>This is pure projection
Look at that, circle back at you. This sure is fun.

It's very telling you think any act of slightly difficult thinking is purely for show.

>Look at that, circle back at you. This sure is fun.
No, I understand what makes good poetry perfectly fine.

>It's very telling you think any act of slightly difficult thinking is purely for show.
So if you passive postulate instead of actively make guesses based on information you're given you somehow come out ahead in your mind?
That's cute, why do you think that?
>No, I understand what makes good poetry perfectly fine.
and my question is valid.
>Can you just exist and enjoy what you enjoy without seeking out ways to validate your intelligence or whatever the fuck inflates your superiority complex?

They are all boomer garbage.
Truth is they are slow paced and not enjoyable. There are better shows that make use of symbolism.
Akira is shit, bepop is fine, GiTS is fine as it's just a movie. But I can't get around how there are people who enjoyed 26 fucking episodes of the trainwreck that is Evangelion. Literally none of the characters act like actual people, they are just scripted like in a shitty tale to be stupid and obviously having no common sense to make the plot advance.
>hurrr my psychology
psychology is not even real science and neon genesis stretched the possibilities of having a set of mentally broken character doing the worst shit in the worst possible escenarios everytime. Is not funny, it just hurts to watch

>Mhmm, and the understanding validates you, cool circle.

Not the user you're talking to....BUT

I wouldn't say it validates me...but i do think think there is generally more "happiness" when you put "work" into something. K-ON was great fun, but I had more fun watching EoE and trying to dissect the characters and making a theory on why the fuck shinji strangled asuka.

I think you can find this to be true in other instances of this in your life as well....practicing to achieve a goal and then finally achieving it is generally more satisfying than eating ice cream.

spread out in fucking 26 episodes? Dude read a fucking book instead, is not enjoyable to sit there waiting for all that to happen if you are so "smart".
Truth is if you "enjoyed" them is because you didn't understand the first time and you went and watched some shitty guide on the internet to understand.
then your retarded attention seeking brain goes "woooowww so deep my favorite anime I bet u don't understand it if you don't like it xD"

>So if you passive postulate instead of actively make guesses based on information you're given you somehow come out ahead in your mind?
What does this even mean? Of course you use the information in the show to make guesses, that's what I've been saying the entire time. But it's not to show off, it's because it makes the fiction more enjoyable.

>Can you just exist and enjoy what you enjoy without seeking out ways to validate your intelligence
Obviously, but it's not as enjoyable without something more to think on. Things get very repetitive and predictable.

I like this. This has an actual explanation of instant gratification versus working to achieve a goal and the joy of seeing the fruits of your labor. Instead of ambiguous bullshit here is an actual answer, thank you user.

Textbook projection.

>neon genesis stretched the possibilities of having a set of mentally broken character doing the worst shit in the worst possible escenarios everytime. Is not funny, it just hurts to watch

....Well yeah it was mentally broken characters acting like mentally broken characters.

I'll agree with you in that it's a big "what if" anime, obviously no one is actually going to behave like that.
I disagree that you cant find that fun...I don't have to self insert into every anime character to enjoy myself.

Most of the shows you mentioned are highly episodic. It sounds like you're more into serials.

>What does this even mean?
>It's very telling you think
Passive postulation.
>Strongly disagree. Obsessive hunt for meaning is a sign of insecurity. Can you just exist and enjoy what you enjoy without seeking out ways to validate your intelligence or whatever the fuck inflates your superiority complex?
Active guess.
>Of course you use the information in the show to make guesses, that's what I've been saying the entire time. But it's not to show off, it's because it makes the fiction more enjoyable.
Wrong route. I was referring to our interaction not methods of analyzing a show. Your explanation after "Pure conjecture" only validates my guess. As I am trying to communicate that to you, you're jabbing me with passive aggressive bullshit.

I don't know what the fuck you think we're doing, but your mental gymnastics are starting to annoy me.
This is all I was looking for.
An explanation laid out in logic.

books don't have visual direction, use of color, framing or composition. You don't even know how to enjoy a visual medium kek

>theory on why a 2d character made something edgy
lmao cringe, dude if you have to go out of your way to make a human behaviour theory, the work was shit. Because human mind is not something you can measure, read some psychology scientific articles and you will realize the very poor results on trying to correlate objective parameters with behaviour. The only nicely correlated shit there is, it's IQ and derivatives.
What do I want to say? If you don't understand already why it is fucking stupid to not show some clear thinking pattern or objetives on the characters then there's nothing to think about. It's like trying to solve a system of equations that has more variables than equations.
Is not intellectual, is just stupid pseudo intellectual faggotry.
Watch something where characters actually tell to themselves "I want to do this", that is where it makes sense. Because there's no way to determine what the fuck a person wants from obscure retarded clues, you are just trying to look smart.
>xD dude I totally understand people without talking to them
fucking autist I hope someone punches you in the face.
Neon Genesis Eva is good but stop trying to look smart, obviously there are elements that the author didn't think in a detailed way or he didn't want you to think about

I watched EoE recently and was amazed at how simple the theme was and how much the movie beats you over the head with it. Through all of its posturing it boils down to, self disclosure with others is better than shutting yourself off from the world.

>Because there's no way to determine what the fuck a person wants from obscure retarded clues

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deep = depressing

name one "deep" show that is neither sad nor melancholic

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>lmao cringe, dude if you have to go out of your way to make a human behaviour theory, the work was shit.

Damn i couldn't disagree with the premise of this more. I LOVE ambiguous movie elements/endings. But I think you think that I'm under the impression the author had a concrete ending in mind for every decision he made, that's not the case...

I'm not going down these rabbit hole "human behavior theories" looking for definite proof on what the author intended. Because i understand the author didn't have that in mind...he wanted to leave it open to interpretation...to make the audience think and come up with their own answer.

Ghibli films?....maybe?

Damn...grammar is terrible my bad...

I'm this user btw